Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 30 2017

We may have just gotten the first real picture of a black hole.

No not these artist impressions that you see all over the Internet, this is the real deal.

In this video, we will be talking about how we might have a picture of a black hole and

we'll also talk about Kugelblitz's and what they are.

The project is named the Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT for short, and is aiming to take the

first real image of a black hole.

They are looking at two supermassive black holes: the closest known black hole Sagittarius

A* and the even larger supermassive black hole in the centre of the galaxy M87, also

known as Messier 87 or Virgo A. M87 is a very large elliptical galaxy located 54 million

light years away from Earth.

Sagittarius A*, on the other hand, is located only 26,000 light years away in the centre

of the Milky Way and has the mass of about four million suns.

Being so far away and the fact that you can't actually see black holes, how do we know it's


Well, since the start of this century, for over 16 years now, some astronomers have been

observing certain stars using infrared telescopes, in order to see past the dust.

They watched the movement of these stars and found that they seemed to have slingshot orbits

around something that wasn't there.

The astronomers concluded that these stars were orbiting a black hole because that's

the only thing small and heavy enough to cause these stars to act like they do.

This black hole was of course named Sagittarius A*.

As mentioned, Sagittarius A* is located 26,000 light years away so, as you can imagine, it

is really difficult to take a picture of it.

Trying to take a picture of the black hole in the centre of the Milky way is as hard

as taking a picture of an orange on the moon, here from Earth.

The larger the telescope, the better the resolution and level of detail.

It turns out that we would need a telescope the size of Earth to take a picture of Sagittarius


But it's impossible to construct a telescope the size of Earth.

So how on Earth have we managed to take a picture of these black holes?

Well, the Event Horizon Telescope isn't just one telescope.

EHT actually consists of many telescopes scattered from all around the world.

Some of the locations where the telescopes are located are Chile, Hawaii, Arizona, Spain,

Mexico and there's even a telescope involved that's in the South Pole!

All the radio telescopes come together and work as one large global array.

And by using a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry, or VLBI, the Event Horizon

Telescope team point every telescope into one gigantic telescope.

This way we DO have a telescope the size of the Earth… just virtually.

This way, the Event Horizon Telescope actually could detect an orange on the moon, if oranges

were detectable in those wavelengths.

They're aiming to see the black hole's event horizon, the boundary where the gravitational

pull of the black hole becomes so strong that nothing can escape, not even light: the fastest

thing in the universe.

Stephen Hawking uses a good analogy for it.

He said "Falling through the event horizon, is a bit like going over Niagara Falls in

a canoe", he said.

"If you are above the falls, you can get away if you paddle fast enough, but once you

are over the age, you are lost.

There's no way back".

This is why it's given the nickname "the point of no return".

We'll hopefully see the shadow the black hole causes onto the bright matter zipping around


When matter falls over the event horizon it lets out radiation which is why the rim of

the black hole is extremely bright.

We're hoping that we can detect this radio wave in order to get the first image of a

black hole.

Assuming that we do get a picture of a black hole, it may look similar to a solar eclipse

because of the way black holes bend light.

It will also test Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Based on Einstein's theory of general relativity, we're meant to see a crescent of light surrounding

a black blob.

So if we do get a picture of a black hole will it follow Einstein's theory, that has

passed so many tests, or will it not?

As mentioned, the light is from matter, so dust and gas, just before the black hole swallows


And we may learn how black holes produce massive jets.

Each observatory produced about 500 terabytes of data, which was stored into 1024 hard drives.

Each location, where each observatory is, hasn't got the equipment to process them,

so jets will fly them to Massachusetts, where the supercomputers will crunch the huge amount

of data.

Unfortunately the data from the South Pole can't be transported until the end of October,

meaning that it could be somewhere in the first quarter of 2018 when we see the results.

We've all heard of black holes, I've just been talking about how the Event Horizon Telescope

might get a picture of a black hole using VLBI, which I mentioned earlier as very-long-baseline


What you might have not heard of though is something called a kugelblitz.

A kugelblitz is a black hole formed entirely from light.

Before we talk about kugelblitz's though let's talk about black holes for a second.

We'll come back to the kugelblitz in a second.

On the other hand, a black hole is an object with a gravitational field strength so strong

that nothing can escape, not even light, the fastest thing in the universe.

The concept of a black hole was first thought of in the 18th century by the geologist John


In those days, black holes were not considered to be real; Einstein even assumed they didn't


But then, later on, astronomers discovered observational evidence of black holes.

One of the latest evidence of black holes comes from the third detection of gravitational

waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime.

In short, LIGO, Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, detected gravitational waves

for the third official time, and doing so they found out loads of stuff, such as that

that the gravity waves were created when two black holes merged and that it happened three

billion years ago.

If you want to know more about that check out my video on it, after watching this one.

In the core of stars they are constantly fusing millions of tonnes of hydrogen into helium

every second, which releases gamma radiation.

Without doing this, stars wouldn't be stable.

They're held together by two opposing forces, the inward pull of gravity, and the outward

push of radiation.

So as long as the star is doing fusion in the core, it will stay stable.

There's enough hydrogen to keep a star going for billions of years, the sun has been doing

it for about five billion years and will continue to do so for another five billion years, but

eventually, the star will run out of hydrogen to convert to helium, so it has to start using

the helium it has built up.

And for stars way more massive than our sun the heat and pressure at their core allows

them to continue the fusion process but with heavier elements, going through carbon, neon,

oxygen, silicon until they reach iron.

The fusion process to get iron doesn't generate any energy.

Because of this, the perfect balance between gravity and the emitted radiation ends, with

gravity winning.

The core of the star collapses, causing a supernova.

After this the star will either become a neutron star or if the star is massive enough, the

core becomes a black hole.

To become a black hole, a star has to have about five solar masses.

In the process of becoming a black hole all of the star's mass collapses down into a

smaller and smaller region of space until to escape the star you need to travel faster

than the speed of light, which is impossible.

Black holes forming at the end of a star's life is the main way a black hole can form,

but there are other ways.

For instance black holes can also be created when two large and dense objects, such as

neutron stars, collide with each other.

And there are still mysteries about black holes.

We still don't know for sure how the supermassive black holes such as Sagittarius A*, that seem

to be in every galaxies centre, formed.

Black holes have sparked other ideas as well.

White holes are black holes in reverse.

A white hole would be an object that spews out matter and matter would never be able

to enter it.

Go watch my video on white holes after this one, if you want to know more about that.

Back to the kugelblitz.

The word kugelblitz was given because it means "ball lightning" in German.

To make Earth into a black hole you would need to compress the six trillion trillion

kilograms of everything on Earth into a sphere with a diameter of just sixteen millimetres.

To make the same black hole that has the mass of Earth but this time, using light instead

of matter, how much light would we need?

Well it turns out to make a kugelblitz with the mass of Earth we would need all the light

that has been emitted from all the stars over the past 10 years within 350 light years of

Earth and put all of that into a space of about the size of a mosquito.

That's a lot of light.

It seems impossible how that much light could fit in such a small section of space.

That's not the only problem though.

With that much light energy in such as small space it would be extremely hot, as hot as

the universe was straight after the big bang, and stuff doesn't really work at that point

in time.

So kugelblitz's are theoretically possible, according to some of Einstein's equations

but they still have many problems against them.

Comment down below whether you think kugelblitz's will ever exist.

Personally I don't see how the universe could possibly create one but they're still

really cool concepts.

Make sure you subscribe for more content on astronomy and futurism.

If you enjoyed this video check out my most recent video or this video.

Thank you so much for watching, I'll see you later.

For more infomation >> Kugelblitz + First REAL Picture of Black Hole - Duration: 10:33.


Glory Of Independent India : स्वतंत्र भारत की महिमा - Duration: 27:04.

Om Shanti !

Firstly, today is India's Independence Day,

so Congratulations ! Congratulations! Congratulations! to everyone on this Day and also for this pure land,

and sweet sweet Baap Dada, by explaining the meaning of independence,

to us children, how to rule over the self,

he is also teaching us that,

and we by attaining independence, how happy we will become,

how comfortable we will be, that too, we have heard, through the songs we just listened to,

the explanations which we heard in the songs, that, explanation practically, in our country India,

such was the condition & situation & our country, India, was rich and complete, in wealth & prospertiy,

and the palaces were decorated with diamonds and jewels and it was a beautiful heaven,

and that heaven is today too, remembered by everyone,

but, when heaven is remembered,

then along with that, there is a saying, which is connected with that,

and that saying is,'you were not able to go to heaven,'

till the time you do not die, you will not know, what is heaven and cannot go there,

so Baba has made us children understand, informed us and taught us,

how you children by dying alive, the position in the heaven,

how to claim your right over that position?

They talk & think of heaven & hell after death,

but, for us children, sweet sweet BaapDada,

we are sitting in hell, we cannot say, we are sitting in hell,

will we say, that we are sitting in hell,

no, we are sitting neither in hell nor in heaven,

but, the destruction of hell and the creation of heaven, the bridge in between,

which is the Beneficial Confluence Age, during this time, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul incarnates in this world,

comes to this world and this land of Bharat, attains this privilege,

that, being the land where Shiv Father, Supreme Soul, manifests Himself,

this land is called as indestructible,

this land is indestructible, all countries will be destroyed,

but, our country Bharat, will remain intact,

and will be indestructible, now it is not destructible, but sweet, sweet BaapDada,

once again, the land of Bharat, which was called as land of Heaven,

was a land of deities as you heard in the song, where each girl was like Radha,

and every boy there was like Krishna,

so it was a land of gods and goddesses, where even the servants, how were they called?

Devdas & devdasi, means, everyone, right from the bottom to the top,

all are gods and goddesses there,

but, we need to talk in the present language, in comparison,

as Devdas & Devdasi, but, in reality, they too are pure,

their life is also without any vices,

very comfortable, they too, are complete in wealth & prosperity,

they are rich in wealth & they too, have divine manners within them,

so Baba, makes us first children, in the lap of Prajapita Brahma,

we are children of Shiv Baba, but, in between, there is Brahma Maa,

through the big Mother, Shiv Baba gives birth to us children,

and then, we children, say, you are my mother & father & I am your child,

meaning Brahma Maa and Shiv Father, both together, we belong to the Shiv Dynasty, mouth born children of Prajapita Brahma,

Brahmin children, who are Brahmins by virtue of actions, through character, we become Brahmins,

whose religon and action is to remain pure and also make othes pure,

the true Introduction of Supreme Soul, Shiv Father , which we have received,

we also give this Introduction to others,

and we continue to do this business and by tradition, this process continues among Brahmins,

by those Brahmins by caste, as they too perform this same work,

now, they do not have true knowledge, which they can tell, though their mouth,

so the information in the religious texts, which have been written by Rishis & Munis,

on the topic of Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

as they have written, how they wrote it, they keep describing it,

the discourses on religious texts, meaning, whatever information, about gods and goddesses, has been said in these texts,

that information they describe to others,

in reality in the Confluence Age, we Brahmins, who are going to become gods & goddesses,

as it has been said,'BRAHMAN DEVI DEVATAYA NAMAHA.'

we bow to those Brahmins, who become gods and goddesses,

so our studies will make us gods and goddess,

so the studies which we Brahmins do, what is the position we will attain,

like in this world, some become doctors, engineers, each one attains some position,

so our Godly studies, which Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, as a Teacher,

teaches us, so, what is the position which we attain?

We attain the position of gods and goddess,

but, among the position of gods and goddess, too, there are many categories,

now the one who studies and how much, that is brought into the life practically,

that person, can attain that highest position.

So, our earning is through meditation & the studies, which is through Baba,

so the studies and the earning due to Yog,

both of these when we do it nicely & regularly,

and what we do, we do service to others and also give them,

we donate to them also, so, there is an increase in our earning,

in our education, there is an increase in our position,

and Baba says, you do not get, only position, but along with position,

due to studying this knowledge, we become wealthy, as this is jewel of knowledge,

the more we donate the jewel of knowledge,

meaning, the more we give the Introduction of Baba to other souls,

then due to this donation, that charity is created,

due to this charity, we attain a high position in future,

meaning, we get so much wealth, prosperity, money,

that, not only for 21 births, but nearly three fourths of the cycle we need not struggle for wealth, prosperity & money,

like we have to struggle a little at the end of the Iron Age,

that also, is very little, but, in the world, people have to work & struggle too much,

but, we children of Baba, eat two Rotis very comfortably,

plus in Baba's yagya, in order to make our fortune,

we use our wealth in service too,

so we get so much wealth,

and the more we remember Baba,

Baba says, by remembering Me, only, your sinful actions, are destroyed,

the soul, becomes pure and the purity of the soul makes the Nature also pure,

so we get good health,

so, in this way, for many births, we become healthy,

and wealthy. And that soul, which has beautiful mind & body,

and also wealth. Meaning has everything, healthy, wealthy so naturally, how will that person's state of mind be?

How will that person's state be? That person, will be happy and have a cheerful face,

so Baba says, that, they also attain happiness,

so the happiness, starts from Confluence Age itself,

the visible fruit, which we get, that is, do service here and get happiness also here only,

so, when you want, to experience happiness instantaneously,

at that moment itself, then, Baba says, do service, then, you children will experience happiness immediately,

in the same way, when we sit in remembrance, we experience extreme peace, Baba's love,

experience of bliss, supersensuos joy,

so here too, we get the fruits immediately,

so Baba says, so, sweet children, remember Me,

imbibe divine qualities and put your body, mind and wealth to good use,

and the time to make good use of everything has kept passing by,

time has been passing, so, now what remains, as is said, much has gone, what remains is very less,

even very little remains from the less time,

now whatever you want to take advantage of, you are seeing that destruction is going on,

in numbers, all countries are becoming homeless,

and Bharat slowly is moving towards rise,

and finally that day will come, when, we children, by creating our fortune,

that we will change, the lines of fortune, of entire Bharat,

and entire Bharat will turn into Heaven from Hell,

from being impure it will become pure,

and that Bharat, which has today, become empty, will once again become complete,

so Baba by teaching us to rule over the self,

He is giving us the treasure of happiness,

so Baba says, the old habits and sanskar,of the self,

attain victory over them also,

otherwise this nature and sanskar, will create a very big obstacle, while creating your destiny,

whether it is the attitude of lust, anger, greed,

attachment, or pride, all these five vices,

in this old world, becoming our enemies,

they create obstacles on the path of our destiny,

if it breaks the purity in mind, speech and action,

in any one way, then, a line is drawn in our fortune,

by becoming angry too, we dry the pots of our house,

all of us are experienced, as to how much, there is loss, by showing our anger,

in the same way, is the attitude of greed, having desires in this old world,

attraction towards old things,

attraction to wealth, attraction to increase the wealth,

so this greed creates obstacles, to give wealth in Baba's yagya,

nature & sanskar do not allow us to make good use of that wealth,

so the attitude of greed also brings loss to us,

in the same way due to attachment, we are not able to remember Baba,

and not remembering Baba, we remember other people,

so our sinful actions are not destroyed,

we are not able to remain pure and since our sinful actions are not destroyed,

our state of mind, which should come close, to the state, of not having any effect, of actions done(karmateet)

it does not happen and the biggest obstacle,

the pride of the body in which,I, I, takes the royal form

in a royal way,' I am doing this, I am doing that,

I am this, I am that, I will do this ,I will do that,

I should be given respect, My house, my office,

my wealth,' we tell God that body, mind and wealth everything is yours,

but, God also says,'whatever is mine is yours,'

but, we children, what do we do, we forget our promise,

and we are ready to own everything from God,

but whatever is mine, practically, we do not give it to God,

we say, body is yours, but when we fall sick, we get disturbed,

due to which we forget Baba,

in the same way, through our speech, we hurt many people,

we forget to give happiness,

and wealth, in that too, we have so much, dependency,

we think, that if not today, tomorrow if there is wealth, it will be of use to us,

but, Baba says, no, nothing will be of any use,

some wealth will perish in the mud, some will be eaten by Kings,

some wealth will be stolen and others will be burnt in the fire,

and today we are seeing practically, when rules and regulations are made,

those who are crorepati, they come to the road, that is become poor, lose everything, when there are natural calamities,

then all the wealthy and everything is burnt in the fire,

or it perishes in the mud or someone steals from us,

someone cheats us and so our wealth, goes away like that only,

neither do we use that wealth nor do we use that wealth in the service of Baba's yagya,

and in this way we do not make our fortune,

so Baba, from time to time, gives us, this warning again & again,

that whatever you want to do, do it now, make good use of the time now,

and specially for wealth Baba keeps telling us,

make good use of wealth,

in order to make good use of body, we have to take care of our health,

we have to win over our dependencies,

and in order to make the mind beautiful, clean & pure,

we have to remember Baba,

those two efforts are of a different kind,

and the efforts through wealth, is in our hands like this,

so Baba asks us, to make our fortune, through wealth too,

as you make efforts for your body, speech and mind,

in the same way, with wealth, without any thoughts, calmly,

when you use it in Baba's task, as Baba says,' when I give palace for a handful of rice,

so those who put their wealth, to use, in Baba's yagya,

what they will not get?' In the same way those who remain pure,

in the future, there, their crown of purity, in a beautiful way like the Sun,

will be shining, in the same way, those who do service through their body,

what kind of a body they will get there? They will get a pure body.

so those who give their body, mind and wealth, in service, Baba says that, they will attain the position of royalty

and those who attain the position of rulers, they will, automatically inherit the subjects, there,

they do not have to make efforts,

because by doing service, they already, have made their subjects,

so the happiness, of the subjects, too is attained there,

and that is also the fruits of our service done,

the more we do service of others, they will be our companions, subjects or members of our family,

they will be with us in Heaven,

and through them, we will, get all the comforts there,

so in this way, heaven gives us happiness & comforts in all way,

like in the Iron Age, in evey way there is only attainment of only sorrow,

whether it is in relations, acquaintances, interactions,

whether you purchase items, or see the Nature,

wherever you see, there is happiness for a few moments, but more of sorrow,

while in Heaven there is no sign of sorrow,

there is no knowledge and no word called sorrow,

so what is sorrow, the gods & goddess do not know at all,

so, Baba is taking us, to such a happy & comfortable world,

so over such a Baba, the old attractions, of the old world, old body, mind, wealth,

if we surrender to Baba,

then in comparison to the comforts of Heaven, what did we do?

Less than a handful of rice, we have surrendered to God,

so Baba says, if you have kept even one brick, while making efforts,

or for your health you did some service,

or the inculcation of purity, meaning 1 brick, even if little is done,

so Baba says, in return, you get a very big fruit,

in the form of palace, so why not think, about the teachings of Baba a little seriously,

understand and by recognising time,

Baba says, the time is very delicate,

and we are also observing, how in different countries, the Nature is creating havoc,

so there will be chaos in Bharat, but Bharat will not be destroyed,

Bharat will remain there, but inside the country, the Nature along with the five elements,

will change and we human souls too will become pure,

first we will go home and when we come down from there,

and now our rebirth will be in the Golden Age,

Now our rebirth will not be in Iron Age,

we have totally come out from Iron Age,

our anchor has taken off and we are taking our boat in the Confluence Age,

towards the Golden age, now where will we get down,

on the banks of Golden Age, where the rivers Ganga, Yamuna will be flowing with purity,

on the banks of these rivers, we will have fun with Shri Radhe Krishna,

playing with them, will be complete with wealth and there will be no sorrow,

no peacelessness, no fights, no violence,

this is how our heaven will be and all of us will be double crowned gods and goddess.

Even if you imagine, how beautiful it will be,

no old thing can be seen there,

every thing there will be new and fresh,

so you think, how beautiful it will be,

palaces of diamonds and jewels, palaces of gold & silver,

when the rays of the sun fall over them,

how beautiful is the sight to see,

so, we are taken to such a world, where the soul in all possible ways,

is independent & free, there is no bondage on the soul,

so today is Independence Day, all the citizens, of Bharat are very happy,

because when we were in the bondage of the British,

bondage is always a bondage, however much happiness may be there,

like it has been said, that a bird, is caged inside a diamond cage,

so there is no difference in that bondage,

bondage is always a bondage,

a cage is a cage,

so Bharat got freedom due to the efforts of Bapu Gandhiji,

through the strength of sacrifice, penance, truth and non- violence,

Baba makes us double non-violent, makes us sacrifice, be dispassionate

by doing penance through Raj Yoga, imbibing the divine qualities,

He takes us to that independent Bharat,

where we all gods and goddess, will see few of us with double crowns,

and will lead our life with comforts, peace and happiness.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Glory Of Independent India : स्वतंत्र भारत की महिमा - Duration: 27:04.


Top 7 Iphone 7 Backcover you can buy Cheap Price - Duration: 1:52.

Original XOOMZ For Apple iPhone 7/ 7 Plus Phone Cases

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FLOVEME Sport Arm Band Case For iPhone 7

MISSCASE Transparent Ultra-thin 0.3MM Phone Back Case For iPhone 6 6s 7 plus

New Arrival Case For iPhone 6 6s 5 5s SE 7 7 Plus

Leather Phone Cases for iPhone 7 7 Plus

Leather Phone Cases for iPhone 7 7 Plus

For more infomation >> Top 7 Iphone 7 Backcover you can buy Cheap Price - Duration: 1:52.


A Diy Toothpaste For Whitening Teeth And Healing Cavities And Gum Issues - Duration: 1:15.

A DIY toothpaste for whitening teeth and healing cavities and gum issues

To keep the teeth clean is really important and crucial.

But, we still buy market toothpastes that have more chemicals all the time.

But, now you can make your own toothpaste.


The best item used here is the neem.

Neem is a tree in a tropical climate and was used even as toothbrush for centuries.

If you break it down to twigs, you can chew them and treat gum issues and have oral health


This paste has no fluoride and kills bacteria due to the baking soda, xylitol and coconut



3 tbsp baking soda 1 tbsp neem powder

1 tbsp xylitol

3 tbsp virgin coconut oil


Mix everything until it is a paste.

Regarding the out temperature, the coconut can become harder and make sure to keep this

in a closed and warm room.

Store in a glass jar.

With the many brands of pastes in the market, this can sound like too much to handle.

Nothing is better than nature so try this right now!

For more infomation >> A Diy Toothpaste For Whitening Teeth And Healing Cavities And Gum Issues - Duration: 1:15.


5 Pregnancy Tips To Have A Smart, Intelligent Baby & Clever Baby - Duration: 1:48.

In this video you will learn about, 5 Pregnancy Tips To Have A Smart, Intelligent Baby & Clever


It is the dream of every parent to have a healthy and intelligent baby.

Here are the 5 Tips To Have A Smart, Intelligent Baby & Clever Baby.


Get Some Sunshine Sun provides us with Vitamin D which is essential

when you are pregnant.

The deficiency of Vitamin D can cause preeclampsia during pregnancy and could also cause down


The best time to take sun rays is early morning.


Eat Omega 3 Foods Include foods which have Omega 3 fatty acids

in it such as Almonds, Walnuts in your diet as they help in the development of brain.


Be Stress Free When you are pregnant, try to remain stress

free as the unborn baby can sense when the mother is under stress or in tension.

It could affect the mental health of the unborn baby.


Be Active The mothers who are active during pregnancy

have smarter children, so remain active, do some light exercises, do yoga, go for a walk

etc. 5.

Take Supplements In pregnancy your body requires extra nourishment.

Your doctor will prescribe you some supplements, take those supplements on time, as they will

help in the well-being of the unborn baby.

We hope the 5 tips will help in having a smart and intelligent baby.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

Here are some of our other videos which you may find useful.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

For more infomation >> 5 Pregnancy Tips To Have A Smart, Intelligent Baby & Clever Baby - Duration: 1:48.


CAIRO - AGAIN (Audio) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> CAIRO - AGAIN (Audio) - Duration: 3:28.


Latest Designer kurti kurta collections for girls in amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:32.

Latest Designer kurti kurta collections for girls in amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Latest Designer kurti kurta collections for girls in amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:32.


What Happens When You Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy - Duration: 1:32.

In this video you will learn about, what happens when you drink coconut water during pregnancy?

Coconut water is naturally sterile and is really good for pregnant women as it helps

to improve the immunity and the health of both mother and the baby.

It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which prevent infection and illness during


Drinking coconut water mixed with saffron and turmeric will give baby a healthy and

fair complexion.

Coconut water is the best natural remedy for any problems of acidity and heart burns.

It also helps in treating urinary tract infection in pregnant women.

It also increases the flow of urine and thereby removing toxins from the body.

Coconut water helps in improving the overall health of foetus as it boosts the levels of

amniotic fluid.

Coconut water is natural and free from any unnatural sugars or any other chemical ingredients

that pregnant women and their growing foetus should avoid.

Coconut water helps in boosting the immune system which is essential for both the mother

and the baby.

So what are you waiting for, have a glass of coconut water on a daily basis.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

Here are some of our other videos which you may find useful.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

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