Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 28 2018

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For more infomation >> Dogs Teach Baby to Crawl, Roll Over and Jump - Dog and Baby are Best Friend Forever - Duration: 10:15.


Funny & Cute Golden Retriever Videos #2 - Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 - Duration: 11:33.

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I bet you have enough time to watch this video and can't stop laughing, please remember to leave a comment and share if you like it. Don't forget to subscribe!

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For more infomation >> Funny & Cute Golden Retriever Videos #2 - Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 - Duration: 11:33.


Female Hip Hop Pop Soul Artists Top 5% | Rochelle "Hot 16" I Just Wanna - Duration: 2:44.

Where, in the world is

Carmen, San Diego

House arrest her, always

Finds a scape Pulls kangaroo

Off her Kango Ride him down cahuenga, Uber x or uber black

Driver Diego

Trips to ski slopes Not my color vacation

Can't spell party without white lines in Sega

Rich folk stay broke,

Compensate, Poor traits

Can't pay for Andele

[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]

You just wanna We just wanna

I just wanna You just wanna

We just wanna Love life

Love life Love life

[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]

Human glitches Relax sensation

Tripping Ascension, Be patient be fore vibe here

Sensory, Prevention

Soft Massage chair Fro blown out

Solange Afro sentric

But still deliver whippings Your moms did

Wanna my find myself a copy I'm my moms kid,

Status platforms Critics demolition Does Charlemagne Envy all the stars,

A whole galaxy be star not opposition Range rover in my mind

Brought it like I pictured To existence

Who am I any way One of Gods kids

Hurry home Andele

[[female hip hop artists Rochelle "Hot 16" ]]

You just wanna We just wanna

I just wanna You just wanna

We just wanna Love life

Love life Love life

For more infomation >> Female Hip Hop Pop Soul Artists Top 5% | Rochelle "Hot 16" I Just Wanna - Duration: 2:44.


袁世凱短壽的秘密:「進補」過度,吃死的 - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 袁世凱短壽的秘密:「進補」過度,吃死的 - Duration: 5:58.


[ENG SUB] 180428 潮流伊周 ONER Bufan - Duration: 0:16.

Bufan invites you to video chat

What are you doing?

Did I say you don't have to contact me?

I couldn't contact you for half a day.

If there is a next time, you wait.

Reflect by yourself, okay?

Let's hang up.

not finished to be continued...

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 180428 潮流伊周 ONER Bufan - Duration: 0:16.


Dealing With Disappointment Compilation - Duration: 15:22.

A snake recently fell into the

window well pit, um, by our home.

And it wasn't a very big snake.

It was only about 18 inches long.

But we had a,

we enjoyed watching the snake

try to climb its way out of the pit.

In order to get out of the pit,

it needed to climb three stairs

and then get over the top of the pit.

And we watched as this snake

lifted up its head on to the first stair,

and lifted the slithery body on

on to the rest,

on to the stair and then did the same thing

with the second step.

And then did the same thing with the third step.

And then it only needed to lift its head

over the edge

to escape but that distance between

step number three

and the ledge was a little bit longer

than the distance between each of those steps.

And it could quite reach it.

And so we watched as the snake

stretched itself as long and as high as it could go.

And going to the left and going to the right.

And then going on its tippy toe-tail -

if that's even what you call it, I don't know.

And then we watched as it

tried to get over the edge

but it never quite made it.

In fact, it ended up falling backwards

and landing flat on its back.

And it had to start all over again.

And it did.

It tried again.

And again.

And again.

But its

best try always ended in the same way.

With a lot of disappointment.


after the snake was too tired

to fight back against us,

we eventually took the snake out of the pit

and released it a couple hundred yards

away from the house.

But as I was watching that snake,

um, I thought:

"I think that snake has something

in common with all of us.

That that snake knows how it feels

to be disappointed."

I thought of anyone who has ever hoped

or dreamed or prayed

for a certain outcome

only to end up with something entirely different.

I thought of anyone who has ever

fallen into a pit of disappointment

and wondered if they were going to escape from it.

I thought of anyone who has

ever felt anything,

something similar to what Moses may have felt

in Numbers, chapter 27,

which is where we'll be spending some time this week.

The context of Numbers, chapter 27 is this:

that after 40 years

of wandering their way through the desert,

after 40 years of going

step by step through the wilderness,

after 40 years of stretching themselves

this way and that,

after 40 years of frequently landing on their backs,

the Israelites finally made it

to the land of promise that

God had given them.

And just as they were peeking their heads

over the edge to see the land of milk and honey

that God had given them,

God reminded Moses that all of the Israelites

were going to be able to go in

but he wouldn't.

He wouldn't be allowed in.

Do you know how he must have felt?

I want to begin this week by

reminding you that that

that Jesus does.

In Isaiah, chapter 53,

it describes Jesus

as a man of sorrows

and familiar with suffering.

He is familiar with our sufferings.

He is familiar with our disappointments.

He became familiar with those things

by choice

so that he could lead us through them.

And I'm looking forward to watching him

do that this week,

for you.

We're taking an in-depth look at

Numbers, chapter 27 this week

at the end of Israel's 40 years of wandering

in the desert when God reminded Moses

that he was not going to be

going into the promised land

with the rest of the Israelites.

Let me just read that section for you quickly.

So God is telling Moses that he's not going in.

And he's reminding him why.

The incident that he's referring to

happened seven chapters earlier

in Numbers, chapter 20.

And in Numbers, chapter 20,

the Israelites were complaining that

they were thirsty in a desert.

Imagine that.

And so Moses and Aaron went to the Lord.

And the Lord said,

"Well, I want you to honor me in front of the Israelites

"by going up to that rock over there

"and telling it to produce water."

But that's not exactly what happened.

Moses went up to the rock

and instead of just talking to the rock,

he hit the rock, twice.

It still produced water.

Everybody got something to drink


that wasn't exactly what God told them to do.

So God told him right then and there,

"You're not going to be going into the promised land

with the rest of the Israelites."

And there are a couple of interesting things

that you might,

well, you might be

curious to hear about that incident

in Numbers, chapter 20.

The first one is this...

is that the Israelites had been really nasty

to Moses

right before they started complaining about their thirst.

They were complaining not only about their thirst,

but they had just told Moses

that they would rather be back in Egypt


than in the desert following someone like him.

They didn't care that Moses

had left a very comfortable life

and a very profitable life

to come and risk his neck

to save them from the Egyptians.

They only cared about the fact

that they were thirsty,

that they were uncomfortable and

they blamed Moses for it.

The second thing you might be interested

in knowing is:

Do you know what Moses was doing

just before they started complaining

to Moses

about Moses?

He had just finished burying his sister,


Miriam had just died.

And the dirt from

putting her body in the ground

was still on the hands of Moses when

the people he came to save

basically told him that

they would rather have him in the grave.

And after that,

and after God reminded Moses

that those Israelites were going to be able

to go in but he wasn't,

I find it interesting that Moses

didn't get up and just walk away.

He didn't give up.

He didn't stop leading them.

He continued to lead them.

And scripture

doesn't give any indication that

any Israelites took the time

to say,


But we can take the time

to say "Thanks" to someone who,

for us, did a very similar thing.

In Isaiah, chapter 53, it says this about Jesus,

He didn't object.

He didn't object. He didn't complain

He didn't complain

even though he was underappreciated,

even though he was in pain,

even though it was our fault that he was in that position

in the first place.

He kept doing his job.

Which wasn't to lead Israel to their promised land,

but to lead us to ours.

And he did.

No matter what else you have going on today.

No matter how unappreciated you feel.

No matter how in pain.

That's enough reason to pause,

stop whatever it is you're doing,

think of Jesus,

and give thanks.

I recently saw a story about a young mom

who was out drinking with her friends

at one of her friends' apartments one night

when she got into her car and she drove home.

And when she got home,

she realized that something was missing.

She didn't have her 2-year-old son with her.

She remembered taking her 2-year-old son

to her friend's apartment.

She remembered strapping her 2-year-old son

into the car seat on her way out the door.

She remembered putting the car seat with the son

in it on top of the car

as she got the car ready to put the car seat in.

But I guess she never really remembered

putting the car seat in the seat.

So she went out to the garage

to see if it was still on top of the car.

And it wasn't.

So she got back into her vehicle

and she started retracing her steps

and when she was just about back to her

friend's apartment, she saw a whole bunch of

police cars on the street.

They had found her son.

He had fallen off the car,

in the car seat,

fully strapped in,

when she started driving away and

he was fine.

Not a scratch on him.

That's a good ending for that story.


But it doesn't change the fact that mom did

something really, really dumb.

It doesn't change the fact that

mom was more absorbed with herself

than she was with her son.

And being absorbed with yourself

is often a pretty dangerous thing.

In fact, that's the real reason that

Moses wasn't allowed into the promised land.

You might remember that the Israelites

were complaining about being thirsty in the desert.

And God told Moses and Aaron to

"Honor me" by going to that rock

and telling it to produce water.

But that's not exactly what happened.

Moses and Aaron came back to the Israelites

and they said, "Listen, you rebels.

"Must we bring you water from this rock?"

And then they hit the rock twice:

boom, boom. Whush.

And out came the water.

And what was wrong with that?

Listen to their words:

"Must WE

"bring you water from the rock?"

They didn't even mention God.

Their goal wasn't to honor God

in front of the Israelites.

Their goal was to point out how

all the Israelites complaining affected


Think about the last time you felt disappointed.

The last time life

didn't quite go the way that you wanted.

Did you spend more time thinking about God?

Or yourself?

Were you more eager to point others

to the God who can bring water from a rock and can

probably handle whatever situation

happens to be going on in your life?

Or were you more eager to

make people see just how sad and upset

you are because something

didn't go the way that you wanted?

Moses hitting the rock

wasn't the real reason that

he wasn't allowed into the promised land.

It was because he was more absorbed with himself

than he was with God.

Which is always a mistake.

Not just because of the potential consequences.

But also because of what we miss

when we take our attention

off of God.

And that is: the truth.

That even when Jesus was strapped down

to a cross and ended up with

more than a few scratches,

he was still entirely absorbed

with loving me,

and loving you.

Isaiah 53 is speaking of Jesus when it says this,

We are healed

in all the most important ways.

Because Jesus

was obsessed

with loving me and you.

Yesterday, tomorrow

and today.

A bus recently arrived

in the city of Seville, Spain.

It started its journey in Morocco,

in north Africa, which is 143 miles away.

And when they pulled in to Seville, Spain,

after 143 miles on the road, the bus driver

got out of the bus

and noticed something underneath the bus.

It was a teenager

who had been holding on to the bottom of the bus

the entire way.

Apparently, a lot of folks try to

cross the border from

north Africa into Spain because

life in north Africa is

kind of difficult at the moment.

And this teenager tried to escape

by holding on to the bottom of a bus,

for 143 miles.

It's a lot of effort and a lot of pain

just for the chance of maybe

feeling not so disappointed with life.

But it didn't work.

Because they found the teenager.

They took him into custody.

They cleaned him up and they sent him

right back home again.

And he learned a very important life lesson

that sometimes no matter how hard you try,

life is full of disappointment.

And he's not the only one who knows that now.

And neither do you.

Jesus does, too.

He made a long journey as well.

He made a long journey as well.

He came all the way from heaven,

not because he was trying to escape anything

but because then,

he knows life is full of disappointment.

It's full of death.

It's full of temptation.

It's full of piercing pain.

It's full of all sorts of people

who break great promises

to love you and love God more than anything.

And he wanted to save you from it.

So he held on to something that is

far more dangerous than a moving bus.

He held onto a cross and felt all of its pain

so that you could walk through life knowing

that there is nothing in all creation,

not even your worse me-first,

self-centered moments

that are going to stop you from one day

seeing a promise land that is far greater

than the one Moses was looking at on that mountain.

One in which you will never cry, weep or die

ever again.

God wanted you to be able to stand on

any mountain, on any place at any moment

and know that you don't need to be so concerned

about all the ups and downs of your life

because the Lord is.

And that's why Moses said what he did

as he was standing on that mountain.

After God took Moses to the top of the mountain,

after he reminded him that he wasn't going

to be going in,

you'll see in Moses' words

that he wasn't all that concerned about his own life.

He was more concerned

about the lives of the people

he would no longer be leading.

This is what he said.

It illustrates the truth that

when you know that the Lord is taking care of you,

it really sets you free to

focus a little bit more on

the lives of the people around you.

So do that today.

I bet you won't have any trouble today

finding somebody who feels hurt or disappointed.

So do something

so that they don't have any trouble

finding the Jesus who sets them free

from those things.

A number of years ago,

a little 2-year-old boy named Jacob died of cancer.

On the day of the funeral,

the church bells rang to signal the

start of the service

and a voice came over the loud speaker.

It wasn't the pastor.

It wasn't the funeral home director.

It was the boy's father.

He was sitting back in the pastor's office

and the pastor had given him his microphone.

His voice was shaky but confident

as he said,

"Me and my wife just want to thank everyone

"for being here today and for your loving support.

"It means so much to us.

"And we want you to know how grateful we are

"because we got to do something

"that not every parent does.

"We got to usher Jacob all the way to heaven,

"where God took him from our arms

"and placed them into his."

There's only one type of person

who could ever say something like that.

Somebody who knows what it's like

to hurt and feel disappointed.

Someone who also knows exactly

what kind of God we believe in.

The same God that Moses did.

If you watched yesterday's video,

did you notice what Moses called God?

As he prayed to him, he called him,

"The God of the spirits of all mankind."

In other words, he is the God who is responsible

for giving all mankind life.

In other words, he's the God

who knows your life,

who knows your struggles,

who knows your unique ups and downs.

And he is the God

who's able to lead you through all of it.

Moses saw proof of that

on that mountain.

From the view on that mountain,

he was looking at a land of promise that

God was able to provide after 40 years

of desert wandering, and one that God was

willing to provide for

a nation that did not deserve it.

But God was preparing something different

for Moses.

He was preparing Moses

to die.

That's not the way that God said it.

He said,

In other words, Moses was going to die

and then he was going to see something

that his eyes never would have been able to find

in that promised land.

He was going to see his sister, Miriam, again.

And all of his other loved ones

who had gone to heaven before him.

God was reminding Moses of a beautiful truth

that we get to live with every day:

that not even death

is a disappointment

for the Christian.

In fact, your death

is the day that God finally

gives your redeemed heart

everything that it has ever wanted.

That's why God took Moses up on that mountain.

That's what he wanted him to see.

And that's what he wants you to see, too.

That we always have a place to

go with our disappointments.

We go to the God who knows our lives

and knows how to lead us through them.

For more infomation >> Dealing With Disappointment Compilation - Duration: 15:22.


How to Create Partition in any Windows | without using Software | Partition of HDD | Disk Management - Duration: 10:19.

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I'm going to show you how to create multiple drives in Windows 8 without using any external softwares like

Paragon or any other software so

what we can do here is as you can see I have a couple of drives on my laptop when I receive my

Laptop initially, I had only one client that there was a seat rack

But I split it into another drive that II drive and allocated some memory to it about 300 GB of memory

Without using any other softwares, and I did this currently in

Microsoft Windows 8

platform so

Let's see how we can do that in order to be able to partition this

We would need to access the disk management console of

The operating system you can try to get to that this management by

Going through the control panel and navigating through the menu options and all the stuff

but there are a couple of shortcuts available, which you can use right from your desktop and

the first one is

hitting the windows button and the X button on your

Keyboard so the windows and X will bring up the disk management

Option right here and

This is an easy way to access this shortcut prompt one other way would be to

Take the mouse to the left

bottom left corner of the screen so that we get to see the tile that takes us to the Metro screen so

Keep an eye on the mouse cursor right now

Okay, I hope you guys can see the tile that has right now appeared on my screen

so what we can do here is instead of left clicking on the tile we need to right-click on it and

I'm gonna right click on it right now

There you go as you can see

I'm able to look at the dis management option over here left clicking on the tab will navigate you to the

Metro screen let me show you how that works

There you go left clicking on it is gonna. Take you to the Metro screen. I don't want that

Well what we would like to do is power over the tile and right click on it and select this management option

Ok and

here are

the drives existing on my

Laptop and here's my C Drive, and here's my Y Drive. Now. I would like to split the C Drive

Into under partition make another partition out of it, and I want to allocate about


Gigabytes of memory to it, so how can we do this here it is just simply right click on the C Drive and

Click on shrink volume

Wait for it to finish the process all right here is the amount of

Look at this option enter the amount of space to shrink in megabytes so one megabyte is

1024 kilobytes and

1024 megabytes is one gigabyte so if we want to

assign about hundred gigabytes

It would be



All right here you go

I'm gonna allocate about 10


Megabytes so that it equals hundred gigabytes now

This is going to create hundred gigabytes off

a new drive with 100 gigabytes of free space so

In order to do this enter the amount and click on the shrink button

Keep an eye on this this has 623

gigabytes and this has 300 and here we go I

Guess I have allocated a little bit more memory, but you can do the math

Okay here is the


gigabytes of unallocated memory

So which means our drive is not yet created as you can see if we still have two drives

We still need some work to be done on this

What we're gonna do here is we're gonna have to right-click on this and create click on new simple volume

Here's the Vizard that says click on next and

It's gonna take up all the memory if you want to assign different memory which I don't recommend you can do that

but I'm gonna leave it at that and I'm gonna click on next and

Here you can see the list of drive letter options available you can select whatever

Option you won, or whatever letter you want to assign to the drive

I would recommend you leave this at the default option so that

it goes in alphabetical order and

That's about it and once you are done with that

Just simply click on the next


choose whether you want to format this volume, and if so what settings

you better leave this at the

Default settings and if this is unchecked if you see it like this make sure that this

Option the checkbox is checked

It's a good idea as a format in your drive

Whenever you create a new partition, and if you check this option the drive is going to

be formatted automatically for you windows 8

will do this automatically for you, so it's a good option to leave this and its default value and make sure that it's checked and

simply click on the next button and

Look through the confirmations all right finish

Look at that

There you go you have the confirmation and

Here we have it so we have a seat drive

We have an e drive and we have the new F

Drive with 117 gigabytes of free space now. Let's verify if this

New volume has been really created for us there you go

as you can see

We have a new volume, and I'm able to

navigate in it in and out let me see it lets me create a new file and I

Might create a test

Oops there you go

All right

There you go

So this is how you can create a new drive or partition out of your existing?

drive and allocated memory

And we I need the brilliancy of this method is that you don't have to do it

Using any external software you don't have to format your hard drive. You don't have to log out log in restart

and you know that makes it so much easier to maintain your drive and

You can keep partitioning it as many times as you want, but I won't

Suggest going more than three or four partitions because each time you create a partition

For paging purposes and for indexing purposes someone, but the memory will be taken up by the operating system

So just try to maintain a balance between

The drive the number of rise that you want and the hard drive space that you can a lot to it

to maintain an efficient balance

Overall so I hope you guys were able to follow this video, and if you have any questions

Please feel free to state them in your comments and in my next video. I'm going to show you how to

unlock it or

destroy the new partition and

Recur back the memory so in the next video. I'm going to show you how to

Take off how to delete the F partition and give back the 117 gigabytes of memory back to C Drive

So and that's going to be the part of the next video, so thanks for watching

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For more infomation >> How to Create Partition in any Windows | without using Software | Partition of HDD | Disk Management - Duration: 10:19.


Nine Ridiculously Cheap Organic Dinners - Duration: 10:33.

Nine Ridiculously Cheap Organic Dinners

we get it organic ingredients are a thing expensive compared to their conventional counterparts

that that doesn't mean you'll have to settle for a plate of food you feel shady about pudding in your body

just smarten up about meal planning

instead for example

you can swap out pricey organic meat and dairy for more cost effective protein pact fare like Lendl's black beans

and whole grains and never overlook the value

and time savings you can get with buying an organic frozen meal or PRI made ingredients

from time to time as you'll see from the nine dinners here cheap and organic and actually

go hand in hand all our meals ring in at less than $5.00 per serving

one the ingo avocado

and black been salad with lime dressing of organic knees are going to be expensive have

pound of a regatta ground beef is roughly $7.00 at the supermarket

says Libby eight mills RT and a spokesperson for the academy of nutrition and dietetics

that a can of our Gannett black bins does a mere $2.00

a bag of dried organic black bands even cheaper

to serves 62 riot but firm avocados

pitted peeled and cubed 3 tablespoons lime juice

two ripe but firm mangoes pitted peeled and cubed one jalapeno

stemmed seeded and finely chopped 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

plus more for garnish 1 teaspoon freshly grated lime zest

1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/4 teaspoon sugar

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

one can 15 oz no salt added black beans rinsed and drained

one gently toss avocado with 1 tablespoon of the lime juice in medium bowl

ad mango and jalapeno and gently toss to combine

set aside to whisk remaining 2 tablespoons lime juice cilantro

lime zest salt pepper and sugar in large bowl

whisk in oil until thoroughly combined to make thick dressing

and avocado mixture and black bands and toss gently

spoon salad onto plates

garnish with cilantro and serve immediately

to whole grain tabby less Allied no one thinks about whole grains as a protein source

but surprise surprise! They are with 1 cup of Quinn Noah notes and even whole wheat averaging about 6 g of protein

the same amount found in an egg even better organic grains are super budget friendly

organic winnow it costs on average 75¢ per 1/4 cup serving

bible course store brand or headed grains and prevent over be leaning for recipe viper your own measuring cups to the store to measure

both gradients suggests smells serves four total time

35 minutes one seek looked Quinn Noah millet or barley

1 3/4 tse vegetable broth

one LG ripe tomato

diced ½ see finely chopped cucumber

? See chopped scallions

? See chopped fresh mint

one 4th see chopped fresh parsley and tender stems

one 4th see extra virgin olive oil

3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

one rinse Quinn know it in fine metal strainer until water runs clear

transfer to medium saucepan

add vegetable broth and bring to a boil

reduce heat and simmer

covered 30 minutes turn off heat and let stand 5 minutes

fluff with fork to spread Quinn oh on to sheet pan to cool you can prepare Quinn know a day in advance and keep chilled until ready to use

transfer cool Quinn owe it to salad or mixing bowl

three add tomato

cucumber scallions

meant parsley oriel lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste

stir well cover and chill before serving

three green lentil soup lintels are another plant based protein and money saving superstar

organic large green littles average about $2.49 per pound

I love this recipe because it makes a light yet substantial dinner in a pinch

says mills the makes two courts one sea green Lendl's 3 tablespoons olive oil

two LG stalks celery diced two med large carrots

peeled and diced one LG onion

diced two cloves garlic the Inst.

2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

one bay leaf 1 quart vegetable or chicken broth

Tench red pepper flakes

one in large pot ring 1 quart water to a boil

add lentils and remove from heat

let soak for 15 minutes

drain water and set Lendl's a site in bowl to return same pot to stove at oil then set of

carrots and onion so te over medium heat until vegetables are tender and onion is translucent

add garlic salt pepper and bay leaf cook stirring 1 minute

three add lentils and vegetable broth

cover and simmer over low heat

1 hour ensure liquid covers Lendl's

adding more broth if needed this card bailey th before serving

for serve with red pepper flakes and a dollop of sour cream

for more summer flavor add chard or spinach

cut leaves into bite size pieces removing thick center vane's add chard in the last 10 to 15

minutes of cooking time and the spinach in the last 5 minutes

for Vegan zucchini and cashew nut stuffing

this recipe can be enjoyed as a main course casserole with a side of cooked asparagus and fresh garden solid

says mills are used as a stuffing to bake tomatoes

baby artichokes or mushroom

serves 8 to 12 three see outs two sea peeled and shredded zucchini

two Sikh looked Quinn Noah two seed eyes tomatoes

two seed diced onions

two sea vegetable broth one see coarsely ground raw cashew nuts

one scene minced fresh parsley

three garlic cloves

minced 2 teaspoons seesaw

the mix all ingredients and pour into 13 inches by 9 inches pan lightly coated with cooking spray

bake at 350° F 445 to 50 minutes

five shake and eat salads

all you need is a Mason jar and a good grip to shake up this organic meal

sub in 2 to 3 tablespoons of salsa for the honey lime Kim and dressing to cut down on prep time and switch up the flavor

dressing 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

2 teaspoons honey 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice

Tench Kume and solid

? See cooked black bins or Quinn Noah? See cooked corn kernels

one Roma tomato diced

one see chopped will name lettuce washed and dried

add all ingredients to Mason jar

start with dressing ingredients

then beans corn and tomatoes

and lettuce last chill until ready to shake dandy 8630065 are gatica vegetable lasagna or Vegan lasagna

$3.99 for one serving

realistically not everyone has time to make an elaborate healthy meal come 8:00 PM the good thing is that supermarkets like whole

foods are stocking their freezer cases with affordable

Prix made organic dinners that are nothing like the sketchy TV dinners you ate as a kid

this lasagna is made with all organic ingredients and costs less than $4.00 per serving

all you need to do is heat and beat

seven engine two plants strong fiesta blend and wild rice planned $3.99 for 3.5 servings

this Brands frozen whole grain combos

like the fiesta blend and wild rice planned cost less than $1.25 per serving

the ICS into solid so Tate greens or pair with a small piece of protein and you've got yourself a clean

well balanced meal that's ready to eat in less than 10 minutes 830065 are again IC winnow out with vegetables

$3.99 for 2.5 servings

when know it does take a little while to Koch so no one will blame you for opting for hooked batch every now and then

365 are again IC winnow out with vegetables is a mix of white and red Quinn oh a sweet potato

and zucchini one serving rings up to about $1.50

pair it with an organic Turkey burger and dinner will still only set you back as much as one latte at Starbucks

nine amy's black been burrito $2.99 for one serving

this quick and clean source of plant based protein 8 g per serving

will replenish your body at the end of the rough day for less than $3.00

heated up to now down and bask in the Glory of knowing that you could have paid for this

meal with the loose change you have hanging out in the junk drawer

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