Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

Hopefully, or if you're watching this video,

you already see the value in waiting to have sex until marriage or as I like to

say, find love before sex.

So in this video I'd like to talk about how to actually wait.

How can we set ourselves up for success? If we've made the decision to wait,

well, the first thing you must do if you plan

to be successful is set good boundaries upfront.

No boundaries equals no self esteem. The boundaries you keep are indicative

of how little or how much you respect yourself,

boundaries are your friend. The reason I say this is because good

intentions don't mean jack. It's only what we're actually able to do

that matters. The enemy doesn't give a shit about what

you tried to do. Let me share a story with you.

A few years ago, a female friend that I'd known for some

time and I reconnected.

She was going through something and I pulled her close to my group of friends

and immediately I started to see that she was making better decisions and was

being positively influenced by the group.

We had a level of comfort because we had known each other a long time and we had

come from similar backgrounds, so we began spending more time together

just as friends. There was some physical attraction there

on both sides, but I was praying about who to date next

and was really waiting for God to give me a green light on someone and up until

this point He hadn't said anything about this girl or anyone else;

although I was enjoying my time with her and we continued to grow closer.

We had never been physical in any way, not even held hands.

There were some minor flirting and I thought it was a dangerous situation,

so I talked to her about it, but we both pretended like that could

never happen because we were "such good friends".

I ignored the red flags and the next time that we spent together watching a

movie alone at my house, we wound up having sex.

It was a huge blow for me at the time. I had been abstinent for three years.

I was very outspoken on my stance on this subject.

I was on leadership at my church and I really just believed that I was stronger

than that. I had every intention of saving myself

for marriage, but once we started kissing,

I couldn't pull the emergency brake and stop it.

Things got out of control quickly and it almost ended our friendship and in

hindsight I see that I wanted the benefits of having a girlfriend without

the actual commitment and it was my fault because I hadn't set stronger

boundaries. In order to set your boundaries,

you have to know yourself and you have to be very honest with yourself about

what you can and can't do.

When it comes to dating. For some people,

their boundary might not be spending time alone together.

Others may not be able to even kiss or hold hands.

The main thing as the Bible says is to "know

thyself" and don't try to see how close you can

get to the fire without getting burned. Even my friends that don't believe that

Jesus was the son of God, will say that he was at least the the

most enlightened person that ever walked the earth.

And what did Jesus say about sin? He said,

"if your eye causes you to sin,

gouge it out." Think about that.

Can imagine gouging your own eye out? How painful that would be and how

extreme that sounds? So when I get friends,

asked me if it's okay to cuddle or, spend the night at each other's house

while they're dating. While there might not be anything

technically wrong with cuddling per se, I would ask is it worth it?

Because I understand that not cuddling someone you're dating sounds extreme,

but it's nowhere as extreme as gouging your own eye out.

I have many friends, girlfriends especially that miss that

aspect of a relationship and while cuddling may be innocent to them,

it's not always innocent to others, especially if that other person isn't

committed to waiting until marriage to have sex.

Spooning leads to forking! The old.

"I just wanted to be held"

may be true, but all that matters is what you're able

to do. Again,

intentions count for nothing. This is why I recommend before dating,

decide where your boundaries actually are.

Decide where your line is before ever putting yourself in a compromising

situation so you don't make a mistake. Trying to decide when you're already

horizontal is a bad idea. I won't lie,

keeping strong boundaries will cost you. Boundaries are like diets.

They're easy to set, but they're difficult to maintain.

They require discipline. I personally removed all obstacles from

a life that would prevent me from succeeding.

For example, the boundaries that I now keep

personally for the last three and a half years are I made a decision not to spend

time alone with women because I know it's dangerous for me given my past and

my weaknesses in that area. I might ride in a car or go to the

movies with a female, but I wouldn't have one at my house or

go to her house and watch a movie if it was just her and I.

another thing I did in order to pursue this path was I gave up drinking alcohol

several years ago and one of the primary reasons I did it was because when I

drank, I feel promiscuous and I used to

rationalize drinking because drinking in itself isn't wrong,

but it was causing me to make mistakes over and over again so it had to go.

I can't tell you how much more productive this one decision has made me

and it all stemmed from my desire to wait to have sex until marriage.

Again. I made all these decisions for selfish

reasons. I honestly believe that this is the best

strategy for finding true love and longterm happiness.

Plus, I didn't want to burn a friendship hurt

another person, damag the faith that other people have

placed on me and lose credibility, get stuck with the wrong person in

verbally or get an std, get someone pregnant.

Does that make sense? But hey,

those are my boundaries and I admit they are up pretty far,

but if I'm serious about having all the things I want most in life,

and if you are, then I suggest that you have to make

these certain sacrifices in order to put yourself in a position to succeed.

If you're just starting out, I will warn you,

it is lonely.

It is hard. You will be depressed at times.

It's an emotional rollercoaster. It's literally what I imagine going

through withdrawal to a substance must be like,

but on the other side of it, there's this beautiful freedom that

comes with it. The Bible says,

"no discipline feels pleasant at the time,

but painful. Later on,

however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and

peace for those who are trained by it." So be willing to go through it.

No one gets to their promised land without going through the wilderness.

The wilderness is uncomfortable. It's unfamiliar.

Sometimes it's flat out painful, but know,

there's something greater on the other side for you if you make the journey.

What's your vying for here isn't a small thing either.

This is the life you've always wanted and the person created for you just to

share it with. Focus on how good the prize is at the

end of the wait. Lastly,

I'd recommend seeking out a mentor who can give you good advice and

accountability in the area of your relationships.

Church is a good place to start and you'll find people there that share

these values and it won't cost you anything.

Having a good support system is crucial. Surround yourself with people headed in

the same direction or you'll never make it.

If you're looking for support and encouragement,

join the conversation in the Why Waiting Works Community on Facebook and until

next time, thank you.

For more infomation >> How To Wait (When You Really Want To Have Sex) #Boundaries - Duration: 6:51.


Stop Saying "I DON'T HAVE TIME..."! Send it to #DeathRow with #TheEliminator - Duration: 3:02.

today we'll eliminate the phrase "I don't have time"

right after the intro welcome to death row

I'm the Eliminator you can think of me

as that part of you who seeks power energy and speed

and wants to get rid and eliminate everything that

slows you down and while you get in touch

with that dark side of you I'll present you

who's on death row today today on death row

we'll eliminate the phrase "I don't have time"

everybody has the same amount of time

24 hours a day or 86,400 seconds

in a day you can not go around it

you cannot say I don't have time

it just a lie it's a game of priorities

when you say I don't have enough time

you actually say you have other things

you prefer to do you have other things

that you value more you have other things

that are more important for you to do

so you take the easy choice and say I don't have time

this is lying whether to yourself

or others either way it makes you weak and

remember I'm that dark side of you who seeks power

don't make yourself weak if a friend calls you

and tells you asks you to go for a movie

don't lie to him saying that you don't have time

either you lie to yourself or him both ways

you are making yourself weak so if you don't want to go

or you have other things that you want to do

communicate the truth weak people cannot

communicate the truth but you have the power

you can communicate the truth you can say to him or her

I have other projects I'm working on

I've other commitments that's the truth

communicate the truth use your power and

if that's a friend that don't want to hang out with

cut him off get the power back

into your hands don't use this weak statement

"I don't have time" you do have time

everybody has time 24 hours a day

you cannot go around it that's it

we're done here the phrase

"I don't have time" ELIMINATED

also comment below to send more words

sentences phrases or whatever to death row

to be eliminated

For more infomation >> Stop Saying "I DON'T HAVE TIME..."! Send it to #DeathRow with #TheEliminator - Duration: 3:02.


SLSMusic|POP SONG PIANO MEDLEY Vol.I - Duration: 20:31.

For more infomation >> SLSMusic|POP SONG PIANO MEDLEY Vol.I - Duration: 20:31.


7 Everyday Things You Didn't Know The Purpose Of #2 | FactoFusion - Duration: 5:02.

Every damn thing we use in our lives has a purpose behind it.

And we rarely think about it.

For eg. do you even know that there's a small hole in the aeroplane window, and is actually

present there for a reason.

So, a lot of things which we use in our daily life actually make a ton of sense, and now

you'll know the real purpose behind the everyday things in your daily life.

So, let's get started.

Did you ever think, what that small loop on the back of your shirt is for?

So, that small loop back in days was used to hang the shirt on the hooks without getting

wrinkles on them.

Back in the days, there wasn't any wardrobe so hanging the shirts without getting wrinkles

on them was a critical task.

So finally, this thought came up to the manufactures to design a small loop at the back that could

help in hanging the shirts.

Do you know what type of toothpaste do you use?

I mean, is it natural or chemical or medicinal?

If you do not know about it, then turn around your toothpaste tube,

And near the crimp, you can see a small little color square,

something like this.

The color of the square denotes the type of material with which your toothpaste is made.

So, let's check out what the color codes here mean

Green square means your toothpaste has Natural ingredients

Blue square for Natural + Medicinal While Red square toothpaste has Natural +

Chemical compositions And sorry to say if you are using a Black

square toothpaste, then your toothpaste is purely made from chemicals.

So, comment down below and let us know what type of toothpaste you are using, and if you

made any decision to change that now.

These commonly found cylinders at the end of the power cables and chargers on your laptop

are present for a very important reason.

This cylindrical looking thing is known as Ferrite Bead or Ferrite choke.

It helps in suppressing the high frequency noise

and keeps the electromagnetic interference in control,

thereby not making it allow to be passed to your devices

and safeguarding them from being damaged.

So never again think of them as black lumpy guy,

they are actually the electricity protectors of your device.

Sometimes when you got your favorite coffee, You must have received this stirrer which

has two parallel tiny holes through it.

Now, what should we actually call it, a stirrer or straw or both.

Well, it's both.

It was actually designed for the people who have their coffee on the go,

as it can be used for both purposes, of stirring along with sipping the coffee.

The holes are made small as to allow only the amount of coffee you have in one sip.

Also, its made small as the coffee is hot and a larger hole can make you sip large amount

of coffee which can burn your tongue.

Have you ever wondered why these holes on the windows of the aero plane exists?

Well, do not worry they are for your safety.

This tiny window hole is known as bleed hole and is sandwiched between two other panes

of acrylic material.

The first pane is the pane that you can touch inside the cabin,

Next to that we have the pane that has the bleed hole and finally covered by the most

important outer pane, which actually protects you from the outer pressure.

This bleed hole equilibrates the air pressure in between the passenger cabin and the

air gap between panes.

If you are a driver, you must have noticed this tiny arrow next to the fuel gauge on

your speedometer.

Its little but very important.

This little arrow helps you to know which side your fuel tank is located.

And now finally the last thing on our list.

We loved to grab these delicious lollipops in our childhood.

But do you know why these tiny holes or cut at the top of the lollipop sticks exists?

These holes are created to make a little bit of the lollipop to melt and flow into it,

Thereby locking the stick and lollipop candy together

And never make it fall, even if turned upside down.

For more infomation >> 7 Everyday Things You Didn't Know The Purpose Of #2 | FactoFusion - Duration: 5:02.


Winter HACKS for CRACKED Heels You MUST Try - फटी एड़ियों से छुटकारा पाएं | Anaysa - Duration: 4:52.

If you ask before seeing the remedy

your feet already well while doing the remedy

so have a look on this picture which is clicked a week back

that was the condition of my feet

now have a look on this day 3rd pic

and now this recent picture

cracked heels are so common during winters

on the onset of winters

If you do not take the right care of your feet

there might condition be worst

so why this remedy is better ??

cause also I'l tell you the best hacks

which will help you a lot in curing cracked heels

so lets collect the required stuff which are easily available at home

now only required that steel bowl

put candle pieces in a steel bowl

now pour the vitamin E oil from capsules this way

now add 4 tsp of Mustard oil

make it little warm

remove that thread from it

you need to do very important step before applying this pack

take warm water

in that much amount so that your feet get dip easily in it

now add shampoo

Squeeze a lemon and put that in water again

yeah I'll tell you later what you gonna do with this lemon

mix the ingredients well to make a soapy solution

now dip your feet in this solution in this solution for five minutes

meanwhile you can listening to some soothing music

this warm water helps in loosening the dead skin cells

to which you can remove easily using a loofah or a pumice stone.

and the antioxidant properties help to kill those smell causing bacterias

so it also help in get rid of that bad odour from your feet

now rub your feet well with this lemon piece

after doing all this rinse your feet with clean water

now pat dry it with a towel

now start applying this pack using cotton pads

need to take care of its temperature don't apply when its too hot

this candle cures your cracked heels so well

all these three ingredients will help you a lot to get rid of that cracked heels

now wrap your feet like this with a food wrap foil

if you don't have food wrap foil you can use normal polythene

then wear socks

now left it as it is for overnight

you don't have that much time for making that soap solution everyday

there's also a hack for this

as we bath with warm water during winters

while having bath place a tub beneath your feet

so that all the warm water get collected in that

your feet will remain dipped in this warm water and gets cleaned

you can store this pack for 2 to 3 weeks

this remedy will give you the best results within a week

so follow this remedy those who're suffering from cracked heels

hit LIKE to this video

or if you haven't till yet then do it now

also do SUBSCRIBE to my channel "Anaysa"

For more infomation >> Winter HACKS for CRACKED Heels You MUST Try - फटी एड़ियों से छुटकारा पाएं | Anaysa - Duration: 4:52.


Top 7 Plumbing Job Interview Tips | Plumbing Career | The Expert Plumber - Duration: 6:45.

Do you know what employers are looking for when you go in and get a plumbing job?

In this video I'm going to teach you and we are going to do it now.

I'm Roger Wakefield, LEED AP, The Expert Plumber.

Welcome back to another great video.

if you have not been here before and you want to learn all thing plumbing as a Realtor,

home owner, or real estate investor start by subscribing now and ringing the bell so

you don't miss out on anything.

When you go in to get a job as a plumber, what is it that the business owner is looking

for to determine if he's going to hire you or not.

Even if you're an apprentice, not necessarily a plumber.

But what if you're an apprentice?

If you go into to look for a job and when you first walk in, and I literally used to

think about this even before I'd get there.

Number one; what am I wearing?

Am I dressing professional?

And I don't mean suit and a tie, but I mean do I have on clean jeans?

Do I have on a nice shirt that's not wrinkled?

The other thing would be, how do you smell?

And I know that sounds crazy but, you know, if you're a smoker and you walk in and you're

sitting across the desk from me and all I can smell is smoke, I'm probably going to

think: Ok, when he goes to see my customers he's going to smell the same way, and is this

going to offend them?

If you're a dipper, you know, did you brush your teeth?

Did you put a breath freshener in your mouth before you walked in?

What did you do to let me know: hey, I really want this job.

So dress and smell, those are some very things that pop up there in the very beginning.

When I pulled up, I would never park right in front of the door.

I would always park either down at the end, out on the street around the corner.

I don't want to be right in front drawing attention to myself.

I want to show up, walk in in a very respectful way.

And parking right in front of the door, I maybe blocking an owner from coming in, I

may be blocking a very serious client from coming in.

There's a lot of reasons, but I don't want to be just right there in front of the door.

Now let's talk about skills.

What kind of experience do you have?

Do you have experience for this job?

Do you have experience that could help you do well on this job?

In Texas, there's different endorsements on your plumbing license.

There's different registrations you can have on your apprentice certification.

So, have you done the things to help improve you to the company.

People get paid for the value they bring to a company.

And if I've got a guy that comes in, looks great, smells good, works hard, he's got skills,

you know what?

I'm interested in this guy.

Think about this.

When you walk in to talk to somebody, they may not be looking for somebody right now,

but if you impress them, they may say: hey, you know what?

This guy may be better than what we have.

One of the continuing education instructors that I used to take classes from would tell

me: if you get up and study about your trade thirty minutes for a day for six months, you

will become one of the top 5% of your industry.

Guys that's huge.

Learn about your trade, learn more about it than other people.

Learn about new equipment, new tools, new materials.

Learn anything that you can to help make you better and more valuable than somebody else.

Because if you're more valuable, you're worth more money.

Now let's get down to attitude.

How do you present yourself?

When you come in and present yourself to an employer, the things that they're looking

at are; how do you handle yourself?

Do you sit up straight?

When you shook their hand did you shake their hand?

That's all part of a positive attitude.

And positive attitudes are what people are looking for.

They want someone who's going to come in and help build the morale up of everybody in the

company, not just come in and, you know, they're down all the time and they're not happy, and

you know, they move around, they mope, they're sad.

Whatever the case is.

They're looking for a team player, they want people that want to help other people, not

fight with other people.

Not argue with other people.

They want people that are going to come in, and be part of the team and make it a better


We're also looking for leadership.

We're looking for people that can get out, start on their own, work on their own, do

everything that needs to be done and then move on to the next task.

Now whether you're talking commercial construction or residential service.

It's about the same.

In residential service, you're running your own company, you've got your own truck, you

are responsible for everything that goes on in it.

It takes a good leader to do that.

What are you doing to grow your leadership skills?

You know what?

If you've been reading book and you think they're helping leave a comment down below.

Let me know what it is that you are doing to improve yourself for your employer.

Wether you've got a job, wether you're looking for a job, what're you doing to improve yourself?

Because every employee at every company has the ability to improve themselves to increase

their value and make them worth more to their employer.

And like I said, that brings in more revenue, more money for you.

The last thing is baggage.

What an employer really doesn't want to hear is all the problems you've got.

What is going on in your life?

You know, "Oh my God, I'm getting a divorce, my parents died, I'm moving out of the house,

I'm fixing to lose my apartment, I'm fixing to lose my truck."

You know, all that negativity and all that baggage makes them think: you know what?

That's going to affect my company and guys it will.

So learn to control your baggage.

If you've got baggage, and trust me we've all got it.

But how do we handle it?

And what do we do with it?

Do we carry that baggage to work with us everyday?

Is it on display on our sleeve?

Do we wear it like a badge of honor?

Or when we've got problems at home, when we walk in the company do we say "hey you know


I'm at work.

My baggage stays out here.

And then when we're off we can take care of it."

So thank you for watching.

If you want to learn more about plumbing, check out some of the other videos we've done

here on The Expert Plumber, and start now by clicking the subscribe button and ringing

the bell so you don't miss out anything.

And I'll see you on the next video, unless you get flushed.

For more infomation >> Top 7 Plumbing Job Interview Tips | Plumbing Career | The Expert Plumber - Duration: 6:45.


Best Tutors Hayes & Hounslow | Best Maths Tutor/Tuition center in Hayes/Hounslow London(UK) - Duration: 1:41.

Best Tutors Hayes & Hounslow

For more infomation >> Best Tutors Hayes & Hounslow | Best Maths Tutor/Tuition center in Hayes/Hounslow London(UK) - Duration: 1:41.


Can you fit Ozil and Eriksen into same side? - it's the North London combined XI - Duration: 8:52.

 For so long Arsenal dominated the North London derby - but the tide has turned.  Tottenham Hotspur currently sit above Unai Emery's side in the Premier League, with the Gunners in transition under their new Spanish boss

 And while the red half of North London would have monopolised a joint XI a few years ago, now it's a very different story

 But there are still some interesting questions for any combined side ahead of the Emirates clash

 Could you play Mesut Ozil and Cristian Eriksen in the same team? Who's a better bet at right-back?  And how do you fit Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang in?  Here Mirror Football experts reveal their Arsenal-Tottenham joint XI, with a few surprises along the way

Jack Rathborn  (4-2-3-1) Lloris; Bellerin, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Davies; Sissoko, Winks; Son, Eriksen, Aubameyang; Kane  It would be unthinkable for Moussa Sissoko to even be considered for this entering the season, but such are his dominant performances of late, you simply have to include him given his growing influence

 Harry Winks, too, whilst not a permanent fixture in the Spurs line-up, oozes class on the ball and is trending towards establishing himself as England's best ball-playing centre-midfielder

Sometimes something as small as sharing an article with a mate can mean a lot.  There are plenty of things that make up being a good friend - checking in with someone, asking how they are, sending them something they might like, buying them a boat…(OK, maybe not that last one)

 Small gestures can mean a lot to people who may be going through a tough time.  The Mirror is working with Dave and CALM - the Campaign Against Living Miserably - to say 'be the mate you'd want'

 Ok, you can keep scrolling now. Advertiser content from DAVE  Lucas Torreira would be another consideration to play in the 'two,' presuming Christian Eriksen plays as the No

10.  Given Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's admiral attitude towards playing for the Gunners out wide, it's a luxury to be able to pick him out wide given Harry Kane is an automatic pick

 Christian Eriksen is perhaps the best player from both squads and will have the opportunity to prove as much this weekend

Matt Lawless    (4-3-3): Leno; Bellerin, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Rose; Winks, Eriksen, Alli; Aubameyang, Kane, Lacazette  The difficult choice for me was the keeper

 Look, I rate Hugo Lloris as one of the finest goalkeepers we have ever had in the Premier League

 But I've been really impressed with Bernd Leno since he replaced Petr Cech, so he gets the nod in my XI

 The first name on my team sheet was Harry Winks - what a player. Always wants the ball, rises to the occasion and, for me, the real lynchpin in Tottenham's midfield

 He makes everything tick. And what a dream front three: Kane, Aubameyang and Lacazette, Goals, goals, goals! Aaron Flanagan    (4-2-3-1) Lloris, Trippier, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Davies, Alli, Torreira, Son, Eriksen, Aubameyang, Kane  Sorry guys, it's another Tottenham-heavy XI from me

 The problem with combined XIs is that it is based on individuals and not teams.  There is no question that Unai Emery has built a great team at Arsenal this season and he is getting the most out of their players

 But man-for-man, Tottenham have so much more quality in their squad.  Obviously, there are quality players in Arsenal's team that don't make this XI

It was hard to leave out the likes of Mesut Ozil, Aaron Ramsey and Alexandre Lacazette

 But right now would I pick them ahead of some of those Tottenham players? Probably not

Mark Jones    (4-3-3) Lloris, Trippier, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Davies, Torreira, Eriksen, Alli, Aubameyang, Kane, Son  I make that 9-2 to Tottenham, which is probably a bit harsh given Arsenal's recent improvement under Unai Emery, but the fact is that Spurs have been streets ahead of their rivals for a few years now

 Lucas Torreira might be one of the players who can help redress that balance though, and he's in along with Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang as two of the Gunners' best signings in the last 12 months

 Kieran Trippier and Ben Davies are Tottenham's best two full-backs, and Son Heung-min is a player I always enjoy watching

 Up the North London Tottengooners! Conor Mummery    (4-2-3-1) Lloris, Trippier, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Rose; Dembele, Winks; Eriksen, Dele, Son, Kane  I know what you're thinking

How have you left Moussa Sissoko out? It wasn't an easy decision given the Frenchman's superb form in recent weeks

But this isn't based on current form, it's an all fit, firing on all cylinders XI

 Alderweireld and Vertonghen are two of the best centre-backs in Europe, the same cannot be said of Shkodran Mustafi or Rob Holding

Granit Xhaka obviously isn't getting in the midfield.  As for the front four, Spurs' battering of Chelsea last weekend was the first time they've all played together this season, and you saw what happened

 Lastly, despite how many goals Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has put past Qarabag FK and Cardiff, it's Harry Kane all day, every day

Alex Richards    (4-1-4-1) Lloris; Bellerin, Alderweireld, Vertonghen, Davies; Torreira; Eriksen, Alli, Ozil, Son; Kane  A team mostly built around the current Spurs side, featuring EIGHT of Mauricio Pochettino's men

 Harry Kane leads the attack ahead of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, and given I'm not a fan of him playing from wide areas, I've not attempted to shoehorn him in

 Mesut Ozil does get into an attacking midfield quartet including Dele Alli, Christian Eriksen and the greatly-underrated Son, with Lucas Torreira patrolling in front of the back four

 Hector Bellerin pips Kieran Trippier at right-back as the Spaniard has improved once again under Unai Emery this term, while Hugo Lloris is between the sticks

Sam Few  (4-2-3-1) Lloris; Bellerin, Foyth, Mustafi, Davies; Torreira, Dier; Son, Eriksen, Iwobi; Aubameyang  Despite a shaky start, young defender Juan Foyth is beginning to find his feet under Mauricio Pochettino and is partnered by the established figure of Shkodran Mustafi

 There is a physical defensive midfield with Lucas Torreira providing the legs next to a disciplined Eric Dier

Heung-Min Son and Alex Iwobi are pacey and direct while Christian Eriksen brings the creativity

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has shone under Unai Emery and is given the nod in attack

For more infomation >> Can you fit Ozil and Eriksen into same side? - it's the North London combined XI - Duration: 8:52.


The Rock's : $ 20 000 000 Car Collection - LIFESTYLE - Duration: 8:00.

The Rock's : $ 20 000 000 Car Collection

The Rock's : $ 20 000 000 Car Collection

For more infomation >> The Rock's : $ 20 000 000 Car Collection - LIFESTYLE - Duration: 8:00.


How To Decorate Cookies Princess, For Beginners🦌🎄 Best Sugar Cookies🍪 - Duration: 10:13.

How To Decorate Cookies princess, For Beginners🦌🎄 Best Sugar Cookies🍪

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For more infomation >> How To Decorate Cookies Princess, For Beginners🦌🎄 Best Sugar Cookies🍪 - Duration: 10:13.



Hey Hey! It's Katie here from Creative Travel Guide and today we are in

England!? Kind of! We are actually here in Thames Town, which is just on the

outskirts of Shanghai, China. If we haven't met before me and my husband are

a British couple we live in Tianjin, China and we are currently traveling

China. So if you want to see more videos of us living in China and traveling in

China, make sure you hit subscribe!

So we are here in Thames Town and Thames Town actually built along with many

other replica European cities around Shanghai to reduce some of the busyness

and the crowds in the city center, so this was made as a residential area to

encourage people who live in Shanghai to move out into these types of areas just

to give them some more housing options as well but it's actually pretty quiet

here. This is a Sunday, we thought would be a bit more busier, there seems to be a

lot of tourists here. From our research I gather that there's not actually that

many people that do live here, there are residential areas and by the looks of it

they have got like clothes hanging outside their balcony and so there must

be people that do live here I don't think it's like a ghost town type

situation but I think there's a lot less people that live here than they

anticipated. As you can see there are lots of different areas here that

represent England so you have the old churches, you have streets that are named

after various things from England like Kent Street and Oxford Street. There are

lots of tea houses here but then again there are lots of tea houses all over

China and they have lots of different areas to explore so we're going to

explore the town today go and get ourselves a cup of tea first

I think and then explore a little bit more so, let's go!

So we are just in this little teahouse here in Thames Town and there are lots of interesting

artifacts, I think that actually Boris Johnson is on a poster behind my head here and

they have like these sound old-fashioned chairs, in fact I feel like this

tablecloth my nan used to have. So it is quite quaint. I think it also a bookshop.

They have lots of books out as well in Chinese and actually I think there is some English ones as well so

that's quite interesting.

We've just seen a couple going around a woman in her

wedding dress and a man whose tuxedo like I said it's 33 degrees here so they

must be absolutely sweltering but there's actually here like a massive

line of different wedding dress and photography shops, going across this

whole street. Advertising different areas you can have your photos taken around here

so it must be a big business in this area I can imagine.

and that is Thames Town so if you wanna come and visit it's just on the

outskirts of Shanghai, you can get a DiDi in about 45 minutes or you can get

the metro it's a really cute little place they even have a statue of Harry

Potter. Somewhat. Anyway I hope you like this

video if you do please make sure you give it a thumbs up and hit subscribe

until next time, Stay Creative, Bye!

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