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For more infomation >> The Go Card Referral Program - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
कुम्भकर्ण की थी एक नाजायज औलाद ! | Did You Know about Kumbhakarna's Third Child | Do You Know ??? - Duration: 2:36.
You may all know about Raavan, his 6 brothers & 2 sisters.
Kumbhakarana was one of them.
You may also know his wife, Vajrajvala.
They had two sons, Kumbh & Nikumbh.
But did you know about Kumbhakarana's illicit child?
His name was Bheem.
This is mentioned in Shivpurana's Koti Rudra Samhita.
Let's find out in today's episode.
A long time ago, a devil named Karkat & his wife Pushkashi resided in the woods.
They had a daughter named Karkati.
Karkati had married a devil named Viradh.
Once Lord Ram & Laxman were strollling in the woods when they were attacked by Viradh.
Viradh died in this battle.
After her husband's death, Karkati returned to live with her parents.
Once Karkati's parents decided to eat Augustyamuni's student Sudhakshina.
But Sudhakshina's destroyed them.
After her parent's death Karkati was all alone.
She decided to live by herself in the woods.
Kumbhakarana was also spending his time in the woods & met Karkati.
Kumbhakarana fell in love with Karkati & impregnated her.
She gave birth to boy named Bheem.
He was born much like his father, strong & huge.
But after a few years Bheem was left fuming, when his mother informed him about his father's death.
Instantly became Lord Vishnu's foe.
So to defeat Lord Vishnu, he started praying to Lord Brahma & gained a boon which made him more powerful than Lord Vishnu.
At that moment, Bheem was really powerful.
So powerful, that Lord Shiva himself had to destroy him.
Do let us know if you liked the video, in the comments below.
Thank you.
Ben Brode - ARTHAS - Duration: 5:12.
Well met!
My name is Ben Brode I got a story to tell
Are you ready then come on and listen well
Many years ago there lived a Paladin
He was prince of the Alliance when our story begins
this ain't a happy story it's a little dark. This
ain't no summer day this ain't no walk in the park
You see this prince's name was Arthas, AKA the Lich King.
This is the story of how he became him.
It all started with a mysterious plague.
Only vague reports were all the Alliance scouts gave.
The King sent Arthas to go check out the rumor.
And he met up with his college buddy Jaina Proudmoore-a.
Arthas and Jaina yo they were on the case
they found some crates filled grain that were poison-laced.
Suspicious - they looked about
as something moved in the forest
Shadows emerged and Arthas yelled
"They're coming right for us!"
That's when the scourge attacked.
The defenses just cracked
And Arthas just snapped
He jumped in to act
But quickly got trapped
Ghouls at his front and ghouls at his back
Arthas looked up and through battle
saw a Necromancer's Shadow
It was Kel'Thuzad Arthas gave him a nod
And then he swept the ghouls away
and clawed his way towards KT and
punched that necromancer straight square in the teeth.
KT said, "Seek Mal'ganis where he makes his home
He controls the scourge from the city of Stratholme!
Those were the last words Kel'Thuzad said
Arthas killed that Necromancer with a blow to the head.
Then said, "Jaina, I demand that
you call the Silver Hand and
Uther will command them and
we will purge the damned then.
And Jaina said: "Yo Yo Yo ok I'll go.
I will go find Uther and I'll tell him what I know. Yo"
And she teleported away
There's wasn't much else to say
They had to go stop the plague
undead were coming this way.
Right then he arrived at Hearthglen
Looked down, saw plagued grain on the ground again.
Arthas took a deep breath then turned around
he was surrounded by the entire town.
"Wait a second," said Arthas, filling with dread
This plague doesn't just kill it turns you into UNDEAD."
The prince's stomach began to churn.
At that second townsfolk began to turn.
Twelve hours later, Arthas barely alive
His royal bodyguards well, they didn't survive.
The Undead had him on the ropes all outta hopes
Guess who showed up then?
You better check ya notes!
It was UTHER Arthas's Tutor
an incredible maneuver shoulda come sooner
He saved the day.
Poor Arthas would never be the same.
Something clicked in his brain.
And they heard him exclaim:
"STRATHOLME, Mal'Ganis is there.
He will pay for what he did today, I swear."
And then he left still covered in ichor, heading to Stratholme
all alone, and here is the kicker:
Empty crates lined the streets
the plague had been released pretty soon
the city would be an undead army of beasts
Arthas knew he couldn't let them become scourge
Turned around and shouted "Listen to my words!
There is only one way to emerge as victors!
We surge into the city and PURGE the villagers!"
Uther said: "Are you serious?
Your father would be furious!
You can't possibly consider this!
There must be some other way!"
Arthas said, "Not today.
There is no other way to save this town.
You betray the crown."
Uther said: "Fine then, do it alone.
I'm taking my army home."
Arthas started killing people in the night
they were sleeping? didn't matter he would kill'em on sight
Better to kill'em now before they turned to undead
so he burned the town down 'til the skies turned red.
Then he found Mal'Ganis in the wreckage
He was just seconds from wrecking him
When he said "wait I have a message"
Do you think you can get the best of me?
Then come to Northrend, Arthas! Fulfill your destiny!"
Yeah, he went up to Northrend
he would chase Mal'Ganis and do anything to avenge
the death of his people including doing things that sound a little evil
or at least are a little illegal.
But his campaign in Northrend didn't go very well
His army kept getting weaker. His soldiers fell.
It was bleak. They'd only been there for a week
but they were close to defeat. Arthas was willing to cheat.
There was a rumor of a sword full of ultimate power
But the inscription said that it would devour
the soul of any that touched it. It was called Frostmourne
Arthas tracked it down anyway because he'd sworn
to kill Mal'Ganis. It was worth any risk, including this.
So he lifted his fist and gave the sword a twist
It came out of the altar
Arthas did not falter
He ran back to his army where the undead all were.
Arthas tore through the undead forces
straight to Mal'Ganis of course
The dreadlord laughed "you think you're winning?
When you picked up that sword
you became a pawn of Lich King."
And Arthas knew it was true.
He was doomed, through and through.
I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved
and I still feel no remorse.
A lot happened after that. He killed his father.
But I'm just not gonna bother to rap the rest. I guess I oughtta
tell you one last thing. He found the crown of the Lich King
he put it on his head and now it's time to sing…
Donald Trump's 'Bromance' With Vladimir Putin Will Continue Despite Tensions, Analyst Says | TODAY - Duration: 3:58.
Turtle time with the MO Dept. of Conservation - Duration: 3:37.
What To Buy In August: Laptops, Patio Furniture, Air Conditioners, More | TODAY - Duration: 3:50.
Fat fighting foods that help you lose weight - Duration: 3:52.
This Sign Warns You, You Are Not Drinking Enough Water - Benefits Of Drinking Water - Duration: 3:16.
Our bodies are comprised of a stunning 75 to 80% of water.
It's nothing unexpected, at that point, that water is basic to the lion's share of our
body's capacities.
Figure out how to distinguish in case you're drinking enough water in view of 5 normal
manifestations of parchedness.
The present video will talk about 5 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water.
Drinking enough water is a standout amongst the most critical propensities you can have.
As you most likely know, it's fundamental for a decent personal satisfaction.
When you don't drink enough water, your major real frameworks fall flat.
This thusly causes a domino impact of negative responses.
Dry mouth,
A sticky, upsetting feeling in your mouth is the consequence of diminished salivation
creation because of lack of hydration.
Drinking water goes about as an oil for the mucous layer of the mouth and throat, which
is basic to keep them sound and contamination free.
Feeling parched,
Okay, this one may appear somewhat self-evident.
All things considered, feeling parched is the most clear indication of low liquid utilization.
It's additionally frequently an indication of a headache, since mixed drinks get dried
out the body and lower vitality levels.
The mind sends these notice signs to get the liquid it requirements for ideal working.
Dry eyes,
Every day utilization of water doesn't simply help grease up the mouth and throat, yet in
addition the eyes and other critical parts of the body.
The absence of liquids can diminish powerful oxygenation and thus make shred channels dry.
Joint torment,
The ligament and spinal plates that ensure joints are comprised of 80% water.
Along these lines, your day by day water admission is basic for keeping away from bone grinding
and joint damage.
At the point when your body is hydrated, your joints are kept greased up and prepared to
deal with the effect regular developments have on them.
A water inadequacy expands the danger of injury, untimely weakening, and unending conditions,
for example, joint pain.
Bulk diminishes,
Muscles are likewise fundamentally made out of this basic liquid.
This implies the less water there is in the body, the more bulk is lost.
Water allow some time recently, amid, and after exercise is basic to anticipate drying
out and muscle misfortune.
This keeps flow going and forestalls harm caused by provocative procedures from overexertion.
Do you think you body is missing of enough water, Let me know in our remark segment underneath.
10 Cars You Won't Believe Exist - Duration: 5:06.
10 Cars You Won't Believe Exist
Jet-powered Flatmobile: the flattest car in the world
This crazy, crazy "Flatmobile" is going to enter the Guinness book as the flattest vehicle
How flat is it?
Nineteen inches.
This Batmobile-like contraption is extremely dangerous—creator Perry Watkins shoved a
gas turbine jet engine on the butt.
It's also supposedly street legal, but we wouldn't want to be in it during a rollover.
Colim: the detachable caravan Colim, a new vehicle designed by Christian
Susana, is a great blend of a car and a caravan camper.
The front part of this unique looking automobile can be detached, if you are not going camping
with your family, and used as a two-seater car.
World's Longest Limousine This fancy limousine is actually the longest
limousine in the world.
Total length is 100 feet.
It has 26 tires, room for a lot of passengers, a heated Jacuzzi, sun deck, swimming pool,
a few beds and… a helipad.
Dream Car 123: the pyramid electric car What weighs 8,000 pounds, turns on a dime,
and looks like an Egyptian pyramid?
The Dream Car 123!
It may look like a pyramid, but it's outfitted like a tank and lights up in neon colors at
The best part is that it runs on electricity.
3.5 hour charge will take the Dream Car 240 miles at up to 40 mph.
Peel 50: World's Smallest Car The three-wheeled micro car boasts the record
for the smallest ever automobile to go into production.
It has certainly got itself into a tight squeeze, but the world's tinniest car has every right
to be there.
LEGO F1: Ferrari Race Car With about 12k-20k invested and 80,000 LEGO
pieces later, the biggest and most lifelike LEGO F1 car was created.
This Ferrari F1, based on the F2008, is 1:1 scale, is apparently drivable, and was presented
in Holland, more specifically in Amsterdam, at the annual 'Lego World' event held there.
We would love to have one.
Evolution: Super Eco friendly car Different from convenient eco-friendly car,
this concept car from Loremo AG, a German car corporation, is not a based on hybrid
but on its weight: about 450kg.
The speed will go up to 160km/h on a 2 cylinder turbo-diesel engine.
Another surprising part is that comes with a front wing door rather than having two side
doors for the drivers to enter the vehicle.
Mattrack Truck: the skiing car This is a standard truck in which the wheels
have been replaced by mattrack belts.
The company -Mattrack- can apparently do this to any kind of 4×4 vehicle – from ATVs
to 20 ton trucks.
The short belts allow the Mattrack Truck to drive almost anywhere unless the snow gets
too deep.
If the snow gets to deep, longer belts are required.
The short belts also make Mattrack Truck able to cross small creavasses, while larger creavasses
require longer belts.
Eclectic: world's first energy-autonomous vehicle
Claiming its creation in the world's first "energy-autonomous" vehicle, Venturi equipped
this nerdy car, called Eclectic with a solar panel and a wind turbine so it can get power
from the elements.
It also has a plug for recharging from an outlet, as the panel and turbine combined
give you only something like 14 miles a day.
But electric power still beats gas.
You are able to buy an Eclectic for about $31,500, according to a Venturi press release.
Thrust SSC: runs over 750 mph Thrust Super Sonic Car is powered by two 25,000
lb thrust Rolls Royce 205 Turbojet engines.
This gives it a total power similar to 145 Formula 1 cars.
Thrust SSC weighs 10 tones and recorded a maximum speed of 766 mph in the Black Rock
desert Nevada, USA on October 15, 1997.
Garlic Chive Butter - Duration: 2:03.
Hey there!
Nicole here with Best Easy Recipe.
I've got a really easy way to make your bread and butter something fancy.
You'd think you were in a restaurant.
Garlic and Chive Butter.
Stay tuned for just a few minutes and I'll show you how you can make this at home.
Also, I really want you to subscribe to my youtube channel so you don't miss out on
anything else to come.
You can also like me on facebook or follow me on instagram and twitter.
Time to turn some boring butter into something amazing!
In a pan with some oil, add in 2 cloves of minced garlic and you'll saute those for
just a few minutes to get those flavors and aromas going.
In a large mixing bowl, you'll add in 2 sticks of softened butter.
I used 1 stick salted and 1 stick unsalted.
Mash/stir that down until you get it to a nice and creamy consistency.
Add 2 ½ tsp of fresh, chopped chives.
Now add in the sauteed minced garlic and then you'll just stir everything together.
Last but not least add in ½ tsp of salt and ½ tsp of pepper and again mix everything together completely.
Take a sheet of wax paper or saran wrap and spoon the butter mixture into a straight line.
Now just spread and smooth the butter into
a straight line. Carefully fold over the saran wrap or wax
paper and roll that butter into a log. Twist down the sides and roll it on up and
smooth it on the outside. There ya have it! A garlic and chive butter
fit for a king! Thank you so much for hanging out with me
today and learning how to make this delicious garlic and chive butter.
I hope you and your family enjoy it.
Samui (THAILAND) watch this before you go ! - Duration: 2:36.
hope you enjoy with this <3
How To Get Any Customer Care No | All Company Toll Free No in app | All In One Customer Service No - Duration: 7:32.
thanks for watching this video
Salt Therapy - Duration: 5:23.
Salt Therapy
by Danell Glade
(There is a wonderful Salt Cave (healing room in a building) in Phoenix that I�ve sat
for a session once.
Walls are salt and pulverized salt is blown in the room.
Too bad I live so far away.
I did bring some of that pulverized salt home and used it.
You can make your own by putting some good quality salt into a blender or food processor
� until it�s powdered.
You need to bake it in an oven for about 30 minutes on 350 degrees to dry it out.
I put it in a spice bottle, shake it, quickly crack the lid and breathe it in slowly (you�ll
cough at first).
It should powder like Powdered sugar.
There is also a salt pipe that you can order at many different stores.
It looks like a pipe you fill with coarse salt.
It has holes in the bottom of the pipe and you just inhale through the pipe.
I�ve never tried these and didn�t know they were available until I had such good
results with the powdered salt.
These are also worth looking into and would be less of a mess.
(just think powdered sugar kind of mess).
Powered salt can be kind of messy when you shake and breathe, FYI, but I would highly
recommend this home-made version.
Last year there was only 2 or 3 salt rooms in the U.S. and many more in Europe and Middle
East Countries.)
Dr. Mehmet Oz calls salt the �miracle mineral that heals� and notes that, historically,
it�s been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments.�Even Hippocrates,
the father of medicine, himself prescribed salt therapy for breathing ailments,� he
�Today it�s being used to relieve skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema as well
as treat breathing issues due to asthma and cystic fibrosis.
�From the Dead Sea to the salt mines of the Himalayas, salt is being rediscovered
for its unique antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.�
Salt rooms are springing up across the country.
Adherents flock into the salt-coated rooms to soak up what is known as �halotherapy.�
�Halo� is the Greek word for salt and halotherapy advocates say it can treat a variety
of ailments, ranging from asthma and allergies to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
and sinusitis.
It�s also believed to lower stress and strengthen the immune system.
Machines called halogenerators deliver a dry salt aerosol made up of microscopic particles
that circulate in the therapy room where you simply sit and relax.
Many salt rooms are equipped with soothing spa music or deep breathing audio pods you
can access with headphones.
Salt therapy originated in 1843 when a Polish physician named Felix Bochkovski noticed that
salt mine workers did not experience the respiratory issues or lung disease of other miners.
Almost 100 years later, a German doctor named Karl Herman Spannagel noticed that his patients�
health improved after hiding out in the salt caves to avoid heavy bombing during World
War II.
�And many years ago, people with tuberculosis used to moved into giant salt caves in Europe
which offered the only cure for their disease,� Dr. Y.
Aaron Kaweblum, an expert in allergies and asthma, tells Newsmax Health.
�We all know that when a baby has trouble breathing, we give it saline solution drops
to clear the airways.
When you have an infection of the mouth, your dentist advises you to rinse with salt water.
Salt has been healing us for centuries.
I have seen many of my patients with asthma improve dramatically and are able to control
their condition with regular visits to a salt room.�
Kaweblum notes that many people with allergies and asthma feel better when they take an ocean
side vacation or cruise.
The negatively charged ions in salt improve our health and mood, say experts.
The National Institutes of Health says studies also show it has clear biological impacts:
�Due to the osmotic pressure the inhaled salt diminishes the swelling of the bronchial
mucosa, dissolves the mucus and makes expectoration easier and faster.
It also helps remove air pollution and allergies faster, too.
It inhibits the growth of bacteria and, and in some cases, kills them.
It has beneficial effect on the well being of the patient and a relaxation effect on
the nervous system.
According to the international literature, it has beneficial effect for some chronic
dermatological disease.�
Dr. Norman Edelman, the American Lung Association�s leading scientific authority, believes that
salt therapy does have significant medical value.
�When fine salt particles are inhaled, they will fall on the airway linings and draw water
into the airway, thinning the mucous and making it easier to breathe, thus making people feel
better,� he says.
�Also the environments are allergen-free and good for people with allergies affecting
their lungs.�
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Willkommen bei Drimbo! Welcome to Drimbo! - Duration: 0:55.
Hello and welcome to Drimbo.
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Easy DIY || Blue Earrings || Polymer Clay Tutorial - Duration: 7:20.
Bake the product in the oven at (110°C - 130°C) for 10-15 minutes
Blue acrylic paint, water and pearly pigment
Cover a glossy varnish
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