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Steamboat Springs Vacation Rentals - Colorado Steamboat Springs Vacation Rentals - Duration: 0:56.Are you looking for Steamboat Springs Vacation Rentals and information on the area?
Destination4Rent is your go-to guide for all things Steamboat.
As one of our most popular winter ski destinations, Steamboat Ski Resort on Mt. Werner and Howelsen
Ski Area offer the perfect retreat for a low-key authentic mountain vacation.
Located in the upper valley of the Yampa River, water sports like fishing, rafting, tubing
and kayaking are a huge draw.
If you are focused on getting outdoors without the glitz and fuss, our Steamboat Springs
Vacation Rentals are the perfect Colorado vacation destination.
Whether it's the USA Pro Challenge, Oktoberfest, the Yampa River Festival, the All Arts Festival
or the Strawberry Park Hot Springs there's certainly something for everyone.
To book Steamboat Springs Vacation Rentals and your lodging today, please visit us at
5 Men's Spring Fashion Essentials/Must Haves You Should Own 2018 - Duration: 3:57.
BURAAQ – Action Clip #1 "THE MAGOG" (ENGLISH) - Duration: 0:47.We were warned..
Of a race of ancient beings
Sworn enemies
Of man..
He is of them
And he will not stop
Until all of mankind..
Is enslaved!
Friday QnA YES FINALLY! - Duration: 7:19.This so much fun, man, I will come back later
Let's take down lame remember ray banks was talking on AIM is stealing your heart
That was stuff of my Eames see Allah you leavin now nothing the same. I'm picking your brain. You pick me apart
I'm picking your heart. You left me in dark
I guess all the pain in the heart in the world you let me return to the son of a Saudi if there were your
Doorman are we Armageddon?
You never know cause you never let him show you how he loved and he trusted he came over all of his shows
But you're never with it
So that's really see if you can't you if you needed that he will be there to put all the blame on you is it
Fair but you can't probably so make up baby taking a selfie. I'm taking your shake your place
I see who you picked. It. Just know it needs me alive. You're happy with him that you're happy with him
Damn, I'm jealous creeping through your Instagram and find myself asking what the fuck then I don't give a damn about you about
My like mark give her the fuck up and although I hate his guts I gotta give young man that thumbs up cuz he was
Bringing you close now. He's with the one in the most woman a woman. I love you. Everybody rampage for the one here
that's what I'm going sever saying because our new channel be sure to subscribe button leave a like on this video and
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram
Links are in the description. I was thinking about the twitch, maybe who knows maybe that'll happen
But without further ado, let's go ahead and get into this video
There's gonna be the Q&A video that I was supposed to do a long time ago
I got a little sidetracked for a couple weeks
I know we're going to get into it with a couple questions that I was asked
If you guys want to be featured in next week's
Q&A I have to do is ask me a question on Twitter or Instagram or down in the YouTube comments
And I'll answer all of them
The first question is what would you do for 2k subscribers to be honest?
I don't know it took me so long to get to 1k. Maybe once we get closer to 2k
I'll figure something out and I will definitely figure something out as we get closer and closer to 2 K subscribers
We'll work on that as we go the next question is
What is Paige productions paid Productions is just?
Me it's like a secondary thing that I do. It's whenever I added a video for any friends or anything like that
Or they display on Twitter and asked me to edit a video for them. I've had a couple people do that I?
Just throw my page productions logo in there like all my videos are edited by me, so of course it always says page productions
If there's a video that doesn't say that I either forgot to put it in there
Or it just wasn't edited or something else like that or I just didn't put an ensure one
So the next question is what gave me much excited for in 2018 right now
I'm playing far cry 5 this was released just this past week
This was a great one
But it's not one that I was most looking forward to the one I was actually most looking forward to this coming year
would actually be
the Last of Us part two
Everybody's always excited for some of the Last of Us, right
And I've had so many people tell me that they are really looking forward to
The Last of Us part 2 I am looking forward to the Last of Us part 2 like majorly like that's gonna be like
one of my favorite games probably of all time
l-leave is my favorite character of course and the person I can't wait to play as her in the second one and
She just set herself on fire
anyways moving on like I said Ellie was my favorite character in Part 1 and now you're getting to play as her and
The second one so I can't wait to get to play as her Ellie being the main character
I can't wait to anthan with Joel either a lot of my thought is that he may have died along the way somewhere
And she's having flashbacks, and she's wanting revenge. I can't wait until we figure it all out
It's gonna be really exciting to figure all that out
So like I said guys that this that's pretty much all I got asked there are weeks because I'm really
for God - Wow okay
I really honestly forgot to you know
Get it out there more
I shoulda gotten out there more with all the time that I have had in the last little bit of time
over the past couple of weeks
It's been like a month or so since I told you that I was gonna start doing this again
So I yeah you guys definitely have time before next week's video
I may skip a week who knows, but I would definitely get all the added up questions
So just remember guys you can ask me questions on Twitter or Instagram
You can follow me on both links in the description you can message me, and I will miss its back. You can of course
Calming down in the comments. You know I have a Twitter Instagram and you can ask me questions there
And I will get them so yeah guys. I'm gonna show you guys some funny moments that I've had happen to my live
So yeah, I hope you guys will enjoy that I will see you guys in the next video
Dude or bro or man you know regardless about to tell you you know
If we met before
Dang, man my prayers have been answered. I got a direct line that sweet little monkey God
Who's aren't hangs in heaven well?
I guess since you're an angel working here on earth for The Monkey King, but you already know
I gotta get my daddy's truck back. I mean he's real but sore but if we get it back you
Let me see my bed again, and I gotta tell you man. It's getting real cold outside
Never mind them would text crawling all up in my junk threatening me with Lyme disease and whatnot so come on man
Help me get my daddy's truck back
Let's make dust before the old man starts shooting
Let's call me fine man about your window on their ass, man
We can't - we like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern over here, man, I love to feed her still alive
That was nuts
Okay man now. It's time for step four
Trucks actually all the way down yonder probably more Peggy's waiting for us to it's all about the zipline man
We got a zip line in there sneak a bottle night ninjas
Galaxy Slime | Most Satisfying Slime ASMR Video Make You Love - Duration: 5:19.
------------------------------------------- when you lag in an intense moment.... - Duration: 0:22.Hi everyone.
I played, and I lagged at a bad moment.
I knew I had a good chance of winning, I had everything I needed,
but my computer decided to lag, making it a harder time for me to show proof.
I have won before, but whenever I won, I forgot to hit record.
I hope you enjoyed this video. Please subscribe to my channel, and like this video.
杨茜茜(Cindy) - 你在哪里 where are you - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
5 Tips to Help You Avoid Colon Cancer - Duration: 4:54.5 Tips to Help You Avoid Colon Cancer !
Colorectal cancer generally is not viewed as a disease of younger people.
However, over the last 20-some years, colorectal cancer rates in people ages 20 to 49 have
increased significantly.
This uptick is expected to continue over the next two decades.
Experts don't have any definitive data that shows what is causing this increase.
Some experts propose rising obesity rates or other dietary changes may provide an explanation.
But they have yet to identify a clear link, especially when it comes to cancers in very
young people.
"We know that certain diets and environments may increase the risk for colorectal cancer
in older adults.
This may play a role in younger people too, as our diets are constantly changing and evolving
from generation to generation," Don't ignore symptoms !
Young adults have heard over and over again that colorectal cancer is a disease of the
old, causing them to ignore symptoms.
"We see a number of young patients who may have initially ignored symptoms or were told
they were 'too young' to have colorectal cancer," "Many of the advanced cases of
colorectal cancer are young people who have been misdiagnosed or had a delayed evaluation
because people commonly view this as a cancer of older adults."
Not everyone with colorectal cancer experiences the same symptoms.
Some develop anemia, which is a low red blood cell count.
Others may see blood mixed with bowel movements.
Know your risk and family history ! Many patients with colorectal cancer may not
have any symptoms in the early stages, when it's easier to treat.
This makes risk assessment critical for identifying those with a higher risk of developing the
Primary care physicians can help assess your risk, and there are online tools available
as well.
"I encourage patients of all ages to know their family history.
It's extremely important that everyone know if a close relative was ever treated for colorectal
cancer or colon polyps," Eat healthier, exercise !
Fresh fruits and vegetables and other high-fiber foods, as well as regular exercise, help keep
the colon healthy.
While experts still have much to learn about how lifestyle affects colorectal risk, we
also suggests young people reduce consumption of red meats and over-processed foods.
Also, if they smoke, he suggests that they quit.
Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor ! Everyone, even the very young, should take
their health seriously and develop a good relationship with a primary care physician.
This makes it easier to feel comfortable reporting any unusual or worrisome symptoms.
"Don't just assume you have hemorrhoids if you see blood on the toilet paper or in
the toilet.
Tell your physician so he or she can assess you immediately,"
Get a colonoscopy when your doctor recommends it !
The overall incidence of colorectal cancer has decreased in people older than age 50.
Experts largely attribute this decrease to regular colonoscopy screenings.
These screenings aren't currently recommended for younger people, but some believe the guidelines
need to be updated to address the current trend of increased colon cancer in younger
"It's imperative to continually change our guidelines for colorectal cancer screening
as we learn more about it.
We must always balance our desire to screen patients with the risk of complications and
cost," Colonoscopy is a very safe procedure.
Only time will tell if these preventive measures will become routine for younger adults.
As scientists learn more about the specific biology of colorectal cancer, they will develop
new ways to treat the disease in each individual patient, regardless of age,
"We're learning so much each day," "It could be the colorectal cancer that develops
in younger people has a different biology or behavior pathway than that in older adults."
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