Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 28 2018

good morning YouTube good morning plumbers plumbing apprentices as you

well know and if you don't know we do everyday plumbing the good the bad the

ugly so if you haven't subscribed please hit that subscribe button

that'd be awesome turn on that bell for notifications and and for today's

adventure I got my number two man coming in AB we're gonna hook up a

commercial gas fryer at the exclusive Wonder Bar out of Atlantic City so stay tuned

and I will see you there here comes the legend this guy's dressed like he's

going to a friggin concert where you going? to the beach. what's tonight today

is take your student to work day you ready

am i shrinking

we got a miscommunication here it's already installed but they installed the

wrong gas size check that.. they installed the wrong size flex.

there it is

all right obviously there's a flex back here that's

not big enough so we gotta clean this mess up so I take it

what one you hook up here dude the newest one which one

they all look old to me oh this one here closet to the grill

take your kid to work day huh yeah can you tell Steve got my goddaughter she

stayed up all night she was so psyched he has 1/2 inch gas line going to this

they want three quarter

that's what we're going to give up to 3/4

that's off

yeah it's called a fryer you cook french fries

this is what you're eating what's wrong with you

what's wrong with America and vegan so here's the plan

3/4 quick disconnect on that instead of 1/2 inch

well these grills are friggin hot so I can't pull em out

take the hose empty the grease no no Im pulling them out. I need 12 more inches

pole boat that I'm gonna make financial matters okay what's the hose do that's

it sucks the oil out.

Im climbing over the top freddie over-the-top going over top boys

what am I gonna do with this this is way too short

Im not gonna be able to hook this up. Is this a 2 footer? its a 3 footer

Im trying not to get all greasy

Jesus Christmas

whats the matter Chuckie?

too much surfing this morning for no waves? a combination

and look at me. im gonna be a hot dog by the time im done this job

every time I plan a day off listen to me complain you ready to surf the wind

always screws it up

watch the grease

was this thing brand new you bought it yeah how long has it been in? 2 weeks.

that's it it looks like this

I guess it looks new in there

Jesus Christmas...

Well we gonna give em 3/4

Angelo pipe dope out of there please

make sure it straight out because it'll leak

into my tools Freddie could hook this up 1/2 inch or a half inch or 3/4 it has it

has a reversible like a insert fitting here so you know what I'm talking about

look you go 3/4 outside or 1/2 inch inside so I think whatever you got going

on is going to continue to happen but we make em happy

you got good gas pressure here man

I wish I would have known that before I did all this but I would of told you don't

even do it that's crazy what where's that uh where's your

fitting at Freddie? Im a little hot right now.

be nice

go get it you're going be pulling this in and out

so we'll do the four footer this way we'll be able to put it in

take it apart in there right back yeah

we're going to we're going to teach Fred the box now you know the box out is when

you have a customer such as Fred it likes to be hands-on in your way it gets

in their way. he gets in the way doesnt he? you could say yeah I will

so we're going to put the grill right here so you can't come back here let's

call it the box now all right that's my son Angelo let's take your son

to school day yeah I take your your son to work day how are you working tonight

yeah alright good yeah it's good stuff

this is disgusting.

gonna need a change clothes man you know

Angelo I need the other pipe wrench please we got to take out this nasty

nipple here

he went cheap. always go four footer baby. four footer no three's


Angelo Call Marcy for me tell her to bring you some clothes. Sweat pants

Im gonna be all greasy all right sweatpants t-shirt yeah they're good the

bad and the ugly as we were talking about Greece yeah all right so they

think bumping itself from a three from a half inch to a three quarter lines going

to solve their problem in the real world you know they ain't gonna happen there's

something wrong with this grill

if I had known that I would not of change this gas line the good the bad and the

ugly there it is

tight quarters here boys ain't got time for Showtime today get er

done here we go Freddie I got my two helpers

with me today

yeah that guys

you don't know what he's talking about

I hope it works

its probably something stupid you know it doesn't work if these are getting me

a new deep fryer

well that gas disconnect you had that was really in bad shape anyway so

yeah all melted frayed

ah all right so you're doing a good thing

here we're getting er done

right now now

I'm gonna film Bretts place for him. the before and after shots

I should of did it at the other movie theater.

that was before my filming days now

just the sites were nicer than the one I'm just tell about the condo con

construction part of it how good the before and after shots

you know yeah it will be nice

all right todays plumbing lesson ready always go with the flow

Your Father is a lunatic!

always go with the flow Fred

all right boys and girls. Lets do this

you know what

I dont want to shake the grease

Its pretty full

the old quick-connect all right come back a little bit more

all right

there it is this is the problem right

here we got these things crisscross back here.....


Fred This is awesome baby

Not yet. real slow

I wanna check for gas leaks first boys.

Angela got to get the Windex up your Fred?

check for some gas leaks here on the way here's what we got

the tile

Fred how far I go back further than that

no thats good.


You want it on 300? ok

its on 300 dude where is it right here as

it goes a red dot turn it around

well there it goes I like that Fred anybody want some french fries

all right

there we go boys 300 Fred on this one


oh yeah oh yeah Fire in the hole

there's goes another satisfied customer.

we just had a 15 minutes to the bill

take your son to school day another satisfied customer that's right

For more infomation >> Pitco Deep Fryer Gas Line Changed - Duration: 17:53.


This Is What Will Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> This Is What Will Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar - Duration: 2:59.


Avast Premier License Key till 2026 [100% Working + Latest] - Duration: 4:17.


For more infomation >> Avast Premier License Key till 2026 [100% Working + Latest] - Duration: 4:17.


EASY PEAR CRUMBLE RECIPE | CRUMBLE DI PERE (ricetta facile, sottotitoli in italiano) - Duration: 3:05.

hey everyone welcome back to my channel Vanessa here. today we're gonna

make a pear crumble and as you probably know I can't seem to make a regular

standard recipe, I always try to change something so I thought what if I use

puffed rice instead of flour and that's why I did

I really like how this turned out um it's a little bit different than usual

but you know still good it is still good otherwise I woulnd't share this with you so

yeah let me know what to think about this recipe just leave me a comment down

below and if you have any suggestions or if you'd like to see something in

particular just you know let me know and I will try my best to do it. Also, that

way I know what you actually want to see so it might be interesting alright

that's pretty much all I wanted to say to you guys so I guess I'll leave you to the recipe

now and I will see you next week


For more infomation >> EASY PEAR CRUMBLE RECIPE | CRUMBLE DI PERE (ricetta facile, sottotitoli in italiano) - Duration: 3:05.


WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BODY AFTER YOU DIE? | Draw My Life - Duration: 3:24.

Wait wait wait…. if you are watching this video, it means you're still alive… right?

Well… if this is not the case and there is somebody who's dead in here, please dont

hesitate to leave a comment sharing your experience!

So, now… what happens with your body when you die?

First of all, the heart stops beating and the brain stops working.

This makes muscles and sphincters relax, and blood stops circulating.

Blood, obviously, is affected by gravity, so it falls.

Well, it would fall if we were standing up, but as we assume we would be laying down,

all the blood accumulates on the back part of the body.

By then, we will be terribly cold - since blood is not moving anymore, spreading heat

throughout the body, temperature drops drastically.

Also, our healthy skin tone turns into a pale ashen color, turning

purplish where blood accumulates.

Obviously, as we happen to be dead, we dont breath eather, so there is no oxygen reaching

cells to produce ATP correctly.

However, they continue their activity for some minutes, releasing CO2 accummulated inside,

increasing PH and releasing DIGESTIVE ENZIMES to the CELL MEMBRANES – This makes the cell

autodigest itself from the outside to the inside, in a process called AUTOLYSIS.

The first organs to suffer this process are the brain and the liver.

By the way, liver is the organ that remains warm longer, and thats why we use it to know

about time time of death.

During the following day, the body temperature drops completely, and the RIGOR MORTIS appears,

TENSING MUSCLES for about 24h.

This happens because of 2 FIBROus proteyns, ACTIN and MyOSIN (máiosin).

When we die, their FILAMENTS are not used anymore, and this provoques BODY RIGIDNESS.

It's then that our body starts being affected by those organisms we had peacefully lived

with till then.

We are talking about those microorganisms NORMALLY located in different parts of the

body, such as the INTESTINAL FLORA, which lose control and start going whatever they


Keeping it short, our old neighbors start eating up our body tissues, eating the damaged

cells and LIQUEFYING our MATTER.


Very pleasant, all of this.

Also, during the process of DECOMPOSITION, due to the fragmentation of SUGARS in the

organism, gasses such as METHANE, HIDROGEN SULFIDE and AMMONIA are created.

It's now the turn for beetles, flies and other insects that eat meat, to depósit their

eggs in the organism.

When they leave, the job is almost done.

With time, those proteins by which bones are made of, also decompose, only leaving the

mineral part, called hydroxyapatite (haidróxiápatait), which, at the same time, will also end up

disapearing, and turning into dust.

For more infomation >> WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BODY AFTER YOU DIE? | Draw My Life - Duration: 3:24.


Beyblade (Metal Saga) 3D Model Tutorial - Face Bolt - Duration: 21:29.

Sup! Welcome to my tutorial series on how to 3D Model Beyblades.

But only in the Metal Saga version of Beyblade.

This video was voted to be made by the people on Beyblade Amino App who wanted to know how to 3D Model Beyblades.

Also, you can turn off captions if you are familiar with Maya. With that said, let's get started!

First thing first, you should find a picture of a Bey that's from the show and use it as a template.

Like before the show begins and the title card will show the Bey that revolves around.

For example, Rock Aries (technically it's supposed to be Clay Aries).

Now, just gotta scale the size and move the template to a reasonable amount for the Face Bolt.

The scale size of 6 should be enough to fill in the Persp view grid to a good size.

And to make sure it's not in the way of modeling, I'll just move the pic down to -2.

Okay, now just have to grab a cube and scale with only X- and Z-Axis.

Now, move the Cube -2 on the Y-axis on the grid , that should be good.

Now, just got select the side faces and match the Face Bolt.

Now select the Multi-Cut Tool and select the edges with Ctrl+Shift and Left Click on the edges.

You can leave the grid display on if you want, but I personally disable it to get a better view of the templates I use.

Now again, select the side edges of the Face Bolt on each side of it.

Also, a reminder to those who are using Maya for the first time. You can use Q (Select), W (Move), E (Rotate), and R (Scale) the model.

Use alt+left click to rotate the view of the model and alt+right click or scroll wheel to zoom in and out.

Finally, use the alt+middle button to pan the view of the model as well.

Now to scale the points to match the model, and make sure to have the edges Multi-Cut as well.

Now to scale each side of the points to match the template.

Now, scale the 3 points to line them together on the top and bottom sides and match them on the pic..

Now select the faces and Ctrl+E to Extrude them.

Scale them inwards to match the sticker, and Extrude to raise them up a little.

Now let's get into front view and get another template. For example, Aquario.

Scale the template the size of 6.

Select the faces on the sides of the model and Extrude them, then scale down, and Extrude inwards.

Also, you can find Extrude in the "Mesh Tools" if you forgot the hotkey for Extrude..

If I can find it T_T

Found it

Rotate and scale the model to the size of Aquario.

Now grab a cylinder and scale it to match the first half of the screw on the Face Bolt.

Now use the Multi-cut tool and same hotkeys as before, and match to the gap on the first part of the Face Bolt.

Now select the faces on each side where the gap is.

Making sure everything is lined up correctly.

Select the faces on the bottom and then extrude them, scale inwards, and extrude and move the faces down to match the template.

Extrude again and scale inwards and move them down.

Scale it where the helix screw is embodied in the screw.

Use the Multi-cut tool and use the same hotkeys (Ctrl+Shift) and left click to match the gaps on the Face Bolt.

Just making some edits to the edges again.

Now select the faces on each side and extrude them inwards.

Select the second part of the model, then go to "Mesh Display" tab and select "Soften/Harden Edges" to have a nice look on the model.

Now go to the "Create" tab, then to "Polygon Primitives", and select Helix.

Change the properties of the helix and match the template, scale the size too and rotate it.

Editing the faces at the bottom.

Select all the faces and go to "Mesh", then to "Booleans", and select "Union" to make them merge together to become a completed Face Bolt.

Name the model "Face Bolt Model" where I'm typing at so it can be easy to remember

if you want to use it for animation or whatever you want to do.

Rotate the model where the edge is lined on top and then scale the Face Bolt to match the size of the other template.

There, now we have finished modeling the Face Bolt, now let's add some color to the sticker and the rest of the Face Bolt.

Hold Right-Click, then go to "Assign Favorite Material", and let go of the Right-Click to select "Phong" material.

Takes a while to load for me, sorry about that l:/

Now change the name of the material to Face Sticker, and change the color all the way to white.

You may not have to do this to see the color because you probably have a better laptop or computer than mine.

Cause for me I have to select faces or the whole model and change materials to see the change of color in Maya.

Don't know why I have to do that.

But anyways, do the same thing like the first time of selecting a material, this time select "Blinn".

Change the name to Face Bolt and select a color to whatever you want it to.

Now if you want to have a Face Bolt that has a Tattoo and is transparent.

Then duplicate the model by pressing Ctrl+D and change the material.

Name the material of the model to Transparent Face Bolt and again change the color to what you like.

Change the transparency to the appropriate view of the model.

Now delete the faces that represent the sticker.

Then have the model in object mode, then go to "Mesh" and select "Fill Hole".

Now you have transparent Face Bolt and a non-transparent Face Bolt.

To save your work go to "File" and save or save as and create a save file in any destination that you will remember.

Like in your Documents or any other destinations you want to save your stuff in.

Then create a folder and name it whatever you want.

Save your file as "Face Bolt Base".

You'll get this every time when you save your work if you have the student version of Maya.

Now your finally done with modeling the Face Bolt, hope this helped you on your first step to modeling Beyblades (Metal Saga).

With that said, I'll see you on the next tutorial on the Energy Ring.


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