Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 28 2017

I remember specifically because the first logo we had, or the first logo that Jack and

I suggested, kind of looked sexual.

If you looked at it in a weird way, and I noticed that so I'm like we shouldn't do that.

People aren't gonna give a shit.

So you picked this one?

The current one?

Well I mean, I guess I declined the first one.

And then we got the second one, I'm like yeah, that's cool.

You hard vetoed... the genitalia logo?


I mean League has always had an awful community.

So does every online competitive game.

Some worse than others.

I think Overwatch has an even worse community than League does, at least in the US.

I don't know about elsewhere.

I've been to Europe and I've noticed their community in League is even worse than the

US and I don't understand Korean but I've been told that that community is quite toxic

as well, in League of Legends that is.

But the balance team of League is basically the best of any game I've ever played.

They do make mistakes and there's always, you know, a lot of criticism about certain things

they do or like people hate how they remove old Sion and make him a new champion, stuff

like that.

But overall, with the changes they do I feel like they constantly keep the game fresh.

They constantly keep it balanced.

And I feel like they honestly just do an amazing job, if I was expecting them...

They exceed my expectations, basically.

Like even things that I've thought were bad at times, in retrospect I realized were good.

I don't have any specific examples for that kind of thing, but

The most important thing a balance team has to do is keep it interesting, keep it fun

to play week to week.

And they definitely do that without causing power creep and without causing any insane

issues usually.

Like sometimes there'll be some insane champion that shouldn't exist, like Zac at the moment

but, they're pretty good at fixing that.

China definitely has not grown as much as I expected.

I really expected them to become dominant just because of the humongous -- first off

humongous player base and humongous influx of money there.

They basically at the time had the largest player salaries of anywhere; they were able

to get basically any talent they wanted.

Any infrastructure they wanted.

They had these huge, amazing, bougie looking places for their teams.

But for whatever reason they haven't developed.

And I don't really understand why that is.

I thought by now they would be -- I thought by now they would be on par with Korea, like

they would be the top two regions.

And to me it still feels like Korea is Tier 1 and then Tier 2 is everyone else.

Like China isn't -- China's, you know they're good, but they're not like a tier

above everyone else or anything like that.

And I can't really give a good reason why.

I don't -- I have actually never been to China, I've never seen how the teams operate

or anything like that so I can't give the reason.

I guess.

I've always kind of enjoyed kind of -- I've always enjoyed puzzles, and picks and

bans is kind of like a puzzle.

It's always just thinking about the game, thinking about what you can do to get an advantage

with just a bunch of different puzzle pieces, basically.

You know, removing things that they can do and putting things together that make your

comp good.

And there's just all of these different things you have to take into account, and just analyzing

that is always something I've really enjoyed doing.

So it's something I spend a lot of time thinking about and a lot of time just, I don't know,

focusing on.

Do you really need the notebook to do it?


Of course not.

Have you ever sold those?

No no no no.

I actually have all my old.

I believe I have every notebook I've used on LCS sitting in a box.

I don't think I've lost any.

Honestly I don't really care about my legacy or my fame, personally.

I don't think it's, I think it's something that is good to have in this kind of

scene for this kind of job and everything like that, but personally it's not something

that I get any joy from, I guess.

I don't think that being famous is a better thing for a person than being not famous,

if that makes sense.

And I don't think I really care about having a legacy, like a lot of people care about you

know like, how they're perceived to a lot of other people.

And I don't think that's very important, personally.

I think the older most players get, the less focused they get on playing League, and the

less obsessive they get about it.

Like they either you know get girlfriends, they get wives, they get other hobbies.

They just get other things to focus on.

And League doesn't become a priority, whereas for most teenagers, or not most teenagers

but the kind of teenagers who play League and go pro, they just obsessively play League

every day of every hour.

They get addicted to it, they will just think about it all day, completely commit.

And it's hard to keep doing that as you get older just because other things come up.

Other things come up in your life and you just -- also, after playing a game for like

five, ten years, some people would just get burned out.

They'll want to move on to something else.

You know they want to get a different hobby or a different game to play.

I don't think that age is much of an impact on your actual ability to play, like your

ability to mechanically play or things like that.

I don't think that's much of an issue until much later in life, like I see in other sports

there are people playing into their 40s quite often.

There are people, even like StarCraft, who play in their 30s.

So I think as long as players are... as long as pro players stay committed, I don't think

their skills will degrade.

It's just harder for players to actually stay committed.

For more infomation >> LemonNation: "The balance team of League is basically the best of any game I've ever played." - Duration: 7:21.


Engineering vs Architecture | 4 Differences So You Choose The Right Major | #1%Engineer Show 020 - Duration: 7:37.

In this episode we talked about civil engineering vs. architecture so you can decide the best major for you.

What's up everyone this is Jake Voorhees and you are watching episode 020 of The 1% Engineer Show.

Make sure you guys subscribe to this channel so you don't miss out on future episodes about

how you can be the best engineer you can be.

This is a question that I've been getting a lot lately.

I answered it on Quora, and I did a blog post about this, and it's a common thing that people

are confused between architecture and engineering or in this regard civil engineering because

that's the one form of engineering that's most related to architecture so that's really

what this video is about architecture vs. civil engineering so when I say engineering

it really means civil and I'm a civil engineer so I can directly speak to this.

As a global summary, although architects and engineers perform parallel functions in design,

implementation of infrastructure, buildings and things like this, they're actually very


There's a big delineation between the two, and this video is going to tell you more about

that, so you know which one to choose so you know which career path to go down so you make

sure that you are following your dreams and you can be a 1% engineer, or in this regard

1% architect.

But engineering's probably the way to go.

So this video's going to give you four differences between the two, so you can pick the right

major for you.

1, Character Traits.

Architects and Engineers often approach problems and situations from different foundations

.Architects have a tendency to think more outside the box are connected to the aesthetics

of things, whereas Engineers have a tendency to be more quantitative more numbers driven

rationale driven instead of how they feel, instead of how it looks.

Engineers want to know, how's the thing going to stand up, how's it going to be done, how

much is it going to cost - its all numbers driven with an engineer.

There's a right type of person for each one.

If you have a tendency to like to draw be very creative and have a colorful type of

personality and way of thinking, than architecture's probably for you.

Contrary to popular belief there's actually tons of Engineers out there who are very numbers

driven, but they can't draw at all.

They can do stick figures and free body diagrams for their classes but in terms of thinking

outside the box and being creative and actually being artsy, a lot of times engineer struggle.

And that way you know engineering is for you - if you fall into this mold.

Two, Design.

Engineers rely on equations, formulas, and scientific principles to solve problems, develop

solutions, and conclusions to whatever they're working on in their field.

Whereas architects have a tendency to consider the spatial functionality, the connection

to its surroundings, how things integrate into aesthetics and overall connectivity to

neighboring entities weather they be buildings or roadway facilities or functionality of

a park or something like this.

The approach that overall design thinking is different between the two.

Three, Workflow.

This is where architects have a big advantage.

Because it comes down to feeling and energy and aesthetics and creativity and how it looks,

architects typically are the starter for the planning.

They are the ones that create the blueprints, they are the ones who have the vision for

what we're going to build, and then the engineers take that vision and say, okay, how we going

to do this, what's the most cost effective approach for this the right materials for

this type of design, so again if you want to be in the creative camp if you want to

be architecting these types of concepts then you should probably go for architecture.

Whereas if you want to calculate and actually crunch the numbers in a data-driven fashion

behind what's going on than engineering is probably for you.

This is one of the reasons why I became a transportation engineer and not a structural


It's because I knew if I went into bridges or buildings, it becomes quite cookie cutter

most of the time.

We already know how bridges stand, we already know how structures are going to maintain

themselves in terms of their integrity, so when it comes to being free, and the ability

to do something a little bit different, we dont always need that in engineering, but

an architecture you're always trying to come up with some sort of different approach and

be more creative so that's one thing that engineering does actually lack.

In this regard if you want to be trying to do things different and trying to deviate

from the curve for whatever is going on in your city your region in terms of building

trends and status quo than the architects have a big leg up here.

They typically are the visionaries behind what's going on but they may not actually

know how this thing is going to be built.

That's where the engineer's come into play.

So there's a big difference in workflow in terms of planning.

It starts with the architects and engineers execute this vision that they have.

Four, Curriculum.

And again we're hitting on the same core principle, where an architecture curriculum in university

is typically going to be a little bit more artsy, it's going to be a little bit more

theoretical, it's a little bit more about history.

Because I was a civil engineer and I know that curriculum in and out, but I reviewed

some architecture programs and it does have things like, the history of society, and history

of architecture, and design drawing, and these types of things that engineers don't take.

We barely had any breadth requirements.

At The University of Delaware, I could not take many courses beyond math, physics and

engineering courses that involved heavy, heavy, heavy mathematics.

If you don't like math, then you definitely shouldn't be an engineer, because I think

I took something like 3 calculus's, 3 engineering maths, engineering statistics, and that's

just the math courses.

There was statics, structural analysis, structural design, concrete and steel design, geotechnical

engineering, fluid mechanics...

Some engineers have to take thermodynamics, which will destroy you, material science,

which is math driven, so math math math math math, if you don't like math, if you don't

like physics, if you can't tolerate a few chemistry courses, then you're not going to

survive engineering.

So maybe if math is a struggle for you but you still want to be connected to designing

buildings and infrastructure and you have an architectural brain then go for architecture.

But help people say this all the time questions on YouTube questions on Quora "Can I still

be an engineer if I don't like math?"

Well, it's like, sure maybe, but you're going to definitely struggle.

I like math a lot and I struggled myself.


So there's some differences in the curriculum.

Architect still have to take some math but no where near as much as engineering courses.

So those are the four core differences between architecture and engineering guys.

Character traits, design, work flow, and curriculum.

Do me a big favor guys, hit the subscribe button so you can stay tuned for more episodes.

Thanks for watching The 1% Engineer Show guys, and stay hungry on your quest, to become a

1% Engineer.

For more infomation >> Engineering vs Architecture | 4 Differences So You Choose The Right Major | #1%Engineer Show 020 - Duration: 7:37.


Lesbian Couple Relationship Goals : Soulmate Checklist : Lacie and Robin - Duration: 3:28.

Let me see if I get this right. People of earth! Hello. We're talking today about a

misperception. I have read this idea that in order to get what you want you have

to know what it is. Okay. And they're talking about

relationships. I've seen that applied to relationships. "I would like a man who's

five seven and makes a living as dentist." But, I know there are a lot of people

have that belief. That, you know, "I really want a person who's tall or this butch

or that femme." How butch? K-Stew butch? Rosie O'Donnell butch? Ell . . . they're

all butch. Ellen. They'ra all butch. I guess you would call K-Stew more androgynous. Yeah.

Yeah, that's true. Although, now she's like shaved her head. I don't know what she's doin' but

I love it. There's no way to go wrong with K-Stew. 'Cuz she's K-Stew. We think we know what we want and we think we know

what or who will make us happy. But, we don't have a clue. We don't know what's

gonna make us happy if we're trying to define it by characteristics of a person.

How do they make you feel when you're in a room with them? Well, and the fact of

the matter is, the way that the Lacie and I fell in love . . .

We weren't even looking for . . . exactly . . . anybody. I mean I was in a relationship.

We were friends for two years before we fell in love. Exactly. And, I didn't have a

checklist. And I didn't have a plan. In fact, I honestly think that part of the

reason why we fell in love and why we have worked well is that having a

relationship was not on my to-do list. I didn't have almost any attention on

it because I was so career-focused. I think that's huge. Yeah. I do, too. Because

when you're really chasing after something, you're not gonna get it. You're

pushing it away from you.

Exactly. I ran out of breath. Did you

run out of breath? Pushing it. The point is we're gonna be attracted to whoever we're

attracted to whether we like it or not. That's true. I mean that's what

happened to us. Yeah. That's exactly right. When you're trying to create the life

that you want using your very limited brain and very limited knowledge of what you

think will work, you're screwed. The way to do it and the way that, sort of,

accidentally happened for us is that you say yes to the things and the people

that make you feel good. So, you're following your bliss. You know they say,

"Follow your bliss." But, the way we usually do it is, "Well, I think my bliss would be

if I'm rich and famous!" I'm pretty sure. Exactly. But, it's not

really right. To follow your bliss means you actually feel. You're led by the

feelings of bliss. Because, it was like, "Do you want to do a play with Lacie Harmon?"

And, I was like, "Eh heh. Eh heh. Yeah." Yeah. I had that same feeling. I'm not sure we

know exactly how we felt prior to the play but I knew right away there was no

way that I wasn't doing the play if you were gonna be in the play. Yeah. That

pretty much . . . I mean, that was really the reason why we wanted to do it. Cuz we

like each other. We wanted to hang out. Right. Maybe on some subconscious level

we knew something else was there. I don't know. Mm hm. Probably. Mm hm. You do not need to sit down and

create vision boards about a lover. Go do something that you love to do. That's our

advice from what we've seen. So that you're at your best and you feel your

best and you're around other people who like to do things that you like to do.

Yeah. Follow your bliss. Follow your bliss! You guys! What do you think? Whatch been

your experience, those of you who are in relationships?

Yeah. whatch been your experience? Do you guys think it's helpful to have

checklists of the things and people that you want qualities of them? Period. Question mark.

Please give us a thumbs up. Please subscribe to this channel. We love you. We

want to thank you for watching. Mwah! Bye, you guys.

For more infomation >> Lesbian Couple Relationship Goals : Soulmate Checklist : Lacie and Robin - Duration: 3:28.


Bring Me The Horizon | Drown | Lyrics - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Bring Me The Horizon | Drown | Lyrics - Duration: 3:43.


Old Spice | Man Hunt - Duration: 0:21.

When you use Old Spice body wash with invisible spray,

you'll smell so manly scientists will want to

study your manliness.

That's why I got a dummy me to play me in this commercial.


And I got another me to get away in.

And another me for emotional support.

You got this.

♫ Old Spice Whistle ♫

For more infomation >> Old Spice | Man Hunt - Duration: 0:21.


Everything you need to know about Thank You Notes - Duration: 3:20.

- Hi, I'm Steve Dalton.

I'm Program Director of Daytime Career Services

with the Career Management Center

and I'm here today to tell you everything

you need to know about thank you notes.

We're gonna cover three main topics today.

First, why are thank you notes so important?

Second, what information do you need

to write a good thank you note?

And third, how do you write that thank you note itself?

First question, why are thank you notes so important?

Well, two reasons.

First, they act as an electronic receipt

that an interaction with a recruiter actually happened.

Without that receipt, it's very unlikely

the recruiters will remember meeting you,

which makes it very difficult to get put

on an interview list when it comes to interview time.

Second, they help you remember who you spoke to,

so when it's time to write cover letters

and cite advocates that you have

at the organizations you're meeting with,

it's much easier to check your sent thank you email folder

to remember who you spoke to

and who your favorite people were,

that you want to direct attention to.

The second question we'll address is,

what information do I need to write a good thank you note

and where do I find it?

We need two main pieces of information.

You need contact information

and you need something to write about.

Now contact information,

what you need are the person's name and their email address.

Those would be easy to find in our GTS system

within one business day after the event,

so don't worry about collecting business cards

at the event itself.

That information will be provided to you.

The second piece of information is a little bit trickier.

What is the best piece of insight or advice

that they give you during your interaction with them

at the recruiting event?

It's much easier to capture this information now

than it is to remember it later.

So my recommendation is after you disengage

with the recruiter at an event,

step outside for a moment

to take notes on what you spoke about.

Specifically, what the best piece of advice

or insight they gave you was.

That will make writing your thank you note

much much easier later.

An interesting aside, you don't actually need

to be the person who asked the question that garnered

that piece of advice or insight,

you simply need to have been there to hear it.

So if you're not comfortable asking questions,

don't force yourself to do so,

just be an extra good listener.

Third question, how do I write the thank you not itself?

Well each thank you note has three pieces of information.

First, you want to thank them for their time.

Second, you want to highlight that piece of advice

or insight that they gave you, which we mentioned earlier.

And third, you want to maintain control of the follow up.

So, thanking them for their time is very straightforward.

Thank you for your time.

Second, highlight that piece of insight.

For example, they may have recommended

that you start reading Ad Age or Brandweek to learn more

about how marketers speak.

Capture that specifically in your thank you note.

The third piece of information

is to maintain control of the follow up.

And by that I mean you want the next steps

to be yours and not theirs.

If you feel you've had all your questions answered

for now, simply say thank you very much,

is it okay if I follow back up with you

with any additional questions I might have?

However, if you have additional questions

that you'd like to get answered, close this way:

Say I still have a few additional questions,

would you have a few minutes to speak by phone

to help me answer those?

Either way is acceptable,

just make sure you don't request an additional conversation

if you don't have genuinely

have additional questions to cover.

So to wrap up, now you know why thank notes are important,

what information you need to get

to write a good thank you note,

and how to write the thank you note itself.

Those three things together will allow you

to crank out the dozens of thank you notes

you'll need to in a week in an efficient

and effective manner.

Thank you for listening.

For more infomation >> Everything you need to know about Thank You Notes - Duration: 3:20.


Just A Gent - You'll Never Know (feat. MOZA) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:30.

I can't speak another word,

I think I'm 'bout to lose my nerve,

All with thinking down and moving my head backwards.

It's been so long since I felt this,

I blame it on your winding hips.

What I wouldn't do to taste the grooves of your lips.

Left foot,

Right foot,

Turn around.

Keep that motion on the ground.

What I wouldn't do to say your comin' home now.

Left foot,

Right foot,

Turn around.

Keep that motion on the ground.

What I wouldn't do to feel your skin to mine now.

I just,

Breath it in.

Save my breath.

Never know,

When I'll need it next.

I'll lose it all,

Just to here you call.

Ain't it strange?

Darling, you'll never know.

You never seem to leave my head,

You won this town, I'll paint it red.

Conthoughted in ya now, I wish you knew what I meant.

'Cause I know your thoughts,

And you know mine.

We're flexable, We chose to be blind but,

Is it such a stress to call you one of my kind?

Left foot,

Right foot,

Turn around.

Keep that motion on the ground.

What I wouldn't do to say your comin' home now.

Left foot,

Right Foot,

Turn around.

Keep that motion on the ground.

What I wouldn't do to feel your skin to mine now.

I just,

Breath it in,

Save my breath,

Never know,

When I'll need it next.

I'll lose it all,

Just to hear you call,

Ain't it strange?

Darling, you'll never know.

I just,

Breath it in,

Save my breath,

Never know,

When I'll need it next.

I'll lose it all,

Just to hear you call,

Ain't it strange?

Darling, you'll never know~

For more infomation >> Just A Gent - You'll Never Know (feat. MOZA) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:30.


#UofTGrad17: You Give Us Hope - Duration: 1:08.

The decisions that you make for yourself as you walk out of this room

will help chart the course of not just your future, but our future.

Not just what you do, but how you do it.

So do it with compassion.

Do it with kindness.

We need you to change our world.

We have incredible faith in you.

You give us hope.

For more infomation >> #UofTGrad17: You Give Us Hope - Duration: 1:08.


Depression Part 2 - How Depression Works and Finding your Trigger (Self-Help) - Duration: 4:43.

Ninh explains, Depression Part 2: How Depression works and getting to the root cause.

Hopefully you've watched my first video on depression

which you can find the link for it right there.

And whether you actually suffer from it or not.

But let's say that you do.

Understanding what it is and how it affects you is key for you to overcome it.

Now if you analyse the word 'depression', you'll see the word 'DEPRESS' in it.

People with depression compress their feelings they depress their emotions, they don't let

them do what they need to do.

They internalise everything and it feels like an anaconda strangling you, and people with

depression are strangled by their emotions.

Now there's no one cause of Depression, but here's a flow chart of some of the symptoms

that you might be experiencing.

In fact, let's blow this up so that you can see it a little bit better.


There we go!

Maybe it's Traumatic situation that's caused your depression.

Death, divorce, conflict etc.

Maybe it's your environment, maybe you're surrounded by negative people, negative family

members, you live in a subpar standard of living.

Maybe it's a cycle of Negative thoughts – negative thinking, self criticism, beating

yourself up etc.

How about emotion?

Sadness, numbness, anxiety.

It could even be a physical cause – weird sleep patterns, fatigue, lack of exercise,

being overweight.

It could be physiological – maybe you've got poor body chemistry, irregular brain chemicals,

lack of serotonin, hormonal issues.

Or, you could be depressed based upon the actions you take towards yourself.

Social withdrawal, poor levels of self care etc.

They all feed each other, and when you notice that one of these symptoms gets worse, the

others around it get worse for you as well.

Like I said, there'll be one or two of these that scream out to you more than other and

you'll think to yourself – yes,, yes that's it, that triggers my depression.

One of these will be a root cause of why you're actually getting depressed.

Obviously I don't know what that is for you, that's something for you to figure out.

Unfortunately, Depression isn't something that you can click your fingers and say 'snap

out of it'.

It doesn't work that way.

As you've seen from this cycle, these symptoms all feed each other.

It's not a case of just 'snapping out of it', you can't!

If it was that easy, everyone would do it.

But they can't because all these symptoms are interlinked.

you have to approach this in a complete different way.

But the one key thing I want you to take away from all this is … and if you only remember

one thing from this video is this ... You have thoughts ... but you are not your thoughts.

Let me repeat that ... you have thoughts ... but you are not your thoughts.

The negative thoughts that you have inside your head, they don't define who you are.

And let me give you an analogy.

Imagine that you are the sky.

Whether or not it's day or night, the sky is always there.

Depression (like most other feelings) are like clouds in the sky.

Sometimes they come, sometimes they go, sometimes they stay linger around for more than is humanly

necessary, sometimes they pee on you, but generally they are not the sky.

The clouds are in the sky, but they are not the sky.

And therefore, the feelings that you have aren't you.

They come, they go, but they are not who you are.

Depression isn't you.

Depression is unfortunately just a very dark cloud, that blocks you from seeing who you

truly are, and what truly matters.

Remember: you have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts.

And that's the one thing I want you to remember out of this video.

Now that you know how depression works and what the root cause is for you specifically,

it's now time to cure the damn thing.

Tune into my video tomorrow for part 3 of my depression series.

The solution on how to cure depression.

And if you like this video, be sure to like share subscribe.

Download my free ebook, go to my website and follow me on social media.

And let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comments section below.

Ninh Ly - - @NinhLyUK

For more infomation >> Depression Part 2 - How Depression Works and Finding your Trigger (Self-Help) - Duration: 4:43.


Hands-on Rural Medicine: RPAP/Sundre High School Skills Event - Duration: 2:43.

We're here today hosting a skills day.

It's sponsored by RPAP.

We've invited 50 young people from the high school over the hospital

and work through four different stations on learning about what it is to be part of a hospital

structure for healthcare workers.

It's been a real success

I wasn't sure when I contacted the high school how much support we get.

They jumped on board

They're really liking this exposure to the medical field - hands-on.

I think all the people here really enjoyed it

I really enjoyed it; it was fascinating to learn how the body works and the different ways that

you can use different instruments to help it work.

We were all able to get a little bit of insight into the medical fields from that we could find out

'Hey, this was cool.'

'Do you think the medical field is something you might consider?'

I actually was not going to before today

but after today I have put it on to consider it more than I had before I

think I'm more surprised about how much nurses really know like compared to like

how the I thought doctors were mostly all hands-on and I know like doc nurses

are too

I think when I look back when I was a high school student you know you're kind

of searching different avenues that you would like to pursue as you got older

when you went into University and I think it just gives them more options

and anytime that you can have a hands-on class that you can participate in

something that you might do in the future or that you definitely don't want

to do I think that's great where you can read about on the internet you can get

all kinds of information on it but actually coming and participating

talking to the people that are actually doing it and and listening to their real

stories I think that makes a significant difference

For more infomation >> Hands-on Rural Medicine: RPAP/Sundre High School Skills Event - Duration: 2:43.


What Makes You Human? - Duration: 3:09.

99 in 100 of your genes are absolutely identical to that of a chimpanzee,

yet that miniscule 1%

is the difference between fishing for termites,

and colonizing the planet.

But what's the one thing that makes us unique? Curiosity and ambition

The answer to this million dollar question is curiosity.

Curiosity and ambition allowed us to explore how

the world works and taughts us to always want to ask questions and learn more about how the world works.

Based on that, creativity and ambition allowed us humans to create tools that let us survive in a brutal world

Another crucial aspect that made us human

is language.

Language is a way for us to express our thoughts

and it lets us collaborate or pass on our knowledge

This drastically sped up an important procces known as collective knowledge

This process means that a species can pass on more knowledge

than they lose to the next generation, and that generation

and that generation must have the ability to build onto this knowledge

Collective knowledge is a process that has accelerated vastly over the course of humanities existence

and allowed our tech to advance

from stone tools to the hubble space telescope

Some milestones that were game changers in the acceleration of collective knowledge included

the invention of cooking,

the agricultural revolution,

written history,

and the industrial revolution.

All of these things could not be possible without

the most vital and unique part of what makes us human-


The 100 billion nuerons jammed into your skull

Use 20% of your bodies ATP

This massive sacrifice of strength and energy allowed us to have an imagination

and allowed us to be self-aware

along with all the previous qualities that I've listed.

Our extreme brain power allowed us to imagine

scenarios, giving us the ability to dream up

new ways to survive and new ways to succeed

With visualization,

You could develop new technologies to make life easier,

And unique minds could combine to make remarkable inventions

Visualization allowed us humans to colonize our entire planet

This is the Human Odyssey

And our brains were the defining trait that

allowed us to be curious, ambitious and creative.

Our brains let us invent countless technologies,

and let us spread across the entire globe

Our brains are the 1% difference in DNA that make us human.

For more infomation >> What Makes You Human? - Duration: 3:09.


[Copyright Free Nightcore] Outlaw - NCS Release - Duration: 3:54.

Outlaw NCS

For more infomation >> [Copyright Free Nightcore] Outlaw - NCS Release - Duration: 3:54.


►Asian Mix | Still Falling For You - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> ►Asian Mix | Still Falling For You - Duration: 1:36.


LSAT® Test Preparation Courses - Duration: 3:09.

[ Intro music ♪ ♫ ]

>>JAMES: Hello, My name is James Kelleher.

I'm the head instructor with the LSAT®

program at UBC Continuing Studies and I

have been so for, for many many years

since the program started.

I'm often

asked what's the difference between the

UBC program in teaching the LSAT

compared to private programs.

I would say

the fundamental difference is that we're

here to help you get the skills that you


Our instructors are highly


Often, there are very good

programs out there but the instructors

are often university students, first-year

law students.

I've been teaching the LSAT

since 1999.

I've been teaching in

university since 2000.

I've got

experience in teaching at all levels in

philosophy, in critical thinking and of

course, in the LSAT.

So that's the kind of

teaching quality you're going to get

backed by the institutional might of UBC.

I've been asked what's my basic

teaching philosophy, my approach?

It's pretty simple, the LSAT is a

standardized test.

My philosophy towards

the LSAT is this ...

it's not a measurement of your

intelligence, or your worthiness as a

thinking creature.

It's a test of your

skills and those skills can be improved

with practice and guidance.

It's a test of your ability to

understand difficult text under

difficult circumstances.

It's a test of

your ability to understand the import

and nature of various arguments, it's a

test in rhetoric and rhetoric is a skill

that has not been taught as well as it

might be by our institutions.

We can help

you, if you're willing to work, if you

come with an open mind,

my philosophy is that I can help you and

I love to help people get better at this


I get asked about what's our basic

approach and all I can say about the

basic approach is the test is basic, it's

a standardized test.

It tests

you in certain skill sets in a reading

environment under time pressure and we

will work with the various skill sets

that you have to deal with, we will work

with the various questions.


we'll deal with short bits of text,

sometimes we'll deal with long extensive

text and we'll go over it with you,

you'll practice under test conditions,

full-length tests, parts of tests, even

little bitty parts of tests and we'll

review it and then we'll do it again.

There's a lot of work with the

instructor in the course and one-on-one

interaction occurs regularly.

So I really

enjoy teaching this, this course I've

enjoyed working with UBC in providing

this service to students and I look

forward to teaching you.

[ Background music ♪ ♫ ]

For more infomation >> LSAT® Test Preparation Courses - Duration: 3:09.


Ashley's Song, But 44% Slower When Ashley Sings - Duration: 3:31.

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

You better learn my name 'cause it's Ashley!

She knows the darkest spells and she brews the meanest potions.

You might be the ingredient I seek.

Don't let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor.

You better be afraid of the great Ashley!

She doesn't play with dolls and she never combs her hair.

Who has time for girly things like that?

Eye of newt; I cast a hex on you.

Grandma's wig; this'll make you big.

Kitten spit; soon your pants won't fit.

Pantalones Giganticus!

(Oh no, not again!)

She can rule the world and still finish all her homework.

Everyone knows I'm the greatest Ashley!

You better watch your step or she'll cast a spell on you.

I turned my teacher into a spoon.

I'm a slave to my spells And yes it's true, well,

I don't have as many friends as you.

But I think you're nice and maybe we could be friends…

And if you say "no", you're toast.

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

You better learn my name 'cause it's Ashley!

Just remember this when you see her on the street:

I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet.

I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet.

I'm the coolest girl you'll EVER meet!

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

You better learn my name 'cause it's Ashley!

She knows the darkest spells and she brews the meanest potions.

For more infomation >> Ashley's Song, But 44% Slower When Ashley Sings - Duration: 3:31.



Oh crazy bro this is insane I didn't think this would happen

Painful lego challenge. Duct Tape Escape challenge. Lego Escape. Painful Challenge. Enjoy :)

So there's a Lego challenge and then there's an escape challenge so we're gonna do is

we're gonna do is walk your hands duct taped behind your back and your feet duct taped together

Your gonna jump like this all the way there and then escape

Okay we added more legos and he's duct taped

I'm at an olympic race. 100 meter dash

Ouch ouch

Imma keep time. Who ever gets the faster time wins. Are you ready?

Ready set go

OUCH, Oh, oh.. this was harder then I thought

How do I stand up?


yeah okay


[Music] [Applause]


okay I'm sweating so much it is gliding

hold on let me just I just say oh I'm escaping


Oh sushi basically tied

Oh [Laughter]




[Applause] [Music]

okay I tap out Oh all right let's see the damage oh

cool this is the parts there's a one right there and it kept pressing yeah

yes oh look at that right there on the left there's my life to destroy up on

your chest yeah that was insane that was way too much pain to not get it like oh

my god don't take thing we did so much harder

you're even understand people just did this walking across a patch of idols bro

people didn't lay down and get surfed on by people and get marks all over their

body what the heck is this so you already liked the video if you're new

subscribe we're amazing [Laughter]

[Music] [Applause]


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