Good morning. My name's jay. I'm from Korea.
Hello, I'm already in Surabaya.
Today's Sunday.
Now I'm going to Korean Church.
I'm on my way.
So yesterday I just
arrived from Semarang.
And today
until tomorrow
I will
spend my leisure time
with the guys
from Korean church.
We will stay in a hotel
in Surabaya
for two days and a night.
So I packed my things
like this.
Because I'm new here,
I don't know them really well. So I'll take this as a chance to know make friends with them.
I don't ride motorcycle
I take a taxi instead.
Good morning,
Where are you going.
Korean church.
I've just got here.
I'm going to the service.
Let's go.
We're going to PTC first.
Then we'll go to the hotel
at 3 p.m. this afternoon.
Because we still have time,
so we decided to go to PTC
and have some coffee at a cafe.
Let's go!
My friend said Grab is having a promotion
so I want to top up my account
for 100.000 rupiahs.
I have topped up
100.000 rupiahs.
And I got 200.000 rupiahs in my account.
It's good. I'm feeling rich.
We've arrive at the hotel.
This Singgasana Hotel formerly was
Hilton Hotel.
It's really fancy.
We're going to our room.
There are three boys,
we will sleep
in one room.
I think they wil
give us a large room.
There are many swimming pools.
The hotel's really grand.
I can feel
the traditional atmosphere of this place.
I like it.
So let's see
the room.
I think
It's been a while since the last time I sleep together with friends.
Me too.
Seung Hwan, you wanted to go to MT like this.
You guys don't snore, do you?
-No I don't -I'm not that kind of person.
-Me too.
Thanks God.
We can't eat this. (?)
Where's the fridge?
I thinks it's here..
Ah here it is.
There's also hair dryer.
But it's not really strong.
Actually for three people,
the bed is the biggest one here.
We thought we all can sleep in it.
we still need an extra bed.
Because we all are big.
Now we're going to swim.
I can't swim
so I should learn it
from Seung Hwan and Hyung.
You wan't to learn swimming?
I will follow you.
I think the children can swim better.
So see you.
We have swum
and now we're going to have dinner.
For the dinner
they said it's a buffet.
-What's the name of the hotel? -Singgasana
In this hotel
the atmosphere is really nice.
The swimming pool lamps...
look cool.
This is..
Thank you, Sir.
There are a lot of food here. Friend rice and also fried noodle.
There are various cuisine.
I will enjoy this.
The wedding in this hotel looks good.
The ambience is nice.
Today I join my church's retreat
in this hotel
for 2 days and a night.
Actually I don't really the guys from my church
I didn't have time to take a video
because I was busy talking to them.
I hope
will be even more enjoyable.
See you!
for the closing
I want to see the view from above
with my drone
See you tomorrow!
See you tomorrow!
For more infomation >> [SURABAYA, INDONESIA] ke hotel dengan teman Korea !! 싱가사나 호텔 [Korean VLOG with a7s, mavic] - Duration: 8:36.-------------------------------------------
The Four Confidences by Ed Latimore (Animated) - Duration: 10:52.
Ed, short for Edward, is a heavy-weight boxing champion, physics and electrical engineering
student, devoted chess player with a flair for poetry - quite the combination.
In this short book he defines confidence as the belief that you will succeed in your endeavours.
Whatever tight spot you find yourself in, whatever life throws at you, you know you're
going to figure it out.
I have personally always seen confidence as self-trust, which builds on self-respect or
self-love and makes way for self-reliance (see Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay).
Respecting yourself means setting boundaries.
Accepting your flaws.
Accepting that you're a human being prone to error and seeing your self-worth.
You do not not tolerate mistreatment.
Our minds are so powerful, that if we let others treat us like trash and call us names,
we might just believe we deserve no better.
The result is often very ugly and unpleasant.
Not only might we not value our own lives, but develop a sinister kind of self-hatred.
I'm speaking from experience, since I have had a very narcissistic and abusive father.
Having no father in your life is bad.
Having mine, I assure you, is worse.
It is hard to admit that during my development my confidence was below zero, my voice had
been silenced, my self-image was crushed and I had no idea what else to do, but outlast
all the abuse.
I'm reminded of Franz Kafka and the crippling relationship he had with his father.
I had been robbed of my ability to put up a fight.
I was too scared to stand up for myself, since in a previous incident, when I reached a boiling
point, my fighting back had only made it worse.
I assume some people knew and could've have helped, but part of human nature is being
preoccupied with one's own life.
I had to help myself.
Based on those years I think life is not enjoyable without confidence, without audacity, without
You can have too much of a good thing, sure, but when you don't believe in yourself, and
this includes having a healthy amount of ego / narcissism, life sucks.
I went from being anxious to fearless with a shift in mind and paradigm, which is concious
thought & a multitude of habits (things you do without thinking about them - the subconcious).
I had to realign my thoughts, words and actions to be congruent with those of a gogetter,
a hustler, someone who takes life by the horns and gets what he wants.
I took up martial arts classes.
Learned how to fight, how to protect myself.
I started lifting weights, developed discipline, built momentum.
"You look good, you feel good."
as Ed would say.
I had higher testosterone, women were in my life, perhaps I developed a bit of arrogance
and even club bouncers were being overly respectful with me now.
It is quite a different world.
I wake up and feel like I can do anything, excited for all the challenges I will face
I sincerely want this world-view to be your reality as well.
Whatever battles you've had to or are about to fight, you're still here.
You're not a quitter, why stop now?
Love and respect yourself and handle your life.
Nobody else will do it for you.
Hopefully you'll take something from this video that will help you develop the confidence
of a mentally undefeated champion like Ed Latimore.
In this short book Ed writes about Confidence in the Process, in the Instruction, in the
Past and in Learning.
These are the four confidences.
The four truths of confidence that you can always look to for reassurance.
The laws of confidence that help you build yourself up in times of doubt facing resistance.
Confidence in the Process When you start out insecure, feeling weak
like I have felt, you still have faith / hope.
"Life will get better."
No matter how many times I felt hopeless that faith, that belief that "One day this will
all have been worth it."
kept coming back to me and it turned out to be true.
I am so glad I didn't give up.
Improvement is a process, a journey, a climb, a lane, whatever metaphor you like best.
It takes going from one place to another and only you can get yourself there.
Your self-doubt will try to get in your way.
It is imperative to trust the process.
You will improve, the quality of your life will increase, don't quit.
Allegedly, heaven and hell is experienced on earth.
Beautiful quote by Winston Churchill "When you're going through hell, keep going."
... Why?
So you would eventually see the end of it one day.
Nothing good will come from giving up on yourself.
Ed says furthermore "Success is never an accident."
Millionaires don't stumble ass backwards into money.
Athletes don't get to be first by chance.
People don't just get lucky and get what they want out of the blue.
There's a process everyone goes through.
Might be a different one for you and me, but you're not going to get around work.
Have faith in doing the work and soon you will see positive results.
Confidence in the Instruction Coaches, trainers, mentors & teachers have
so many years ahead of you in the very specific fields you want to excel at, you will learn
at a quicker pace, you will learn more in-depth, you cut the all the nonsense, because real
instructors know what works and what is merely rubbish.
If you try to navigate your way alone instead like I did for most of my life you waste so
much valuable time, that you're not getting back, doing something that isn't ideal.
I'm currently recovering from some heavy losses I could've done without.
I am smarter now, but I didn't have to learn the hard way.
You know better.
Actively seek out someone in real life, as well as through books, but it's better face
to face, who knows what they're talking about.
Hire them, persuade them into investing their time in you.
A personal trainer for example will help keep you accountable, write you a tailored workout
and diet plan, show you all the exercises, correct your form and answer any immediate
questions you might have.
Ed put this so beautifully.
"The single greatest benefit to be reaped from finding a teacher that you can place
your confidence in before you develop your own is that they will shave years off your
approach and protect you from unnecessary misfortunes along the way.
Your instructor has lots of experience navigating the pitfalls and potential setbacks along
the many paths to your goals."
Confidence in the Past I love history.
In part, because it teaches us a lot about human nature, our motivations and dreams.
We have access to innumerable accounts of incredible successes and huge losses with
everything in between.
History taught me that life isn't a straight line.
It's chaotic.
Pick up a few biographies and see for yourself how all these different lives played out.
You can learn from other people's missteps and breakthroughs.
I read Arnold Schwarzenegger's auto-biography for example.
I couldn't believe a single human being could achieve so many remarkable things in a single
life-time, when everybody told him he couldn't do any of it and he's still going.
Offered me a lot of invaluable lessons.
The 48 Laws of Power, a collection of historical events, chuckfull with anecdotes of what can
be done.
Speaking of the past, it's essential we learn from our own mistakes, despite the fact that
our ego would rather forget.
If we don't learn, we will repeat the same cycle of bull all over again.
Until very recently Ed, heavyweight boxer, was unbeaten with a clean record of 13 wins,
7 KOs and 0 fights lost.
You can tell why he's an authority on confidence.
Then, as happens with all champions sooner or later, they lose a fight.
Ed took his bruised ego, as he called it, took some time to reflect.
Recognized a weakness in his boxing style and focused on improving on it.
He sees the positive, "You win or you learn" mentality, and steps his game up.
That's anti-fragility.
This is what makes a champion.
You get KO'd, you figure out what happened, you come back stronger.
It's just more evidence Ed knows what he's talking about.
He practices what he preaches & his writing comes from a real place.
Confidence in Learning "Above all, believe that if given enough time
you can learn anything."
If you don't understand something yet, you're simply lacking the necessary references.
You learn to comprehend the basics and all further knowledge builds on that foundation.
Any skill can be deconstructed into several parts.
You prioritize the most important parts that will put you into the top 5% of your skill
and then it's just a matter of keeping yourself accountable.
Getting all those hours to Mastery.
To become good at something is managable in a couple of months, if not weeks, if not hours.
Depends on the depth & complexity.
To become one of the best takes years, but it is managable.
You see impossible is such a limiting word.
Losers love it.
It makes them feel better about themselves.
Everything they can't do is impossible.
Let them keep lying to themselves.
Limiting beliefs are most frequently regurgitated from pessimistic, insecure people.
Here you are learning about confidence, what it is, how to build more of it on technological
devices that were deemed impossible only a few years ago.
Don't underestimate the human spirit and remember there's a process to this.
As Ed would say "Achieving anything worthwhile takes time."
Accept this truth, act like it and your chances of reaching your goals skyrocket.
In Conclusion: 1.
Have faith in the process, while doing the work diligently.
When life is hard, keep going.
Good times lie ahead.
Find an instructor, save yourself unnecessary headaches.
Don't be afraid to ask for help and you'll get there quicker.
Learn from your and other people's past.
Try not to repeat mistakes and do the unimaginable.
Trust in your faculties.
Fancy way of saying believe in your own ability to reach desirable results.
You can learn anything in due time.
Since, to my knowledge, we don't live 100 different lives, we can't do absolutely everything,
but we definitely can pursue our own passion, make and walk our own path.
Reversal - There is such a thing as too much confidence.
A bit of self-doubt can be a blessing.
The insecure are so scared of taking risks they never get anywhere in life and the foolish
take risks blindly at some point biting off more than they can chew.
Confidence is only one piece of the puzzle of life, but it's easily one of the most important
Trust yourself.
【VI Reaction】勇利!!!on Ice第11+12集反應 / Yuri on Ice reaction 11+12 - THANKS FOR EVERYTHING [ENG SUB] - Duration: 57:03.
I'm 井西 (Jing Xi) I'm 小三 (Xiao San) And I'm 烏登 (Woo Den)
-The pair rings thing was just too far ❤ -Those rings......
-E...Ep....%$#*)*$@ Episode 10! -How can they do this to me?!
And then we're going to EP11! Let's go
-Pichit! Pichit the cutest -Yes
Wow. Miss his lip licking
-Sorry, sorry -Don't mind
-They make it looks like a real TV program -Yeah
-Oh he won the second place twice. -Great.
Hehe Chris. I just love Chris. He's so sexy.
Serious face as always
Top 6!
-I can't tell who will win! -Agree. -So intense!
Please get married after getting the golden medal
-You mean JJ or Yuri hahahaha -B...Both? XD -JJ needs that golden medal, too
-Everyone gets married -JJ also wants to get married
-But I kinda don't want to see JJ getting married. -JJ is obviously hated by others.
I want to see JJ falls
-EH?! -??!
Hey see that! Everyone's faces
-This is awesome -It's the Top 6
That's too great. They put efforts.
-Some picture layers -Yuri! -Yes. Add some layers
-Oh! New! -New arena
And it is pink!
Do we have any chance to see them skating to this in the show?
I'm not sure
Gotta Super-Supercharge it!
-Yuri is the first one! -Go boy!
They are arranged in ranking
My eyes...!
Your eyes...and your eyes
-Sara's taking it seriously -He wants to do that with Sara. -I want to do this, too. But no one's with me...; (
The moment of engagement
Good luck! (in Japanese)
-Aw they fall asleep! -He's like put his all love in this
Oh Yuri's hot
He gets hotter each time
You can do this
So cute......The cutest couple ever
Victor also jumped
They're counting
-He's so steady this time. -He looks like so tired.
But so pity that 4F!
So pity......(In Japanese)
Not high enough?
Yuri, don't cry......No he doesn't! He's determined!
Good for him
-Pichit! -Ahhhh
Pichit dresses like he's in Thai Royal or what
There's two hearts on his shoes
-Ahhhhhh! -Adorable!
Just too cute
Pichit always brings positive energy!
They're cute
Awww he's lovely
Why they make quadruple jumps so common in this show?
Everyone can do it
-Ah! -So cute! Hamsters!
Awww that adorable ass
Wow the first Thai skater to do so!
He's great, right?
-Ohhh adorable! -He's an angel
Pichit is just too lovable
(Clap) Brilliant!
-Pichit! Pichit! -Cuttie!
Good job, Pichit
Little hamsters!
Go and get it! Yurio!
The generation of Yurio is coming
It was sad he fell last time
Mila! Wow, Lylia helped him fix his hair
So it's her do the hair works
-Ah...Eh? -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh it's Victor with long hair
He seems think of Victya
Everyone's shook!
And his coach just sees Victor in him
My gosh
He's too great
-The most beautiful! -Right!
-Yurio's performance is perfect. -Yes.
Spainish seafood
World...World record?!
He just broke Victor's record!
MY GOD! Ooh hoo hoo
Way too happy
It's him
It is just too Chris
He seems be envy a little bit
He might think...Someone else is in Victor's eyes
This. Not okay.
-He wears round glasses -Cute on him
-Ah -Who?! Who's he? -Ohhhhh(understand something)
-Yuri! -Jealous!
-Whether Victor start to want to come back or not? -Probably.
102 points!
I think he probably does. He may get some motivations by all of this
Hahaha Yurio
OAHAOHHHHHH!!!!!♥(´∀` )人
-Oh haven't we not seen him skating yet? -No.
This music matches him
He has love
He's cute
-He looked at little Yurio -He was really like a noble child
He worked hard all the way to get here
His jump is high
Only you made a mistake
Oohhhh don't talk like that. He would cry.
-Messed up right after get a engaged ring, huh? -No!
-JJ! x2 -Oh I almost forget him
Marry him! MARRY HIM!!!
They just became friends!
He is the dark horse!
-JJ... -Wh..what?!
-Haha enemies. -He seems hate him so bad.
Oh! A high score!
10 points higher than the last
-Oh...... -What the heck?
He got pressure?
Why he...?!
How he...?!
What's wrong?
-Oh! -He's under pressure
So many expectations on him
-Somehow want to see him fall or what but now...... -Yeah! I suddenly feel bad for him!
JJ GO!!!!
-"Just follow me. I will break the wall" -OOOOhHHHHH!
JJ you go!
Everyone's crying!
Cheer! Just cheer for him!
Although he's only 19, right, go get married, go!
Sorry. I was so wrong!
I don't want to see him fall
So sad
Awwww she's so nice aahhhhh
JJ Style!!!
Ohhh so intense. It almost end!
Oh...JJ is so touching
-JJ has a great fiancee. -Right!
-Though he's annoying sometimes... -Still marry him -Still go get married
Woo Den are you okay? This time you cry
I feel so good
I supposed he just has some struggle and that's all, but...
things that his fiancee did just made me feel so moved
-Yeah... -Ending song is back
-The last one... -The last one was awesome
Those pictures tho
-So is it finished? -Not yet.
Free skating is next
-Oh! -Or you mean short program? All 6 were done.
This is already in final!
-What can we do, Yuri? -I kinda want to learn how to sing Theme of JJ. It is inspiring.
-You can change JJ to your own name. -Feel so confident to sing that.
Or change it to Gaga, like "I'm the Queen Gaga"
Rule world!
Oh oh oh
Yuri's in the fourth place!
Everyone's exhausted
Wow! His "wow"
-What?! -Some "should we give up" feeling... -WHAT???!!!
-NO! -Last time... -NO!
They look......!
-What? what? WHAT????? -They seems like they're breaking up
Is it for some inspiring purpose? XD
Don't tease girls' heart like this!
-Yeeeeaaahhhhh! -The LAST episode!
To be honest, I don't know which one to cheer for. I just hope all of them doing great.
-And JJ, too. -Hope they will not leave any regrets!
JJ probably can turn it around if he was the main character of this show
-Uh-oh so it means... -This can be on "Jump"
-JJ...Um, JJ doesn't have the power of main character
-Though he was powerful before. -This is not "JJ on Ice" so I guess it will not be him.
-JJ on Ice -Still hope he has some luck!
Then we're starting to watch EP12!
Why the hell he says this right now?!
No way...
Why do you need to break up with him right now?
Though the way he cries is too much but he's so beautiful...!
He's crying...
Don't touch me!
You never consider about me!
No...! Don't retire, Yuri!
-They always mess things up like this right before the competition! -Yeah...
Ah beautiful!
-The background music is the opening song! -Yes! It makes me so hyped.
Ha he's speaking Spanish!
Oh they're like strangers to each other
He's out of spirits...
How can we come over this?
You stupid!
Why now?
You can make it! (In Japanese)
-That! That is......South Park?! -Yes!
Oh so she is his mother
Is there anyone else would say himself like this? "A bird(JJ) with a broken wing"
So is he his father? I think they're alike, especially eyebrows
It's Ciao Ciao
Ciao Ciao is great
Oh 213.91, nice
JJ Style!
I think Ciao Ciao should have some impressive story in the past
And Yakov
-Yakov! -Maybe Ciao Ciao used to compete with Yakov
Need to see the story between the coaches
Ahhhhh he said "加油"(Cheering word in Mandarin)
See the live stream
His dream!
He wants to skate with everyone!
It's some Disney's ice skating performances
-Yeah! -LOVELY!
He was like "please take care of me"...
If they still have this feeling....I...Ohhhhh
They're at war
They should walk out with their hands holding! But it ends up like this!
Ummmm he's encouraging him!
Why don't they kiss......
-Though I think this is hard to understand, but it seems be good! -Yes!
I think it's bad
-It is GOOD! -Is it bad?
-They look at each other and smile. -Right!
(Xiao San's still confused XDDDDD)
Go boy
What's going on?
Does he change something?
It is the last time, Yuri, please.
It's from his bottom of heart!
He finally did it...
He suddenly goes to the first place! This score is insanely high!
Yaaaayyy! He's coming back!
But still why don't they just kiss for once
-Don't be disturbed so easily! -He doesn't even watch. So sad.
Those two...
-He's still so satisfied. -Still "coming"
-Wow. -Wow. He always chooses classical music.
He's ready
-They just keep doing that, say something deep before the competition. -Hey! he's about to skate!
-Say something might cause some impact on someone. -Oh they're hugging!
He says something to him
Can't find him
He's strong. Beautiful.
...And hot
Strong, beautiful and hot. Yes.
Fantastic! (in Japanese)
The last one!
He cheers for him!
He just said "Yuuko and the rest"
He can only remeber Yuuko's name
Yurio is gorgeous
-Right! -Yeah!
Let him win! Let him have that medal!
It's rare that we can't hear what he think when he skates
Oohh it's in last year
-Ahhhhhh -He actually...
-He did or said some tough things to you because he actually cares about you. -The more he loves you, the more he is mean to you.
That's adorable oooohhhhhh
He calls him "Baka"(Stupid) in a soft way. Too adorable.
I feel I also see the other Victor
Awwww don't cry
They are close!
0.12 points
Heyyy don't act like this!
Kiss him...!!!
Oh. Right.
And then marry you!
Is it possible?
-That's wonderful! -Yes!
We will be the coach and competitor at the same time!
Isn't he too amazing?
Is it possible to be this amazing?
Ohhh he's skating to that!
And he wears like Victor!
That costume!
The pair skating is too damn beautiful
......Oh my god...!
The last is so beautiful for crying
I...I'm shaking by that pair skating
Just too breath-taking
Everyone's like 4T, 4F, 4S.....
They now don't get married, but the next year......that probably will happen!
-Doesn't that "See you next level" means we will have Season 2? -YAAAAAYYYY!
We just finished Yuri on Ice Ep1 to Ep12!
-Wooooooow -Thank you! Thanks all the creators!
I feel I need to watch more of this
That ring. That engagement.
Yuri was mentally weak from the begining
...though he was still mentally weak afterwards, at least he found someone to depend on.
-Yes. -That is Victor. And he also found some new determinations.
And then he encountered amazing younger competitors, like Minami in Japan and 15-year-old Yurio
So many good young competitors is in this figure skating world
Yuri had some thoughts of retirement but...
He now decides to keep going with Victor and Yurio one more year
-He's 24 now, right? -Yes. He's not young for this sport.
He said something important in the last EP
He said...when...
When there's a dream you just can't reach...
It's like you can gather everyone's power and faith to make that even better
I think it is really impressive
Think of Ep1, we first met people in hometown like Yuuko
So many people in Hasetsu
And we somehow paid much attention to the relationship between Yuuko and Yurio. Yuuko is already a wife though.
And they experienced Hot Spring on Ice
And that cute......Is he Leo or Leon?
-Who? -Which one do you mean?
I mean the boy watched live stream with Yuuko
-He is Minami. -Oh his name is Minami.
And then they went to competition. The first one is in China!
They met many people in China, like Guang-Hong.
Leo from America
-Pichit. -And Chris.
And then Russia!
We met Korean competitor in Russia.
-He is cute. -That icy one.
-His name is Lee... -Icy Lee.
Yes. And those cute brother and sister from Italy, Mickey and Sara.
And a Czech guy who wants to date the sister
And Chris, yes. And Popovich!
Popovich was in China
He's so intersting
And cute Pichit
And the serious dark horse prince from Kazakhstan
-He developed a friendship with Yurio. -"Friendship".
A worth the wait "friendship"
The relationship of Yuri and Victor the coach...
-Totally... -THEY ENGAGED!!!
It's like Xiao San said before, that is a really wonderful world.
Everyone's like...bless them with pure joy and make it common
-Hoping our world can change like this someday. -Exactly.
-And JJ......JJ! -JJ, I was so wrong, I just didn't want to see you fail.
We wish him a good luck in the following years. I am sure that he can make it.
-We will see next season. -He was just too under pressure.
He even made his own song, and I think he is really amazing
I need to learn that song!
Talk about songs. The most I remembered is... the song that Leo's "Still Alive"
-That's a good song. -We only heard once in the show but I was impressed.
I didn't know songs and music can be this multiple until I watched this show.
-Multiple styles. -Yes, and different dances. I really love all of it.
-Brilliant! -Clap, clap!
This show successfully displays the charming of figure skating world to the audiences
-So detailed. -Let us start to pay more attention, sometimes when we find a game on TV, then we will watch it.
Finally I realize why the show soon blew up social webs and became a phenomenon
...especially the global reaction and feedback was massive
Even the professional skaters watched Yuri on Ice
And probably thought "it is not that easy, okay?"
It's for entertainment.
-They are already engaged. -PLEASE GET MARRIED.
They never announced their relationship but......but THEY ARE
And they both take it serious
Can they just go pair skating?
Just go to slay pair skating
That pair skating tho
I really almost burst into tears
-Beautiful. -Already cried.
They may go world tour
like, Yuri & Victor on Ice
And perform, put some huge posters
-They can make Pichit's dream come true. -Right.
A drama troupe on Ice
And promote tourism of Kyuushu
Maybe that mascot will be changed...I don't know
It will always be that ugly mascot
That...that squid and sea urchin thing
Ah, I just thought of something
I just seriously think about the details of the relationship of Yuri and Victor
And I think...I think these two are so bad at dealing with crying people
They just make it so straight up!
When Yuri was crying, Victor was like "Um should I give you a kiss or what"
And when Victor was crying, Yuri was like "oh I'm surprised to see you cry"
-I'm like, "Can you treat each other well???" -Oh my!
Can you guys treat your own boyfriend well?
-Like they're still awkward to this -Yes
But they put son many efforts I right? They put efforts to make this go further
What surprised me was that I thought Victor is a playboy but he ends up, like you said...
-And he should have other lovers before? -Yes. He had a girlfriend.
-Because Yuri had asked him at... -We are not sure it's "girlfriend"
-Yes. He said "ex-girlfriend". -No, he said "lover"(in Japanese).
-He said lover, so we're not sure. -Ohhhhhh
So, what surprised me was that Victor seems have some experiences but he is still clumsy in this
-Yes. So cute. -SO CUTE! Please marry him!
Yuri on Ice not only shows how glamorous a part of skating world but also makes Yuri and Victor's relationship so fascinating
-That's just amazing. -Really touched the hearts.
Her heart. Sport gamers' hearts.
And I think it is not easy to be a coach. A coach needs to deal with everything like competitor's mental issue
...or what they think, what they eat last night, yeah
So Yakov is a wonderful dad
-Right. -He takes care of so many competitors and Yurio.
I want to see the story of Yakov and Ciao Ciao!
So curious about what happened in the past
Hope we can get more information about it
We can't even remember his name but Ciao Ciao
Also things between Yakov and....and his ex-wife
What would it be?
I want to know if Lylia was really......beautiful or something like that. -She should be beautiful and amazing.
Every time I see Lylia, I can't help but keep looking at her make-up
-On her cheek. -She always put heavy blush on her cheeks.
Did she put shadow or blush on her cheek?
-I'm not sure it is orange blush or what. -Yes, orange. -I think that is blush.
That's just too much!
So badass
Yeah thank you! Thank you!
And that was our reactions and reviews to "Yuri on Ice" Ep11 and Ep12
I'm 井西 (Jing Xi) I'm 小三 (Xiao San) And I'm 烏登 (Woo Den)
Looking forward to seeing you guys in the future!
YEEAAHHH (cracky) Bye-bye!
-Yes. Let's go skating. -Right. We just go. Let's go.
-I think so many people... -I want to eat pirozhki!
-People will be eager to go ice-skating after watching this. -Good for tourism!
-Need to go to Kyuushu. -HAPPY! -Yeah!
-I want to keep a puppy "Victor" -Vic-chan!
Design Your Own Kootenay Model by TruForm Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:08.
Design Your Own Kootenay Model by TruForm Tiny Homes
Hi guys! It's me Nanda
In this video it's gonna be different from my previous video
So in this video i'm collaborating with my friends
And he's gonna guess makeup prices
We all knew that a lot of guys don't know about makeup prices and girl stuff
So i'm gonna ask my my friend to join me
come in!
introduce yourself
OK Hi my name is Rizky. My youtube channel is Djuta Jolor. Don't forget to subscribe!
Yes subscribe. It'll be down below.
Are you done?
Yes i'm done
So in this video i'm gonna ask my friend Rizky to guess makeup prices.
So let's begin to the first one
I have no idea what to guess
this is maybelline The Nudes Eyeshadow palatte
You have to guess how much is this..
you can open it and see what's inside
What is it for?
it's eyeshadow for our eyelid
you want me to guess the price with the exact price or just price range?
Price range is okay.
i guess this is around IDR 100K until IDR 150K
N: Surprisingly!! You're right.
Yeah that's IDR 150K
This one
This is face powder
It's from Marcks brand
You can open it
It's around IDR 50K until IDR 100K
are you sure?
It's not that expensive
This is only IDR 15K
This is only 15K so if you wanna give your girl a makeup gift this is it
okay again, eyeshadow !
here it is
This is from Justmiss brand. it's a trio eyeshadow
This is around IDR 50K until IDR 100K
N: Are you sure?
It's not that expensive
Do you believe that this is just IDR 14K ?!
So you don't need expensive things to being beutiful.
Yes she's right!you don't need expensive makeup to being beautiful
Girls important thing is always makeup
i don't understand why
Lots of girls doing their makeup for 50 to 60 minutes
what? an hour?
Here it is. Milani Matte Lip Cream.
Guess this
Lipcream is like Lipstick ( he doesn't know lipcream)
This is IDR 50K
This is around IDR 50K until 70K
are you sure?
yes i am
This is actually around IDR 140K
What?? How is that possible?
Every makeup have difference price range
So it's like just for our lip we need IDR 150K
not including for face and eyebrows
So guys calculate yourself how much it is for whole face
This is QL Mascara
Mascara is for eyelashes. You know it right?
yeah i know
guess this. hold it.. you can open it too
why don't you put the price tag in here
ehm.. made in indonesia?!
this is IDR 50K
This is actually around IDR 30K
I'm wrong again
i have no clue about makeup
This is maybelline FIT ME Concealer
what is it for?
Concealer is... ehmm it's hard to explain to a guy
It's like a fondation
Fondation is like a face powder cream ?! ( he doesn't know fondation)
But concealer is for conceal or hide pimple , acne or black spot
Okay i know that ( he actually had no idea about it)
Guys how much is this??!!
Comment down below help me!!
This is IDR 35K
Okay 35k?
but wait.. the small product usually expensive right??
No I think it's 100K
NO.. wait. i think it's around 30k until 100k
come on 30 until 100 is way too far. you gotta guess it exactly at it's price range.
It's around IDR 30K until 70K
How much it is guys???
It's actually IDR 110K . only for concealer
yes 110k
are we done yet?
there are still a lot to guess
This is maybeline fashion brow for eyebrows
whatt?? is that a price tag?!!
no it's not
come on how much do you think this is cost?
i guess this is IDR 20K
are you sure?
Maybelline fashion brow. this is actually around IDR 30K
but i think you still got it.
you still got it almost right
Do you know this?
Lots of guys didn't know this thing
Oddly Satisfying Video 2017 💙 The Most Satisfying Video in the World - Duration: 5:29.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Hello, Seaside! - Duration: 5:23.
Sims FreePlay Hack - Simoleon & Lifestyle Points ! (2017 Updated) - Duration: 2:12.
Sims FreePlay Hack - Simoleon & Lifestyle Points
Lesbian Teaches You How to Use a Condom - Duration: 4:14.
What to do in Skyrim after you finish the main quest? - Duration: 3:20.
You played and played and suddenly that's it – main story is finished and you have
nothing to do.
I do assume that you already did all Dark brotherhood, thieves guild, companions and
other important quests.
If not – go and finish those quest lines, they are really interesting and some are even
better than main plot itself.
But if you did and truly ran out of side quests, try to visit every town again and
talk to everyone.
Many side quests can be found by just talking to people in towns.
It's also interesting as it becomes a hunt for quests, you never know if you missed something
until you have fresh quest in your quest log.
Ok, next thing.
Have you tried to live as vampire or werewolf?
I know, it's not for everyone and takes a lot of immersion to truly believe that you
are real creature of the night, but it's worth trying.
What can you loose?
Stormcloaks or Imperials?
It can be fun to switch sides and live the war from other perspective.
To stab your former companions and drink vodka with your former enemies.
I remember, while playing Morrowind long time ago, I tried to collect all Dwemer things.
Mugs, cogs, shields, everything.
That was one of the fun things to do.
So you can try similar stuff here in Skyrim.
In example collect all Daedric artifacts or stones of Barenziah.
Just pick your thing and go searching.
Have you played Skyrim long time ago and never tried any of the DLC's?
Just do it.
Grab Skyrim Special Edition, it has everything you need already packed inside.
Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn expansions will make your heart tick again.
And of course, the most important thing – mods.
They can tweak your game to infinity.
There is what can you do with them:
You can make your game to look absolutely gorgeous.
Lightning, textures, landscapes, everything can be better and more beautiful.
You can add hundreds or even thousands of new items in game.
New swords, shields, artifacts and other stuff will make your Skyrim more interesting.
Also you can add new creatures, enemies, dragons, new quest lines or even whole expansions.
In example try Falskaar – it adds big chunk of unexplored land to your game.
You will find links to the interesting mods in the description.
So with all those modifications, what else you can do?
You can mod your Skyrim to infinity and then start a new game with a completely new character.
You know how to do that?
Check "Live another life" mod and you can conquer Skyrim as an inn owner or even as
a skooma addict.
So, what else?
Try to tweak your games graphics and take most beautiful screenshots.
After enhancement your game may run only 2 frames per second, who cares.
It's for the art.
And you can go and print your beautiful screens and hang them on your wall to be part of your
life long after you stopped playing this beautiful game.
Thank you for watching, I'll see you next time.
td jakes-# instinct unleashed-the greatest sermon ever preached - Duration: 35:46.
coming up on The Potter's tent it is the
most frequently asked questions other
than about personal relationships it is
the most frequently asked question that
I get from people I don't know my
purpose I'm not sure I'm walking in my
purpose how do I know which purpose is
so important how do I know that I'm
doing what I was created to do most of
us are just getting back we're just
doing what we have to do we're not going
what we're led to do we're not doing
what we feel to do we're not doing what
we love to do we are building to death
on what we have to do but but I think
that we could be less busy and more
fulfilled if we were doing what we were
created to this
greetings in the precious name of Jesus
Christ our King I'm so excited to have
this opportunity to share the word of
the Lord with you particularly this
series instinct unleashed I'm excited
about it because I believe it is so
relevant I've written about it I've been
teaching about it and I wanted to get in
your heart and into your spirit so they
can determine and charter the course for
the future this particular message is
instinct the heart of the matter and I
want to get right to the heart of the
matter what is influencing and moving
you and developing you as a person not
just as a Christian now but as a person
your career your future your goals
what's directing that course I know you
pray I know you pray every talk to the
Lord I know you had coffee with always
food this morning but I want to I want
to take you down into the crux of the
human experience and show you how God by
his design had a purpose for you before
the foundation of the world take a look
at this you'll be blessed what I have
learned over the past 36 years of
working with volunteer people and paid
staff and and managing and budgets and
all that people do far better when you
don't push them into what you need them
to do and and direct them into what they
are gifted and created to do and
sometimes you get that right and
sometimes you get that wrong and quite
frankly it takes two or three years
sometimes to figure out where people fit
and sometimes it's just doesn't fit if
it's not a good fit for you but finding
out what works is very very important
and no matter what's on the resume no
matter what they said in the interview
after a while you watch what people
gravitate to you watch what they
gravitate to you can give them what you
can assign them what you need them to do
but but as a leader you have to watch
what they gravitate to because what they
gravitate to is it's harmonious with
their instincts and their best gifting
than their highest values that doesn't
mean that they can't evolve into other
things that doesn't thing that you don't
change as you grow and to have the
flexibility to change because some of
you have morphed into a different person
you are not the person you were twenty
years ago you don't think like you
thought twenty years ago you you've got
sometimes you can exhaust yourself in
one area of life and you're ready to go
to the other and it's okay
sometimes you spent the first 10 or 20
years doing what you have to do
sometimes you spend the first 10 or 20
years just doing what life did to you
responding to life responding to bad
choices and bad situations and you get
halfway up the hill you say before I get
out of this planet may leave this galaxy
I would like to know who I am and slow
in the area that I was created to flow
and when you do that you function much
better or you follow what I'm saying to
you today and so so I've been teaching
transformation since the 1st of the year
and today and today and last Sunday I've
been talking about instincts I will
continue that next Sunday and perhaps
even one more Sunday because I really
want to really build down into this and
make sure you get it and today I'm going
to be talking about the heart of the
your very heart of the matter and I'm
going to give you some times when you
have a five for six or seven course meal
they give you just a little small
sampling of a whole lot of things that
have been mixed together I'm going to
give you samples of several things that
are really at the heart of our instincts
and finding out who we are and I'm gonna
spend a moment setting up some things
from a biblical perspective but I have
to be honest if you're if you think
about it the book that I have to confess
the book is not really saturated with
Scripture and the reason I've spent more
time focusing on real life evaluations
and using animals as metaphors because
animals are better at being instinctive
than we are and I did it like that
because sometimes sometimes church
people we do Church better than we do
I'm going to let that soak in and
marinade we do Church better than we do
life and sometimes we oh D on
spirituality to cover for the fact that
we're not naturally fulfilled but God
doesn't want to be a supplement in your
life he doesn't want to be a cover or a
mass for all the things that are not
happening in your life and I want to
drill down into some things that I think
are very very important there is a as we
broach this something today I'm going to
start from a hard place but I thought it
was a good point to use and I want to
get into it I want you to look a moment
of this interesting conversation it is
in the heart of the fourth chapter of
the Gospel of st. John it's right in the
heart of it and it's almost do you know
the four where Jesus is having the
conversation with the woman in the whale
and they're having this big experience
and I won't get lost into that but a
life-changing experience goes on with
her and it went on with her while he had
sent his staff away his disciples to go
get food and and when they come back
with the food Jesus has been sitting by
the well talking to this woman evidently
it must have been some time to go by
because they said to him you need to eat
you know the funny thing about people
that that serve you and that work in
your ministry working it starts out you
give us them orders after while they're
giving you orders and so they're having
a conversation with Jesus saying you
need to eat and it goes like this in
John 4 verse 30 through 34 then they
went out of a city and came unto Him in
the meantime while his disciples prayed
him saying master eat see I was right
but he said unto them check this out I
have meat to eat that ye know not of
they say you need to eat
he said I'm eating in a dimension that
you don't even understand
what does eating mean you need to be
you need to be full filled and he says
I'm fulfilled in an area that you know
not us therefore the site said I'm in
somebody must have brought him something
while we were gone to the store listen
it listen I've been struggling to have
communication and Jesus said unto him my
need is to do the will of him that sent
me and to finish his work now what I
want you to understand and some not to
get so engrossed in the theology of the
text that you miss that there's a huge
communication problem going on here he
is being fed in a dimension that they
don't understand they are bringing him
food and a dimension that he doesn't
need they are coexisting together they
are working together and they are having
a 2-dimensional conversation a
two-dimensional conversation they're
talking natural he's talking spiritual
they're on one plane he's on another
plane and yet they have to figure out
how to work together in spite of the
fact that they communicate much
differently and they don't fully
understand where the disciples wrong to
bring him food absolutely not he sent
them away to get food they were obeying
his word but when they came back they
found that he was being fed that he was
being sustained that he was receiving
substance on a level that they knew
nothing about and I pointed out to you
for several reasons some of you have
made it the goal of your life to make
everybody agree with you to make
everybody see everything the way you see
it to to make everybody get out of
something what you get out of it but it
is possible to operate and function with
people who are in one dimension while
you're in another dimension
Jesus was masterful at going back and
forth between dimensions
I mean what one moment he is human
enough to weep at the tomb of Lazarus
and then God enough to raise him up from
the dead he is human enough to tell
Thomas thrust your hand into my side and
be not faithless but believed that's me
I'm real dude check me out and this he
appears through the door God enough to
appear through the door he's human
enough to fall asleep on the boat and
then he and then when the storm breaks
out he's got enough to say peace be
still look at him they believe
multi-dimensional if you're going to be
successful today you you have to be able
to function in various dimensions you
have to be able to function I want to go
down this trail a little bit further
take a look at this and and they also if
they are bad not still in unbelief shall
be graffed in for God is able to graft
them in again this is out of romans 4 if
that were cut out of the olive tree
which is wild by nature and we're
grasped contrary to nature into a good
olive tree how much more shall these
would be the natural branches be graffed
into their own olive tree now this is
the texas dealing with how how israel
was the natural branches and how the
church being largely gentile multiple e
are grafted in and and having the
function in an environment that wasn't
organic to where they started you
understand what i'm saying if you take a
branch from another plant and you
grasped it into another plant altogether
it now has to flow in an arena that is
not organic to where it started and that
is the illustration that is being used
in romans by the apostle paul to
indicate the fact that we were grafted
in and a lot of you not only have you
been grafted in spiritually into the
commonwealth of israel into the body of
christ a lot of you are being grafted in
the situations that are not natural to
you let me break it where you can see it
some of you have married into situations
that are not natural to you some of you
have the skillset to work in a job
environment that puts you around a whole
new group of people that are not natural
to you your gift brought you in as your
if brought you in but all of a sudden
you're an immigrant you're an immigrant
and and in my book I talk about whenever
you are an immigrant you have to deal
with people who are indigenous
immigrants and indigenous people often
fight read American history and if you
understand that about history and you
understand that about countries do you
understand that about jobs do you
understand that when you're an outsider
and you come in that they're the culture
in that corporation and when you first
come in as an immigrant and if you can't
adapt to the culture of that
organization then all the tribe leaders
of that job or that company or that
school or that church or whatever it is
will come out and and Tommy Hawk you I
know you can't save him but you know
what I'm talking about
you pick up on the body part this is not
your year to lose opportunities I'm
telling you that a lot of things that
you pray for and ask God to do your your
personality may be canceling out your
prayer life your brand positive prayers
but your personality exhibits negative
things and the negativity is cancelling
out the positivity and you're losing
opportunity let me tell you awesome
you're losing money baby let me try you
up you are losing money being hateful is
being narrow-minded will cost you
everything into the unknown you don't
have to be a man of pain
and a woman of faith or your remedy in
the fall or frustration comes when you
are built to do 40 but you are stuck in
a 5 mile an hour zone rise to your
god-given greatness with your instinct
Unleashed because gift of any side
you'll receive a message the lion's lair
unseating and with your gift of $70 or
more you'll receive the entire five part
series instinct unleashed on DVD as well
as your very own instinct magnetic
bookmark Center just because you were
born in the circumstance doesn't mean
you have to stay in a circumstance with
your gift of one hundred and forty-five
dollars or more you'll receive the
instinct Unleashed gift set that
includes the DVD series the instinct
magnetic bookmarks the instinct book as
well as the instinct workbook offering a
back and forth experience between you
and Bishop on every page unleash the
power of your instinct today I want to
talk some women who are all to go into
the next dimension this is the
life-changing event of the year
register today
for women now at least 20 14800 you
should do the more adaptable you are the
more flexible you are being able to fit
into things that aren't organic to you
the larger your life becomes people who
are inflexible and immovable and and
stubborn and set in their ways I'm not
saying that their curse but they lose a
lot of opportunities that they could
have had had they learned how to adapt
and morph into new settings so you might
be praying Lord used me and fasted and
spinning around and throwing $27 $27.99
on the altar and running back and
falling out and hitting your nose on the
carpet all of that and not seeing God
transform your life into what it needs
to be he cannot transform you because
you're not flexible
he can't graft you in because you think
you you think that this is that you
think that where he's taking you is
basically just like where you've been
and you're not willing to adapt into a
new environment and you won't let the
grass take in your life where you can
become organic where you can become tied
to something that wasn't organic to you
if you're not flexible in that way you
lose the opportunity if you can only
work with people who look like you and
vote like you and dress like you and
think like you you are morphing down the
opportunities that God will give you in
your life to evolve and to go forward
one of the greatest problems in our
country right now is that we have
resorted into tribalism everybody's gone
back to their own group to their own
culture to their own kind if you want it
from the right wing watch Fox if you
want it from the left watch MSNBC
everybody's going into tribes and when
you write the books you read your truth
become skewed because you are
oversaturated with one
respective to the degree that you lose
opportunity to be a broader person how
many of you want to be a broader person
I want to be a broader person I'm able
to function in different dimensions able
to engage different kinds of people when
it just go through your phone and see
how how broad the list of people you go
through your father I guess if I get
your phones women are know everything I
need to know about what what feeds you
who who feeds you who are you listening
at who are you talking to because you
are you are no better than you eat you
you are no better than you do not know
when people talk to you they feed you
they feed you they feed you they talk to
you girl you right I'm telling you
that's the truth I wouldn't take it I
wouldn't leave it you need to strain
your mother out your mother goes too far
when you gonna stand up to your mom
addition why we need oh stand up to your
MA whatever
feeds you affects you and when you
surround yourselves with all types of
people you find yourself in a situation
where you have to deal with all kinds of
issues and and if you can't deal with
them effectively you lose opportunities
that you could have had this is not your
year to lose opportunities this is not
your year this is not your year to lose
I'm gonna say that again this is not
your year let me try these people over
here could I talk to you all for a
minute this is not your year to lose
opportunities I'm telling you that a lot
of things that you prayed for and asked
God to do your your personality may be
canceling out your prayer life
you're praying positive prayers but your
personality exhibits negative things and
the negativity is cancelling out the
positivity and you're losing opportunity
let me tell you awesome you're losing
money they didn't even let me try you up
you are losing money being hateful is
expensive being narrow-minded will cost
you everything you sing well enough but
you don't act well enough to be able to
function on the next dimension and if
you don't learn how to function on the
next dimension your life will move back
down to the level of your maturity and
as it goes back down to two to
accommodate your inability to be
flexible you're putting your pay goes
down your opportunities go down your
influences go down it all comes down to
the level of your adaptability
there are several indicators that will
show you how well you're doing on this
but because because how you're
compensated will show something about
how broad you are the diversity of
people who are drawn to you will say
something about how broad you are you
can look back over your life's history
and your background and the
opportunities you have and have lost it
is a suggestion that you're not flexible
in some areas and you're praying see we
got to stop and deal with this stuff
because I am tired of the church giving
simple solutions to complicated problems
I'm just sick to death of it you know
just holla Jesus seven times at Humber
one foot and everything will be yours
and you haul it Jesus to your throat
hurt hop throw one foot till your head a
bunion and you didn't see anything
happening in your life because we tend
to oversimplify things that are far
deeper than that I don't care how good
you are don't care how to lecture you
are don't care how educated you are if
you are mean or stubborn or narrow
minded narrow-minded you will lose
opportunities that you pray for and
decide that God is not real and I got a
news flash for you it's not God that's
not real it's you touching him and say
the question is not whether God is real
the question is are you real are you
real are you real broad are you real
flexible are you real teachable are you
real humble are you really ready to be a
student in life are you really ready to
grow are you really ready to challenge
yourself are you really ready to evolve
are you really ready to open up your
heart to the possibilities that you
haven't even thought yet do you not know
you some of you have been here half a
century and never left your community
you have been here a half a century and
in your whole life your life has been
limited to a certain scope of people who
think look at grasp feel like you do and
you think you have lived this world you
haven't touched this world you just
touch your corner just your corner just
your corner and it's time to get out of
your corner it's time to get out of your
corner oh god help me say this it's time
to get out of your corner and when God
gives you opportunities he gives you
chances to step into new dimension it's
you that cancels out those chances by
how you handle those opportunities my
god I'm preaching better than you
responded so you can blame your
ex-husband and you can blame your mother
and you can talk about on TV you can
talk about cousin George you can name
all the people who didn't do your right
but none of those people are causing
your problem it is what you are going
for you that is stopping you from
getting to the next level and we got to
keep it real
this morning because 2014 is your year
to go forward and not go backward to be
the head and not the tail to be above
and not beneath and frankly my beer you
gotta change I hate to stop there this
is a huge subject any time I've been
studying it for the last couple of years
I've written about it I've got materials
on it I I can't give it a whole to you
in 30 minutes I can't give it to you on
TV you may have to work with this a
little bit to really ingest it and
appropriate it and have it bring forth
value in your life but it is it is
important it's coaching in a bag it's an
opportunity for you to really be vested
with what am I going to do in the second
half of my life I'm I'm so excited about
this I hope you will take advantage of
the opportunity to get the material
sharing with somebody and be blessed in
every aspect of your life take care now
you're gonna have to be a man of pain
and a woman of paper you'll never be in
the photo frustration comes when you are
built to do 40 but you are stuck in a 5
mile an hour zone
rise to your god-given greatness with
your instinct Unleashed if your gift of
any size you'll receive the message the
lion's lair and feeding and with your
gift of $70 or more you'll receive the
entire five part series instinct
unleashed on DVD as well as your very
own instinct magnetic bookmark Center
just because you were born in the
circumstance doesn't mean you have to
stay in a circumstance with your gift of
one hundred and forty-five dollars or
more you'll receive the instinct and
lease gift set that includes the DVD
series the instinct magnetic bookmarks
the instinct book as well as E and sync
workbook offering a back and forth
experience between you and Bishop on
every page unleash the power of your
instinct today I want to talk some women
who are called to call
next dimension this is the life-changing
event of the year register today the
woman that means 2014 call
yes God built it with a long neck and
gave him long legs the body is not that
big the body malady but was really big
if the neck the neck and the legs gives
him the ability to see on another level
he's able to see on another level his
feet are on the ground his feet on the
same ground is rabbit and the turtle and
everything else is caught around his
speech right down with the rest of it
but his head is so far up in the air
that he could see things that other
people don't see if he needs the
affirmation of the things on the ground
he's going to be frustrated looking in
the air because the stuff on the ground
cannot see
are you hearing what I'm saying to you
so while its feet are in one dimension
his head is in another dimension and he
hit he's eating his vision and vittles
he's eating on the level that he see
he's eating on the level that he see
he's eating on the level that he sees
this is your year to eat on the level
that you're seeing to maximize your
opportunity to step into your divine
purpose I don't care I don't care how
much you make up here where you went to
school I don't care what your mother's
name is some of you have got a long neck
your feet might be down here your feet
might have started over here but you got
a long neck to see into the next
dimension and in high time for you to
eat on the level that you're seeing am I
talking to anybody today am i talking to
anybody today
Drink This Juice For Glowing Skin! - Duration: 3:06.
Drink This Juice For Glowing Skin!
Yes, dear, I know you need to have a delicate, smooth and iridescent skin.
Who doesn't?
The skin winds up plainly dull and droopy on the grounds that collagen diminishes in
it as we get on in years.
Since I, myself, have collagen inadequacy, I need to impart this incredible formula to
you, so you can help your collagen generation as well.
Why is this juice special?
All things considered, the fixings you utilize make it, so to state, "stand unapproachable"
from other restorative skin excellence enhancers.
In spite of the fact that you might be comfortable with the nutritive parts of the veggies required,
despite everything I need to give you a few tips about them.
Let me start with the red cabbage
Perhaps you aren't usual to red cabbage, yet it is high in vitamin C, much the same as
oranges and limes are.
Confide in me, your skin will be brilliant and supple on the off chance that it is all
around given these substances.
Furthermore, delightful skin is conspicuous to the point, that it basically doesn't abandon
take note!
Beetroot contains zinc and copper which are crucial components for a more advantageous
What you ought to realize now is that skin and liver wellbeing are firmly related!
It decreases aggravation and aides in the event that you have any redness or puffiness
on your facial skin.
It has huge hydrating impact since it contains 96% water.
Nothing is more critical for a delicate and supple skin than water.
These 3 sorts of phytonutrients present in cucumbers bring us significant cell reinforcement,
calming and hostile to malignancy benefits.
It provides us with antioxidant beta-carotene which is great for skin.
Glowing skin juice recipe:
Servings: 1 to 2.
1/2 small red cabbage.
1 medium beetroot.
1 carrot.
1 medium cucumber.
1 large orange.
1/2 lime.
2 inches of ginger.
Wash the vegetables with warm running water.
Utilize naturally developed veggies if conceivable.
Run every one of the fixings, aside from citrus ones, however a juicer or blender.
Press the orange and lime utilizing a citrus juicer or utilize your hands.
At long last, consolidate the juicer substance and citrus squeeze in a little pitcher.
What's more, there we are: The entire bundle for your skin is in this single glass of juice!
Welcome to Transknasty - Duration: 2:01.
Amir Hamza New Bangla Waz Haram for Marriage 14 Male & Female in the Islam Muslim Woman's Hijab - Duration: 19:56.
NEW Bangla Waz mahfil 2017 by Tarek Monowar History of the Hutama Jahannam/ Tafsir Surah Humajhah
Bangla Waz Amir Hamza 2017 Tafsir Sura Fhil, UP Mohila member kaz ki? Iftiging Narir 10 Boshor jail
Bangla Waz Allama Delwar Hossain Saidi Full HD স্বামী স্ত্রীর অধিকার 3 Steps of the Women life
To+ Design Studios-No dejes que con el tiempo tus recuerdos se olviden - Duration: 1:51.
Juan was at a party the other day
María went hiking with some friends
After two months they had both forgotten what they had done that day
Why not have a memory that will be forever?
GoGirl! - Duration: 4:41.
5 Shocking Facts About Adam Saleh Part 2 (Inc. Plane Prank & Ellen Show& Clubbing) | Count It Down - Duration: 4:13.
Let's Play Horror Games: Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location| Night3 - Duration: 26:06.
Welcome back to Sister Location. Get ready for the 3rd night.
I guess not :D.
No, the keypad has trouble with me :P.
Yeah, don't mention it.
Here we go again. I'm tired of doing same things over and over again. Allow me to do sth else.
I'm glad. That's good news.
Oh got it. Must go in the shaft.
I think it's time to play hide and seek again.
Yeah very wonderful day. Not interested.
Oh that's nice.
Here it goes again. She won't shut up in the next 10 minutes.
Oh finally the conversation is over. I couldn't stand any minute listening to her.
I'm back here.
What's next? I just don't know.
Oh yeah, got it. I should enter Funtime Foxy's gallery. The male voice instructed me in the beginning.
Damn it. I messed up everything. Should listen more careful next time to understand what should I do, not to get killed by the animatronic.
Well, he doesn't say that I must be quiet. I don't know what went wrong.
Not again. Where did I go wrong? Damn it.
Oh come on. What do you want from me?
Oh a mini-game. Sweet. Every FNAF game, except the first one has a mini-game.
Okay, it looks like my task here is to deliver cupcakes to children, to make them happy. Cool :).
Okay, I must give them two cupcakes to make them happy.
Wow, when I picked up the blue one, I can shoot two at once :D. Cool :).
Here you go.
Sorry kids. Out of cupcakes :(. Must find more.
Speaking of more, we found ones. This time green.
Wow. It looks like the green ones are three at once :D.
Here you go children. Bon Appetite.
I don't have cupcakes for you. Wait until I find more.
Noo, I failed. I won't come back for you anymore :D.
It looks like I should do the same tactic against Bellora for Funtime Foxy.
Now, I'll walk step by step, not to get killed. Let's give it a try.
I did it. Phew. Great tactic I have.
Oh yeah. How can I be so dumb and couldn't understand that. Thanks for giving me a tip :D.
Okay, now I must press this button here.
Where's the button damn it? Can't find it.
Button button button. Where's the button? He said that I should find it right next to Freddy's right eye.
Well, I can't see it, because of the bright light.
Finally, it was about time.
Foooook. This took the s**t outta me :D.
Looks like the bow tie is not here. And I can hear it running. What kind of a bow tie is it?
We shall find out soon enough. it looks like it wants to play hide and seek.
Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I know what to do, but it's not gonna be easy.
Stop running. I can't wait whole day, until I catch you.
I know that, but the bow tie won't listen.
There it is. Oh I missed it.
And he killed me. I didn't expect the bow tie to be a bunny :D.
There it is. Come Bonnie. Allow me to press your bow tie.
Damn. He escaped. Why is it so difficult? Maybe I mustn't light in his face, because I'll drive him away.
I can see him. That's right. Little more.
Bingo. Gotcha :D.
Great :).
Of course, I have to run Funtime Foxy again and make sure she not to kill me.
WTF? I used the same tactic. How the hell she killed me? It's not fair.
No, and I don't care.
No, you are a bad child and I forbid you.
I'm inside an animatronic.
Oh okay.
Yeah, because Foxy caught, but even though I'm still alive.
You did what? How dare you? I'm a free man.
So, the next night has begun. Funtime Foxy was supposed to get me. It is a scene which can't be avoided.
Okay friends, I must end this episode right here.
Okay, I get it. Can you do me a favor and shut up, because I have to leave.
Just shut up. I don't want this episode to be 1 hour long, okay?
I don't care what they are calling it. leave me alone.
As I can see, she won't shut up in the next 30 minutes, so I'll end the episode.
I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did, leave it a like and put a comment in the section below.
If you want to watch more episodes of the game or more videos made by myself, don't forget to subscribe to my channel :).
Golden Rules How To Stay Fit And Healthy With A Busy Schedule - Duration: 4:14.
hi friends my name is anna and i make new videos for you every day for your health
for more tips and videos subscribe to my youtube channel
today i want to tell you , You Must Follow These 10 Golden Rules to Stay Fit and Healthy
With a busy lifestyle, pollution, stress and the zest to do better every day, it takes more than an apple a day to keep the doctor away.
At the same time, genetics, behavior, environment, culture, and socioeconomic status may contribute to your health and well-being or hamper your journey to a healthier life.
Here are the top 10 golden rules to staying fit and healthy.
1. Eat Healthy If there is one principal health and fitness guideline, it is definitely related to your diet. It is important to eat healthy and in moderation.
2. Keep Your Body Hydrated When it comes to overall health, proper hydration is a must. To maintain proper hydration, drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day.
3. Make Exercise a Part of Life Regular exercise is the only well-established fountain of a healthy and disease-free life. Regardless of age or fitness level, it is important to make time for exercise.
4. Practice Deep Breathing Deep breathing, also known as controlled breathing, paced respiration or diaphragmatic breathing, plays an important role in making you healthy. It even helps develop a stronger body and mind connection.
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