Clash of Clans | BEST TH7 Farming Base 2017 | CoC NEW Town Hall 7 Defense| coc | [TH7 2017]
For more infomation >> Clash of Clans | BEST TH7 Farming Base 2017 | CoC NEW Town Hall 7 Defense| coc | [TH7 2017] - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Homemade Juice Recipe For Healthy And Gowling Skin Natural Home Remedies - Duration: 3:04.
hi friends my name is anna and i make new videos for you every day for your health
for more tips and videos subscribe to my youtube channel
today i want to tell you, Get Glowing Skin with This Powerful Juice
Lifestyle factors, such as your eating habits, drinking habits, sleep pattern, hygiene habits and exercise routine, have a direct impact on how your skin looks.
In particular, the food you eat and the nutrition that your body gets (or doesn't get) from your diet will be reflected in your facial skin.
Here's the recipe for a powerful juice that will give you glowing skin.
Things you'll need. ngredients: Beetroot Carrot Cucumber Apple Pomegranate Ginger Orange Watermelon Mint Leaves Lemon
Appliances and utensils: Juicer Pitcher Knife and cutting board Peeler Blender Measuring cup
Steps 1. With a juicer, extract the juice of 1 large beetroot or 2 small beetroots (peeled and cut into pieces).
2. Next, put 2 small carrots (peeled) through the juicer. 3. Next, juice 1 cucumber (peeled).
4. Then, extract the juice of 1 large apple (cut into small pieces or slices). 5. Next, put the arils of half a pomegranate through the juicer.
6. Now, extract the juice of a thumb-size piece of ginger root (skin removed). 7. Finally, it's time to put 1 large or 2 small oranges (peeled) through the juicer.
8. Pour the entire jug of mixed fruit juice into a blender. 9. Put ½ cup watermelon cubes (remove the black seeds) in the blender.
10. Add a handful of fresh mint leaves, too. 11. Next, add the juice of half a lemon.
12. Finally, add some crushed ice to make the juice slushy. Blend the ingredients for a few seconds. Transfer the juice to a glass and drink it daily to enjoy glowing and flawless skin.
Work-Life Balance: REALLY DIFFERENT in Germany & USA - Duration: 6:14.
When it comes to work-life balance there is a really big difference between
Germany and the U.S.
Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living abroad.
In English we have two sayings: live to work and work to live.
And in America I always got the feeling that companies often expected people to live to work.
The job was often supposed to be their number one priority.
Everything else came second.
Sometimes the company even came right out and expressed this sentiment.
Whereas other times it was just sort of implied within the company culture.
Of course this is not the case in all companies.
But from my experience, it was like that in many places.
In Germany I would not say that people just work to live, because work is still an important
and valued part of a person's life here, but it just seems like work is more balanced with
life in Germany.
It's like, yes, I work and I put effort into my job and I care, but at the same time,
employers seem to recognize that it's important for the employee to be rested and healthy
and have free time to relax and recharge as well.
Speaking of relaxing and recharging, let's take a look at vacation.
Right out the gate, my first full-time job in Germany: boom, I was given 30 vacation
days, paid, per year.
Not only that but I was expected...or rather actually, kind of required to take them all.
I don't actually know what would have happened if I hadn't taken all my vacation days.
All I know is that around September, October I started getting reminded by my boss that
I hadn't taken all my vacation days yet, and I needed to do so soon.
In the U.S. there is no standard minimum amount of vacation days required by law.
Each company can give their employees however many they want.
Which does sometimes mean that some companies give no paid vacation days at all.
But at some companies you start with, maybe, 7 days of vacation per year and then after
a certain amount of time at that company you slowly get more and more days.
Or maybe at other companies, you get 14 days per year paid vacation and that never changes.
Or at some other companies you get more, you get less.
So, it really just varies in the U.S. from company to company.
However, just because you're given vacation days in the U.S., does not necessarily mean
that you are encouraged to take them.
I always noticed in the U.S. this underlying, sometimes unspoken, sometimes spoken, feeling
of like, you're a more "dedicated employee" the less of your vacation days that you took.
So it was sometimes like: oh, well, look at Paul.
He only took 5 vacation days last year, and you took all your vacation days.
Maybe if you were more like Paul, then you would have gotten a raise too.
And at some companies I remember that you could even cash your vacation days in that
you hadn't taken for money at the end of the year.
So another incentive not to actually take the days off.
But it's not just vacation days that's different.
It's being sick too.
In the U.S. I learned to feel bad about being sick.
Guilty for it.
Like as though I needed to rush back to work as quickly as possible, even if I wasn't
fully healthy yet, just to show the company that I was in fact a dedicated employee and
to stop from getting side-eye looks.
In Germany I could not believe it!
Not only did I not have to feel guilty about being sick.
If I went to work sick that is when I got the side-eye glances and was asked, like,
what are you doing here sick?
You're going to get the rest of the office sick, go home!
And what about when you're having a baby?
In Germany both mothers and fathers are provided by law paid time off after the birth of their
children and mothers are even given paid time off before the birth too.
In the U.S. there is no federal law mandating paid maternity leave, and this actually makes
the U.S. one of the very, very few countries in the world to offer no paid days off to
new mothers.
So my question for you is: How do you feel about work-life balance?
Is there anyone out there who prefers the way that it's done in the U.S.?
And people with children, what's the parental leave been like where you've lived?
Please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks so much for watching.
I really hope that you enjoyed this video.
And also a big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who help make these videos possible.
Thank you so much for your support, if you would like to check out our Patreon page,
you can find a link to that down in the description box below.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
What's the parental leave been like where you've lived?
Where you've...oh yeah, that was right.
There was this often...
It's like, yes, I put work...I put effort and into my work.
The job was often presented as supposed...
How was that?
Week 18 • Rob's Numbers - Duration: 3:57.
This is a week meant to come to a greater inner wisdom.
By listening to your intuition. To your intuitive information.
To your paranormal pre-information.
Therefore, follow the course you get through.
If I look at the beginning of the week. Then I see you being very busy.
I see a lot of three here. There 2 three, there still 4, 6 three.
3 Is service.
Your service is at the beginning of week 6 x too much.
That leads to setbacks.
Because 4 is bad luck at 3, your service.
For example, your good intentions become Unsolicited help explained as an inconvenience.
You will never do it out of trouble. You always do it from your big heart.
But you let your self-esteem depend on the people around you.
Who do not really care about you.
And that's why the intention is From the beginning of the week.
7, The challenge dare to go on. 4, to set limits.
To 3, you too big service.
The 1-5, is 15 energy.
You are a little addicted to helping people.
You give them 6, the love that you yourself have lacked.
But it leads to nothing. People do not want to change.
So say no to all those people.
If I look at the middle of the week. Then I'll see those 3 fives.
Together, that is 8. Three and five are eight.
There will be moments That you sound very powerful.
Or if a kind of rebeller can not hold your mouth.
This is interchanged with times when there is no sound whatsoever.
That all sound is quiet.
The purpose of the middle of the week is that there is still sound coming up.
Because you are challenged with those 7. 5, directly from 2, your feeling to talk.
You can count on it Exchange of words will yield.
That shows the 9.
Because here at the 5 and that 4 your communication is too dominant.
It is misinterpreted. Or it's someone who can not resist it.
That you directly say your truth.
The 9 shows that you feel confused with your feeling.
That's good because that's the purpose. That you feel right again.
That you do not live there alone. But also there.
If I look at the end of the week. There I see 2 ten.
That causes some chaos.
You are very busy in the world too Change, improve.
Renewal. With all those creative ideas.
5 stands for creativity.
Here again you are challenged to come to terms with you.
You are being challenged. That's the 7 next to the 4.
By setting limits.
This is done by unlucky and dominant people. And dishonesty runs around the corner.
That's the 11 number. 11 Is also the wise master?
If you know how to mix.
From the wisdom from Pass the upper world.
Linked to the 0, the joker. To make a joke.
Then people will accept it.
Then you do not have the discussion every time.
The intention is to think And feel together doing that job.
That's the end of the week. But chaos you can count on.
And also some setbacks.
I want to thank you for watching. Be Happy till next time.
Thank you, bye.
Professional Video Animations | Affordable Video Animations | Custom Intro and Exit Video Animations - Duration: 1:21.
Hey guys, everybody knows that video is the future of marketing.
So today, I want to offer you some AWESOME custom professional intro and exit video animations
for your personal blog or business.
Simply watch the rest of this video to see some of the example animations, go to my website
to choose the design you like, send me your logo and within 48 hours I'l send you your
design back!
Thanks for watching!
Frizzle Fraz #1 like a RED BALL a red ball a CARTOON GAME ABOUT FRIZZLE PHRASES - video walkthrough - Duration: 7:51.
Gloria Union - Chapter 3 - Battlefield 3-2 (Việt sub / English sub) - Duration: 19:28.
Gloria pirate band was on the way tracking WILL that leaked from Crystal.
And they stopped in front of an island.
The reason is, when this island in sight,
Because of abnormal density of WILL from island made tracking WILL impossible.
Gloria band decided to set foot on island to investigate.
This island makes me feel creepy.
WILL is too dense here. Because of it, I can't detect WILL that leaked from crystal.
That's not good. Let's leave this area.
A place where WILL is so dense, it seem strange phenomenon offen occurs.
So, that's reason made atmosphere like this?
There is poison swamp around here. How can people live here?
If we can fly, it is OK, right?
You can do it?
Someone... is flying.
Aniki... I made you go through lot of troubles (-> stress). I'm sorry.
It's not illussion because of stress! Someone is really flying!
Ah! That's right! It seem she is flying to here.
Finally found you!
What? Who's that?
Rasberry - criminal section, management division, devil department of Hades.
You are underarrested because of helping criminal escape.
She seems having trouble, right?
That's right! I've got stress, but mainly because of section chief.
It's not good when having that kind of section chief.
To find me, you had to try very hard right?
Anyway, let's your blood clean my rusted lance!
She is going to attack!
Don't let you injure here. All of you, counter attack!
Detection ability is completely paralyzed because of WILL from poison swamp.
WILL from swamp is poisonous too.
Beacause of it, we can't detect WILL from crystal. All of you, be careful!
This terrain is best for vampire like me!
Damn! She has flying advantage.
No problem! I will shoot her down with my gun!
Wait! Hear our story!
The boss is yelling at me! I don't have free time to talk with you!
Nice wings! Look cool!
This is the latest mode from Hades.
What? Those wings are not grown from body?
Your WILL, I feel something strange.
Because we live in different world. If you let me capture you, I will explain for you.
Hey girl, why don't you try to listen our story first?
Because I learnt from section chief that it is often a trap. So I won't listen.
The legendary of giant's sword that divided the sea...
That legendary, I will show it to you!
River Styx passing fee...
How much is necessary for you?
This thing look good.
Although only a few, If can evade poison, that is good.
Wait... How many time thing become out of control like that?
You attacked us first. Are you done? Let's hear our story!
I see. Wrong person. I'm very sorry!
No room for excuse about that action. It was manner violation.
Who are you, girl? And about Hades.
Hades is the place where human come after dead
Well, just belive her.
The place where i'm working, managing dead people who was criminal during lifetime.
That place seem complicated, right?
The managing work is very important. And plus that, criminals.
Recently, a case occured.
We don't know how a criminal escaped.
What are you talking about?
The criminal's name is Logan. I traced his WILL. And arrived at this island.
I'm sure that I felt a strange WILL soure since arrived here. But...
Logan-san! Please come out!
It seem he won't come out.
Who's that?? Who fool dare to call my name like that?
He actually comes? What? A skelonton!?
No need to bring impolite one like you to trial. Death sentence immediately!
His way of anger, It seem similar to Grey-san's.
I don't think it is too suprised.
Please back to Hades soon. Section chief still can forgive you.
I won't let my freedom go away easily.
And I don't want to meet your boss again!
Isn't it true?
Shut up! That bastard often makes fun of me "Weird Skelonton"
That's right. Even you wear any costume, the skelonton doesn't change.
Skelonton is still skelonton.
I have to find benefactor that made me reborn. Get out of my way!
Logan. You are underarrested because of jailbreak. Be docile and let me capture you.
Shut up! Litte demon! Right now, I can fight as a pirate! You think you can capture me easily?
Logan... There was a legend about pirate king who conquering the world...
It's honour to meet pirate king of last age.
How about that? Let's have a fight with this age's pirate king!
This age's pirate king....
Interesting! Bring it on!
River Styx passing fee...
How much is necessary for you?
River Styx passing fee..
How much is necessary for you?
Devil's breath invade life...
Can you resist it?
The chosen one. I'm former pirateking. Name is Kid.
Oh my Satan! The tombstone is talking!
The chosen one. Take this...
What's kind of that rock? It is hard to move.
In tragedy, sage with holy staff appeaars...
This staff, creat barrier to shield us!
I can rebirth countlessly! May be undying bird! I.. I'm phoenix!!
Fighting with you is really interesting! See you later!
That bastard... He dived into poison swamp.
He can die many time, but we will surely have to deal a lot of damage.
How troublesome...
What a phenomenal.
My mistake, I forgot how to deal with it.
I think you shouldn't blame yourself.
Anyway, we will have an eye on him.
You come with us for some time.
Sorry for the trouble. Please help me.
Should we leave this island soon? If still here, detection ability will be damaged.
How To Install & Basic Use Miracle Falcon Box with Crack 2017 | Without Box | 100% Working - Duration: 10:27.
How To Install & Basic Use Miracle Falcon Box with Crack 2017 | Without Box | 100% Working
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