today I'm going to talk to you about reporting now importing such an
incredibly important element of your ongoing project management activities so
what you want to be reporting to is essentially as your project sponsor or
any sort of governing group committee or board that might be overseeing your
project the usual reporting I would suggest to
be at least monthly again similarly to those sponsor meetings you don't want
them so far apart that there's been enough time that you've had roadblocks
or issues of arisen and and you haven't been able to report on them in the
meantime but at the same time you don't want it too frequent that not much
happens and everyone feels like it's a little bit of a waste of time so monthly
usually works well the key elements in a a good status report in the month is
progress against milestones so are they on track or not a general update on the
project how it's going any risks or issues that have arisen any changes or
variations that you've had to make or that you're proposing also any good
things like any ideas or opportunities that have come up do you think you know
while we're doing this we should be considering and any key actions that
need to happen particularly those where people within that reporting circle have
to provide some actions for you to be able to have some activity moving along
and maybe break down some of those barriers for you as you might be hitting
them now your status or progress report I always find is better to talk through
so if you can have a monthly meeting or find a space in an existing monthly
meeting if you don't want to create another meeting where you or someone
representing you can submit this report on behalf of the project team you need
in an environment where it's going to have some space and it's going to have
some opportunity for dialogue and recognition so that you know that if you
are raising things they're being heard but it doesn't mean it can't be in
someone else's meeting it certainly can however if you do have the opportunity I
do recommend a short meeting just for that just so that you it can't be
overrun by you know the noise of all sorts of other activities but regardless
of how you choose to do it you want to make sure that you've at least had some
level of conversation with your sponsor about what you're presenting in a plan
now if you can't get that for some reason they're you know they're very
busy and it's really really hard to pin them down you can always email it
through so you can email through but if you're going to do that I'd put a few
little notes within the body of the email and if there's something in there
they need to read because there's an issue I'd be highlighting that as well
but that's really a last resort I'm from the beginning and hopefully get
agreement with your sponsor at the beginning of the project that you're
going and be able to sit down monthly and you're going to be able to give an
update on your report on your project now if your project is within
sort of a higher suite of activities or a program they should want that because
they should be reporting at least monthly upwards from their activities
and their responsibilities as well but that's not always the case so keep that
in mind if they are reporting upwards that you consider that in your update
and in your timing as well
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