Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

The gift of prophecy - here we go, this is gonna be deep, you ready? You should write

this down: it's a gift. It's a gift. And the Greek word gift there means a

favour which is received without any merit out of its own.

In other words, you don't get the gift of prophecy, or any gift

from God actually, you don't get it because you earned it,

that's why it's called a gift and not an award. Which means you could move in

signs and wonders and miracles and have terrible character. I didn't say you

should, I just said you could. You can, why? Because you get the gift of prophecy by

what? Asking for it. It has no merit, in other words, you didn't do anything

to get it except for you asked for it.

The fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, and the others that I almost remember,

I remember this one though: self-control is in there. The fruit of the Spirit is a

sign that you actually have a relationship with the Spirit, it's the

fruit that you have a relationship with the Spirit. Now if you go over to the prayer

house and pray for three hours and come back grumpy, I don't know who you talked to,

because part of the fruit - I'm very serious -

I know people who quote "spend hours with God" and have the worst attitude, I'm like

I don't know who you've been talking to but the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY,

peace, patience, and when you come back grumpy and grouchy and you

have no patience for people, and you're not kind, and you're like, I love Jesus

I'm like, dude I don't know who you're speaking to over there, but if I were you

I'd ask for someone else. I just want to say this, you know this is a little

parenthesis, but your relationship with God needs to benefit the people you know.

You'll make evangelism a lot easier if you loving God helps you to love them.

And by the way, I think it's why putting loving God is the first

commandment and loving people is second, because I don't think you can love

people very well till you love God, but once you love God loving people is pretty easy.

So you can prophesy, do miracles, all this kind of stuff, and what

did Jesus say to the guy who came to Him in the last days, there'll be false

prophets and they'll say, "Didn't we do miracles, didn't we prophesy in your name,

didn't we cast out demons?" And what's His point?

"I never," What? "Knew you." So can we agree that the gifts of the Spirit do not mean

that you have a great relationship with God? They just mean you asked for something

and Jesus gave it to you.

For more infomation >> The Gift of Prophecy - Duration: 2:53.


How Facing Your Fears Can Help You Conquer Them - Duration: 5:22.


You may have heard that facing your fears is the best way to conquer them.

As it turns out, this is actually pretty scientific advice, and is the basis for a technique called exposure therapy.

This kind of therapy has been used in some form or another since the 1950s, and it's designed to help people overcome intense fears and anxieties by exposing them to whatever they're afraid of.

And while that might sound totally counterintuitive, it's all based on some pretty basic and well-tested psychology.

In general, there's nothing wrong with being afraid.

After all, fear is a big part of what's kept humans around for so long.

But people with conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias experience extreme levels of fear that make it difficult to live their lives.

Exposure therapy is designed to help people overcome those kinds of debilitating fear.

And it's centered on the idea that fears can be learned and unlearned.

This is related to a concept in psychology called conditioning—specifically, Classical or Pavlovian conditioning.

It was named after famous experiments done by Ivan Pavlov in the 1890s, and it involves a stimulus becoming associated with a specific outcome.

In Pavlov's experiments, dogs learned that whenever someone rang a bell, they got food.

So they came to associate the bell with food, and developed a positive reaction to it.

In that case, they salivated in anticipation of being fed.

Other experiments showed that this type of conditioning can be true for negative stimuli, too.

Like, if someone is bitten by a dog, they might associate dogs with pain and fear and develop a phobia of them.

These results have been duplicated in tons of experiments over the years, but what's most important for exposure therapy is that these associations can also be extinguished, or unlearned, through conditioning.

So if someone with a phobia of dogs had repeated exposure to the animals without being bitten, their link between dogs and pain would likely disappear.

This process is the same no matter where the association comes from, too.

So no matter where someone learned to fear something, facing their fear in a controlled environment can still help them extinguish it.

And that's a big part of what exposure therapy is based on: controlled, safe, fear extinguishing.

It's about either teaching someone to overcome a fear, or to manage and process their anxieties in a more helpful way.

There are a few different types of this therapy, and the exposure part can take several forms.

For one, a fear can either be imagined or experienced in vivo, meaning in real life.

Some fears, like fear of spiders, are safe for in vivo exposure.

Others, like the fear of combat that some veterans experience, typically aren't safe and practical to repeat in real life, so these rely on imagined or even virtual reality exposure.

There are also different strategies for how much and how fast to expose patients to their fears.

Most exposure therapy involves what's called graded exposure—or starting small and gradually ramping up.

Often, it begins with imagined exposures and advances to in vivo.

For example, a therapist might guide a patient in thinking about a spider, and in performing relaxation techniques like slow breathing to manage their fear response.

Then, when the imaginary spider doesn't cause fear anymore, the patient will look at a real spider behind glass.

Eventually, they might move to looking at the spider without glass, and potentially to even touching and holding it.

Another technique is called flooding.

Unlike graded exposure, it involves facing the most feared scenario all at once.

While this is much scarier for the patient at first, if performed correctly, it also results in them realizing they don't need to respond to their fears in such an extreme way.

However, because this is more difficult for both the patient and the psychologist, graded exposure therapy is used most often.

Of course, like all types of therapies, exposure therapy isn't equally helpful for everyone.

And in some cases with phobias and PTSD, it's even been reported to make fears worse.

Scientists speculate that this might happen if the therapy isn't performed correctly, or for long enough.

Also, in general, it's especially difficult to treat social anxiety with exposure therapy—although it has helped plenty of people.

It isn't clear why it's harder, but it could be because social interactions happen every day.

This means it's more difficult to isolate and control the severity of interactions, which is necessary for patients to process their fears.

Overall, though, exposure therapy is highly effective, and this has been shown by numerous studies.

Like, one 2010 meta-analysis of 13 different studies examining 675 total patients with PTSD found that 86% showed significant improvement after exposure therapy.

And a 2007 meta-analysis of 300 patients across 21 studies reported similar success in treating specific phobias.

While it's most commonly used to treat PTSD and phobias, exposure therapy has also been shown to effectively treat panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Research is even showing that virtual reality therapy is just as effective as in vivo exposure.

Which could be a big deal for people who can't safely face their fears in real life.

Now, this doesn't mean you should rush out to the woods and find a spider to expose your arachnophobic friend to.

Like other kinds of therapy, exposure therapy is meant to be done by a trained professional in a controlled environment.

But if your friend wants to learn more about how it works? Hey, maybe you could show them this video.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you'd like to learn more about fear, you can watch our episode on what might be humanity's deepest, darkest fear.


For more infomation >> How Facing Your Fears Can Help You Conquer Them - Duration: 5:22.


Tuition insurance is a thing and it may help you if that time comes - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Tuition insurance is a thing and it may help you if that time comes - Duration: 1:46.


Daily Dose of DeJ: Work On What You Can Control - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Daily Dose of DeJ: Work On What You Can Control - Duration: 0:42.


Am I Underwithholding My Withholdings? - Duration: 1:59.

Something that's been coming up in the news quite a bit lately is the question as to whether

or not you're under withholding your withholdings.

So, let's talk about that.

The answer is, possibly.

With the new change in the tax laws, they lowered the tax rates.

Along with that, the way that withholding from your paycheck is calculated

was also changed.

Most people are finding less taxes being withheld from their paycheck, so they have higher take-home

pay, which is great.

However, what didn't get factored in was the changes to the itemized deductions rules

and personal exemptions.

Because of those changes, many people are actually going to find themselves with higher

taxable income, although it's being taxed at a lower rate.

But, because of that, you might actually have the same or similar amount of tax liability

for the year that you did last year.

If that's the case and you've had less withheld from your paycheck due to the new way that

it's being calculated, you might find yourself with a rude awakening come April when you

file your taxes and end up owing money to the IRS.

So you want to take a look at your year to date withholdings and compare that to what

your likely tax liability for the year is going to be.

There's actually an IRS website calculator that can help you take a look at that.

Click the link below, and that'll take you right there.

You can enter your income, whether or not you contribute to a retirement account, your

year to date withholdings, and it'll let you know whether or not you're on track to be

on par with what your total tax liability for the year will be.

If you need any other information you can contact us at Pure Financial.

For more infomation >> Am I Underwithholding My Withholdings? - Duration: 1:59.


You Could Be Saving More Money On Your Water Bill - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> You Could Be Saving More Money On Your Water Bill - Duration: 1:50.


Commercial Insurance Certificates Of Insurance - What Are They And Why You Should Always Use Them - Duration: 3:33.

Hi, my name is Lonnie Ladouceur the Insurance medic coming to you with another video

This one is going to be targeted for commercial general liability policies more importantly certificates of insurance

So I must say to you that the insurance

information that I'm sharing is

Targeted for Alberta as I am licensed in Alberta can only sell in Alberta. So a lot of this information

Pertains to the insurance companies in Alberta. So with that being said most times I get a call especially from general contractors or


The only reason why they buy an insurance policy is because they need a certificate of insurance

Ok. Well, that's a good reason to get an insurance policy, but you should get one in the first place anyways

Because you're out there and there could be claims against you more importantly

The reason why a person should buy commercial general liability is if someone else gets hurt or someone else's property

gets damaged instead of you having to come to bat and

The person working with you and suing you directly let the insurance company pick it up so you can go to work

And keep making the money that you need to make so with certificates of insurance a lot of times when you are

Contracted and someone contracts out your services they ask for a certificate of insurance

So basically a certificate of insurance is what's called evidence of insurance. It is not a guarantee

Every certificate of insurance States on there that you must be referring to the actual insurance

policy for the coverage's but what a certificate will outline is your dates of coverage and your model coverage and

then then also that the person the third party is listed as an additional insured or a

Certificate holder meaning that if you're named as an additional insured

Commonly, a 30-day clause is included that before the insurance policy were to cancel that certificate holder

Would get a letter saying that the policy is going to cancel

So if you're still contracted with that provider they may call you to say hey, we got notice that your insurance policy's gonna expire

What's going on? They still have a job with them

but more importantly what a lot of people don't and I have this conversation with a lot of clients is that yes

I give certificates of insurance to other people, but I'm not in a habit of asking for certificates of insurance for my own protection

Why is that so important? Well exactly that is if you're in a job site take for example

you're on a very very large companies job site and

There's a loss that you have nothing to do with you want to make sure that you're protected and that you can't be dragged in

so it's good practice to ask for certificate of insurance listed your

Organization as an additional insured on their insurance policy

so if anything happens

you know that their insurance policy is gonna kick in their lawyers gonna kick in and you can keep working which is what's most importantly

So I'm having fun as a lot of these videos

I hope that you're having fun listening to them and I'm offering information that you may not hear from your current insurance provider

And if that's the case, please call me. I'm available

24/7 my numbers four zero three six one nine six three one one and look for me at all my social media

But most importantly my website

Throughout the insurance medicate you transmeta coming to you over don't

For more infomation >> Commercial Insurance Certificates Of Insurance - What Are They And Why You Should Always Use Them - Duration: 3:33.


Which family members can petition for you, and more... - Duration: 11:46.

hi this is Kaushik Ranchod here and Brian

so what we're going to talk about is

my most recent experience at an interview and

who can petition for you as a family member

first I want to talk about what happened at a recent interview

we had the fires here in Sacramento

and the wait time was around 45 minutes

before we were able to get in

one interesting I noticed is that they were asking a lot about

which organization do you belong to?

the person that I was representing at the interview was a physician

and she belonged to a physician organization

and they really wanted to know about that

be prepared they're going to ask about that

and you should also review your 485 form

before you go into the interview

so you want to make sure you disclose all the organizations you've belonged to

and these might be like 10 years ago so you might forget them

drive your memory and go down memory lane and

and make sure you provide that information

and also in this interview was a

unique type of j1 waiver, called the conrad 30 waiver which

a nation interest type of waiver which the officer hadn't had an interview with type of case before

be prepared, especially if you are an attorney to educate the officer on that type of process

because they might not be familiar with every type of process

especially if it's a very unique type of case

now we're going to move on to who can petition for you.

so if you have a lawful permanent resident spouse

or US citizen spouse they can petition

an i130 for you to eventually get your green card

now differences with the lawful permanent resident

you have to wait for the priority date to become current so

that could be for instance that could be 1 year 2 years, you have to check the visa bulletin to see when

your specific priority date will become current for your country

if you re a US citizen

then you don't need to wait for the priority date to become current to file the 485

but you still have the processing times, which

in Sacramento right now are taking about a year

or even longer

And a US citizen parent can file for a child

and a lawful permanent resident

can file for a child if their

child is unmarried

and a US citizen sibling can also petition for you but

but you are going to have a long wait before you can file for the green card

right now over 10 years

a child can also, if they're US citizen, petition for their parents

and file for a green card if they're a US citizen

but if they're a permanent resident they cannot petition for them

alright let's talk about some questions we've been getting, I'll read one right here

can my employer petiotion me once I am in the United States?

that depends on a variety of factors, but let's say that you've entered the United States

and you did not have the intent to permanently stay in the United States

you have a bachelors degree and the

and the employer requires a bachelors degree with specialized knowledge for the position

you may be eligible for an H1B Visa

Right now we are starting to prepare H1B applycations for the April 1st filing

of next year, so we file April 1st

so that means you can start in October 1st

if you have questions weather you H1B applycation can qualify

give us a call at 916-613-3553

another question that we had

is there a way to speed up the USCIS process

there are specific types of applications where you can file for

what's called premium processing

where you can get a decision within 2 weeks

unless a request for evidence is issued

this applies to employment based

applications, if this is a family based application this service is not available

alright so I want to thank you for tuning into our weekly immigration show

tune in next week

look forward to seeing you then

meanwhile post your questions and we will

answer them as we did today, or we will

we can answer them below

or you can give us a call at 916-613-3553

if your situation is very specific and has very specific details and that sometimes would require a consultation

if it's something that can be answered

in general about the law then

we can answer that through the chat or when you post your question below

so we look forward to talking to you

see you next week, thank you and have an awesome day

For more infomation >> Which family members can petition for you, and more... - Duration: 11:46.


Your iPhone Could Get You An Extra $100 Towards Your Next One - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Your iPhone Could Get You An Extra $100 Towards Your Next One - Duration: 0:45.


6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat - Duration: 5:07.

6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat.

To gain pounds around the belly is easy but to lose them can be a nightmare and even more

challenging than what you think.

Therefore, it is important to know and understand that losing belly fat is a gradual process

that requires the right combination of workout and diet.

It cannot be achieved overnight, but it is certainly possible to shed all that belly

fat that is making you doubt yourself with the simplest of lifestyle changes.

Of course, a well-balanced diet and fiber rich foods are what you need, but you must

not forget the importance of some beverages that can boost your metabolism, fight belly

fat and help you attain your weight loss goals.


Green Tea.

On the top of the list is green tea which is packed with antioxidants known as catechins

that are believed to fight the stubborn belly fat.

A lot of studies have shown that drinking green tea regularly helps in shrinking your


Catechins increase the release of fat from fat cells in the belly and also speed up the

liver's fat burning ability.


Honey-Cinnamon Water.

Cinnamon increases your metabolic rate which hastens the process of weight loss.

It also helps to metabolize sugar which turns into fat and usually accumulates around the

belly if not used up correctly by the body.

Mix about 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with warm water and honey and drink it every morning.


Apple Cider Vinegar with Warm Water.

It is often suggested to start your day with apple cider vinegar for smooth digestion throughout

the day.

Apple cider vinegar acts a great bile stimulant and keeps the pH levels in the stomach balanced

which can help you achieve a flat tummy.

Apple cider vinegar is known to increase satiety and supress your appetite.

You should have a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with warm water every morning on an

empty stomach.


Pineapple Juice.

Pineapple juice is believed to be a great remedy for belly fat.

An important enzyme called bromelain which is found in the juice of pineapple helps in

metabolizing protein and burns away excess stomach fat.


Peppermint Tea.

Peppermint helps in the digesting your food quickly and properly which prevents the accumulation

of fat.

It helps in relieving bloating which may cause fat accumulation in the abdomen region due

to your food not being digested properly.

Peppermint particularly helps in processing the fat in your stomach.


Celery Juice.

Just like peppermint tea, celery juice also helps in relieving bloating which can lead

to belly fat.

It acts as a natural dieuretic and thus, prevents water retention by helping your body get rid

of the excess water (another cause of belly fat and bloating).

Add some ginger root to your juice for a pungent kick and also for its fat burning properties.

Ginger is warm in nature and sets the thermogenesis process where the body burns calories to utilize


While all of these drinks really help in supporting your system, the cheapest fat burner is perhaps


Drinking water helps in the elimination of unwanted toxins and keeps your appetite in


Your body tends to confuse thirst with hunger sometimes and so, it is extremely important

to keep yourself hydrated at all times.

For more infomation >> 6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat - Duration: 5:07.


Spread some holiday cheer by donating toys to kids in need - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Spread some holiday cheer by donating toys to kids in need - Duration: 3:46.


Looking Back At Lil Uzi Vert's "You Was Right" | Genius News - Duration: 3:23.

JACQUES: Back in 2016, Lil Uzi Vert admitted that he was wrong on "You Was Right."

JACQUES: "You Was Right" is produced by Metro Boomin' and is from Uzi's third tape,

'Lil Uzi Vert vs The World.'

In March 2017, the cut became the rapper's first platinum single, cementing his lovelorn

and introspective style.

On the song, Uzi raps about sharing his newfound success with then-girlfriend, Brittany Byrd

and cheating on her.

JACQUES: Uzi and Brittany met through a mutual friend in 2014, she described it as quote,

"an instant connection" between, "Two aliens in America."

LIL UZI VERT: Her name is Brittany, she's just a young girl, goes to Parsons, yeah.

Goes to Parsons.

TRACEY: Oh, she wants to be a fashion designer?

LIL UZI VERT: Yeah, everything.

JACQUES: Uzi's chorus details his struggle with being faithful.

Their love affair was rocky.

Uzi once said quote, "Our relationship is fucked up...But, you know, I love her for her

and she loves me for me.

And Brittany said quote, "I'm many things and for him, I'm the coolest lover of all time."

A former stylist for Lindsay Lohan, Brittany was Uzi's muse and she's appeared on his

mixtape covers, music videos, and many of his lyrics.

JACQUES: His third mixtape's title "Lil Uzi Vert vs. The World" is based on the

film, "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World."

RAMONA: If we're gonna date you may have to defeat my seven evil exes.

SCOTT: You have seven evil ex boyfriends?

RAMONA: Seven evil exes, yes.

SCOTT: And I have to fight...

RAMONA: Defeat.

SCOTT: Defeat your seven evil exes if we're going to...continue to date?

RAMONA: Pretty much.

JACQUES: In the film, Ramona's past boyfriends are trying to win her back.

On "You Was Right," Uzi calls out Brittany's exes.

JACQUES: Uzi brings the metaphor home on the mixtape's final track, "Scott and Ramona."

JACQUES: The music video for "You Was Right was directed by Spike Jordan and was inspired by

time travel and 'Alice in Wonderland."

According to Jordan, the shoot was pretty free-flowing.

SPIKE JORDAN: Listen, Uzi is like the craziest nigga to work with.

I'ma keep it a buck with you.

This shit was organic.

JACQUES: Except for the rabbits.

SPIKE JORDAN: Those rabbits, they was crazy man!

They don't listen, man, they don't do shit you ask them to do.

So you just kinda like gotta shoot them motherfuckers.

I think I wasted like a whole card on them niggas, man.

JACQUES: The two split sometime around mid-2017 but Genius pointed out that she was all over

Uzi's debut album, "Luv Is Rage 2."

If you want to learn more about 'You Was Right," check out the song page on

I'm Jacques Morel with Genius News, bringing you the meaning and the knowledge behind the music.


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