Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 28 2017

You have no, nutrients, in your lunch, it's unhealthy

Balanced meals, you need them.

Where's protein?

Where's the fruit?

Where's the veggies?

Sugar can be bad for your memory

Addictive, worse dementia, and can worsen your anxiety

Those are only some downsides, additionally you'll get cavities

Glutamate and dopamine, they combine in your brain

Sugar's addictive, do you realize it's like cocaine?

Sugar can make you stressed, obsessed

It'll mess up balance, happiness, so reassess

Make sure to not eat excess

Need to limit your intake


What you're eating has got way too much sugar!

Sugar's energizing

It's like caffeine, fuel keeps me from tiring

Dopamine in my brain keeps me smiling

Eat it anytime I want, cuz I love candy!

It's tasty but sorry

Sugar can be harmful to your body

Gives you brain fog, makes you ill and groggy

A small amount is fine, but you have too much candy

You gotta put down that soda,

And pick up some green beans

If you consume too much sugar,

it will cause heart disease

Watch for your glucose levels they build up in your bloodstream

You don't have enough insulin? You'll get diabetes

Released when you consume sugar, insulin's valuable.

But if you eat too much sugar, insulin won't work at all

The sugar tires your system, soon it can't operate

The sugar won't go from your blood to cells, won't obey

Sugar can lead to cancer, obesity and more

Lay off the froyo and toppings next time you're at the store

Messes up hormones, wrinkles, dries your skin, makes you sweat

It disrupts your immune system

Stop, don't eat too much sugar!

Sugar's energizing

It's like caffeine, fuel keeps me from tiring

Dopamine in my brain keeps me smiling

Eat it anytime I want cause I love candy!

It's tasty but sorry

Sugar can be harmful to your body

Gives you brain fog, makes you ill and groggy

A small amount is fine, but you have too much candy

For more infomation >> Too Much Candy - Science Rap Academy - Duration: 2:37.


Species 37, the Thorian, is a Sentient Plant that Controls Your Mind in Mass Effect 1 BLIND Xbox 360 - Duration: 2:40:21.

For more infomation >> Species 37, the Thorian, is a Sentient Plant that Controls Your Mind in Mass Effect 1 BLIND Xbox 360 - Duration: 2:40:21.


Stop Your Job From Burning You Out (Spencer Burnett - Invincible Academy) - Duration: 4:05.

- Why do we sacrifice today for tomorrow

when all tomorrow brings is more sacrifice?

And how rewarding is success when it comes at the expense

of spending quality time with your family,

your physical health, and all of the other things

that you're interested in?

Now, it doesn't matter how noble or selfless your work is.

Life isn't about attaining one thing at the expense

of everything else.

Now I know it's easy to get caught up with into work.

But if work is everything, then all the other areas

of your life start to deteriorate.

So here are four tips to stop your work from killing you.

Schedule 20 minutes first thing in the morning for exercise.

Now when we get busy, one of the first that things

we let slide, is our physical health.

Now, you can lose all your of money and

find a way to get it back, but you only get one body.

So you can't sacrifice your body for your work.

And in fact, you have to start making sacrifices

for your body.

Now, there's no excuse to not do this.

Wake up an hour early, head to the gym.

Go for a jog or do some laps in the pool.

Now, if you don't have access to this equipment

or you don't have the time to commute,

then simply wake up 30 minutes early

and do 20 minutes of jumping jacks if you have to.

Everybody can do that.

Schedule three minutes in the middle of the day

to hit the reset button.

Throughout the day we're hunched over

breathing really short, staring at a screen

while we're barely blinking.

As out attention's be seduced by emails, text messages,

notifications, notifications, notifications.

So what I want you to do is set a daily reminder

at two o'clock for you to sit down, sit up straight,

close your eyes, and breathe deeply from your stomach

through your nose for three minutes.

(breathing smoothly)

This is going to relax you.

Get all the clutter out of your head.

You're gonna feel more presence, creative, and focused.

After a few days, you're gonna notice your back

feeling a little bit better too.

Schedule your phone calls with loved ones,

during your commute.

Now, I actually got this one from my dad.

He's got a 45 minute commute on his way home from work.

And he uses that as a opportunity to call his mom,

or catch up with an old friend, or give me a call.

You'd be surprised, but a five minute phone conversation

can make you feel more connected than a week's worth

of texting.

Schedule one night a week to do something other than work

or drinking.

Now, we all have our missions in life.

But life is so much more than just accomplishments.

If all you're focusing on is your life's purpose,

then you're kinda missing the purpose of life.

Which is to experience everything that it has to offer.

Find a way to release.

Like, listen to live music, or read a good book,

or get an adult coloring book.

Not an adult coloring book with adult situations.

An adult coloring book with geometric shapes

and everything. Whatever.

Or, you can learn a new skill.

Take a dance class. Learn French.

Take up QiGong, or take a culinary course

to learn how to cook fancy French food.

Or, simply just do something that's fun.

Invite your friends over for a board game,

or volunteer to be a nude model for an art class.

Or, join a co-ed kickball league or something.

Now, what this doesn't include is going to a seminar

on how to increase your conversions.

Although, that is important.

This is about getting away.

Because as a passion preneur, you don't wanna work

for a living.

You want to live for a living.

So, find a way to incorporate these four tips

into your schedule so you can live a more balanced life.

For more infomation >> Stop Your Job From Burning You Out (Spencer Burnett - Invincible Academy) - Duration: 4:05.


The Ultimate Social Network - Duration: 4:53.

Hey everybody Eric Worre here. Welcome to Today I want

to talk to you about maybe one of the most undervalued attributes of the

network marketing profession and that is the social network that is created and

the value of that social network. Here's what I mean by that. In 1990, they did a...

I saw a study recently that said in 1990 the average American had 3.8

friends. 3.8 significant friends. Confidants.

People they could share important things. Important life discussions with.

3.8 and fast forward to today. 27 years later. You'd think because of

social media and all the interconnectivity and the social network

that that number of friends will have grown. Matter of fact it's decreased by

almost 50% or approximately 50%. It's 1.8 today. 3.8

in 1990, 1.8 today. We're more connected than ever but

the significance of the social network that we are leveraging is not as

powerful as people would think. So enter network marketing. Network marketing

serves incredibly important emotional need and that's this need to be

connected in a meaningful way with like-minded individuals different.

Different organizations. The corporation used to provide that. Some religious institutions

used to provide that. Sometimes communities, little towns and cities used

to provide a sense of community and all of those different areas have said

tended to be fragmented. And you're left with people feeling more and more

alone, less and less connected. Less and less socially connected. Now if you ask

the average person inside of network marketing, how many of those people have

more than the 3.8 friends that the average American had in

99 let alone what they have now. You'll see the longer people are involved in

this profession, the more meaningful relationships that they have. The more

confidants, people that they can share important information with, actually

exist. And why is this so? The financial opportunity that we have that

actually ends up giving us a reason, an excuse, to spend more time with

like-minded people. Without the financial incentive, you wouldn't be

spending as much time with your upline or your downline or at the events or at

your conferences, building those relationships. You wouldn't be as

connected with those people because again we're all trying to learn from

each other so we tend to be more connected because we're seeking

knowledge in different directions or seeking feedback in different directions.

So the social network that's created here is incredibly valuable,

very meaningful and in itself is one of the biggest assets of being involved in

network marketing. The richness of life. Those of you who know what I'm talking

about. have been around for a while. The richness of your life because of the

quality of the social network that you have built because you're involved in

network marketing is a huge asset in your life and you know it. For those that

are just getting started or haven't built that yet,

I promise you the longer you stay around the more you're going to leverage the

real value of the ultimate social network which is network marketing. Hope

you got value from that. Hope it caused you to think and hope it causes you to

reach out to somebody else and build a more meaningful relationship. Network

marketing isn't perfect but it is better. If you have an entrepreneurial bone in your

body there's just nothing better and the

social network is just another piece of what makes it great. Have a great day

everybody. See you next time. Take care. Goodbye. Hey my name is Eric Worre and

if you're involved in the network marketing profession, I want to invite

you to come to the Network marketing Pro YouTube channel. Every week we put out

content on how you can become a network

marketing professional. We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with

million-dollar earners in the profession interviews with global icons like Tony

Robbins or Sir Richard Branson. Lots of different things that we provide. They're

absolutely free. Do yourself a favor. Click on the link.

Subscribe to the YouTube channel. Tell your friends to do the same and I can't

wait to see you there.

For more infomation >> The Ultimate Social Network - Duration: 4:53.


CONTACT YOUR GUIDES. July 5, microtaller with Ana Hatun Sonqo. - Duration: 27:46.

For more infomation >> CONTACT YOUR GUIDES. July 5, microtaller with Ana Hatun Sonqo. - Duration: 27:46.


The pic Justin Bieber didn't want you to see as shirtless image yanked offline - Duration: 2:27.

The pic Justin Bieber didn't want you to see as shirtless image yanked offline

DELETED: Justin yanked this upload from his account. The Sorry hit maker took to Instagram to share a suggestive selfie. But minutes later this image was nowhere to be seen.

**EMMA WILLIS PARTIES AT GLASTOBURY 2017 AS BIG BROTHER RATINGS DIVE** Posing with his arm being his head, Justin proudly showed off his tattooed torso and new facial hair. Letting the picture do the taking, the superstar failed to caption the image.

Justin Biebers dating history   We take a look at the hottest girls that pop sensation Justin Bieber has dated. 1 / 27       Justin Bieber and Hailee Steinfeld are rumoured to be dating for over a month  .

GONE: This pic appeared on Justins Instagram story before it vanished. Justin added a black and white filter to complete the upload. Rushing to praise the post, one fan wrote: Yum. Another added: Baby youre too hot..

The fittest male celeb abs in showbiz   All the juiciest male celebrity abs in showbiz, including Justin Bieber, Geordie Shores Gaz Beadle and former TOWIE star Dan Osborne.

1 / 68       Kit Harington shows off his rock hard abs in Game Of Thrones  .

HEADLINER: Justin will play Hyde Park this weekend.

Despite the snap only being live for 20 minutes, it still managed to rack up an impressive 228,322 likes and just over 12,000 comments. Just hours earlier, Justin had shared another topless snap on his Instagram story.

However, this shot mysteriously disappeared off the platform as well.

SUPERSTAR: Justin Bieber is one of the biggest stars in the world.

The 21-year-old is set to play Hyde Park on Sunday as part of Barclaycards British Summer Time gigs. The Killers, Kings Of Lean and Green Day are also set to play the central London park.

Meanwhile, Phil Collins will make his onstage comeback on Friday just weeks after being rushed to hospital following a shock fall in his hotel room. The star was on the way to the toilet when he collapsed and medics were called.

For more infomation >> The pic Justin Bieber didn't want you to see as shirtless image yanked offline - Duration: 2:27.


3 Secrets To Make A Man Fall In Love With You - Duration: 5:45.

hi this is Antia Boyd this is project boy and together we help single women to

find the right partner for them without wasting any more time so today we are

going to talk about the three secrets that make any men fall in love with you

yeah I'm going to know a lot do I know make him fall in love quickly and easily

oh yeah absolutely so number one focus on yourself so many

women that I see will go on a date with a man and wonder is he enjoying the day

I'm is he into me if she liked what I had to say and now the secret is to

actually shift turn the tables no pun intended

and and ask yourself am i enjoying the date you know like how am I feeling

about the sky you know I'm actually interested is he actually you know

actually I'm i resonating what he just shared with me yeah totally because a

guy wants you to feel like you're confident that feel like you are think

he's having to work for he's having to to show up as his best self because

you're showing up as your best help and you're paying attention to them and

paying attention to how he's behaving so that he actually has to work for it in

some ways well 100 percent and the tip number two I see about appreciation like

building your mind empowering your man right it's really all about appreciating

what do you really like about him and tell him that because so many women

think all these already so has always already so successful he doesn't need to

hear like another compliment for me right and you know the truth could be

further away from from that because it's actually the other way around you do

want to build your man you know men I'll bring the growing with you appreciation

that's what they respond to that's how that's your mum excellent

yeah totally so you want to appreciate him with something that you like about

what about him or something that you like about something that he does we

always say reward the behavior you want to see more of so appreciate him let him

know those things because that's going to build him up and he's going to feel

like he can be your superhero and he's going to feel like you can win the game

with you and that's going to be someone that he's going to want to fall in love

with because of that awesome number three very important is to set

boundaries ladies I cannot tell you so many times when women come to me and say

oh I'm not your best girlfriend ever I'm so understanding I always look really

right and again I just invite you to when when you feel like something

doesn't sit right with you you know you actually don't agree with them right to

speak up I think there's nothing sexier than to set boundaries and say no tease

them engage you men you know don't just agree with some 24/7 becomes like man

piece of paper yeah because it's actually better it's far better to be

respected by a man than to be liked you'd rather have them respect you and

you do that by saying setting boundaries and saying no to things that you're not

comfortable with if you ask you to do something you're not comfortable with

you have to say no and that's actually going to even though it might be

counterintuitive you think oh but I want him to like me so I'm going to say yes

if you say no he's going to respect you more even though he might be a little

annoyed in the moment he's going to respect you more and he's going to think

of you as a queen and that's what's going to make him want to actually fall

in love with you and keep you around for the long term because he respects you

and values you versus leaving you we have so many women who are afraid like

oh he's going to leave me right when I rock the boat

and ladies it's just not true a man will leave a woman he respects

he won't he'll feel like he's leaving a gift behind Oh leaving a gift the ice on

the trail so now what's next because I'm sure you have uncovered up ooh I'm like

not really doing this right I'm always focusing on the other man I never give

him a compliment and I certainly don't set boundaries because I want to be the

best girlfriend the best day that he's ever had right so you're really

struggling with that right it's almost like that nice girl syndrome right then

invites you to come on a call with me I find the right man clarity call where we

we finish this once and for all you know this behavior right and really see like

what's your underlying block what's the hope and that's just not serving you any

longer you really need to let go of how I

mostly connected argue to what you want to create the man that you want to trap

into your life right so if that's really you and you're ready to turn that nice

girl around and really also learn how to create an empowering relationship with

your man that then allows you to set the boundaries can come to find the one

elite dot-com find one elite calm and sign up for your complimentary find the

right magneri call with me and please hurry up I'm booked out every week so

the FAFSA get yourself on a calendar the shorter you have to wait yeah I know a

man called a super valuable session with Agia it's going to totally get you on

the track could change everything for you and just again go to find a win

elite calm highly recommend it for her gift for our gift for you talk with

auntie so the last thing I have for you is keep

shining your life be continue to be your unique faults unapologetically talk to

you next time talk to you next time bye


For more infomation >> 3 Secrets To Make A Man Fall In Love With You - Duration: 5:45.


Cooking With Me " African Dish" - Duration: 11:11.

Hi, guys welcome back to my channel. I'm writing on my cell and

Thank you to be here to cut on my video if you are a regular subscriber

Welcome back, and thank you cuz you have the real MVP if I just knew that's the first time you take in my channel

please stay click the subscribe button because I'm

Promised to you. I'm making so much fun things here. Oh

Whatever anyway, you definitely don't like me, but today. I'm gonna in my kitchen

Just like you see you can see we here we here today. So what we're here today

We're here today, because I'm about to cook some other conditions. Yes

consist of Plantain

chicken and

Vegetable that's just that so today

I'm bringing you dance for you

And me to enjoy so guys first of all I think I'm not dressing like an African mom

So hold on give me a second and have a good rest. How you like me now, I?

like this dress form

From Africa this cute dress kaka back and I tie my hair hmM pretty much, it doesn't match

But it's okay

I had to pick up something real quick because

you don't have to look all that people you gonna cook so I'm coming this food is a request for my sister and

She's in DC right now, and she just texts me mommy. Did you cook my food like I asked you to?

Hmm, and I said no, she said okay

Thank you very much, so she basically very mad she think I'm not cooking, but actually I'm cooking with you guys

And I'm cooking for her. So how are you gonna? Enjoy and

See you on the next video. Love you

So it's down about Peter oven at 350 for a minute

And there are plenty in this afternoon plenty don't be scared the skin

It's like that because it's really is pretty much yellow 20 is another form of banana

So don't be scared is a very very very good very sweet

You can fly you can boy you can be kid, but for us this time. We're gonna bake it

We're not gonna fight because it's not really what we want. We want to low down the bad calorie

So what I'm doing right? Now is I'm gonna take off the skin off the plantain

Pretty easy really, just like you taking off the pan and your skin on the banana very easy

And then I'm gonna cut I'm not cutting too small because I'm gonna. I'm gonna

Put on the oven so I'm gonna bake it so you don't want that to stick on the pan. That's why

That's what I'm doing again. So that's what I'm gonna. Do for all of that


Now that I cut all the plantain upon the big pan because the other pain was so small

So I'm just I'm a franco a little salt in it I

Don't know reason why I'm putting salt is

Test differently because at the end of the day you you put salt under order food

When I will go ahead and spray some all oreo on it because you don't want to stick together I

Feel that this this oil wasn't enough, so I went and I grabbed the other oil and put on top on it

I add some little of it

And I will mix it

And it will be definitely ready to put in the oven

So I will put in the oven for like let's say 20 minute and then I will checked

Now that the plantain is getting really is getting baked over there

We're gonna Grab the chicken its and this one is actually chicken legs

Some thick enough, and I put in the vaccine. I don't know how you call that

You put that away, and then I'm gonna take off the skin. I've done like I don't like cooking with the skin on the chicken

I don't know why I think it's just so on Earth a healthy

And then I will break it. I will turn the knife to the other side and break it into

Because having the whole chicken is just to be polite

but that magical meal so I turned and break it and turn back to the knife to cut it I

Hope you understand what I'm saying you're using the Pod that is now sharp to break the bones of the chicken

so you're breaking into

you can cook that also with

like chicken to whole chicken actually

So to clear my chicken a spray and a little lemon on it

No, bubble or bunch of it actually I let that sit for let's see 10 minute

While I see you now, I'm a crab onions garlic

Green peppers green onions

What else yeah? That's all that. I'm a blended together

That's actually the spice knock on the hoppers cook the chicken live and cook the whole nail with

You don't have any any really matter how you cut the onions cuz you're gonna blend it. It's Gonna blend it very

It's Gonna all blend it. It's Gonna be a packed

Go ahead, and wash all my rings

So actually I have persil green onions

That's opinions. Go ahead, and wash it cut the clay down through that pathway

Land on my Green is ready. I'm I wash the chicken

Again, and then now I'm fleeing some salt some black


This is another cheek and says when they're not really good for your for our health

But at the African we need that guys we definitely need that

I'ma put the greens that I blended in it, then I'm gonna mix it together

Yeah, you use. You're gonna use one of your hands cuz


Helping you mix all the food you just wash it. Hi guys this is my friend. She was there for a little talk girl talking



Then I would go ahead and put in the pan

to bake it

Usually you fried the chicken so usually you clipped of chicken you bought a chicken for like 20 minutes

And then you fired me, I believe everything about turning about five. I don't like it

So I baked a pigtail. I did I decide to bake it just because I'm staying away from any unhealthy thing

We need to bake it now. I took the point enough, and I was turned just because one part was really the

The one that was touching the pan was ready

And I turned and then I would turn it again and put it back in the oven oh

Go ahead and put it back movin now. We go ahead with vegetables. I have Karat


Paper Green Papers Tomatoes

green onions pestle and I cut it I could just

I'll just cut it you can you don't have any particular way

How you wanna call it and then after that everything was really and I'm mixing everything together for some salt


Some so I actually I mean you know how you like your food to taste. So you just go ahead and put some sauce

black people

and the logo the logo green that x left you're gonna put that in it and then the

Chicken the water out of the chicken you put that on it, and then that's the final what guys you

Ready to eat yummy, Washington again. I'm even hungry

I hope you guys like my video, and thank you for watching guys. I love you guys you in the next video

For more infomation >> Cooking With Me " African Dish" - Duration: 11:11.


The Knights Templar| Animus 1.28 Database - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> The Knights Templar| Animus 1.28 Database - Duration: 7:01.


FIITJEE: Some Must Read Books For FIITJEE Students - Duration: 0:31.

FIITJEE: Some Must Read Books For FIITJEE Students

fiitjee career,fiitjee entrance exam,fiitjee online

For more infomation >> FIITJEE: Some Must Read Books For FIITJEE Students - Duration: 0:31.


Google AdWords Basics: What You Should Advertise - Digital Discussion Quick Tip Video - Duration: 0:56.

Kaleo here from logical position with another digital discussion quick tip!

Today, we'll cover what you should advertise.

If you're not sure what offerings to focus on, a great place to start is with products

and services that are already top sellers for your business.

So, if your best seller is a grey messenger bag, create an ad group with relevant keywords

and ads showing it off and highlighting its best features.

or, if you're a plumber, and your most popular service is emergency house-calls, your ads

for that keyword could provide your phone number and the emergency services you offer.

Want more digital marketing tips?

Click the link to visit our education and resource center, subscribe to our blog, or

get a one- on-one Google AdWords review with one of our experts.

Thanks for watching.

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