How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating Tutorials
How can YOU help to save the world? - EF Challenge - Duration: 4:33.My name's Edu More. I'm from Granada, Spain...
... and I come to participate in the EF Challenge.
What does sustainable development mean to you?
Today I come to make you discover some superpowers...
... you rarely or never used.
By the way, I just come from staying with some of my friends and making them this question:
Do you think you're being respectful with the environment?
It is such an important question to make to ourselves.
BUT before answering I have to make you some other questions:
Did you know that since you're watching this video 6 species of animals have died out in the world?
Did you know that more than the 35% of the death in Asia are because of pollution?
Did you know that the 40% of the ice in the North Pole has melted in the last 30 years?
You will be wondering what's the connection between this and you.
It is likely that you're thinking that you cannot do anything to stop it.
So, my friend, I'm here today to say that...
Moreover, if there's anyone in this planet who can help to improve these figures, that's you.
Day by day, lots of agreements are signed all over the world to achieve a sustainable development.
But in the end, if we - average citizens - don't help...
... those proposals don't succeed!
What people don't often realise is that politicians can't do anything without us.
We're not aware of the impact each of us has on the environment.
For instance, in my country, there's lots of people who say...
... because my vote won't make any changes in the winner.
And this, my friend, is an example of a poor mentality.
Each of us, my friend, have a VERY BIG VALUE in the world.
But only if we DO MORE, if we ARE MORE.
I'm not telling you to go to the forest or the sea to take care of the species that are dying out.
I'm talking about doing all you can do to help. Do it.
It's not about thinking what you can do to help.
The answer of that question is on your daily life.
How many times, for example, have you thrown away a piece of plastic outside the container?
Or maybe how many times have you thrown a bubble gum to the ground?
How many times have you argued with someone because his or her religious or sexual orientation?
Or maybe because he's chinese or black or any other race?
Have you ever stopped to talk to a poor person in the street?
I'm not speaking of donating, my friend, it's just about to stay 5 or 10 minutes with that person.
Talking to her. Listening to her. Caring about his or her problems.
So yeah, I could make many more questions...
... but I think those are enough to say you that you were being disrespectful with the planet.
But do you know what? That we're all being so!
I know some people will be more some people will be less.
But the question is WHY?
Because we're humans. We're machines of making mistakes.
But we can also turn into machines of finding solutions.
We're free as humans. But liberty leads to responsibility.
That's why I need you. Your planet needs you. Your planet.
Your home needs you.
The home of the discriminated, the died out animals, the polluting atmosphere, the melting poles...
... the poor, the hungry, the illiterate, the sick people.
But the most important thing.
How many times have we, for example, thrown a scrap paper to the ground...
... and our teacher has told us: you wouldn't do it at home, right?
Sometimes we treat the world as if we were foreign to it.
It is like when we have argued with a person we love...
... and regretted it like 5 minutes later, and thought:
Why did I say that?
Something similar happens with the people around us.
Friends or unknowns, plants or animals.
And there's my solution, my friend.
YOU, my friend, can actually change everything...
... in every decision, in every comment, in every thought.
Just creating chains of good actions.
We're not aware of how a smile or a simple 'hello' can change a person's mood...
... when we enter to school, to work or maybe a shop.
Another way is inspiring people doing what we have to do.
Using our intelligence to help the actual and the forthcoming humanity.
So yah my friend if you liked anything I told on this video...
... you should take it and practise it.
Because only by this we will be able to develop us sustainably.
You took the plunge to help by entering this video.
You were able to take the first step.
This is the moment to do more so that you don't have to apologise future generations.
Plants that Help You Sleep - Australia 365 - Duration: 11:29.Plants that Help You Sleep
If you have difficulty getting to sleep or you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, you can enjoy the benefits of some homemade teas.
In this article, we'll tell you about the best plants for sleeping.
They'll also help you wake up every morning with renewed energy.
Plants teas to sleep better.
Drinking a delicious tea that allows you to rest at night might not seem possible.
However, there are many plants that help us with this habitual problem.
Above all, they help people who live in the city or who have too many worries.
Pay attention to the following herbs with calming and relaxing properties.
These will help you sleep better.
This is one of the most famous herbs that helps you sleep due to its calming effects.
It's been used since ancient times.
It was even known in Rome and Greece for its relaxing properties.
Valerian is Asian in origin, although it grows abundantly in Europe and America.
Its extract is used both in medications and in phytotherapy.
This plant has many essential oils with relaxing and spasmolytic properties.
Also, helps fight anxiety and stress.
It increases the number or hours that you sleep uninterrupted.
And this plant gives you a fantastic calm feeling.
You can drink up to 3 cups of valerian tea per day.
Known for its beautiful color and its fragrance, lavender is one of the most relaxing herbs that exists.
It also helps you to sleep deeply.
Drinking lavender tea before going to bed means getting a pleasant and restorative night's sleep.
Your body and mind will be completely peaceful.
Plus, you'll be able to leave your insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression behind.
Also, you can use lavender essential oil to perfume your pillows and pajamas.
This acts as a natural calmer.
Another option is to take a bath with some lavender branches floating in the water.
Passion flower.
Also known as Passiflora, this plant is very effective for helping you at bed time.
This is because it provides natural sleep agents.
Because of this, it's recommended that people who can't get to sleep.
It also helps people who wake up suddenly at night.
It's perfect for enjoying a restful, peaceful, and relaxing sleep.
Passion flowers are also used as a natural treatment for stress and anxiety.
This smooth sedative gives you general well-being.
Plus, it's a great source of alkaloids.
The active ingredients in alkaloids were used to create medicinal tranquilizers.
You can drink it as a tea or taken in capsules or with tinctures and oils.
This is also known as "lime tree" or "linden".
This is one of the one of the most powerful herbs for sleeping because it's relaxing, calming, and soothing.
Tilia is an antispasmodic.
Because of this, it relaxes your muscles.
It reduces your blood pressure and decongests your air ways.
It has many components that are similar to those in valerian.
Also, it has diuretic properties.
As a result, we don't recommend drinking it before going to bed, but rather during the evening.
This herb is known for its white and yellow flowers and its delicious flavor in teas.
Chamomile belongs to the daisy family.
Since ancient times, it has been used in calming and relaxing treatments.
Besides drinking it in teas, you can use extracts, capsules, and essential oils.
Chamomile relaxes your muscles thanks to a component called apigenin.
This tranquilizes your central nervous system.
This plant encourages sleepiness and allows you to get to sleep and stay asleep.
Hops flowers.
These flowers are divided into two groups: masculine and feminine.
The latter, with their conical shape, are the ones we recommend for treating insomnia naturally.
They have a significant amount of volatile oils that cause your brain to relax.
Hop flowers are also good for regulating anxious states and neurosis.
Among its many uses, some stand out.
It stimulates your appetite, is a natural antiseptic, and is a powerful diuretic.
Because of this, we recommend that you don't drink it at night.
This is frequently used in cooking.
Rosemary gives flavor to your meals and is also known for its intense fragrance.
This herb is made up of flavonoids, minerals, essential oils, and phenols.
All of these encourage muscular relaxation and let you get to sleep.
You can drink rosemary tea.
Or, you can use this aromatic herb in your meals.
Saint John's Wart.
This is a medicinal plant that's mainly used for treating depression and anxiety.
It's also used to treat insomnia and light or interrupted sleep.
Saint John's Wart increases the production of the hormone serotonin in your brain.
This is the hormone that's in charge of regulating sleep.
It can be taken in tea or in capsules.
Both of these ways can be found in health food stores.
Other plants that help you sleep better are:.
Lemon balm Mint Lemon verbena Poppy Verbena.
Try them!.
【Ouka Alice】I'm Sorry For Liking You!【UTAUカバー】 - Duration: 3:42.Feelings will be sent...
When I see him
A mysterious ray of light!
The day we changed assigned seats
I said a good luck charm
Wishing for it,
the seat by the window
He can be seen from here
down in the schoolyard
Seen faintly, appearing to sparkle!
Feelings will transmit
with this mysterious lens
The light sparkles
in this contact lens
A heart full of love
I gather those feelings to convey
By such means...when I see him,
a mysterious ray of light!
These burning feelings,
they spontaneously discharge!
This hot throbbing in my chest,
it won't stop!
This burning love
makes a straight line!
Liking you like this...I'm so sorry!
The burning school building,
a massive explosion!
This hot throbbing in my chest,
it won't stop!
This smoking love
Liking you like this...I'm so sorry!
The self-defence forces arrived,
they were shot down.
The fire-truck arrived
and was reduced to ashes
Though I want to take them off,
they won't come loose!?
What should I do? Someone save me!
Something is heard.
"Look at me!"
Looking over unthinkingly,
he burst into flames
"Waah, waah" I cried,
it's all my fault...
"It's fine now"
What happened?
A mysterious ray of light!
Those burning feelings,
completely absorbing them!
He who holds me close,
"These clothes can absorb any force"
"For liking you as well, I'm sorry!"
Those burning feelings were transmitted
This hot throbbing in my chest
just won't stop!
A pair of loving hearts turning to face the future
A shield and a spear, a matching pair
It's perfection!
Afterwards, this couple,
they became saviors!
Please join my Discord server - Duration: 0:22.WITHOUT ANY STUPID INTRO OR OUTRO, Please join my Discord server.
It has a lot of bots and a way to get the level pass of levels!
You might see me in the voice chat.
You can talk to me!
We have a level system and a music system.
I will also help people.
Wow your still here?
Promier Porta Bulb 4pack Wireless COB LED Bulbs - Duration: 11:21.-------------------------------------------
What $2,000 Will Get You In NYC | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:50.Hey guys I'm Megan, welcome to my Sweet Digs.
Before we get started subscribe below.
Alright come on.
Every day I come in, I like put my jacket away in the closet,
and I sit down in what I call my Mr. Rogers chair,
and I sort of take off my shoes. It's just sort of what I do.
I live in Carroll Gardens Brooklyn in
a traditional one-bedroom apartment, railroad style.
I pay $2,000 a month which is a lot, and it's about 600 square feet.
Here you have my kitchen.
The sunlight in the kitchen is probably
one of my favorite things about this apartment.
I grew up in Florida,
and I don't really, like, miss the beach or anything,
but I really do miss just being around plants.
I like to joke that being a plant lady is the new cat lady.
So I actually do a lot of cooking.
I also like to keep stuff that I can make some easy meals.
I am not like one of those New Yorkers that just orders Seamless all the time.
This is my little nook that I eat at.
I have people over we sit here.
Above it is where I keep, like, all my little tchotchkes
and things I've gathered from travels.
The person that owned the building originally owned a tin ceiling company,
so each room in the building has a different tin ceiling pattern
which is really cool.
So now I'll show you guys my bathroom, small but mighty.
My least favorite part about the apartment is probably my shower.
It's just really small and tight, it's like,
kind of like the tube you would roll up to at a tellers window.
I picked this sort of dark teal color,
It's somewhere in between hunter green and navy blue,
because I like the way it looks with black and white tile.
Welcome to Sacred Digs, all about witchcraft in the modern world.
I'm just kidding.
So I like to burn different scents, Palo Santo is one of my favorite smells.
Growing up I lived in 8 different houses all in the same city.
My parents, on the side, they build and sort of design houses.
It's definitely affected my home sensibility
in the way that home is really important,
it's a part of me, it is something that reflects me,
it's something that evolves over time.
This is my living space.
This is one of my favorite vases,
it's from the Memphis Group Collective, suds sauce.
I just like it, I don't know why.
This is my couch, it was $650.
I got it secondhand.
I sort of bought it with the intent to reupholster it.
If you think this couch deserves to be re-covered in a different fabric
let me know in the comments below.
This is my art nook where I keep all my
art supplies, books, I do my painting.
I started painting patterns as a way to relax and zone out, listen to music.
It has since just become something I do on the side,
so I paint everything from wrapping paper to textile designs for clothing.
Art's a huge part of my life,
it sort of influenced my home style in the way that like just having
sort of a space to be able to do it,
and constantly create, but also just sort of like,
honor this, that it will always be in motion
and changing, and nothing will ever be perfect,
so sort of embracing like a wabi-sabi mentality
of liking imperfections and sort of embracing them.
Lastly, I'll walk you into my bedroom.
I was going for, I think, just like a very chill and serene vibe.
I really try not to bring electronics into the bed, specifically my laptop.
If I have to work late or from home I'll work in the kitchen.
I'm super neat, I've been that way my whole life.
It frees up brain space basically for me to
be more productive and more creative,
and it's just the way I like to live.
I'll walk you to my closet.
Robes, more robes, more hair ribbons.
I think you can never have too many of those.
I like to keep my closet sort of meticulously organized.
Sweaters, pants, I like to fold like a store.
I love Carroll Gardens because it has
a great sense of community, it's the kind of place that
you can go in and get to know the people that work at the coffee shops.
Actually the day I moved in
I was getting groceries downstairs at the sandwich shop
that I live above,
and I got to know the owner, and a couple months later we started dating,
and he's my boyfriend,
so that's probably my favorite part about this apartment
was meeting someone really special,
and it just feels like a special little New York story as well.
I think it's hard to describe, like, my home style.
I think of it in like different regions.
So like, maybe my kitchen's like your English grandmother,
and my bedroom's sort of like your hippie sister that lives in LA,
and my living room is sort of like your really eccentric New York aunt.
Living alone in New York was definitely a goal for me.
I don't have like a lot of roommate horror stories
from my New York experience, thankfully,
but I think there's just like an element of living alone
that is more serene and calm.
I started looking for one bedroom apartments
about two years before I moved, just to sort of
get a sense of market pricing,
and then I adjusted my lifestyle then
so I knew I would be able to do it.
I also wanted to have this, like,
pocket of adulthood that was, like, really special,
when it was just me.
It's been wonderful.
I think living alone builds character,
it's given me, like, a really big sense of pride.
So yeah, I love living alone.
That's a wrap guys thanks for coming to my Sweet Digs.
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How will you embrace an innovative mindset? - Monash Global Discovery Program 2018 #monashdiscovery - Duration: 0:31.So what do you want to be when you grow? With an ever-changing commercial
landscape, this question may be tricky to answer.
This is why it is important to have an innovative mindset
where we should focus on the skills we learn over time in order to cause
change in society rather solely focusing on the jobs that are currently available
now so to answer the question of what I wanna be when I grow up
my answer is I want to be a sponge so that I can absorb and learn from the
ideas of others or a rock - to be brave and strong when times are tough or even a
Rubik's Cube to look at things from a different perspective in order to solve
new challenges
What Can You Eat to Restore Intestinal Flora? - Duration: 4:03.What Can You Eat to Restore Intestinal Flora?
When most people hear the word 'bacteria', they tend to think of something that is detrimental to their health.
However, there are several good bacteria that our bodies need in order to function properly, such as those which are essential to intestinal flora.
Bacteria called lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidus are vital and beneficial to intestinal flora, plus they prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying and causing problems in your body.
These bacteria can also prevent diseases like irritable bowl or distended colon, which can appear if the bacteria protecting the body are too few in number.
How can you restore intestinal flora?.
There are specific foods you should eat in order to restore the flora, which weve listed below:.
Apple cider vinegar. Ginger root.
Berries and fruits with plenty of fiber.
Vegetables. Lean protein.
Black tea. Raw Almonds.
Flax seed oil or meal. Fish Oil.
Ground cayenne pepper.
Furthermore, you should stock up on fermented foods like the following:.
Cottage Cheese. Greek Yogurt.
Kefir. Sauerkraut.
Pickles. Pickled Radishes.
Pickled Beets. Miso.
Yogurt with active cultures. Tempeh.
In addition to eating these foods, you should also consume around 25-35 grams of fiber a day, and add prebiotics or lactobacillus acidophilus in capsule form to your diet.
You must also try your hardest to resist the temptation to eat fatty foods, like sauces and fried foods.
You should also be very careful not to self-medicate.
Antibiotics are already a major factor in the destruction of intestinal flora.
The best thing to do is to increase your consumption of all the foods weve recommended, since they not only restore the intestinal flora but also contain natural forms of prebiotics.
Out of the foods previously listed, your body can benefit the most from the fermented foods, vegetables, and fruits rich in fiber.
However, all the foods we have recommended help restore intestinal flora and provide essential nutrients that greatly benefit your overall health.
Viajando en español: ¿Cuál es el origen de la reverencia japonesa? - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Cleanse Your Liver in a Few Days With Only 2 Ingredients - Duration: 3:24.Cleanse Your Liver in a Few Days With Only 2 Ingredients
Did you know that raisin water can be great for you?
It's a good thing to add to your diet, especially to better your liver health.
Why is raisin water so good for your health?
It helps certain biochemical processes in the liver, which help it force the poisons
out of your bloodstream.
If you follow this treatment for four days straight, you'll see that your digestion
will rise and you'll have more energy.
Do you know what the benefits of raisin water are?
It is advised to eat raisins in the morning to take better care of your heart, get rid
of bad cholesterol, lower your triglyceride levels, and stop constipation or an upset
Raisins have a lot of vitamins and minerals, and they help you even more when you drink
the water they are soaked in.
This is because they have less sugar this way, but you still gain the excellent medicinal
cure for your liver.
A natural source of antioxidants
Raisins are one of the best sources for antioxidants.
This is because they're dried grapes, which are fruits that are full of bioflavonoids
that help keep the body safe from free radicals and sickness.
Raisins and raisin water have been used for many years to stop different heart and liver
Helps detox the body
The liver and the kidneys are important organs.
They help clean your blood by taking out the poisons and heavy metals that can pile up
and make you sick.
But sometimes the liver and kidneys can be slowed by bad diet choices, eating too many
fatty foods, and bad daily habits.
If you drink raisin water for four days straight at least once a month it can help your liver
work better, especially when it comes to detox.
You'll be able to tell that it's helping at the times when you feel heavy, or feel
that your digestion is slow or painful.
Aids in digestion
Drinking raisin water can help to clean the bloodstream and keep the liver working properly.
It also helps to better digestion.
By making the stomach acids separate, which helps you break down your food and take in
the nutrients.
You'll start to see the difference around 2 days after you start drinking the raisin
How do you make raisin water?
Ingredients: - 2 cups of water (400 ml)
- 150 grams of raisins Preparation
Make sure to choose your raisins carefully.
Look for raisins that are a darker color, and not too hard or soft.
Check that the raisins are whole, and clean.
Wash the raisins and then put them aside.
Heat the water to a boil.
Add the raisins and then let them bubble for 20 minutes.
Then leave them to soak overnight.
In the morning, strain the water from the raisins, and then heat the water up.
You can drink it warm or hot, but make sure to drink it on an empty stomach, right after
you wake up.
Then wait 30- 35 minutes before eating breakfast.
Remember to follow this for four days.
If you also have a diet that's low in fat, and has plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
you'll have better liver health.
Raisin water would be a great thing to add to that diet.
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Plants that Help You Sleep - Canada 365 - Duration: 11:28.Plants that Help You Sleep
If you have difficulty getting to sleep or you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, you can enjoy the benefits of some homemade teas.
In this article, we'll tell you about the best plants for sleeping.
They'll also help you wake up every morning with renewed energy.
Plants teas to sleep better.
Drinking a delicious tea that allows you to rest at night might not seem possible.
However, there are many plants that help us with this habitual problem.
Above all, they help people who live in the city or who have too many worries.
Pay attention to the following herbs with calming and relaxing properties.
These will help you sleep better.
This is one of the most famous herbs that helps you sleep due to its calming effects.
It's been used since ancient times.
It was even known in Rome and Greece for its relaxing properties.
Valerian is Asian in origin, although it grows abundantly in Europe and America.
Its extract is used both in medications and in phytotherapy.
This plant has many essential oils with relaxing and spasmolytic properties.
Also, helps fight anxiety and stress.
It increases the number or hours that you sleep uninterrupted.
And this plant gives you a fantastic calm feeling.
You can drink up to 3 cups of valerian tea per day.
Known for its beautiful color and its fragrance, lavender is one of the most relaxing herbs that exists.
It also helps you to sleep deeply.
Drinking lavender tea before going to bed means getting a pleasant and restorative night's sleep.
Your body and mind will be completely peaceful.
Plus, you'll be able to leave your insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression behind.
Also, you can use lavender essential oil to perfume your pillows and pajamas.
This acts as a natural calmer.
Another option is to take a bath with some lavender branches floating in the water.
Passion flower.
Also known as Passiflora, this plant is very effective for helping you at bed time.
This is because it provides natural sleep agents.
Because of this, it's recommended that people who can't get to sleep.
It also helps people who wake up suddenly at night.
It's perfect for enjoying a restful, peaceful, and relaxing sleep.
Passion flowers are also used as a natural treatment for stress and anxiety.
This smooth sedative gives you general well-being.
Plus, it's a great source of alkaloids.
The active ingredients in alkaloids were used to create medicinal tranquilizers.
You can drink it as a tea or taken in capsules or with tinctures and oils.
This is also known as "lime tree" or "linden".
This is one of the one of the most powerful herbs for sleeping because it's relaxing, calming, and soothing.
Tilia is an antispasmodic.
Because of this, it relaxes your muscles.
It reduces your blood pressure and decongests your air ways.
It has many components that are similar to those in valerian.
Also, it has diuretic properties.
As a result, we don't recommend drinking it before going to bed, but rather during the evening.
This herb is known for its white and yellow flowers and its delicious flavor in teas.
Chamomile belongs to the daisy family.
Since ancient times, it has been used in calming and relaxing treatments.
Besides drinking it in teas, you can use extracts, capsules, and essential oils.
Chamomile relaxes your muscles thanks to a component called apigenin.
This tranquilizes your central nervous system.
This plant encourages sleepiness and allows you to get to sleep and stay asleep.
Hops flowers.
These flowers are divided into two groups: masculine and feminine.
The latter, with their conical shape, are the ones we recommend for treating insomnia naturally.
They have a significant amount of volatile oils that cause your brain to relax.
Hop flowers are also good for regulating anxious states and neurosis.
Among its many uses, some stand out.
It stimulates your appetite, is a natural antiseptic, and is a powerful diuretic.
Because of this, we recommend that you don't drink it at night.
This is frequently used in cooking.
Rosemary gives flavor to your meals and is also known for its intense fragrance.
This herb is made up of flavonoids, minerals, essential oils, and phenols.
All of these encourage muscular relaxation and let you get to sleep.
You can drink rosemary tea.
Or, you can use this aromatic herb in your meals.
Saint John's Wart.
This is a medicinal plant that's mainly used for treating depression and anxiety.
It's also used to treat insomnia and light or interrupted sleep.
Saint John's Wart increases the production of the hormone serotonin in your brain.
This is the hormone that's in charge of regulating sleep.
It can be taken in tea or in capsules.
Both of these ways can be found in health food stores.
Other plants that help you sleep better are:.
Lemon balm Mint Lemon verbena Poppy Verbena.
Try them!.
Plants that Help You Sleep - Australia 360 - Duration: 11:28.Plants that Help You Sleep
If you have difficulty getting to sleep or you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, you can enjoy the benefits of some homemade teas.
In this article, we'll tell you about the best plants for sleeping.
They'll also help you wake up every morning with renewed energy.
Plants teas to sleep better.
Drinking a delicious tea that allows you to rest at night might not seem possible.
However, there are many plants that help us with this habitual problem.
Above all, they help people who live in the city or who have too many worries.
Pay attention to the following herbs with calming and relaxing properties.
These will help you sleep better.
This is one of the most famous herbs that helps you sleep due to its calming effects.
It's been used since ancient times.
It was even known in Rome and Greece for its relaxing properties.
Valerian is Asian in origin, although it grows abundantly in Europe and America.
Its extract is used both in medications and in phytotherapy.
This plant has many essential oils with relaxing and spasmolytic properties.
Also, helps fight anxiety and stress.
It increases the number or hours that you sleep uninterrupted.
And this plant gives you a fantastic calm feeling.
You can drink up to 3 cups of valerian tea per day.
Known for its beautiful color and its fragrance, lavender is one of the most relaxing herbs that exists.
It also helps you to sleep deeply.
Drinking lavender tea before going to bed means getting a pleasant and restorative night's sleep.
Your body and mind will be completely peaceful.
Plus, you'll be able to leave your insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression behind.
Also, you can use lavender essential oil to perfume your pillows and pajamas.
This acts as a natural calmer.
Another option is to take a bath with some lavender branches floating in the water.
Passion flower.
Also known as Passiflora, this plant is very effective for helping you at bed time.
This is because it provides natural sleep agents.
Because of this, it's recommended that people who can't get to sleep.
It also helps people who wake up suddenly at night.
It's perfect for enjoying a restful, peaceful, and relaxing sleep.
Passion flowers are also used as a natural treatment for stress and anxiety.
This smooth sedative gives you general well-being.
Plus, it's a great source of alkaloids.
The active ingredients in alkaloids were used to create medicinal tranquilizers.
You can drink it as a tea or taken in capsules or with tinctures and oils.
This is also known as "lime tree" or "linden".
This is one of the one of the most powerful herbs for sleeping because it's relaxing, calming, and soothing.
Tilia is an antispasmodic.
Because of this, it relaxes your muscles.
It reduces your blood pressure and decongests your air ways.
It has many components that are similar to those in valerian.
Also, it has diuretic properties.
As a result, we don't recommend drinking it before going to bed, but rather during the evening.
This herb is known for its white and yellow flowers and its delicious flavor in teas.
Chamomile belongs to the daisy family.
Since ancient times, it has been used in calming and relaxing treatments.
Besides drinking it in teas, you can use extracts, capsules, and essential oils.
Chamomile relaxes your muscles thanks to a component called apigenin.
This tranquilizes your central nervous system.
This plant encourages sleepiness and allows you to get to sleep and stay asleep.
Hops flowers.
These flowers are divided into two groups: masculine and feminine.
The latter, with their conical shape, are the ones we recommend for treating insomnia naturally.
They have a significant amount of volatile oils that cause your brain to relax.
Hop flowers are also good for regulating anxious states and neurosis.
Among its many uses, some stand out.
It stimulates your appetite, is a natural antiseptic, and is a powerful diuretic.
Because of this, we recommend that you don't drink it at night.
This is frequently used in cooking.
Rosemary gives flavor to your meals and is also known for its intense fragrance.
This herb is made up of flavonoids, minerals, essential oils, and phenols.
All of these encourage muscular relaxation and let you get to sleep.
You can drink rosemary tea.
Or, you can use this aromatic herb in your meals.
Saint John's Wart.
This is a medicinal plant that's mainly used for treating depression and anxiety.
It's also used to treat insomnia and light or interrupted sleep.
Saint John's Wart increases the production of the hormone serotonin in your brain.
This is the hormone that's in charge of regulating sleep.
It can be taken in tea or in capsules.
Both of these ways can be found in health food stores.
Other plants that help you sleep better are:.
Lemon balm Mint Lemon verbena Poppy Verbena.
Try them!.
Ajka (Slovakia) on work opprtunites depending on the gender - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Nature is wonderful thing, really.
There isn't a man made thing that can compare to the beauty of the nature.
In this article we picked ten natural pools where you would love to dive in.
The salty, clear water will invite you to experience great summer adventures, and the
surroundings will leave you breathless.
Some of these pools are located near sea or ocean, while others are literally in a hole.
But, for sure, we recommend visiting some of these natural pools if you can, and if
not, better start saving!
Enjoy the pictures.
Havasu Falls, Arizona Thanks to the magnesium in the water, the
Havasu Falls have such an amazing blue color, that makes a great view together with the
red and brown rocks of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
The falls form a nice pool where you would love to swim.
The blue color is mesmerizing, it just makes you want to swim the moment you see the whole
Ik Kil Cenote, Mexico This beautiful pool is located in the Yucatan
Peninsula in Mexico.
Centuries ago, the Mayans used it for rest and relaxation, and that's the purpose of
it even today.
Many tourists come here to take a bath in the pool.
It's about 40 meters deep and 60 meters in diameter.
There is also a restaurant, changing rooms and cottages for rent near by, and if by any
chance you like history, there is also Mayan ruin to visit.
To Sua Ocean Trench, Samoa To Sua Ocean Trench is a popular attraction
on the main south coast road in Samoa.
The crystal blue water and the green, tropical surroundings will leave you breathless.
To Sua, or translated as the "big hole", is a very quiet place as well, which makes
it perfect for relaxation.
In order for the beauty of the place to remain "untouched", there's a charge for swimming
Giola, Thassos
Located on the Greek island of Thassos, Giola is the natural lagoon that you definitely
would like to visit if you are near by.
With such a great, blue view, you will never want to get out of this rocky pool.
Giola is located in the region of Astris and if you have the chance to visit it, just say
Hamilton Pool, Texas The Hamilton Pool is located in Texas, about
30 miles west of Austin.
Even though it's fun and worth to visit, note that it isn't always allowed to swim
It is only allowed when the water reaches the needed criteria for safe swimming place.
There is also an entrance fee and pets aren't allowed.
The area also offers recreational activities as well, such as hiking and swimming.
Playa de Gulpiyuri, Spain
There is always something unusual and beautiful to visit in Spain.
It's one of the best experiences you can get there.
Not because it's something you haven't seen before, but because hey, how often do
you find a hidden beach with crystal clear water next to rocks?
Playa de Gulpiyuri is located near the town of Llanes in Northern Spain and it might be
hard to find, so you might need directions from locals.
Rocca Vechia, Italy Surrounded with the Adriatic Sea, taking a
swim in the natural pool of Rocca Vecchia can be one of the best swimming experiences
you ever had.
You can switch in just few minutes from swimming in the natural hole, and then in the sea.
It is located in Salento Puglia and you can have the whole day here.
There are restaurants and changing rooms, everything you would need for spending a day
at the beach.
Safari, Aruba The natural
pool in Aruba is located in the national park Arikok.
It has a unique rocky surroundings, but because of that it's hard to reach it by car.
You can either get there by jeep, foot or horseback.
You will have great time there, swimming in the clear, blue water, snorkeling and relaxing,
but be careful – don't swim in if the waves are high, it can be dangerous.
Hidden Beach, Mexico The Hidden Beach, or also called Playa de
Amor, is located in the Marieta Islands in Mexico and it was formed many years ago on
accident by the Mexican government, during their target practice.
Even though the Marieta Islands are a famous attraction in the country, the hidden beach
got successful thanks to the social media.
What can we say except that the picture says all?
Coming to this beach and taking a bath in the water would be an experience that everyone
would love to hear about.
Pamukkale, Turkey Pamukkale, or translated as Cotton Fortress,
is a place in Turkey with many small natural pools of mineral soak spa.
The pools are actually formed by cooled – off calcium, which gives them the white color
and the shape of a small pool.
The Cotton Fortress has been here since the Roman times.
They also built here a "Sacred Pool", which was considered as a sacred, warm water
You can take a swim in the Sacred Pool, but there's a fee for this.
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