G'day guys.
Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.
I hope you guys have been having a great week.
And for everyone joining us for the first time welcome.
Thanks for listening to the Aussie English Podcast where I teach you Aussie English.
The English spoken Down Under in Australia.
So I just got home from having Thai food with some of the girls, well, and a guy from work.
So from the museum where I study.
Thai food's pretty popular in Australia.
And so we went down to a place called Lemon Grass on Lygon Street in Melbourne.
It was really really good.
And we had like green curry, red curry, coconut rice, and then curry puffs.
I think some spring rolls, and some roti bread as well as chicken skewers.
So it was amazing.
Big feed.
So I'm feeling pretty full as it is at the moment, but I thought you know I've got the
night off.
I should come back and record the next episode of Aussie English.
So, the expression today is straight off the bat or right off the bat.
So you can use either "straight" or "right" with this expression.
So as usual we'll go through defining the words within the expression or expressions
straight off the bat and right off the bat.
"Right" can mean a few things.
It can mean a direction, you know, the opposite to left.
If you turn right you're not turning left.
So, I turned right at the intersection.
It can also mean correct, as in, "I'm right and you're wrong".
But in this case, in the case of the expression right off the bat it means completely, fully,
entirely, utterly, thoroughly.
Straight also has a few different meanings including extending or moving in a uniform
So in a line, in a straight line, as you would say.
So for example, it was a straight road.
So it doesn't turn to the left doesn't turn to the right.
It just goes in a straight line in front of you.
It's a straight road.
It could also mean properly positioned.
So, to be level, to be upright, to be symmetrical.
So for example, when I was a kid my grandparents would always tell me to sit up straight, as
in straight in my spine, sit up correctly, sit upright, sit up straight.
And you could also say your t-shirt or tie or your pants on straight.
So as opposed to them being twisted or crooked you put them on straight.
So they're nice, neat, upright, symmetrical, straight.
In this case though, it means without hesitation or deliberation.
So without prior planning.
So for example, "We went straight off home after school".
So it's very very direct.
No hesitation, no deliberation.
It is what happened immediately.
So it's similar to right, but not exactly the same, but in the context of this phrase
it means the same thing off.
I'm sure a lot of you will know what "off" means.
It's the opposite of on for example.
So something can be off if it's turned off or it can be on if it's turned on.
If it's an appliance say like a TV or a microwave.
It can also mean moving away from something.
So, "He fell off his bed".
He's like fallen from his bed and he's moving away from the bed.
So he's falling off.
I ran off into the distance.
So I'm running and I'm going away from wherever it is that you're talking about.
And the ball came off the bat, which is sort of how it ties in with this expression.
So the ball comes off the bat it means that the bat has hit the ball and the ball has
moved away from it.
It's gone off, it's come off, it's moving off away from the bat.
And a bat, if you haven't gathered already, is something that you hit a ball with.
So, it tends to be a long piece of wood with a handle.
You know, it's been shaped, it's been fashioned into an instrument, an implement that is used
to hit balls, and hit balls in games.
So games like cricket, baseball, it could be table tennis.
You probably refer to that as a table tennis bat instead of a tennis racket that's used
in tennis, for example, because it's made of solid wood.
So, for example, "he hit the ball with his cricket bat".
That's what a bat is.
So, hopefully you get a sense for the different words in this expression straight off the
bat or right off the bat.
And so now as usual, we'll define what the expression means.
So when we use straight off the bat or right off the bat it means straight away or right
away, as in immediately, straight away at the beginning, at the start of something,
So if something happens right off the bat or something happens straight off the bat
it means that it happens immediately, right now, straight away, right away at the beginning.
So I looked up the origin of this expression, and it originates, unsurprisingly, from the
sport of baseball where you hit a ball with a bat that's kind of rounded, and then you
have to run to four different bases.
So the expression references, obviously, the ball coming off the bat so the ball is being
hit by the bat, and the ball is moving away after a successful strike.
So the ball is moving right off the bat.
It's moving straight off the bat.
And so after a perfect hit this is immediately followed by the batter running to first base.
So in baseball you've got four bases.
First, second, third, and fourth or home base.
And this immediate response taken by batters after hitting the ball is likely how this
expression got its figurative meaning.
So how it came about, of doing something very quickly, immediately, and without delay, without
deliberation, without thought.
So batters usually drop that bat straight after it's hit the ball and they start running.
So they swing at the ball right after hitting the bat goes flying out of their hands quite
often and they run to first base.
And so the age of this phrase dates back to about the 1870s or 1880s, and obviously baseball
must have been pretty popular back then, and it probably originated in America seeing as
baseball isn't really popular in Australia or Britain.
And let's go through some examples like usual guys.
So say you're a teenager who's at high school.
And you go to high school each day.
You get dropped off by your parents or you get the bus.
I used to always get the bus to high school.
You study.
You hang out with your friends.
You then come home.
And every day when you get home your mother or your father who is already at home waiting
for you, every day as soon as you walk inside the first thing they say is "How was your
And so you could say, "Every time I get home straight off the bat they ask me how I am.
Every time I get home right off the bat mom is like, "How was your day?".
Every time I get home straight off the bat dad wants to know what I've been up to.
"How's your day been mate?
What have you been up to?
Did you have a good day?"."
So he or she asks me straight off the bat or I get asked right off the bat "How was
my day?".
Example number two, say that someone's using Tinder.
You know what Tinder is right?
The dating app that people use on their phones to match with other single people in the surrounding
So I'm sure you know what Tinder is.
It's used worldwide.
Imagine you're using Tinder and you match with a lot of people.
And the first person that you go out on a date with turns out to be a perfect match.
So not only were they an actual match on Tinder, but they were a match in real life where they
were a great person.
You hit it off.
You get along really well.
And you ended up getting into a relationship with this person because the period that you
guys are dating goes so well.
You end up boyfriend and girlfriend.
You end up as partners.
You could say that straight off the bat you matched with someone who is perfect for you.
So you didn't have to spend much time searching for "the one", as in the one perfect match,
because straight off the bat, right off the bat you've found that person.
So, it happened at the beginning.
It happened when you first started using the app.
It happened immediately.
It happened straight away.
It happened right away.
It happened straight off the bat.
It happened right off the bat.
So imagine in example number three here that you're a vego.
And a vego is a vegetarian someone who only eats vegetables, so plants.
They don't eat animals.
They might eat eggs, I guess, and drink milk, but they don't eat meat.
So, imagine you're a vego.
You're going to a lunch with friends and family, and maybe it's a barbie.
So, it's a barbecue.
There's a heap of meat.
So you're going to have snags, which are like sausages.
You're going to have lamb chops.
You're going to have prawns.
Maybe there's some chicken as well.
And sometimes that's referred to as chook, chicken, chook.
But seeing as you're a vego, obviously, it's going to be all there.
All the meat is going to be there, but you're not going to be interested.
You're not going to be keen on eating it.
So, you don't want to go anywhere near the meat.
You are not interested at all.
You're a vego.
So you're addicted to certain veggies such as avocados, which is slang for avocado, salad,
potato mash, which is like when you mix milk with potatoes and butter and salt and mash
it up, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, whatever it might be, you just love your veggies.
(You) absolutely love them.
So, as soon as you arrive you see the food on the table.
You go straight past the meat and just fill your plate up with veggies.
So you get say straight off the bat, right off the bat, you go for the veggies.
You go for the salads, the avos, all the nice broccoli and carrots, all the good stuff,
but you avoid the meat.
Straight off the bat you skip the meat and you pile the veggies up on your plate.
Right off the bat you go for just the veggies.
Typical vegos, huh?
So, hopefully by now guys you get the terms straight off the bat, right off the bat.
I'm sure that some of you will have picked this up immediately.
So I would say that you understood the expression straight off the bat.
You understood what straight off the bat and right off the bat is.
And as usual, let's go through some listen and repeat exercises.
So listen and repeat after me guys.
This is your chance to practice your Australian pronunciation if that's what you're working
Otherwise, use the accent that you're trying to improve, whether it's American, British
English, whatever it is, you know, feel comfortable and just practice the English more so than
my accent if that's what you're after.
Let's go.
I did it straight off the bat.
You did it straight off the bat.
He did it straight off the bat.
She did it straight off the bat.
We did it straight off the bat.
They did it straight off the bat.
And now that I do this again but with "Right off the bat" and I'm going to try and say
it a little more naturally than I would when I'm trying to enunciate very well to help
the less advanced listeners.
So, just give it a go.
You don't have to be perfect.
Practice speaking a little quick.
It can help.
And it's good practice.
So, let's go now with "Right off the bat".
I did it right off the bat.
You did it right off the bat.
He did it right off the bat.
She did it right off the bat.
We did it right off the bat.
They did it right off the bat.
One little thing here that I want to point out for you guys as we've been doing recently
with a little bit of a breakdown of the pronunciation at the end here for the lesson, is that in
this phrase in both of these phrases "I did it straight off the bat" or "I did it right
off the bat".
You're going to notice that the "T" at the end of the word straight actually sounds more
like a "D".
And this actually happens because the "T" there is surrounded by vowels.
So on one side of the word straight you've got "-aigh-" before the "T" sound.
And then on the other side you've got the "o-" before you say the word "off".
And it's the same with the word "right".
At first you've got the "-igh-" sound then the "-t", and then the "o-" at the start of
So there's a vowel sounds on either side of the "T".
And so when this happens in English, and this happens in all dialects of English.
It's very very common.
It's not just Australian English.
We say the "T" by flapping our tongue.
So instead of really well, really properly, enunciating that "straigh-T" sound, we go
straight into the next vowel sound the "o-" at the start of "off", and we flap the tongue
to make the "T" sound.
So instead of saying "straigh-T off", we say "straigh_Doff".
Did you hear that?
So "straigh-T off", I could say if I want to use the "T", "straigh-T off", but when
I speak quickly I say "straigh_Doff", "straigh_Doff", "straigh_Doff", "straigh_Doff".
I did it straigh_Doff the bat.
So it's a very... it's kind of like a muted "D" sound.
And now I'l do that with "right off the bat" as well.
"I did it righ_Doff the bat."
Did you notice it there?
"Righ_Toff" with the "T", "righ_Doff" with the muted sort of "D" sound.
So the sound is made just from flapping the tongue so you kind of only just touch where
you would touch for making that "T" sound in your mouth.
It's going to take a little bit of practice guys, but you'll get it if you work on it.
And we're going to go through that in this episode in the Aussie English Supporter Pack
bonus material.
I've actually set up a bunch of exercises to cover this specific thing.
The "T" tap or the "T" flap that makes it sound more like a "D".
And so that's part of the Aussie English Supporter Pack that I try to do each week.
This week we're going to be going over all the slang that we did in this expression episode.
We're going to go over the phrasal verbs to build up, to stack up, to pile up, and to
queue up, which means to accumulate.
So we've got exercises to go over that.
We're also going to go over the "T" becoming a "D" sound from flapping.
So that we just sort of talked about a little bit.
They're all have exercises for you to practice that sound.
And then in the grammar I'm going to go by comparing the Simple Past Tense, as in say
"happened", "asked", "went", to the Past Perfect Tense as it "had happened", "had gone", "had
So, I'm really really enjoying making the Aussie English Supporter Pack stuff at the
moment guys.
We've got about 40 members in the Aussie English virtual classroom in the private Facebook
group that I use that I've created for all of the members who use the Aussie English
Supporter Pack once a week to get these episodes with a heap of extra bonus content.
Breaking down the podcast episode of the week so that you can really take your learning
to another level.
I'm really trying to design this to help you guys accelerate your English learning as quickly
as possible, and just absorb everything.
Really go over everything thoroughly.
So, if you're interested in giving it a go sign up.
It's a dollar for one month.
You can try it for a month.
You can come into the private Facebook group.
We all work together there at the moment on phrasal verbs.
We have daily phrasal verbs that we work on.
And you'll also get access to all of the previous episodes and their transcripts, their MP3s,
their exercises, the exercise MP3s as well, all the bonus material.
So, come and check it out guys.
Let me know what you think, and we can work together to take your English to the next
Anyway, that's long enough for today guys.
I hope you've enjoyed this episode, and I'll chat to you soon.
All the best.
For more infomation >> AE 271 - Expression: Straight / Right Off The Bat | Learn Australian English - Duration: 18:44.-------------------------------------------
Hot Docs 2017 Part 1 (episode 16) - Duration: 11:10.
Our Wheel World
Hi everybody, I'm introducing this video today while I put my makeup on
so i'm trying to double task here, I hope that's ok with everybody
I was going to introduce this video with Tim but we ran out of time
We'll do a video eventually some day about how Tim's day can be pretty limited in terms of making videos
because he only has about an hour free per day and he often has other stuff that he needs to do
So i'm introducing this video myself as I get ready to do our favorite thing, it's Hot Docs
So we live in Toronto, and once a year the city comes alive in celebration of documentary films
Hot Docs is one of the world's biggest, if not the biggest documentary film festivals
and I love documentaries, Tim does too
I've actually been going to this festival for about 10 years, and it's grown like a huge amount since then
I introduced Tim to Hot Docs, actually when we first started dating
or when Tim first moved home from England
and he really loves documentaries too, and he has really loved doing Hot Docs
and then last year, and this year, our wondering mother-in-law has given us for Christmas, well my mother-in-law, Tim's mother
has given us a festival pass
which means that we can see as many documentaries as we want
now this year, Tim unfortunately has to work. So he's still going to be seeing movies in the evenings and on weekends
but i'm taking the whole time off, and I'm going to see as many documentaries as I possibly can
so I think we're going to make a few videos about the festival, some of it is going to be disability related content and some of it's not
It is kind of neat in terms of disability, the festival has done some pretty neat stuff in terms of welcoming disabled movie goers
One of the things that we take advantage of is that disabled people get attendants in for free
now this is something that is a huge disability perk, and something that you see at a lot of events or attractions
where they offer people an extra ticket if they have a disability
now the purpose of these tickets is that some people, a lot of people, wouldn't be able to go to these types of attractions or events without somebody there to help them
Tim is sort of in that category, I mean Tim could go see a movie by himself but its a lot easier with somebody else
in terms of buying food and even paying for tickets and things
so it feels a little patronizing to be given the "disabled discount"
but at the same time, it saves a lot of money
so we take advantage of it when we can
which means during Hot Docs we get to go see all the movies we want, 2 for 1
so we'll bring you around. We'll show you the different movie theatres that we go to
because the Hot Docs happen at all different theatres all over the city which is cool
some of the different accessibility features, and I haven't decided yet but we might give you reviews of some of the films
so it's our favorite thing, this is all we're going to be doing for the next 10 days
Tim's going to be working and seeing movies and i'm really just going to be seeing movies
so come to a film festival with us.
So I just saw my first Hot Docs movie of the year
It was called The Silent Teacher
It's a Taiwanese movie, actually about death but it was pretty sweet
essentially in Taiwan and in other Chinese cultures, bodies are suppose to stay intact after death
and this has made it very difficult for medical schools to get cadaver bodies for their students to train
so aparently there was a big push to get people to donate their bodies to the medical school so that they could learn
but they've done this with a lot of respect and dignity for the bodies and for their families
so essentially we follow this one man who's wife donated her body, and his children as well
as they struggle with her death, even though it was three years ago
they really treat the cadaver bodies as if they are still alive, until they are done with them
so it follows him and then it also follow the students who use her body for learning
and in this culture they are very respectful of the body, they call them the Silent Teachers
they get to know the families and they even attend the funerals, which happen after the cadaver is finished being learned from
honestly it was a little bit slow for my liking, but then at the same time, they couldn't have really tackled the subject matter in any different way
so I wouldn't blame the film maker for it being slow, the nature of the documentary needed it to be that way
but ya, I was just a little bit bored, but still a beautiful documentary
so if it interest you, it is subtitled, but I would check it out, its probably going to be hard to find later
so anyways that's my first review, and for the first year ever i'm trying doing these video reviews
I used to type them out on Facebook, but this year I think i'm going to have them in video format
so let me know what you think. And then obviously any movies I see with Tim, we'll review together
So after that movie, I met Tim
Hello everybody
Oh.. good try (laughing)
We are eating at Red Lobster of all places for diner
we were going to go to a fancy place, but honestly on a Friday after work all the fancy places are full of business people having drinks
it just so packed, but Red Lobster is pretty empty
And we get Cheddar Biscuits
Ya that's all Tim really wants at Red Lobster
I kindda feel like this is all anybody really wants at Red Lobster
does anyone come here for anything else?
We are here...hello... we are here going to my first Hot Docs movie of 2017
Natalie's second Hot Docs movie, in the elevator of the Scotiabank Theatre
So I don't know how well you can hear me
but essentially we got to the theatre. I had already had a ticket because I came here earlier in the day
so I was able to pick it up. That's Tim's ticket actually
but then we bring that ticket to the box office and ask for a companion ticket
are you scanning our tickets?
Yes, thank you
so we get our tickets scanned. we usually ask them for us to not have to wait in the line and just go in first
And we do
ya, ts not like we're taking the best seats, there are already seats assigned to us so
One of the perks of disability
No lines
we just butt all the lines
We thought we'd show you some of the various accessible seating options at different theatres
across the city
There are usually 2 wheelchair spots in the theatre
and you can see it's sort of mid range, its not the very front row, its the sort of cross section
and these are easy seats, some of the theatres are a little bit difficult
this is nicely always reserved for me
This is also where Natalie and I had our first date
second date no?
well, first real date I suppose was at a theatre in this building just like this
Didn't we see Inception?
we did
haha, what a silly movie
So rush is scavenging for popcorn
That's his Hot Docs activity
He knows better than to eat off the floor, but I guess its a little bit too enticing
Another Hot Docs tradition, the nightly wait for Wheeltrans
It was suppose to be here 10 minutes ago, its not here yet
Alright we saw our second movie
it is midnight, I am tired, but we're trying really hard to do video reviews after every movie
Here is my 1 minute review of Who is Aurthur Chu
I liked it more than Natalie I think
I though the main subject was... Rush is currently enjoying his time off
anyway, back to my review I found the main character Arthur Chu endlessly facinating
(Rush is interrupting with a squeaky toy)
Thank you for the interruptions
I thought the movie had some pacing issues, was a little slow at times
but generally, not a bad start to my Hot Docs week
So who is Arthur Chu was about, surprisingly, Arthur Chu
who I guess won a whole bunch on Jeopardy but made a lot of people mad because apparently he "played" it wrong
and he's tried to turn his internet fame, like all of his followers, into doing better stuff for the world
he did a lot of commentary on Gamergate, and misogyny in nerd culture
which is kind of cool
I just didn't think the movie delved into any of those topics enough
about half of the movie was sort of about Arthur Chu and his family and his issues with his Chinese/Taiwanese culture
and being a first generation American
which is fine to, but i don't know it was frenetic, and it was kind of slow, like I really liked the first half an hour but the rest of it I was kind of checking my watch
It was Ok, if you are interested in Arthur Chu, as someone who didn't know a lot about him, and i'm not that interested in the subject matter
Meh, it was fine, I gave it a 3 out of 5. Day 1 over.
WWE PAYBACK REVIEW, RESULTS, Breaking News Braun Strowman, Bray wyatt vs Randy Orton Highlights - Duration: 4:23.
all their noise I'm trying to do a video
you Simon bro what's good YouTube its
Casper, and welcome back to another
episode of WWE news results and reviews
today's video WWE payback let's get into
it the first match Chris Jericho versus
Kevin Owens Chris Jericho wins he gets
the United States Championship now this
makes me wonder well Kevin Owens be
going to SmackDown in a way he be sent
back to raw or Chris Jericho be sent to
Smackdown we're gonna have to find out
second man Austin Aries and Neville man
this match Neville he kind of cheated
Austin Aries out of a good match this
was kind of boring he pulls the referee
down and Austin Aries takes the match um
then we got the Hardys and Sheamus and
Cesaro that was a good match the Hardys
ended up winning but Sheamus and Cesaro
attacked the Hardys at the end they
attacked them Matt Hardy ends up believe
me from his forehead it was a good match
then we go on to the Women's
Championship this was a good match it
likes a bliss ends up beating Bailey I
Bailey had a bad day can we move on to
the house of horrors match this match
was cringed all day Bray Wyatt had this
like spooky house setup it just felt
like overproductive then a refrigerator
falls on Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt ends
up leaving in a car to continue to match
then we move on to Seth Rollins and
Samoa Joe this was a good match Samoa
Joe he was doing crazy moves
um I mean he kind of beat the hell out
of Seth Rollins
he ended up putting him in like
powerbomb Texas cloverleaf he kind of
destroyed them but saffron's ends up
winning and um Samoa Joe I know you mad
but I don't think that's going to be the
end of this problem
it's definitely gonna be saffron's in
Samoa Joe again then we continued this
house of horrors match Bray Wyatt pulls
up to the arena um he walks to the ring
the lights come on Randy Orton is behind
him Randy Orton starts beating a mom and
then he gets attacked by the singing
brothers of the Bollywood boys and
Jinder Mahal making brave the winner
then we move on to roman reigns vs braun
strowman this is the main event this man
supposed to be like the ultimate payback
for reigns to the beating he co italian
zebrano strong as strowman been running
around reckless on a rampage and no
one's been able to stop him um Braun
strongly man he's told to me hell right
now he's doing this thing and I like the
push that he born um this match ends up
starting with Roman reigns coming down
to the ring all bandaged up to sell that
he's injured braun strowman does not
care braun strowman um he gives Roman
reigns a big fight reigns hands up you
know starting off like he's going to win
and and then I don't know where bronzer
starts destroying him I mean recklessly
destroying and throwing them through the
steps choking them um really beating the
hell out of Roman reigns he ends up
winning then after the match he grabs
two steel steps and he brings the steps
into the ring and smashes Roman reigns
with it picks up Roman reigns and throws
them actually toward the steps then he
picks up the steps and smashes reigns in
the ribs
it showed Roman reigns and Roman reigns
are spitting up blood
Roman reigns ends up walking to the back
where braun strowman tries to attack
Roman reigns as he's getting into the
ambulance cream and I'm not finished
with you but reigns moves out the way
and braun strowman ends up taking the
whole ambulance door out Roman starts
attacking braun strowman
and braun strowman ends up leaving and
that gives roman some speak and that was
payback man never w repay but i give
this a three Oh
To activate windows 10 (2017) - Duration: 4:56.
very good to everyone and welcome to
our channel to this channel just for you.
Welcome back and best regards
especially all I ocaros
accompany daily in this space
before starting the video.
I would ask all those who are
subscribed and subscribing
daily to this channel will not forget
do not forget to activate the subscription channel enable notifications
um to immediately when
upload a video you can learn
Today we will discuss how to enable Windows 10
for Qutar reminder that bugged out on your desktop
every so often reminding us
turn our back windows
very good
and to solve this problem.
have enabled Windows will use a
Small very efficient little program which leave you as always.
the link in the video description ok.
we are in
the link simply download.
we would give right click.
download the browser
or what you wish to download
if you want to download with megasink
Also good is your choice anyway
downloading them stay.
this .rar file that we open
and find two folders inside.
one of them is optional if you do not
It is serving the above, but the procedure is the same.
well then this is optional.
and this is what we will use.
before we turn our use.
ok now if we will use the
program we click right
execute as an administrator
here tells me your system is activated.
simplemete would have to give here.
as already set my system.
we would give just click here.
and we turn windows and waited.
all right
very good friends that's all for today.
It is so easy to activate Windows 10.
well, I can only tell them and ask them.
the channel to activate the subscribe
bell notifications
they know how often I'm up
a video, to comment While this has been
all for today
See you in the near video.
Spring Reading Tag - Duration: 7:13.
*deep inhale* It has snowed four days this week.
Like, that has been a regular occurrence for the past month and a half, and I keep on trying
to declare that Spring has finally Sprungled, and I keep getting proven wrong because the
next day we just die in a bunch of flurries.
But I'm hoping that if I do this tag then I can, I don't know, summon some better weather
into the city.
So welcome everyone back to Tanner's Books and Beyond, today we're doing the Spring Reading Tag!
And I was tagged for this by my guy RC from NekuTheBookLocke, you should check him out,
he's a cool dude!
And y'know I talk about summoning better weather but I can see clouds start to drift in over here.
For once I just wanted to use natural lighting, but I guess that's just not today.
Anyways! Question number one is "what is a book you are looking forward to reading in the next few months?"
And this is actually a book that I bought last year just after Christmas.
It's "Hex" by Thomas Olde Huevelt.
This is a book that I saw my other BookTube friend Bree Hill talking about a lot - can't
remember if she actually said it was good - no I'm, I'm pretty sure I remember her saying
that she enjoyed it quite a bit.
It sounded really interesting, it sounded like something I'd enjoy, I mean not only
the fact that I've had it for a while and I've been waiting for a while to read it so
that I can listen to her actual review video and see how our thoughts compare.
Also, I haven't read a horror novel in almost a year now.
The last one I read was "Phantoms" by Dean Koontz.
I love a good horror story but it's just been a while because so many other things keep
coming up on my plate and I feel like I wanna prioritize them more than this but now!
This is almost at the top of my reading queue so hopefully I'll be getting to this possibly
even before the season ends?
But let's be real, at the time I'm doing this we're almost getting into summer so I feel
like a lot of these books are gonna be almost closer to summer reads than spring reads? *distressed noises*
Anyway second question is "what's a book that makes me think of spring for whatever reason?"
Now I actually looked back to see what I had been reading during the spring months of last
year and, uh, when I looked on my Goodreads page I realized that I'd actually been in
a huge reading slump during that time so the only books I was able to read during then
were the first five volumes of "Assassination Classroom" by Yusei Matsui.
That being said, they are pretty fitting because I'm pretty sure the series itself also begins
at the beginning of spring, and I remember when I first started reading them I'd be sitting
out on the deck with my dog because the weather was finally starting to get nice and I could
actually read outside again. But yeah, so, spring books.
The "Assassination Classroom" series, that is pretty...spring-y to me!
Number three: "the days are getting longer. What is one of the longest books you've read?"
I...tend to stay away from long books.
I did once pick up a book that was like 2000 pages long but that was mainly for the curiosity
and the fact that I could throw it at someone if I needed to defend myself.
I'm pretty sure I sent that to a used bookstore later because I looked at it and was like
"I'm not actually interested in this book at all! Except for the gimmick of it."
But I have read "The Stand" by Stephen King; you can see I've got my really old TV Miniseries
copy with the cover falling off.
This thing's being held together by an old hair tie...I should probably find a new copy of this.
It clocks in at just over 1100 pages.
As you can see, it's thicc.
Part of that is because in addition to all of the other stuff this book has deleted scenes
that were left out of the initial draft that Stephen King like, he looked them over like
"y'know what? These are actually good, let's -
the book's already so fucking huge anyways, let's just throw 'em in there!
It's really not going to make much of a difference".
So yeah this is probably the longest book I have read.
I guess the Harry Potter books got pretty high up there in the last days, although...
now that I think about it, "Deathly Hallows" was only like...700 pages? And I read that in two days.
I also have tried to get through "The Silmarillion".
I was 15 at the time, don't even know why I started other than this desire to be a Tolkien completionist I guess?
And then halfway through I realized that I didn't really have that desire to begin with
so I was just like *snap* "Bye!"
Question four, "what's a book that you recommend to brighten someone's day?"...speaking of
bright I'm getting loads of glare here.
Guh, this is gonna be the most poorly constructed video I make.
Anyways, books to brighten someone's day.
For these I've got "Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes" by Cory O'Brien and I've got "Step Aside Pops" by Kate Beaton.
Both of these are great just because you can read through them in a day; you can probably
read through them all in maybe two hours.
The first one, "Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes" is basically all of these old myths retold
in the form of a person loudly ranting about how ridiculous they are, and that's really
the best way to retell any story is through a loud ridiculous rant, and then the other
one is actually kind of similar because Kate Beaton in her webcomic "Hark!
A Vagrant!" she does a lot of stuff that focuses on historical characters and literature and
so "Step Aside Pops" and "Hark!
A Vagrant" in general, they're great because they start off with these basic premises of
history or literature and then they just go completely off the wall!
Personally my favourite strip is the one where Queen Elizabeth sprouts the wings of an albatross
in order to fight the Spanish.
So yes, if you're feeling kinda down I absolutely recommend you read one or two of those.
They will definitely crack a grin or two or eight.
Now number five is "spring brings new life in nature, so what is a book that doesn't
exist, but you wish it did?"
Well I think I speak for a lot of people when I talk about how precious and wonderful a
person Thomas Sanders is, and lemme tell you that if he doesn't ever write a book in his
life I will be absolutely shocked.
That boy, he needs to write something!
Whether it be a fictional novel in a narrative or just a biography of his life or WHATEVER,
just, I will buy that in a second, just shut up and take my money Thomas!
Also there need to be more #OwnVoices d/Deaf/HoH books.
I have searched far and wide for them, I've only been able to find, like, two, and I don't
know why it's such a struggle for me because so many other marginalized groups I'm able
to find so much literature from their own authors, but d/Deaf/HoH it's like -
where is it? I want it! GIVE IT TO MEEEE!
Anyways, number six: "spring is a time of new growth, so how has your reding grown over the years?"
Uh, well, just like that? It's grown! I...read...more than I used to.
Of course there are several factors in that, one of them being I'm not in school anymore
so I have plenty of time, the other one being BookTube which is a major motivator in me
wanting to read more because then I can make more videos for it!
That being said, number seven is a question about how my reading's going and, uh, I'm
actually behind my quota for this year.
I was hoping to get fifty books done, which is slightly more than four books a months.
I read maybe four books in January?
And then just a book a month going forward.
It's been...a struggle.
I mean I finally finished The Historian, that was a big book, and I've got some smaller
books lined up now, so maybe I can just gorge myself on some of those, catch up, maybe feel
like I haven't been slipping as much as I am.
And question number eight is "Do I have any plans that I'm looking forward to in these
coming months?"
And, well, like I mentioned before we're actually approaching the summer months now, but because
the summer's coming that also means that convention season is coming up, and I'm really excited.
I'm gonna be going to the Regina Fan Expo next week which is gonna be great because
there's gonna be Snake and Joey Jeremiah from Degrassi there and that's like my Jam!
And then of course in August I'll be going to Animethon in Edmonton.
I went last year, I had a blast, I spent way too much money and I can't wait to do the same.
So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed that but don't touch that dial because soon I'll be
having my April wrap-up coming up, I might actually be able to talk about more than one
book for this month; then hopefully there will be more tags coming soon because I still
have a bunch that people tagged me in that I haven't gotten to.
Speaking of which!
I do still need more coordinates for my book shelf scavenger hunt tag, so you can send
me those in the comments or a personal message, or you can send them to me on social media!
'Cuz you can check me out on Instagram, or on Tumblr, or on Goodreads, and I'll put all
the links for those below!
So until next time I see you guys, and maybe there will be some nicer weather by then?
Or it could be a thunderstorm...but that's okay because at least it's better than a BLIZZARD...um.
I'll see you all *snap* later!
You Get What You Need - Duration: 58:58.
A Prize-Winning Adventure / a Honey Adventure - Duration: 21:03.
4 Leftovers You Should Avoid Eating At Any Cost, Especially The 4Th One - Duration: 2:31.
For left overs you should avoid [eating] at any cost
especially th e 40 h 1 h 1
Left overs are easy to reheat and everyone loves them
But you should know that reheating the meals is not harmless some foods can reheat. It can damage your health according to experts
Eating reheated foods can harm the health and that is why you need [to] avoid these for leftovers?
Preheating [the] vegetables or storing them and properly can be fatal the center for food safety
Says that the left over vegetables need to be stored at 40c
and if you need to store the vegetables for a longer period Freeze them
Celery lettuce beets and spinach have high levels of nitrates that accumulate if the vegetables are exposed to a room-temperature
Nitrate can cause a rare blood disorder in children called Mesma Globin Nia which causes symptoms like fatigue
shortness of breath and Seizures [leisures] vegetable oil
Reheating the meals that are prepared with vegetable oils is very dangerous, and it is linked to an increased risk of cancer
stroke and heart disease
the reheating of polyunsaturated
oils that contain line Oleic acid corn oil sunflower oil and Canola
Releases a chinee for Hydroxy trans to nominal which is a toxin from the fatty acids that harm the health
It has been linked to some types of cancer
Alzheimer's liver problems and heart disease the vegetable oil should be used only once and never reheat it
Chicken chicken contains a lot of protein and when reheated its composition alters to more dangerous one
Receiving cold chicken is allowed if the meats inside is very hot it is important if you use microwave as it sometimes
Does [not] heat the meals evenly the chicken meat can be eaten for up to two days not a second more
Rice if you want to stay healthy you should store the rice properly
According to food standard agency the rice that is uncooked contains spores of Harmful Bacteria
That survived the first cooking process
If it is stored at room temperature the spores will multiply and caused many digestive problems
These spores can survive a reheating process that is why it is recommended to [you] that all you have cooked at once
You better freeze the leftovers if there are any instead of keeping it for tomorrow in the fridge
Досадные вещи, которые говорят слышащие люди - Duration: 11:21.
#Day19of30 | Fear | Jason Roy - Duration: 4:59.
Day 19 of 30. Day 19 brings me back to
same thing I was talking about on day
one which is fear what controls you fear
what stops you from doing anything fear
what holds you back from everything fear
and the more people I talk to and the
more I look at it it's this fear is
quite quite substantial like a lot of
people can't can't commit or start
anything anything even if it's small
there's not the task that's the issue
it's the fear that it could go wrong or
the fear that you're not going to be
good at it or the fear that it's not
going to be successful or the fear
that somebody's gonna laugh at you or
the fear that you're just not going to
know how to do it and you're going to
have to admit defeat and I get it for
the big things I get how there's extra fear
it's probably a little bit harder but
a lot of people just can't
do anything can't commit to five minutes
of something can't commit to 10 minutes
something can't commit to one
conversation can't commit to doing one
task because it could go wrong
and I don't think it's that they feel or
think that that isn't going to work out
it's just this thing in here that
anything that's different anything
that's new we need to be afraid of and
we need to shy away from because we
might not be successful at it
I guess the point of this video is to
say this you need to step, you need to leap you need
to jump you take that step and then do
it without knowing what's on the other
the other side I don't know what's on the other
side of these videos I don't know what's
on the other side of these 30 days but I
started with video 1 and I just keep
pushing through and every
every day that I've posted a video every
day it's a day that I have to push pass
to step over that ledge step past the
boundary and push forward and press
upload doesn't get any easier yes over
time you start to know that the other
side isn't so bad but it's still
difficult still difficult to record this
video press upload and leave it open for
you to decide what you feel or think or
how you want a comment or judge or
whatever it is it doesn't really get any
easier but at the same time it gets
better because I feel better for doing
it whether anybody watches it or lots of
people watch it I still feel better for
doing it you feel better for stepping
over that ledge and pushing upload I feel
better for asking you to contact me if
you're interested in FBD so we can have
a conversation then I feel better when I
get to have the conversation with
somebody that I wouldn't have otherwise
had the opportunity had I not
pressed upload has I not stepped
past that so I'm asking you to find
something that you're fearful of and
take the first step you don't need to
know what's on the other side don't know
if it's going to work or not
we're leaving on Tuesday to go to Europe going to the UK
and go to Italy for six weeks. I don't have the
whole thing figured out I don't have the
whole trip figured out. I've got accommodations book and
that's about it and figure it out when we get there
I took the first step booked flights took the next step booked some accommodations
took the step after that is to get on the plane on
Tuesday step after that is to figure out
okay we're here how do we get to our
apartment that we rented ok now we're here
now what do we do where the grocery
store figure it all out will this figure
it out one step at a time. If I
was going to try plan this whole six
weeks out every day every step every
location I needed to be everything I needed
to visit every every place I could find
groceries or restaurants how the train
works whatever we would never do it there is
too much to do and the fear would just
hold back so instead of saying how you
need this whole thing planned out just
take step first step see how it goes
adjust take the next step see how it
goes adjust keep going keep moving
forward keep moving forward so do go do
be try something take that step if you need help
take that step need some guidance
message me let's talk about FBD and see where that can take you
I am going to go inside because it's
raining but I love to hear from you
thoughts comments messages and let's
let's chat tomorrow. Ciao.
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