Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 30 2018

hi do you know the difference between being and gone

this is Susan Brodar from SPEAK Languages & TRAVEL the World here to

help you improve your English with minimum effort a maximum benefits now

apparently they are not so difficult to distinguish but sometimes when I give

students exercises they get confused so what's the difference when you go

somewhere you leave a firm point a and you go to point B so if you are still

there I can say you've gone there where's Tom he's gone to the cinema he's

not here at the moment he's out he's gone to the cinema but if you go

somewhere and come back you I don't know buy something and you bring

all the shopping home I can say where's Jane oh she's been to the shops look

she's just coming back with all the shopping it means she went and she

returns so when you find an exercise where the

teacher will ask you to insert the words go in the correct tense if the person

has come back even if that the verb is to go

you should put being the verb to be because this person has gone and has

returned therefore being instead if the person hasn't returned then you can

carry on using the word go and say he's gone oh he's gone to New York he'll be

back next week she's gone out she's coming home later instead I use so

suntanned ah I've been to Hawaii or I've been on holiday I've been skiing and I

got a lovely suntan and that means I went but I returned the game so remember

even if there is the verb go in some contests in brackets you have to

actually put bean if this person has returned I hope this is clarified it why

don't you write some examples in the comments below and don't forget to

subscribe and I look forward to seeing you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> Do you know the DIFFERENCE between BEEN & GONE? - Duration: 2:35.


愛穿高跟鞋的美女們,快來看看有無拇外翻 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 愛穿高跟鞋的美女們,快來看看有無拇外翻 - Duration: 1:36.


Would You Hire Yourself? - Duration: 1:01.

would you hire yourself if you are an employer trying to hire an efficient

honest and competent employee would you hire yourself at your salary if you had

to live with someone just like you for the rest of your life would you look

forward to it as a wonderful opportunity and privilege these are probing

questions but they get to the heart of the matter the answer reveals to you who

you really are your characters who you are when no one

is looking it is easy to excuse our bad behavior and make excuses about why it's

necessary for us to act wrongly but if you wouldn't hire yourself or take pleasure

in living with yourself it is time to re-examine why and start changing your

behavior not only will you be a benefit to those around you but you will start

to feel the joy that comes from living how God intended men to live this moment

in time is brought to you by Clarks Fowler electric visit us at Clark Fowler or call three three zero two six two zero nine zero six

For more infomation >> Would You Hire Yourself? - Duration: 1:01.


Things You Need to Know Before You Hire a Criminal Law Attorney | Criminal Law Attorney | - Duration: 0:50.

Some of the things you want to know before you hire a criminal law attorney

is whether the lawyer actually practices criminal law or not. You also want to

know whether that lawyer has experienced practicing criminal law and how much experience?

What is the success rate of the cases that he's tried? What type of

plea offers has he been able to negotiate? Before you hire a criminal law

attorney, you want to know if that attorney will actually fight for you. I'm

Stephanie Burgess of the Burgess Law Group. I can't promise the outcome but I

can promise the fight. Contact us today.

For more infomation >> Things You Need to Know Before You Hire a Criminal Law Attorney | Criminal Law Attorney | - Duration: 0:50.


কাগজ দিয়ে চমৎকার একটি ফুল বানানোর আইডিয়া | How to Make a Flower with Paper - Duration: 4:37.

কাগজ দিয়ে চমৎকার একটি ফুল বানানোর আইডিয়া | How to Make a Flower with Paper

For more infomation >> কাগজ দিয়ে চমৎকার একটি ফুল বানানোর আইডিয়া | How to Make a Flower with Paper - Duration: 4:37.


Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.

The law of attraction. The law of attraction is a universal law that is

present at all times. Put simply, it means like attracts like. The law of attraction

states that thought energy and projected energy attract similar energy. As a

result, we attract things into our lives according to our thoughts and projected

energy. Simply stated, we attract into our lives

whatever we direct our conscious attention to. This universal law is an

age-old principle that the world's greatest minds and teachers of the past

have used without knowing its full scientific basis. Thankfully we all have

access to it through our increased understanding, and now almost all of

today's most successful people are using it to make fundamental changes in their

lives. Our understanding of the law of attraction has been enhanced through our

increased knowledge of quantum physics. You don't need to comprehend all the

intricate details of quantum physics to understand how this works. Every aspect

of who we are, our bodies, our minds, our totality is composed entirely of energy.

This includes our thoughts. Everything that exists from the dirt under our

fingernails to the farthest star and the farthest galaxy is composed of pure

energy.This is not a theory, it is fact. How does it work? The law of attraction

is working at all times regardless of your beliefs or your awareness of its

presence. We are constantly attracting into our lives, whether deliberately or

by default, what we are emitting into the universe. What you focus on expands. Your

thoughts are creating your reality. If you experience negative thoughts and

feelings, you emit negative energy. You therefore attract negative events, people,

and things into your life. If you experience positive thoughts and

feelings, you made positive energy. As a result, you will attract positive things,

people, and things into your life. Understanding and properly applying this

universal law is the key to achieving ultimate success in all areas of your

life. How to apply this universal law.

Fundamental to your using this knowledge to transform your life is understanding

that you are applying this universal law, even if you don't know it. You send

either positive or negative energy into the universe. Like attracts like whatever

you are sending out to the universe will be returned to you. you are sending out

energy right now right this second. What are you feeling right now? Are you

feeling good? Are you feeling bad? If you're feeling good, you're sending out

positive energy. If you're feeling bad, you're sending out negative energy. It's

that simple. If you want to live your greatest life, you must begin to do so by

stopping the negative energy you project, and instead emit positive energy at all

times. Simply by shifting your thoughts,

language, and most important emotions, you will successfully master this law. Keep

in mind this process is like using an undeveloped muscle. It takes time for it

to become efficient and second nature. What do you want? What do you really

really want? This is an important question to ponder in order to truly

manifest and attract all that you desire in life. you must first decide what you

want. You must become clear on your vision of what your greatest life would

look like. Most people don't know what they want. Either they don't take the

time to get clear about what they truly desire, or they focus on the things they

don't want in life. For example, I don't want debt. By focusing on the things you

don't want, you are experiencing negative thoughts and therefore launching

negative energy. This results in attracting more of the same negative

situations, people, and experiences into your life. Think about your thoughts. What

do you usually think about? Are you complaining about what your life looks

like right now? If so, chances are you are using negative language and focusing on

the things you don't want in life. By doing so you are only attracting more of

the same into your life. The key is to become clear about what you do want. Once

you know what you do want and focus your attention on that, you will automatically

project positive energy. When deciding what you want, be unrealistic. What would

you want for yourself If anything was possible. This is a difficult task to

accomplish for many people because they get stuck with the quote unquote how it

will occur in their lives. If they don't know how that could ever possibly

manifest itself in their lives, then they believe that it's not possible. When I

tell my coaching clients to dream big when deciding what they want, countless

times they respond with "but I have to be realistic." I always respond with why be

unrealistic, dream big. Don't worry about exactly how what you want will develop

in your life. Once you begin emitting powerful positive energy at

times the universe will respond. The only limits we have in our lives are the

limits we impose on ourselves. The how is unimportant. your job is to figure out

the what. One way of uncovering what you want in

life is to make a list of all the things you don't want.

After you create this list, go through each and every statement and turn it

into a positive statement of what you do want. For instance, if you say I don't

want to have trouble paying the bills each month. You can turn that around to

money comes easily and freely to me and bills are paid with ease. Doing this

exercise will force you to focus on the positive and also allows you to become

clear about what you do want. Once you discover what you truly want in

life, then you can put your energy and focus on these things. By simply focusing

on these positive things, you automatically generate positive thoughts

and positive energy. Here's a tip. Write or type out the list of what you do want.

Post it on your mirror, on your fridge, carry it around with you in your wallet.

This would be a constant reminder of what to focus on, where you are going, and

what will attract and manifest in your life. Nurture your mind with great

thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. Do you know that

you can choose what you are thinking and feeling at all times? At first this may

sound difficult to do, but by simply becoming aware of what you are thinking

and feeling, you can redirect negative thoughts and feelings and turn them into

positive thoughts and feelings. The best way to recognize a negative thought is

to become aware of how you're feeling. Anytime you're not feeling good, you are

thinking negative thoughts, whether you're conscious of it or not. And

therefore emitting negative energy. You're feeling barometer is what I like

to call it, will advise you on whether you are on track to attracting and

becoming all that you desire. We all have an inner saboteur. It is an inner voice

that is telling you that you cannot do something, be someone, or have something.

Recognize this as fear. It is normal to fear anytime you go outside your comfort

zone. Anytime you do anything new and different, there's always some sort of

inner voice, telling you that you can't do it, that you aren't good enough, or

that you fail. Just recognize that the inner voice

is you. The only person that is stopping you from living your greatest life is

you. Chase away your inner saboteur. By simply being aware, and recognizing when

your saboteur is taking over, you can then take charge and slam the door on

this unwelcome visitor. Become aware and conscious of what your saboteur often

tells you, so when it shows up unexpectedly at the doorstep of your

mind you will immediately recognize it. Do you know that we create the meaning

of everything we experience in life? We decide whether an experience is positive,

negative, or neutral. Many people believe that the meaning they give to their life

experiences is real. The truth is that we choose how we interpret whatever we

experience in life. Your interpretation of life events is based on your past

experience,s beliefs, and upbringing. Realize that your interpretation of the

situation is something you have made up. It is all a creation of your mind, you

actually have the power to choose what feelings you attach to each situation,

event, and experience. If you're not feeling good about something that has

happened, think and reflect what interpretation you've given to that

event. For instance, if you were just let go from your job and you were really

upset about it, ask yourself why am I feeling this way? Your answer may be I

can't believe my employer fired me, I worked so hard for 10 years for them and

this is how they treat me. They don't appreciate me, they never appreciated me.

In this scenario, you have made losing your job mean that your employer doesn't

care about you and that you are not appreciated by them. Your interpretation

of the situation can come from many different realms. It could be that in the

past you were ignored by family members and we're told you would amount to

nothing. This could be the reason you interpret the situation in the specific

way. On the other hand, if you had a very loving caring family environment growing

up and we're always told how wonderful you are,

you could react to this situation differently. It may mean

nothing personal to you, and you may say oh well, what can you do? These things happen.

Now I can look for my next even-better job opportunity. These are two different

interpretations attached to the same situation. Since we are the Masters of

interpreting all of our experiences, why not choose to interpret every single

experience as positive? Since we are going to make up a meaning around the

situation anyway, it may as well be some interpretation that makes us feel good.

the easiest way to do this is to separate the facts of this situation

from your interpretation of the situation. the facts in the previous

example are: you worked for a company for 10 years, you were let go from the

position at this company. Those are the facts, that's it. Everything else is your

interpretation. When you are conscious of this, you can choose your own positive

meaning to attach to that event. You know you can even choose to make it mean

nothing at all. To just let it go and move on. It's important to recognize the

difference between the facts of what happened and your interpretation of what

happened. The sooner you are able to do that, the

sooner you can begin consciously choosing interpretations that are

positive in nature. These positive choices will keep you in a positive

energy field no matter what the circumstances. In order to truly allow

and receive all that you desire into your life, you must remove all doubt and

believe it is coming to you. Only then will it materialize and manifest itself

into your life.

For more infomation >> Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.


Menstrual Cycle Eating Plan - What YOU should eat on your period - Dr. Deepa Agarwal - Duration: 6:02.

Hello friends I'm Dr. Deepa Agarwal Consultant nutritionist

and today I'm going to speak to you about how diet is very important during

menstrual cycles especially in young girls now we all know that menstrual

cycle one cycle is for 28 days the cycle is divided into three phases basically

the first phase is called as the early follicular phase which is for the first

four days that is they wanted a for after the attainment or cycle day 5 -

days 15 is called as late follicular phase and from 16 to 28 days it is

called as the luteal phase now generally they are different hormones being

secreted at different phases which has an influence on the type of food that

you get cravings for now in the early follicular phase that is from day 1 to

day forth once you attain menstrual cycle which you didn't see that you'll

have a you know very good mood will be calm and composed less anxious and you

will have a good appetite without having any cravings for sweets and chocolates

and ice creams or fatty foods so what is recommended during this phase it is

generally recommended that you eat well eat a healthy well-balanced diet

emphasizing on all nutrients with good proteins good proteins means if you are

non-vegetarian you can have egg whites 2 egg whites per day if you are not a

non-vegetarian you can have milk and milk products like milk honey cheese you

can have little bit of butter you can have you know some China kind of items

which is made up of milk and if you want to take non-veg like chicken or fish you

can do that as well but do not fry them in half you have mostly in the grilled

form so that you get the best of all benefits without taking in too much of

oil in the body this is mostly in the early phase of you know the menstrual

cycle doing the middle phase that is the late poly clubface you start getting

some mood swings and you can - you know crave for certain food especially you

know try to eat food sometimes some girls

also have cravings for sugar sweets it is recommended that you try to control

as much as you can but then if you're not able to you can opt for some healthy

choices of sweets like you can have a peanut chikki because peanut chikki is a

very good source of iron as well as magnesium because of jaggery and phenol

in it you can have some you know some of the honey related options you can add

like honey to oil sheiks and half you can have a fresh fruit juice without

adding too much or sugar to it and to take care of junk that you crave for

like burgers and pizza rather than having an unhealthy burger which is made

up of refined flour that is maida and now deep-fried patty you can opt for a

bun which is made up of beet or multigrain and go for a table kind of a

patty or you about you know shallow made on a tawa and then put it into the

bucket and have all you have a pizza which is made up of a weak base rather

than having a no refined flour base with lot of you know salad options on it so

if you are able to modify the form in which you eat then definitely will be

able to overcome your cravings during this phase now the third phase

especially the neutral phase is a phase when there will be a lot of changes like

mood swings irritability lack of sleep and you know view you feel ready and

sheers throughout the space so it is generally recommended again do regular

physical activity like going for a walk everyday or you join some gym while you

go for some swimming classes some dance classes so that you are physically

active and your hormone specially Eastridge and progesterone and

testosterone which gets imbalance during these phases will be acting in a better

way and apart from that eat a healthy well-balanced diet emphasizing all the

timings the breakfast time the lunch time and the tea time well I mean the

dinner time as well are off for some healthy choices in between breakfast and

lunch lunch and dinner and bedtime apart from that also decrease your stress by

sleeping well 7 to 8 hours of good sleep and

going for some relaxation activities like doing some yoga or meditation okay

this kind of activities will also calm your body and make you feel comfortable

doing this face now you might be wondering what to eat especially during

this phase it is recommended that you eat good proteins again good proteins

coming from milk and milk products coming from eggs coming from

non-vegetarian sources some nuts you can have legumes like channa chole rajma you

can have soya tofu these all gives you good proteins you can you have to also

emphasize all good fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 during this phase so

if you are non-vegetarian you can have fish twice in a week and if not you can

go for flaxseed specially for vegetarians because we recommend you

take 2 TSP of flax seeds every day in the diet apart from that take off good

fiber diet again too much of fiber will need to bloating so do not go for very

high fiber diet fiber like emphasizing on 2 to 3 few options of fruits every

day total 3 servings of vegetables per day you know get adequate fiber in a

diet during this phase and drink a lot of fluids fluids which means lot of

water juices butter milk coconut water soups all these things comes under

fluids so you can have up to 2 liters per day and obviously a very healthy

well-balanced diet which will give you all the new trends during this phase

thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Menstrual Cycle Eating Plan - What YOU should eat on your period - Dr. Deepa Agarwal - Duration: 6:02.


Mantis Burn Racing Switch REVIEW: A modern day Micro Machines that's a steal at £15 - Duration: 4:40.

Mantis Burn Racing Switch REVIEW: A modern day Micro Machines that's a steal at £15 I used to love playing a game on the SEGA Megadrive console back in the early 90s called Micro Machines.

  It was a top-down racer with hard-to-control little mini cars fighting for dominance on tiny race tracks, like a school kid's bedroom table or a breakfast counter.   That's exactly what Mantis Burn Racing - reviewed on Nintendo Switch - reminded me of the minute I picked this corker of a little gem up for the first time.

  It's not perfect, and it's not Mario Kart, but we now have a second race game on the Switch worth taking a look at.   The visuals on this game are excellent, with each race track detailed beautifully in distinct colour palettes and with a real eye for the natural lighting effects that lift it above other Switch titles.   And the gameplay is addictively divine, as you battle to nitro burn and drift you little motor around each circuit trying to beat different types of challenge, other than the usual race-to-win.

  For the solo player there's the classic Career mode, and I like the fact the game maps out a path for you to progress which tests every aspect of your driving ability. So one minute it's a full-on race to beat the other five cars in your way and the next challenge will be a solo time trial.

Simply beat the time set to progress to the next stage, which may be a points collecting exercise.   It makes the whole thing feel more varied than I was expecting. All in you'll have to complete well over 100 races to get through the career mode, across five vastly different circuits.

And it's all fun stuff, as I found myself mid-conversation on a Saturday longing to get back to the Switch for 'one more race'. A testament to its un-put-down-ability.

  For those who like online play I struggled to get a connection at first, but it did work after a sustained attempt at finding others to play with. And it even offers cross-play with other versions of the game on other machines, like PC.   But the best multiplayer on this game is the split-screen local type.

  You and a buddy, end-to-end of the Switch unit, with a joycon controller in hand racing each other literally head-to-head.   There's something so simplistic and old school about it that it feels great and was a right laugh. That alone is worth the cheap cover price if you're a bit of a social butterfly and still want to show off your Switch to buddies on the go.

But I must take a moment to praise Mantis Burn Racing for its plethora of different cars and the ability to customise them more deeply than, again, I was expecting. You can tweak engines, tyres, even suspension, as well as the look of your car across three weight types. You see, on the surface this seems like a bit of a throwaway, bargain-bin type of B-list game.

One cheaply made to fund a bigger triple-A title. But the developers have clearly bucked the trend and money available to them here and made a little corker.

Like I said, it's not the best racer on the Switch. And it does get a bit samey after a while despite the hard work in offering more than just bog-standard racing. But overall, it's well worth a look for the budget price of £15.

THE VERDICT - THE GOOD • Cracking little race game • Full of fun and difficult to master • Surprisingly quite a lot to tinker with • Love the two-player split-screen local play at either end of the Switch THE BAD • Not Mario Kart • Feels a bit 'B-list' when it comes to amount of effort that went in.

For more infomation >> Mantis Burn Racing Switch REVIEW: A modern day Micro Machines that's a steal at £15 - Duration: 4:40.


Maybe You Don't Actually Need an App - Duration: 5:07.

Hey, this is the Daily Overpass, my name is Eric and I make apps!

Now today, I wanna talk about how maybe you don't actually need an app!

Ok, so a lot of times that I'm talking with prospective clients, so they call up and we

talk about their app idea or the things they wanna do for their company or for themselves,

I end up in this situation where I have to tell them that it's not an app what they need,

they probably need a website instead.

So an example would be, let's say a gardening company.

I've never done anything for a gardening company so I'm not under NDA on this - dude, I've

signed so many NDA's, sometimes I feel like I should be in the witness relocation program.

So let's say it's a gardening company, so they'll say "I have a gardening company and

I want people to go in there and see the different types of gardening we could do.

And they select it, and then they contact us and we come to their house and we do the



And I say "Well, how often will they need to do this?", and they say "well just once".

Then I'll say "actually you know what?

I think this probably should be a website rather than an app".

Which you would expect, right?

If it was you, you'd think it was something that they're only gonna use once, it doesn't

make sense for someone to download the application, use the app once, and then uninstall it later,

or leave it on their phone taking up space if it's only a one time thing they need to


But, you wouldn't believe the amount of disappointment I hear in people's voices when I tell them

that, I just don't get it!

They'll say "yeah but you know, the thing is, a lot of people use mobile apps now and

apps are the future", I hear this all the time.

By the way, if anyone in the conversation between me and the client should be saying

apps are the future, it should be me!

I'm the person that's selling it!

But I'll say "you know what?

I get what you're saying here, but people won't be using it that often, it's a lot to

get them to download, you have to convince them to download the app, use it one time,

and then they keep it, but if they're not gonna use it again there's not really a use

for it, right?"

An app and a website are two completely different things.

My criteria, and I know everyone has different criteria, and PWA's - progressive web apps

- are blurring the lines here a lot, but for me if you're only gonna use it once or twice

then it's not worth installing as an application.

Like online shops - I've never installed an app for an online shop.

I've just never seen the purpose of it but I know there's a lot of them out there, I

know that a lot of clients contact us with that kind of stuff.

So eventually, so when I try to say it should be a website and not an app, and they say

"no, we really want it to be an app because apps are the future", and then I'll say "well,

we'll compromise, how about we do a web front end and an app companion, a companion app,

so you have both one single API, the logic will be in the API", and they'll say "yeeeeah,

if there's time we'll do the website too", and I think "fine.


It's really hard, especially when business is slow.

When business is slow and somebody calls up and you need the work and they tell you something

and you go "I don't think this is what you need", or whatever, it makes things really


So, the lines between apps and websites are, for a lot of people, are blurred.

You guys are developers so you know the difference, you know that an app is an app.

An app does something, an app is not just a bit of marketing material.

A lot of people think, take your website and make it into an app.

I've never seen the purpose of that.

It's hard enough to get people to download your app when it's useful, let alone when

it's just a bit of marketing material.

A lot of times apple will reject that kind of stuff because it doesn't have any practical


So anyway, if you guys do client work, do you ever find this?

Do you find this with, you know, sometimes people call you up and they tell you about

their app and you're like hmmm, I think it should be a website!

I don't see a reason for this to be something on the app store but ultimately they decide.

I could be talked into it.

If it's something they really want, I'd rather we did it better than them taking it to somebody

else who takes all their money and says "no, that's a fantastic idea, we'll do it for you".

I'd rather we do it in a way that we have an API that can later on be converted, so

we have a web front and we're using something like angular, or a nice web-fronted framework

and we can just mix them all together.

For those of you guys who've done client work, do you have this kind of problem too?

I'd be really interested to know.

It just seems to happen so often to me, so anyway, let me say it again - thanks for subscribing

and liking the videos!

That's it for today, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Maybe You Don't Actually Need an App - Duration: 5:07.


Foundation Degree (FdA) - Music Production & Electronic Music Production at Leeds College of Music - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Foundation Degree (FdA) - Music Production & Electronic Music Production at Leeds College of Music - Duration: 5:12.


How Are You Starting Your Day? Show Us! #MyMorning - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> How Are You Starting Your Day? Show Us! #MyMorning - Duration: 1:11.


摧毀你健康的,是人人信以為真的這十大「好習慣」! - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 摧毀你健康的,是人人信以為真的這十大「好習慣」! - Duration: 9:34.


Kiss - Spotlight's Word of the Day - Duration: 1:18.

Hi, I'm Adam Navis bringing you Spotlight's Word of the Day.

Today's word is kiss.

This word comes from the program, "What Is a Kiss?".

The word kiss is a verb and a noun.

As a verb, it means: to touch someone with your mouth

to greet them or to show them love or sexual interest.

As a noun, it means: the act of kissing someone of something.

Here's kiss in a sentence from the program:

"When we kiss another person, we bring them close to us.."

In the comments below, try using the word kiss in your own sentence.

Be sure to subscribe to Spotlight on YouTube

to see more videos to help you practice your English.

And join us next time for another Spotlight Word of the Day.

For more infomation >> Kiss - Spotlight's Word of the Day - Duration: 1:18.


How to Raise Rabbits for Meat- Is Rabbit the New White Meat - Duration: 2:04.

Israel that the new white meat

there's a leaner more sustainable

and incredibly tasty protein pick at your nearby Whole Foods Market

fabulous you say has the option is not exactly delighting every healthy hipster who walks into

the mega Mitchell conglomerate as much as the store had hoped for perhaps

it's called rabbit or bunny if you're an animal rights activist or five years old

rabbit has been showing up on restaurant menus with more regularity over the past several years

thanks to its full flavor and versatility

it really does taste like a super savory chicken

in early 2014

whole foods offered half of its 382 U.S. Stores the option of selling rabbit

it's available in a limited number of stores

since then protests by animal rights activists

including people for the ethical treatment of animals and the house rabbit society have been staged at nearly 50 stores Nationwide of

a some accuse the chain of being bunny vouchers as whole foods considers this assertion

if indeed the story is spokespeople were unavailable for comment at press time

we invite you to consider the nutritional claims of rabbit compared to those of other popular meats as far as sustainability

raising rabbits takes less space and feed than raising chickens

pork or beef in fact

you can produce to 6 pounds of rabbit meat for the same amount of food and water it takes to produce 1 pound of beef

not to mention most credit farmers are small producers have any of whom don't use antibiotics or toxic pesticide

For more infomation >> How to Raise Rabbits for Meat- Is Rabbit the New White Meat - Duration: 2:04.


VENOM (2018) ENHANCED TRAILER 1 & 2 | REAL 4K - 60 FPS | BEST QUALITY ON YOUTUBE - Duration: 4:28.

Thank you for bringing us collectively to this moment.

It is a moment that so many have dreamed of claiming.

History starts today.

The guy you work for is an evil person.

I don't work for him. My firm works for him.

- Are you gonna behave yourself tomorrow? - I told you I want to do my job.

I'm a reporter.

I followed people that do not wanted to be followed.

What about the allegations?

That you recruit the most vulnerable for test that end up killing people.

- Your time to go. - You're finished, Mr. Brock. - Is that a threat?

You had to learn how to hide in plain sight.

I'm pretty good at it but you, you suck.

- Whoever you are... - I work at the Life Foundation..

..and I need your help.

We found something.

We call them Symbiote.

Carlton Drake believes that the union between human and Symbiote is the key to our evolution.

I'm feeling really sick.

Im hearing the voice.


You're not real.. You are just in my head-

I'm gonna need Mr. Drake's property back.

I've no-

Wh-why would we do that?

If you're going to stay, you will only hurt bad people.

The way I see it..

..we can do whatever we want.

Do we have a deal?

Are you willing to sacrifice..

..the one thing you hold most dear..

You should be extremely afraid..

What the hell are you?


..are Venom.

Everyone's got their thing.

Maybe it's a breakup.

A death.

An accident.

Whatever it is,

you used to be one thing

and now,

you're something else.

We all have our own problems.

Our own issues.

Our own...


For more infomation >> VENOM (2018) ENHANCED TRAILER 1 & 2 | REAL 4K - 60 FPS | BEST QUALITY ON YOUTUBE - Duration: 4:28.


10 Girls Clothes 2018 GIRLS DRESS in amazon shopping online Girls Clothes - Duration: 0:55.

10 Girls Clothes 2018 GIRLS DRESS in amazon shopping

For more infomation >> 10 Girls Clothes 2018 GIRLS DRESS in amazon shopping online Girls Clothes - Duration: 0:55.


MacBook 2017 REVIEW: At Apple's Price you may opt for MacBook Pro - but say bye to the Air - Duration: 8:34.

MacBook 2017 REVIEW: At Apple's Price you may opt for MacBook Pro - but say bye to the Air Apples stunning MacBook is a few years old but, despite its age, this laptop still looks like it's arrived from the future.

 The ultimate portable PC packs a powerful performance in a device that's not much thicker than a beer mat.  e svelte design makes it one of the most appealing MacBooks Apple has ever made. Now the super-slim computer has had a refresh with faster performance and improved design. StarTech has been putting it to the test.

It's no surprise that Apple hasn't tinkered too much with the design. When it first launched in 2015, the MacBook quickly became one of the most desirable laptops ever and it certainly hasn't lost an ounce of its charm.

Its sleek aluminium shell oozes class, and the lightweight design means you'll hardly notice when it's tucked inside your bag. Although there's no obvious changes to the way the new 2017 MacBook looks, Apple has upgraded the keyboard. These latest keys are a huge improvement over the original laptop with it feeling more precise and enjoyable to use.

You'll also find Apple's clever Force Touch trackpad which makes all of the Windows competition feel like they are stuck firmly in the past. With no moving parts, the high- tech surface sends a subtle haptic buzz through the trackpad, which feels almost indistinguishable from a traditional click. It means you can tap anywhere on the trackpad and get the same top-notch experience.

The new MacBook also keeps its 12-inch Retina Display which continues to offer pin-sharp viewing. Although things don't look hugely different from the outside there is one major difference tucked under the hood of the new laptop.

Powering this machine is the latest Kaby Lake processor, which really helps improve the whole MacBook experience. We had no problems editing video and photos, with the MacBook powering through tasks without any signs of a stutter. Battery life is also impressive with it lasting for about 10 hours without needing a refill. When things do run low, charging is performed via the one USB-C port you'll find on the side.

USB-C is fast becoming the preferred way to charge and transfer data but it's a shame Apple still hasn't managed to squeeze two ports into the latest laptop.

Apple MacBook 12           Brought to you by dailystar. Finally, we have to mention the price, and this is possibly where we have the biggest issue with the MacBook. There's no doubting that this is an incredible piece of kit, but it lands on your lap with a starting price of £1,249 – that's the same price as the entry-level but more powerful, MacBook Pro.   Weve always been a huge fan of the MacBook and this update improves the experience even further.

It is a stunning piece of technology but owning one does come at a high price and we can't help thinking that £1,249 is simply too steep. But if you want the ultimate portable PC you really won't find anything better.

Whats Everyone Else Saying? Tech Radar - To be honest, given its exorbitant price for what's on offer hardware-wise, we're a bit annoyed that we like the 2017 12-inch MacBook as much as we do. Simply put, the laptop is rather easily out-classed in terms of pricing by many rivals in terms of brass tacks components, from storage capacity to ports to screen sharpness.

However, the feel of using this laptop on a daily basis is where it manages to hold its ground in the competition. Apple's latest MacBook design has proven to be inimitable over the past couple years, delivering an experience that's both performant and lightweight in ways that most other laptops can't.

Simply working on something or browsing the web from the couch with our legs crossed feels better on this laptop than it does most others we've tested. Throwing this MacBook into a backpack – and perhaps even forgetting the charger – feels as if nothing is in there.

Yet, what comes out is a laptop that wakes up instantly and won't slow down short of gaming or intense graphical editing work. If you can get past a price tag that's high even for Mac fans, then prepare to enjoy what's surprisingly the best MacBook in years – Pro or otherwise.

  This isn't a perfect notebook, then, nor probably even a perfect MacBook. But this laptop is nonetheless ridiculously lovely to use. Yes, I'd like a webcam beyond 480p, and for the keyboard to be a bit quieter, but the unit feels solid, the screen is great, and the battery lasts for ages.

Last year, Stuff suggested perhaps trawling for refurbs, but that advice no longer holds up, given the improvements Apple's made to performance and usability. The real question is whether you should instead plump for a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. The latter has crossover with the MacBook, in terms of pricing, and for not too much additional outlay, you get more power and ports, but also more heft. It's a better bet if you need the extra clout and connectivity.

The MacBook Air's time is over, though. It looked the business when Steve Jobs pulled one out of an envelope in 2008, but is surely now only hanging around to have Mac laptops start at under a grand. Unless you really can't stretch to the MacBook's price tag, it's time to consign the MacBook Air to history.

Pocket Lint - The 2017 Apple MacBook is one gorgeous looking, capable and long-lasting laptop. The second-gen butterfly mechanism keyboard is a notable improvement over the previous generation too.

Its still a controversial laptop, however, given its single USB Type-C port (please Apple, at least double-down with two so theres a dedicated charging port), but if you can get over that then its slender build and small scale makes it a great on-the-go companion. The biggest issue is just how pricey the MacBook has become.

At £1,249 for the m3 processor model (or £1,549 for the Core i5), you could easily go down the Windows route and purchase a Microsoft Surface Book or Surface Laptop (either option for sub-£1,000), or boost the power and trim down the screen bezel with a Dell XPS 13 (for around £1,200).

That said, if youre an Apple head and used to MacOS then the latest MacBook is a very enticing proposition. When its time to lay our ageing Air to rest, this is the model that well be putting on our shopping list.

For more infomation >> MacBook 2017 REVIEW: At Apple's Price you may opt for MacBook Pro - but say bye to the Air - Duration: 8:34.


Rc Plane Crash Above Water! Do We Make It back to Shore? First Time Flying FPV Goes Wrong!! - Duration: 3:05.

hello everybody welcome to a new episode of How To DIY Rc to the 100-inch homemade

Rc plane FPV upgrade because this project episode number 5

where we did the FPV upgrade using a small IAO FPV camera within one cell battery

just keeping it 10-gram super light at the rear so we have a 3d view of a plane

just like in the game and to make it a really handy huh we have a new FPV

receiver 5.8 gigahertz receiver that connects to your telephone makes it

super simple package that you can carry in your pocket make it really easy to

carry around with you all the time and at the same time it also records the

video on your phone so Its a receiver and DVR in one

that's 15 bucks was a steel just a pure gem

and I put of course the links down below and of course this will be coming

an unboxing and review and how to connect it to your telephone and you can

also connect it to your laptop and PC but needs to be Android that's all I

want to say this is going to be 2 tests in one first fpv flight and the first time we're

going to use the Eachine rotg01 don't know how much range we have this all

going to be a test let's get on with it

coming up at the plane everything seems to still work even a motor work so I

don't know why I lost power and went down but it's all okay perfect for a

second time and second try but already proved it'll work

do it pretty good and it's pretty simple to carry around here's the telephone and

got your fpv receiver and you're on the pocket and you're all ready to go the

for takeoff Flying FPV just a simple package that you can carry with

you I'm you're liking it they FPV could go go

go of course better than simple having them dipole antenna sticking up the

correct way was just laying on the ground

I'm just trying it out hopefully we have better luck next time I hope you liked

this video and give the thumbs up and I hope you subscribe for the next episode

where we going to really try it out with a long flight fpv it's gonna be pretty

nice and pretty awesome with a lot better camera this is just try out I'm

pretty good test for the first test I'm pretty liking it and I'm gonna say

goodbye until next time

For more infomation >> Rc Plane Crash Above Water! Do We Make It back to Shore? First Time Flying FPV Goes Wrong!! - Duration: 3:05.


Crypto Lingo: Top 10 Crypto Slangs You Need To Know 🤑🤑 - Duration: 2:35.

What's up CryptoPeeps It's your girl Ysa, here to deliver your daily dose of Bitcoin talk!

Do you ever find yourself lost in conversation when two people are talking about bitcoins?

They toss around so many terms that sometimes it feels like they're speaking another language!

Today I'll give you the Top 10 Crypto Slangs You Need to Know

so the next time you hear your friends talking you can join in on the conversation!

1. Sats

Sats is short for "Satoshis" which was derived from Bitcoin's mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi is actually the smallest amount of bitcoin that can be sent.


This one is actually my favorite.

The term first appeared when someone accidentally posted "hodl" instead of "hold" in a bitcoin forum.

People thought it to be an acronym for "Hold On For Dear Life" and now it has actually become a meme of sorts.

People have even started using an altered version of the term saying how they are called "HODLERS".

3. Whales

Whales are the individuals who own a LOT of bitcoins.

If a "whale" sells a lot of their stake, it can actually cause the price of a cryptocurrency to dip.


FOMO is actually an abbreviation of "Fear Of Missing Out".

People often associate this to people who just get into bitcoin for the fear of missing out on something great.

5. Pump and Dump

This is when a group of people all decide to buy a certain coin

and therefore create a sudden demand in the market, hence "pump"

and then they decide to sell all of it at once, hence "dump".

6. Bagholder

This is a person that has HODL-ed for too long and is left with no gains.

7. Shill

Shilling is normally done by scammers so people will buy their coin.

8. Sh*tcoin

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

It's basically a coin that nobody one sees the potential in, and therefore, it's a sh*tcoin.

9. Faucet

Faucets are websites that reward you with bitcoins for completing a certain task.

10. BTFD

Buy the F****ing dip!

So what was your favorite crypto lingo?

Let us know in the comment section down below.

And also, if you like this video, please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe.

Once more, this is Ysa from We The Cryptos, and I'll see you guys next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> Crypto Lingo: Top 10 Crypto Slangs You Need To Know 🤑🤑 - Duration: 2:35.


That Nerdy Catholic is Back - Duration: 7:19.

well it's been four weeks since the end of #vLent it's been a good break but it's

time to get back to the channel thank y'all for sticking with me. I can't

believe I just said y'all. I'm not even in the South. I want to thank you for

sticking with me so let's look at the future, what's in store for That Nerdy Catholic

coming up. if you hear a little bit of wind today I'm sorry I didn't put

the little mousey windscreen guy on my microphone I'm looking forward to doing

some experiments on this channel, both in content and in style so I'll

probably do some more experiments like this walking around vlog maybe some

dramas who knows but you know the sky's the limit the main thing I want this

channel to be about that's what I've always wanted to be about finding common

ground between Catholics and Protestants and so my desire is to help some people

see that Catholics or Christians really that's that sums up what I want to do on

my channel. I want my fellow Protestant brothers and sisters to realize the Catholics are

Christians. I think we all need to take part in this discussion about what it

means to be a Christian what it means to be a follower of Christ and even what it

means to be a Catholic and what it means to be a Protestant. What it means to be an

evangelical what it means to be Orthodox the church has never been static the

church has grown I've heard this analogy a lot that the church started off in the

time of Christ as an acorn and now it's an oak tree it was always an oak but now

it is is bigger it's more complicated and no matter how big and how

complicated the church is God is always going to be bigger still one thing that

I want to say again is that I want this to be a conversation I would love to hear

your thoughts in the comments below about what you think unity means about

what you think ecumenism means what it could be what it should be and so how is

this channel going to look going forward I'm not going to be able to keep up the

schedule that I did during #vLent of having a new video every Monday through

Saturday and so I'm going to be dialing back a bit

sorry I just heard a engine in the sky and I wanted to see the airplane fly so

what's the schedule moving forward every Monday morning I'm going to be putting

up a new vlog every Wednesday at noon Eastern Standard Time

I'll be doing a live stream probably about 30 minutes maybe a little bit

longer in these live streams I'll focus on the topic of the vlog of that week

but you can come on ask any questions that you want I'll try

and have a good conversation with each other and every Friday morning I'll be

putting up a video that has something to do with the coming home network the work

that we're doing the content that we're putting out maybe it will be something

about the short video that we put out that week the signposts or the insights

video one of the deepen history videos that we put up before but Friday morning

will be a coming home Network related video I really want to bridge the work

that I'm doing on my youtube channel on that nerdy Catholic with the coming home

network especially the coming Network YouTube channel I'm really excited about

the content that we're putting out at the coming Network and I'm looking

forward to talking more about the work behind this content as well as the

content itself new vlog every Monday morning live stream every Wednesday at

noon Eastern Standard Time and Friday morning some sort of a coming

home network related content video I'm gonna i'm gonna change my start walking

back and change my perspective again i'm going to start walking back and change

my perspective again i'm going to start walking back and change my perspective


it's really neat-looking Methodist church here really cool old brick

building some neat stained-glass windows that was built in 1820 one more thing I

am planning on putting up a patreon campaign at some point in the next month

or two I've been thinking about rewards and incentives. Some fun things to

do with content just for Patreon supporters if you have any ideas any

thoughts you would love to share I would love to hear them this is all new to me

I'm figuring this out as I go along and so I'm looking forward to having you as my

partners if you are you've never been to the Midwest you won't know that there's

so many trains that go through here

one of the reward levels is definitely going to be a private Facebook group

where you can come and you can help me think about the content and the direction

of this channel I don't want to do this all by myself

say it again I'll keep on saying it I'm not an expert but it's just a passion of

mine I want to share my faith I want to share my journey I want to hear about

your journeys as well I want to find the common ground between Catholics and

Protestants I've lived in both worlds and I want to see those worlds come

closer together and so I invite you again on this adventure this adventure

of unity this advent... this adventure of ecumenism and let's think together

how can we find common ground so this is the first of my vlogs come back

Wednesday at noon for my first live stream and Friday morning for my first

coming home network video yeah let's see where we go I'm excited about this.

You can watched another video up here If you like what I'm doing on this channel hit

that subscribe button hit that like button if you liked this video and that

church-bell to get a notification when I put up a new video I'll see you at the

live stream on Wednesday god bless

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