Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 3, 2017

Waching daily Mar 31 2017

Major Hollywood Actor Just Threw Every Liberal Under The Bus With BRUTAL Announcement That'll

Shut Them Up

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you, a rare Hollywood celebrity who was

born with a working, logical, intelligent brain.

The one and only, Rob Schneider.

He just roasted every democrat on the planet and liberals are losing their minds faster

than a black hole sucks in every ounce of your existence.

If this was a real awards show, then you would witness standing ovations for at least 39

minutes as Democrats sit down.

Pelosi rolls her eyes to the back of her plastic face.

Maxine Waters throws her James Brown wig in the air and passes out.

Hillary Clinton burns a pantsuit.

Bernie Sanders Tweets something about taking care of poor people from one of his three


The list goes on.

It's all thanks to ONE Tweet Rob posted.

If you haven't noticed by now, then let me fill you in on a little secret.

Democrats like being victims.

They find every excuse to complain about things and blame everyone for their problems.

They're weak people who like being trampled on so they have an excuse to scream and protest,

even though NO ONE listens to protests.

Rob Schneider raises a good point when he reminds democrats that it's not the Russians,

it's THEM.

Russia is just another scapegoat for democrats to blame their weak losses on.

What comes next when democrats are tired of blaming Russians?

Does anyone remember the election of 2016?

How many Russians came here and forced voters to select Trump at the polls?

Pretty sure that number remains zero.

Russians didn't make anyone vote for Trump.

The lack of acceptable democrat candidates, the annoying liberals crying over everything,

and the democrat party as a whole are the reason people don't vote for them.

There's literally nothing to like about the dingy democrats.

If you want to remain a victim where everything offends you, then become a liberal.

See how many votes your party gets at the next election.

The numbers will continue sinking until democrats take a look at the man in the mirror and make

a change for the rest of their life.BREAKING One Of America's Most Vile Serial Killers

Just Received SHOCKING Dose Of Prison Justice

One of America's most vile serial killers has received a lethal dose of prison justice.

The 64-year-old mass murderer, Donald Harvey, was found beaten, bloody, and nearly lifeless

in his cell.

Upon finding him in this condition, the prison did what they're supposed to do when someone

gets jacked up, but Harvey later succumbed to his injuries and now he's as lifeless

as the 87 people he claimed to have murdered.

Harvey was serving 28 consecutive life sentences for the claim of murdering 87 victims during

his time serving as the "angel of death" to put patients to death using sickly methods

during his time as an orderly in a hospital.

His patients couldn't even fight back.

Looks like someone in jail was tired of Harvey waking up every day, so they gave him a nasty

beat-down that put a stop to his waking moments in the Toledo State Prison.

The mass murderer was 64-years-old and this brutal nasty beating was probably well deserved.

Harvey was an American serial killer who claimed to have murdered 87 people, though official

estimates are that he has from 37 to 57 victims.

Harvey said he started out killing to "ease the pain" of patients.

As time progressed, he began to enjoy it more and more and became a self-described "angel

of death".

Harvey was serving 28 life sentences at the Toledo Correctional Institution in Toledo,

Ohio, having pleaded guilty to murder charges to avoid the death penalty.

Good for him.

Why was he serving consecutive life sentences instead of being zapped or filled with poison?

When you're THAT guilty of murder, then you really should be tortured or put out of

your misery.

That's our taxes at work, paying to keep someone alive who spent his life taking the

life of others.

Harvey worked as an orderly in a hospital and targeted helpless patients who were unable

to fight back.

He would kill them using sick ways, such as poking iron hangers into people's catheters

and puncturing their organs, causing internal bleeding that contributed to further complications.

Eventually, he began murdering others, such as neighbors, simply because he wanted to.

It was like he was addicted to murder.

Whoever the prisoner is who beat Harvey – good job.

You deserve a few years off your sentence for doing the public real justice.

Violence shouldn't be condoned, but when it's used to put a murderer to rest, then

I believe it's fully acceptable.BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then

Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY…

There's a lot of info, truths, conspiracies, and fake news swirling about Planned Parenthood

and their baby raking procedures.

But here's a fact – Obama's administration made a rule that helped make it nearly impossible

to defund Planned Parenthood.

The Senate challenged this to a vote and the results were tied.

That's when Mike Pence showed up with the big boy bat and smashed his vote out of the


Vice President Pence voted to overturn Obama's rule, thus providing the possibility that

states can decide to block federal grants to abortion providers.

Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday was called into the Senate to rescue legislation

aimed at overturning a Obama administration rule that currently prevents states from blocking

federal grants to abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood.

Senate Republicans made a motion to proceed to the legislation, and while a simple majority

was needed to advance it, Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, voted

against it.

That left the Senate in a 50-50 tie, which required Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote.

Some people will argue that Planned Parenthood provides other services that help people.

That's true.

They provide cancer screenings, birth control, and other services that are not an abortion.

Those are great services and I have no problem with my taxes being used to provide low-income

people birth control.

I don't think poor people should be having babies in the first place.

If you can't feed yourself, then what makes you think you can feed a child?

That's rude to bring a kid into the world knowing it may not eat three meals a day.

I would really like my taxes to provide sterilization for typical hoodrat welfare queens who bring

eight kids into the world.

They can't feed any of their kids and have to call them by their last name because they're

all different.

But they sure get that new iPhone the day it releases.

(eyes rolling so far behind my head they can see my own rear end)

People seeking an abortion should pay for it themselves, or with their medical insurance.

That should not be a tax payer funded murder.

People who've been raped or a victim of incest, then I can understand the system pays

for it if the victim doesn't have health insurance to cover that.

That's a different story.

That's a woman demonized by a horrible person and unfortunately, the spawn of a rapist is

better off not being brought into this world.

That's something you catch the day of the crime.

The victim can't show up in the second trimester and think they're going to abort a human

who's a third of the way already developed.

Not happening.

You get to a hospital ASAP and report your crime.

A rape victim can go to the pharmacy and take a Plan B pill that helps prevent the pregnancy

from forming.

No pregnancy means no abortion.

If some random girl in her second trimester decides they no longer want their child and

thinks having it suction-tubed or raked out of her uterus is a good decision, then she's


And she's a bad person.

There's a certain point where pregnancy is now holding a small human and the woman

should be forced to have the baby.

She can put it up for adoption if she doesn't want it.

There's plenty of people unable to have children who would love to adopt.

Pence saved taxpayers some funding when he made his vote.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then go on birth control.

If your birth control fails, but you don't want the baby, then give it up to someone

who does.

You don't need to abort.

The only time I agree with abortion is when the woman is raped.

We don't need little rapers running around and I'm sure the woman doesn't want to

be connected to the rapist for her entire life.

Rape victims don't deserve a life of horror, but every other baby deserves a chance to


They might be abandoned by their irresponsible parents, but there WILL be someone out there

who loves them.

They can thank VP Pence for a new chance at life.Malia Caught Roaming The Street With

'Mystery Man,' Shocks Onlookers With What Else Is Seen

Former First Daughter, Malia Obama, is still in New York, roaming the city after her verbal

confrontation with a White House correspondent last weekend.

She was just spotted last night taking a city stroll with a "mystery man" and now we

know why.

Barack Obama's eldest daughter was accepted into Harvard but decided to take a year off

to enjoy her freedom as an 18-year-old, before getting serious about school.

She's been seen spending a lot of time living the luxe life in the Big Apple, including

going to 21 and older clubs, whee she recently had a run-in with conservative correspondent,

Lucian Wintrich.

However, she seems to have cooled down from that incident she caused with a stroll with

who some say is her new boyfriend, which her father probably isn't too happy about.

In November, when Barack Obama was still the president, he confirmed that both of his daughters

were dating people.

With his typical arrogant tone, he didn't seem the least bit worried about it (unlike

protective parents) when he said he didn't have any concerns since the Secret Service

was protecting them 24/7, the Daily Mail reported.

That's not much of a surprise considering that the tax-funded security practically raised

the girls.

Now, that may have just backfired on Barack.

Although friends of the former First Daughter say that the tall male seen with Malia is

just a friend, her gitty mannerism around him suggests otherwise.

This comes as a shock to onlookers who are used to seeing her smug expression as of late.The

23-year-old Stanford grad, Rob Franklin, seems like a respectable guy, but Barack previously

said that he doesn't like the way he's seen guys previously look at Malia and that

it didn't make him too happy.

While he wasn't referring to Franklin, it leaves one to wonder how he's going to react

to this possible new love interest in his oldest daughter's life, when perhaps he

should be focusing on the party scene she's constantly involved in now.

Franklin seems like an upstanding man who has the potential to be a good influence in

entitled little Malia's life.

Hopefully, for her sake, he is since she's living an adult life right now as a teen,

that could quickly derail her from future plans.

For more infomation >> Major Hollywood Actor Just Threw Every Liberal Under The Bus With BRUTAL Announcement That'll Shut T - Duration: 11:38.


14 CLEANING HACKS You Should Know! - Duration: 8:46.

14 Cleaning Hacks You Should Know

14. Cleaning a burnt pan- Scrubb ing heated pan seems impossible to clean,

especially if it is covered in black all around. You might think soaking it in water overnight

will make it easier to lift the scorched area, only to find out that it

didn't work. Well, there is an easier solution! Fill the pan or pot with water and add a cup

of vinegar in the solution. For extensive burns add more vinegar. Put the pan on the

stove and bring it to a boil for a few minutes. Then take the pan off the burner and add in

two or three tablespoons of baking soda to the mixture. Let the baking soda fizzle before

emptying the mixture from the bowl. After about five minutes, scrub the pan with the

rough side of your sponge. You may need to wash the pan for thirty to fifty seconds thoroughly,

but the burn spots should come out. If the burns spots are stubborn, just drizzle some

more baking soda on top and scrub away. Repeat until you are satisfied, but otherwise, this

method should look good as new!

13. Use Alcohol to Remove Stains on Microfiber- If you have a few stains or spills on your

microfiber couch, regular rubbing alcohol, not liquor can make your sofa look brand new

again! All you will need is a white bristle brush, using any colored brush that isn't

white can transfer the color so do not use anything other than a white brush. You will

also need a white sponge. Just simply pour the rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle and

spray the affected area and use your sponge to rub the stain away. Then wait a few minutes

for the alcohol to dry. Afterward, you can use your brush to smooth the fibers on your

couch and voila'!

12. Shining Wood Furniture- If you have wood furniture that needs a little TLC, well you

don't have to buy any cleaning products from the store. You can make your own furniture

polish that is cheap and free of any harsh chemicals, plus you can use the stuff you

already have at home! All you will need is ¾ cup of olive oil, ¼ cup of distilled white

vinegar, and a small plastic container. Gather all the ingredients and mix it all in a small

bottle or bowl. Shake the mixture before using and apply a small amount on a cloth and gently

polish the wood. The olive oil helps the wood while the vinegar keeps it clean and fresh.

You can let it air dry or wipe it off. Store the solution in your fridge to keep it for

future use.

11. Cleaning a Kitchen Sponge- Kitchen sponges can pick up a lot of bacteria. Most of the

time they're left in the sink and aren't stored properly, and we use our kitchen sponges

to clean up the worst messes which can spread bacteria to other places. A wet or damp sponge

is the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and most kitchen sponges should be

replaced every two months but how many of us actually do that? Well, the good news is,

you don't always have to throw out your sponges. You prolong the life of your sponge

by properly cleaning and disinfecting it. Pop your sponge in the microwave for about

30 to 34 seconds to kill any bacteria. Just be cautious when pulling it out as it'll

still be hot to the touch. You can also pop your sponge in the dishwasher to get it clean


10. Dryer Sheets- Most of us don't pay attention to dryer sheets. Once we've used them in

the dryer, most of us just throw them away. But even after they've been used dryer sheets

come in handy for other purposes around the house. You can use them to buff out those

hard water spots on your bathroom mirrors, shower doors, and kitchen fixtures. You can

use them to wipe your baseboards clean and wipe away white deodorant marks. You can also

use a dryer sheet to soak up grease in a pan for easier cleaning, or you can reuse them

to freshen up a small room!

9. Cleaning Floor Tricks- Cleaning the floors is a chore everyone hates. Not only does it

take up a lot of time but it's tiresome. Thankfully there are a few tricks to make

it less of a hassle. If you have scratches on your laminate flooring, you use steel-wool

from underneath the sink and give it a light buff. The scratch should disappear! Carpet

stains are the worse to clean but can make a homemade solution that combines some water,

vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing soap to get rid of those unwanted stains. Or you

can also use ammonia and water as a substitute.

8. Removing Stubborn Stains From Plastic Cutting Boards- You wash, and you scrub, but it seems

like no matter what you try, you can't get rid of the stains on your cutting board. While

there are many methods online to restore it, there is one little secret that is foolproof!

Use a lemon wedge! You can use lemon essential oil or lemon juice as well, but soak a sponge

in a half lemon and water solution.Then lay the cutting board flat on a table in the sun

and let it sit for a day. Afterward, the stain should lift!

7. Cleaning Sneakers- Shoes take time to clean, you might think throwing it in the washer

would zap those stains away. While it does help, it still doesn't completely get it

to look brand new. Well, there are a few shoe hacks that should help. You can make a toothpaste,

baking soda paste and use an old toothbrush and scrub away. It'll help get rid of grime

and scuff spots on the sole. Not only is the mixture gentle on your shoes, but it's a

simple fix and is virtually inexpensive. This helps to prolong your favorite pair of sneakers

and saves you a lot of money down the road.

6. Unclogging a Drain- When water starts to build up, and you notice that there's a

strange odor, then it's time to unclog the drain. Most of us will try and use our fingers

to pick up whatever we can, but it's pretty gross, luckily there are a few quick tricks

to make your life easier. The first one is using a bent wire hanger to unclog the drain.

With this method, you should be able to grab all sorts of hair and gunk in the sink. When

you're done just slowly pour boiling water down the drain for an easy cleanup. Another

method is using a baking soda and vinegar solution. First mix 1/3rd of a cup of vinegar

and 1/3rd of a cup of baking soda. If you don't own a measuring cup, try to get the

dry baking soda down the drain and then pour the vinegar. Once it starts to fizzle, our

it down the clogged drain. This helps break down the grime inside the drain, and you can

let it sit for one hour or overnight if you choose. Then flush out the solution with hot


5. Removing Water Rings- Sometimes condensation from glasses, mugs, bottles and cans can leave

behind a nasty whitened ring on your coffee table. Most of the time this can be avoided

by using coasters. But if you have some water rings on your furniture, there is a simple

solution to get rid of them without replacing your entire table. Use a hair dryer on the

highest setting and put it close to the ring. Hold it there for at least three minutes,

and you'll notice that it'll start to vanish. Once it's completely gone, you can

use olive oil or mineral to fix and recondition the wood!

4. Toothpaste Cleaning Hacks- Aside from just brushing your teeth, there are some uses for

this household item that can be incorporated into our everyday lives. You can use toothpaste

to remove lipstick and grass stains from your clothing. All you do is apply some toothpaste

on the stain and rub it well and then rinse it off with warm water and wash it in the

laundry as normal. You can use toothpaste to clean your jewelry, anywhere from diamond

rings to gold pendants; toothpaste can make it shine. Pet stains, coffee or wine can also

easily come off when you put some toothpaste on the affected area. Just take a sponge and

scrub the area and rinse with water. Lastly, you can use toothpaste to clean your headlights.

Just mix some toothpaste in a bowl with warm water and use a buffer pad to wipe away the

grime and dirt.

3. Cleaning Glitter- Making arts and crafts with your child or friends is awesome and

fun. However cleaning up after can be time-consuming. Well ditch the cleaning products and grab

these simple household tools instead. Cleaning up glitter is a delicate process, it usually

ends up on your clothes, hands and hair making it a pain to wash off. Well, the good thing

is there's an easier way to pick it up and clean it off. Use a lint roller to wipe up

any glitter left on the counter or carpet. If you don't have a lint roller, you can

also use Play-doh as an alternative. Just press over the affected area to lift it up!

You can also use a balloon and static electricity to pick up glitter, or you can go the traditional

route and use a vacuum hose to clean it up.

2. Get Rid of Lingering Smells-Whether you're cooking or the garbage can is exuding a stinky

odor, there are quick hacks to reduce these smells without any hassle. Baking soda left

overnight on carpets can make some magic! While it sounds bizarre, boiling a pot of

vinegar and water on the stove can mask smells, vinegar is highly acidic and also has many

other household uses. You can also cut an onion in half and leave it overnight in your

shoe closet to freshen it up. Once the onion smell fades, will the other lingering odors.

You can use a lemon rind to deodorize your garbage disposal. Just toss it in and turn

on the switch, grinding them releases a fresh and citrus scent.

1. Using Hairspray to Remove Permanent Marker- Whether it's colored markers or a black

Sharpie, permanent marker is a pain to remove and every parent's worst nightmare. You

can scrub for hours on end, and you might think repainting is the only solution. But

this one little cleaning hack is a lifesaver. Just use hairspray! Spray the hairspray over

the marker and wipe it away with a damp cloth! Not only is hairspray inexpensive but there

are also many other uses for it. You can use hairspray to remove stains on clothes, and

you can use hairspray to repel static on your shirt.

For more infomation >> 14 CLEANING HACKS You Should Know! - Duration: 8:46.



Today is March 19th and BTS's show is happening in the end of this day at 20:00

now it's 7 o'clock, today we are not going as early as in 2015

because we got the soundcheck tickets but we are up early to prepare our lunch

we are very oriental people bringing onigiri, salad and nuggets

we are going to the line in a while... I'm not ready yet, not going like this

and here are Harumi and Erina... Say hi~

and today is a little cold, kinda cold... No, it is cold

The cold arrived in São Paulo, it's 17 degrees Celsius with 16° sensation

ok this is not cold but it's the first cold of the year here

and until yesterday it was hot (more than 30°) so it is cold

so that's it see you later

We are going now to the line of the show and I'm ready now

My look of the day needed to change since it's..... cold

I will show you now

I was already going with this shirt but I changed to pants and I'm using the same boot from last year show

and I'm using this jacket because it is cold and... Harumi and Erina

H- I'm looking like a penguin

yes Harumi looks like a penguin, right Erina?

E- yep

She agrees that Harumi looks like a penguin

E- sorry Harumi

look at the queue size!!!

*BTS arriving*

the tickets of the soundcheck and the show


*me saying a lot of omg*

we just went in the soundcheck and it was so so so so so wonderful!

I don't know if it's possible to hear us but we can put subs if needed

and... yeah it was beautiful, we talk more later its very crouded here

the show will start soon and I'm in the grid, of the normal standed part and omg we are close

say hi~

(even before the show starts)

*beware people on earphones*

It's already after the show and I'm with that deceased face in the moment...

the show was soooooooooo wonderful

I don't' even have words to express what I'm feeling in the moment

and this year as also I think we were able to pass a good impression to BTS

we made Suga cry...

Rapmon also kinda cried in the "we love you" part

I think Jin also cried but I do't know if any other members cried too because I'm becoming confused

but it was SOOOO touching, I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling in the moment

but i'm just sure it was very very very good

I'm so happy. I was able to see then in person one more time

this year as I was in the grid I was "closer" to then but there were a lot of people and a lot of hands in front

and my camera was not collaborating with me so as you can see in a lot of videos the boys were looking just white

and I'm sorry for this but it was the best I could do

The projects worked right and I'm very happy

it was just a pity that we made a project for boy in luv but the music got cut early because it was in a medley

so we couldn't do it completly and I wished we could have done

I'm very sure tomorrow I will have hoarse voice... it was a little bit bad a while ago but it became better now but tomorrow...

So this was my vlog I hope you liked it and I hope I can do more BTS vlogs in the future

because they already said they are coming back to Brazil because they love Brazil

and AH! I'm very happy because this year they spoke a lot more in portuguese!

they memorize a LOT of phrases which shows they really wanted to comunicate well with the brazilian armys

and this makes me soooooo happy

So it was it, give this video a thumbs up if you liked, subscribe to my channel and stay tunned to my next videos

hope you liked it bye~

For more infomation >> VLOG BTS THE WINGS TOUR IN BRAZIL - SÃO PAULO - Duration: 26:02.


Breaking News: 18+ (ENG SUBS) 2 civilians just killed by artillery attack in Yasinovataya - Duration: 6:43.

I was in neighbour room, I came to my friend

We were sitting and resting and then a clap

Exposion... We ran to the corridor

Left child and wife, me and my friend ran out

And woman started to scream

"There's my father!"

We ran and tried to administer first aid

Through smoke and dust

I don't know where... In that room

He was near the window

How's he now?

Now? He died in my hands

Ukrainians are shooting, from Avdeevka

Why they're shooting here?

Ask them, why they are shooting and killing people

Is here some base or tanks that they're shooting?

Civilians live here, there's no base

Grandfather was 81, what bad thing had he done? Was he fighting?

Or running with assault rifle?

We were standing near the porch

There was 2 loud

And third we heard... We were standing just there

We heard windows, no whizz, nothing else

It came in and started to smoke... Door flew out and a lot of smoke

It was impossible to enter there, daughter was screaming "father! father!"

But we can't enter because of smoke

Where from they're shooting?

From Avdeevka, it's directly towards here

This direction, here is it

Earth was shaking, it's nightmare

Avdeevka 100%

Tell please, such situation happened only once?

No, not once

We're oftenly shelled but mostly outskirts

Where there is private houses, here it came for the first time

Behind the garden there was impact

Into 9-storey building,

It hitted road technical school, just here over the yard, there is school of railroad workers

They're doesn't let us to live

Is it civilian area or some base around?

No, no base or HQ

Here's all the houses we're living in

Railroad village, we're pensioners, here's school where kids are studying

Building lyceum, a lot of orphans studying there

How far is school from here?

Here behind homes, and there, two schools one near each other

Cross the street and there's school, cross behind us and there's second one, here's №4 and №2

And building lyceum

I'd like to say we're going to create women battalion and go to war if Zaharchenko dont use his troops, we're tired

Avdeevka is right there?

Avdeevka, yes, I was called from Avdeevka and said "it came from us"

Neighbour told me, she have aquaintances there

They said they shooted from Avdeevka

For more infomation >> Breaking News: 18+ (ENG SUBS) 2 civilians just killed by artillery attack in Yasinovataya - Duration: 6:43.


BREAKING One Of America's Most Vile Serial Killers Just Received SHOCKING Dose Of Prison Justice - Duration: 11:38.

BREAKING One Of America's Most Vile Serial Killers Just Received SHOCKING Dose Of Prison


One of America's most vile serial killers has received a lethal dose of prison justice.

The 64-year-old mass murderer, Donald Harvey, was found beaten, bloody, and nearly lifeless

in his cell.

Upon finding him in this condition, the prison did what they're supposed to do when someone

gets jacked up, but Harvey later succumbed to his injuries and now he's as lifeless

as the 87 people he claimed to have murdered.

Harvey was serving 28 consecutive life sentences for the claim of murdering 87 victims during

his time serving as the "angel of death" to put patients to death using sickly methods

during his time as an orderly in a hospital.

His patients couldn't even fight back.

Looks like someone in jail was tired of Harvey waking up every day, so they gave him a nasty

beat-down that put a stop to his waking moments in the Toledo State Prison.

The mass murderer was 64-years-old and this brutal nasty beating was probably well deserved.

Harvey was an American serial killer who claimed to have murdered 87 people, though official

estimates are that he has from 37 to 57 victims.

Harvey said he started out killing to "ease the pain" of patients.

As time progressed, he began to enjoy it more and more and became a self-described "angel

of death".

Harvey was serving 28 life sentences at the Toledo Correctional Institution in Toledo,

Ohio, having pleaded guilty to murder charges to avoid the death penalty.

Good for him.

Why was he serving consecutive life sentences instead of being zapped or filled with poison?

When you're THAT guilty of murder, then you really should be tortured or put out of

your misery.

That's our taxes at work, paying to keep someone alive who spent his life taking the

life of others.

Harvey worked as an orderly in a hospital and targeted helpless patients who were unable

to fight back.

He would kill them using sick ways, such as poking iron hangers into people's catheters

and puncturing their organs, causing internal bleeding that contributed to further complications.

Eventually, he began murdering others, such as neighbors, simply because he wanted to.

It was like he was addicted to murder.

Whoever the prisoner is who beat Harvey – good job.

You deserve a few years off your sentence for doing the public real justice.

Violence shouldn't be condoned, but when it's used to put a murderer to rest, then

I believe it's fully acceptable.BREAKING Senate Ends In A Tie On Critical Vote, Then

Mike Pence Shows Up To SAVE THE DAY…

There's a lot of info, truths, conspiracies, and fake news swirling about Planned Parenthood

and their baby raking procedures.

But here's a fact – Obama's administration made a rule that helped make it nearly impossible

to defund Planned Parenthood.

The Senate challenged this to a vote and the results were tied.

That's when Mike Pence showed up with the big boy bat and smashed his vote out of the


Vice President Pence voted to overturn Obama's rule, thus providing the possibility that

states can decide to block federal grants to abortion providers.

Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday was called into the Senate to rescue legislation

aimed at overturning a Obama administration rule that currently prevents states from blocking

federal grants to abortion providers, including Planned Parenthood.

Senate Republicans made a motion to proceed to the legislation, and while a simple majority

was needed to advance it, Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, voted

against it.

That left the Senate in a 50-50 tie, which required Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote.

Some people will argue that Planned Parenthood provides other services that help people.

That's true.

They provide cancer screenings, birth control, and other services that are not an abortion.

Those are great services and I have no problem with my taxes being used to provide low-income

people birth control.

I don't think poor people should be having babies in the first place.

If you can't feed yourself, then what makes you think you can feed a child?

That's rude to bring a kid into the world knowing it may not eat three meals a day.

I would really like my taxes to provide sterilization for typical hoodrat welfare queens who bring

eight kids into the world.

They can't feed any of their kids and have to call them by their last name because they're

all different.

But they sure get that new iPhone the day it releases.

(eyes rolling so far behind my head they can see my own rear end)

People seeking an abortion should pay for it themselves, or with their medical insurance.

That should not be a tax payer funded murder.

People who've been raped or a victim of incest, then I can understand the system pays

for it if the victim doesn't have health insurance to cover that.

That's a different story.

That's a woman demonized by a horrible person and unfortunately, the spawn of a rapist is

better off not being brought into this world.

That's something you catch the day of the crime.

The victim can't show up in the second trimester and think they're going to abort a human

who's a third of the way already developed.

Not happening.

You get to a hospital ASAP and report your crime.

A rape victim can go to the pharmacy and take a Plan B pill that helps prevent the pregnancy

from forming.

No pregnancy means no abortion.

If some random girl in her second trimester decides they no longer want their child and

thinks having it suction-tubed or raked out of her uterus is a good decision, then she's


And she's a bad person.

There's a certain point where pregnancy is now holding a small human and the woman

should be forced to have the baby.

She can put it up for adoption if she doesn't want it.

There's plenty of people unable to have children who would love to adopt.

Pence saved taxpayers some funding when he made his vote.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then go on birth control.

If your birth control fails, but you don't want the baby, then give it up to someone

who does.

You don't need to abort.

The only time I agree with abortion is when the woman is raped.

We don't need little rapers running around and I'm sure the woman doesn't want to

be connected to the rapist for her entire life.

Rape victims don't deserve a life of horror, but every other baby deserves a chance to


They might be abandoned by their irresponsible parents, but there WILL be someone out there

who loves them.

They can thank VP Pence for a new chance at life.Malia Caught Roaming The Street With

'Mystery Man,' Shocks Onlookers With What Else Is Seen

Former First Daughter, Malia Obama, is still in New York, roaming the city after her verbal

confrontation with a White House correspondent last weekend.

She was just spotted last night taking a city stroll with a "mystery man" and now we

know why.

Barack Obama's eldest daughter was accepted into Harvard but decided to take a year off

to enjoy her freedom as an 18-year-old, before getting serious about school.

She's been seen spending a lot of time living the luxe life in the Big Apple, including

going to 21 and older clubs, whee she recently had a run-in with conservative correspondent,

Lucian Wintrich.

However, she seems to have cooled down from that incident she caused with a stroll with

who some say is her new boyfriend, which her father probably isn't too happy about.

In November, when Barack Obama was still the president, he confirmed that both of his daughters

were dating people.

With his typical arrogant tone, he didn't seem the least bit worried about it (unlike

protective parents) when he said he didn't have any concerns since the Secret Service

was protecting them 24/7, the Daily Mail reported.

That's not much of a surprise considering that the tax-funded security practically raised

the girls.

Now, that may have just backfired on Barack.

Although friends of the former First Daughter say that the tall male seen with Malia is

just a friend, her gitty mannerism around him suggests otherwise.

This comes as a shock to onlookers who are used to seeing her smug expression as of late.The

23-year-old Stanford grad, Rob Franklin, seems like a respectable guy, but Barack previously

said that he doesn't like the way he's seen guys previously look at Malia and that

it didn't make him too happy.

While he wasn't referring to Franklin, it leaves one to wonder how he's going to react

to this possible new love interest in his oldest daughter's life, when perhaps he

should be focusing on the party scene she's constantly involved in now.

Franklin seems like an upstanding man who has the potential to be a good influence in

entitled little Malia's life.

Hopefully, for her sake, he is since she's living an adult life right now as a teen,

that could quickly derail her from future plans.Major Hollywood Actor Just Threw Every

Liberal Under The Bus With BRUTAL Announcement That'll Shut Them Up

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce to you, a rare Hollywood celebrity who was

born with a working, logical, intelligent brain.

The one and only, Rob Schneider.

He just roasted every democrat on the planet and liberals are losing their minds faster

than a black hole sucks in every ounce of your existence.

If this was a real awards show, then you would witness standing ovations for at least 39

minutes as Democrats sit down.

Pelosi rolls her eyes to the back of her plastic face.

Maxine Waters throws her James Brown wig in the air and passes out.

Hillary Clinton burns a pantsuit.

Bernie Sanders Tweets something about taking care of poor people from one of his three


The list goes on.

It's all thanks to ONE Tweet Rob posted.

If you haven't noticed by now, then let me fill you in on a little secret.

Democrats like being victims.

They find every excuse to complain about things and blame everyone for their problems.

They're weak people who like being trampled on so they have an excuse to scream and protest,

even though NO ONE listens to protests.

Rob Schneider raises a good point when he reminds democrats that it's not the Russians,

it's THEM.

Russia is just another scapegoat for democrats to blame their weak losses on.

What comes next when democrats are tired of blaming Russians?

Does anyone remember the election of 2016?

How many Russians came here and forced voters to select Trump at the polls?

Pretty sure that number remains zero.

Russians didn't make anyone vote for Trump.

The lack of acceptable democrat candidates, the annoying liberals crying over everything,

and the democrat party as a whole are the reason people don't vote for them.

There's literally nothing to like about the dingy democrats.

If you want to remain a victim where everything offends you, then become a liberal.

See how many votes your party gets at the next election.

The numbers will continue sinking until democrats take a look at the man in the mirror and make

a change for the rest of their life.

For more infomation >> BREAKING One Of America's Most Vile Serial Killers Just Received SHOCKING Dose Of Prison Justice - Duration: 11:38.


How To Lose Weight Fast ❤ 2 Easy Remedies to Lose 6 Kgs in 6 Days - Duration: 3:05.

How To Lose Weight Fast ? 2 Easy Remedies to Lose 6 Kgs in 6 Days

Home Remedies to Lose 6 Kgs in 6 Days Are you worried because of extra weight?

How to shed your extra pounds fast?

There are many causes of extra weight such as the use of junk foods, lack of exercise,

lack of sleep, and much more.

To help you, here I am going to share with you 2 easy home remedies to lose 6 kgs in

6 days.

Follow the remedies and get smart fast.

How to Lose 6 Kgs in 6 Days

Remedy 1


Ginger Honey

Green tea 1 � cup water

Lemon Cardamom


In a bowl, take water and � spoon of ginger.

Now, add 1 spoon of green tea.

Next, add 1 pinch of cardamom powder.

Boil the water until 1 cup is left, and strain the drink.

Then add 1 spoon of honey and lemon and mix.

Drink to lose 6 kgs in 6 days is ready now.

How to Use:

Use this drink 1 hour before or after a meal and get rid of extra pounds.

Remedy 2


One glass of lukewarm water 2 spoons of honey

� lemon juice Turmeric powder


For fast weight loss, take one glass of lukewarm water and add 2 spoons of honey, � lemon

juice, and turmeric powder in it and mix.

How to Use:

Use this drink on an empty stomach and take green tea also with it, and get rid of extra

weight fast and naturally.

Tips for Weight Loss

Use tea or coffee and do not eat spicy dishes.

Do take breakfast and use lukewarm water.

Use more fruits and vegetables.

Sleep early at night and take protein rich foods.

Avoid the use of weight-gain foods such as roasted meat, fry fish, cheese, roasts, cream,

potatoes, jelly, and spices.

To get rid of weight, increase the use of green vegetables in your diet.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.

Drink water 30 minutes before a meal and 1 hour after a meal.

Also, increase the use of foods rich in fiber.

Always eat meal slowly and with attention.

Always take exercise regularly.

Instead of having two large meals, take four small meals.

Avoid overeating.

Use low-fat milk and take dinner 2 hours before sleeping.

For fat loss, drink more water.

Increase the use of foods rich in iron and take Vitamin D and fiber rich foods.

You can get rid of extra weight fast and naturally.

Do not worry about your extra pounds now.

Follow the 2 simple home remedies I have shared above to lose 6 Kgs in 6 days and look smart

and attractive.

For more infomation >> How To Lose Weight Fast ❤ 2 Easy Remedies to Lose 6 Kgs in 6 Days - Duration: 3:05.


Conor Maynard "ED SHEERAN- SHAPE OF YOU (SING OFF vs. The Vamps)"CRINGING REACTION!!! - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Conor Maynard "ED SHEERAN- SHAPE OF YOU (SING OFF vs. The Vamps)"CRINGING REACTION!!! - Duration: 7:05.




Suga: Nice to meet you guys. I'm Suga.

Jungkook stan be like: JUNGKOOK!!

(more screaming, turn volume down)

V: Hello, I'm V

Me: Oh My God, Jungkook

Jungkookie: Wassup. (pause) nice to meet you guys, I'm Jungkook

(Jhope being a ball of energy)


Jhope: I'm your hope....

(Jhope stans cry)

Jhope: Jhope!

(More screaming, turn volume down, fellow armies)

Jimin: Nice to meet you all, I'm Park Jimin

Jimin: ...for episode 3(?)..

(and then korean lol, probably saying "if you're ready, let's go!")


Suga's wifeu: YOONGI!!

Jhope: Do you remember The Red Bullet?

Jhope: Do you remember The Red Bullet?

Jhope: Thank you so much for coming again.

For more infomation >> 032917 BTS CHICAGO WINGS TOUR-GREETING-TURN ON CC/SUBTITLES - Duration: 2:06.


Vince Camuto Kayleena Leather SlipOn Sneaker - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Vince Camuto Kayleena Leather SlipOn Sneaker - Duration: 2:22.


Transferring Life Insurance to your Trust - Duration: 1:09.

You made the wise choice to purchase life insurance,

so you clearly have a long-term vision

to protect your family,

even after you have left them.

Why not place your

life insurance policy

into your family home trust?

Then, you would be taking some

smart steps to ensure

any lump sum pay-out

will be managed well

for your family,

over their lifetime.

What does this mean exactly?

When you pass,

these funds move directly

into your family trust,

and do not form part

part of your estate.

Preventing any delays from occurring

with probate,

as well as saving your estate money.

Taking this step secures

your legacy,

so it can't be wasted away quickly

in grief.

The greatest outcome being

these funds have to be used

in the best interests of your family.

Oh, and the other awesome benefit,

these funds don't unintentionally become

relationship property for a new partner.

Pretty smart, right?

We thought so.

Don't spend any other second

overthinking it,

and get yourself sorted today.

Log into

and complete the

Transfer of Life Insurance steps


For more infomation >> Transferring Life Insurance to your Trust - Duration: 1:09.


Laksa+龙虎斑鱼…你吃过吗? 超好吃的!! 不吃会后悔... - Duration: 3:01.

We always say

Eat whatever the place provide

Now at "Bukit Tambun" this seafood village

is for the fresh and raw seafood of course

Today we choose

"Floating Seafood Paradise Restaurant"

Lets see what delicious thing it has

Wow, look

Plentiful seafood feast is now in front of me

Tell you what, there is a lot of specialty here

Let me introduce first

The one in front me is

Steamed Laksa Dragon-Tiger Grouper

It is said that this fish

is cultivated by themselves

The taste must be delicious

Next on this side is the

"Half Granosa"

That means its granosa

which we usually called "XinHam"

the other side is taken off

and dry-fried with Kam-heong

Mmm, slavering now

Next dishes is

Haha, special

This is "Tambun Abalone"

Listen carefully, it is said that

this only available in this restaurant

Mmm, I am really lucky

Next one, you can see

Wow, how nice is it

This is "Egg-steamed Stomatopod"

and the stomatopod means "mantis shrimp"

It is "Bukit Tambun" abounds one

Next is also the specialty

Difficult to be found at the other place

that is "Kerabu Oyster (Atlantic Horseshoe Crab)"

I don't know what is the scientific name

something like hard

and with a long tail

I really never ate before

So today I feel that I am lucky

and happy

My seafood feast, start now

Just now the seafood feast

is making happy and fulfilled

Especially the "Steamed Laksa Dragon Tiger Grouper"

The meat is solid

and the "Laksa" sauce is sour and sweet

It opens up my tste bud immediately

The other one is "Tambun Abalone"

Actually it is a kind of snail

but because it taste like abalone

hence, it is called as "Tambun Abalone"

If you want to eat happily as me

there is a navigating map beneath

Just click it and it will bring you here

Hope you like our sharing

See you next time

Bye bye

For more infomation >> Laksa+龙虎斑鱼…你吃过吗? 超好吃的!! 不吃会后悔... - Duration: 3:01.


Worry tip | Work out what seems to make it worse for you | daily sprout 182 - Duration: 1:12.

- Are you worrying about things out of your control?

(guitar music)

Now a lot of us do this

and it's important to recognise the tendency

but to then look at where you can influence some control.

So, when you catch yourself worrying about something

out of your control,

ask yourself two questions.

One, what makes this seem worse to me?

What is it that makes me feel more stressed

about this situation?

Because the situation itself might be out of control

but how you feel about it,

what your fears and anxieties about it are more

within your control.

And then two, what action can you take to deal

with those things to make it seem a little bit better?

It might be that you start to fill in some blanks

in terms of lack of knowledge about a situation

that's coming forth.

It might be that you tackle the worry and fear

and it soars because the thing that's having control

may not actually be the cause, the root cause of your fear,

it may be a symptom.

So, look at something, ask yourself

what makes this seem worse to you

and then identify some actions that can help you make

it seem better to you?

So why don't you kick stress in the sprouts?

Get signed off my Daily Sprout video

and get it direct to your inbox

and never miss another Daily Sprout again.

For more infomation >> Worry tip | Work out what seems to make it worse for you | daily sprout 182 - Duration: 1:12.


How To Afford For College- What Student Loan Borrowers Should Know - Why Invest In 3 Part Series - Duration: 0:45.

40 million Americans now owe over 1.2 trillion dollars in student loans.

Parents and students are struggling to reduce this debt burden, but one of the stumbling

blocks is sifting through the confusing number of federal student loan repayment options

available today.In this three-part series, we'll provide some of the important basics

every federal student loan borrower needs to know, as well as the key features and drawbacks

of the repayment options.There is nothing to lose but so much to gain, and remember

one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your college student is the gift of financial


Let us help you throughout this exciting journey.

For more infomation >> How To Afford For College- What Student Loan Borrowers Should Know - Why Invest In 3 Part Series - Duration: 0:45.


Man uses nicotine products to quit smoking - Duration: 1:17.








































For more infomation >> Man uses nicotine products to quit smoking - Duration: 1:17.


Vince Camuto Jalina Studded Sandal - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Vince Camuto Jalina Studded Sandal - Duration: 10:29.


Love Packages Pt 1 VID 1 OMN0105170233 - Duration: 29:16.

For more infomation >> Love Packages Pt 1 VID 1 OMN0105170233 - Duration: 29:16.


Byron Morton's Thursday weather forecast - Duration: 1:54.















11:00 AND 1:00 P.M. TOMORROW




















For more infomation >> Byron Morton's Thursday weather forecast - Duration: 1:54.


Quach Mengly - The Secret to Make Yourself Success | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:05:24.

Success Reveal

The Secret to make yourself success

by Oknha Quach Mengly

For more infomation >> Quach Mengly - The Secret to Make Yourself Success | Success Reveal - Duration: 1:05:24.


Make Money Online With Your Webcam - Duration: 2:53.

Alright I'm headed over to

and is

a live video social networking website

where you can chat for free with webcam

and audio and if you would like you can

make money as well you can watch other

people and interact with them tip them

play games and just have a good time

chatting so there are all different ways

to make money with cameraware and you

can find out about that here we go to and you'll see if they

have a two-thousand-dollar giveaway that

you can find out more about you can

click right here to find out how to go

about getting into that and then it's

available on the computer as well as on

Android and it's free to join you can

come here ok so you have to be 18 years

or older to join the site here's the

user agreement you can click show more

to see the rest of that you want to

scroll down to this green box here and

fill out all this information where it

says referred by please enter my name

Jessica080806 you're going to agree

to the camera where user agreement and i

agree sign me in then you will have

created your guest login and be taken

into the website i'm going to be going

into more detail about how to use the

website how does the chat works and all

the different features work I'm also

going to be discussing the help and the

FAQ stuff so you can find out more about

that you'll see there's a whole list

here of topics so i'll be making some

videos to cover some of these topics but

again if you're new this is a cool chat

it's really unlike anything else that

I've tried

so far and I really enjoy it there's a

lot of cool people that chat there and

again you just fill out the green box

referred by Jessica080806 all right I

will come up with some new videos about

this soon so please like this video if

this is something you're interested in

leave your comments if you have

questions and subscribe to my channel to

keep up with everything that's new I put

out videos daily so stay tuned plenty

more to come thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Make Money Online With Your Webcam - Duration: 2:53.


Stuff I Never Knew: Are You Going My Direction!? - Duration: 4:05.

- Hey guys, Shawn again, Custom Offsets

CustomOffsetsTV on YouTube.

Got another episode of Sh*t I Never Knew

Are You Going My Direction?

What we want to talk about, this one comes up a lot

and we touch on it a little bit with some car wheels

but we had this opportunity to get these big old

Fuel Forged wheels in here

directional wheels, directional tires.

What a lot of times you'll see

is you'll see a wheel design that has these blades that dig.

You'll be like, "That must be a directional wheel."

Not necessarily.

Sometimes what they'll do is they'll have this design

but all of the wheels, all four will go the same direction

so they'll all tip to the clockwise.

That is not a true directional wheel.

When you get into a directional wheel

note that these go clockwise

and now these are coming counter-clockwise.

What trucks typically will do, I should say always

because I think that is the general rule

is the truck should dig.

A truck should rotate this way

because it's digging into the ground.

This one is designed for the passenger side of the truck.

This guy wants to go this way

so he's going to be designed, ran over my foss glass.

He's going to be designed for the driver's side of the truck

so you'll see that they go two opposite directions.

What does that mean?

That means that you can either A, not rotate

from side to side

or B, you'll end up running the wheels backwards

when you rotate if you go side to side.

You can always go front to back

because they're going to be directional to a set.

Now let me confuse you even more

or un-confuse you even more

it depends on how you're doing

as far as keeping up.

This Free Passer tire is also directional.

What you'll see is these lugs are all headed thataway.

That means that this tire

is also designed to be on the passenger side.

When it's coming down the road

it's digging into the ground.

It's grabbing and throwing water, snow

sand, whatever it is.

Probably not mud with this fancy-ass setup.

This side you'll see is going the opposite direction

so this is going to be again your driver's side.

What you'll see on the side wall of the tire

it will actually say rotation

and it's got an arrow mark

and it tells you that this tire is designed to be mounted

with this out and that rotation headed that way

which is the same rotation

as the digging pattern of these directional wheels.

That's it, I don't want to drag this one out.

It is what it is.

Directional wheel, directional wheel

directional tire with that lug pattern

wanting to dig.

If you were to run it this way, that would be wrong

because it's coming at you going that way.

It's not funneling the water

it's basically snagging the water and whatnot.

That is the whole concept of a directional tire

directional wheel.

When you go and put these on a vehicle

you're basically going to be able to rotate

front to back front to back front to back

but if you were to rotate side to side

the wheel direction would be going the wrong way

but also your tread would be going the wrong way

and it's not going in the way it was designed

to rotate down the road

and you're going to get weird wearing issues.

That is Are You Going My Direction

Custom Offsets, CustomOffsetsTV on YouTube, peace.

(hip hop music)

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