OYB April 27 - Duration: 13:00.-------------------------------------------
About Sight-Reading Music - Duration: 11:30.ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music have you ever
wished that you could play by ear sing in tune improvise and jam you're in the
right place time to turn those wishes into reality
welcome to the musicality podcast with your host Christopher Sutton today I
want to talk about sight-reading a musical skill that a lot of musicians
find intimidating difficult or even impossible on our last episode with Ben
Parry we talked about a particular kind of sight reading when a choir singer
looks at traditional sheet music they haven't seen before and can directly
sing the notes on the page but sight reading is something that's useful
beyond classical music it applies on any instrument and although I'm going to be
talking in terms of traditional score notation everything will discuss is
relevant for chord charts and lead sheets guitar tab or any other form of
written music sight reading is a valuable skill for any musician to add
to their toolkit and learning to do it doesn't have to be dry or difficult
today I'd like to share with you three ways that musicality can enhance and
accelerate the process of learning to sight-read first of all let's make sure
we're clear sight reading is different from simply reading music reading music
means you can interpret the written symbols on a page and know the musical
notes they represent you might sit down with a piece of sheet music and spend 30
minutes deciphering it note by note and you are reading the music but that's not
sight reading sight reading means you play it as you read it you're
essentially performing the music directly from the page the first time
you see it that obviously requires a much greater familiarity and speed of
reading music than the slow methodical figuring it out which also counts as
reading music learning to read music is very quick you need to understand the
concepts and the symbols but you don't need to practice it very much to say
that you can read music and to take that skill to any new written music you
encounter learning to sight-read on the other hand
takes a lot of time and practice to master that's why it's typically
included as a short test as part of any instrument exam you get given some
notated music you haven't seen before normally at a level a couple of notches
below what you've been carefully learning to play for the exam and after
a short amount of prep time to examine the sheet music you're asked to play it
learning to sight-read music is traditionally just a process of
repetition you practice it as a skill in itself and your brain gradually gets
faster and faster at translating the visual symbols on the page into the
correct movements of your fingers on the instrument this is a pretty
well-established process and it works fine there's a website I recommend for
learning this way sight reading mastery comm they have a really nicely designed
database of exercises to take you from the very basics through to quite
advanced sight reading on a variety of instruments
so check out sight reading mastery comm for lots of material to practice with
today though I wanted to help you see beyond this traditional approach by
asking the question what does this have to do with musicality this isn't the
music podcast it's not the sight reading podcast and it's certainly not the pass
your music exams podcast so why are we talking about sight reading on the
musicality podcast well apart from the fact that being able to sight read is a
valuable skill for any well-rounded musician because unlocks such a vast
treasure trove of music to you in books and downloadable sheet music for you to
instantly play and add to your repertoire apart from that very good
reason to learn to sight-read it's relevant for musicality because the way
to accelerate learning to sight-read is to work on actually understanding the
music within the symbols traditional sight reading is very mechanical you
mentally translate the dots and squiggles on the page into the
corresponding finger motions and you reproduce the music with your instrument
but wouldn't it be better if those dots and squiggles meant something if you
actually had a deep understanding of why it's those particular dots and squiggles
that are on the page as you'll know if you've been listening to this podcast
for a while we've set up musical you as the home
musicality training online and so to help explain the musicality of sight
reading I'm going to share with you three ways that musical use training can
help you become a better sight reader even though we don't specifically have
any sight reading material inside musical you the first way musical you
helps you sight read is the one that's most relevant to what we were talking
about with Ben Perry and that's the pitch skills needed to interpret written
note pitches if you're a singer then learning to sight read is actually a
much bigger challenge than for instrument players because you don't
just need to know which fingers to put where to produce the notes you see on
the page you actually need to know in your head how those notes should sound
it's a hundred percent up to you to produce the right pitch for each note
that's quite different from say a piano where you see a written C on the page so
you press the C key on your piano keyboard and you know the right note
pitch will come out so the first way musicality training can help you sight
read is by training your sense of relative pitch we have two methods for
this at musical you intervals and sulfur and whichever you pick they both enable
you to look at the notes on the page and imagine in your mind how those notes
would sound so that's obviously hugely useful for a singer trying to sight-read
but it's actually really valuable for any instrumentalist because imagine how
much more musical you can make your performance if you could actually hear
the music in your head before you play it rather than having to wait until your
fingers hit the keys to know how it will sound by developing your sense of
relative pitch and practicing the skill of Oddie a ssin meaning imagining music
in your mind you become able to just look at a page of sheet music and hear
the right note pitches in your head of course there is another dimension to
every note on the page and that's rhythm this is the second way that musicality
training can help you with sight reading at musical you we have a speak rhythms
module which is essentially the rhythm equivalent of what we just talked about
for pitch we teach two methods which you can use to look at written rhythm
notation and hear in your head or speak out loud how those rhythms would sound
so combine this musicality skill with the relative pitch training and you can
look at a piece of written music and hear exactly how those notes should
sound both in their pitch and in their rhythm pretty cool right I know that for
a long time I thought it was astounding to imagine that some expert musicians
could flick through sheet music in a shop and would actually be hearing that
music in their head as they looked at the page and that other singers enquire
with me could be handed new sheet music and immediately sing their part even
though they'd never heard that piece before with your pitch and rhythm ear
skills connected to notation the way we teach a musical you those seemingly
magical abilities are well within your reach the final way that musicality
training helps you with sight reading is the most closely related to what I said
about understanding the music your sight reading the pitch and rhythm skills are
great for translating what you see into something you can hear in your head but
you don't necessarily know what's going on in the music at all just how it would
sound one popular technique for speeding up your sight reading is the idea of
chunking where instead of reading one note at a time you break up what your
eyes are taking in into chunks of several notes at once and this is where
musicality training can really help imagine a bar of piano music for example
played both hands together with the left hand playing chords and the right hand
playing a melody without musicality training you might have to decipher a
dozen different notes for the left hand and another half dozen for the right
hand but if you've studied melodies and harmony the way we teach them at musical
you then you could glance at that same bar of sheet music and immediately see
that it's just two chords in the left hand C major followed by F major and
it's mostly just a little section of the ascending melodic minor scale in the
right hand you've converted a large number of dots into a few simple
concepts and not only do you know how those sound in your head but you've
played them so many times that it's easy to just run your hands through playing
them without having to think about each and every note an equivalent on guitar
would be if for example you'd done some training on scale degree recognition and
and particular fretboard patterns for common scale types you could glance at
some guitar tab and instead of seeing just an overwhelming assortment of
different fret numbers your eyes would perceive the underlying shapes and
patterns and you could immediately make your fingers do the right things again
without having to think it through carefully one note at a time or
supposing you're a rhythm guitarist presented with a new chord chart without
musicality training you might look at the page and see twenty or thirty
different chord symbols you'd have to play through and pay total attention to
each and every change but after training in chord progressions and song structure
you could look at that same page immediately see that there's an A
section and a B section and each one is a simple one four five six progression
in a particular key again you've distilled down a large amount of
information into something you could say out loud in a sentence or two making it
dramatically easier to play through and by the way dramatically easier to
memorize which is another skill that can otherwise be very slow and challenging
for musicians to learn so musicality gives you the insight into the
underlying structure and patterns that music is made from and that lets you
translate what initially seems like a ton of information notated on the page
into the simpler larger chunks it's composed of that lets you more easily
play it on your instrument because your brain has much less to juggle and you're
able to take advantage of all the practice you've had playing those same
chunks in different music before so those are three ways that musicality
training can really speed up the process of learning to sight-read music as well
as making a lot more rewarding and enjoyable and letting you make your
sight-reading performances sound much more musical to on this show we talked a
lot about the ear skills of music and things like playing by ear and
improvising which don't require you to read music but that doesn't mean that
the other more traditionally taught skills aren't incredibly useful too so
if you've shied away from sight reading because it seemed difficult or you've
been learning but finding it slow going please do check out
for some step-by-step practice material and explore those
three ways that musicality training can help speed up the process and make
a whole lot more fun too thank you for listening to the musicality podcast this
episode has ended but your musical journey continues head over to where you will find the links and resources mentioned
in this episode as well as bonus content exclusive for podcast listeners that's
Unborn Babies Share Their Mothers' Stress! | FFF 122 - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
V-log 스페인여행(Trip to Spain) 세고비아(Segovia) 파라도르 호텔조식과 대성당(Breakfast of Parador & Catedral de Segovia) - Duration: 8:07.I am down for my breakfast at Parador de Segovia!
Their breakfast is famous for the good taste.
You have to reserve the breakfast before!
The view of this restaurant may add the taste!
The entrance of restaurant!
Full of people already~
Silver plates! The aristocracy might use them...
Fresh fruit juice~
Various hams, bacon and egg!
Just made fresh coffee!
Fresh fruits, cheeses and yogurt~
Infringement of portrait rights of my friend!
Haven't you ever seen the Cafe at the lobby in Parador de Segovia?
Hotel rooms!
Wall fire extinguisher!
The extremely nice view!
Good weather!
The best view window!
Come out granma~
I wanna take a picture~
The road for the pool garden of hotel~
I slept there! 2 floor!
Good weather but the strong wind ㅠㅠ... cuz of the altitude of this area
I hope that this is my garden..
I would read books here every morning!
I am out for the tour of Catedral de Segovia.
I parked my rent car where I don't know~
The view is different from that of yesterday cuz of weather!
Catedral de Segovia
The square in front of Catedral de Segovia~
The good weather like a picture
Sunny day!
The beeline cloud..
The entrance of Catedral de Segovia!
I am in the Catedral de Segovia~
The fee of entrance is 3 euro and the guided tour for the top of the tower is 7 euro
I bought tickets for the guided tour!
From the entrance~
the patterns of the ceiling!
to the furniture are solemnity
Arrive at the top of the tower!
The bells are ringing here.
Alkazar! The model of the Disney movie Cinderella!
I came up through this narrow, steeped and round shaped stairs
Look around the chapel rooms at 1st floor
Key Battery Volvo Dash Key HOW TO - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
How to Make Money with Motor Club of America- You won't believe it! - Duration: 17:48.What's going on guys Johnny was this from Johnny Valdez calm you're watching
this videos cuz you're probably interested in how to make money with
Motor Club of America or also known as MCA and I don't I don't blame you I was
in the same situation not too long ago what you know these young kids making
money and flashing it flashing mansions blanching the the bigger houses I don't
have a house if I do have this this is what I see a piece for me piece for that
a piece for vacations here in there the piece for freedom more than anything let
me show you one away from you here my mouth and talk more about MCA and how is
it that you can make money with Motor Club of America or also known as in CA
alright so let's see here go to my computer and I'm gonna show you real
quick how to make money with Motor Club of America I have boys and girls were
back right here inside my house and uh this is my left my laptop now you guys
are here because you want to know how to make money with Motor Club of America
you already know what more clever more clever America is you already know what
we stand for and what were you selling here you're in our products now if you
don't know our products you don't know what we are you know well you don't know
what MCA is you have no idea what what the hell
it is you just see people flashing money I don't blame you I don't blame you that
you don't know that because you might have seen other videos of people
flashing money flashing cars flashing due to reflection the lifestyle that
you're like shit man how are they living now that how they how they earning our
money and making that kind of lifestyle I was in the same situation I just told
you outside I was in same situation as as you I know
you're thinking I know man maybe this guy is bullshitting me too and I'm here
to share my experience and you know my my review about MCA I want only here to
show you how how am i making no money with MCA
because you can't make money with MCA you can make money with anything out
there you could hustle whatever you want you could hustle wherever you wanna sell
you can make money I decided to make my new market of America which is one of
the streams that I make money with I do have other streams of income but markrob
America I love it I mean is easy to market I love the service I've used the
service I use the service the rental of the cars I use the service before the
hotel you know which I travel to Florida last year with my wife we went to
Orlando we use the service to rent a Mustang over and we rent the service to
rent a hotel over there and we got pretty good discount now we now further
ado I wanna show you exactly you want to make you can make money with merkulov
America if you join my team okay my name is Johnny Valdez and you're gonna go
through my funnel if you join my system I mean if you're my my team I have a
system in place and you do want to have a system you don't want to be talking to
people and shit and you know repeating yourself over and over in this case I'm
recording this video you can watch it I'm gonna upload it you just watch this
which is explain exactly how to make money with Mark of America all right
remember by now you should know the service that we offer and everything
else that comes with it you by now you should know that we are we do have an
affiliate program right we're our independent associates all right so
without further ado I want to teach you how to how what's gonna happen if you go
through my funnel go to Johnny Martinez calm right here do we do V W dot Johnny
Valdez calm over to the left I'll put the link in the description make it easy
for you or even right here in pop up and it's also probably right here somewhere
in the screen alright put your email address once you get to this page please
I would appreciate you if you put your email address
in this box that's all I'm asking I know for you guys to keep going and watching
the rest of the videos they send your own lifestyle the stress-free life with
an income that could change everything in weeks not years let me get your email
and let's do this let me put an email so you know what what to expect all right
this is an email that I have on my break I don't know if it's very blurred but
anyways here we go let's do this boom you come up to this page what's
going on guys Johnny about this I'm a wife right here you standing out if
you're watching this video is because you probably updated on our email list
learning to know more about this business opportunity that allowed us to
get financial freedom and the time freedom to spend it however we want
today we're in beautiful Palm Springs California we're learning a ride right
is our bike as you can see the Wiimote windows are right there which are pretty
famous for for be in Palm Springs but anyway to talk about that I guess yeah
just like I said right there we'll talk about that right now okay we're here to
talk about that right you know right now we're here to talk about how to make
money with MCA okay also known mark lover America join my team I'll teach
you exactly how to do this what you do all right I'll teach you the exact
system that I be I'm using alright the system that I'm using join a team join
my team please read this bullet points down here listen to that video alright
it's only four minutes long I mean give me four minutes of your life please
after you watch this video please go ahead and click any of the buttons right
here I put it to disk like I like that you know let's do it soon all right
hurry down yeah let's do this or join now I'll take it took you I'll take you
to the same place after you don't after you click either button you take it
you're another page
here we are
all right I'm gonna stop it there because I need to talk to you about this
four steps there's four steps to make money with the Motor Club America
all right that's it 24 steps first pay for your membership become a member so
you become a product or the product and you can know and feel good about
referring us which is MCA second
receive the source the roadside assistance all right Twentie dollars a
month you keep pumping that every single month you could I know you could come up
with $20 of that after that start sharing with friends share everywhere I
know every single one of you has it stronger on one of these platforms I
know everything one of you has a lot of friends followers or people that you
know and any others platforms Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Flyers email
bars clubs Church everywhere share this everywhere share the service
we are a service right we are a service you get a cart on the mail that tells
you that you we are a member you'll become a member you become a member of a
great community too. Why? because I'm gonna teach you how to
promote this or a great service I'm gonna teach you how to promote it on
Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube flyers email bars clubs Church etc
alright come on you could do this you know it doesn't take much to join this
and become self independent become your own BOSS firing your boss
and get money start getting everything just are getting weekly paychecks I mean
well paychecks not paychecks weekly direct deposits all right weekly direct
deposits. Nice! Let's keep on watching this video
see that and see that you sign up ten people every week think about it you're
not only limited to your hometown you're not only limited to your family
there's millions of people out there in the world remember YouTube Facebook
Instagram Facebook everywhere others practice social media that's out there
there's a lot of eyes right
free training free website free marketing materials what else do you
want all right I got everything for you all you have to do is join now once you
finish watching this video you can watch it again if you want and as many times
as you may until you understand that this is pretty simple to promote we do
have a service now there are sponsors and mentors out there that will teach
you how to promote this the right way all right
we're not I don't want you out there just spreading this and spamming people
and sending Join my team join my team none of that crap we're not here to
promote it you know like that we're not here to go out there and you
know populate every single group out there you know you know you link and
sharing all this no no no no we're here to promote the service the right way
alright so here it is this is a little bit of my story page you to paycheck
every week alright if you read it on your own if you're ready to join the
team here it is join your team I am your sponsor this is me right here this is
pretty much the steps of how to do it you know to the point become a member
Here become an associate how to get paid please no prepaid cards please
no prepaid cards I can't emphasize that enough please no no prepaid cards
alright this is me Johnny Valdez that's my logo I just want to know that you're
joining the right guy you can read about here I mean I do have guidance you know
there's do we do have Facebook teams that you could join you know this do
this all too much I'll talk about you I will talk about we will talk to you
about the Better Business Bureau no you watch this on your own I do have another
video on faith and YouTube talking about if we are a scam or not but you don't
gain you're welcome to watch this video on
on these a little bit about my lifestyle that's my bike right here
did we went to a long ride not you know not too long I guess somewhat long
Joshua Tree in California you can look it up online it's beautiful
pioneer town this is my lifestyle this is me my kids this is what I like to do
a little bit of outdoors my wife my kids which are my wife is why I do what I do
all right maybe you could join us one of these days on our boat rides that's it girl's and boy's
now if you're ready to join please start today click the button now
this is me this is the checkout page you're gonna find my page right here in
my face along with my wife please put your info self-explanatory I mean you
wanna put fake info this up to you I won't be able to reach you and give you
the right training like I said not prepaid cards so I'm expecting a credit
card or a debit card if you put a bank a bank account number and go go you know
this route it's gonna take forever for me to clear you bank stick forever so
the faster we do this the better right credit card or debit card please place
your order once you place your order I'm gonna be able to confirm you on my side
and we were able to put you on our team and give you the guidance that I got for
you all right I do have the right way to promote this great opportunity which is
MCA let me go ahead and show you a little bit of cash which I to go out of
the bank today Oh watch out GoPro GoPro so they had to
cut some cash just to show you this is $2,000 right here on Benji's Benji's
Benjamin's which mean frankly right I do will have $2,000 from morning this great
opportunity known as MCA remember MCA do do have a great
servus this is for the car I wanted to put it on my carcass it gets pretty
messed up I had it there for a little bit and look
at this started putting off it's typical on these right so how does it only put
it there so here here's the proof some other proof along with my house my
lifestyle is cash money we took out of the bank today
all right now like I said we are legit business if you guys are ready to join
please go ahead put your info join now send me a message on Instagram or
Facebook once you join I'll get back to you with the message and with the right
training and where no no check the steps after that all right you can find my my
facebook I'm into Instagram right here my Instagram you can't miss it
you'll find my logo right off the bat on my pictures right here all right this is
me send me a message Tell me hey! Johnny I'm just joined I just
paid pick me up this is my name let's do this all right
look me up on Instagram or Facebook you can click the link here as well on the
top that's gonna take you to my Facebook send me a message
Tell me, Johnny I joined I'm ready! let's do this! all right,
appreciate your time and appreciate you listening to me I appreciate your attention all
right please if you have any questions send me a message wherever it is that you're
watching this video YouTube Instagram or Facebook wherever you're at send me a
message all right and let me know let me know what does
freedom look like to you? Are you ready to change your lifestyle?
宋美齡在黃埔軍校遭士兵當場羞辱,蔣介石的處理方式讓人敬佩 - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Are You Taking Isoflavone? - Duration: 3:40.Welcome back!
It's been a while since we've talked about isoflavone.
In the past, we touched and go,
when we were covering topics such as hair care, acne care.
Today, we're going to be officially talking about it!
"But why isoflavone?" you ask.
Because it has numerous,
and I mean NUMEROUS health benefits,
especially for our female friends.
Isofalvone is a type of polyphenol
that is found in abundance in legumes
a family of plants, which includes alfalfa, peanuts, peas, beans, et cetera.
It is popular for the female beauty and health,
because of how similar in its benefits to estrogens,
also known as female hormones.
The benefits from isoflavone include calming hormonal imbalances,
and easing premenstrual syndromes
which thus relieves mental and physical stress,
and improveing menstrual irregularities,
and has anti-oxidant effects,
and effective against mellitus type II diabetes
AND... no, I'm not done yet!
AND prevents osteoporosis,
since they can prevent calcium from dissolving,
AND improves and prevents lifestyle related diseases,
AND helps prevents cancer...
OKAY, we get the idea! Just take...
With that, let's take a look at
what sort of isoflavone supplements are available,
so that we can make full use of these benefits!
First up, the SUNTORY Soy Isoflavone Flax Lignan,
which contains aglycon-type soy isoflavones.
Aglycon-types of isoflavones simply mean that
they small in molecular weight,
thus can be absorbed smoothly by the body.
It also has flax lignan which also has rich nutrients to maintain female health.
With 3 tablets, we can get 25mg serving.
One of many DHC's supplements is the DHC Soy Isoflavones.
This supplement also contains aglycon-type soy isoflavones,
which helps to balance the natural body rhythms
of middle-aged and mature women,
with hop and linseed, or flax seed, extracts.
With 2 tablets, we can get 25mg serving.
FANCL makes another appearance with FANCL BITOKI,
and contains aglycon-type soy isoflavones
and saponin type B which was independently developed by FANCL.
The Bitoki also contains hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and HTC collagen,
wonderful, wonderful stuff for the skin.
With 2 tablets, we can get 25mg serving too.
Looking for something for breakfast? How about cereals?
The Calbee FRUGURA Fruit Granola Black Bean Flour is highly nutritious,
even containing iron and 8 different types of vitamins.
Every 50g serving we can expect to get 13mg of isoflavones.
Perhaps you like to snack? Then snack on the OTSUKA SoyCarat Soybean Snack.
This is a low GI product,
meaning it allows for the slow absorption of sugars by the body.
This snack will allow us to get 20-22mg of soy isoflavones per bag.
It's not that we can't get isoflavone away from supplements,
and get them from soy products.
But imagine, for example, you'd have to eat 100g of natto
on a daily basis, which can get tiring!
So these supplements are gonna help us
make up for what we are missing of easily.
Thank you for tuning into the channel once again!
If you are new to the channel,
how about subscribing to the channel,
we talk about Japanese products on a weekly basis,
and subscribing will allow you to catch your favourite brands in the future!
We'll see you again next week, till then, stay happy and smile!
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