Hi Guys this is Meenakshi and you are watching my channel Health Beauty and Life.
In today's video, we will talk about a very common problem which many people are facing.
yes the problem is Dark Circles.
So lets first talk about what are the reasons behind having Dark circles.
some of the reasons are
lack of proper sleep. You are not taking required sleep of 7-8 hours.
because of that you have dark circles.
second comes lack of proper diet. If your body is not getting proper nutrition and balanced diet
then this could be another reason for dark circles as well.
Third reason is ageing, as it is a natural cause.
with age it happens.
But this could be reduces to some extent using some natural remedies
Fourth is due to excessive smoking and drinking. This could be again one of the reasons for having dark circles.
Next is excessive stress. Today, due to very hign level competition the stress has automatically increased
The people who are doing jobs,. who are in MNCs sit infront of the system all day long
and it creates pressure on their eyes and they suffer dark circles
Ladies who are either homemakers or housewives take too much tension of their kids,their schooling home work,exams
, infact parents are taking more stress than their kids.
So, friends these were some reasons or causes, which lead to dark circles.
Friends, I would not say that if you apply my remedies then some mircale will happen and you will get rid of your dark circles overnight
So, sorry nothing will happen like that.
whatever remedies I am going to tell you, you have to follow them consistently at least for one week
then for sure you will see the visible difference in your dark circles to a great extent.
wait .. wait .. wait ..before moving on to the remedies, if you have not subscribed my channel yet . then please
and if you are watching my channel for the first time. so please subscribe to my channel
and please hit the notification bell, so that you will get notifications of my upcoming videos
So, without wasting time.
lets get started .
So in our first remedy, we are taking one cucumber and one potato.
Cucumber because it has cooling properties which keeps your skin hydrated
Also reduces puffiness and swelling around your undereyes.
Potato because it has skin lighening agents and have natural bleach , anti-ageing properties
which helps in reducing dark circles, and scars.
So, firstly we have to grate them
Now our cucumber has been grated.
Now we will transfer this into the bowl.
Now as we have greated both of them.
Now we will strain them with the help of strainer.
Samething will do with potato.
We have put both of them into the same bowl, as ultimaterly we have to mix them together.
Now our remedy is ready to use.
Now what you have to do .. just
take two cottom pads
and just dip them into this mixture.
Now put them onto your eyes.
and before applying these cotton pads
just take some rose water and clean your eyes properly.
Now put these cotton pads as it is on your eyes
leave it for 20-25 mins
just sit back and relax
fast forward
eyes are feeling cool. Just by placing it you can feel that cooling effect.
fast forward
just lie down and relax.
Now 25 minutes are gone and you can remove these cotton pad and wash your eyes with plain water.
this you have to do aleast 4-5 times in a week
and you will get very good result
in our second remedy, we need an aloe-vera gel. I am using patanjali aloe-vera gel.
You can take any aloe-vera gel.
if you have a plant you can extract the gel out of it.
So we need one tablespoon aloe-vera gel and
pinch of turmeric
and mix it properly
as we have mixed it properly
Now we will apply this onto our under eye area.
Now you have to apply it properly using your ring finger .. like this
and apply it on your under eye area. Just cover it properly
do gentle massage for 2 mins.
leave it for 20-25 mins
do this for atleast 4-5 times in a week.
aloe-vera gel helps to improve your blood circulation and improve it as well.
it also maintains your pH level
it also removes your scars, and dark circles
I have already mentioned benefits of aloe-vera in my previous video.
If you have not watched that video ..please do watch.
I will provide the link in the description box below. You can watch it there.
and the turmeric has anti-fungal and anti bacterial property as well.
it makes your skin lighten and brighten
After 2 mins
now leave it as it is
for 20-25 mins
Now move on to our third remedy
in tihs again we are taking aloe-vera gel
and we need Vitamin E Capsule.
I am taking Evion -400 capsule , which is of 24 Rs INR.
it is not very expensive
it has many anti-oxidants and
which helps to remove your dark circles and pigmentation effectively.
There are many skin benefits of it.
which i will let you know in my upcoming videos.
you have to cut like this
and pour its oil and mix it well.
and follow the same procedure which we have done in second remedy.
You can also leave it for overnight.
you will get best results
again we have to do the same.
due to the effect of turmeric my eyes are bit yellow.
similiarly we have to massage for 2 minutes
and leave it for overnight
and if you dont have enough time then leave it atelast half an hour.
and your dark circles will be cured within a week.
So, these were some natural remedies, which you can follow easily.
and you will get rid of these dark circles instantaneously
See friends, your undereye skin is very delicate and sensitive as well
infact it is 6 times thinner than your rest of the skin
So, it requires an extra care.
So, please apply these remedies and protect yourself from dark circles.
any they will be cured easily
So friends if you find my video helpful and if you get any benefits from these remedies then
Please do the comments in the comment section below.
Please like and share my video with your friends and family.
and please don't forget to subsribe my channel. Thanks for watching
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