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The Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples | Jimmy Evans - Duration: 26:56.- [Announcer] Coming up on The Overcoming Life
with Jimmy Evans.
- If you're going to have anger in your marriage
and be able to process it, see, good marriages are not
marriages without anger.
Everybody gets angry.
Good marriages are marriages where you can
process it quicker.
You can get bad emotions out of your marriage quicker, okay?
So how do you do that?
Number one, you give your spouse the right to complain.
(upbeat inspirational music)
You can change a bad marriage simply by changing
the habit patterns in your marriage and the wonderful
thing is it doesn't take a long time.
In a matter of days or weeks, you can have a new marriage
simply by changing the patterns, the disciplines,
and traditions in your marriage so that you have
and maintain a healthy marriage for the rest of your lives.
So let me talk about the four habits of
emotionally healthy couples.
Number one is praying together and trusting God.
Now this is one that came very difficult for us
as a couple, but it's the most important thing.
If I had one thing to say to couples that would make
your marriage good and keep it good is praying together
and trusting God.
Now, I want you to listen to me.
God makes promises for two of us that he doesn't make
for one person by themselves.
You say why?
'Cause God doesn't want us by ourselves.
He wants us to come together as couples, come together
as families, the more we join our faith with other people,
the more miracles God does.
The devil's the one who wants us by ourselves.
The wolf always goes for the stray sheep.
The devil wants us isolated, off by ourselves, 'cause that's
where he can discourage us and just beat us to death.
But if two of you would agree, symphonize together in faith,
I'll do it, for where two or three are gathered together
for my purposes, I'm right there in the midst of you.
So every married couple can claim this right here.
Now I want you to listen.
I was in a meeting this week and I heard a statement
that I've never heard before that I agree with.
Now I wanna share it with you.
I was in a meeting this week and we were actually talking
about Bible translation, worldwide Bible translation,
and one of the people that was present in this meeting said,
the devil attacks at the point of unity.
He kinda said it in passing, and I said, wait, wait, wait.
What did you just say?
But 'cause he was talking about their experience because
they're translating their Bibles in the languages
all over the world and he said, no, the devil attacks
at the point of unity.
And when he said that, I just thought, I totally agree.
For example, in Genesis two, God made Adam and Eve one,
they two shall become one, the word one means perfect unity,
and Genesis three, Satan attacked and Adam and Eve became
divided, Adam rejected Eve, they were separated hiding
behind fig leaves.
Every time you see unity in the Bible, the devil
will attack it.
Listen to me.
The devil attacks at the point of unity, but unity is how
we overcome him.
The unity of a husband and wife joining together in prayer,
that's how you overcome the devil.
Where two on Earth come together, symphonize, and you agree
together, you don't let the devil divide you.
You don't let the devil attack you.
You don't let the devil separate you.
You come together in agreement and you'll win every time.
He attacks at the point of unity, but unity is how
we overcome him.
And by the way, you know where God has been working 'cause
there's unity there, you know where the devil's been working
'cause there's division there.
Unity is the mark, the unique mark, of the Holy Spirit.
Emotional health is promised in Philippians four
to people who pray.
Okay, Philippians four, be anxious for nothing, but in
everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus.
So when you don't pray, you worry.
If you're not a person of prayer, you're a worrier.
Anxiety is another way to say it.
Stress is another way to say it.
Number one marriage killer on Earth is stress.
God didn't design us to operate with stress.
Stress is the number one reason for physical illness
in America, number one reason for doctor's office visits
is stress, number one reason for prescribed medications
in America is stress.
It is a marriage killer and it depletes us emotionally.
The more you're under stress, the more it wears
you out emotionally.
Remember what I said that love is an emotional commodity.
So we need emotional health to love each other with
but stress robs us of the emotional energy to love
each other and it wears us out and inevitably we're going
to start fighting.
So here's what this says.
Be anxious for nothing.
Listen to me, listen to what I'm about to say.
Anxiety is a choice, not a condition.
You say, I'm a nervous person.
No, you're not.
You choose nervousness.
Well, I've always been a nervous person.
You chose it, whether you realize it or not.
Anxiety, stress, nervousness, the Bible would never command
us to do something we couldn't do and this says
be anxious for nothing.
Can I give you some good news?
You can live your life anxious for nothing.
(crowd cheering) You can live your life without
worry and with that, the Bible would never ever command us
to do something we couldn't do.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request
be made known to God.
So here's the issue.
So this is an ethic in our marriage.
The ethic in our marriage is we're not gonna worry,
we're gonna prayer, and some people say, well, I don't know
what to pray for.
What are your worried about?
I know you're worried about something.
You're worried about money, you're worried about kids,
you're worried about your health, you're worried
about your parents, you're worried about your job,
you're worried about this, that's your prayer list.
When you're worrying, you're telling yourself you
need to be praying because you're anxious because
you're not praying.
And so don't be anxious for anything, but in everything
with prayer and supplication.
Supplication just means fasting, Bible reading, agreeing
with other people in prayer, adding to what
you're praying for.
With prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
What does that mean?
Prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.
It means I'm not praying lobbing up a prayer worrying about
whether God's gonna answer it or not.
When I'm praying, I'm saying, God, I thank you that
you're hearing my prayer.
I thank you that you're a father in heaven that you love me
and you care about me and I thank you that you're going
to answer this prayer just as surely as we pray.
With prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,
with faith, with a declaration of faith, let your request
be made known to God and the peace, the peace that
passes all comprehension.
What does that mean?
You shouldn't be this peaceful.
The average person in your circumstances would never be
experiencing this kind of peace.
It means you're either very godly or very stupid.
You're either a very godly person walking in the
supernatural peace of God or you're not smart enough
to be worried.
The peace that passes comprehension will guard your mind
and your heart.
Your intellect and this is emotional health.
Don't be anxious for anything.
Don't let the devil worry you.
Don't be worried about circumstances.
You have a friend in heaven.
With prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your
request be made known to God and the peace,
this is the promise.
The peace of God, the unique supernatural peace of God
that passes all comprehension will guard.
The word guard there is the Greek word phrouréM.
It means a military guard that is stationed to keep
the enemy out.
The demon spirits of fear and anxiety, the demon spirits
of division and assault on your marriage that come after you
to worry you and to cause anxiety and fear and there are
demons and they are real and they want to
ruin our marriages.
They want to drive us crazy.
They want to wear us out emotionally and when we're walking
in anxiety and fear and worry and all of that, we're laying
this promise on the table and it dramatically affects
our emotional health.
It dramatically affects our marriages.
So Karen and I, over the years, I'll tell you a story
in just a minute how we learned to pray together,
but over the years, we're human beings and we had every
kind of issue that came against us.
Early in our marriage, we worried.
We prayed a little bit individually, but we really didn't
know how to pray that well anyway.
But it was several years into our marriage before we prayed
our first prayer together.
In fact, I think it was about four years into our marriage
before we prayed our first prayer together.
It changed everything and today we don't worry.
We do not, one of the ethics in our home is we do not
let anxiety into our home about anything.
When there is the first hint of worry, anxiety, we hold
hands and we pray and we bind and we loose and we agree
and the peace of God is in our home because of that
and our emotional health and mental health is protected
because of that and our marriage flourishes because of that
and every single couple can have the same promise.
Somebody say amen.
It is something that we can all do.
The promises of God are right there.
Well, what I say is, you say, well Jimmy, we don't do this.
How do we do this?
I believe that husbands should take the lead and just
in case husbands aren't motivated to take the lead,
let me give the husbands a little motivation here.
One of my friends, Gary Rosberg, he and his wife Barbara
wrote a book called The Five Sex Needs of Men and Women
and they interviewed over a thousand couples and asked men,
Christian men, Christian women, what are your sex needs?
They varied completely.
The five sex needs of men are completely different from
the five sex needs of women.
But one of the major sex needs of women is to pray together
with their husband.
When women are asked, what are your major sex needs,
women, Christian women, overwhelmingly said, I want
my husband to pray with me.
It makes them feel connected.
It makes them feel unified.
It makes them feel safe.
And spiritual intimacy is the deepest intimacy that you
can experience and sexual intimacy is built upon
the foundation of that kind of intimacy so I'm saying to all
the men, you ought to initiate praying with your wife.
If that doesn't motivate you, I can't help you.
(crowd laughs)
Just trying to help you out here.
Did you give a little offering in the offering
container this morning?
Okay, so and find the time and the place for it.
Karen and I used to walk in the mornings together
for many years.
We don't do that as much anymore, but we still have times
that we pray together.
We like to sit on the back porch at night and talk and if
there's anything in our family goin' on, that's the time
that we pray together, in the car, or just around
the house, or whatever.
But find a time for it and you know, it doesn't have to
be legalistic, but you should be praying together as
a couple two or three times a week, especially if there's
something going on that causes anxiety or stress.
It really, really dramatically helps.
Number one, praying together and trusting God.
This should be a habit in your marriage.
- All of us have pain and baggage from our past that we
bring into marriage.
But regardless of how unhealthy or broken your marriage
may seem today you can have an emotionally healthy marriage.
Support the Overcoming Life with your best online gift
of any amount and we'll send you Jimmy Evans' full series
Emotionally Healthy Marriage on CD or as an audio download.
In this powerful series Jimmy shares how to form healthy
habits, how to cultivate unity and purpose,
as well as practical, easy to follow disciplines to renew
your marriage.
Receive the audio series and the 21 day
Inner Healing Journey app for your gift of $55 or more.
The 21 day Inner Healing Journey will guide you through
21 daily plans including personal application exercises.
For your gift of $110 or more you'll receive the full video
series along with the 21 day Inner Healing Journey app.
The journey to having an emotionally healthy marriage
begins now.
(upbeat inspirational music)
Number two, resolving negative feelings daily.
This is scripture I talked about a little bit last week
so I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail right now,
but it's Ephesians four, it says be angry.
The Apostle Paul is telling us how to deal with anger.
Be angry, don't sin, don't let the sun go down on
your wrath nor give place to the devil.
So I talked about that last time.
Be angry, it's okay to be angry.
There's nothing wrong with anger.
God gets angry, so yesterday's anger is a problem.
Today's anger is not a problem.
Don't sin, don't be unchristian, don't be mean spirited.
A lot of times, Christian people, especially in marriage,
do really immature, non-Christian things justifying it.
Don't do that.
Go ahead and have anger in your marriage.
That's a healthy thing when it's present.
Don't sin, don't let the sun go down on your anger.
This is a habit.
Don't ever let the sun go down on your anger.
You make a habit in your marriage, we're not gonna
go to bed angry.
Let me say about this, and that is, the later it gets,
the more humble you'll become.
If you make just a discipline that says we're not gonna
go to bed angry.
Karen and I both go to bed early and so the later it gets,
the more humble I become.
About 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock at night, it's all my fault.
Six or seven at night, I still have a lot of fight in me,
but later it comes, so.
I just say I'm sorry, let's go to bed.
We're not gonna go to bed angry.
You'll give the devil a foothold.
If you go to bed on anger, Diabolos, the slanderer,
will interpret your spouse's behavior and after three years
of marriage, every belief I had about Karen Evans came
from the devil.
I was completely convinced that Karen was all of the problem
and she was the wrong person for me and that I had
made a mistake.
That's what happens when you go to bed on anger.
I was under the influence of Diabolos.
So let me say two things.
If you're going to have anger in your marriage and be
able to process it, see, good marriages are not
marriages without anger.
Everybody gets angry.
Good marriages are marriages where you can
process it quickly.
You can get bad emotions out of your marriage quickly, okay.
So how do you do that?
Number one, you give your spouse the right to complain.
In a good department store that you go to, they have a
good customer relations counter and they don't shame you
when you bring something back 'cause they're trying
to please you.
They're trying to be a good store.
That's a good spouse.
A good husband, a good wife, says to their spouse,
I wanna do the best I can, I know I'm not being
a good husband 'til you tell me I am.
I know I'm not being a good wife 'til you tell me I am.
I'm trying to please you.
I'm not trying to please me.
So I'm not gonna be defensive.
And so if there's ever anything that I'm doing that's
bothering you, I won't shame you, I won't yell at you,
and I won't make you pay a price.
Now, I may not agree with you.
We may have to talk through it.
But I want you to know that I have a customer relations
counter 'cause I really want to be the best spouse I can be
and if you have something to say, I want you to say it.
Let me say this now.
In all the marriage counseling I've done over the years,
you find a really bad marriage, they can't talk,
and if someone complains, they go ballistic.
You have to be able to get things out if you're gonna have
a functional healthy marriage.
The second thing is this.
So I have a customer relations counter where I want
you to complain, but there's a big difference between
complaining and criticizing.
Complaining and criticizing are opposite.
Listen, you can't criticize in marriage.
Criticizing is pointing your finger and making accusations
and you come to your spouse and your spouse says, well,
I want you to complain, if you need to complain to them,
you did this, and you did this, and you.
You can't do that.
Immediately people get on the defensive when you begin
to come at them and criticize them.
Complaining is not about you.
Complaining is about me.
So let's say Karen says something that hurt my feelings
and I come to Karen and say, Karen, I need to say something
to you and I love you, and we're on the same team,
we're gonna get through this, but you said something to me
that bothered me, I have no idea what you meant by it.
You probably didn't mean anything by it,
but can I tell you how it made me feel?
That's what complaining is.
I'm just telling you how I feel.
So I'm not making any accusations at you, I'm not
attacking you, I'm not impugning your character.
I'm simply saying, and I may feel this way
because I'm immature.
I may feel this way because I misunderstood.
I may feel this way because I'm just sensitive because
of something that happened before, but I just wanna be
honest so I can get this out in the open and we can
get this done.
Okay, criticizing, Karen says something to me that
hurts my feelings, here's what criticizing is.
You know Karen, you said that and it hurt my feelings
and I know exactly what you meant by it 'cause you're evil
like your mother.
(crowd laughs)
And you were trying to pay me back, I know exactly
what you did.
So the judge and jury have met, you're guilty, but if you'll
confess we'll go light on ya.
See, everybody hates that.
Everybody hates that.
So in a good marriage, we can process anger because we're
not gonna go to bed on it, give the devil an opportunity,
but we have an open customer relations counter where you
can come and complain and we're going to deal honestly
and righteously with each other.
Anger comes and goes and the love stays.
Number three habit of emotionally healthy couples
is having fun together and being best friends.
It's how you fell in love.
You fall in love havin' fun together.
You fall out of love because you stop having fun together,
and by the way, this is one of the most important
needs of men.
When the top four needs of men, period, being friends
with their wives is a major, major need of men.
We want to be buddies with our wives.
We don't wanna be mothered by our wives.
We had a mother, we don't want another one.
We want a wife and we want our wife to be our buddy.
There's a preacher in Houston that tells a story
of a couple whose marriage had become very bad and
they were really dealing with a lot of problems and so
the husband was going hunting and the wife did not hunt.
But this is a very smart wife, and the wife said
to her husband, can I go hunting with you?
And they'd been having a lot of trouble in their marriage
and he said, you don't hunt.
She said, I know, but I wanna go hunting with you.
He was a little worried she wanted to get him in the woods
with a firearm. (crowd laughs)
And as you can imagine, that was a little troublesome.
But it healed their marriage.
She came out of her world into his world, they had fun.
Listen to me, you're never better than when
you're having fun.
You show me a husband and a wife having fun together,
you're at your very best.
We fall in love because you take sex and fun away
from marriage, you have a business relationship,
and marriages are rotten business relationships.
We need to be having fun with each other in marriage
and it just simply means, one is a date night.
You oughta have a date night every week.
It's a good discipline, it's a good habit of good marriages.
A date night means our kids are not gonna run our lives.
We love our kids, we're gonna get our kids taken care of,
but we're not gonna let work and kids and everything
suck out the romance and fun from our marriage.
We're gonna find something fun to do.
We're gonna go to a lot of trouble and we're gonna
go do it regularly so that we do not lose the skills
of pursuing each other in romance in our relationship.
And if we have lost them, they'll come back.
The other thing is just having time alone together.
Karen and I, when our kids were younger, we were broke.
We didn't have any money.
I mean, we were broke.
But we made a discipline of going somewhere every
six or seven or eight weeks together for a night or two.
We would get my family or somebody to take care of our kids.
We would drive, we would scrape together as much money
we had to buy a cheap motel room for a night or two,
and we would take our food with us 'cause we couldn't
afford to eat out and we would just go in many times
into a motel room, shut the door and stay there
for two days.
And we came out and I'm tellin' you, we were refueled
for another six to eight weeks.
There was never a time that we didn't have something there
that we would look forward to to be together.
Karen and I have fun together and so having fun together
and protecting that is important.
Number four, this is the last one.
Number four habit is building close relationships
individually and as a couple with other believers.
This is 1 Corinthians 15:33, do not be deceived.
Evil company corrupts good habits.
Your friends are your future.
Remember here, it says evil company corrupts good habits.
If you raise children with good morals and put around
bad kids, those bad kids will corrupt your kids.
If you have good beliefs and you put yourself,
your close friends are unbelievers, people who don't
value God, they don't value their marriage, you're gonna
end up like your friends.
It says if you don't believe that, you're deceived.
And so Hebrews 10 says, let us consider one another in order
to stir up love and good works not forsaking the assembling
of ourselves together as is the manner of son, but exhorting
one another in so much more as you see the day approaching,
and the word day there is capital D.
It means the coming of Jesus.
It means as the coming of Jesus draws near, the world
is going to be so evil, we need to get together with other
believers more than ever before.
And I'm saying to you, this is the most evil time in
the history of the world.
If there's ever been a time when we need to pursue
and build relationships with other believers,
it is right now.
And I'm saying to you, your friends are your future,
and you can love everybody whether they're, wherever they
are in their walk with Christ, but your closest
relationships need to be with strong believers
and the very best place to meet strong believers is
in church, is in a life group and like that.
But when you look at couples who are chronically healthy,
they are people of prayer and people of faith.
They don't let anxiety build up in their relationship.
They have the ability to resolve negative feelings and get
the anger out of the way so they can keep the love there.
They're friends, they enjoy being with each other and they
value their relationship and prioritize their time together
and don't let anything get in the way of it and they have
other believers around them who are a support group
and help them do the right thing.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed this message today.
You know, there are habits that create emotional health
and emotionally healthy marriages and the things that
I was talking about today, these are habits.
These are not things you do every now and then or when
you feel like it.
These are things that are entrenched in your life.
I wanna just mention one of the points that I was making
there and it's having friends and going to church
and having good relationships.
You know, your friends are your future.
You're gonna be like your friends, period.
And so Karen and I got involved in church.
Karen was the one who got me involved in church.
I would not have gotten involved and our lives have been
transformed because of our Christian friends and I mean,
I can't say just the richness of our relationships.
The friends that we have that we met in church we've had
for 30, 40 years and they're still our closest friends.
Your friends are your future and here's what you
need to understand.
Divorce and adultery runs in groups.
You'll find that when you find the right group of friends
they're going to help you to overcome your problems.
They're not gonna encourage you to divorce your spouse
or go to happy hour when you get mad at your spouse,
but that's a lot of times what happens
with unrighteous friends.
I had unrighteous friends in my life.
They were not good influences on me.
The day I received Christ, the first thing I ever heard
God say to me was never see your friends again
and I didn't.
I broke off the relationships that day.
Let me tell you something.
If I wouldn't have, I would have never followed Christ.
I would've never followed Christ.
If you've got bad friends that don't reject your friends,
here's what you do.
You say to your friends, you know something?
I've decided to live for Jesus and go to church,
come with me.
Either they'll come with you and they'll become good friends
or they won't be your friends anymore.
But I'm saying to you, your friends are your future and not
only do you need a good friend as a man or a woman,
you need good couple friends.
There's no better place to meet friends than in church
and find a good church.
Visit around until you find a church that
you're comfortable with.
But your best friends are gonna be godly people who are
committed to God and church and church just means you're in
a regular environment of encouragement and accountability
related to your faith.
So my encouragement to you is to be emotionally healthy.
Get around healthy people.
Get around godly people.
If you don't have friends, don't be isolated.
Don't sit at home.
Go to church, it will be good for you.
It will change your life.
See you next time.
- [Narrator] Regardless of how unhealthy
or broken your marriage may seem today,
you can have an emotionally healthy marriage.
Support The Overcoming Life with your best
online gift of any amount
and we'll send you Jimmy Evans five-part teaching
on CD or as an audio download.
Learn new habits and disciplines
that will strength your marriage.
Receive the five-part audio series
and the 21 Day Inner Healing Journey app
for your gift of $55 or more.
The 21 Day Inner Healing Journey
will guide you step by step through 21 daily plans,
including personal application exercises,
daily videos, and much more.
For your gift of $110 or more,
you'll receive the five-part video series
on DVD or digital download,
along with the 21 Day app.
- You can have a new marriage
simply by changing the disciplines
and traditions in your marriage,
so that you have and maintain
a healthy marriage for the rest of your lives.
- [Narrator] Experience Emotionally Healthy Marriage today.
Leslie Mann 'Blockers' is raunchy but 'just makes you happy' TODAY com - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
Intimacy & Intimate Relationship (AIO2004) - Duration: 5:04.Assalammualaikum and Hello!
My name is Nur Sabrina and today we will talk about Intimacy.
But first, how do you define an intimate relationship?
Well, an intimate relationship is when there's the feeling of mutual trust and connectedness
in a romantic relationship.
These feelings allow us to be more open with each other and to share secrets and most intimate
feelings with each other.
Intimate relationship is also when there's equality in the relationship between men and
women and this relationship should be based on empathy, compassion, mutual respect, care,
and understanding.
With that in mind, intimacy is just not one whole thing.
It has layers.
It has dimensions.
This diversity is important in creating intimacy even in other types of relationships such
as friendships or mother–child relationships.
Intimate relationships are not typically shaped in whatever way gives pleasure without the
taint of practical, economic and other material circumstances.
Few relationships, even friendships, are mainly simply about mutual appreciation, knowing
and understanding.
Nevertheless, without physical or emotional intimacy, a relationship will slowly wither
and die without both of it.
It's very common for one type of intimacy to be more important to one partner than the
other, then they both find themselves going along thinking everything is fine until their
partner finally speaks up and lets them know that the intimacy levels are not what they
should be.
Or, even more tragic, is when neither partner says anything, and they find themselves ending
the relationship without really knowing why.
This is why simple physical affections- such as hand-holding, cuddling, hugs and kisses
are important to your relationship.
Because these simple actions let you and your partner know that you're there for each other.
Intimacy is what helps love to survive through the toughest of times and makes us continue
to want to love and be loved by our partners.
Most couples have developed an intimacy by the time they actually commit to a long-term
relationship or marry, but what most don't realize is that it's essential for your relationship
to continue to build that intimacy.
Everyone wants to be accepted and loved for who they are, regardless of what they might
Sure, a relationship can survive without intimacy- but it will become a real struggle for both
partners as time goes on.
When a relationship is struggling due to a lack of intimacy, neither partner will be
happy or feel secure in the relationship.
Without happiness and security, the vicious cycle continues.
After all, intimacy in a relationship is what human-beings crave, it's a basic need that
must be met for any relationship to succeed.
Another way a relationship that's intimate can succeed is when equality exist between
men and women.
Because, traditionally, it has always been all about men courting and "keeping" women.
Whether it's asking someone out, picking up the bill, or being the main breadwinner
in the family, many of the ideas we have about romance are still based on men taking the
first step.
Yet society is changing.
Women are increasingly entering male-centric jobs and having sexual freedom.
Encouraged by the movement for equality, women are increasingly adopting active roles in
initiating romance and are displaying dominant sexual behaviours.
That is why equality should exist between men and women.
It may lead to more stable relationships because it promotes more positive communication patterns.
It also helps a sharing of responsibility to resolve conflicts and may lead to more
expressive communication styles which help the relationship.
Continuing gender inequalities in intimate relationships will likely cause more harm
than good.
This is why equality in relationships doesn't mean that we lose the romance.
If anything, it lays the basis for more satisfying and healthier relationships.
In conclusion, intimacy isn't really one sole thing but it consists of empathy, compassion,
mutual respect, care, and understanding.
And without all of this, an intimate relationship can't really happen as it needs both physical
and emotional intimacy for it to succeed.
And equality in a relationship between men and women is also important for an intimate
relationship to happen.
That is all you need to know about intimate relationships and intimacy.
Thank you for watching!
What Facebook Knows About You - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Who was Nazia Hassan? - Everything You Need to Know about Pakistani Pop Singer Nazia Hassan. - Duration: 1:53.Who was Nazia Hassan?
Pakistani pop singer-songwriter, lawyer and social activist.
On April 3rd 2018, Nazia Hassan's 53rd Birthday is celebrated.
When young Pakistani girls in the 1980s closed their eyes and clutched a pretend mic in their
hands, swaying and singing, a major inspiration was Nazia Hassan.
Hassan, sometimes referred to as the "Princess of Pop", was a sensation the likes of which
hadn't been seen in the region in years.
Young and graceful, with long flowing hair, she charmed the country by belting out favorite
songs "Disco Deewane" and "Boom Boom" alongside her brother Zohaib.
Born on April 3, 1965 in Karachi, she met London producer Kumar at the age of 15 and
recorded a Bollywood hit, "Aap jaisa koi" for the blockbuster "Qurbani."
The song catapulted her into the stardom and won her a Filmfare award.
From there, Hassan and her brother released a number of albums, including "Boom Boom"
in 1982 and "Young Tarang" in 1984.
She was the first Pakistani singer to reach the British charts with her English version
of "Disco Deewane", called "Dreamer Deewane."
Hassan was not only a talented singer, but also a devoted scholar and humanitarian.
Using her law degree, she worked at the U.N. as well as for UNICEF.
She was passionate about the rights of young people, and often took the time to visit impoverished
schools in Pakistan.
Her life was tragically cut short by lung cancer at the age of 35.
Our Doodle today imagines her performing with her famous flowing hair and dupatta (traditional
Pakistani scarf), and the disco balls of the 80s glinting behind her.
Happy 53rd birthday, Nazia Hassan.
Why You Need To Start Working Out Today! | Pierre Villegas - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Follow Me to Thailand [Koh Samui and Bangkok] - Duration: 9:08.I promise you, I was just about ready to give up on making this video in general. But then
she came over and just sat herself down on my lap so now I can't move.
So, hi, my name is Lana. I am currently living in the sunny Bulgaria where I was born.
Aloooha... I get no love, obviously- oh, hello! Hello.
So, I was about halfway through this video when I realised that it might have been a
better idea for me to actually narrate some of the bits and tell you my personal view,
what me and my fiancé did there at the time.
It- Meow???
I was almost entirely done with the whole thing by that time. I could not be bothered
to remake any of the video clips. So I just left it as it is and I decided that I'm going
to put this little "disclaimer", if you will, at the start.
Now, you can pretty much see almost everything we ended up doing in Thailand, in general. Some
of the things that I have not put into this video are our visit to the Paris Follies Cabaret
bar on Koh Samui, the Hard Rock Café bar on Koh Samui (because, honestly, the only
reason we did go to Hard Rock Café is because I collect the glasses - you know, the really
tall hurricane ones). In one of the temples - I'm not going to try and pronounce it because
I'm just gonna butcher the name, I'm so sorry - but in one of the temples there is a mummified
monk who is set there to serve as an example for anybody who wishes to follow the path
of Buddhism rightfully (you mean righteously, you idiot) and truthfully. Basically, I don't think it should be in one of my random
travel vlogs, so I'm not gonna show it.
And that's pretty much it. If you want any personal commentary on any of those places,
I will probably have a blog post up because I actually have a blog which I don't really
use much but I still use more than YouTube. I'm going to put a link... probably... how
does this even work?
So, one last time, I am Lana and
I hope you enjoy this video of my trip to Thailand.
One... two... ready! Wheee!
I am still falling!
I have you, I have you!
Martin Hurkens - You Raise Me Up - Duration: 4:34.When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be
Then I am still and wait here in the silence
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up to more than I can be.
Beauty Tips For Girls | Hair Dandruff Solution With 100% Result In 3 Days | Dandruff Treatment - Duration: dandruff solution
hair dandruff treatment in urdu
Points You Should Never Ever Include in Your CV - Duration: 6:24.Hey Guys!
Don't forget to subscribe our channel iGloss
and turn on the notification bell.
Points you should never ever include in your CV.
Don't you wish your CV was so perfect
that the moment a recruiting manager goes through it,
he decides to hire you?
Don't you wish you knew exactly
what points in your CV
will nail the job for you
and what will get the CV trashed immediately?
The resume offers an at-a-glance view
of your past and present.
If you view your resume as nothing
more than a hurdle,
you probably don't take it as seriously
as you should.
But if you value it as a game-changer,
you understand its importance.
Unfortunately, those who are new
to the world of resumes
often make mistakes
that can take them
out of contention.
So, check out these pointers
on what you should never ever include in your CV
so that
you can increase the chances of your CV making it through:
Number 1
Senseless Objective Or Purpose:
The objective of your CV
should not be outlandish
and unbelievable;
rather it should be practical,
achievable and matching
with your abilities and skill set,
else your CV
would be thrown into the bin
without your credentials even being read.
Avoid vague and meaningless objectives
such as
"looking for a challenging role"
"looking for an environment
that lets me utilize my skills completely"
is rather vague and gives no indication
on what your specific goals and objectives are.
A good objective is accurate and specific
and talks about the specific profile
you are looking to apply for.
A good objective will sound something like
"A customer support executive
with 3 years' experience
looking to effectively handle customer calls
and increase conversions,
thereby increasing
the top line".
Number 2
Unnecessary Details:
There is no need for labeling your resumé
as resumé
and only your name needs to be used
as the file name
as managers can distinguish a resume.
You also can avoid details
such as the date
when you wrote the resumé.
The only dates that need to be quoted
are the dates
related to your education
and employment.
Number 3
Unnecessary Personal Information:
While a resumé
needs you to mention your personal details
such as
age, sex, marital status,
and maybe
even your hobbies,
do not go overboard with your personal likes
and dislikes.
No one has the time
to read through the details of your personal life,
and you may find your application rejected,
even if you are qualified for the job.
Things such as gender orientation
and religious views are apt to be controversial
and create conflicts
in the minds of people
who are screening the applications.
Avoid also interesting stuff
such as your social life
and unorthodox experiences,
which may convey a non-serious image.
If you do want to include any personal information,
use those that would be relevant to your work profile.
Number 4
Applying For An Unsuitable Post:
Applying for a position
for which you are not qualified
is another thing
that you should not do
when you craft your CV.
You may think a certain job looks interesting
but if you don't have the minimum qualifications,
the skill set,
and the experience,
you would be best advised
not to apply for it.
Your application is bound to be ignored
and send to the trash can.
Number 5
Irrelevant Work Experience:
If in addition
to having relevant previous work experience,
you also have unrelated work experience,
it is best
to keep the latter as brief and concise
as possible.
While it is important
that you state all your experience,
but if it is not related
to the role you are applying for,
you need to shorten it,
without going into the details of it.
You may have had diverse experiences,
if it has nothing to do with the job
you are applying for,
then it is a waste of the recruiter's time.
They would wonder,
"What has this got to do with this job",
may think you are not serious
about the job and discard it.
In short,
focusing on what to do
and what NOT to do
can really save you from costly experiences
if you are looking for a job.
So, do take heed of the above pointers,
and polish your CV,
so that it truly reflects you
in the best possible way.
Your CV is your selling point
and it is your job to ensure
that it is received with a bang,
than with a hiss.
Do let us know what you think about this video
by sharing your thoughts
and share this video with them,
those who are struggling
to present themselves in a piece of paper.
Top 10 Weirdest iPhone Accessories You Should Never Buy - Duration: 5:34.Hows it going Youtube I am Landon Dowlatsingh and welcome back to another most amazing top
10 video.
Let me start of asking you guys what cell phone do you guys have let me know in the
comment section below.
For me I have the iPhone7 plus I just cant justify getting the 8 or the x I don't see
any difference.
Well lately ive actually been looking at accessories for my phone and I was shocked to how weird
these accessories are so I thought I would make a top 10 list about this.
So this is the top 10 weirdest iphone accessories you should never buy.
Starting off at number 10.
We have the kissanator.
Well that's not actually what its called I just named it that.
I have no idea what this thing is called but it looks like an attachment you can put on
your phone to simulate a kiss I guess.
It looks like this girl is using it to make out with her boyfriend or who knows this could
just be a random person who is just into this kinky stuff.
Would this turn you guys on.
Or does it creep you out like its creeping me out.
Number 9.
We have this ear iphone case.
It simulates your ear for some reason.
Maybe you can hear better or you can make people believe yours ears are trutly that
big so they shouldn't talk while your on the phone I don't know.
So all you have to do with this one is slip your phone onto the back of the year and boom
your ready to go.
This is actually selling online and ive seen it on multiple websites as if this was a big
selling item.
I for sure wouldn't use this thing any time soon.
Moving into number 8.
We have the blast from the past.
Take a look at this.
I barley know what this is, but ive seen it once at my grandmas house.
It's one of those old phones that attaches to your iphone so you can use it like grandmas
I am not really sure why you would want this maybe this is for the older people out there
who would prefer holding this to their ear instead of an iphone.
Maybe they are afraid of dropping it.
Alright number 7, I guess if you don't want to use this because it reminds you of your
grandmas phone and you want to be hip, take a look at this this might be better.
It's a banana phone.
You hook up your phone into this banner and you can talk through it I heard people are
going bananas for this one.
Alright number 6 lets take a look at this.
We have thongs for your iphones.
Is this real life right now.
Well you just cut your demographics in half to who would want to buy this unless guys
are really into this kind of thing.
Do men get turned on looking at their phone why does it look like this iphone is on its
way to the beach.
I have no idea all I know is there is so many different kinds of thongs so you can change
it daily.
There are striped ones, pokadoted ones, ok why am I still talking about these.
Number 5.
This one might be a clever one but I don't drink starbucks.
I am more of a tim hortons type of guy.
Wow I just went full Canadian on you guys.
Well Let me show you what I am talking about.
Bam we have this phone case that is able to carry your drink where ever you go I guess
this is continent.
Not sure how in demand this would be.
I know for me I would never use it because I don't type with my phone that way.
Moving into number 4 we have some tasty, well it looks tasty I wish I could eat it.
We have this phone case that makes your phone look like an icecream sandwhich what if someone
tried to steal this because they were hungry and really love ice cream sandwhiches.
I know if I saw this on a table or somewhere I would probably take it and run while trying
to eat it.
As I run away ill probably be pissed knowing that was just an iphone 8 or iphone x id probably
give it back than.
Number 3.
This is another weird phone case this phone case has a nose in the back do you can put
your fingers in there this is so gross lets hope there is no gold in there.
Not sure if this company thought this was a clever idea but ive never seen someone with
this phone case I might not ever see someone with this case.
Imagine going on a date and than you whip out your phone.
At that point I would just reach for a tissue give it to that person and just leave.
Its time to find a new date.
Hand iphone case-
At number 2 things get pretty dangerous with this fake gun phone case.
Lets just hope it doesn't come with bullets.
This phone case actually came popular and its stirred up a lot of controversary.
People have been arrested for this because people mistaked it for a real gun I mean who
wouldn't think this is real.
Just look at this picture this phone case was in the back pocket of this woman if I
saw that I would be freaking out and panic I would for sure call 9-1-1.
Finally at number 1 I have absolutely no idea what this is.
I can only guess.
It looks like a stomach is eating this phone this is just super gross.
I can see it's a charger of some sort because its being plugged in but why does it look
like its eating this phone who thought this was a good idea to invent.
I have no idea maybe this was made from a foodie and they get turned on knowing their
phone gets eaten every time they have to charge it.
I guess what ever floats your boat.
[AP 192] TEACH YOUR DOG TO PLAY PEEKABOO - Duration: 1:42.
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