Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 3, 2017

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For more infomation >> Carpet Cleaning Westchester County, NY - Robison Oil - Duration: 0:31.


Meet Drake - North Central Lip Dub - Duration: 1:26.

DRAKE: Ok, what am I going to say again?

DRAKE: Hi, my name is Drake, and I'm six years old.

DRAKE'S MOM: You're not six!

DRAKE: (laughing) I'm sorry!

DRAKE'S MOM: How old are you?

DRAKE: Hi, my name is Drake, I'm five years old, and I'm a patient at Riley Hospital.

DRAKE: I like Riley Hospital, because they take good care of me.

They're nice to me. They give me the medicine, and --

They help me feel better.

My favorite superheroes are Green Lantern and Superman.

Guess what? Riley Hospital gave me this.

I'm going to make him fly!

Thank you for raising money for Riley Hospital.

The people who gave money are also superheroes.

For more infomation >> Meet Drake - North Central Lip Dub - Duration: 1:26.


Buying Goods On Social Media Could Cost More Than You Bargain For - Duration: 2:26.







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For more infomation >> Buying Goods On Social Media Could Cost More Than You Bargain For - Duration: 2:26.


4 DUMB THINGS WE SAY (that prevent our growth) - Duration: 18:32.

Hey everybody, it's Brendon Burchard, and today I'm talking about the four dumb things

we say that prevents our own personal growth and professional excellence.

Look, we all have internal thoughts that sometimes slow us down.

I'm sure you know that sometimes you have negative thinking.

Sometimes, you say things to yourself that justifies bad behavior or laziness or distraction.

We all do.

So, there's no judgment to this except that yes, it's kind of dumb.

We say certain things that we just culturally get used to saying that we never really explore

and those things hurt our personal development.

So, what I want to do is dig down into these four things we say because they are dumb and

I know once you hear a little logic behind them, you will say, "It's not worth saying

that to myself anymore because it's not a true story" and it's only holding you


Okay, so first and foremost, before we go, I want you to think about a big dream of yours.

Something that you really care about, something you really want to make happen or a goal that

you also have had for a while and you've been trying to do it but it's just not working

out well.

Maybe, you're telling yourself one of these four dumb things, okay.

So, to start off, the first one with you, I'm going to move this aside and here it


I hear this one all the time.

Brendon, I've tried everything.

Whenever I hear that, I know I'm talking with a crazy person.

I'm just teasing.

Here's what I know.

People often, when they hear a new idea, or you say, "Hey, have you thought about chasing

that dream or pursuing your goal".

They say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've tried everything."

And because they tried one, two, three, maybe, four things, they say, "Didn't work for


That's not right for me.

That's not possible for me" and those aren't true stories.

As a high-performance coach, often when I sit down with people, I talk about their dreams,

they often say this to me, "Well Brendon, I've already tried everything."

And so, I say to them, "Oh great, then show me the list."

And they go, "What do you mean?"

I say, "Show me the list."

They say, "What do you mean?"

I say, "Well, if you tried everything then of course you would have had to keep a detailed

list of what you tried, when you tried it, what results you got, what worked and what

didn't work.

If you didn't have a list like that, you couldn't ensure things that were like mutually


And if you couldn't tell things that were mutually exclusive, then you wouldn't know

you tried everything.

So, have you ever told yourself that?

"I've already tried everything.

It didn't work."

Think about how many times in your life you give up to soon.

You're at like that 10-yard line, the touchdown's right there but you're like, "Well, I've

tried everything.

I guess it's not working."

And you back off.

You know, we know from the psychology of success it's those who persevere longer than others

and maintain more resiliency in the face of challenge that succeed more.

So, if you ever hear yourselves saying, "I tried everything", know that's a big,

bad story you're telling yourself and say, "No, I haven't tried everything.

Let me get some advice.

Let me ask some more people.

Let me start keeping a trail of what I have tried so I can say, 'Already did that.

Already did that' but I did this but I didn't do it in that way."

There's a lot of new things you can keep trying to keep getting ahead.

Don't give up on your goals and your dreams just because you tried four or five things.

It's very true that often you're closer than you think my friend.

The second big thing, walk with me, is a big one.

A huge one and this one people say to me all the time.

"Sure, that works for him or that works for her but that wouldn't work for me."

Have you ever said that?


You have this big goal or dream.

You see your mentor, you see your dreams.

They are doing it but you're like, "Oh, that wouldn't work for me because that's

not my style" or "I'm not like that" or "She has this and he has that" and

we false compare ourselves to others and we think they're so special.

We, still in this culture today, we still pretend that there are some people who just

have 'it' and other people don't have 'it'.


We think, "Oh well, he's just naturally good at that.

She's just born to be that."

But in everything that we study, those who achieve high performance in their life, they

trained, they conditioned, they practiced, they sucked at first but they were okay with


They were cool with not being good and then, they just kept getting better and better and

better and better and better.

And now, you watch them today and you're like, "Oh wow, I could never be like that"

but the reality is you could.

You just got to put in the miles.

I share that with you just knowing how I started my career.

I used to say that too.

I looked at these people on television or these big YouTubers.

I'd see these people on big stages motivating people and I thought, "Well, I'm not like

that" because me, I'm more of an introverted person in general when I started this career

and I've had to learn to be more and more extroverted to be good at all of this.

But I'd say, "Well, I'm not like that."

And the reality was, I wasn't like that but I had a mission and I had a dream and

you should never make your mission or your dream bow down to your current limited strengths.

Instead, you should say, "If that's what I want, how could I rise up into that?

How could I train?

What knowledge, skill, ability do I need to learn and start learning right now so that

I could have that dream my friend?"

Because you deserve it.

So, stop telling yourself you can't have it.

I get it all the time, "Well, sure that works for Brendon on video."

I'm like, "What?

Works for Brendon on video?"

Like I came out of the womb like, "Hi guys, I'm Brendon Burchard."

Like, no.

This took me forever.

I'm doing this extemporaneous in our new office.

I don't know how it's going to go either.

I just trust in that process and you know, for me, my first video that I ever did was

so horrible.

Okay, my first year of videos, they were terrible, they were awful, they were uncomfortable.

Some of you still don't even like what I'm doing now.

That's fine.

It's okay.

I just know that I'm always trying to get better and better and better and grow into

the person who I know deserves that dream, who earns that dream.

No one you're looking to, none of your heroes just came out of the womb and by natural birthright

or innate talent got there.

They usually outworked their peers.

They usually showed up more often.

They usually were more strategic in getting a good peer group around them to support them,

to champion on, to push them.

Notice I didn't say, they had a better peer group.

They knew that was important, so they developed it because we often say, "Well yeah, that

strategy works for him because he's got a big community" or "That strategy works

for her because she's charismatic".

No, if there's a strategy, you can deploy it.

You can work the same thing.

Would you get the same results as someone who has 10 more years of experience as you?

Probably not.

They put on some more miles but look, no matter how small you start, start something that


It's the great Zig Ziglar who taught us, right?

You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to become great.

Never look at people and say, "Well sure, she can.

I can't."

Because that's defeatist.

It is wrong and it is holding you back my friend.

Let's go on.

That's number one and two and here we go.

I think this one is a huge one and it kills people's lives all the time.

The third big dumb thing people say is, "You just don't understand."

And then, they quit.

Just like that.

When they say, "I've tried everything."

They quit.

"Well, she can do it, sure."

They quit.

And then they say, "Well, they don't understand me.

You don't understand me."

And then, they quit.

Here's the thing.

If you think people can't understand your journey, then your ego has gotten the best

of you.

And I do say that with all due respect but there's 7 billion people alive on the planet

right now.

Somebody, not only has gone through what you're going through, somebody is going through what

you are going through.

To have any imagination that people can't understand you is a false story that ego says

that, "I'm so special."

And either, "I'm so special because I'm so great" or "I'm so special because

I'm so diminished and so hurt" and these stories are stories we tell ourselves and

it ends up dividing us from people.

It builds a wall to protect ourselves because we don't want to be vulnerable or we're

bitter because we have tried to communicate to people that maybe our communication style

wasn't so good.

That was the case for me.

In college, many of you know, I was depressed and suicidal after the breakup with the first

woman I ever loved.

And I thought, "Lots of people", I thought, "They can't understand me.

They've never had their heart broken like this, not like this".

And I told myself the story and I kept saying, "Well, they don't understand".

So, I wouldn't tell my friends because I thought, "Well, they haven't been through

a breakup like this".

So, I didn't tell them.

Everybody can understand a broken heart.

I've had to sit down with parents who lost their children to cancer and say to them,

"I understand this is difficult" and they'd say, "Well, you don't understand, Brendon.

You don't have a child who has been lost to cancer."

But we don't have to go through the exact same things to have human empathy and caring.

See, by you not telling people what you really feel, what happen is, they're not able to

ask the questions to see what support your need.

You're right, maybe, they can't help you but they can understand and find someone who

could help you.

The more that you hold back, the more that you're going to be in trouble.

When it comes to personal growth, in silence, that's where suffering is.

Soon as you say, "They don't understand", that's when you stop communicating.

That's when you stop trying.

That's when you wave everybody away.

Because you know what people say.

When you say, "You don't understand", you know what you're less likely to do?

Raise your hand and ask for help because you go, "Well, they don't understand."

So now, you're just … "Nobody can understand.

I'm not going to try anymore.

Screw them.

They won't listen anyway."

And you go into your little silo and all of a sudden, you're not living life fully connected

with other people who are the ones who could help you in the first place.

Sometimes, in our own belief that we are so special or so hurt or even so good or so skilled

and we think, "Well, they don't understand us", whether you say that as a CEO, "My

team doesn't understand me" or you say it as a spouse, "Well, my spouse doesn't

understand me" or you say it to your family, "My family doesn't understand me", that's

just ego.

Everybody can understand you.

Now, you need to develop better communication style to help them understand.

That's what I had to do.

After I realized that maybe, people could understand my depression, my heartache.

I realized, "You know what?

Maybe, I need to learn how to communicate in a different way so they could understand

how what was going on in my life is really affecting me" and so, I could communicate

in a better way what I needed for some help.

That's all.

Sometimes, we just have to learn to communicate more what we're going through with people

to be more explicit, not drop hints but just say, "This is what I'm going through and

this is what I need help on."

And you know what?

If you tell people that consistently, often enough with an open mindset, you will find

you get more help in the world.

So, here we are three things so far.

I've tried everything, Brendon.

Sure, that works for them, Brendon, but not for me.

And you don't understand, Brendon."

These things hurt your personal growth and then, there is one more big one.

And this one I hate it.


This is the one.

I don't have many pet peeves in my entire life.

I've been coaching professionally for 10 years now and I've been deeply immersed

in the research and psychology, personal development, neuroscience and behavioral economics and

everything I can get my hand on to understand the human condition.

This one, I'm not going to lie.

I can't understand it.

I hate it.

When people say this to me, and they say this all the time on my Facebook post, on my YouTube


I have to go, "Calm down…" because it's so obnoxious and I see it steal so many people's


Here's what they say though.

"Brendon sure, easier said than done."

Perhaps, the dumbest reason ever not to try something.


That's what people say, "Easier said than done."

Sure, so I will say something like, "Hey, you know what?

Be more kind to your loved ones."

And someone will post, "Easier said than done."

I'm like, "So, you're not going to try?"

Hey, you know what?

Try to develop a morning routine where you take five minutes for yourself.

"Easier said than done.

I have children."

I will say, "Hey, you know what?

Try to set goals that are a little harder."

"Easier said than done, people can be disappointed."

Easier said than done is a defeatist statement and it's also kind of dumb and here's

why I say it's dumb.

Think about this, easier said than done.

What isn't easier said than done?


Everything is easier said than done.

"Gee honey, I'm going to go get that ice cream in the fridge."

Easier said than done".

That'd be accurate.

"I'm going to pick up that paperclip".

Easier said than done.

Everything is easier said than done.

So, it's a stupid universal thing that we say but we often stop after it and that's

what I don't want you to do.

So, with all these things in mind, I know I'm playing fun a little bit that these

things are dumb but here's what I would like to share with you.

If you're struggling and you're trying to get ahead, examine them.

Do you ever find yourselves saying, "I've tried everything.

That works for her.

You don't understand.

Or easier said than done."

Because what would happen in your life if you'd just flipped it around a little bit?

What would happen instead of saying "I've tried everything", you said, "What else

could I try that would help me feel fully engaged and more likely to progress?"

That's all.

"What else could I try that would help me be fully engaged and progressed?

What else?"

And start keeping that list.

What if, instead of saying, "Sure, she can do that.

Works for her but wouldn't work for me."

What if, instead you said, "You know what?

I see that working for somebody else, let me try that and practice and get better and

better and better and better."

What if instead of saying, "You don't understand", what if you said, "Hey, I'm

struggling right now.

I'm wondering if I could share something out.

I'd love to see if you could understand or could give me some advice right now"

and you enter the situation with humility.

And what if, instead of saying, "Oh, that's easier said than done", you said, "Let

me try that because I bet that might be effective."

Look, we can all be pessimists in life.

It's easy to be that today.

There's a lot of negativity.

There's a lot of just disturbing information out online.

We see it every day.

It's why I spend so much time and my team spends so much time delivering to you guys

great personal development as much as we can and I appreciate all of your support of my

books, my online courses.

Our five million people here on Facebook, our unbelievable community on YouTube, our

blog readers and everybody who sees us out at the seminars or maybe, you will see me

out on tour one day.

This year, I will be out on the road quite a bit but we do all of that exactly to counter

this negative thinking.

So, I'd love for you to just take a few moments, maybe, tonight and just ask yourself,

"Are there some things I've been telling myself in my head that have been holding me


And what if I flipped them?"

Often, we will say to ourselves, "What if this negative thing happens?"

What if we asked, "What if this positive thing happens?"

I know that sounds so silly and you might as well say, "Well, Brendon, you're just

teaching positive thinking" but I would be honored if that's what you thought I

was doing.

I think, I don't know how do you feel about it right now.

I think the world needs a little bit of a positive thinking.

I think people need a little bit of that belief in themselves.

I think they need to believe that they can keep at it, keep going.

I think right now, we all need a reminder sometimes, you know what?

You're stronger than you think and the future holds good things for you.

I appreciate you being here.

I look forward to seeing you out on the road.

Until then, go every single day of your life.

Remember, that you can think more positively.

Remember, that the world is an abundant place.

Remember, that other people need you to rise and lead right about now.

And if you remember those things, you can live, The Charged Life.

For more infomation >> 4 DUMB THINGS WE SAY (that prevent our growth) - Duration: 18:32.


[BL/한글자막] Alex & Benny (同樂會) - Ep 07 - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> [BL/한글자막] Alex & Benny (同樂會) - Ep 07 - Duration: 4:30.


The New 'It' Trailer Is Here to Give You Nightmares - Duration: 1:53.

The first preview for "It," a horror movie based on Stephen King's novel of the same name, arrived Wednesday — and it's appropriately terrifying.

"It," for the unfamiliar, tells the story of a group of children in a town in Maine who come together after people in the neighborhood

begin to disappear. This brings them in direct conflict with Pennywise, a clown who captures children and devours them.

The book was previously brought to the screen in 1990, in a TV mini-series that starred Tim Curry as the horrifying villain

Both have undoubtedly contributed to a rise in coulrophobia.

The new adaptation — due in September — appears to double down on the circus horror. The trailer offers a sense

of foreboding almost immediately. Dark skies, a rainstorm and a muted color palette all

suggest something ominous lurking just offscreen. Even if you know what's coming

it's terrifying when Pennywise, this time played by Bill Skarsgard

The preview never gets less creepy. There's always tension in the sustained

string chords of the soundtrack, and it imbues everything with suspense

and darkness. At one point, even a red balloon appears unbearably sinister.

But the most frightening moment belongs to a malfunctioning slide projector that starts to

advance itself. The camera cuts between slides on a screen and panicked children trying

to shut it off. The music builds as Pennywise's face finally appears.

"What are you afraid of?" The trailer ultimately asks. As if it doesn't already know

For more infomation >> The New 'It' Trailer Is Here to Give You Nightmares - Duration: 1:53.


Tip: Dressing Up My Daughter | Arpitharai - Duration: 3:09.

okay, Who am I kidding? I'm a mother. I'm

struggling to live my own life. it's not

about taking care of my daughter, husband

or the maid cook. yes you need to take

care of them too. the whole house. I

struggle to have little time for myself. I

struggle to sit peacefully for five

minutes. I struggled to sleep peacefully

the whole night. I struggle to live my own

life. today I am going to share how I

tackle my girl who's going through a barbie,

Elsa, Ana, phase. basically she wants to

doll up every single time. seriously it

is easy to throw a jeans and a t-shirt

together than a flouncy dress with all

the makeup and those strapped sandals

she wants to wear. I try to be a little

smart in handling her dressing and makeup

choice. at least I want to think that way.

oh! by the way more of these skits are

coming in the future. to follow my videos

don't forget to subscribe.

did you ever face a situation where your daughter

looked at an old dress of her's and

wanted wear that particular dress from

when she was 3 years old she want to

wear that dress when we are getting late

and there is no optional dress to give

her let's see how it goes in my house

that dress doesn't fit you TT I ever

addressed one comment only taste this

message is very comfortable I want I

want to cook lips and I want long hair

big big things the party which we are

going for it with superheroes if you

read this will be very happy to play the

Iron Man Superman high demand you get to

wear this paper and see people from the

desk address back a little bit so many

people once we dress up and go down I

will give you a chocolate but before

that you need to see temporada that

works so my five-year-old daughter and I

believe making her two things but not

forcing her x x course what did you say

I don't know there are small bits we are

20 to 30 years older than them and to

you as my other person than a five year

old toshiba mother's never give up how

do you handle your kid in this situation

drop a comment below share it with your

friends even better add a friend oh nice

to watch this see you later bye

For more infomation >> Tip: Dressing Up My Daughter | Arpitharai - Duration: 3:09.


[BL/한글자막] Alex & Benny (同樂會) - Ep 08 - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> [BL/한글자막] Alex & Benny (同樂會) - Ep 08 - Duration: 9:01.



Hi friends welcome back to my youtube channel

Priya's DIY channel

Friends today I'm going to be sharing

With you one 100% safe

and effective herbal shampoo.

This shampoo will make your hair look

Soft silky and thick.

And all the ingredients are natural so

It's all safe for your hair.

This shampoo doesn't have

chemical or parabens so

This will make your scalp healthy

And will give hair growth

by maintaining healthy scalp.

Friends spend lot of money on hair oil

Hair spa or hair mask just to

Maintain good health

But using chemical and parabens

products Soaks natural oils

and moisture from your hair

And leave them with split ends,

Hair loss and premature grey hair.

So today will show you how to make this shampoo,

how to use this and how to store this for best use.

So for that I request you to watch this

Video till and so that you won't

Miss any important step you should know.

And if you're new to my channel then

please subscribe to my channel

and turn on the notification bell so that you

Can get notified every time I upload A new video.

And also like this video if you find this video useful.

So let's start making this

So here I have 100gms of acacia,

This is known as natural fruit for

Our hair and is also known for cleaning

Dirt and oil from the hair.

And here i have 100gms of indian gooseberries.

And 3rd ingredient is soap nut

It has natural properties which adds

Foam to our shampoo which cleans

oil and dirt from the hair.

If you want more foam to your shampoo

then you can double the quantity

of soap nut into this.

Here i have heavy bottom pan

And have added 1 ltr mineral water

You can also add unfiltered water

if you dont have filtered.

Now will ad all 3 ingredients

Into this and ill leave it soaked for 10 to 24 hours

The more you soak the more concentrated

your shampoo Will become.

After 22 hours of resting you can see

That the ingredients have got mushy

And the goodness is extracted.

Turn on the flame on high

For about 5 to 7 minutes untill

The mixture starts to boil

Now its been 7 minutes and have started to boil.

Now turn the flame on medium to high and let it boil

for 20 25 minutes and stir it occasionally.

As we have used 1 ltr of water so we have to get 500 ml

of concentrated mixture out of this once its done

Untill The consistency becomes thick like a shampoo

In the meantime let me tell you

the benfits of the following ingredients.

Amla is known for healthy hairs in Indian culture

It has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties

which helps to repair damaged hairs and

helps to get strong hair roots which helps

to get healthy hair

This also helps to cure Premature greying of hairs.

And acacia have vitamin C, D and other nutrients

which helps to get strong hair follicles

which leads to hair growth

and helps to cures split ends.

And soap nut helps to get as much

as foam we want in out shampoo

It has natural sarfactants helps to

remove oil and dirt from hair

It also conditions your hair.

But readymade hair products company uses chemical

to create foam in shampoo which cleans

your hair temporary but gives long term side effects

After 25 minutes of boiling you can see the

consistency has become thick

now will turn off the flame

And will mash it with a masher so that

We can get the maximum benefits of this ingredients.

If you don't have masher like this then

Let the mixture cool and then mash it

With the help of a spoon.

Now I'm done with mashing

Now will let it cool down completely and will

strain the mixture

with the help of a strainer

And will shift this in a container.

Here i have strain this mixture into a bowl

and now will transfer this into a bottle

You can store this shampoo upto 10 days

But make sure to refrigerate this every time you use.

Remember to wet your hairs only 50 to 70%

before using this.

As this will not lather properly on fully wet hair

as its on the thinner side

Compared to readymade shampoo's.

If you're having dry hair then mix 50gms of fenugreek

seeds while making this shampoo at the beginning

As it works like a ntural conditioner and

won't leave you with dry hairs.

And for best results use hair serum or

2 drops of coocnut oil

to your hair length after every time you

use this shampoo

This will help to lock shine to your hair.

So i hope you found this video helpful

Try this out and let me know in the comment section

how it works for you

And if you have any query regarding this video

let me know in the comment section I will answer them.

And please hit that like button and

share this video with your friends

And also subscribe to my channel for more such videos.

Take care!



الطباعة في اكسل 2016 - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> الطباعة في اكسل 2016 - Duration: 11:57.


Soak Chia Seeds To Supercharge Their Metabolism, Weight Loss ! - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> Soak Chia Seeds To Supercharge Their Metabolism, Weight Loss ! - Duration: 14:44.


You are not alone: "Cows" (Tutorial 014) - Duration: 42:24.

Ok. We will now create a "Cow" and make it produce milk.

I dont have any cow sprites so we improvise a little.


Create group Cow Scorpion

Create group Walk

Create group Idle

Create group Attack

Create group Stagger

Duplicate sprScorpionBones to sprCowScorpionBones

Move it to the new group

Duplicate all the other sprites and move them to the new group. Put the word "Cow" before the Scorpion.

Edit sprCowScorpionBones


Value 132

Saturation 0

Check Apply to all images

Do this to all the "Cow" sprites


Duplicate sprAvatarForestScorpion to sprAvatarForestCowScorpion


Use last settings.

Scripts>Sprite Sets

Duplicate SetSpritesScorpion to SetSpritesCowScorpion

Put "Cow" before Scorpion in the sprite names

But set spriteDeathBits = sprProduceBits;

Ok. We also need sprites for the pickup object and inventory.

Duplicate sprCowScorpionIdleWest to sprCowScorpion_Object

origin x=0 y=0

Transform>Resize canvas

Uncheck keep apsect

Position center

size 90x90


Horisontal 6

Duplicate sprCowScorpion_Object to sprCowScorpion_Inventory

Go back to sprCowScorpion_Object


Set size 32x32

Go to sprChicken_Inventory


size 160x160

Ok. Now for the actual walking "cow"

Duplicate objScorpion_Once to objCowScorpion_Once

Set sprite to sprCowScorpionWalkWest

Set parent to parMortal.

Crete event



life = 40;

Add a alarm 0 event and add a code block

/// Check livestock

scr_Multiplayer_Check_Livestock(multiplayer_data, objMapAI_livestock, false, Produce_LastTool);


These will check when the product is ready.

Add collision event with objPlayerStrike and add a code block

/// Check for tool


Add a draw event and a code block.

/// Draw


A new object goes in the array.



Ok. Now for the milk.

Duplicate sprBottleBlue to sprScorpionMilk_Object

Images>Colorize partial

Select the blue in the bottle

New Hue 125

Duplicate sprScorpionMilk_Object to sprScorpionMilk_Inventory



Duplicate objEgg to objScorpionMilk

Set sprite to sprScorpionMilk_Object



Duplicate ItemGetEgg to ItemGetScorpionMilk

_item[ITEM_NAME] = "Scorpion milk";

_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objScorpionMilk;

_item[ITEM_ICON] = sprScorpionMilk_Inventory;

_item[ITEM_VALUE] = 20;


case objScorpionMilk: item=ItemGetScorpionMilk(); break;


case objScorpionMilk: var item=ItemGetScorpionMilk(); // Set data fom pickup item item=scr_Multiplayer_Data_Get(data_,item); InventoryAdd(item); break;

We also need a tool to milk the cow.

I wanted something fancy like a milk extractor thing. But I only got a bowl.

Duplicate sprBowl4 to sprMilkExtractor_Object

Duplicate sprMilkExtractor_Object to sprMilkExtractor_Inventory



Duplicate objHoe to objMilkExtractor

Set sprite to sprMilkExtractor_Object



Duplicate ItemGetHoe to ItemGetMilkExtractor

_item[ITEM_NAME] = "Milk Extractor";

_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objMilkExtractor;

_item[ITEM_DESCRIPTION] = "Extract milk from livestock";

_item[ITEM_ICON] = sprMilkExtractor_Inventory;

_item[ITEM_EFFECT] = 0;

_item[ITEM_SPRITESET] = SetWeapon_WoodenSword;

_item[ITEM_VALUE] = 300;

_item[ITEM_DURABILITY] = 50;


In lack of milking animations we use SetWeapon_WoodenSword.


case objMilkExtractor: item=ItemGetMilkExtractor(); break;


case objMilkExtractor: var item=ItemGetMilkExtractor(); // Set data fom pickup item item=scr_Multiplayer_Data_Get(data_,item); InventoryAdd(item); break;

We need a sprite that show when the cow is ready to eat and be milked.

Duplicate sprScorpionMilk_Object to sprScorpionMilk_Status

Cut out the image.

Draw a circle.

Paste it back

Ok. We need to be able to equip the cow so we can place it. So the cow need to parent the weapon.

Duplicate objSeeds_Carrot to objCowScorpion_Object

Sprite sprCowScorpion_Object



Scripts>Tutorial Series>Multiplayer>Envirment>Livestock

Move the script to the Livestock Script Group

Edit the script

var default_name="CowScorpion";

Is the name of the Livestock, The name is used in the handler script

var default_livestock_object=objCowScorpion_Once;

Is the walking cow that produce the milk

var default_production_time=20;

Is the time to produce milk

var default_tool_description_needed="Extract milk from livestock";

Is the description of the tool needed to extract the product. We set this description on our milk extractor.

var default_production_object=objScorpionMilk;

Is the milk pickup object

var default_food_source=objGrass;

Is the food the cow eat to produce milk

var default_specific_food_source=objGrass; var default_specific_production_object=objScorpionMilk;

Is more specific food. If the cow eat it. It produce another object. And the object to produce if eat a specific food.

var default_allow_retroactive=false;

Say we exit the current location. Cow will be paused. And return 40 minutes later. The cow should produce 2 milk.

1 milk 20 minutes 2 milk 40 minutes... So do we allow that or do we only allow one milk to be produced. For now no.

If we milk the cow we will only get one milk. We lost the other 20 minutes.

var default_remove_count_from_tool=false;

We use a bowl so we remove durability from it. If we would use bottles. Then we would remove count instead. It just make sense.

var default_sprite_process=noone;

You can have a timer showing over the livestock when its soon ready to produce again.

var default_sprite_ready=sprScorpionMilk_Status;

If you need a tool you will see the "I am ready" sprite over the livestock. Lets just show the milk sprite.

Ok. Now for the item data.

Duplicate ItemGetChicken to ItemGetCowScorpion

_item[ITEM_NAME] = "Cow Scorpion";

_item[ITEM_OBJECT] = objCowScorpion_Once;

_item[ITEM_DESCRIPTION] = "Produce milk.";

_item[ITEM_ICON] = sprCowScorpion_Inventory;

_item[ITEM_VALUE] = 500;

_item[ITEM_DATA] = "LiveStock;CowScorpion;0;scr_CowScorpion";

Ok. Lets make us pick it up.


case objCowScorpion_Object: item=ItemGetCowScorpion(); break;


case objCowScorpion_Object: var item=ItemGetCowScorpion(); // Set data fom pickup item item=scr_Multiplayer_Data_Get(data_,item); InventoryAdd(item); break;

Lets place a cow object on the map

Add some grass as fence.

Add a "cow"

Creation code


As you know this will create a "Wild" Cow. It only produce when the player is in the area and can be milked depending on what time the local player enter the area. Use the objCowScorpion_Object to place "Tame" cows.

We also need to place a milk extractor.

Ok. Lets try it.

Equip the milk extractor

Ok. Lets wait here for 20 minutes...

And the "Cow" is now ready to be milked.

As you see the "Cow" ate one grass and produced one milk.It will now take 20 minutes to produce again.

And here is the milk.

For more infomation >> You are not alone: "Cows" (Tutorial 014) - Duration: 42:24.


Letter to Lost love-A Short Film - Duration: 4:24.


I know that we haven't seen each other

or talked to each other for some time.

But I want you to know that I've been going

a bit crazy, lately

And I want you to know that I miss you.

Not that I have the power to change anything,

not that even the best of my efforts could somehow bring you back.

I just know, that I miss you.

Just, I miss you.

There doesn't go a single moment that I cannot associate with your smile.

Your expression of fond surprise.

Your tone of worried concern.

How are you?

How was your day?

How is your madness?

And every moment is like a drop of blood leaving my veins.

A slow death.

More painful than it has the right to be

Most days I try to forget you.

But then, I remember something

A text.

A song.

The hottest day of a summer,

the first rain shower of this year's winter

I remember your voice asking me if I had my dinner,

your eyes on me, my heart on you.

I remember giving you a piece of my forever every day,

every night.

And all of a sudden,

the full weight of what's been lost crashes down on me.

Suddenly, I become empty.


Secretly, I look for you everywhere.

Isn't that the same perfume you used to wear?

Aren't those your favorite shoes?

That hair, is that you?

But this...this was your plan, wasn't it?

You weren't convincing enough, you were too determined to leave.

Too headstrong to care for the devastation you were leaving behind.

You had your reasons.

But back at the beginning,

we didn't need any reasons to fall in love.

We just did.



With everything that we ever owned, we just did.

The reasons came at the end

and everything since then has been about your reasons.

Now I have to fight the same ugly reality everyday

until another piece of me is lost forever by night.

But I hope that wherever you are, you're happy.

I hope you're still being loved.

I hope that those many others are fulfilling the space of one.

I hope you're not mad at me anymore, for not sharing your happiness.

I hope I'm still the first person who comes to your mind whenever something new happens.

I hope you remember feeling my eyes on you when you were not looking at me.

I hope

that you remember what life was like, before all the reasons.

I hope

that on some days you feel a terrible ache too,

wishing to run away from the rest of the world and come back to me,

maybe just for a moment.

And I hope that you miss me…


For more infomation >> Letter to Lost love-A Short Film - Duration: 4:24.


Victoria Wieck 1.4ctw Absolute Round Bypass Band Ring - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Victoria Wieck 1.4ctw Absolute Round Bypass Band Ring - Duration: 3:00.


Quran #3 - A Skeptical Examination (Child Marriage, Monkeys + More!) - Duration: 6:26.

We Interrupt This video to Bring You This Important Public Service Announcement.

TheVeganAtheist has launched a new Youtube Channel devoted to veganism.

All future vegan videos will be uploaded to that channel.

Make sure to head on over and subscribe.

Now, back to this scheduled video.


Hi everyone, welcome back to TheVeganAtheist.

In this video I bring back, by popular demand,The Quran , a skeptical analysis.

This series has undergone a name change due to recent videos being flagged as not friendly

to advertisers.

For those new to the series, each video exposes 3 outrageous or immoral passages found in

the world's second most popular book.

If you believe in this big book of ancient fantasy then you ought to know about all the

questionable and immoral things it has to say.

Vote which verse you think deserves this week's Golden Turd award in the comment section below.

Now lets get our hands dirty!

"Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed

period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses (it is the

same): for those who carry (life within their wombs), their period is until they deliver

their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy."

Oh... did you miss that....

Yes instructions on getting married with a girl who has not reached puberty... in other

words a child.

These verses are outlining 3 categories of females and the rules of marriage for each.

Category 1 are adult women who have either reached menopause or who do not menstruate.

Category 2 are females who have not yet menstruated.

"Yet" is the operative word here.

These females are pre-pubescent girls.


An actual category for rules in remarrying a child.

This blows my mind.

A child can be remarried after a 3 month waiting period.

(pause and sigh) If this doesn't call for a swear word, nothing does.

Fucking disgusting.

The last category are for already pregnant women.

They are not allowed to be remarried until the give birth.

It saddens me to contemplate the number of people across the world who think that the

Quran is actually a sacred book with divine authorship.

They either have to accept that its okay to marry children, or they have to ignore verses

like this to keep on believing.

I can hear it already, some Muslim apologists explaining away these verses by appealing

to cultural, regional and historical justifications.

But there are no rational justifications for marrying a child.

If Allah exists, and he wrote a book for humans to guide their actions, he ought to have written

it for all of us for all time, not for a select group of desert nomads who happened to already

practiced child marriage.

An all powerful, all moral being ought to have known better.

"And ye know of those of you who broke the Sabbath, how We said unto them: Be ye apes,

despised and hated!

And We made it an example to their own and to succeeding generations, and an admonition

to the Allah-fearing."

you heard that right.

People (specifically the jews) who broke the Sabbath were turned into apes.

The imagery is funny alone, but its ironically funny for a number of other reasons.

1) humans are already apes, one of the great apes in fact.

2) The author of the Quran, clearly not an all knowing god, didn't know that humans are

apes 3) For some reason, being an ape is made out

to be an insult.

What the hell did a wild ape ever do to you?

It's to be expected that an ancient book written by primitive men got basic biology wrong,

but not if a god authored it.

Its clear to those not indoctrinated into this religious nonsense that this book is

just more evidence of Islam being full of shit.

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider

unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion

of truth from those who were given the Scripture - fight until they give the jizyah willingly

while they are humbled."

A Quranic verse encouraging Islamic terrorism?

(gasp) Who's shocked?

For all those peaceful Muslims of the world... thank you for being selective in the verses

you use to guide your daily actions.

I will not deny that there are verses in the Quran that instruct Muslims to be good, peaceful

loving people.

But... you cannot rationally discount verses like these that instruct the polar opposite.

The large majority of the 1.5 billion muslims worldwide cherry pick what passages they follow,

just like the infidels of all other major faith traditions.

It's easier, as a believer to continue on believing, by putting the uncomfortable bits

out of sight and out of mind... to pick the nice bits and ignore the nasty.

But... that is not intellectually honest.

If you claim to believe the Quran is Allah's message to the world, then all of it is Allah's

message... and that is a seriously scary proposition.

There you have it.

3 crazy Quranic verses.

Which passage would you vote to win this week's Golden Turd Award.

Would it be: 1) Instructions on how long you have to wait

to marry a child 2) A recounting of when Allah turned Jews

into apes or

3) An encouragement to engage in Islamic terrorism

Leave your vote in the comment section below.

Results will be made available on my Facebook page 1 week from this video's release.

If you enjoyed this video, click the like button below.

To ensure you don't miss out on future content, click the subscribe button and bell to be

notified of new uploads.

Interested in vegan related videos?

Check out my new Youtube channel devoted to everything vegan.

Link is in the video description below.

Lastly, if you like the work that I do, and have a few bucks to spare, please consider

becoming a patron of the channel by supporting my Patreon project.

I am more then halfway to reaching my $100 a month goal.

Please help if you can!

Thank you for your ongoing support and as always thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Quran #3 - A Skeptical Examination (Child Marriage, Monkeys + More!) - Duration: 6:26.


My Motivational Wall - Vision Board How To - Duration: 6:38.

Mazie ..





Intro Music Begins .. No Comentary

Music Stops Abrupty

HELLO!!! My party people!!

Today, in an awesome, awesome day!

Why? Because I said so thats wight .. right .. wight .. right? Right!

Ha! Right Mazie? Is today an awesome day?

Today in an awesome dayyyy!

Because I said so!

And she's so cute! Yes she is!

I don't know if that got you riled up but that got her riled up!

Awesome Day!!

Now she got hair everywhere.

((Mazie Collar clinks across the screen))

She is going to sit right here and watch me the whole time.

Make. The. Best. Of. The day!

Another reason why today is awesome, look at my hair! Look at my hair!

Doin my thing, like a chicken wing.

So today what am I getting done?

What everyone calls it is a "Vision Wall"

Now, according to Google .. Now wait hold on cause I looked it up.

Where did my phone go?

Do do do ..

So, according to Google what is a vision board?

It is a tool used to help clarify concrete and maintain focus on a specific life goal.

Literally, a vision board is an sort of board in which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do, or have in your life.

That's kinda like a motivational board, right?

So, I am in the process of redoing my room.

Obviously, look at the wall behind me.

There ain't nothing, not-hin! I got some lights .. which are beautiful.

And I got that, thing

I am in the process of redoing my room to help me have more of a balance in life.

And one of the things that I want to do its turn one of my walls into a vision board.

But it ain't a board, it's a wall!

it is a vision wall!

To give me, uh inspiration I am redoing this wall

Picture it now, I am envisioning my vision board .. wall.

It's gonna be grand, it's gonna be good.

Alright so here we go with this vision board ya'll.

Ha Ha

Music Begins .. No Commentary

And here is what it looks like when it's all done!

I Love it! I think it turned out great.

The first thing i did with this process was i picked out a color scheme.

of course, i went with black and white to go with my room.

And then I went on Pinterest. I knew there were a couple of directions Wanted to go.

One being fitness. Another been relationships.

And a third being overall what I have wanted to do in my life like taking motorcycle lessons.

I Googled black and white pictures of the following themes.

And found pictures that i thought were inspiring, reminded me of things I want to do this year,

Of places I want to go, of people I like spending time with, and overall jut motivating me everyday to just get up and get my day a going!

And go somewhere with my life!

As you can see here the pictures range from Converse chucks: stay to my classic self.

To the YouTube Channel, thus the reason for this video!

To different inspiring quotes, you can see the elderly woman kissing the hand reminding myself to send more time with my grandparents.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Everything from continuing to play volleyball, lift weights.

And trying new things like Yoga and even trying something like a silks rope class

That's my motivational wall guys! Thanks for watching and Iwill see you next time!

Do things that make you happy! Do things that you Love. To. Do.

And you'll have a good day.

And when you have good day, the people around you have a good day!

An then it all spreads! Like wild fire. Like Wild Fire!

Makes me so happy! Makes me so happy!

For more infomation >> My Motivational Wall - Vision Board How To - Duration: 6:38.


mr tv DIY Valentine Card - How to Make Triple Easle Heart 'I Love You' Card - Duration: 7:35.

hey guys tody i wanna show you my mr tvDIY Valentine Card - How to Make Triple Easle Heart 'I Love You' Card

itsnewand upgrade video for your businss

mr tvDIY Valentine Card - How to Make Triple Easle Heart 'I Love You' Card

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