what is going on guys today I'm going to
show you how to use our brand new
overwatch act generator it's going to
allow you to generate as many credits
and loot boxes as you want the only
place you're going to find this act is
on overwatch premium act generator calm
the link will be in the description of
this video so as you can see once you're
going to open the link you're going to
lend on this page where there is a live
chat and a recent activity box and you
can go up to 1,000 boxes and credits and
for the purpose of this video I'm going
to choose the only 500 then you press on
generate and you're going to have to
enter your battle tagged with your
four-digit number which is pretty easy
to find within the battle net app and
then you're going to choose your
platform either Windows PC ps4 xbox one
or Mac and then you're going to press on
generate so let's give some time to the
generator to process your resources
now as you can see it's written
automatic human verification failed and
it's going to ask you to do your human
verification manually so just press I'm
verify now and you're going to see
please verify you are human by
completing enough for below and your
resources will be generated so here's
your two offers and you only have to
complete one of them to verify your
human these humans verifications are
usually pretty easy to complete it's
going to take you about five minutes of
your time and you got to complete them
with valid information if you want it to
work so I'm going to complete one of
them and I'll see you later and show you
the loot boxes on my account so now that
I just completed it I'm going to open
you can see my route boxes amount is
automatically getting updated and now i
have 502 loot boxes so if you have any
questions please ask them in the
comments section below I will try to
answer them as soon as possible thanks a
lot bye
For more infomation >> Overwatch Credits & Loot Boxes Hack 2017 | Get up to 1,000 Loot Boxes for FREE ! - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
The Most Satisfying Video in the World 2017 (Part 18) - Duration: 4:49.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Antthony "Somewhere in Time" Jacket and Tank Set - Duration: 7:04.
Cộng đồng nước ngoài phân tích kỹ pha cướp rồng của Levi - Tự hào quá Việt Nam ơi! | GAM vs LYN - Duration: 0:29.
Antthony "Somewhere in Time" Mesh EmbellishedTrim Dress - Duration: 7:40.
Antthony "Somewhere in Time" Mesh Pant - Duration: 2:13.
5 Easy Natural Ways to Firm and Shape Your Breasts - Duration: 2:07.
5 Easy Natural Ways to Firm and Shape Your Breasts
A large part of the desire for "perfect" breasts is appearance, but in reality your concern
should be for something much more important: your health.
Bright Side shares with you important advice for knowledgeable ladies.
Take note, and you�ll keep your breasts beautiful and full for a long time to come.
1.Wash in cold water
An ice-cold shower may not be very pleasant, but it�s crucial for skin tone.
If you can�t do that every day, apply ice cubes or a cold gauze pad to your breasts.
2.Keep your back straight
When you stoop, you don�t just make your breasts less attractive to look at, you also
relax your breast muscles.
Try to always keep your shoulders straight � it�s good both for your muscle tone
and your appearance.
3.Avoid pressure on your breasts
Try not to sleep on your breasts, and always choose underwear that fits.
A bra that seemingly pushes your breasts up and makes your cleavage sexier is, in fact,
terribly harmful for them.
It makes you feel uncomfortable and disrupts your blood flow.
4.Do sports correctly
Jogging, aerobics, and other active sports may be good for your overall shape and well-being,
but they can be harmful for your breasts, as sharp movements lead to soft tissue damage.
The only solution is, once again, the correct sportswear.
Never run or jump without a special bra.
5.Avoid the sun
Abusing tanning, especially without sunscreen, results in dryness of the skin and loss of
its elasticity.
Lying topless on a sunbed or the beach is not a good idea if you want to keep the shape
of your breasts.
Before you Video Edit in Premiere Pro - Duration: 7:32.
hi guys today we're going to talk about
the first few steps that you're going to
go through before you start video
editing and Premiere Pro so the main
thing I want to emphasize with you today
is you have to get organized so let's
say you should an interview and you use
two cameras you're going to have a
folder that you're going to put the
footage from camera one in and you'll
have a folder that you put the footage
in camera two then perhaps you have an
audio recorder as a backup you're going
to have a folder for the audio recording
and then you might want to film some
b-roll of the person and whatever it is
they're talking about so then you might
have a folder for the b-roll but the key
here is no matter what you're shooting
is that you need to get organized and
you need to take all of your footage
when you download it and you need to put
it into folders so I'm going to show you
a little bit more complicated of a shoot
that I did which was a wedding and in
this particular wedding for Gina and
David as you can see right here this was
a longer wedding day so it's about eight
hours and they had a first look they we
did a lot of b-roll throughout the day
there's of course the ceremony footage
from probably four different cameras and
there was some getting ready photos I've
got two audio recorders there was a zoom
h4n and a tascam so those are in their
respective folders and of course footage
from the reception and there were some
still shot photos that I took as well
but those are not going to be part of
the video portion of it now you notice
right here there's a premier folder I
created that myself and the reason for
that is when you start a project in
Premiere Pro it will actually create a
lot of other files and subfolders within
that to keep all of it things organized
so you just want to make sure that you
have a folder
premier to put all those files into so
they stay organized as well alright now
that we've got ourselves completely
organized in either Windows Explorer if
you're using a pc or here in finder on a
mac i'm going to start a new project at
premiere pro so i'm launching premiere
pro i'm going to get a new project
started now this particular one I've
actually already I'm well into the video
editing but I'm just going to go ahead
and go through the motions of creating a
new project so you can see how I do that
so from this screen I'm going to select
new project I'm going to go to browse
and I want to be selecting the premier
file folder underneath whatever project
I'm working on so I've got that I'll say
choose and i'm going to give this a
title so this 1 i'm going to call Gina
and David and I'll put five on there
alright and then we're going to say ok
ok so we've created a new project now
and Premiere Pro the first thing that
you're going to do after you create the
project is you're going to import all of
your footage and here's the key if
you've actually organized yourself
before getting to this step it's really
going to pay off so we're going to go
over here the project panel and we're
going to double click on the import
media area and we're going to go to the
main route of Gina and David and I'm
just going to command click to select
all of the folders that have video
footage in them or audio recordings that
I want to use in my video so I'm being
careful not to select Premiere Pro file
folder I'm just selecting the ones that
actually have footage in them and I'll
say import and it'll take a moment it'll
import all these files
alright so now um oh we did get a little
file import failure so this happens
occasionally let's say that you took
some still shots as well and you have
some raw files in there or in this case
this is actually my GoPro when i import
the GoPro footage earth a few files that
premiere pro does not recognize and that
will be listed here so just go ahead and
say ok to that if you get that error
message but now look at our project
panel here all of these folders actually
imported and creating creating bins
automatically so now what I'm going to
do is go a step further and i'm going to
create a bin and i'm going to call it
video then i'm going to take all of
these folders with the exception of my
audio 1 so i'll take like the ceremony
and getting ready and i'm going to drag
it and drop it into the video folder
i'll do the same with reception with b
roll and with the first look ok now i'm
going to create another bin that is
called audio and then i'm going to drag
the h4n and the tascam audio recordings
into that folder so now I've got two
bins one with video footage and one with
audio recordings then I'm going to
create another bin and i'm going to call
it titles this is for a little bit later
down the road i can create titles in my
video if i want an intro title maybe
credits at the end and i can put all of
those files into that bin then the last
bin i'm going to create it's called
sequences and the reason i'm creating
that is especially with something like a
wedding i'm going to have multiple
sequences i'm going to have a sequence
for their short highlight video i'll
have a sequence for the ceremony
sequence for the reception and then
maybe a dance rendition or something and
I'm going to end up merging all those
into another sequence this is going to
be like the master full movie sequence
so since i'm going to have multiple i
would like to keep them all organized in
the sequences been so these are the four
main bins i'm going to work with pretty
much any time i'm going to be doing
video editing and Premiere Pro so what
we went over today get yourself
organized before you even start your
project then once you import all those
files into your new project in Premiere
Pro keep yourself organized with the
bins that you can create in the project
panel alright thanks for watching and
I'll talk to you soon
Update and TBR! - Duration: 6:33.
Beautiful You Coaster Tile with Ann Lewis from Ann's PaperWorks - Duration: 10:45.
TheRcSaylors Fun Fly - Road Trip - Ep. 1 - Duration: 2:27.
Hey guys! Nighthawk gliders!
I'm Brad Bruce is behind the camera.
Hey I'm Bruce!
We're going on road trip! We're going to see TheRcSaylors in
Ashland Kentucky. It's going to be a fun
day they've invited a whole group of
people for a fun fly day and we're going
to have a blast! So check us out.
good ole stopp for the breakfast of
At the gas station fueling up. Got a boat load
of stuff in our car. We even got
some gifts for Nate and Abby. Beef Jerkey and Twizzlers.
So one nice thing about northern
Kentucky or southern Ohio
is there's a third dimension that we're not
used to-- in the Midwest-- in Indiana
It's called hills! There's up and down.
It's kinda nice.
Brad- Oh no! I forgot the tickets! Bruce- Oh, you did not!
You're right... I didn't.
That is it. Google Maps-- Your destination is on the right.
Yes, it is!
Yep, they're getting their planes out.
Where shall we setup camp?
Right there... Right there is fine.
Right by that car is fine...
Friday, May 5th Now You Know Nebraska - Duration: 1:42.
Hi, I'm Ken Dewey and it's time to wrap up weather week on Now You Know Nebraska!
Let's end the week by talking about some amazing records in Nebraska's history!
The lowest temperature ever recorded in our state was on December 22, 1989,
in Oshkosh at minus 47 degrees. Brrrrr...that's cold!
The warmest? 118 degrees in Minden in June of 1936.
Now that's hot!
The city of York, Nebraska set a record for rainfall
in one day in July of 1950 with over 13 inches of rain!
One of the largest hailstones ever observed in the United States
fell in Aurora, Nebraska on June 22nd, 2003.
That hailstone was almost 19 inches around!
The cover of snow on the ground dates all the way back to 1936
when Fremont, Nebraska had 44 inches of snow on the ground,
that's almost four feet of snow!
Now that would get you a few days off school!
Thanks for joining me this week on Now You Know Nebraska!
Top 5 custom made diy fidget spinners (lego LED homemade easy fidget spinners) - Duration: 3:45.
Little Big Shots - Archery Like You've Never Seen It (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:02.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Give it up for Bella!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Allergy Identity Crisis - Duration: 5:54.
Hey, everyone, it's Barbara here
or Nickely Challenged and yeah
Today I am going to be talking about identity crisis
I know a lot of us you know in the world
have them but when you have a chronic illness
allergy whatever that literally removes you from basic things
that you need to deal with that is just, its very hard
The first identity crisis was I had a rash all over my body
It was very hard to socialise that way
I would have hoodies in the summertime
Also I ... it was very hard being twelve with double D's
Just saying that was another identity crisis
but to the subject of allergies, I had a rash all over my body
I used to play the cello and everything, I had braces
everything was very nickel
so I had a rash all over my body it was very hard to do anything
even to wear shorts or anything
I would always wear baggy clothes, you know
which was worse because it was really hot
and the rash would flare up, it was a mess
the second identity crisis was food
as my low nickel diet goes
I cannot eat out because stainless steel has nickel
so the whole eating out social experience is just out of the question
I would force myself to eat
because it was better off to do that
I was twenty when I started the low nickel diet
but it was better off to not plan things
because when you start planning things
most twenty-year-olds don't hold it accountable
so I just like slacked it to the waste side
and I would get sick. I had anaphylaxis in front of my friend
and she was like, "you are stressing me out"
and I was like "I am stressing you out"
so this month is my one year anniversary
of not cheating meaning I didn't eat out
I didn't really do too much of being outside of the low nickel diet
and yeah! I am happy about that
I think this will just be a life long thing
but removing the social aspect of eating out
removes people just how things are
and that kind of has an identity crisis
because you need to be okay with yourself without people
because ninety percent of people are not going to be okay
with you watching them eat, bringing your own food
they will pity you literally your whole life will revolve around being pitied
because of this food allergy or this food sensitivity
The third identity crisis would be the sense of touch
I have a really severe smoking allergy which is part of the nickel allergy
people in the medical community are just not advanced to figure out me
you know, so I have been figuring out myself
for the longest and I cannot really touch anyone
unless they have showered, I have stopped doing handshakes
when I meet someone body it is very hard to do that
if I am not in Houston I don't have any intimacy of a hug or anything
so, I had my third identity crisis navigating without touching anyone
ever, not even also touch in the sense of I cannot really sit somewhere
or anything I have to wipe seats or I have to take a shower
when I leave the house and the only reason
I don't touch anyone or anything with a handshake or anything
is that it gives me nerve pains
and I need to be okay with that is not the life I need to be living
pain no ma'am no sir.
And my fourth one is all of them combined in one
trying to navigate my life in this new reality I have to live with
and be okay with everything and every aspect
and be okay with telling people this is me
this is what you have to do and comply with it
so I just wanted to tell you guys if you were having an identity crisis
with all these things
allergies have so much to do with who you identify as
and in the spirit of me getting my citizenship and losing
my other identity of being Kenyan which I'm so proud of
I just thinking about different thing of how
my identity has changed and evolved
and I wanted to highlight that it is very hard to have this life
and be who we are but at the end of the day
food doesn't identify you, touching people doesn't identify you
having a rash doesn't identify you, you identify yourself
and who you are in the way you present yourself in the world
and the way you impact another person and positivity
and love, the way you accept people for who they are and don't change them
and be empathetic and having an environment that is okay with them
even though they cannot have fragrances or they cannot have smoke
or whatever. That's your identity and at least
I am not having an identity crisis anymore because
me with a nickel allergy does better or the same
as anyone who doesn't deal with what I deal with
so don't let the world identify you, you identify yourself
so you have a nice day, Loves, hugs and an itch-free life
Destination Unknown... - Duration: 7:10.
I'm basically saying this is Williamstown and buying a house here costs a fortune!
I'm gonna get my Drone shots!!
I'm gonna go Find Thay and Leo - They're probably at the opposide side of the road at the park - We'll go catch up with them!
I come back to the park and i see her waving at me!!!
Christmas Evil (1980) Lewis Jackson (completo - SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:33:53.
Women of Fashion Inspiring Change - Duration: 2:51.
Sustainable fashion, ethical fashion, let's make that a term that just means fashion.
It certainly doesn't now.
I love fashion.
I hate the way it's gone.
It's so quick these days, the turnaround, you have no idea where anything's made.
It's just a system and realising that the system can't really be stopped but there are
ways that you can possibly make things better for some of the people that are involved in it.
I think we shouldn't necessarily get deterred by the enormity.
That's something that personally impacts me a lot.
How do I even scratch the surface on the 800,000 people employed in garment manufacturing in
Cambodia alone?
You start to realise that this is huge, it's real and it's happening now and it's very very big.
So we have to change that.
I think when we understand this piece of clothing, this handbag, just didn't come out of thin air.
There's people behind it and those people should be known, they should be celebrated
and they should be treated with much more than just respect.
They should be treated with dignity just like anyone else.
There's no one solution.
I think it's lots of little things that people can do to make it better.
If we just make small changes and start to really understand the impact our
purchases have, I think if everybody does that then it can start to make some changes.
Often times, we buy without thinking and understanding the ramifications of that.
And I think that's the most empowering thing too, is look there is direct impact and direct
effect on what I can do as an individual.
I can buy and shop better.
Be aware because you can find something really beautiful but then you don't really realise
the impact it can have.
Look at the care label, it has all the information because usually you're required to put all
that information on there.
See where it's made.
And then maybe do more research.
Is this a brand that you support?
Do you think these are brands that reflect who you are as a person?
If you buy products from happy people it's going to be good for you too.
It's karma.
The most exciting part is that this entire thing can shift, I think, very rapidly.
And it needs to.
It's not one of the problems that is unsolvable.
It's not one of the problems that requires head scratching.
There's so much potential to just get it right.
And that is exciting.
I think the power belongs to the consumer actually.
We all have tiny little voices but altogether we can sing a great song and change the industry.
Monday, May 1st Now You Know Nebraska - Duration: 1:54.
Hi, I'm UNL climatologist Ken Dewey
and this week is all about weather on Now You Know Nebraska!
Easter Sunday 1913 started as a beautiful spring day,
however it ended with some of the deadliest tornadoes not only in Nebraska, but also in U.S. history.
Starting around 5pm that evening, seven tornados erupted across Eastern Nebraska.
The first tornado destroyed a dozen houses in Craig.
One ripped through the village of Yutan,
and another completely leveled the town of Berlin.
Ralston's business district was destroyed by yet another twister,
while another one touched down in Omaha near 24th and Lake, and destroyed everything nearby.
No sirens or even radios for that matter, existed to warn people of the approaching storms.
Researchers looking back have labeled four of the tornadoes as very rare F-4's,
meaning they had winds of greater than 200 miles per hour!
More than 168 people were killed in Nebraska and Iowa from these storms.
Several stories of miraculous survival also came out of the devastation.
One streetcar operator in Omaha saved the lives of over 20 passengers
by making them all lay down in the center of the car as the tornado passed directly over them.
Everyone in the streetcar survived.
I'm Ken Dewey and now you know Nebraska!
"Jessica" (A Simpsons Inspired Original Song) - Duration: 4:12.
you were my world
But Jessica
You're a bad girl
You're like a milk dud, I've come to decide
on the outside you're sweet, but poison inside
we had so much fun
I thought you were the one
but then you betrayed me and became a thief
You stole from the church, man, you're worse than me!
you broke my heart
When all I did was try to please you from the start
But there's no pleasing a girl like you
I'd certainly bit off more than I could chew
will you ever learn?
I hope your life takes a turn
Manipulating boys may be all fun and games
But being a bad girl -- you're soiling your name
You're the minister's daughter
Have you ever stopped to think about your father?
He may seem blind, but he's gotta know the truth
Even if he doesn't, God is always watching you
I know you're smart
You've even outwitted ol' Bart
So I sincerly hope that you change your ways
Or that karma comes and bites your ass one day
you were my world
But Jessica
You're a bad girl
You're like a milk dud, I've come to decide
On the outside you're sweet, but you're poison inside
Give me a thumbs up if you liked, subscribe for more original and cover songs. Thank you!<3
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