Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 31 2017

Sniper Fury wonderfully captures the enigmatic mystique of this lethal long range art.

And in the next sixty seconds we will layout everything you need to know about it.

Sniper Fury places you on the field battle and demands you immediately start exhibiting

speed and accuracy to take down terrorist targets.

Unlike other modern military games you don't need twitch reactions.

Instead you need to take aim and calmly squeeze the trigger.

Each level places you in a detailed environment.

Scan the landscape, identify your target, and eliminate them.

Feel the tension grow with every second as you search for your foe.

Some missions feature multiple targets and come in a number of flavors.

You may have to thin out an enemy force, protect your troops, or destroy key enemy assets like


To accomplish this you will need to diversify and upgrade your firepower.

Powerful sniper rifles solve many scenarios, but other tasks may be better suited to an

assault rifle or even a rocket-launcher.

You can purchase these using gems and cash which can be purchased or earned in the single

player campaign, missions, and challenges.

Or, if you prefer challenging others online, you can try the multiplayer base-infiltration

and PvP modes.

Sniper Fury is a full clip of variety, all wrapped up with some high caliber presentation

- including graphic slow-mos.

It is the perfect dip-in-and-out game for shooter fans.

For more infomation >> Sniper Fury in One Minute - Duration: 1:07.


How to ollie with Tony Hawk - Duration: 4:11.

This is a story about how anything is possible.

How you can make your wildest dreams come true.

How you, a cowardly writer from Scranton, Pennsylvania,

can learn how to ollie on a real-life skateboard.

All it takes is patience, determination, and the most famous skateboarder of all time,

Tony Hawk.

To begin your ollie, pitch every editor you ever work with the story:

Eventually, after a few years of rejection, one will say yes.

Then ask Tony Hawk if he'll teach you how to ollie.

He'll say yes pretty much right away.

Next, get your editor to fly you out to Vista, California

where you'll get a skateboard, helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.

Feel yourself begin to transform.

After meeting Tony Hawk, break it to him that you've never skateboarded before

and that his task today is to teach you how to ollie in one hour.

TONY: "If you're going to learn how to ollie, I'm going to tighten these trucks a little bit, okay?"

KELLY: "Okay."

"Thank you."

"Do you think you'll be able to teach me?" you'll ask.

He'll say:

TONY: "Oh, no pressure. Yeah, I'm going to do that. That's what's going to happen."

But it'll feel much more like he is saying the opposite.

First, Tony Hawk will have you attempt to skate in a line.

TONY: "Here's how we start."

"You want to figure out what stance you are, and that means which foot is forward."

KELLY: "It feels like this one."

TONY: "Okay, you're goofy-footed like me. That's good."

KELLY: "Oh. Great. Just like Tony Hawk."

Then, Tony Hawk will have you attempt to do a kick turn.

For this, Tony Hawk will push you into the ramp as if you are a baby, and you will attempt

to maneuver your body and the board so that you might turn and keep on skating.

You won't be able to do it, even though it seems like it should be very simple,

and you will fall.

Eventually, you'll do it halfway, and you'll decide that that's good enough.

Tony will be disappointed.

Then you'll be ready to attempt an ollie.

TONY: "The concept, the physics behind an ollie is basically snapping the board"

"using your back foot so that you get it almost vertically in the air —"

"you know, not quite, but close —"

"and then your front foot slides forward right as it snaps, and that levels it out."

"And that brings it up to both feet."

You'll watch Tony Hawk do it, and it will hit you now more than ever

that what you've essentially signed up for is the opportunity to embarrass yourself

in front of Tony Hawk and, later, the entire internet.

TONY: "And that motion seems super easy — it's real subtle — but it's all in the timing."

Tony Hawk will tell you to stomp down on the tail and then lift your other foot up.

You will try this many times, held back only by fear, and eventually you will improve...

very slightly.

Tony Hawk will be incredibly encouraging throughout the experience.

TONY: "Oh, you're right there."


At some point, he'll claim that you've done a small ollie.

TONY: "Yes!"

"I'm not kidding. That was an ollie."

KELLY: "Really?"

TONY: "That's what I've been trying to get you to do the whole time."

Although you will not feel like you've done it,

you'll eventually decide to believe him because you're tired

and you can tell that this is probably the best you're going to be able to do.

Actually, can we look at that shot?

Like, in slow motion?

Oh my god!

I did it.

I did an ollie, and it was perfect.

And it was a 10 out of 10.

TONY: "10 out of 10 for effort, for sure."

Finally, Tony Hawk will ask you if you want to slide down the vert ramp on your butt.

The idea will scare you, but he'll hold onto your hands until you get past the vert part

at which point, he promises, it's essentially just a slide.

TONY: "We'll go 1-2-3-drop, okay?" KELLY: "Okay."

You'll feel like you're a child, specifically one of Tony Hawk's children,

and it will feel extremely good.

And that's it!

Now you're ready to ollie with Tony Hawk.

KELLY: "This is Tony Hawk. He just taught me how to ollie, and I was perfect at it."

TONY: "Yeah."


For more infomation >> How to ollie with Tony Hawk - Duration: 4:11.


Full day of eating | Indian Bodybuilding Diet - Duration: 6:09.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Fit Tuber.

This is a full day of eating video.

In this video I will share with you meal by meal what I eat everyday for muscle gains.

I promise, I will keep this video very real.

What I eat?

How I eat?

I will show exactly the same way.

Nothing fancy.

Also, I will try to keep this video very comprehensive.

Not only I will show you the preparation of each meal but also the minute details like

when and how much water I drink.

So here we go.

Good morning friends.

The first thing that I do after waking up is that I drink this, this jug of water.

This is probably th best time to drink water and you should drink a lot of it.

This kickstarts your metabolism and keeps you going.

So I will meet you at breakfast.

So friends, it's breakfast time and this is what I am going to have.

This is a well balanced oatmeal along with 5 boiled eggs.

These are 2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites.

This is very easy to make.

Let's checkout.

In the morning itself I boil all the eggs for the day.

Then I boil low fat milk and try to further remove as much fat as I can.

I save half of it to make curd and in the other half I add oats.

Once the oats are steamed I add almonds, flaxseeds, raisins, banana and give it a good mix.

Friends! this is my favourite breakfast.

I get late to office everyday because I get lost eating it.

Now, you must be thinking that oats and taste do not jell together.

But the trick is to customize it.

If you will customize oats, they will become tasty.

Alright friends, I will see you at lunch.

So friends, it's lunch time and this is what I am going to have.

It has brown rice, chickpeas, chicken...

Well, it's better we checkout the recipe.

For this I keep brown rice and chickpeas soaked overnight.

Then in a cooker I add this mixture along with water, salt, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon,

ginger garlic paste, chicken breast and let it cook on a low flame for about 20 minutes.

At last, I garnish it with onion, tomato, coriander and extra virgin olive oil.

So friends, as you saw, it's a well balanced meal.

And what makes it better that you can pack it and take it along to your workplace.

For vegetarian and vegan version of this recipe, you can checkout this video.

So friends, I will see you next with my pre workout meal.

Stay tuned.

Friends! it's time for pre workout meal and it is time for my homemade mass gainer shake.

Let's checkout the recipe first.

I blend spinach, oats, low fat curd, banana, peanuts, grapes and water together to make

a powerful mass gainer shake.

Friends! it has been two hours since I have taken that mass gainer shake and now it's

time to workout.

I will see you will my post workout meal.

So friends, I am done with my leg workout and this is what I am having as a post workout meal.

These are 10 egg whites and 6 dates.

No! don't look at me like that.

10 egg whites means 40 grams of protein which our body can easily absorb post workout.

Even if you are a beginner, just starting out, you can still have 6-8 egg whites post workout.

No, they do not cause any bodily heat.

Please get over that.

And then these 6 dates will help me replenish the glycogen which I have depleted while working out.

Moreover, these will help fight the bland taste of egg whites.

So, I love this meal and I have it almost everyday.

If you are a vegetarian, go for whey protein.

For more post workout meal options, you can checkout this video.

Alright friends, I will meet you with my next meal which is dinner.

Friends! this is my dinner.

This is by far, meal of the day for me.

Just look at this.

I just feel like as if I am in a restaurant.

This is so tasty and so easy to make.

Let's check it out.

First, I clip the ends of the sweet potatoes and put them over flame for boiling.

Then I pre heat the air fryer for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, I marinate the chicken breast.

By this time, the air fryer is pre heated so I put the chicken inside for 5 minutes.

While the chicken is getting grilled, I cut cucumbers and carrots.

Then I pull the chicken out and reverse it to grill the other side for 5 minutes.

Now, the chicken is ready.

Also the sweet potatoes have been boiled by this time.

Finally, I top it up with sauce which I make once a week and keep it in the refrigerator.

Yes, I am lazy.

I don't peel off the skin of sweet potatoes and cucumbers but I make sure that they are

thoroughly washed.

And as you can see, I am loving it.

Oh! you came.

I almost finished it.

Coming up is the last meal of the day, before bed meal.

It's time for before bed meal and I like to keep it very simple.

These are fresh paneer pieces along with a handful of almonds.

Generally, I boil the paneer pieces or roast them in airfryer.

Before bed we need slow digesting food so that our body gets nutrients throughout the night.

Almonds, which is a healthy source of fat are obviously slow digesting.

Moreover, paneer has casein protein which is also slow digesting.

So overall, it's a great option.

So friends, that's pretty much what I eat in a day.

Good night friends.

So friends, that's all for this video.

Please remember you need not follow this diet plan exactly the same way.

But I hope you got the idea.

Also I would suggest you to go through the description of this video as you will get

more information regarding each meal.

So friends I hope you found this video helpful.

Well, if you did, do give it thumbs up.

Also, please do remember to subscribe to my channel.

My name is Vivek, I thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Full day of eating | Indian Bodybuilding Diet - Duration: 6:09.


Крепкие предплечья | Мощный хват (всего три упражнения для прокачки) - Duration: 2:17.

Hello! In this video, I'll show you three exercises,

which will improve the strength of your grasp

And help win the armwrestling.

Two of them you can definitely do in a regular gym

And with the third exercise you may have problems

To be honest, I do not even know what the third exercise is called

But you will see it yourself

The first exercise in my training is flexing the brushes with the barbell

This is one of the most basic exercises

For pumping your forearms, as well as for developing grip strength

This exercise looks like this

You sit on the bench for bench press, put your hands parallel to each other between your legs

To fully stretch the muscles I advise you to lower the bar of the bar on your fingers

And do such a twisting

When the weight is already large, do the usual bending without twisting

The second exercise in my training is the bending of the hands on the top block

For this exercise, you do not even need an artmeler table.

In my case, this is Scott's bench, on which, in principle, you can perform this exercise.

With the third exercise, you may have problems, because

This simulator is not in every modern fitness club.

It is an accomplishing exercise, so

It can be replaced.

For example, static hanging on the crossbar

Or just do extensions with a barbell

I understand that these are completely different exercises, but nevertheless

They also develop the strength of your grasp.

Perform these exercises you need with a heavy weight for 8-12 repetitions, not more.

Gradually increasing the load, you will achieve the desired results.

All good bye!

For more infomation >> Крепкие предплечья | Мощный хват (всего три упражнения для прокачки) - Duration: 2:17.


Canvas Course Transition Support - Duration: 4:01.

>> My team's role in this transition from ANGEL to Canvas is to support faculty and

staff as they make the jump from ANGEL to our new LMS, Canvas.

We have such a rich teaching and learning environment here at Penn State, which can

lead to really complex courses.

>> So the Instructional Support Team provides migration and conversion services as well

as consultative services.

Through our migration and conversion services, we offer anywhere from a full migration and

conversion, which would sort of be like your deluxe package -- we do everything, all the

way down to, I guess you could say, a starter package -- where we would move over a simple

quiz from ANGEL to Canvas, so piece-by-piece.

>> We also work with faculty members to make suggestions and recommendations on how to

use Canvas features to make the courses better.

So basically we do what we can to help faculty members get ready to teach in Canvas.

>> The time it takes to convert a course really depends on a few factors: the type of course,

the complexity of the course, and the information provided by the faculty member.

I would say our quickest turnaround time could be about a day up to our longest turnaround

time would be about a full week.

>> The university will be transitioning fully to Canvas by this fall so that means that

if you're interested in any of these services, now is the time to use them.

>> The faculty member could submit their course to us and we could convert everything for

them, which would be a hands-off approach, or we could be partners in the process and

we would have a conversation with them to determine how involved they would like to be.

>> All you have to do when using our service is to send in your requests, either from Canvas

liaisons or through CAR Form.

CAR stands for Conversion Assistance Requests, located at

Once we receive your request, we will start the migration process and contact you for


>> People made it very easy to reach out and get help.

There was plenty of information around, plenty of opportunities to, you know, get that help

-- you know, people saying, you know, contact us or we'll line you up with Instructional


So there was a lot of -- I thought the communication on that end to let us know what our options

were and how we could get help -- that was really well done and made it easy to reach

out to get help.

>> The Instructional Support Team was really helpful in all stages of my transition from

Canvas, from not knowing where to start, to moving a course over from ANGEL to Canvas,

to then reorganizing the materials in that course.

The virtual office hours were probably the most important part for me because I got to

ask a lot of my individual questions while sharing a screen with a Canvas expert who

could point to the different things that I hadn't noticed or didn't know how to use.

>> So it's really important to take advantage of the resources that you have available to

you now.

We know faculty are very busy and it's a good opportunity to get the ball rolling, to take

advantage of the resources that are available to you and get that transition process done

now, so as we go into the fall semester you're good to go.

So Penn State has really made a lot of pretty amazing resources available to support you

throughout the transition process.

I think the best place to go is the Canvas website,

There you'll find information about conversion support resources, which are really nice one-on-one

services for you to help you step through your transition.

You'll also find a number of training dates available there, so if that's the sort of

format that you want you can find that there.

And if you're not really sure about what kind of support you really need, every college

and campus has a Canvas Liaison that can point you in the right direction so I certainly

encourage you to leverage those resources.

For more infomation >> Canvas Course Transition Support - Duration: 4:01.


Moments After Winning, Trump Marched onto Stage and Did Something Unbelievable… - Duration: 11:15.

Moments After Winning, Trump Marched onto Stage and Did Something Unbelievable…

Hell to the Freaking YEAH!

Donald Trump just became America's 45th President AND he controls the House, Senate,

and Supreme Court!

You would think that Donald Trump would be so excited that he would go out there and

brag to the world about his amazing accomplishments…YOU'D BE WRONG!!

Trump marched onto stage and told the American people,


Absolutely beautiful, don't you think?

And instead of going out and trashing Hillary Clinton, which she would have deserved, he

simply told his supporters she called and conceded to him personally:

"She congratulated us – it's about us – on our victory.

And I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign over a very

long period of time.

We owe her a debt of gratitude and I mean that very sincerely.'

'I mean, she – she fought very hard.

Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her

a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.'

I think I understand what he means, too.

Sure, Hillary Clinton has been terrible, but she is never going to be President now.

This gives us two options:

Go after her and spend tons of time fighting her or…

Just forget about her and spend our time working to Make America Great Again!!

This is truly a great day for our country.

A new American Revolution was just won, but now we need to build the country we deserve!

Please, if you are as happy as I am, share this out to everyone you know and GOD BLESS

AMERICA!!This Morning Donald Trump Sent a Message to America that Will Save Our Country!!

To hell with all the liars and cheats out there trying to claim that Donald Trump doesn't

care about this country.

In fact, he cares so much about this country that this morning he announced he will be

giving up the thing that he spent his ENTIRE life building…HIS BUSINESS!!

(Now he can focus 100% on saving our country!!)

Trump turned all the Mainstream Media liars on their heads when he took to Twitter to

let the world know that America is far more important to him than any real estate business

could ever be.

Amen, Donald Trump.

I am glad to see you proving the lying media wrong by taking charge and stepping back,

just like you promised.

At this rate, the media is gonna have nothing left to attack Trump on by the time his innaguration

comes around.

Let's take a look at what other talking points Trump has managed to shut down in just

3 weeks after winning the election:

Trump is a racist – WRONG!

The media loves claiming this but have zero evidence that Donald Trump hates anyone.

In fact, if you look into his past you can see he is the LEAST racist person who has

ever won the Presidency.

Trump will sell out to the establishment – Ummmm….NO!

The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump's cabinet is made up of all kinds of movers-and-shakers

looking to remove the overpowered establishment from control.

Trump won't bring back blue collar jobs – Hahaha.

This one is laughable.

In just 3 weeks, Donald Trump has managed to keep Ford and Carrier from leaving the

country for Mexico and even Apple is looking at relocating their factories to the US!

So basically Trump is the man we were all hoping he would be and is working to make

America great again.

If you are proud of our new evidence, show him some love and help share this great news

out everywhere!!

(H/T – Daily Mail)GUESS WHO'S BACK!

Michael Flynn Just Offered to SELL OUT Trump for This MASSIVE Favor!

Look who came crawling back once the hammer of the law began to crack down.

It's none other than Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and he has a NASTY

surprise for President Trump…

Today Flynn offered his full testimony on Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh, and all he wants in return…FULL IMMUNITY FOR HIS OWN INVOLVEMENT!

As far as anybody knows, no agency has taken up Flynn on his offer yet.

Probably because he is not that known for his trustworthiness around Washington, D.C.

these days.

However, Flynn's lawyer is trying to make it sound like he has some groundbreaking news.

He described it as,

"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should

the circumstances permit."

But hell, who really knows.

Maybe it's all just a trick to get him off the hook for everything.

Maybe he has nothing good to offer at all.

Still, after President Trump did so much to defend his honor even AFTER he got shut down,

this is some real disrespect.

Share this if you stand with Donald Trump!ROUND UP TIME Jeff Sessions Just Did The 1 Thing

That Illegal Immigrants Didn't Want Him To…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Thursday plans to speed up the deportation

of illegal immigrants that are housed in correctional facilities, according to Fox News.

Here is Jeff Sessions on Bill O' Reilly:

The Justice Department is planning to expand the Institutional Hearing Program.

This program expands to cover the inmates in federal correctional facilities.

This provides in-person and video conferencing immigration proceedings.


"The expansion of the program will expand the number of active facilities with the program

to a total of 14 federal prisons and six contract facilities," says Fox News.

This will speed up getting violent criminals out of this country.

Deporting illegal aliens that are incarcerated is a major promise of Trump and will help

reduce the cost to taxpayers.

One-third of our federal prisons are filled with illegal immigrants.

That's insane.

This is a huge drain on the economy.

Trump will make America safe again and Jeff Sessions is going to make it happen! (h/t

Fox News)

*** SHARE THIS GOOD NEWS EVERYWHERE!BREAKING James Comey Secret Twitter Discovered!

What's On It Should Get Him Fired…

Digital security is a double-edged sword and it seems that James Comey just got hit with

a little karma.

This makes sense.

Given Comey's high profile, he would want to keep his Twitter account totally private.

According to Gizmodo, Comey's account was discovered in 4 hours and wasn't protected.

The other night, Comey let the world know that he has a secret Twitter and Instagram


He said all this at the National Security Alliance leadership dinner.


Here that is.

James Comey's son, Brien Comey, has an online presence as a basketball player at Kenyon

College and this led right to Comey's Twitter account: @projectexile7

What's more important is that ProjectExile7 follows 27 other accounts that range from

the New York Times, the Washington Post and other official government or law enforcement


Apparently, Comey's account just started following Donald Trump.

He also follows William & Mary News and The Onion.

What's weird is his twitter account is named "Reinhold Niebuhr" after the pacifist

and socialist thinker.

He liked a Washington Post story advancing the Russia and Trump theory.

He is working for the other side.

Here are the following things that he retweeted: The FBI has responded to Gizmodo and said

that they have no comment on the account.


He reads about the Russia conspiracy and retweets articles from the Washington Compost!

SHARE this everywhere!

This man needs to be fired, Trump.

Ge this to Trump, now! (h/t Gizmodo)OH MY GOD!

Every Single Woman In America Is Freaking Out At The Secret That Mike Pence Shares With

His Wife…

The liberal fascists that run the media has been attacking Mike Pence for his views on

his wife and marriage.

They need to sit down and be humble.

Maybe they could learn something from a Godly man like Mike Pence.

Imma let my friends at the Rebel Pundit take it away:

All these whiny spinsters on the internet need to sit down and be humble.

Who do they think they are?

The authority on everything.

They need to get the hell off that crap.

They called Mike Pence a misogynist.

Here is the comment that started this whole twisted thing from

"So the GOP is up in arms over Sharia law, yet Mike Pence won't have a business meal

with a woman that's not his wife.

Sure, that checks out."

– Philip Sherburne

Here are the all the attacks that Mike Pence got immediately hit with.We could go on, and

on, and on.

Clara Jeffrey is the editor of Mother Jones.

She started the whole crappy trend going.

She tried to stay that Pence is misogyny based on his marriage proposals.

This is crap.

Mike Pence is an American hero.

Let's fight for Mike.

Comment "WE LOVE YOU, MIKE!'

SHARE this article 1 million times.

The liberal media keeps on attacking Mike Pence and let's stand up and send him a

positive message.

Thanks, patriots.

(h/t The Federalist)BREAKING 3 States Just Confirmed Who Hacked The Election! AND OBAMA


This story by Paris Swade.

Obama is a treasonous son-of-a-gun.

We all knew that, but we had no idea that the federal government has been doing some

nasty stuff this election.


The federal government agency run by Obama's buddy attempted to penetrate the firewall

of a State election overseer.

Why would Obama's DHS hack the George Secretary of State's office after the election had


The Department of Homeland Security led by Jeh Johnson should answer for this.

Now, Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Aaron Diamon has now found out that the cyber attacks

were linked to the same IP address from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security IP address

that attacked Georgia.

*** What is Obama hiding?!

Share this everywhere.

The people of this country need to know that Obama tried to hack the elections.

Not the Russians!

We need to get this out there.

We need to make it known that Obama and the rest of the Democrats are lying!

Share, share, share this everywhere!

The fate of our Republic hangs on figuring out what Obama is up to before it is too late.

Thanks for reading.

(h/t WSBTV)

For more infomation >> Moments After Winning, Trump Marched onto Stage and Did Something Unbelievable… - Duration: 11:15.


Vowel Sound /i/ as in the word "be" - American English Pronunciation [UPDATED] - Duration: 6:34.

Hello there!

This is the "Sounds American" channel.

In this video we're going to talk about the American vowel sound /i/

as in the word "be".

You can also hear this sound in words like




or "ski."

Please, note, that we'll be using a special phonetic symbol - /i/ - for this sound.

The /i/ is the third most frequently used vowel sound in American English,

so pronouncing it correctly is important for your American accent.

Let's find out how to make this sound.

To make the /i/ sound,

you should focus on the correct position of your lips,

tongue and jaw.

Open your mouth a little,

stretch your lips as wide as you can,

and make them tense.

Raise your tongue very high and push it to the front of your mouth.

The tip of your tongue should be lowered just behind your bottom front teeth.


the /i/ is a tense sound,

so your lips and tongue should be tense.

Your tongue should be at the front of your mouth.

Let's try saying it:




Now, let's practice this sound in some words.

You'll see a word on the screen and hear its pronunciation.

Like this:

You'll have a few seconds to pronounce the word, if you want to.

Let's begin!

Let's pause for a second and check how you're pronouncing the /i/ sound.


your lips should be very tense and stretched as wide as possible.

Let's continue practicing.

You're done!


By the way,

did you know that the /i/ sound is represented by the letter 'e' in only 15% of words?

Most often the /i/ is represented by the letter 'y',

as in "city,"

followed by the letter 'e',

as in "be,"

and lastly by the letter 'i',

as in "see."

It's also often represented by a combination of letters,

such as 'ea,'

as in "each,"


as in "see,"

and 'ie",

as in "piece."

Thanks for watching!

Hope you find it useful!

Stay tuned on our Sounds American channel!

For more infomation >> Vowel Sound /i/ as in the word "be" - American English Pronunciation [UPDATED] - Duration: 6:34.


This Morning Donald Trump Sent a Message to America that Will Save Our Country!! - Duration: 11:15.

This Morning Donald Trump Sent a Message to America that Will Save Our Country!!

To hell with all the liars and cheats out there trying to claim that Donald Trump doesn't

care about this country.

In fact, he cares so much about this country that this morning he announced he will be

giving up the thing that he spent his ENTIRE life building…HIS BUSINESS!!

(Now he can focus 100% on saving our country!!)

Trump turned all the Mainstream Media liars on their heads when he took to Twitter to

let the world know that America is far more important to him than any real estate business

could ever be.

Amen, Donald Trump.

I am glad to see you proving the lying media wrong by taking charge and stepping back,

just like you promised.

At this rate, the media is gonna have nothing left to attack Trump on by the time his innaguration

comes around.

Let's take a look at what other talking points Trump has managed to shut down in just

3 weeks after winning the election:

Trump is a racist – WRONG!

The media loves claiming this but have zero evidence that Donald Trump hates anyone.

In fact, if you look into his past you can see he is the LEAST racist person who has

ever won the Presidency.

Trump will sell out to the establishment – Ummmm….NO!

The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump's cabinet is made up of all kinds of movers-and-shakers

looking to remove the overpowered establishment from control.

Trump won't bring back blue collar jobs – Hahaha.

This one is laughable.

In just 3 weeks, Donald Trump has managed to keep Ford and Carrier from leaving the

country for Mexico and even Apple is looking at relocating their factories to the US!

So basically Trump is the man we were all hoping he would be and is working to make

America great again.

If you are proud of our new evidence, show him some love and help share this great news

out everywhere!!

(H/T – Daily Mail)GUESS WHO'S BACK!

Michael Flynn Just Offered to SELL OUT Trump for This MASSIVE Favor!

Look who came crawling back once the hammer of the law began to crack down.

It's none other than Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and he has a NASTY

surprise for President Trump…

Today Flynn offered his full testimony on Trump's ties to Russia.

Oh, and all he wants in return…FULL IMMUNITY FOR HIS OWN INVOLVEMENT!

As far as anybody knows, no agency has taken up Flynn on his offer yet.

Probably because he is not that known for his trustworthiness around Washington, D.C.

these days.

However, Flynn's lawyer is trying to make it sound like he has some groundbreaking news.

He described it as,

"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should

the circumstances permit."

But hell, who really knows.

Maybe it's all just a trick to get him off the hook for everything.

Maybe he has nothing good to offer at all.

Still, after President Trump did so much to defend his honor even AFTER he got shut down,

this is some real disrespect.

Share this if you stand with Donald Trump!ROUND UP TIME Jeff Sessions Just Did The 1 Thing

That Illegal Immigrants Didn't Want Him To…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Thursday plans to speed up the deportation

of illegal immigrants that are housed in correctional facilities, according to Fox News.

Here is Jeff Sessions on Bill O' Reilly:

The Justice Department is planning to expand the Institutional Hearing Program.

This program expands to cover the inmates in federal correctional facilities.

This provides in-person and video conferencing immigration proceedings.


"The expansion of the program will expand the number of active facilities with the program

to a total of 14 federal prisons and six contract facilities," says Fox News.

This will speed up getting violent criminals out of this country.

Deporting illegal aliens that are incarcerated is a major promise of Trump and will help

reduce the cost to taxpayers.

One-third of our federal prisons are filled with illegal immigrants.

That's insane.

This is a huge drain on the economy.

Trump will make America safe again and Jeff Sessions is going to make it happen! (h/t

Fox News)

*** SHARE THIS GOOD NEWS EVERYWHERE!BREAKING James Comey Secret Twitter Discovered!

What's On It Should Get Him Fired…

Digital security is a double-edged sword and it seems that James Comey just got hit with

a little karma.

This makes sense.

Given Comey's high profile, he would want to keep his Twitter account totally private.

According to Gizmodo, Comey's account was discovered in 4 hours and wasn't protected.

The other night, Comey let the world know that he has a secret Twitter and Instagram


He said all this at the National Security Alliance leadership dinner.


Here that is.

James Comey's son, Brien Comey, has an online presence as a basketball player at Kenyon

College and this led right to Comey's Twitter account: @projectexile7

What's more important is that ProjectExile7 follows 27 other accounts that range from

the New York Times, the Washington Post and other official government or law enforcement


Apparently, Comey's account just started following Donald Trump.

He also follows William & Mary News and The Onion.

What's weird is his twitter account is named "Reinhold Niebuhr" after the pacifist

and socialist thinker.

He liked a Washington Post story advancing the Russia and Trump theory.

He is working for the other side.

Here are the following things that he retweeted: The FBI has responded to Gizmodo and said

that they have no comment on the account.


He reads about the Russia conspiracy and retweets articles from the Washington Compost!

SHARE this everywhere!

This man needs to be fired, Trump.

Ge this to Trump, now! (h/t Gizmodo)OH MY GOD!

Every Single Woman In America Is Freaking Out At The Secret That Mike Pence Shares With

His Wife…

The liberal fascists that run the media has been attacking Mike Pence for his views on

his wife and marriage.

They need to sit down and be humble.

Maybe they could learn something from a Godly man like Mike Pence.

Imma let my friends at the Rebel Pundit take it away:

All these whiny spinsters on the internet need to sit down and be humble.

Who do they think they are?

The authority on everything.

They need to get the hell off that crap.

They called Mike Pence a misogynist.

Here is the comment that started this whole twisted thing from

"So the GOP is up in arms over Sharia law, yet Mike Pence won't have a business meal

with a woman that's not his wife.

Sure, that checks out."

– Philip Sherburne

Here are the all the attacks that Mike Pence got immediately hit with.We could go on, and

on, and on.

Clara Jeffrey is the editor of Mother Jones.

She started the whole crappy trend going.

She tried to stay that Pence is misogyny based on his marriage proposals.

This is crap.

Mike Pence is an American hero.

Let's fight for Mike.

Comment "WE LOVE YOU, MIKE!'

SHARE this article 1 million times.

The liberal media keeps on attacking Mike Pence and let's stand up and send him a

positive message.

Thanks, patriots.

(h/t The Federalist)BREAKING 3 States Just Confirmed Who Hacked The Election! AND OBAMA


This story by Paris Swade.

Obama is a treasonous son-of-a-gun.

We all knew that, but we had no idea that the federal government has been doing some

nasty stuff this election.


The federal government agency run by Obama's buddy attempted to penetrate the firewall

of a State election overseer.

Why would Obama's DHS hack the George Secretary of State's office after the election had


The Department of Homeland Security led by Jeh Johnson should answer for this.

Now, Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Aaron Diamon has now found out that the cyber attacks

were linked to the same IP address from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security IP address

that attacked Georgia.

*** What is Obama hiding?!

Share this everywhere.

The people of this country need to know that Obama tried to hack the elections.

Not the Russians!

We need to get this out there.

We need to make it known that Obama and the rest of the Democrats are lying!

Share, share, share this everywhere!

The fate of our Republic hangs on figuring out what Obama is up to before it is too late.

Thanks for reading.

(h/t WSBTV) Moments After Winning, Trump Marched onto

Stage and Did Something Unbelievable…

Hell to the Freaking YEAH!

Donald Trump just became America's 45th President AND he controls the House, Senate,

and Supreme Court!

You would think that Donald Trump would be so excited that he would go out there and

brag to the world about his amazing accomplishments…YOU'D BE WRONG!!

Trump marched onto stage and told the American people,


Absolutely beautiful, don't you think?

And instead of going out and trashing Hillary Clinton, which she would have deserved, he

simply told his supporters she called and conceded to him personally:

"She congratulated us – it's about us – on our victory.

And I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign over a very

long period of time.

We owe her a debt of gratitude and I mean that very sincerely.'

'I mean, she – she fought very hard.

Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her

a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.'

I think I understand what he means, too.

Sure, Hillary Clinton has been terrible, but she is never going to be President now.

This gives us two options:

Go after her and spend tons of time fighting her or…

Just forget about her and spend our time working to Make America Great Again!!

This is truly a great day for our country.

A new American Revolution was just won, but now we need to build the country we deserve!

Please, if you are as happy as I am, share this out to everyone you know and GOD BLESS


For more infomation >> This Morning Donald Trump Sent a Message to America that Will Save Our Country!! - Duration: 11:15.


NCBI Minute: How to Submit Your 16S rRNA Data to NCBI - Duration: 20:55.

Hello everybody this is Peter Cooper from the NCBI.

With me today is Beverly Underwood from the GenBank submission staff.

Today we're going to talk about 16S GenBank submissions.

The slides for today should be available to you in the handout section in the right-hand

side of the screen, you can download them there if you want to.

They are also available at the FTP site in the Materials Q&A directory; that compressed

URL will take you there.

Now I will turn it over to Beverly.

Thank you Peter and Welcome.

Today we will show you how to submit your 16S ribosomal RNA data to NCBI.

You will learn the fastest route to submitting and receiving Accession numbers for 16S ribosomal

RNA sequences.

We will show you where to access this faster submission tool.

We will demonstrate a submission Help you understand this submission process

and Provide you with a pre-submission checklist

to help your submission go more smoothly.

We will start right away with the demonstration.

This is the link to the submission tool.

( You need to use your NCBI login or register

for a free NCBI account if you do not yet have one.

OK, we are now going to the Submission Portal using the link in the slides.

First, I need to check that I am logged in.

I am not logged in, so I will click the login button to enter my NCBI username and password

and click sign in.

If you do not yet have a NCBI log in, you can register for one by clicking on "register

for a free NCBI account" and following the steps on the page.

So we are now logged in.

This is the GenBank Submission Portal.

You can click on "Short Description and brief instructions to read brief descriptions

of what you can submit in this tool and the requirements for these submission types.

Below that are submissions you may have already made.

To start a new submission, click the new submission button.

We have now started a new submission.

At the top of the page is your SUB number.

This SUB number is not an accession number.

You should only use this number for tracking and corresponding with NCBI until accessions

are assigned.

This is the submitter page, this page has your contact information.

The address on this page will be displayed in your final GenBank record.

Throughout this talk, I may refer to a GenBank record as a flatfile.

For this webinar, these mean the same thing.

If you are a new user, you will need to fill out the form, making sure you have filled

in all the fields with an asterisk.

If you are a return user, this form should be filled out already with the information

you previously provided.

Note that if you are not using a United States address, the state/province field is optional

and you can leave this field blank.

Review the information and make changes, as needed.

Again, this address will be displayed in the final GenBank record.

I have looked over everything on this page and since my information is correct, I will

click continue.

For this demonstration, we are submitting prokaryotic 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, so

I will select small subunit rRNA only (16S rRNA).

But you can see the other submission types that you can submit through this tool listed


We may have webinars on those in the future.

Below the submission types, is a free text field for a submission title.

This field is optional.

You may use the submission title to help you track your submission.

The submission title is not displayed in the final GenBank record and is for your use only.

For this demonstration, I will leave this field blank.

I am done with this page, I will click continue.

Now we are on the Sequencing technology page.

Select the method you used to obtain the sequences from the options listed on this page or if

your method is not listed, select Other and type the method you used in the provided text


For this demonstration, I will select Sanger.

Note if you used one of these other methods, you will need to indicate if you assembled

the sequences and you will be prompted for the name of the assembly program and version.

Now we are on the Sequences page.

First you need to select when you want the sequences released to the public nucleotide


If you want the sequences to be publicly available as soon as possible, click release immediately.

If you are still working on a publication and do not want the sequences available for

some time, select release on a specified date.

For this demonstration I will select to release on a specified date and select April 29, 2017.

Next you are asked if a chimera check program was used to check the sequences.

Chimeric sequences are artifact sequences formed by the incorrect joining of two or

more biological sequences.

Chimeric sequences are commonly formed during laboratory procedures to isolate 16S ribosomal


There are publicly available chimera check programs designed to identify chimeric sequences.

We highly encourage you to perform a chimera check of your sequences and remove chimeric

sequences from your file prior to submitting.

If you did this analysis, you should check Yes and provide the name and version of the

program you used.

For this demonstration, I will select No.

Please note that all submitted 16S sequences will be screened for chimeras, so your submission

will be delayed if chimeric sequences found in the file.

There is a link in the submission checklist provided to you which discusses chimera detection.

Next it is asked if your sequences are from a pure-cultured or uncultured source.

You may be wondering what these options mean so I will describe some scenarios to help

explain these.

A pure-cultured strain would be if you isolated strains on an agar plate and then isolated

the 16S rRNA from the genome of an individual strain on the plate.

An example of an uncultured sample would be if you extracted DNA directly from a mixed

environmental sample, like a soil or gut sample, and then amplified and sequenced 16S from

the mixed DNA sample.

If you extracted 16S rRNA from a mixed sample, then introduced the 16S rRNA into a laboratory

E coli strain, uncultured is still the appropriate selection.

I will select pure culture for my demonstration.

Now it is time to provide the sequences file.

But first, let us quickly look at a FASTA file of multiple sequences.

If you have multiple 16S sequences to submit, put all of the sequences into one FASTA file,

like this example.

It is very important to correctly format the FASTA file.

Each sequence in the FASTA file has a definition line, which is marked by use of the greater

than sign, >, this is followed by the sequence ID.

In this file, I used the strain identifiers as the sequence IDs.

You may use your laboratory identifiers, such as the strain or clone ID, for the sequence

IDs, but you may also use Seq1, Seq2, etc.

The sequence IDs must be unique and must be less than 25 characters.

There are limits on what characters you can use for the sequence IDs.

The checklist made available to you with this webinar contains a link to FASTA Format help.

You may also access it by clicking on the help link on the sequences page.

Here, "Help on FASTA file."

Now I will upload my FASTA file using the choose file button.

Depending on your web browser, the button may read "Browse" instead of choose file.

Notice after I select the file a progress bar appears to indicate the progression of

file upload.

You will see something similar when files are validated.

Larger files take longer to both upload and validate.

The file is uploaded and I have filled out all the fields on the page, so I will click


If you miss a required field, you will get a red error with directions on what you missed.

After clicking continue, the file is validated and the sequences are checked for some common

problems like vector contamination and chimeric sequences.

If your sequences have these issues, you will get notification on the sequences page.

After your sequences pass validation, you will be prompted for source information on

the Source Modifiers page.

This page is where you will provide your source metadata.

Let's look over this page briefly.

There are short instructions and an example source modifiers table which shows the type

of information collected here.

The required information for your type of submission is listed, but you may provide

more source information to make your submission more informative to database users.

A complete list of valid source modifiers and descriptions may be found by clicking

on More help on source modifiers on the Source Modifiers page.

You may obtain a table template to provide the source information by clicking on Download

Source Modifier Template.

You can save this file to your computer and open it for editing.

The table can be filled out in a text editor or a spreadsheet program.

If you use a spreadsheet program, make sure you save the file type as Text (tab-delimited).

Instructions for using a spreadsheet program can be found at the source modifiers link

that I pointed to earlier.

This is the source modifiers file I have already prepared.

The top row is the header row with the source modifier labels.

Below the header row are the corresponding data rows.

The table contains the required information for a cultured prokaryotic submission, which

includes sequence IDs, organism names, and unique strains.

I have also provided additional isolation-source and country information.

The organism is the scientific name of the organism which provided the sequenced genetic


It can be the genus species name, but does not have to be that specific if you do not

know it.

The strain is the alpha-numeric sample code you use in your laboratory for this strain.

In this file, pme07-01, and these other codes, are a strain codes.

The isolation-source describes the local environment where the sample was obtained.

The country is the location where this organism or sequenced sample was obtained.

Additional information about the location within the country may be included after the

country name and a colon.

A link to these source modifier descriptions is in the checklist provided to you with this


All of the values in this table are separated by a tab, so this is a tab-delimited table.

I will now upload this table using the choose file button and click continue to validate.

My source modifiers file contained a row with a new organism name.

Because it is not yet a recognized name, I am receiving a warning that NCBI does not

recognize the name.

If you receive this warning, you should check the spelling to check for typos.

If are no typos in the names and you are submitting a sequence from a new organism or an organism

not yet in the NCBI taxonomy, click continue.

If there is a typo, follow the directions in the warning, correct the names in your

file and upload a new file for validation.

Uploading a new file will overwrite the previous file.

The name in my demonstration is correctly spelled so I will click continue.

We are now on the references page.

Everything you include on this page will appear in the final GenBank record or flatfile.

At the top are the sequence authors.

The sequence authors are the names of people who helped with generating the sequences.

Names need to be entered with the first name or given name first followed by the last name

or family name.

So I will type my name, Beverly Underwood and my colleague's name Peter Cooper.

Notice as I was typing a flatfile preview appeared on the right.

This is a display for you to review – it displays how the names will appear in the

flatfile or final GenBank record.

If a name in the preview does not look correct or how you want it to appear, you need to

correct it on the left.

You should pay attention to the preview and correct the names as needed.

Now provide the publication where you have or will discuss the data you are submitting.

If you do not intend to publish a paper for these sequences, but you want to make the

sequence data public, you may select unpublished and leave the remaining fields blank.

If you will publish or have published, select as appropriate, fill in the information and

click continue.

Again, all of the information you provide on this page will appear in the FF.

Ok we are almost done!

The overview page, this is the final page which displays all of the information you

provided to us in the previous pages.

The release date you selected is indicated near the top of the summary.

The contact address for use in your records is next, followed by the sequence authors,

publication information, and sequencing technology.

The unprocessed files you uploaded are provided here along with a feature table file that

was made from the files you provided.

A summary of what we have received as well as a list of any processing that was done

to your fasta file, such as trimming vector, removing sequences will be summarized in reports


If nothing was done, the report will state the number of sequences received and the sequence

length range.

Processed FASTA and source files that will be used to make your GenBank records are listed


If any sequences were removed or trimmed because of vector or chimera, these files will contain

those edits.

Review this page it and if you have corrections, go back using the tabs at the top to correct

the data.

After you have reviewed the information, click Submit.

Congratulations we have now submitted data to NCBI!

Im going to go back to my slides now.

So what happens after we click Submit?

After you click submit on the overview page, your submission will go into automated processing

where it is further evaluated for errors such as those listed on this slide.

During this time, the status in Submission Portal will either be "Queued" or "Processing".

I'll pause for a few seconds to give you time to read this slide.

If there are no errors, the submission will quickly receive Accession numbers and you

will receive an email with a link to portal where you can download the final processed


The submission status is processed and there is a green check mark.

If there are errors you need to correct, you will receive an email shortly after submission,

like this one, with a link to the submission.

Click on the link in the email to be directed to your submission.

In portal the status is "Error" and a report describing the problems is posted.

Click on the error report to read what the problems are.

You may click on the headers in the error report for more information about the error.

So these headers are clickable.

Once you have the corrected FASTA file or know how to correct the problem, click the

Fix button to correct the problems in the submission, and you can submit to try again.

We have prepared for you a pre-submission checklist of information you need to collect

ahead of time to help your submission go smoothly.

This checklist pdf is available as a handout in the webinar materials area.

The checklist also contains an example flatfile with the associated submission dialog pages

to show how the information you provide relates to the forms in the submission dialogs and

to the flatfile.

Ribosomal RNA submissions received through this tool will be processed faster than other


Larger submissions will take longer, but currently median response time to Accession numbers

with final processed records or Error Reporting is less than a day, but maybe as soon as 10

minutes after clicking submit.

So we encourage you to use this tool to get your data out faster.

Thank you, I'll turn this over to Peter now.

Thank you Beverly.

We have a couple of questions I think are worth addressing for everybody.

The first one, has to do with the source organism name.

What if the organism name is unknown, what do you include in the source modifier table?

I think you can address it in two ways.

One, to include the most precise taxonomic group you know, that is probably the right


But if it is completely unknown, what would you recommend they do in that case?

If it is completely unknown.

Use unknown organism.

We would get that and we may ask them more questions.

If it is from an uncultured sample, and you know it is bacterial, or archaeal, then you

can call it uncultured bacterium, if it is cultured, and you really don't know, you can

just call it bacterium I hope that helps.

Okay, another question that is similar has to do with this concept of operational taxonomic


Can they submit an OTU file along with mapping files, telling you what sequence goes with

what OTU.

I think this is one we want to spend a little time and give this person an answer from our

taxonomists, so we will consult with them and get back to you.

Okay, another question is, which software do you recommend for looking for chimeras,

you mentioned one, I think.

There are a number of them available.

In submission portal now, we are using uchime to check for chimeras.

There is also DECIPHER.

There are some publicly available programs if you search the literature.

One last question, this has to do with updating your sequences.

One question was about... the specific example was, you submitted unpublished, then you wanted

to add the publication later to the submission, what do you need to do?

Okay, so we have an update page.

Okay, great.

So there is a link which describes how to format your updates, so follow the instructions

on the page, it includes information on how to change your publication status from unpublished

to published.

As well as updating your sequences, source modifiers, feature information, all sorts

of information.

And you would email that to

Just make sure it is formatted as described on the update page, and include your accession

numbers with your request.

Okay, that's all the questions that we have time for today.

If there are any others in the questions pod that we didn't get to, we'll write out the

answers and make them available in a document in the Materials directory that I mentioned.

We will also send you a link to a survey monkey.

We'd like to get some feedback both about the webinar and about the submission tool.

Thanks very much and thank you for coming today.

>> [Event Concluded]

For more infomation >> NCBI Minute: How to Submit Your 16S rRNA Data to NCBI - Duration: 20:55.


Exercises after a wrist fracture - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Exercises after a wrist fracture - Duration: 2:40.


First Vid - My Work So Far - Making Minecraft Graphics For Free! - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> First Vid - My Work So Far - Making Minecraft Graphics For Free! - Duration: 0:16.


JBugs - Product Showcase - EMPI 30Pict 1 Carburetor - Duration: 0:51.

Hello I'm Sam with

The 30Pict 1 round bowl carburetor is considered one of the better Volkswagen carbs made,

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For more infomation >> JBugs - Product Showcase - EMPI 30Pict 1 Carburetor - Duration: 0:51.


Just SayinG: All you need to know about Chancellor Gilliam - Duration: 2:07.

[ Music ]

What has been your favorite part about being here at UNCG?

Well, I enjoy the mix of students that we have.

It's been interesting meeting them all, and I do it here in the Warrior Whip, where--


I pick them up, and drive them around, and get a chance to chat with them a bit.

What makes UNCG different than all other schools in the UNC system?

Well, I think we're this interesting blend of a school that has excellent programs, an

honors college that appeal to the highest achieving academic students.

We also do a lot with students who are, come less prepared.

I think the biggest thing is we change the trajectory of a lot of people's lives.

Oh, somebody asked your major in college, but that was--

Political science and--

Political science.

Chinese history.

Double major.



Is there a reason for Chinese history, or--

I had a great young professor, and I took a bunch of classes, and it ended up I took

so many classes that I had enough for major.

[laughter] So--

What do you think best characterizes Spartan spirit?

People really give back a lot.

A sense of service.

So I think it's, I'm really impressed with students.

I mean, they do a lot of volunteering and engage in the community, and I think that

that's a -- oh, you're not going to fall out.


Rams or Panthers?


In-N-Out or Cookout?


Tate Street or Coffeeology?

Tate Street.

Grits or oatmeal?

Grew up on oatmeal, but I learned to like to grits.

East Coast or West Coast?

I like them both.

Mac or PC?

I have both.

Tupac or Biggie?


Gibson or Taylor?


Godfather I or Godfather II?

Godfather II.

[laughs] Best movie ever made.

It's a wrap.

This is, it's been fun.

It's been real.

It's been real.

Thanks for letting me do this.


All right, thank you.

Take care.


[ Music ]

For more infomation >> Just SayinG: All you need to know about Chancellor Gilliam - Duration: 2:07.


IUPUI Jags Cab - Duration: 2:38.

[SOUND] I'm gonna be late for class.

>> Never worry about parking on campus or

getting caught in the rain again with IUPUI's new "Jags Cab" app.

With a simple click of a button this smartphone app will automatically

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Where do you need to go?

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You never know just whom you might run into.

>> Good morning, I'm Jason Spratt, the Dean of Students here at IUPUI.

>> Hi, I'm Tralicia Lewis, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

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students and director of housing and residence life.


>> Where would you like to go today?

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Chancellor, do you have any music we can listen to?

>> Of course.


>> There's more where that came from though.

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As well as kittens to play with on the way to your destination.

Again, all with one press of a button on the "Jags Cab" app.

>> Of course


There you go.

>> All right, thank you for the ride Chancellor.

>> You're welcome.

Good luck.

>> Thank you.


>> With one click of a button, never worry about parking on campus or

getting caught in the rain again.

Next time you need a ride, just call for a "Jags Cab."


>> [LAUGH] Jag Cab at your service today.



[SOUND] What are these buttons supposed to do?

[LAUGH] They don't even make noise.



You want me to take you anywhere?

>> I can.



For more infomation >> IUPUI Jags Cab - Duration: 2:38.


How Women Workouts Become Beneficial For Women - Women Workout Routines - Duration: 3:41.

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willing to work out hard

so you won't see the results you


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diet exercise and dedication

getting your dream body it's not easy

but it's definitely worth it

bodybuilding workout is the best form of

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best decisions make you feel like an


thanks for watching if you enjoy to

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For more infomation >> How Women Workouts Become Beneficial For Women - Women Workout Routines - Duration: 3:41.


Service Portal | Anatomy of a Widget - Duration: 5:29.

In this video, we look at service portal widgets and their components, and the life cycle of a widget.

Click an item to go directly to that topic.

Or continue watching to see them all.

Widgets provide the functionality for your service portal pages.

Widgets function like AngularJS directives, which attach special behaviors to elements of the document object model, or DOM.

Designed to be reusable, widgets can be cloned and you can create widget instances that you can further customize.

A widget consists of these components: HTML template, client script, (or AngularJS controller)...

... server script, cascading style sheets, or CSS, a link function and options.

You can see these components in the Widget Editor.

Let's look at a base system widget.

Widgets that come with the base system are read-only by default, like this one.

For our example, we'd like to customize this base system widget while preserving the original, so our first step is to clone it.

As a best practice, always clone base system widgets and make modifications to the clone rather than editing the original.

That way the original widget is always preserved…

…and gets any updates that may come with future releases.

We can clone the widget here…

… by entering a name, and the ID is automatically populated.

We can also choose to create a test page, which will allow us to view the changes we make to the widget.

Let's take a closer look at the components of this widget.

HTML Template provides the basic structure for the widget.

CSS allows you to apply styles to the HTML including color, font, formatting, borders, and more.

The Client Script delivers the data model to the HTML template and defines the behavior of the widget.

This gives you access to any of the supported client-side APIs for service portal.

The Server Script handles any interactions in the ServiceNow instance.

You can reference script includes, get data from tables, do updates, etcetera; exactly like server side scripting anywhere else in the platform.

The Link Function allows you to perform direct DOM manipulations.

AngularJS developers may be familiar with this functionality, but it's an advanced feature outside the scope of this video.

The Options for this widget reside in an option schema, which we can access from here.

Options give us a way to configure the behavior of individual widget instances.

For example, you could use the same widget to display a list of problems…

…and a list of changes.

In this list widget, we have a boolean option specifying whether or not to display the widget when the list is empty...

…a string option to specify the height of the widget panel, and more.

Now let's see how these components work together in the life cycle of a widget.

We'll also look at the global variables available in each scripting environment, and how they are initialized.

When a widget begins to render the first time on a page, the server script executes first.

The server script accesses three variables: input, options and data.

The input variable is empty, or null, upon initial execution of the widget.

The options variable contains the parameters defined in the widget instance.

Options are always set when the widget first loads, and are not expected to change after it finishes.

The data variable contains all the data to be sent to the client script—for example, a list of records.

After the server script executes, …

…the data object is JSON serialized, or converted into a string, and sent to the client controller.

When it reaches the client controller, it's stored in the scope data variable...

... which is an angular construct that makes the data available to the HTML template for rendering the widget.

Then, the client script runs as the page initializes and renders.

The client script can modify one variable—input—which is always empty when the widget first loads.

The client script runs in response to the user's actions in the template.

Some actions, like get or submit...

... require the server script to be run again to process the transaction and refresh the widget with the updated data.

To do this, call server update in the client script.

Now the client script modifies the input variable, so that it holds the current state of the data object including any user interactions.

When the client script runs again, server update sends the contents of the input variable to the server.

When the server receives the updated data...

…a new data object is calculated.

The new data object is sent back to the client, which will overwrite the previous data object.

The process starts over and repeats as many times as server update is called.

For more information, please consult our product documentation, knowledge base, or podcast.

Or ask a question in the ServiceNow Community.

For more infomation >> Service Portal | Anatomy of a Widget - Duration: 5:29.


굶지마 투게더 #10화(함께 치열한 생존싸움하다 나만 굶어죽는 게임)[Don't starve together][도살장] - Duration: 26:31.

For more infomation >> 굶지마 투게더 #10화(함께 치열한 생존싸움하다 나만 굶어죽는 게임)[Don't starve together][도살장] - Duration: 26:31.


BH4U | Put This In Your Mouth And That Frustrating Toothache Will Disappear In A Few Seconds - Duration: 2:55.

Put This In Your Mouth And That Frustrating Toothache Will Disappear In A Few Seconds

Toothache or tooth pain can often be caused when the nerve to a tooth is irritated, but

there are numerous other causes for tooth pain.

Dental infection, gum disease, plaque, dental decay, injury, cracked teeth, poorly placed

fillings or crowns, failing or leaking fillings or crowns, or loss of a tooth (including tooth

extractions), temporomandibular joint disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea are all common

causes of dental pain.

One of the worst known and most annoying pains of all is the tooth pain, which is also completely


In fact this pain is so intense that distracts you from any obligation, puts you in a bad

mood and you can't eat freely as you always do.

The best option to cure the tooth pain is to run to your trusted dentist.

However, toothache usually appears unexpected, in the late evening hours, which is inappropriate

time to go to your dentist.

Or imagine you're traveling away or you can't go to your dentist for some reason.

What will you do to help yourself or help your children?

That's why all people should know about this homemade remedy which is very effective

and provides instant relief.

Probably the biggest problem that can happen is the night tooth pain which can wake you

up in late evening hours and disturb your sleep.

The natural remedy that is written in this article is really good and effective, so good

that the tooth pain will disappear in just one minute.


To make this simple and great remedy all you'll need are the following ingredients:

Clove powder Coconut oil

As you see, you can find these ingredients extremely easy or you may already have them

at your home.

To make this natural remedy follow this procedure:

Take half a teaspoon of both ingredients, put them in a glass and mix until you get

a paste consistency.

Apply this mixture on the tooth and gum that's hurting you and you will feel instant relief

(you can do this up to three times a day).


All this is due to eugenol, a substance contained in the clove powder, which is a really effective

analgesic, while the coconut oil has antibacterial effects.

Everyone should know about this effective homemade remedy!

Share this video and help your friends and relatives to get rid of the tooth pain

For more infomation >> BH4U | Put This In Your Mouth And That Frustrating Toothache Will Disappear In A Few Seconds - Duration: 2:55.


[ Review ] The Art of Moana - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> [ Review ] The Art of Moana - Duration: 2:57.


Can you spot a lie in English? Happy April Fool's Day! - Duration: 4:47.

Ready for an April Fool's Day lesson?


Does everyone watching know what April Fool's Day is?

I can sum it up in a single line: it's a day when people play silly jokes on one another.


We try to fool friends and family.

And it's all done in fun.

And when people discover that it's a joke, the joker can say, "April Fool's!"

So five of us teachers have come together to see if we can fool you.

We're each going to ask a true-false question.

Some of us will tell the truth.

Others are going to try to fool you.

Do I look like a person who can handle weapons?

Actually, I know how to use three types of weapons.

True or false?


I briefly studied tae kwon do.

And that's when I learned how to use a long staff, a short stick, and nunchucks.

Double and single.

Did you hear how I stated my list?

A long staff, a short stick, and nunchucks.

A common pattern is to use rising intonation on all but the last item of a list, as in

one, two, and three.

We use falling intonation on the last item.

For more information and practice, please check out my lesson on intonation patterns

for stating lists and presenting alternatives.

I'm from the United States of America but do you know which state I currently live in?

Well, if you follow 'Go Natural English' you probably know the answer.

I live in Missouri.

True or false?

The answer is false.

I made one of the Go Natural English videos in Missouri when I was visiting family.

My father lives there.

But I am not from there and I don't currently live there.

But you can see the video I made and learn about how to use words stress correctly to

sound more like a natural English speaker.

I went to graduate school to study Linguistics.

True or false?


I went to graduate school to study opera singing.

Check out this video I made about intonation in American English and how it can help you

sound more native.

I have a short clip of me singing opera in that video!

I'm British and this is my husband, Jay.

He's American.

That's true!

So he says tomahto and I say tomayto.

Is that true or false?

It's false!

It's the other way round.

I say tomayto and she says tomahto.

So watch our video on British and American pronunciation differences to learn more.

Check this out.

I used to work at a fish market.

True or false?


Actually I worked at a fish market for six summers when I was a teenager.

Did you notice the rhythm while I was speaking?

Did you?

When we speak we stress the words that are most important for people to understand.

Those words are on the beat in English.

The other words - usually little grammar words - they shrink, they get smaller, or link together.

That's the shrinking and linking.

If you're interested in this topic - so important for practicing English - please check out

this video I made.

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