Welcome everyone to Cider Summit San Francisco. We are here and it's a
gorgeous day out and we're gonna be walking around asking cider enthusiasts
what do they love about cider?
Well that there are different styles now. It's not
just straight sweet cider or straight dry cider. People are doing barrel aged and botanicals and fruit stuff.
I think the most interesting thing to me,
is just the pure variety of ciders. Like you think of cider, you think okay,
well apple, pear, occasionally you'll see maybe like a weird pineapple one in a
bar and you know you don't really give it much thought and here they're just an
extraordinary variety. There's plum, there's hibiscus, there's like
interesting combinations where people are trying to use different flavor notes
in combinations that create something really interesting and I really appreciate that.
So It's nice to find some cold dry ciders and it's kind of like a beer but it's not as heavy for me
personally. So yeah, a big cider fan! I love, I love ciders.
We just tasted over at the Spanish Importers and I think Sidra is
hopefully going to have a moment here soon because it's excellent and it's
just a different cider experience than most people have had. But all of these
California and West Coast producers and beyond are amazing here today.
I like the fruit flavors. I like everything peach related so I would try to find all those.
I think it's just more fruit forward than things that are just more yeasty and malty.
All the infusions, you know the ginger infusions, the like I said the herbal
infusions with with basil and sage.
I definitely appreciate the labor that goes into them. I know a lot of these people are very passionate about
ciders and what they're actually producing. So a lot of its really homegrown fruit, local stuff.
I love tasting all of the different kinds, like blackberry. She making fun of me. I'm like going after all like the
cherries and that sort of stuff. So that's what I'm excited about today.
One of the bottles, it has like an apple, like a full-grown apple inside one the bottles.
So I mean on top of the taste just the actual like how they style it really.
They said they grew the apple as a baby, as a little small apple inside and then
let it grow in the bottle. So I mean that's something you don't really see too often.
People get really creative and they come out with flavors that maybe
wouldn't retail well, wouldn't sell at a bar and they just
want to share it, an experiment. So there's, last year, I have to
check and see if it's still here...Hemly Cider had a really nice jalapeño cider that was
just a lot of fun and I was next to them and drinking that. I just love seeing the
different stuff that you know you can't really get anywhere else but Cider Summit!
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