Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

I just want to take a few moments and cover some things that have assisted me in acquiring

things in my life.

I know that few people are aware of these basic fundamental laws that operate in this

world of ours.

Some people are aware of them; some people are not aware of them, but they are using


And sometimes we wonder why certain things happen to us, we acquire certain things and

then over a period of time it seems like we live in stagnation.

Nothing happens; nothing takes place; everything seems to be at a standstill.

But there are basic laws in this universe that we are governed by and will work for

you if you know how to apply them.

And I would like to cover a couple of these laws that will assist you in knowing why these

things happen.

We have laws of success.

We have laws of poverty.

We have laws of lack, laws of prosperity.

We have laws of hate.

We have laws of love.

We have laws of peace.

All of these are basic laws.

If we use them rightfully, wonderful things will happen to us.

If we use them wrong, then we get ourselves in trouble.

Now, one of the things that has always bothered me, is in all the books I've ever read on

setting goals in life, positive thinking, positive goals that we want in life--many

of you have probably read some of the books--you follow these different steps, rules, laws,

that exactly if we set 10 goals we end up with 2.

We lose out on 8.

So it is not like the law of gravity seemingly, because it doesn't work every time.

And the only reasons it does not work every time, is because we do not use the right law.

We are only using part of the law, and so the law of averages will give you a percentage

of your goals.

That is all.

You say, "Gee, wasn't that great?

It happened to me."

But whatever happened to all the other goals you had in life?

I'm going to lay down a simple basic way and you can have anything in this world you want

to have and you can be anything in this world you want to be, and it's a simple basic situation.

There's absolutely no problem to it.

These are scientific things that work every time if you will do it in a simple way.

Now, the first thing that we want to become aware of is we want to be like farmers.

We are going to plant seeds, and these seeds that we plant are the seeds we're going to


Now we're all aware that if we plant a seed of tomatoes, we are not going to get cucumbers--you're

going to get tomatoes.

If you plant a watermelon seed, you're not going to get grapefruit.

You're not going to get radishes.

If you want radishes, folks, you must plant radishes.

And when you plant a seed in the earth, you must plant it properly.

And if you do not plant it properly, you will not have the harvest.

One of the major problems in our country today for the average person is they take the time

and the effort to buy all the harvesting equipment, but they do not understand the planting and

the cultivating.

We want to reap harvest, but we do not want to take the time to plant, and we do not want

to take the time to cultivate.

Now the planting of the seeds in the earth is basically and absolutely the same process

that you use in the mental world.

We are born with a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

We are the only animal in the kingdom that have both the conscious and the subconscious

mind--a mind that can decide anytime in life where we want to go or what we want or what

we don't want.

We can decide with this accomplished mind of ours if we want to do a thing or if we

don't want to do a thing.

We can decide if we want to ear or if we don't want to eat.

We can decide if we want a drink, or if we don't want a drink.

We can decide what we want in life in a home, in an automobile, in the clothes we wear,

the stoles we buy, anything that we want in this world--any type of furniture, any type

of a home, any type of an anything.

We decide at anytime.

Now, where most people are making mistakes is that they simply set their goals down.

Now, what are your goals?

Write them down.

A fellow sits down, he says I want a house, a car, some furniture, I want some new clothes,

I want some money.

And this is the way they set their goals.

Now folks, if we a whole group of seeds, let's say apple seeds.

We had 50 different types of apple seeds, and we just grabbed any of those seeds and

we throw them in the ground and they come up and they're green apples.

I wanted red ones.

That's because you picked any type of an apple seed.

You didn't describe it.

So we must learn to define.

Now, you've heard of the word "visualizing".

You have to learn to visualize things.

And when you visualize something, this is the thing that's going to bring in your life,

if the visualization is strong enough.

Now we're always visualizing things in our life, but the tendency is to visualize negative


Now the reason that we're visualizing negative situations is because, let's not kid ourselves,

we're living in a negative world.

So if I say, "Joe, how are you feeling today?"

And he says, "Good, fine."

And I ask him the next day how he feels, and he says, "I feel terrible.

I've got a pain in my stomach and I ache all over."

And he goes into'd think he was an actor.

He can describe a negative situation in his body so wonderfully.

But when he feels good, he just says, "Fine."

How come people, when they feel fine, they don't say, "I feel great; I feel wonderful;

I feel so great that I expect all the wonderful things in the world to happen to me today!"?

In other words, have a little feeling when you talk about the good things in life.

I say, "How are you doing in business?"

The guy says, "Fine."

Now if he has a bad day, I say how are you doing, he says "lousy, let me tell you this

is a...I'm just having a terrible time.

Did you read that article the other day?

It took me several hours to find it; but it was on the back page down at the bottom in

fine print, but I located it."

People like negative things.

They seem to vibrate with them.

For some strange reason, they don't want things that are negative in their life, but they

keep insisting on talking about them.

And they can paint the most beautiful picture of loss and lack.

And the funny thing about creating things, folks: we are creators.

Nothing comes to us.

Everything comes through us from us.

Everything in this world that happens to us comes from here, not out here.

And everything that you have in your life is exactly what you designed, the dress you're

wearing, the coat you're wearing, the tie you're wearing, the necklace you're wearing,

the home you're living in, the neighbors you've got, the friends you've got.

So what I am saying is that everything we attract is what we are, and what I am speaks

so loudly I can't hear what you say.

And what you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.

You see, everything you say is the thing that you created.

So be careful about what you create.

Be careful.

It's hard to visualize a thing.

But you see, we have to learn to describe things.

Now I'm going to go through a description of a thing because this is very important

in your lifes, folks.

Please listen and please try to remember what I'm saying.

You can change your life that quick into everything wonderful.

You can have everything wonderful happening to you, if you use these few basic simple

little things.

Now I'm going to describe a thing--an automobile.

I'll talk about an automobile because an automobile is easy to describe, and people can comprehend

it very quickly and very easily.

And I'm not going to talk about a Chevrolet; I'm going to talk about a Cadillac.

And anytime I'm talking about a Cadillac, folks, I'm not describing the Cadillac per

se; I'm talking about a Cadillac idea--the Cadillac idea in the clothing, in the home

and the things you really desire deep within you.

And I'm not talking about something that you say.

"Well, I've got to have money to have a Cadillac."

I'm not talking about money.

It's not necessary that you have money to have a Cadillac.

There's are many wonderful things that can happen to you.

These things can come to you from very unusual sources.

Many wonderful things can happen to you.

If you believe in the thing I'm talking about and if you can do and go through the process

I'm talking about, your incomes will be doubled, tripled, quadrupled.

The one thing that I had in my mind that I had defined in my mind was a red Cadillac


I never had owned a Cadillac in my life.

Now you probably don't want a red Cadillac.

I wanted one, and I defined that thing right down to its socks, and the end result was

I had me a red Cadillac convertible, and my income increased to a point where it cost

me nothing.

This is visualizing.

This is a positive attitude toward the things you want.

Too many people stop their dreams because they start thinking about that thing that

is not necessary in order to have it.

I say to somebody, I say "Do you want a new Cadillac?"

You say, "I want one, but I can't afford it."

I say, "It has nothing to do with affording at this minute.

I just want to know what you really want."

Most people are afraid to define what they want in life.

They're afraid to define it.

They're afraid it's going to cost them something.

Well if you're making $1,000 a month right now, and you double your income to $2,000

a month, you can have a Cadillac, you can have two Cadillacs, you can have five Cadillacs.

So you don't worry about the income--I'm just talking about the principle now.

The Cadillac--what do you do about it?

I'll say, "Pete, what would you like to have?"

He says, "A Cadillac."

Now don't forget folks, I'm going to give it to him--I'm going to give it to him.

He has nothing to worry about--no money, no nothing.

I say, "Pete, what do you want?"

He says, "A Cadillac."

I say, "Fine, Pete."

Now this is where people make their mistakes.

I say, "I've got a nice 1936 beat-up model downstairs.

I'll give it to you."

He says, "I don't want a 1936 model Cadillac."

I said, "You just told me you wanted a Cadillac."

He says, "I want a '62 Cadillac."

I said, "Why didn't you tell me, Pete?

Why didn't you tell me?"

This is the way people set their dreams.

They just say I want a Cadillac.

Do you want an orange or a green one?

He says, "I want a red one."

Now he's starting to define.

And you know it's very difficult to define up here in your mind.

The first thing you do is you get a piece of paper folks, and start defining on a piece

of paper.

A 1962 Cadillac, a red Cadillac, convertible--I'm just describing one car now.

You can have any kind of car you want--a red Cadillac, 1962 convertible with a white top,

red and white upholstery, a red floor, white wall tires, electric windows, air conditioning


The guy says, "How much does that cost?"

I say, "Don't worry bout it--you're going to get it for nothing."

The guy says, "I'll take it, then."

Now he says, "I'm going to put everything down then, shouldn't I?"

That's right--describe it right down to the tee.

So he goes right through this Cadillac and he describes it, everything about this Cadillac

he wants.

And when he gets all through, the perfect visualization is up here now because he has

described it.

When you write it, you start seeing it.

So he gets the picture up here by writing it down here.

This is how you define things that you want in this world.

Se he gets that Cadillac completely defined in his mind, he's got the seed.

He hasn't planted it yet.

He's got it picked out.

Now the important thing is that you must release that seed.

You must release it and it must be planted.

And the finest thing in the world to plant that seed is to take on this piece of paper

now and write across that, "Thank you".

That's the law of acceptance.

And you would be amazed how many people in this world can't accept their goods.

You would be shocked.

"Thank you" means I have accepted it.

"I'm going to have it.

I know it's mine."

Then you take and you fold this piece of paper up with this goal on it, with this dream,

your desire, and you put it away--put it underneath a tablecloth some place, put it

in a drawer some place.

Don't carry it around and don't take it out and look at it anymore.

When you do this, that is planting it in the subconscious mind.

You've accepted it, it into the subconscious mind, and the thing starts to work.

Now the reason you put this thing away, the reason you put this seed after you have defined

it: the seed has been planted in the subconscious mind.

You put it away some place, never to look at it again.

The reason for it is like planting the seed in the earth, folks.

If you go and dig that seed up two or three times a day to look at it, nothing's going

to happen.

If you've never seen a lack of faith--it's the farmer who had the gullibility to go and

dig up the seed to see if it was growing yet.

Now that is little faith.

He really believes in the laws of growth, and that's the same way with us human beings.

This is the way we're making our mistakes.

When we plant in the subconscious mind, and it's there, the dream is there.

The thing starts working towards you, the Cadillac starts working towards you, and events

start taking place out here, and the first thing you know it's getting closer and closer

to you.

Now if you take it out, and we look at it, the thing that happens is we say, "I wonder

where it's coming from."

This is a true showing of a lack of faith.

"I wonder when it's coming.

I wonder how it's coming."

And so you are putting doubt in your law, and it will not come, folks.

It will not come to you.

Now, what's going to happen to the seed that you planted in the subconscious mind: you'll

be driving down the street, you'll be in a restaurant talking to a friend and all of

a sudden, there's a red Cadillac convertible with a white top and the whole thing will

hit you again and you'll see your dream.

And it'll keep coming back.

The reason this thing keeps coming back to you is this is the only way that the universal

law has of talking to you.

There's no voice--it's all in visualization.

And when this dream comes up, what it really means is that's it's on its way to you.

It is on its way to you--it's right around the corner.

And so you do not at that time say, "How, when or where."

All you do is say, "Thank you" because you know it's on its way.

And that immediately puts it back out of your mind.

And how would you act if you really and truly wanted a red Cadillac convertible--if you

really and truly wanted one and it was a strong desire in your life, and you knew it was on

its way, how would you act?

Man, You'd vibrate all over, wouldn't you?

You'd feel terrific--you'd say, "Man it's almost here, it's almost here."

You'd walk taller, you'd look taller.

You'd be happier.

You'd be full of positive.

You would be more everything.

So you'd act different.

You'd talk different.

You even look like a prosperous person.

Wonderful things are going to happen to you.

Where does the positive attitude come in at?

It automatically creates a positive attitude because it's the law of expectancy.

Good things are going to happen.

You have planted your seeds properly, and they are working themselves to you, and so

you are automatically a positive person because all these wonderful things are going to happen.

Don't just have one seed planted, folks--plant many seeds--any great desire you have in your

life--a tangible object or intangible objects.

You can have anything in this world you want to have and you can be anything in this world

you want to be by using this simple process.

There is absolutely no way you can keep success from your door, if you will just follow this

basic, simple little process that I just described.

This is the law of life.

For more infomation >> How To Manifest Anything ~ Subconscious Mind Power Secret - Duration: 14:57.


How To Make BIG Money Doing This One Thing Online - Duration: 12:04.

Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time

here today. Today I want to show you where we can make some quick money and

there's actually a lot more people out there doing this then you actually

probably suspect and after you hear what it is

you'll get it but before we do that I want you to subscribe to our YouTube

channel click on the little Bell notifications so every time I make an

upload you'll get to see it first and remember if you're serious about working

from home if you want to make generating a full-time income from the comfort of

your house click that link below watch the free video that's how I got started

I saw thousands of other people got started working from home the comfort of

your home not a boss you know over your back busting your chops about silly

nonsense you can create and make your own wealth and income and create your

own freedom and time okay can't beat it I love it there's thousands of other

people out there doing the same thing I want you to have a piece of pie as well

click the link below get started and if you get started today I'm gonna give you

over two thousand dollars worth of free bonuses in association with that link

below alright guys so how do you further adieu I'm going to show you what a lot

of people are doing yeah it takes a little process of thought little

creativity but I've confidence in you I think you could do it and it has to do

with dr. dena domain options folks domain auctions now some of you may or

may not have heard of this before okay but a lot of people just buy up domain

names that aren't used and have a possibility or probability of being you

know websites they're going to be in high demand or use later good examples

of this are two that can come to the top of my mind here one was Facebook when

Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook he did not own the domain name Facebook

somebody else had purchased that domain before him they probably purchased it

for about you know about ten bucks ten dollars right and now guess what that

guy forgot for actually owning that domain before Mark Zuckerberg and Mark

Zuckerberg wanted it so bad guess what he paid for it he

at least a minimum of $250,000 I would say that's a great investment

for the gentleman who saw ahead of time he was looking into the future was

watching trends and what was gonna be famous and popular purchased a domain

name with the name Facebook on it and you know a couple years later a couple

months later he made 250 grand doing it the second example was dodge I remember

years ago had to be in the late 90s I went to go to like you know dodge calm

and somebody owned dodge calm so to go to the Dodge dealerships you know like

you'd go to or Mazda calm or you know any of these got Honda calm

whatever and it was like dodge dot and I was like what in the world

why don't they own dodge calm and that was obviously relatively early in the

whole domain website thing late 90s right but then about early 2000s mid

2000s I went to go because I like trucks trucks are my thing that's I've always

wanted truck since I was a little kid I just liked trucks right so I wanted to

go to dodge calm I want to look at trucks I want to see what's new out

there and saying I saw what the Dodge and you know I said oh yeah it's gonna

be at a weird website now I typed in dodge comm guess what it was actually

dodge this time it wasn't some long weird address that they had a concoct

right it was just dodge calm well it doesn't take a brainiac to figure out

that dodge paid a lot of money to whoever owned that domain name right

because you want something simple effective and something that you know is

recognizable for your brand like for me I own acquired Liberty comm I own my

name John Cabot right I own everything connected to acquire Liberty comm I

picked it up now so I don't have to worry about it in the future the things

that are important anyway so that's something that you have to think about

if you want to get into domain auctions right now keep this in mind it takes it

a certain amount of paying attention to trends see what's coming up see what's

you know is getting popular and if you go into trends like do a Google Trends

thing and you kind of get idea what's hot what's popular you can use that to

utilize your rathe process as far as thinking okay

what are some you know websites or things that might be popular six months

one year down the line because this isn't something you're going to take

your time you know doing and spending you know

precious time on it and getting an immediate reward on it no and in fact

it's probably about 50/50 if you're lucky that you're gonna make a big

profit on something like you know hypothetically speaking like a Facebook

that's probably not gonna happen we own all that true but it's a perfect example

of what could happen if you use your noggin ahead of time and set this up

properly so look it I just want to review some of these here with you look

at fine find me pot we all know that I read these before Ian but we all know

how you know pots becoming legal in you know the United States all the states

across the country and this that and other thing and you know it's becoming a

popular thing now so someone who was thinking ahead of time say maybe a year

or two ago about you know pot becoming popular in Colorado California

Washington and I you have all these pot places you know popping up everywhere

where people want to find pot in your local area well guess what you know you

could you could start coming up with names in your mind you're checking out

things that are trending or possible names for pot stores and you're a

hometown aware right you can actually get a lot of websites or domain names

but eventually someone might want and you don't know I mean you can hit the

jackpot and someone's gonna pay you a ton of money for something you pay 10

bucks for even if you pay 10 dollars for a domain somebody and you put it up for

sale as you say now 999 dollars that actually might that actually might make

some sense if say you want to start a search engine for your local pot store

find me pot comm becomes your pot search engine right this guy's a scam 999

dollars for it if someone wants to make create a search engine for that that's

the perfect website for that that guy might actually make that a thousand

dollars right army women us this guy's asking for $5,000 now I don't know how

they would come up with five and dollars but I'm sure he came up with

$5,000 probably doing a lot of analytical work checking out trends and

knowing that something was happening behind the scenes that isn't well known

yet that maybe you know the Army's creating a website or women in the army

are creating it thinking about creating websites specifically for them to help

them with maybe who knows you know you know PTSD or post-traumatic stress

whatever the case may be okay you don't know you got to do the digging you got

to do the research for this but this can be extremely lucrative and one-time shot

now I'm saying like a lot of these aren't gonna hit like you do this you

could do all this work and you could do you know let's just say you do ten you

might even get only four that hits where someone's gonna want your domain but

it's still worth it $10 investment some of your time you could even you know

make nine times one money make it like sale solve for ninety bucks right you

made $90 out of you know 100 or you can double a triple it quadruple it who

knows this guy find me pot comm who knows how long this chip this guy's on

this website right but you know really pay 10 to 12 dollars for it and he's

asking you know basically $1,000 for it now

if he gets somebody to buy that I think that was time well I'm well invested

don't you I mean that does not hurt at all what else we got here one intention

dot-com virtual realities calm $50,000 what in the world there's something

going on with this one because you can't just put a $50,000 and pray that

someone's gonna need it that bad there's something going on with virtual reality

doc reality's calm that could be like a possible website you know we're doing

all these virtual reality games people have all these things if you watch them

on YouTube they're saying you watch through use of them and people are blown

away by virtual reality now you're actually in this thing with the you know

the thing on your face and I stays there and they're saying more and more you

actually feel like you're actually in this game you're actually in this

situation and the people next you were wearing the masks too and you actually

feel like you're there it's like a totally different thing now I like

crappy virtual reality like from a couple years ago but they're

actually saying it's so mind-blowing ly crazy you know

so somebody thought of that and I said virtuality calm who knows virtual

reality's calm maybe the guy's gonna sell different you know it's possibly

for someone who wants that they're gonna solve virtual reality you know equipment

technology certain places where you can play virtuality games locally in your

area you don't know but there's been research that's obviously done on this

this guy feels comfortable asking for $50,000 for that website that's huge and

now here you're getting into like a little bit more realistic stuff like you

know not like crazy stuff like $50,000 I mean hey if you could if you could do

that and think that far ahead and and get that something like that set up for

yourself more power to you but here's some other ones that are what one mile

com see some of these online offers online AFRICOM actually looks pretty

good $5,000 and crypto business comm that's that's gonna be a good one

because crypto businesses and Bitcoin and everything are exploding now so

someone's probably gonna come along and buy that for seven grand yeah estimated

value look at this what was it work ago

estimated value seven thousand two hundred fifty-four probably gonna suffer

on 895 still $10 investment folks really it's easy figure out how to do this do

some more investigation but I'm telling you folks if you get to be a master at

this kind of thing you take the time in the effort you can make out like a

bandit doing this stuff all right guys that's all I have for you and I hope

this video helped you out just another way or you can make money online you can

make a little money or you can into making a lot of money it depends on how

much effort you want to put into this but I'm just here to give you the

options so you can just get a little bit more of that piece of pie that's out

there online so you can work from home be your own boss whether it be a little

money part-time money full-time on the or passive income

I would actually constitute this as passive income spend ten bucks make a

thousand or you know whatever they can't even has a hundred bucks you know you're

making $90 out of a hundred because you spend $10 on a domain nice nice

investment I'd say and guess what you did

while the bus you know hanging over your back having to get up 7 o'clock in the

morning or you know be at work at 7 o'clock in the morning order the case

maybe great freedom time freedom all right guys listen do me a favor

subscribe to the YouTube channel click on a little Bell notifications every

time we make an upload you'll get to see it first

and if you do me a favor like the video leave a comment below let me know if it

helped you out that'd be greatly appreciated and you could follow me on

my website Acquire Liberty dot com you can follow me on Twitter Instagram and of

course now here on YouTube alright and if you'd be so kind check out my website

right here and if you're serious about working from home I have a whole bunch

of resources here that help people get started quickly and easily so guys

that's all I have for today until next time what do we say I say God Bless guys

take care until next time bye now...

For more infomation >> How To Make BIG Money Doing This One Thing Online - Duration: 12:04.


What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.

Do you know what black garlic is?

Although it may just look like rotten garlic, or garlic that has been cooked for too long,

it's actually become very famous around the world due to it's culinary uses and health


It becomes black when the garlic heads rot enough to become black and develop a smooth,

sticky texture quite similar to the texture of dates.

What about the flavor?

If you don't really like traditional garlic, you may enjoy this black version which is

sweeter and earthier and many people describe it as being very tasty.

The most interesting part about this black garlic is that it can be consumed in large


Due to how rich its flavors are, it has become very popular in cooking, but what really makes

it special are its amazing health properties.

Originally from Korea, black garlic was created as a health product and was considered a better

tasting way to benefit from garlic's properties:

It calms your nerves Most people may not know, but black garlic

is able to improve your mood, relieve anxiety, and decrease stress.

It prevents heart diseases Thanks to allicin, black garlic is become

a great ally to our heart and circulatory systems health by thinning our blood, reducing

blood clotting and decreasing the risk of a stroke or thrombosis and also lowering bad

cholesterol levels.

It improves our body's defenses Garlic is known for improving our body's


If you're feeling like your immune system is low or if you catch the flu or colds often

then black garlic may be the thing for you.

Certain studies have even suggested that it can help prevent cancer.

It combats fatigue Aged garlic is great for anyone who wants

to increase their physical resistance.

It also combats fatigue and improves sleep quality.

It helps treat respiratory problems Black garlic is also considered to be a great

remedy for fighting common respiratory diseases, allergies, and even asthma symptoms.

It's a diuretic Since it's rich in potassium, this garlic

is recommended for people who suffer from liquid retention, edemas or kidney problems.

It's good for your skin People who have skin problems such as dermatitis,

acne, psoriasis or rosacea can benefit from ingesting raw garlic.

Since it contains sulfur compounds, this ingredient also contributes to the formation of collagen,

a key protein for skin health.

You can find black garlic at natural products stores, but if you want you can also prepare

it at home.

In the next video we'll teach you how to prepare this recipe at home, stay tuned!

For more infomation >> What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.


How to Design a Spinning Ring in Rhino 6 (Part II) - Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #53 - Duration: 9:48.

Welcome back for the spinning ring part II. We are going to finish this ring

with a spinning part, and it is the Rope like pattern here for the spinning ring.

Are you ready? let's get started!

now it's time to make a spinning part. We want to

do the command is called "Extract IsoCurve" and we want to extract from this

surface right there, and right in the middle. This is where my spinning

ring is going to sit. I need to know what is the circumference of that length of that

circle. Let's go to type it "length" and it will give me 62.832

So I gotta make a straight line

62.832 and then you type it the number, and let's go to the top.

You click there. so that is how long that is going to be. I'm going to work on

my curve for the pattern, and want to turn on a Grid Snap, so it's gonna go

from here to here, to here, to here, so this is gonna be the pattern that I have.

Let me go to use the align tool, and align to the center, so that's one of the

pattern there then I'm going to copy that one to next one, so now I have this

pattern right there. If I'm going to use the Sweep 2 command, I need to have

the cross section, so I'm gonna use the arc tool, and snipping here to here, and

go into the right view and make sure that is vertical there.

Do one more time and to the right view so that's vertical there.

alright so now we also want to connect it here to here, and here to here. Let's

join this one, and this one together. so they are two closed curve. Let's go

through this surface- Sweep 2, rail 1 rail 2, cross section one and two, and

you got something like this. Now we have that there, we need to make sure it is

solid, so make sure that you cap it, now double check on your property. it is

closed solid polysurface. Let's go ahead to look at the top

view. Let's make array all the way to the end, so the command we're going to use is

"Linear Array" and we want to array maybe like 65 of them, and we're gonna go from

this point to that point. Alright, it probably is more than what we need. Let's

take a look. It's almost like we just need to delete these three of them. What

we need to do now is to make sure that the end is flat, so that way you are able

to have them meet it back together nicely. On the very last one I'm going

to trim this one off, and then by using the boolean tool. Let's use the

"Boolean Difference". This one will be boolean out of this guy.

Now we have this. Let's go back to the first one. The first one we

need to cut it as well, but I don't want to trim that one, I actually need to make

a copy of it. otherwise we'll be too short.

I'm going to use the box tool again, and we are going to creating

a box like this, and a little bit longer and again we're gonna use the Boolean

tool "Boolean Difference" that little piece out of this one. Now you

have this, let's go ahead to let me take a look on this. Maybe I need to make a

copy of this one as well. and move that little one there, and so let's go ahead

to boolean all of this. Let's double check our top view.

Let's take a look on this one. it's meeting on the left side, that's

perfect, and we just need to have it a little bit longer, so on this curve I

want to move this point with the "Move" tool. Let's move it to the edge, if you

look at the front view of the band, you're gonna notice that this is like really

sharp point there. It's no way we can cast something like that, so what we

like to do is to creating a solid box underneath it to increasing the

thickness a little bit more. It doesn't have to be more I have about

0.5 millimeters there. I may want to have roughly about one millimeter there, so

that way it has some thickness. then I want a boolean this guy right there.

Now our ring is done. It is a close solid polysurface so let me move this

curve down a little bit to the bottom of it, so that will fit into it right there.

let's flow this back to the ring. Let's go to the Transform, you have Flow Along

Curve. Let's pick up this object to flow, and then we want to pick up the

curve right there. let's move on here, to pick up our target curve.

We have this right there, and let's take a look in the middle. oh this is a very

good opportunity to show you guys this we have a perfect fit, and supposedly it

should be fit perfectly, but if you look at the red one its kind of overlapping a

little bit, and I'm not happy with that. So I'm just gonna do one more time

exactly the same thing, we want to pick up this object, pick up this curve. Before

we flow there copy=yes, Rigid=no, do we

wanna stretch=yes. Make sure you are stretch=yes ,and then we click on

this target curve here, so now if we go back here you're going to see is flow

really nicely over there, and then that will be our surface.

Now we look at this a little bit as we say earlier this is its curve on the bottom

of our ring shank there is flat it's actually fighting right now on that

little corner so what I wanted to do is enlarge a little bit. one little

trick right there, if you send this out for print. it will show you a close solid

polysurface, and everything looks nice but you have the extra surface right

there and some time cause the issue that you don't even know where it is. It's

because we flow that we bend that thing coming back to a circle. there's actually

two extra surface right there. To solve this issue a lot of time like

your computer will tell you everything's perfect, but when you send it for

print, when you try to do the STL files something is not right. I'm going to

split this ring by this curve right there, so now I have two of them let me

go ahead to use the cap to make sure both of them are cap. Now

this is a closed poly surface.

We're just not gonna go ahead to boolean unit those two. Sometimes will tell you

the bowling unit fail. It's because the seam is right at the seam.

what do you wanted to do, another little trick is, move it just toward that

together 0.001. You cannot even tell by your eye and then

you should able to boolean. now we have this ring there, we can turn

on our basic ring over there, and you can make it bigger if you want to, and you

can make a double if you want to. I hope you enjoy the trick that I show you

today if this is your first time here we'd love to have you subscribe the

channel, so you will see more tricking tips that I can show you thank you for

watching I'll see you next

For more infomation >> How to Design a Spinning Ring in Rhino 6 (Part II) - Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #53 - Duration: 9:48.


Can you use GoCardless with your existing finance software? - Duration: 2:09.

Can you use GoCardless with your

existing finance software?

The simple answer here is yes.

GoCardless integrates with the leading

UK accounting software systems,

like Xero, Sage, QuickBooks,

Kashflow, Zoho and many more.

This means you can process

Direct Debit payments

from within your existing account

bringing you many benefits to your company.

In today's video we're going to cover

the three key benefits of integrating GoCardless

with your existing accounting software.

Firstly, it reduces late payments.

With Direct Debit, payments are directly taken

from your customers account when

payments are due.

This means no more waiting for bank transfers or

amendments to standing orders.

Also with Direct Debit the amount, the date and

the frequency can be amended without your

customer having to do anything.

Secondly, with GoCardless working with

your accounting software system

you can automate payment reconciliations.

Payments are received through a live feed and

are automatically reconciled

versus your outstanding invoices.

This saves you many hours

meaning you can use that time

to do higher level work for your business.

And finally, you can get a clear,

predictable view of cash flow.

With GoCardless payments

automatically reconciled and received,

you can get a streamlined cash collection

and a real-time view of income and cash flow.

So to sum up, by integrating

Direct Debit payments with GoCardless

in your accounting software.

You can one, reduce late payments.

Two, automate payment collection

and reconciliation.

And three, get a streamlined view of cash flow.

We also integrate with other

business management tools.

For subscription and billing, we

integrate with Chargebee and Zuora.

For CRM tools we integrate with

Salesforce and Sellsy.

And for member management tools,

we integrate with Virtuagym and Fonteva.

To find out more

please visit

or click the link below.

For more infomation >> Can you use GoCardless with your existing finance software? - Duration: 2:09.


Thrifty Thursday: Workout while you work - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Thrifty Thursday: Workout while you work - Duration: 1:50.


AutomationDirect, where low-cost automation begins - Duration: 0:34.

AutomationDirect is your trusted source for affordable automation components

With a vast selection of over twenty-five thousand low-cost, quality industrial control

products, from PLCs and HMIs, to motors, sensors, cable,

and so much more.

With AutomationDirect you are guaranteed to find the savings you need.

So, for your next project, don't get stuck with high prices, start with AutomationDirect

dot com where low-cost automation begins.

AutomationDirect, the number one value in Automation.

For more infomation >> AutomationDirect, where low-cost automation begins - Duration: 0:34.


Who Inspires You? - Duration: 1:01.

- Growing up, I guess they call 'em latchkey kids,

came home, nobody there, my folks were working

so I had a babysitter up until the point

that I could take care of myself.

And for the longest time it'd be like,

man, I'm so mad, I have to fend for myself,

I have to make my own snack after school.

But later as I kinda grew to understand who they were

and then the reason why they worked,

it wasn't because they loved work so much,

it was to provide for me.

And as a kid, you don't really get that.

All you see is an empty house and it sucks,

'cause I don't have any siblings,

but as you get older you see the sacrifices they made

and like it's not that they didn't wanna be home,

it's to provide a better life for me.

So I guess that's a general,

just the way my parents operated that really inspires me.

I like, just the provision for their one and only son

and whatever they can do to make my life better

than the things that they've experienced.

(logo whooshing)

For more infomation >> Who Inspires You? - Duration: 1:01.


Your bike is LYING to you - SPEEDOMETER ERROR - Duration: 4:57.

Hello everyone MotoHolic here and welcome to my channel today i'm gonna tell you

how your motorbike lies to you on daily basis

there are a few ways your motorbike could lie to you

today we are going to talk about one of them

it's called speedometer error. Speedometer error is when your

speedometer is not showing you the actual speed, generally it is slightly exaggerated.

Lately I've been hearing some chatter about some motorbikes that

are going at rather high speed and the guys even had videos to prove that and

everything. So before getting into an argument with them I wanted to find out for myself.

Is it the speedometer error?

Is it something that they have done to the speedometer? Is the video

doctored and it's edited somehow another? So I took one afternoon off, downloaded

the video and analyzed it. What I found out it was actually quite simple

the speedometer was showing hundred sixty kilometers per hour but the

motorbike was going at about 140-145. Then I thought to myself is it true?

Can a speedometer of a motorbike be so inaccurate? Wanting to find out the truth

for myself I set up my camera in such a way that it could see the speedometer of

my motorbike and the phone mounted next to it running a GPS speedometer app.

it's right here.

As you can see on the video here the speed difference between

the speedometer and the GPS app is close to 10%

why is that?

I went online and did some research. Actually according to the law the manufacturers are allowed for a

margin of error of 10% But these 10% cannot be showing you lower speed then

what you're actually going at, they have to show you higher speed than what

you're going. one might think what could cause speedometer error?

One of them is preset from the manufacturers, since they're allowed some leeway they'd

rather show you that you're going at a higher speed than you're actually going

so it's pretty much like programming in the ECU of your motorbike or the dashboard.

Now number two could be the wrong size

of the tires or tires over inflated or under inflated because

how your motorbike measures your speed is actually based on the rotation of you

wheels and it knows the radius of your wheel and it has

a formula, it does a calculation and per rotation your motorbike supposed to

cover a certain amount of ground. Now if you change the size of the wheel or

let's say if your tire is under inflated then the radius of your wheel is

smaller, then there you go - there is a little bit of an error, this especially

applies if you don't stick to the recommended tire size by the

manufacturer. Now there is a third factor that could cause speedometer error is

actually like a mechanical failure or mechanical glitch, this is applicable to

those motorbikes that are fitted with mechanical speedometer where the actual

cable operated by the cog-wheel from the front wheel. Now you guys know

that your motorbike speedometer is not showing you the actual speed that you're

traveling at, it is slightly exaggerated this gives you something to think about

when you go bragging about your top speed. Is it speedometer top speed or the

actual GPS top speed? Now that we are on this topic I really don't advise you

guys doing top speed tests on public roads. Find a track, go do it on

the track, or find some empty abandoned road where you are not going to

endanger yourself and endanger others.

All right guys that's all for today

thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel, press the little

bell so you get notified every time new videos come out, you can also follow me

on Instagram and Facebook - I'll leave links in the description below...

Ride safe and enjoy every moment of it!

For more infomation >> Your bike is LYING to you - SPEEDOMETER ERROR - Duration: 4:57.


How Can You Tell If A Friend Is Toxic? - Duration: 5:17.

If you're in a toxic friendship, there will be lots of clues along the way.

And I think one of the biggest clues is the fact that you're even asking the

question "Is my friend toxic?" Something is wrong,

otherwise you'd just say "Well we had a disagreement and it'll be okay tomorrow."

No. It's more than that and you feel it. Too many times you've been hurt, you've

been let down, you've felt bad about yourself as a result of

interacting with this person. Is that really a friendship that is benefiting

you in your life? Is it bringing more positivity into your world than

negativity?Only you can answer that question. One of the reasons that people

really struggle to let go is because they still have a lot of fun with the

friend. You may have a great time together, you laugh a lot, you enjoy the

activities that you do. You've got lots of great memories of fun times. Don't let

that fool you into ignoring the the ultimate truth about the friendship,

which is that there is a power imbalance. If that person really is toxic, what you

will discover is that they set the terms and conditions of the friendship - not you.

It's set up the way they want it, what suits them, what works for them. Not what

suits you, not what works for you. And that may not be stated. But you are aware

on some level that if you ever speak up for yourself and complain about this,

it'll be the end of the friendship. You know that, and that is an indication that

it's toxic. Because that person is not interested in an equal friendship.

They're not about equality, they're about being higher up on the hierarchy, in the

pecking order, whatever you want to call it. But they have placed themselves above

you so that you are lower, and they have more

power in these interactions than you do. Now I'm not saying that's always a bad

thing. There can be power imbalances in relationships for many reasons. You know,

there's a power imbalance at work, with the fact that your boss has more power

than you. Doesn't necessarily mean that your boss is toxic. But if you're feeling

hurt all the time in a friendship there's a reason for that, and you need

to think carefully about it. Are the good times worth paying the price for the

erosion of your self-esteem and your confidence? Because that's what's

happening. Slowly like a drop of water on a rock, it is chipping away at you.

Incidents that are humiliating, that you pretend it's it doesn't mean anything

but it does. A girlfriend goes away on a trip, she comes back with gifts for all

the other girls. Everyone else gets a beautiful necklace and you get a really

ugly scarf that looks like something your grandma would wear. Or if you're a

guy, you're out at the bar with the toxic friend. He goes up to get drinks for all

the other guys, he comes back - there's no drink for you. He forgot? No he

didn't forget. He's letting you know that he's on top and that you either like it

and keep your mouth shut or you don't like it and keep your mouth shut.

Either way he doesn't want to hear about the fact that you're not happy. Sometimes

a friendship wasn't unhealthy in the beginning but it has become toxic over

time. Just because it was great five years ago doesn't mean it's great today.

You have to always be evaluating if it's causing you pain. What has changed?

Probably you have become a more conscious person, and you now see things

and notice things that in the past you

you wouldn't have noticed. You know. your eyes - I don't mean literally your eyes. I

mean, your perceptions are becoming more acute. You're more tuned in, you know

you're more aware of the things that people say and do. And that's a great

thing, it means you're becoming a wise person. But if the friend hasn't kept up

with that level of growth, it may be that it's time to part ways. Anyway I hope you

enjoyed this video. I hope it was helpful to you in making a decision about the

friendship you're currently re-evaluating. My name's Serena, if you enjoy this type

of video please subscribe to my channel. It's called How To Stand Up For Yourself.

Thanks for watching, take care.

For more infomation >> How Can You Tell If A Friend Is Toxic? - Duration: 5:17.


Million Pitiful Orphans​ Jessie Got Injure On face so big/Dolly Bite Serious​ to Jessie - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Million Pitiful Orphans​ Jessie Got Injure On face so big/Dolly Bite Serious​ to Jessie - Duration: 11:09.


BaranovTV - Can you see the gaps? Episode 42 - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> BaranovTV - Can you see the gaps? Episode 42 - Duration: 4:41.


Are You Using Data Right? | Cognizant - Duration: 1:11.

Statistical analysis of past performance has been the standard for years. It's

time for organisations to value data as a predictive, cognitive and human centric

means to drive business outcomes, reduce costs and drive remarkable growth.

Cognizant's AI and Analytics practice is harnessing the power of Amazon Web

Services to provide one of the most secure, scalable and cost-effective

approaches to augmenting analytics with cloud capabilities. Customers can

leverage Cognizant's Adaptive Data Foundation to define a roadmap and

jumpstart their digital transformation. This can be accelerated with offerings

like intelligent data works, Jupiter, Big Decisions and Data Lake Quick Start.

This automated insight must be combined with a human-centric approach that

eliminates unintended bias and strengthens human ingenuity to identify

the signals and trends that will shape tomorrow. Cognizant's solutions, power by

AWS, brings the next generation of analytics to organizations at speed and

scale. You get it! Power your business innovation at scale.

For more infomation >> Are You Using Data Right? | Cognizant - Duration: 1:11.


Videoflash°40- What the next EU budget can do for you - Duration: 4:02.


As you see winter also arrived in Brussels, but the heated debate we are having now here

in Brussels, forces me to take off this scarf.

Indeed, a heated debate on the next budget for the European Union.

As you know every 7 years the European Union has a budget for that period, to cover that

period of 7 years.

Now we started the debate on the budget for 2020-2027, and that is very important for us,

because thanks to European Union funding, thanks to European Union programmes you in

the field can develop your activities, develop your services and if it is not about developing

your services, European money might help you to innovate, to improve, to change approaches,

to do things better.

So this debate is very, very, important for us as a sector.

The EASPD team will inform you about every little detail so make sure that you are involved,

COMMIT! in this debate, it is important for all of us, bye!

The new Erasmus Funding Programme aims to reach out to all learners and provide increased

support to all education and training sectors as well as the youth and sport sectors.

Support and social care services, who help young people and learners to be able to fully

participate in opportunities in education, vocational learning or sport, could benefit

from the Erasmus funding programme.

The Programme can also enable staff in support services to access additional training opportunities

and exchange good practices.

The European Social Fund is an essential programme to promote the development and the reform

of the social care sector.

It is used for example to promote deinstitutionalisation but also the training of staff in the different

support services.

EASPD is following closely the negotiations on this programme and we have 3 objectives.

First of all we want to secure enough budget allocated to this programme, secondly we want

to make sure that all relevant partners will be involved in the development of the programmes

and thirdly we also want to make sure that budget will be allocated to quality support

schemes for the sector.

Invest EU is a new proposal by the European Commission to help organisations such as yourselves

get access to cheaper loans.

It could be used for instance to develop new community based infrastructure, it could also

help you develop your energy efficiency plans or develop digital platforms.

A particularly interesting part of Invest EU will be the capacity building budget which

will be dedicated to helping you and local service providers develop your business plans

and develop your expertise and therefore be able to get access to cheaper loans.

Recruiting young people, showing them the good work we do in the field, keeping them

interested in our work and involved in the career over the long term, those are key messages

that we often hear that all organisations across Europe face.

In this field, the Solidarity Corps offers a very good opportunity.

You can have volunteers, you can have trainees or interns or you can even have short-term

staff mobility within that programme, and that will allow young people to discover your

team and maybe find connections and learn on the job training and start a career.

If you are interested and you think that can be useful for your organisation, contact your

national agency now.

Get accredited and start the process to develop projects.

For more infomation >> Videoflash°40- What the next EU budget can do for you - Duration: 4:02.


បទកំពុងល្បីក្នុង Tik Tok- [ See You Again ] - Khmer Remix 2019 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> បទកំពុងល្បីក្នុង Tik Tok- [ See You Again ] - Khmer Remix 2019 - Duration: 4:06.


ভুল করেও যাদের আদা খাওয়া উচিত নয় | NEVER USE GINGER IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS - Duration: 2:59.











For more infomation >> ভুল করেও যাদের আদা খাওয়া উচিত নয় | NEVER USE GINGER IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS - Duration: 2:59.


usa today : 'The Voice's Kennedy Holmes Reveals Her 'Main Goal' & Why She Wants To Channel Beyonce - Duration: 2:31.

Kennedy Holmes is making a name for herself on 'The Voice.' HollywoodLife talked EXCLUSIVELY with the singer after the Nov

26 show about what she still wants to show off to the coaches and America.   "I mean something that American definitely still should see and maybe will see would have to be that dancing side of me," Kennedy Holmes, 13, revealed to HollywoodLife

"You know I dance and sing a lot! And I really want to sing a song that is up tempo and something I can dance to… I mean, when it comes to me and dancing I know I would love to do something like Beyonce

Like, most definitely. I think my main goal is just to perform and make everyone get up and start dancing

"   Kennedy is one to watch on Team Jennifer. She wowed with her powerful performance of Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love of All" during the top 11 performances on Nov

26. Kennedy and MaKenzie Thomas are the two contestants on Jennifer Hudson's team

Kennedy definitely wants to win season 15, but she knows that everything happens for a reason

She'll be happy no matter what the result is. If she did win, she would be the youngest champion

"I would like to win, but there is also a side to me where God has a plan for me

You know, right now at this moment, I have got amazing exposure. I am so thankful for those opportunities to come, and I am happy just to be here and whatever happens, happens

And I am going to be grateful that I got this amazing opportunity to be on this stage in front of all these people and learn from amazing artists who are developed and have their artistry down

" The Voice airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on NBC. The season 15 finale will be a two-part event, airing Dec

17 and Dec. 18.

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