Lyrics on the screen :3
free amazon gift card-how to get free amazon cards - Duration: 2:57.
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VEGAN BREAKFASTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS - Duration: 6:55.Hey guys it's Nisha.Today I'm sharing some vegan breakfast for weight loss. And
I think you'll love these recipes even if you're not trying to lose weight
because they're easy to make, they're delicious and they're so good for you.
and if you're looking for more healthy plant-based recipes or more vegan
inspiration you can find that on my blog or on Instagram
@rainbowplantlife.I have a bit more to say about breakfast including my
favorite breakfast tip for weight loss, but before that let's get into the first
recipe, which is for a hearty tofu scramble.
These are all the ingredients you'll need for this tofu scramble. The first
step is to press out the excess water from the tofu, and you're just going to
line the tofu with some paper towels and weigh it down with a heavy skillet or a
cookbook and let it sit there for about 30 minutes. After it's been pressed
you're going to crumble the tofu with your hands, and I'm using extra firm tofu
because it holds up really well in the scramble. To add flavor and some
antioxidants to this dish, I'm going to add some fresh garlic and ginger. For
ginger, I find the easiest way to grate it is to use a microplane or a small
cheese grater. I'm also going to add a diced chili pepper because I want it a
little spicy. Just be sure to wear gloves when you're chopping peppers because you
might scratch your eye and trust me, that is not something you want to experience.
Then I'm going to saute some sliced mushrooms and onions in some olive oil
until they're lightly browned and softened. Next you'll add the fresh
ginger, garlic and chili pepper and cook that until it's nice and fragrant,
followed by the crumbled tofu and a mixture of spices. You can find the exact
recipe in the description box below.
Then I'm going to add some chopped kale so you get some greens in the morning.
And I'm gonna add a little water so that it can steam. And after a couple of
minutes you'll give it a stir add some salt and pepper along with
nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy flavor.
I'm serving this tofu scramble in sweet potato boats for something a little
hearty and with complex carbs, but you can also serve the tofu scramble on its
own. Finally I'm going to add a little diced avocado for some healthy fats
followed by some salsa.
A question I frequently get is how to lose weight on
a vegan diet. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to eat a healthy and
balanced breakfast. I personally have seen the power of eating a healthy and
balanced breakfast in weight loss and weight maintenance because for a while
I was skipping breakfast and I noticed I was gaining weight almost immediately. I
know it sounds counterintuitive - if you're skipping a meal, you're eating
fewer calories, so you should be losing weight, not gaining weight,
right? Well, not exactly. When you're eating a healthy and balanced breakfast, you
send signals to your brain that you're satisfied, which means it's less likely
that you'll overeat or over indulge at lunch. When I was skipping breakfast, by
the time it was 12 o'clock, I was so famished that I would literally eat
anything and everything in sight. I was a walking food monster. And I also noticed
that when I skipped breakfast, what I chose to eat for lunch was usually a lot
less healthier than I would normally eat. Unsurprisingly, eating junk food all
afternoon will make you gain weight. Unless you're a 12 year old with an
amazing metabolism, in which case ate all the junk food while you can because it
only goes downhill from here. Just kidding. As a vegan, I'm obligated to
tell you that you should eat your vegetables. So what exactly is a healthy
and balanced breakfast? Well it's a meal with some protein, some
healthy fats, and complex carbs with slow digesting fiber. That combination is
going to help you stay full for hours, and a perfect example of this is my next
recipe, which is for a green smoothie.
I'm gonna start with some almond milk, followed by baby spinach, which has fiber
and protein to help you stay full. I'm also adding some fresh turmeric and
ginger for antioxidants. Then I'm going to add frozen pineapple, which has fiber and
aids in digestion and also an enzyme called bromelain that might help with
belly fat. Then I'm going to add some almonds for healthy fats as well as oats
which have complex carbs and will help you stay full. Finally I'm going to add
my daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids with this flaxseed meal.
The last step is to stir in some chia seeds and hemp seeds, which have fiber,
healthy fats and protein to help keep you satiated.
My final and favorite tip for eating a healthy vegan breakfast that can help you lose weight might
surprise you. It's to have a little something sweet with your breakfast. I
know it sounds crazy, but having something a little sweet in the morning
can curb your sweet tooth and make it less likely that you'll have mid morning
sugar cravings. And if you're lucky you might even curb your sweet tooth for the
entire day, making it less likely that you'll reach for those afternoon cookies
or that ice cream in the evening. If you're thinking, great, now it's time to
eat doughnuts and pastries for breakfast...Not so fast. Not all sugar is created
equally. Pastries and donuts are full of empty calories and processed sugars so
it's gonna spike your blood sugar and make you hungrier. Instead you want to
pair something sweet with slow-digesting fiber and protein. That's going to help you
stay full and satisfy your sweet tooth. And the perfect solution is this next
recipe, which is for a grainless chocolate porridge.
The secret to my grain-free porridge is cauliflower. Just take a head of
cauliflower and cut it into florets and then put them in a food processor and
pulse until the cauliflower is about the size of rice. To make the porridge, I'm
going to add the cauliflower rice to a saucepan along with some mashed ripe
banana for natural sweetness and some creamy coconut or cashew milk to cook
the porridge. And let that simmer for about 15 minutes. After that you're going
to add in some cocoa powder for some chocolate richness, along with a little
bit of maple syrup, but you can omit it if you're not eating sugar, along with
some vanilla extract, spices, and sea salt. The cocoa powder will help to thicken up
the porridge, and once you give it a stir it's ready to eat. I like to serve mine
with a little extra milk, some fresh berries and nut butter, but you can serve
it any way you like.
I hope you enjoyed these vegan breakfast for weight loss. If you did, don't forget
to hit that thumbs up button as well as the red subscribe button if you haven't
already subscribed so you get notified when I post a new video. Thank you so
much for watching and I will see you in the next video, bye.
Huawei Honor 9 LCD Screen Repair Guide | Back Cover Replacement - Duration: 8:04.Hello and welcome to MyTrendyPhone repair videos.
My name is Steve, and I' going to guide your through
the process of replacing the LCD,
and the broken back glass of the Honor 9.
Be advised that MyTrendyPhone cannot be held liable
for any damage you cause during the repair.
You will need just a couple of tools for this repair:
The SIM eject tool, the metal spudger,
tweezers, heating gun, Phillips screwdriver,
some glue, and spare screen and the back glass.
Start by switching the device off and removing the SIM tray.
Heat up to the device and remove the back cover
using the metal opening tool.
Peel off the bottom portion of the protective film.
You will use that later,
so you don't need to remove it completely.
Remove the following screws.
Now, remove the upper metal shield,
so you can reveal the battery connector,
and unplug it immediately.
Proceed with removing the loudspeaker assembly.
Then disconnect all the bottom flex connections.
Apply some heat to the front of the phone,
so you can separate the screen from the frame.
You'll notice that the screen's flex cable
runs under the battery,
so you'll have to remove the battery first,
and then unplug and remove the LCD.
Be very patient and careful.
If needed apply heat to loosen the glue.
When the battery and the screen are successfully removed,
clean the frame from the glue residue.
Transfer to speaker grille
from the old screen assembly to the new one.
Do the same with the front mounted fingerprint scanner.
Apply fresh glue all around the frame,
then, set the lcd down,
and connect the flex cable with the motherboard.
Now you can put a battery back.
Use double-sided adhesive tape if needed.
Reconnect all the bottom flex connectors
that you unplugged earlier,
and then reinstall the loudspeaker assembly.
Re-plug the battery,
and put the metal shield back.
Redo all the screws,
and seal the ESD protective film.
Now, you can install the back cover,
which usually comes with the adhesive tape preinstalled.
Once you have correctly positioned the glass,
put sam clamps on it
until the glue dries.
You can now turn-on the phone and the repair is done!
If you have any questions please write them in the comment section.
See you soon with a new video.
"You Get One Life, That's All You've Got!" - Powerful Study Motivation - Duration: 10:14.there's so much knowledge out there so much information so many ways to get
better and we make we make so many mistakes whether we're the product of
our mistakes and oftentimes the lesson is sitting there right in front of our
face it's there to be learned but we miss it or we don't pay attention to it
or we think we know better until it punches us in the face and the most
important thing to learn is that we have so much to learn we all do and we can
learn from school and from people and from experience and we learn from life
but you have to process the information you have to absorb it you have to accept
it you have to open your mind you've got to free your mind so that you can learn
and make real progress and as far as regrets and things I wish I would have
done differently of course hindsight hindsight is 20/20 and looking back of
course who wouldn't want to take another go at something and improve on the first
try by doing it again and then why not do it again and again and again and why
not just do it over and over again until you have it
but the fact is you don't get that chance you get one shot one shot at this
gig right here life one life that's all you've gotten and regret in and of
itself it's worthless it does nothing for you in fact the only
valuable thing in regret is the lesson you learned the knowledge that you
gained but walking around filled with regret it gets you nothing so learn and
move on don't let regret beat you down don't be
a slave to regret no let it teach you let it make you better let the fear of
regret fuel you to take action a day now
to take action now to become a better person
not filled with regret but filled with knowledge
filled with knowledge and strength and power and filled with life are you gonna
throw up your hands and say that progress will never come are you gonna
get angry and lash out are you gonna turn inward and just give
in to despair and frustration or are you gonna take a deep breath straighten your
shoulders lift up your head and do what Barack Obama has always done as he says
when they go low I go high that's the choice Barack and I have made
that's what has kept us sane over the years we simply do not allow space in
our hearts minds or souls for darkness instead we choose faith faith in
ourselves in the power of hard work faith in our God whose overwhelming love
sustains us every single day that's what we choose we choose love our love for
our children our commitment to leaving them a better world our love for our
country which has given us so many blessings and advantages our love for
our fellow citizens parents working hard to support their kids men and women in
uniform who risk everything to keep us safe young people from the toughest
backgrounds who never stopped believing in their dreams young people like so
many of you that's what we choose and we choose
excellence we choose to tune out all the noise and strive for excellence in
everything we do no cutting corners no taking shortcuts no whining
we give 120 percent every single time because excellence excellence is the
most powerful answer you can give to the doubters and the haters it's also the
most powerful thing you can do for yourself because the process of striving
and struggling and pushing yourself to new heights see that's how you develop
your god-given talents that's how you make yourself stronger and smarter and
more able to make a difference for others so if talents not enough
what is there's so many individuals out there that are so talented in different
things that never accomplish anything okay the world is filled with talented
people you know a lot of them yourselves and they never accomplish anything with
talent has to come preparation has to come action has to become development of
being able to take those talents take those skills continue to develop them
continue to sharpen them physically continue to sharpen them mentally
because at some point your physical talent is going to diminish as a
professional athlete that's just a fact okay but what keeps that competitive
edge what keeps you on top is the ability to think and prepare mentally
over and over and over again the body has limitations the mind does not we
focus so much on what goes on from the neck down
that we forget it all starts from here everything starts with if you're not
mentally ready you're never really physically prepared and that's where the
preparation starts I firmly believe that everybody in this room everybody on this
planet has a gift it's your job to figure out what that gift is then it
becomes your job to decide whether you're going to act on that or not
everyone sees the work that you put in but it's what you don't see it's going
to determine how far you didn't get I hear stuff all the time people say oh
look in the mirror and you'll see why you're not succeeding I don't believe
that okay it's what you don't see in the mirror that's what's holding you back
it's what you're not willing to see is why talent is not enough and when you
when you finally see it and accept it and decide to work on it then you can
take that next level but I had to understand was that you you're not in
competition with with anybody but yourself
so those those grudges you know those those reasons that you may give yourself
for motivation ultimately are are you know they're the appointments right mad
at you i'ma prove you wrong all right well when I prove you wrong then what
what happens I'm so V right yes like I don't that there is no winning it so I
had to understand that if I'm gonna stay true to what I feel that I can do then I
need to be the one to convince myself that this is what I'm supposed to be
doing but a lot of people can't don't have that bounce back I saw you don't
have a lot of a lot of people that you know make it to a certain successful
point in life there's a lot of people a lot of
people can give up is easy to give up yeah yeah it's easy to stay in the world
to do I'm I'm done ain't going oh yeah I gonna keep going
yeah I feel I gonna work the one game hazy it's very easy but what's hard is
going yo yesterday I got nothing from working as hard as I could
nothing happened from me I'm gonna do the same thing again a day but I'm gonna
try to go harder that's the hardest thing in the world to get up every day
and give a hundred percent and and be in the same position that you were each day
but mentally know that you're trying and trying to try it that's that's a real
that's a real grind
Ne-Yo - The Best Part (Is You) Lyrics - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
"Can you show us you childhood afro?" | One more question, Jadon Sancho! - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Starting A Successful Business Regardless Of Your Age - You Have Time - Longevity - Duration: 4:08."I'm just too old to start the business". Is this what you're thinking?
In this video, video #3, in my series of videos on starting a
successful business, regardless of your age, I'm going to take a look at our
increasing long life, our increasing longevity, and why it is never too old to
start a new venture. Hi, my name is Sue Ferreira, Founder of Wisdom To Wealth
Mastery, where I show you how to take your wisdom, everything you have up here,
to the world with video, which is your most powerful tool you have to grow your
reach, your influence, impact, income. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to learn
more about how to take your message to a wide audience. Click the Subscribe button
below and then click the little bell icon alongside, to receive a message each
time I upload a new video. In my second video in this series, I talked about how
absolutely amazed I was to witness this rapidly increasing long life that we
were having. Over my - get this 50 years - as a physician - and how - unless we
screw up globally in some way - you are very likely to have Bonus Decades that
you might not have planned for. I know some of the new medical
technologies that are coming down the pipe in the next decade or so, that may
allow you to live to 120 - 130 and perhaps more, in good health.
We may even be able to reverse aging in the near future and even
immortality is a possibility! That will put the cat among the pigeons, wouldn't
it? I'm not smoking anything and I haven't gotten completely crackers - these
are likely scenarios in your lifetime. About 10 years ago now, say
maybe around 2009 - 2010, I realized how much had changed. One afternoon in the OR,
I was the late call person and I'm starting the list of emergencies, at the
end of the day. I was told my next patient was a 96 year old lady, who had
broken her thigh bone in a fall. The only person in the Receiving Area was this
elegant - what I thought was 65 year old - lady, sitting up reading a book, so I went
back to the nurses and said "When's the patient coming?" They said,
"There is your patient" and I thought "96! This lady can't be 96" but she was. She
was elegant, she was sharp as a tack, she was amusing. We took her into the OR,
fixed her broken thigh. She sailed through her surgery and went home a few days
later. This was the first moment when a Light Bulb of Longevity went on for me.
These amazing, independently living patients, they're nearly all women
in their mid to late 90s - they kept on coming, in increasing numbers. I
remember a delightful 94 year old lady. She had a cheeky twinkle in her eye, a
terrific sense of humor and she was so excited at having her second knee
replacement in a year. She was so happy because she said to me, she'd be
able to get back to her Tai Chi and her gardening! This 94 year old was some
going concern and remember currently, by the age of 100, women outnumber men
5 to 1, because most men have shuffled off the mortal coil by then. If
you are a woman, the chances are very high that you will be alone and solely
responsible for your life and your finances, at some time in your life, and
most likely when you are older, so start planning for this now -just in case! If
you're in your 60s, you're going to have maybe another 50 to 60 years of good
quality life ahead of you, so why wouldn't you start a business, realize
your dream, because you have plenty of time to make it a success. If you liked
this video, click the "Like" button below and leave a comment or a question. Share
the video with your friends and be sure to subscribe to my channel. Download
my PDF "What do I want?", so you can think about what you want in your next 50 to
60 years. Thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video where
we're going to look at the subject of Money
100% HONEST CLOUD SLIME DIY | Secret Ingredients That No One Tell You!!! - Duration: 6:36.
THE GOoD CHILD - Duration: 6:55.Mama!!
Ted Gärdestad - Nobody Loves You Now - Duration: 2:33.♫♪ You were the star
the king of them all
and you owned the world somehow
but now you're alone
lost in a dream
cause nobody loves you now
you picked up a rose
that somebody thrown
the crowd was applauding
your fabulous show
they said they loved you
for better or worse
And what was it worth?
cause now you're alone
left in the rain
with no one to comfort you
when you walk home
there's nothing to say
cause nobody loves you now ♫♪
What you need to know about MSI B360M MORTAR | Gaming Motherboard | MSI - Duration: 1:42.This is the B360M MORTAR motherboard.
MSI's newest affordable Gaming standard.
It features a complete new design with 26 percent increase of the heatsinks
To dissipate the heat even better for the new Core i7 and i5, 8th Generation 6-core processors from Intel.
So all the MSI B360 motherboards also support PWM and DC mode Fan headers.
Which means you can connect any type of fan to this motherboard and control the fan speed.
It also features unique Gaming Features such as Audio Boost.
To give you a more immersive audio experience when you are playing your game.
Fully isolated from the rest of the motherboard with a 7.1 output.
Besides audio design it also has MSI Gaming LAN.
Optimized to giving you the lowest latency when playing online.
And for storage, the B360M MORTAR has 2 onboard M.2 slots
for fast NVMe based SSDs for blazing fast loading of applications and games.
So it means the B360M MORTAR supports the latest M.2 devices on the market.
It has 4 DIMM slots using DDR4 Boost Technology
This makes sure your RAM is always supported, no matter the speed or the latency.
And for video outputs, it even has onboard HDMI and DVI (+ DisplayPort)
And to complete this motherboard it also has plenty of SATA connectors
USB 3.1 Type C and Type A
Making the B360M MORTAR the perfect affordable Gaming solution.
is there a way for me to grow?「simon & jeremy」 - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Royal baby name: Here are some SURPRISING facts you did NOT know about Prince Louis - Duration: 5:30.Royal baby name: Here are some SURPRISING facts you did NOT know about Prince Louis
THE ROYAL baby's name has been revealed as Prince Louis Arthur Charles by the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William and it is a name steeped in history and royal heritage.
Kensington Palace announced the news of the name, saying: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their son Louis Arthur Charles.
The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge.
The names honour both the princes grandfather, Prince Charles, and Louis Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburghs uncle, who was killed by an IRA bomb in 1979.
But here are a few top facts you didn't know about Prince Louis's name:.
Louis is a decidedly French name for a member of the British royal family.
France was very keen on the name Louis during the days of the French monarchy and had a total of 18 monarchs with the name.
For 186 years between 1610 and 1798, every French king was called Louis.
There was nearly a French Louis XIX.
In 1830 France's 19th King Louis ruled for all of 20 minutes before abdicating.
Hi father Charles X had abdicated that very same day during the Second French Revolution.
Louis is not a very popular boy's name in the UK.
The name is currently hovering between the 70th and 80th most popular boy's name in the UK.
The Duke and Duchess's older son Prince George has a much more popular name, which remains in the top 10.
Louis was a surprise name choice for the new royal.
Pundits had made Albert and Arthur firm favourites, especially after Kensington Palace appeared to have created a webpage dedicated to a 'Prince Albert'.
Critics have accused the Royal couple of choosing a 'Remainer' name, claiming it is too European.
Prince George also shares the name Louis.
Prince George was given the full name George Alexander Louis and is third in line to the throne.
The French name Louis derives from the words for warrior and fame.
It comes from the original form Hlōdowik.
The name became Louis and Lewis in English, while becoming Ludwig in German.
England temporarily had a King Louis.
French king Louis VIII came to England in 1216 and claimed the title of King of England from 1216 to 1217.
The Barons of England preferred him as the monarch as they despised King John.
King John's nine-year-old son, King Henry III, was made king upon the death of his father.
How to make Modular Origami 'Fox Box' Tutorial - Duration: 2:35.
Sudins Creation
Sudins Creation
Staying Weird - Things You May Not Know About Me - Duration: 2:49.- All right, this is gonna be totally off the cuff.
I just had an idea,
and I thought it would be fun to share some bits
of my personality that you may or may not know.
So number one, I am obsessed, obsessed with hats.
I am such a hat person.
I want to buy all of the hats in all of the colors.
Hats, ha. (laughing)
I'm a total sci-fi nerd.
I love Battlestar Galactica.
I loved Fringe when it was on.
Like, any Netflix show that has anything to do with sci-fi,
I am so there.
Love it, and I don't know if it counts as sci-fi,
but Game of Thrones is totally my jam, too.
I know that they say, like, you know,
"Don't watch TV if you want to be successful.
"CEOs read books.
"They don't watch TV," and I call BS 'cause I love TV.
It's the way that me and my hubs wind down after work
and enjoy each other's company.
Total movie, TV geek.
I grew up in a tiny, tiny little town.
To give you a sense, it was two hours away
to the nearest Target and four hours away
to the nearest legit mall,
So a tiny little, very secluded town
in the upper peninsula in Michigan,
and I appreciate the way that I was raised,
but I'm never going back.
I'm a city girl at heart.
I can't go back to being a Yooper.
Yooper at heart, not by practice, not anymore.
I'm kind of lactose intolerant,
but I am too obsessed with gelato
and ice cream to stop eating it.
So I just deal with the consequences
even though it makes my tummy hurt.
Most people online who know me know me
because of my brand archetype quiz.
It's been taken a ton of times at this point,
about 65,000 last time I checked,
and it's been such a cool way to introduce myself to people
and then also to create this common language
with entrepreneurs.
So if somebody tells me, for example,
that they are a primary sage
and secondary magician archetype, be like,
"Oh, I know exactly what you stand for.
"I know who you are.
"I know what you value.
"I understand you."
We've moved six times in the last 10 years.
So after college, I went to downstate Michigan,
and then we moved to Tennessee,
and then we moved to Missouri, Hawaii, and now Italy.
Five times in the last eight or nine years.
It's been wild.
Two babies.
Bought two houses.
Been good. (laughing)
It's been really good.
Chromecast Audio Unboxing and Setup With Multi-Room Audio and Google Home - Duration: 8:33.Hello everyone. Thanks for tuning in again. Well, I have a Chromecast Audio here
in my home, and I'm going to get it set up for you right away.
The first thing I'm going to do is to get it unboxed, show you what's inside the box, and then
of course we're going to go through the full setup process. By the end of
this video, you'll know how to set up your full
chromecast audio system using multiple Google Home devices, if you have them in the home,
and how to cast to multiple speakers at the same time. All right, well let's get
the Chromecast Audio opened up. The box itself is quite small and there's not a lot
to it. There is some explanation of what you can do with the product, which is
essentially cast to speakers. Now, there's a small pamphlet inside but ultimately
you just want to open up, get in the box, and see that what you're getting here.
You're going to get the Chromecast dongle itself, a small 5 or 6 inch long
3.5 millimeter stereo cable, and then the power adapter and power adapter cable.
Now all you do is you plug in the 3.5 millimeter cable into the port on the
Chromecast Audio, and then you do the same with the USB connector for your
power. You're essentially ready to go. Once you plug it in, there is a little
flashing light on the side but that's really your only indication that it's
actually on. From there you need to grab your little speaker, make sure it has the
small 3.5 millimeter aux port. Then go ahead and plug it in and you're completely set up now.
Moving on to the setup process, one thing I'll just show you quickly. Now
that you have plugged in your Chromecast, it will show up in your Wi-Fi
network. Don't connect to it, but it is there. It's a good check for you. Now head
into your Google Home application. Once you're in there you're going to notice
right away that one device was found. If you don't get this there are a couple other
routes for you to go. You actually can go to your browser on your
phone or on any device in your home, and go to Now on a
phone it just redirects you back to the Google home application, so I'm just
going to head back in there. You do have a device's tab so go ahead
tap on that and again you see the capability to set up, but if you didn't
have that, there is also an add new device button at the bottom. So I'm just going to tap on setup
and you can see that it begins the connection process instantaneously. And
you get that sound for you to confirm. Now once you've done that, you have to
confirm where it is in your home and that will actually name the device initially.
Then you have to choose your Wi-Fi network. Now keep in mind I have my
Wi-Fi network already set up in my Google Home app, so if you didn't have this you'd be
asked for a password right now. That's all you'd have to put in and then it
would connect to the Wi-Fi. So my Chromecast Audio is now connected to my
home Wi-Fi, and it's now connected to this application. So we are just going to
link it to our Google account now. And we're almost done is what they're saying.
One thing here I'm not going to show you is how to connect or set up an account with
google play music or Spotify or whatever music service you want to use.
There's a short update process. You don't really have to do anything there. You
just have to wait, and now you're ready to go. Now Google will run you through a
quick tutorial where they actually let you play a sample clip. Now I'm going to
use the TuneIn service. Just going to hit play on there and they show you up top
right (that's the cast button so that's what you're looking for) was in any of
the applications now you can see the basement speaker. That's the name that it
was given because I chose the location as my basement. That's what it's named it
off the top. You can always change that later, so I'm going to choose basement
speaker and you'll hear the connection. ****Sound from a baseball game****
****Sound from a baseball game****
****Sound from a baseball game****
The tutorial now is complete and back in our Google home application, I'm actually
going to tap on devices up top right, and I'm going to scroll down till I find my
basement speaker. Now, you note the little blue thing there that says enable voice
control and more. I'm going to tap on that and you're not actually enabling voice
control, so keep that in mind, but I'm going to hit yes. I'm in, and what that does
is that lets me use it in my account and therefore in services like Google Play
Music or Spotify. Now I can tap on the three dots there. You get a settings. You
can head in, you can rename the device if you want. You have an equalizer, so some
control. You can turn on and off guest mode if you want people to be able to
cast to that device when they come onto your Wi-Fi at home. And then of course I
always like signing up for the preview program just to make sure I get any
updates to my device. I'm just going to go back to the devices screen, and I'm going
to tap the three little dots up at the top right. Then I'm going to hit create group.
Now I can choose all of my Google devices here if I'd like to create a
group. I'm going to call this the Full Trio. It has my Google Home Mini, my
full-size Google Home, and the basement speaker, and of course the setting down
at the bottom (this is really important) make sure that that's on here before you
hit save. This setting ensures that this group is available on applications or
other pieces of software where you can cast so that includes Google Play Music
or Spotify. So there you go I have my full trio
group. Of course I could edit the group or delete it or whatever I want.
I could take speakers in and out of that as we go here, so basically we're
all set up. I'm going to get set up for a demo and we're going to go into Google Play
Music. That's what I have set up. You can see the cast icon top right in the
application. I've just hit that and you can see the Full Trio group that I'm
going to tap on now. The connection is complete to all three of my speakers
that you saw me choose, and I'm going to start some royalty-free music so that I
don't have to mute this out on you. You can see right away that there's control
for audio on all three of the speaker's independently, or you can control them
from the application or from your phone directly.
I just turned it all down using the buttons on
my phone. Finally, I'm going to show you a demo on how to voice control this full
group. "Play Royalty-Free music on Full Trio". Google Home: "Sure. Royalty Free music from
Google Play Music playing on Full Trio."
Homescapes Level 535 - How to complete Level 535 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:15."How to play level 535 on Homescapes"
"How to beat level 535 on Homescapes"
Blue's Clues: Can You Remember the Mailtime Song? 📫 | Nick - Duration: 1:28.I really liked, um...
- The Mailbox Song. - I liked the mail.
I know The Mailtime Song.
Uh, The Mail Song.
It's the mail!
I love The Mail Song.
All of the songs just stick with you,
and my favorite time was mail time.
'Cause when you're a kid you don't know, like, bills come in the mail.
You're just thinking, "Heck, yeah the bills!"
I think it goes like, um...
Here's the mail, it never fails.
it makes me wanna...
I am not a great singer.
This is what I now remember of The Mail Song.
♪Here's the mail It never fails ♪
It makes me -- Wait, no, I'm sorry. One more time.
- It makes me wanna -- - Wag, wag --
I got this, guys. I got this.
It makes me wanna...
♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪
♪ When it comes I want to wail ♪
♪ Mail ♪
♪Here's the mail It never fails ♪
♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪
♪ When it comes I want to wail ♪
♪ Mail ♪
Something like that!
♪ Mail ♪
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
♪Here's the mail It never fails ♪
♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪
♪ When it comes I want to wail ♪
♪ Mail ♪
13 Hottest Lipstick Tutorials and Lip Art Ideas Summer 2018 - Duration: 3:19.
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