Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 2 2018

Most of us don't actually ask ourselves these questions, opting instead to learn passively

and choose sources from force of habit. We should aspire to be conscious thinkers when

consuming information. But because at best we forget to think for ourselves, and at worst

we don't care to, Dennis Prager has seized the opportunity to do the thinking for you.

Hello humans! I'm Dan From The Internet, and I go to UC Berkeley (a real school). I'm

going to talk about Prager University (not a real school), but this is bigger than one

man or a single YouTube channel. This is about the hijacking of American discourse happening

at the blink of an eye, at scale, on the endless feeds of our existence. This is about an ecosystem

of cunning evangelists who shamelessly proclaim to be the last remaining champions of free

speech and the marketplace of ideas. This is:

Dennis Prager started doing radio in the 1980s, preaching that Judeo-Christian values have

played and must continue to play a dominant role in American history, society, and politics.

After all, nothing is more unamerican than the separation of church and state. My last

two pieces centered on Ben Shapiro, who repackages tired right wing talking points in exactly

the way you'd expect from a lawyer running damage control for a dimwit.

(PS: This report features Ben Shapiro and a puppy, so stay with me.)

Prager on the other hand is nowhere near as sophisticated or subtle, something you'd

quickly realize by browsing some of his written columns, such as, "When I Was a Boy, America

Was a Better Place, "Is Donald Trump a Misogynist?", and "When a Woman Isn't

In The Mood, Part I."

In The Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf chronicled Prager's complete 180 on Trump and his many

transgressions: profanity, adultery, lying, torture, and basic moral character. Which

is really funny coming from the Judeo-Christian-values commentator who has spent his entire broadcasting

career claiming the left is grabbing America by the morality.

But back to you. As a consumer of the younger more secular internet, you probably aren't

in the older, more religious target audience for Prager's radio show. Chances are (and

by watching this, you're giving me data) you're under the age of 35 and enjoy this

brand of flashy sub-10 minute informational content that's become dominant for disseminating

knowledge. With this in mind, Prager U was created to spread nationalistic propaganda

in five minute chunks. That's not my hot take, that's almost their mission statement.

"... in five focused, entertaining minutes. Cutting edge media and marketing on our side

for a change. Each week, we teach what isn't taught but should be: Why America is exceptional.

How capitalism promotes economic equality. How faith, reason, and science are fully compatible.

For time's sake, let's ignore the fact that a history major who left college in 1972

believes more than 40 years later that his extensive experience in talk radio puts his

finger right on the pulse of campus climate in the 21st century.

Visitors to the Prager U channel will find hours-long playlists categorized in the vein

of real college majors. (It's not a real school). Prager U's Economics track

teaches that income inequality is a good thing because it rewards success. Prager U won't

tell you that the top 1% kept 24% of America's income in 2016, and that the US is way behind

other western countries in economic mobility.

A philosophy major with no science background presents one of their environmental science

videos, "Why You Should Love Fossil Fuels," which claims that the climate science community

is largely skeptical about humanity's role in rising global temperatures. They aren't.

He also argues that humans are "mastering nature," by continuing to use fossil fuels.

Solar, wind, nuclear, and other renewable energies? Not mastering nature. Dinosaur juice?

Mastering nature.

Prager U on Race Relations, you ask for some sadistic reason? Of the interestingly few

videos they have on the topic, one is the same tired whitewashing of history that Republicans

use to veil the Southern strategy; in which the party deliberately courted racist southern

Democrats to gain political power. It's a part of Republican history that many party

loyalists magically have amnesia over, even though in 2005 the party chair himself acknowledged

and apologized for it. Prager cherrypicking from the 7% of African Americans who identify

with Republicans is a textbook case of the ol' "I'm not a racist, my son has a

black friend" ploy.

I chatted with Marcus, who hosts The Uncorrupted Report on YouTube. Subscribe to it, because

he's intelligent, skillful, and goes into more depth debunking Prager U than I really

ever want to. He helped me get a sense of patterns in Prager U's videos. "They always

try to make it seem like they respect the other side, and that they've actually considered

the other side, and that they aren't approaching the topic with confirmation bias," he explains.

"If you watch all Prager U and you're more inclined to the right, I think that their

main goal is to make it seem as though right wing conservatism in general is sorta perfect.

And that everything bad that has ever happened has been the cause of the left."

Thanks to the addiction algorithms YouTube, Facebook and other online platforms utilize

to show you more of what you want to see, this warped, unrealistic message can reach

millions of young minds. It works so well because of something that Prager has understood

about politics long before Prager U fans were born. Which reminds me of something.

I promised you a puppy, and I try not to disappoint. So here's Ben Shapiro with a puppy awkwardly

sandwiched *next* to his lap while Dennis Prager lights a cigar. Not much seems surprising,

Shapiro even does...the thing again, but this exchange had me shoooook:

"By the way, is it fair to say that I had a role in your life prior to your being born?"

"Yeah absolutely, my parents ... started becoming orthodox, in that direction, by listening

to your show." "[...] So...I have a long time in the Shapiro

family." "Yeah absolutely. And I listened to your

show ever since I was capable of listening to talk radio."

"Which was what when you were about three?" "Well in utero."

Everyone's political beliefs, yours and mine, come from our deeply held morals. When

religion becomes intertwined into political conversations, political beliefs must satisfy

moral/religious ones, giving pundits the opportunity to either swap out actual evidence for values

and history, or misconstrue the evidence to fit a worldview.

Matt Grossmann and David A. Hopkins (real political scientists) published a book called

Asymmetric Politics, that contextualizes this well. Yes, they talk about how university

professors, scientists, and journalists tend to lean left. Yes, this bias holds true for

me. Shifting to the right, they found that the GOP actually used to have a neutral view

on the press. Then, in the mid 1960s, things got shaken up.

Republican party activists and evangelical religious leaders attacked the press and fanned

the flames of tribalism. Arizona senator Barry Goldwater took on this strategy for himself,

clenching the presidential nomination in 1964. The party's elite saw the political gain

that could be achieved by eroding public confidence in research, the media, and universities.

Not only have they been going at it ever since, they're creating their own entities to replace

the ones they try to destroy.

Now, Prager U's not an accredited institution but it is part of a larger apparatus built

to serve the interests of billionaires and corporations. I'm not saying there's some

elaborate conspiracy just because Dennis the Menace chuckled while ruminating about his

life-long influence on rising Republican talking head Ben Shapiro in a literal dark smoke filled

room. The evidence is almost as conspicuous though, and I almost forgot to tell you: there's

money in it, too.

Ben Shapiro, Adam Carolla, Steven Crowder, and Charlie Kirk (just to scratch the surface)

are all contributors to Prager U, sharing and growing each other's audiences by weaving

the same message into their respective shticks. Crowder reaches over a million and a half

people on his personal YouTube channel, which has featured Prager numerous times. He's

also not funny; change my mind in the comments, trolls. Carolla hosts a popular podcast and

is collaborating with Prager on the documentary "No Safe Spaces," the same kind of campus

publicity stunt that more and more college students are beginning to see through thanks

to content like this (why not share this video?)

Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA -- which has the weakest meme game of all time -- received

$275,000 over a two year period from conservative mega-donor Richard Uihlein, who was also a

top donor to the super PAC of unpunished child molester for senate Roy Moore. Uihlein has

already donated $14.8 million just in 2018 according to the Center for Responsive Politics,

and the midterm election season has barely just started.

Remember philosopher bro Alex Epstein from that fossil fuels video? He's the president

(and also founder) of the Center for Industrial Progress, a rare *for profit* think tank,

which was listed in a subpoena against ExxonMobil in 2016. ExxonMobil's CEO at the time was

Rex Tillerson, Trump's freshly ousted secretary of state.

Dan and Farris Wilks, who sold their fracking company in 2011 for $3.5 billion, donated

to help start Prager U, and they might have gotten a good return on their investment.

That ridiculous fossil fuel video was literally made possible by fossil fuel billionaires

not like you. The brothers also own and fund The Daily Wire, Shapiro's news outlet which

happens to stand against scientific consensus on climate change.

In the Republican party machine, the super wealthy dump money into think tanks, interest

groups, media outlets, and campaigns to put their finger on the scales of our political

system. Republican tested, big-business approved talking points vertically integrated into

our political discourse, all with the same underlying message: trust no institutions

but ours. The icing on the cake? Many of these donations are tax deductible. It's privatized

propaganda being pumped into the brains of America's next army of voters in a way that

George Orwell couldn't have dreamt up if he dropped 10 tabs of acid.

The right wing has made a caricature of Berkeley and college campuses at large. The news vans

aren't here when things are business as usual: when professors are exposing tomorrow's

future leaders to the complexities of our society. Numerous avenues exist for students

to express their views for the public to commend or critique. The same is true at all universities.

At least the real ones.

But Prager U is not a university. It's a nexus for hard-line conservative messaging

that closes minds and builds upon tribal identities, while accusing political opponents of doing

the same. It's a vicious cycle that can put violently extreme ideologies just an autoplay


Humans, this is serious. Carefully consider how and where you consume information, and

don't allow those with financial or political motivations to make those decisions for you.

You don't need to imagine what it'd be like to live in a world where people rejected

all but their own sources of information. We live in that world today, and your diligence

is more important than ever.

For more infomation >> Prager U Will Make You Dumber - Duration: 10:08.


THE CHOSEN ONE - Duration: 3:48.

Hello? Hello!


Did you call for a locksmith?

I've been waiting for you for a long time

Yeah? My car broke down in traffic... because of a crash.. .a truck crash

Karl, you are the chosen one

Oh, shit!

No, no, no...this is good. The fate of humanity is in your hands now

You will be the supreme wizard of this universe

You probably have the wrong guy.

I've tried running for a head of the neighborhood watch three times

and got turned down by my neighbors every time

That's because your destiny is not as the head of some neighborhood watch, Karl

You were born to be the greatest...

That's because they a bunch of ignorant negros

Uhm... what did you just say?

Yeah, my neighborhood is infested with negros

Sorry, but that's not very nice

You don't have to apologize, it fucking sucks!

I'm trying to put an end to this mess for a while now

All that fucking rap shit in my ear all day long

No, not that, maybe you would like to use a different word

Like what? Music? Rap is not music!

No, I meant the negro thing...

What's wrong with negro? I can't say that now? What the fuck! I'm at not the chosen one?

A chosen one has to walk on eggshells now...

Sure, sure, you can do whatever you want really but

we're still looking into that, right?

Honey if I'm the chosen one, what exactly are you looking into?

Depends, the chosen one must have a very rare birthmark on his arm like a...

Right here, it was a birthmark here but I didn't like it so I covered

You can see how it pops out

Wait, is that a tattoo on your shoulder?

Oh yeah, I got that in jail a few years back

What? The chosen one can't have tattoos now?

Yeah, of course he can um but question is

do you even want to be the chosen one? If I was you I wouldn't...

There's a reason I've been searching all this time for someone to take my shitty job, right?

hahaha...I'm such a bitch...

I'm starting to like the idea actually

Didn't you say something about having all of humanity in my hands

Which is awful, I mean, imagine all the people of African descent

you would have to deal with on a daily basis

Sounds good to me, the chosen one will put them where they belong

And where is that?

Away from me, along with the fags!

Okay, okay, so you're the chosen one, yes, but you need to take some tests first

and then we'll see where we go from there

That is not what you said!

Yes I did, you were chosen to take a personality test and some exams

to determine if you actually have the mystic abilities the chosen one should have

Actually, I do! I hear voices in my head all the time!

I knew there was a greater purpose behind all of that

Do these voices tell you to...kill someone?


Is that a problem for you?

For more infomation >> THE CHOSEN ONE - Duration: 3:48.


New law may limit where you can put your toes in the sand on Florida beaches - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> New law may limit where you can put your toes in the sand on Florida beaches - Duration: 2:23.


Have You Heard About the Breakthrough Junior Challenge? - Duration: 1:23.

Have you ever imagined yourself among the stars?

Hanging out with the giants of movies

and music


and tech?

Have you ever heard of the

Breakthrough Junior Challenge?

If you're age 13 through 18

in to science

and also creative at making videos

you could win prizes including a

$250,000 scholarship.

"This award actually comes with a scholarship,

a $250,000 scholarship

and a $100,000 lab for my school

and a $50,000 prize for my teacher."

If you win you'll also be invited

to the Breakthrough Prize Ceremony.

I'm grateful that this award

has allowed me to become a rising star

with even bigger dreams.

You know we get to meet so many accomplished scientists

It has just been really amazing

and I still can't believe its happening right now.

I met Mark Zuckerberg,

Priscilla Chan,

Kip Thorne,

Sergey Brin,

Vin Diesel,,

and even Salman Khan!

And you will probably become a celebrity too

when you return to your country.

if you're thinking of taking part

in the Breakthrough Junior Challenge this year...


This year, you could be the star of the biggest show in science!

Submissions are open April 1 through July 1.

To enter go to

For more infomation >> Have You Heard About the Breakthrough Junior Challenge? - Duration: 1:23.


What to do with a banana? - Duration: 3:15.

If eating a banana to easy for you, here some options how you can use it.

You can use it as a phone.

Oh, I need to talk with Jessica.



How are you?


It'll even work if you like someone or do not like.

Like, in the cafeteria you can give your number some hot guy or girl.

Hi, handsome.

Here's my phone.

Call me.

Go bananas.

Ok, I guess, I'll start with a horse.



Horses golden.

Ok, so you wanna play nasty?


Another option - you can play with a banana.

For example, boomerang.

Was it back?

You can use a banana as an awesome pen.

No one will have one just like you 'cause maybe they do not have enough imagination

and because they do not watch my videos.


You can use a banana as paper.

For example, you can draw on it or write.

With your awesome pen, of course.

Sorry, I'm not a perfect artist.

This is a kitty and this is an open banana.

And this is a flower.

This is sunny.

And this is the heart.

Or butt.

'Cause let's be real.

You can use a banana as a spoon.

If you do not have any friends, just like me, a banana can be your best friend.

Anna, you will not believe what happened with me today.

What, girl?

Tell me everything.


If it's dark you can use a banana as a flashlight.

Banana, be my sun.

Hey, why aren't you working?


Oh, I know.

Thanks for watching, guys.

That's it for today.

And there's always bloopers.


Hi, my name is Anna.

And I want to tell you, please subscribe to this channel.

Don't be shy.

For more infomation >> What to do with a banana? - Duration: 3:15.


Elissa : Kan nefsy Araf '' I wanted to know '' [ how much you loved me ! ] - English subtitiles - Duration: 5:02.

I wanted to know how much you loved me !

and if you ( still ) remember me or you forgot me Oh , my darling !

I wanted to know how much you loved me !

and if you ( still ) remember me or you forgot me Oh , my darling !

I have been missing you since the day we separated

you experienced my absence from you , how could you ever leave me ?

I have been missing you since the day we separated

you experienced my absence from you , how could you ever leave me ?

I don't know why I thought about you , and I asked myself how you could love me seriously

and you could stay away from me for one day , and you could endure my absence when we had a promise between us

I don't know why I thought about you , and I asked myself how you could love me seriously

and you could stay away from me for one day , and you could endure my absence when we had a promise between us

I have been missing you since the day we separated

you experienced my absence from you , how could you ever leave me ?

I don't know why your absence effects me ( deeply ) !

maybe ! Oh , my love ! it's hard for me

I don't know why your absence effects me ( deeply ) !

maybe ! Oh , my love ! it's hard for me

is it possible that you forgot so fast ? you ( really ) have no loyalty !

so , where are your words of love and affection to me?

I don't know why I thought about you , and I asked myself how you could love me seriously

and you could stay away from me for one day , and you could endure my absence when we had a promise between us

and you could stay away from me for one day , and you could endure my absence when we had a promise between us

and you could stay away from me for one day , and you could endure my absence when we had a promise between us

I have been missing you since the day we separated

you experienced my absence from you , how could you ever leave me ?

For more infomation >> Elissa : Kan nefsy Araf '' I wanted to know '' [ how much you loved me ! ] - English subtitiles - Duration: 5:02.


6 Reasons You Should Drink Ginger Carrot Juice - Duration: 7:31.

6 Reasons You Should Drink Ginger Carrot Juice

Ginger carrot juice is low in calories and has become popular in recent years because of how nutritious it is and how much good it does your body.

The juice is a great way to include these ingredients in your eating plan since its easy to make and the vegetables retain all of their nutrients.

High in fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, it helps support your metabolism while improving your immune system and digestion.

It is an excellent replacement for store-bought drinks and soda because it is very refreshing and 100% natural.

You can drink it in the morning to recharge your energy but its also a great option when youre hungry between meals.

Below wed like to explain why you should drink it and give you a few simple steps for you to make it at home.

1. Ginger carrot juice supports your cardiovascular health

Because of the natural fiber, antioxidants, and essential minerals in ginger carrot juice, its a good supplement if you want to support your cardiovascular health.

These nutrients clear cholesterol that builds up in your arteries while also improving your circulation and arterial health.

It also inhibits the negative effect of oxidative stress and inflammation, two factors that raise your risk of heart disease and heart attack.

2. It improves your digestion

Drinking this juice regularly can keep constipation, indigestion, and heartburn away.

It has a mild laxative effect that helps remove waste from your colon without interfering with the healthy bacteria that lives there.

It also protects the lining of your stomach, keeping stomach acids from irritating it or causing ulcers.

3. It makes your skin healthier

Thanks to the vitamin A and C, this nutritious juice is a great way to improve your collagen production and minimize premature signs of aging.

It improves blood flow and therefore supports proper transportation of oxygen and nutrients to your skin.

That means it prevents blemishes and acne while also creating a barrier to protect you from the harmful rays of the sun and oxidative stress.

4. It protects you from the flu and colds

When you make this juice a part of your regular diet, you are supporting your immune system and therefore lowering your risk of getting the flu or a cold.

Thats because of its vitamin A, C, and E content, which help produce antibodies in order to fight pathogens that cause sickness.

It helps your body create red and white blood cells, which play a starring role in your immune system.

5. It helps you lose weight

As long as it is part of a healthy diet and an appropriate amount of calories, this ginger carrot juice can help you drop those extra pounds more easily.

This comes from its ability to support your metabolism, helping your body use energy efficiently and controlling your appetite.

The nutrients in it help you digest fat better and help your body convert sugar into fuel.

6. It helps with fluid retention

People who have inflammation problems associated with fluid retention can improve their quality of life by drinking this juice regularly.

Both the carrot and the ginger have diuretic properties, which stimulate your kidneys so they can flush out the fluids properly.

The juice helps your blood get flowing and reduces inflammation in the affected area.

How do I make this ginger carrot juice at home?.

All it takes is a few minutes to enjoy all that this wonderful juice has to offer.

We suggest drinking it when youre hungry, since it helps you feel full longer and will give you the energy you need for good mental and physical productivity.


5 medium-sized carrots, The juice of 3 oranges, 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g), 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric (2 g) (optional), 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).


Peel the carrots and put them through a juicer.

Add the juice to a blender and process it with the orange juice, ginger, and turmeric.

Process until well-mixed.

Once its ready, sweeten it with the honey and serve.

How to consume

Drink the juice first thing in the morning or whenever youre feeling hungry.

Add it to your diet at least 3 times a week.

As you can see, making this fresh juice is very easy and very good for your health.

Follow the steps above and enjoy.

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