Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017
Waching daily Apr 1 2017
hello friends, i am yashoda and welcome to my channel its all about experience
today i am going talk about hair mask which is for dandruff
because i can easily attack by dandruff
because of sweat as i work out, raining etc..
yes i use shampoo which if for dandruff but that kind of shampoo have lost of chemical
by that your can be rough or dull
so i also apply home made shampoo that so my hair does not loose shining, smooth and i get rid of dandruff
so lets start with home made hair mask
first i take 2 table spoon of yogurt according my hair length
in curd there is anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, which help to reduce dandruff from your scalp
second is lemon, i am using 1 lemon
in lemon also have same thing which is in yougurt
3rd is 1 table spoon of honey
by that my hair can smooth and moister
so now mix it all well
now i am going to apply in my hair
if have time then first wash your hair then apply it, by that it will effect more
i washed my hair in morning and in afternoon i am applying this
you can use hair brush or hand what you like
first apply in scalp then rest of hair
you can see how i am applying
you should apply hair mask at least once in a month for good hair
lightly massage it
leave it for 15 min or if you have time then for one hour
then rinse it with normal water and mild shampoo
apply this once in a week till dandruff not get rid of
subscribe and share for more videos
till that be happy, be fit and JAI HIND
For more infomation >> anti dandruff hair mask home made Hindi and English subtitle - Duration: 6:21.-------------------------------------------
WE ANIMATE! #8 part3 - Duration: 4:28.
WE ANIMATE! We animate, part 3
Good morning!...Or good evening...
Depending on the time you watch this.
Today you'll watch the third and last part of the shooting of our short.
Mistakes are on the schedule, problems too and we're happy for that!
Don't misunderstand him...He has lost it...
Not at all...
...I think so...
On the contrary; We make mistakes and we learn from them
in order to create better shorts afterwards.
Now, he has a point.
So, what will you watch today?
You'll watch some time lapse videos
with the shooting.
You'll also watch what problems we faced
and what kind of mistakes we made,
if we corrected them
and if we haven't, what we thought of in order in the future
to face them and to make better movies.
Let's go!
Here, we shoot the scene where mother bear appears in front of our friends.
The feet of the man are different when he sits down
and when he runs away.
We had problems, but we dealt with them in a good way.
In order not to break apart the scenery,
I shoot the scene after the next one
with all the company eating together.
I also shot the two friends running to the balloon
when chased by the bees.
Here is the first cut out part.
I preferred it for another scene too,
instead of plasticine, because it was easier.
It was when the balloon flew away from the forest this time.
How did we create the bees?
We took a transparent gelatin,
in a white paper we draw the bees,
we cut them and we glued them on the gelatin.
Then, we moved them like that
in order to show that they move.
As simple as that.
In some takes, camera should travel, as we say,
in order to shoot in parallel
But my camera couldn't do that,
so what I did was to turn it just.
In this case, a simple webcam
a cheap one, could do it much easier.
Just by moving it that way
little by little, doing this move,
and shooting a picture every time.
You see, you don't need expensive equipment to do something really good.
That's all for now! Next week we'll watch the short
and with Petros we'll discuss our problems and mistakes,
in order to correct them in our next shorts.
Until then, take care!
Người Mẹ Sẽ Vô Cùng Tiếc Nuối Nếu Không Ăn Loại Quả Này Lúc Mang Thai - Duration: 11:58.
French Music in French Cafe: Best of French Cafe Music (Modern French Cafe Music Coffee Time Jazz) - Duration: 3:29:18.
For you and your enjoyment: French Music in French Cafe: Best of French Cafe Music (Modern French Cafe Music Coffee Time Jazz)
06 Phrases MEN should not say to WOMEN – Advanced English lesson to speak English fluently - Duration: 10:35.
Week 14 • Omata's Angel Cards - Duration: 4:47.
Hello everybody, here I am again. Omata.
Welcome to our Angel card today.
Before I begin today to open my cards.
I get by the angels of heaven. I give you the roses.
Roses for love, strength and positivity. We send our love to the world.
People have a lot of problems in the world.
We celebrate with just my husband and myself.
Our cameraman and our director of television.
We send our love to all of you today.
I get a little pain in my heart. A little tears.
That's life this week. Love is all.
I'm going to shuffle the cards.
Health. Think of your health.
Eat well, exercise is also good. But not too much.
Exercise is good but not too aggressive. Two or three times a week is quite good.
A lot of people in this world are so sick.
You have to watch what you eat.
Less sugar and less salt and less fat.
Lots of vegetables and fish.
Meat is very good for people.
Meat gives you stability on earth. Meat extracts the negativity out of your belly away.
Some people do not eat meat. I have respect for that.
Health. Health is when you feel lonely.
Health in yourself is love.
Number two. Forgiveness.
Now is the time to forgive everyone.
Forgive yourself, your parents, your sisters. Forgive everyone.
Forgive the neighbors.
Because the neighbors all have done with you. Or what you have done friends.
This week is a week of love. Forgive yourself.
If you forgive anyone than your world is on the right track.
What you do in your business life. Everything is going well.
People who do not have much money.
When you forgive yourself, forgive everyone.
I believe in these cards.
Number three.
Thank you.
The large angels in heaven. What you believe in heaven.
Heaven watching over you.
If you'd like to do something. If you have little money.
Or are bankrupt. Ask heaven to help you.
If you ask the big angels.
Or your parents to help you. And they help you.
The sky watches over you. This is a week for love.
Number four.
This guardian angel has come to bring movement into your life.
Of love, strength and positivity and happiness.
That is the happiness of this week. What I have just said.
Take care of your health. Make sure everything is going well.
And learn to forgive.
And you see that your life then becomes quieter.
Remember, not looking in the past. It is here and now.
Now, enjoy live. Now, share everything together.
Dear friends, thank you for watching.
And see you next time. All day.
Power Off Button Machine Embroidery Design - Duration: 0:51.
Power Off Button Embroidery Design
Power Off Button Embroidery Design
Prince Musician Gender Embroidery Design - Duration: 0:49.
Prince Musician Symbol Embroidery Design
Prince Musician Symbol Embroidery Design
Power Off Button Embroidery Design - Duration: 1:00.
Power Off Button Embroidery Design
Power Off Button Embroidery Design
What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio vietsub - Duration: 17:47.
Interview with Sally Green Gamer - Duration: 8:48.
so our next guest is the queen of
YouTube because of her ability to
interact with other youtubers and her
fan she's quickly becoming the talk of
the town I really look up to what she
has accomplished and without further ado
I want to introduce Sally Green Gamer I
really glad you're here i'm Sally Green.
We know exactly who you are
Out side of gaming and spending time with your
family what's your favorite thing to do
outside of the house.
I really like to kill people and you can see
just how much i really like to kill People.
Ummm... Ok then.
Let's go to the question that everybody wants to know
what is your favorite color Sally "Green"?
Wow. I wasn't expecting that.
so we've spoken along on Twitter but
this is actually the first time we met
in person but what is your first
impression of me?
You look like a murderer to me.
That's not the first time I've heard that.
Cute Skin Though
Why Thanks... I guess
don't kill me
He Won't.
Oh, it's the Red Guy, it was this red guy (Laughing.)
Yeah, it's me, Redneck Gamer.
Not the Red Guy.
That's not even cool.
I really like to kill people and you can see I can't you (error noise)
(Error Noise)
(Error Noise) I'm really glad you're hear I"m Sally Green
I can't do this
You can't do what.
What's going on?
No, I want to finish this interview I gotta fix this computer i'll
never give up.
Ahh, I give up.
Daddy, I know where she lives.
Let's go.
Hey Guys, we're right out side of Sally Green Gamer's house. We just have to go in a see her.
I can't wait.
Hey Sally, how are you doing?
It nice to meet you.
Side hug.
You know who we are right?
You're totally G-rated family gaming.
You're G-Dad and you're G-Kid right?
Yeah, That's right.
(I can't believe she doesn't know who we)
(are I'm gonna ask her some impossible)
(questions and make her look dumb)
How far away is the earth from the sun?
Ooh, that's a tough one. I think it's 92.96 million miles away
Have you ever been recognized in public before?
I have, I have, actually some fan met us up at the Skating Rink.
Oh, That's Awesome.
It 'was really cool.
They happened to live in the area.
I posted on Instagram we were going to be at the Skating Rink.
And 2 of them showed up and said, "Hey, we saw you on Instagram that you were going to be at the skating rink."
I was like , "Oh great".
What is the speed of light?
OH wow... Let me think. in its 186,282 Miles per hour.
Minecraft vs Roblox, what are your preferences?
Umm, Well....
If you're talking PvP, definitely Minecraft.
SG-Bridges, PvP Minecraft all the way.
If you're talking about Obbies.
Definitely Roblox.
Parkour in Minecraft is not my thing
It has to be Roblox Obby for sure.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
You know, I read that somewhere because I like to read a lot.
You should really read, all the time, and
I think that a Cornell publication said it was 700 lbs.
What is your favorite game Besides Minecraft and Roblox?
I love Lego Games.
I love Lego Star Wars, I'm a huge Star Wars fan.
I love Lego World, the Lego Franchise games are so much fun.
Aside from Roblox and Minecraft, that is probably my favorite.
I've heard it is customary in some cultures to give a gift the first time we meet you.
I had two but I lost one of them.
But I bought you this sock.
Oh, Thank you.
Did you bring anything for us?
Uh... No.
You may want to wash that BTW.
Ehhh. Ok
Kreek ate the other one.
That's right.
Thank you.
You're so welcome.
Thanks, I Appreciate... We'll just set that over here.
I'm just kidding, I know who you guys are, you're Redneck Gamer, and you're Cookiedooooh.
Any Youtube Advice you would like to give to smaller youtubers?
Play what you live, Be yourself.
Just do what you have fun doing
If you like something on Youtube and you want to emulate that, do the same thing.
If it entertains you, it's going to entertain somebody else.
Have fun while you're doing it and just be yourself.
And, your favorite Movie?
Star Wars, I could watch that a million times.
Then, when I was a kid, it was Never Ending Story. Did you ever see that movie?
It was an old movie in the 80's.
I Saw that but It wasn't that interesting.
When I was a kid it was awesome.
Kinda scary too. Especially with the horse, I remember that. I had bad dreams about the horse.
What did you do before you did Youtube?
Umm, I was a stay at home Mom. I was a full time Mom.
When John was a little guy
I haven't had a paying job in a couple of years.
But he was getting older, taking care of himself more.
And I had a little bit of free time.
I was like, I've always wanted to do Youtube. So I was like, I'll just do Youtube.
Just throw it out there and see what happens.
You should do that too Mommy.
Yeah, You should, we can do it together.
The community as far as your fans and Youtube Goes.
How important is that to you?
Because I see you doing a great job being a huge part of the community.
Being here with us. Streaming with Kreek Craft.
Your husband as well.
What made you want to be such a big part of the community and Youtube?
Well, if you don't have people watching your stuff. Then you're not really a Youtuber, Right?
So they're the most important part of everything I do.
The viewers, my fans, what ever you want to call them.
The people who enjoy the content that I make, So to give back to the, to be really in touch with them
it's important, especially being in roblox
like in the robot, it's just very
community-oriented not to use the work community again.
To talk to developers that actually make the game
That you make a video on.
That will help your channel or you enjoy palying
being a part of all that is really
important, so I find it really important
to give back to my viewers too
Great answer.
It's really important.
Is there a Youtuber that inspired you to get started?
Yeah, I used to watch.
IhasCupQuake a long time ago.
When she was a small youtuber when she first got started.
And she was just playing Minecraft, and I was like, If she can do it I can do it.
She was one of the first ones that I really watched.
And I kind of related to her, in her early days.
I would say she is one of my first influences.
That is Awesome.
That is all I really have
Thank you so much, you are such an amazing person.
And I really appreciate you coming and
visiting us and letting us do this so last minute.
She is awesome, everybody checked out Sally
Green Gamer she is absolutely amazing
all right bye
Waching daily Apr 1 2017
Hi, welcome to Electrical Projects channel,
in today's video I'll show you how to make very simple water level alarm using just a few components,
But First, let me show you how this alarm works, And then I'll show you how to build it.
As you can see, Sensor of this device doesn't have any moving parts, and therefore this device will be very reliable.
Now I'll show you how to build this device.
Here is the schematic, and let's start soldering.
First I am going to solder 1 Mega Ohm resistor between gate and source.
Now, when it is done, let's solder the negative wire to the source,
and after that, let's solder minus pin of the buzzer to the drain pin of the MOSFET transistor.
And when it's done, let's solder the positive wire to the plus of the buzzer, and this device is almost ready,
now we need to solder two wires that will go to a water sensor.
First wire we need to solder to the gate of the MOSFET transistor and second to the positive wire.
Now this device is ready and we can connect it to a power source,
I am going to use 12 Volt battery for powering this device.
Now when you touch the wires this device makes noise.
Also, this device will make noise if you put the wires into the water.
And if you want you can solder two electrodes to the wires, and call it "the water sensor"
And now let's see the final test.
And That is all for today, like this video if it was interesting,
And If you want to see more projects then Subscribe to my channel.
and Thanks for Watching!
For more infomation >> DIY Water Level Alarm Using a Transistor | Simple Circuit | How to make - Step by Step - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
Naked by Gary Drury Unabridged Audio Book - Duration: 4:27:32.
How to Make a Duct Tape Messenger Bag - Part 4 - Sophie's World - Duration: 7:21.
Hi, I'm Sophie and welcome to my world
today we're going to finish up our
messenger bag this is step four of finishing
up our incredibly cute messenger bag
last time we made the flap and we added
the strap now all we're going to do is
embellished now basically what I'm
teaching you today is just embellishing
the edges and that's going to add a
little extra strength and it's also
going to make it look pretty for the
project you will meet the messenger bag
embellishment pape a work surface
scissors ruler exacto knife now you
should also know if you really want to
go to town and embellish your messenger
bag that you could use duct tape
stickers and if you haven't seen my duct
tape sticker tutorial just check it out
there's a link down below what we're
going to be doing for our edging is
we're just going to be using a different
color of tape an embellishment tape
this is a fun pattern this is one of
those patterns i have to tell you the
Dollar Tree has incredible pattern tapes
now the problem with them is that they
don't stay in style very long they are
like literally in and out so now what
I'm doing here I should show you from
this way is i'm actually using my bag as
measuring so there we go
and i'm going to cut it right right
there and I'm gonna make a bunch of
these little strips here
the one thing i will say about the
dollar tree tape though is that their
tape is a little stickier and so it it
has a tendency to stick to these a
little bit more see how it sticks i'm going to cut
these strips into half inch strips and
what I really like about these mats is
that they have these little lines little
dots you can line it up so you can
measure without using a ruler but if
you don't have a ruler of course
if you don't have one of these use a ruler
okay I'm gonna pull
this little piece up here and what I'm
going to do is just come to my corner
right at the corner and I'm doing half
on half off so that I can take my pretty
and wrap it over the edge now it's going
to give it another little layer of tape
on that seam and that's important
just to give it some strength but it's
also going to make it look pretty
let's repeat on the other side again
just take it right to the edge there
take it on down the side you're half on
half off here and just fold that over
nice and neat if you get a little teeny bit
of extra sometimes that happens you can
just snip off with your scissors it's why it's
always good to have a pair of scissors
flip it over
half on half off ok and the last one now
this is the time too that you might
want to come back and add a second piece
of purple here or you might want to just
put a strip of embellishment right
across the front here let me get that out of
the way what's kind of fun with this is if
you're going to do a nice big strip like
this all you have to do is lay it on
top ooh...don't pull it up lay it on
top of your fabric i'm going to lay it
right along the edge there
why did I pick it up because it was a
little crooked and I should've just left
it to tell you the truth but
then you just flip this over
super sticky today for some reason
flip it over and seal it on the back and if
you haven't given yourself quite enough
you can always come back and
put another piece over top
it's up to you how you embellish you
know I i have a tendency to be pretty
simple in my design but if I had my
sister Freda here i'm sure that she would
make the most amazing stripes and
patterns and whenever I've done workshops
with kids they do the most amazing stuff
so i am just going to show you the
basics here but you should feel free to
go to town like i said if you wanted
to make your initials on here you could
use the duct tape sticker tutorial to
put your name on here initials on here
you might want to put a stripe on your
strap if you are going to put a stripe
on your strap i would suggest doing it
before you attach it to the bag just
because it's going to be easier
you might want to go to town and put
jewels, rhinestones, buttons whatever you
want on this but the main thing about
your bag is that it is set and ready and
the only other thing I wanted to show
you that I like to take my corners and
just trim them just a little bit just
to round them just a little bit but
they're not quite the sharp but there
you have it a messenger bag and this is
perfect this is a perfect size for my ipad
which has become like my third limb I
have to have my iPad with me all the
time now so perfect for my ipad perfect
for all the other little things that I
need to carry around now remember you
can make all the different sizes there's
a tiny little one for your iphone
there's a medium-sized one there is a
next medium-sized one which is a little
bit bigger and then of course don't
forget if you haven't seen it
the giant's mongo bag and again all these
sizes are done in exactly the same way
the only thing that you need to do is
use bigger or smaller fabrics and all of
those sizes are on my website for more great
ideas check us out and you too can be toting
around your messenger bag
Khmer Song new year 2017 ▶ រាំដាច់ចង្កេះ - ពេជ្រ សោភា | Khmer song hang meas 2017 - Duration: 40:41.
khmer song new year 2017
hang meas new song
Even H1 Headphones Review: Sound Tailored to Your Ears - Duration: 2:50.
Headphones come in a wide variety of
styles from the high end to the super
cheap to the midrange.
All manner of sound can be coaxed
from these cans with the general rule
being the more you spend the better they
get. But not all ears are created equal
and Even Headphones seek to redefine
sound quality with patent-pending
ear prints. I'm Adam Doud with Pocketnow
so let's take these headphones for a
spin! You may be aware that not all ears
are created equal. This ear is different
from that ear and that's different from
this ear and that's different from... well
you get it. But what you may not
realize is that this ear is also
different from this ear. Sure they grew
up together but over time your ears have
started to hear sound differently, and
that's what Even is here to solve.
Even uses a patent-pending process which
plays eight different sounds in each
ear at different frequencies to get
your "ear print". Your response to various
frequencies plus a little mix of
proprietary technology combine to give
you a full, balanced and even sound in
both ears... Wait... even... okay that makes
sense now. This ear print is
designed to give you the best sounding
music you've heard in both ears. That's
Even's key selling point here and we can
confirm these headphones sound great!
Whether listening to a podcast, jamming
on some MetalliGaga or some rockin'
Lindsey Stirling violin these headphones
will cover the whole spectrum of sound
from dubstep bass to wailing Kirk
Hammett. And what's more it gives you the
same sound experience in both ears that
we're missing when we use other
headphones. The headphones themselves are
solidly built with padded metal headband
and walnut ear cuffs. There is no
Active Noise Cancellation and the
isolation of the headphones is not the
best - you're going to want to pause your
podcast while a train passes. The inline
remote is plastic and a bit cheap
feeling and the Even button is easily
bumped between your stomach and a table.
Another interesting choice is that the
volume buttons are independent from the
system volume. Meaning if you turn
your headphones all the way up and your
phone all the way down or vice versa
you won't get sound. All the same great
balanced sound is just a set of
headphones away. It's logical that our
heavy metal damaged ears might not both hear
the same way and Even's sound quality is
quite eye-opening in that regard. You'll
really notice it when using other
cans. The other peripheral issues might
bother you or might not depending on your
taste but as for developing great
balanced sound, Even's mission here is
accomplished. Thanks for checking out our
video review of the Even Headphones!
Don't forget to give us a little love
with a thumbs up and share your thoughts
in the comments. We have new videos every
day so don't forget to subscribe! Once
again I'm Adam Doud, @deadtechnology on
Twitter, reminding you that even you can
have well balanced sound.
[Review] Các sản phẩm Nhật giúp da căng mịn - Supper beautyful skin by Japanese cosmetic - Duration: 5:16.
Welcome to my channel
2 weeks ago, I bought some cosmetic, and it good on my skin.So now I am going to share to you guys
These cosmetic are Shuumura tonner, Muji body lotion, Shiseido foundation, base, powder foundation
First Toner Shuumura
This toner inclues lotion, so it really good to make your skin more moisture and smooth
It's good effect for stress-skin, or dry skin
I've used half bottom, and I feel my skin more healthy and smooth, so let's try if you need this kind of effect
Second is Muji body lotion for sensitive skin
This is the most that I really like to use for my body
Muji is so famous brand for Japanese and also for everyone who loves Japanese cosmetic
Muji made from 100% nature so it's really good on your skin
And specially this product for sensitive skin, so you won't worry about allergy
After I use for more than 2 weeks, I saw my skin getting white, and supper smooth
And next is transparent base
It's only 20g but I can use for more than 2 months
Because every time I use this base, I just put only a bit but it can cover on of my skin face
This base to provide moisture and make your skin be homogeneous color
And it's also have SPF 18PA++
I have some Japanese girlfriend who used and recommend to me
This base make your skin more bright, and look beautiful nature.
So let's try if you also like it
And next is Interate Foundation (Shiseido company)
This product really good price but also good effect for your skin
This product is small brand of Shiseido company so you can trust the quality
It can cover really well, after you use base and put this foundation, I am sure that you will be suprsise
This one have already 3rd one that I bought
It also have SPF 16 PA++
It makes your skin really smooth and stretch
And last is Ettusais Powder Foundation that I always use for every make up video
This one also made by Shiseido company
This one can control oil on your skin that make your face always be clean and pretty
I always use this one is the last step of my making up
This product confident about control oil for your skin all day, all time
I really love this powder foundation
And this powder-puff is big that can cover your skin more fast and more easy
That are all of cosmetic what I want to share and hope it's useful for you guys
Please put LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you love my video. See you on Tuesday <3 Thank you!
유튜브에 퍼진 미친 유행들 - Duration: 2:14.
The internet sparked endless crazes that run the whole gamut of awful from "really stupid" to "probably deadly."
Here we round up worst internet fads of all-time...
3. The Kylie Jenner Challenge
Artificially puffing up your lips using dubious methods turns out to be very bad for your lips and looks in general.
The luckiest got away with having horrendous big, swollen, painful lips that made them look like monsters for a short period of time.
The unluckiest had blood vessels explode, their lips tear open, blood spray out, and an avoidable trip to the plastic surgeon.
Ironically, opting to go straight for surgery would've allowed them to get Kylie Jenner-lips with half the pain, half the cost, and only 90 percent of the self-loathing involved.
2. The Harlem Shake
In 2012, Gangnam Style became the biggest thing in the history of the internet.
Psy's silly dance caught on to such a degree that the official video racked up 2.6 billion views on YouTube.
Fast forward a year, and the world was looking for the 'next Gangnam Style'. Only there was nothing out there.
So a bunch of PR guys got together and decided to cynically manufacture a viral hit that would make them rich.
1. The Duct Tape Challenge
Man. In our day, tying someone up with duct tape and daring them to escape used to be called 'kidnapping'. Now apparently it's a 'challenge'.
Semantics aside, the duct tape challenge blew up in early 2016 on YouTube. To play, you just get your friends to wind as much duct tape around you as possible.
Then you try to escape. Simple, right? Sure.
Unless things happen to go badly wrong, leaving you with horrific brain injuries.
Paul Ryan Comments On Trump's Recent Tweet - Duration: 0:49.
Overcoming Pornography - Duration: 19:40.
There are many challenges in life that we go through to inherit the kingdom of God.
One challenge is most on the minds and is a struggle in day to day life.
I have personally dealt with this challenge and for many years it has defeated me.
It is pornography.
Pornography can come in many forms.
It is also possible for it to be defeated.
When you are facing this challenge, you should never have to face it alone.
This goes along with any major challenge in life; this cannot be beat on your own.
In this sermon, I will show you how pornography is defined and how to defeat it from a
Biblical standpoint.
The Bible clearly states that it is against pornography.
Another word for pornography is Adultery.
It is in one of the 10 Commandments.
It says in Exodus chapter 20:14 "Do not commit adultery".
This is very bold and to the point.
In Proverbs 6:32 it says "A man who commits adultery has no sense;" and, "whoever
that is destroys himself".
This commandment applies to women too.
In Ezekiel 16:38 it says "I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit
adultery and who shed blood; I will bring on you the blood vengeance of my wrath and
jealous anger".
In Mathew the Bible repeats itself again.
Usually if the Bible constantly repeats itself over and over again with the same thing, it
is quite important.
Adultery is mentioned several times in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
There are examples in the Bible where there have been people who have given into
the temptation of pornography.
David is the most popular story in the Bible.
He gave into pornography when he saw and later met Bathsheba in 2 Samuel, 11.
This is a story that he should have been in the front lines and off to war.
Sometimes when we give into sin we are doing something that we should not be doing.
I am sure for some of you this is where pornography started; when you are bored and you are looking
for something to pass the time.
Pornography can have many sources.
Boredom was the source for King David.
Eventually he overcame this problem but it did of course have its consequences.
He overcame his trouble when he accepted help from the prophet Nathan.
Samson was another person that gave into pornography.
He did this in Judges Chapter 14 and again in Chapter 16.
He gave into it by stimulation and constantly wanting to try things that are not from God.
Samson often enjoyed it when he gave into the temptation at first.
Samson was supposed to keep a strict discipline and diet to be blessed with his great strength
to defeat the Philistines.
They were people that were against Israel and what it stood for.
Pornography entered Samson because he wanted to try to things that he was not allowed to.
There are many people that have tried things they know is not right.
There are other examples in Judges 14 but I am focusing on pornography.
Eventually, the pornography cost Samson his life because he never submitted that he had
a problem until it was too late to.
He wound up isolating himself and trying to hide his problem instead of
seeking help to overcome it.
There were many instances where Samson could have gone to seek help.
He would have received the help he needed but did not.
Pornography can be a powerful addiction that can consume many people.
It has the power to destroy marriages and many other relationships in that matter.
There is also a multi-billion dollar industry built on this very concept.
In order to have the tools to combat this area of life, first you need to be able to
detect what pornography is.
Most people have a line of what pornography is and what it is not.
I would be included in these people.
The Bible does define it quite well in Mathew 5:28 by when it says "But I tell you that
anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart."
When you are going through a struggle like this; it is important when a thought of looking
at a woman lustfully enters your mind, bring it to God.
God has given you the power to take that thought captive so it does not go any further.
An example can come if you are watching television.
A thought can enter a mind that I would love to kiss that person.
It could also mean that you want to do sexual stuff to her.
People that are in this mindset
have their own thoughts
of what they might do to that person.
It is simple to see where pornography gets its roots from.
There are many people thinking it is no big deal nothing bad can happen out of this.
I am not hurting anyone by committing this act and I get to see a little bit of pleasure
from the stimulation.
That is what this industry is based upon.
It says in the Bible where people went that far.
In 2 Peter 2:14 it says "With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they
seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood!"
It says here that people whom you truly cared about you will no longer do so.
Greed will take over you and you will be looking for the next time until you can do it again.
In Revelation 2:22 it says "So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make
those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways."
This Bible verse shows that
not only you are suffering
but the other people are suffering as well.
As you can see it is not just you suffering.
Now that it is clear what pornography is, we need to learn how to beat the addiction.
It is not easy to beat.
Coming from personal experience it is one of the hardest things spiritually that I had
to overcome.
I have struggled with it for over 15 years in my life.
One of the worst things you can try to do is defeat this epidemic on your own.
There are many people that try and beat this on their own because they are ashamed of the
person they have become because of their pornography addiction.
When you are trying to beat it on your own there will be times that you will be riding
high and times you will be riding low because you have given into the very thing
that you detest.
You do not have to be ashamed when you are addicted to it.
It will be easier for you when you ask for help.
When you are at your low point, God will be at his strong point.
Proof of this can be found in Romans 8:26 where it says "In the same way, the Spirit
helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through
wordless groans."
This is proof that God is there to help us through it.
The most important thing you can do is ask a friend for help.
This must be a person you trust and will not honor you any less because of it.
Proof of this can be found in Galatians 6:1 where it says "Brothers and sisters if someone
is caught in sin, he who is spiritual must restore him gently.
Be careful though or you might be caught in sin."
It shows that a person can come to a person who is spiritual to help combat the struggle.
In that verse it also gives warning to the person helping to be careful as well.
In life we are not meant to do anything alone.
God knew of this.
In Genesis Chapter 2:18 where it says
"The LORD God said, "It is not good for man to be alone.
I will make a suitable helper for him."
That is when God created Eve.
We are not meant to struggle with life alone.
We can trust God to provide us with a suitable helper to help us out with the pornography
struggles that we face.
When I brought the struggle to a friend, he gave me a concrete way to beat the addiction.
I have always had compassion for other people.
The friend showed me instead of looking at a woman from the outside, look deeper.
Look at them on the inside.
See how much you care for them.
Women, who want you to look at them just from the outside, either have their own issues
or they are not put there by choice.
After seeing this perspective, it was easy to defeat the addiction.
I know there were some struggles but when you are learning something new
there always will be.
Remember when you were learning to walk, there were times where you struggled at first but
it got easier.
In this case pornography got easier as long as I kept people who helped me
informed of everything.
The Bible goes against isolation as well.
In Proverbs 18:1 it says "An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends and against all
sound judgment starts quarrels."
Getting help, I was able to beat the pornography addiction.
There are many people who say I can just beat this on my own working exclusively with God.
With that there is no accountability.
When I have tried to beat this on my own strength I was extremely unsuccessful.
There was some times where I thought I had it beat, but the feeling was only temporary.
I fell back into the trap again.
It was not until I had someone show me how to beat it that I did.
If we look at our case studies from earlier David was not afraid to humble himself
and seek help from God to overcome the addiction he had.
He married the person he was addicted to.
David was able to put God first and realize his mistake.
He worked with the prophet Nathan to help him overcome the addiction that he had.
David was not afraid to hold himself accountable and that is why he was a great King in Israel.
Samson was a person that rejected the help from people who held him accountable.
He had some high points and he had some low points in his addiction.
He was on top of the world when he was defeating many armies.
When he was low the women were able to bind him by his lust.
Eventually the addiction became so much that he was delivered into his enemies.
God was attempting to humble Samson many times before the event.
In Judges 16, he was captured by his enemies.
In your life right now your enemy is Satan.
The enemy is those who stand up against what God has called you to do.
All you really need to do is humble yourself and ask for help.
Finally there is one other thing I have learned since beating the addiction.
God will reward you for overcoming the challenge.
For me God has given a wife.
One that is extremely devoted to me.
The reward God gave King David was a son named Solomon.
This goes with every challenge in life.
God will give you significant gifts, when you overcome challenges.
Pornography is no different.
Now that you have the knowledge I hope that you can beat this addiction.
If you feel for any reason people will scold you, they will not be considered a true friend.
Remember, that you are not alone in this addiction.
There other troubles that can be beat by following this step as well.
This applies to anyone.
And I would like to thank you for viewing my video.
(This entire video is super choppy, because, surprise, I ran out of storage on my phone at the VERY END, so I didn't get the entire performance of the OUTRO: WINGS, and I'm really mad at myself.)
(Other than that, please enjoy my footage of the performance :D. Thank you BTS for an amazing performance. It was worth standing outside for 9 hours in the wind and cold.)
The rainbow army bomb project was a success!!
Schools, homes, alleys, the sea
Shouting the day of youth
The dead end was an entrance to the maze
Stigma-like smeared blood, across the palm,
wrecking pain shaking up open wings
Tis a dream to soar
In search of a sea nowhere to be found
the boy walks
The boy with not one but seven hearts
(I couldn't decipher the next few ones, damn my camera auto focus)
up against a cliff
in a world of swaying seduction
what is he looking for with closed eyes?
When curtains are open to break the mirror
A path leading into fragments appears
Outside is inside, inside is outside
entangled worlds
A crossroad for all
Relentlessly merges into one
seven boys are on the road
seven, but One
seven boys with one heart
one boy with seven heart
one and Seven, a reflection of each other
How many roads must a boy walk before you call him a man?
roads are another name for the world
Night and day, crossroads and tunnels
The roads take endless forks
And always alone in the moment of decision
T'was alone in the corner (?) (lol oops)
And are the crimsons...youth still...
Tears are another way to smile
The boy smiles
(I can't read it ugh)
The boy walks on
(At this point, armies are in tears and emotional af)
how to make silk thread bangles at home, silk thread bangles making, indian silk thread bangles - Duration: 25:20.
how to make silk thread bangles at home
A beast named Eliza: The beast named Fray Sub español - Duration: 3:56.
Bad Baby Crying in Supermarket 5th - Ice Creams - Learn colors - Finger Family song Collection - Duration: 1:32.
Color Blue, Color Blue, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Color Red, Color Red, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Color Green, Color Green, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Color Yellow, Color Yellow, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Female Fitness Motivation - Call Of Booty 2017 - Duration: 2:52.
Female Fitness Motivation - Call Of Booty 2017
Waching daily Apr 1 2017
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Have a beautiful and lovely time listening to music from Kevin Kern.
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Boy battling life-threatening illness has donating bibles on bucket list - Duration: 2:02.
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Buy Weed Online Quality Smoke at Your Door-Step - Duration: 8:23.
how to buy weed online today I'm going
to talk about how easy it is to buy weed
online you don't need a credit card or a
paypal account all you need is to be
over 18 years old have a bank account
you can do an e transfer with and also
valid government ID so if you meet these
three you're well on your way to be able
to purchase cannabis online your next
step is to come over to our website the
links below and place an order I'll
explain the steps here to help guide you
through the process once you're at our
website click on the shop page at the
shop page you'll notice the different
products we have in stock if you click
into any of the products you can see we
have a description and we have reviews
and we also have pictures the pictures
that are taken with the purple light or
actual pictures of the product in the
flowering stage these are not pictures
off the internet when you find a product
is right for you either medically or
recreationally we can go through the
buying process so that come any grams
you'd like to buy now remember we have a
lower limit and an upper limit so your
mount needs to be between 13 grams
minimum and 28 grams maximum if you'd
like to receive your order with free
delivery your order needs to be over a
hundred and fifty dollars Canadian so
now that we know how to do this let's
actually make an order and see how easy
it actually is let's select 14 grams
then let's click on Add to Cart once we
do this we can see above the product a
green box that says how much we've
ordered the strain we've ordered and
view cart let's click on view cart if
you have a coupon code this is where you
apply the code then you would click on
apply code as we can see we did not
order a hundred and fifty dollars worth
of product so there is a $21 flat rate
shipping fee which brings our total to
133 dollars Canadian let's click on
proceed to checkout if you're returning
customers simply click here to login if
not you'll need to fill out the form to
proceed please fill out the form
properly it does not match your photo ID
will not ship the items until we can get
an address that's confirmed if you would
like to be part of our guaranteed
delivery you'll meet the sign for the
product when it comes to your door
please put in something like this in our
order notes so that we know that you're
willing to sign for your product once
your form is filled out and you have an
account password put end verify that
your information here is correct in the
e transfer area here if you're unsure on
how to send an e transfer right click
here and open in a new tab this way you
can proceed with your order and then
when it's time to do the e transfer you
still have that tab open in the next
step here you have to check i have read
and accept the terms and conditions if
you'd like to read those again right
click and left click into a new tab read
through the terms and conditions
then come back here check the box and
place the order on the order received
page you'll see your order details and
also the e transfer information you need
to complete the order so you need to
write down your order number which is
going to be different on your order you
need to copy this email because this is
the email you're going to be sending the
e transfer to make sure you get this
correct ok the next thing we need to
copy out the security question and the
security answer now it's imperative we
get these correct because if these
aren't correct on your end we will not
receive the funds somebody else may so
it's always best if you know how to copy
and paste is simply copy and paste this
information and paste into notepad for
when you're about to sender e-transfer
double-check this make sure this is all
correct for yourself and then click on
my account once here you can now look at
your order and also if you have not done
so upload your government picture ID let
me show you how to upload your
government picture ID click on orders
click on upload files click on choose
file and I tell people to put their
government picture ID either on the
desktop or in your picture or someplace
where it's easy for you to browse do-
right here and I'll click open once I
see that I have a picture here I can
click on upload once that upload button
is gone we can now see that we have a
picture posted to our profile
we only use this picture for
verification purposes only to make sure
the address is correct on your order
form we all make typos this is just
another way to make sure we get your
product to you the other reason is we do
not sell to minors we want to make sure
you are of age adding your picture is a
one-time thing so next order will be
even quicker now once your picture is
uploaded and you have sent us an e
transfer you can check the status of
your account click on orders you can see
in the picture your order is on hold
everyone's order is on hold until we
verify a picture has been updated and
the e transfer has been sent once we
verify this we will change the setting
to processing this usually takes 24
hours please be patient as we cannot
monitor this a 24-7 we view orders
during the data on 9am to 5pm monday to
sunday if all the information is there
we will process it as quickly as we can
we do not want you to wait any longer
than necessary all of our orders are
double sealed in odor protection it is
then filled in the canada post package
that blends with all other packages at
this point we can give you a tracking
number and if you selected in the order
notes to have guaranteed delivery you'll
have to sign for your order when it gets
your location this is how we can
guarantee delivery to your doorstep as
you can see it's very simple to order
weed online I hope you enjoyed watching
so subscribe and like us and don't
forget to get over to our site in place
an order
What is a Certified Cash Flow Specialist™ [CCS™] ? - Duration: 1:51.
As financial services professionals, we want to help you get more life from the money you
already have. That's why Cash Flow Planning is such an important skill set.
All Certified Cash Flow Specialists™ have completed an intensive year-long training
program in advanced cash flow planning.
We've put a lot of effort and resources into learning this proven process to maximize
the value we bring to your life.
We can look at your income, expenses, proximity to retirement—or other major goals, debts
and assets—in order to show you exactly how to get more life from the money you have,
while simultaneously building the future you want!
We've helped clients find tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars leaking out through
inefficient interest and spending on items that didn't even really matter to them.
CCS™ Professionals adhere to a professional code of conduct, and one of the top commitments
we've made is to only recommend a Cash Flow Plan when we see that the value of the plan
brings significant and quantifiable value to your life.
Unlike many other financial services designations, being a Cash Flow Specialist™ means that
we are required to comply with strict proficiency standards—including completing a cash flow
case study, and completing a minimum number of cash flow plans each year. In other words,
to keep our CCS designation, we must do Cash Flow Planning with our new and existing clients!
If you'd like to find out more about how we can help you get more life out of the money
you already have, give us a call, or visit our website today to schedule a free consult.
Immigration Lawyer in Dallas Fort Worth Best Free Consultation Advice - Duration: 5:57.
everyone um this is garrick farria from
the immigration lawyer in fort worth wants to thank you
guys again for jumping off with very low
grubaugh today's edition is going to be
really really quick I'm just wanted to
point out something that that you guys
may not it and realize about so in my
sports entertainment lawyer and my
corporate and business lawyer
sometimes our clients um you'll need
help with immigration as you can
imagine sports and entertainment agencies is
a global entity and business goes on all
over the world every day all day so I
get clients who are you know sometimes
foreign nationals want to come over here
and expanding business or set up
business obviously my work through
people the International Basketball
Federation and I plan to play basketball
all over the world and they're seeking
opportunities all over the globe so from
time to time of immigration news pop
up yesterday i published an article on
linkedin that highlighted some some
issues in and around immigration and
folks are wondering where that came from
so a part of my practice is actually
immigration news as well so i just wanted
to kind of highlight that and point that
out to folks a lot of folks don't
realize certain things about immigration
this is an area of law that has about
the courts necessarily I'm is really a
administrated law that's governed by the
Department of Homeland Security is the
US Customs and Immigration Service so
their immigration news all over the
country but they're technically not
courts of law as you would think of like
you see on law and order or what I'm
dressed up here to run into a court here
in a minute um so that's something that
that folks don't necessarily realize
about immigration law and I was asked in
one of the exchanges that are they did
in one of the comments section somebody
sarcastically was asking me what we'll
name and immigrant that I admire right
because that that uh that piece elicited
some as you can imagine some so feel is
a one way or the other and so I'm going
to take this opportunity to just to jump
on say that one of the emigrants um you
know clearly that then I will would
admire is an audible Marcus Mosiah car
garba to Jamaica world famous historical
figure for graphing American River for
black folks all over the world but he
came to this country as a Jamaican
immigrant with one idea in mind that was
to meet up with booker t washington the
the father of the Tuskegee Institute
with the goal of creating us Tuskegee
Institute in Jamaica really these are
our programs that were were designed to
give folks a chance to get some
technical skills coming up out of you
know enslavement it gives them a chance
to get financial and economic
independence through you know being able
to they make their own words that they
make their own houses that they inmate
selected and make their own breaks that
they used to build those houses gives
them the technical skills that would
allow them to kind of prosper and grow
and Garvey was fascinated by this he
came up from Jamaica with the idea of
bringing that idea back to Jamaica
spread throughout the Caribbean and once
he arrived in New York he realized that
he can make more of an impact being here
and trying to motivate of the rest of
the masters of our ancestors who around
at that time here also he had a million
folks in an organization he bill called
the Uni a an ACL the universal Negro
Improvement Association the African
Community League and while a lot of his
I guess um physical the physical things
that he left behind may be gone but the
spirit of the UNIA still exalt of the
Negro world was wounded two leading
journalistic journalistic mechanisms
around and readership in seven different
continents for example and a lot of his
ideas about Newton so he took Booker T
Washington's ideas and kind of made them
more comfortable for more of the masses
of our hopes he got our folks organized
under one banner one guy one day my
destiny and he had a million left folks
all over the world um inspired by this
idea and then other future folks but
later on we'll come up not using folks
the folks who came up after him were
inspired by him the list goes on and all
to start naming the names we had the top
but Garvey was one immigrant who had a
lasting impact on millions of people not
just in this country but it in folks all
over the world and so I say that's the
same that immigration is is a is a
all-encompassing kind of area to work in
it comes touches on a lot of people's
lives to hit spokes on a lot of
different levels again whether you're a
business owner that's trying to come to
this country had expand your business
whether you're remembers of a family
that are trying to get reconnected or in
my particular case whether you're a
professional athletes that are trying to
come here to play or professional
athletes who are American citizens who
are in other places trying to get dual
passports immigration is expansive of
its kind of complex and if you ever have
any immigration news i would suggest
that you not try to approach them on
your own but should reach out to an
attorney who's practiced in the field
who has some experience in the field and
who has your best interests at heart i
gotta jump off because i got to run the
court thank you guys for stepping in i
want to clear up any confusion as to why
i will be posting stuff on immigration
i'm going to reason being is because I'm
obviously a sports and entertainment
attorney I'm a sports agent in dallas fort worth also in our
practice we have a corporate and
business attorney clients and we do some
immigration lawyer in fort worth services as well thank you guys
for jumping on I don't have a lot of
time to take questions today I'll be
back on Monday better never right then
ready to rock and roll so you got to
take care have a good weekend top of the
awesome I
[ENG/THAI] Chanyeol Said "Cutie Kyungsoo, I love you" - Duration: 0:17.
Chanyeol: Gwiyeowo!
Chanyeol: Gwiyeowo!
Chanyeol: Kawaii!
Chanyeol: Cutie Kyungsoo, I love you!! ♡
PREGNANCY INFORMATION WEEK 9 II गर्भावस्था का 9वां हफ्ता और ढेरो खुशियाँ II - Duration: 3:55.
Hello & welcome back to celebrate life, celebrate pregnancy.
This is your friends Parinita Rohrra & I am going to talk about the 9th week development of your baby during pregnancy.
Up to 8th week we saw that the baby has started losing its embryonic tail & it can now be call a fetus
Which litter ally means a little a little one. The internal & external organs are continue to develop
With his wet feet & hands beginning to seperate
and making it easier for us to count all twenty of them
We also saw that the gonads had just begun to form
which would either be testicles or ovaries
And now let's see the development of the baby during the 9th week of pregnancy
Well this is your third month of pregnancy & the baby weights around the 3 gms
and it is just an inch long, The face is slowly firming
eyelids covers its eyes
and the interesting point to be noted you is that the eyelids will fuse together.
or will just get shut & will re-open only during the 27th week of pregnancy
the eyes are bigger & more obvious now & they have some color in them
Its ears are also beginning to take shape on the sides of his head.
There is mouth and the tongue with tiny taste buds
so, most of the physical features of the baby are in place
Such as the head, arms & the legs
it has hands that can flex at the wrist
and its able to fold them over its heart.
The head again is quite large in comparison
The major internal organs such as the heart, the brain, the lungs, the kidneys and the gut continue to develop.
and your baby's heart has also had divided into 4 separate chambers.
And it will be pumping rapidly which is quite normal
It might now have a strong heartbeat to be picked up by fetal doppler
Which is a hand help device.
that can monitor the heartbeat of the fetus.
This week most of the organs & the muscles of baby should be functioning on their own.
The baby's genitus must have been formed, but even the dr cannot tell
The sex of the baby right now
But anyways it is illegal to detect the sex of the baby
And we are not really thinking the sex of the baby right now,What is more important to be that the baby ought to be healthy
Irrespective of whether it is girl or a boy
Well that was all about the development of baby in 9th week
See you soon again to understand the development of the baby at 10 weeks
Given below is our email id, do send in your queries & feedback to us
Also do subscribe to our channel
So, keep watching celebrate life, celebrate pregnancy
Breath, chill & relax,. Thanks for watching
How To Make A Ton Of Money | Can I Make Money With The Affluence Network Compensation Plan - Duration: 4:28.
What is 4G Plus? | Bluesky - Duration: 1:02.
What is 4G Plus?
4G Plus is the latest technology
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Is there a fee for a Cash Flow Plan? - Duration: 1:15.
Cash Flow Plans are often worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and many Certified Cash
Flow Specialists™ charge a fee for this work.
At my firm, we only offer Cash Flow Plans to our exclusive clients. This way, we can
ensure that we work with you as a whole client.
While we do not charge a fee for these plans, we generally only take on clients we believe
would benefit from a Cash Flow Plan so that we can offer the best advice possible to improve
your net worth and the value of your income.
Even though we don't charge fees for Cash Flow Plans, we still adhere to a strict process
designed to get you maximum results and, therefore, we still must ensure that you'll get exponential
value from a Cash Flow Plan before recommending it to you.
To be clear, our Cash Flow Plans are not a free service—they are an included service
for those who choose to deal exclusively with us for their financial needs.
If you'd like to find out more about exponentially increasing the value of your income by getting
a Cash Flow Plan contact me…!
How do I prepare for a Cash Flow Planning appointment? - Duration: 1:48.
To prepare for your Cash Flow Planning appointment, you'll connect with our office to book a
FREE phone consult.
This phone call takes as little as 10-15 minutes and allows us to ensure that Cash Flow Planning
is likely to substantially benefit you.
If we don't feel confident the plan will be exponentially valuable to you, we won't
go any further and you've only used a very small amount of time to find that out.
Once we know an in-person consult makes sense for you, we require you to submit some information
in advance of your first meeting.
Time is the only resource that none of us can get more of—so we don't want you wasting
time watching us write down facts and figures.
During your first in-person appointment, we'll review what's really important to you—what
you want from your money—and then we'll be able to give you a sense of the actual
value a Cash Flow Plan will bring to your life.
We'll discuss the achievability of your goals, show you how much interest and how
many years could be saved by managing your debt structure differently, and how to put
those savings to work to get you the things you really want—faster!
when you know the effect a Cash Flow Plan could have on your life , then You'll receive
a letter of engagement so you may carefully review what we are all agreeing will make
the plan work.
We know that you are most likely to see the best results if you get started now.
You could be feeling the amazing effects of your cash flow plan in as little as 30 days.
Don't put it off, call us today or visit our website to schedule your FREE phone consult
and find out how much working with a Cash Flow Specialist could change your life!