Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 31 2017

Make sure your guitar is in E Standard Tuning so you can follow along!







Power Chords (also called 5-chords)

E Chord (open) 0-2-2-1-0-0

This buzzing sound can be caused by either: 1) accidentally touching an adjacent string or 2) not squeezing fret hard enough

E Chord (open) 0-2-2-1-0-0

Em (E-minor) Chord (open) 0-2-2-0-0-0

E Chord (open) 0-2-2-1-0-0

Em (E-minor) Chord (open) 0-2-2-0-0-0

A Chord (open) X-0-2-2-2-0

A Chord (open w/ lower 5th): 0-0-2-2-2-0

A Chord (open) X-0-2-2-2-0

A Chord (open) X-0-2-2-2-0

Am Chord (open) X-0-2-2-1-0

D Chord (open) X-X-0-2-3-2

Dm Chord (open) X-X-0-2-3-1

Remember: you don't HAVE to play every single note in a chord for it to be that chord, sometimes, less is more :)

Octave is optional, only the tonic and the 5th is necessary to technically be a 5-Chord

Drop D Tuning is all about playing 5-chords with one finger (see my drop D tuning video for a demonstration)

More tabs incoming!!!


A= 5-7-7

Watch the Right Hand!!

E= 0-2-2; G= 3-5-5; F#= 2-4-4; A= 5-7-7; Bflat= 6-8-8

Palm mute=using the knife edge of strumming hand to lightly touch the strings while strumming for that chum chum sound!!!!

watch the right hand!!

watch left hand closely now!

G= 3-5-5 / C= X-3-5-5

A= 5-7-7 / D= X-5-7-7

same shape, just move it!!! remember to bar the two smaller strings with the ring finger

E= 0-2-2; G= 3-5-5; F#= 2-4-4; A= 5-7-7; Bflat= 6-8-8

F= 1-3-3

Thanks for watching! Support my channel and subscribe please!!! :D

For more infomation >> Guitar Lesson 8: How to Play Chords - Duration: 9:24.


T-fox Radio____we do it best___ - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> T-fox Radio____we do it best___ - Duration: 12:40.


'Please Don't Be So Nice?' Have You Seen Cops on Video Lately? - Duration: 33:09.

For more infomation >> 'Please Don't Be So Nice?' Have You Seen Cops on Video Lately? - Duration: 33:09.


Integrating Ethics: "You Don't Just Throw Them Away" - Duration: 4:20.

You adopted this dog.

You are responsible for its health, its wellbeing.

Taking care of it is a part of that and unfortunately,

they might go through an operation and they might not

quite be the same dog, but

just like

any other family member, you don't just

throw them away.

My name is Brittney Roach.

I'm a philosophy student at El Paso Community College.

I wouldn't say I have one steady form of ethics, because

it's situational.

It has ebbs and flows depending on what that may be,

but I try to be as moral as possible,

whatever that may be during that situation.

I adopted a dog about six years ago named Abby Rose,

she's a schnauzer I got from the pound,

after my previous childhood dog had passed.

So she already had

a big significance to me.

I had her for a few years. I noticed she had

a big lump on her stomach and I wasn't sure if it,

she had a tumor or what,

because my previous dog was also a schnauzer

and they're prone to that.

So I took her to the vet,

found out she had a hernia that

she needed to have surgery on, because it was rather large.

They put her skin back together with glue,

they had burned both her sides when they

shaved for her incision.

So she was pretty miserable for about three weeks,

and she in turn

made sure everyone else was miserable with her.

She had a cone on her head.

She would run into us purposely.

She was very defiant.

It affected me and my boyfriend.

We lived in a very small apartment,

so it was already kind of hard for her

to get around and mobile.


when we had her in her attitude change

she no longer seemed to

want to be with us.

We decided that maybe it would be best

that she found another home

where she would be more comfortable

and happier,

because she no longer seemed happy with us.

It was something I really had to go back and forth on.

I felt that

deciding to keep her was the best choice,

because of all the stuff that we've been through before.

She had been a great dog up until that point so

I just worked with her until she

came out of it.

Once she started feeling better, and she started

healing and recuperating

her previous attitudes came back and she was

more of her old self.

Had I had made the opposite decision,

I think I would've regretted it,

because I would've missed out on the great dog that I have now.

I think it's a struggle for some people because

the fiscal responsibility of pets isn't the

the foremost thing that you think about.

You think about having those little dog, or cat, or whatever.

They're to play with,

but you are responsible for its health, its wellbeing,

taking care of it is a part of that, and unfortunately

sometimes it comes with some medical bills and

might go through an operation and they might not

quite be the same dog, but

just like any other family member you don't just

throw them away.

Think about why you decided to adopt or

whatever similar situation it may be.

Think about what

drove you to make that decision and understand that

it's not always going to be good.

There's some trials and tribulations that come with it

and you have to ride them out because you

decided to take something on like that.

You move


You try to figure stuff out,

and you work towards a good solution for everyone involved.

For more infomation >> Integrating Ethics: "You Don't Just Throw Them Away" - Duration: 4:20.


【初音ミク PDA- ƒ Live Studio】 I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) みくみくにしてあげる♪ ◆English Sub Romaji - Duration: 1:40.

I've come here

From beyond the bounds of science

I didn't come with a leek

But I wouldn't mind having one

Um, I wonder if you could

Hurry up and install me on your PC

Is something wrong?

You've been staring at the package forever

I'm gonna

Miku-Miku you

And push myself to sing better

I'm gonna Miku-Miku you

So you'd better get ready

I'll Miku-Miku you, for reals

I'll do my best to the very end

I'll Miku-Miku you, for reals

So why don't you relax a little

I'm gonna Miku-Miku you

I'll make you more

Miku-Miku than anyone else in the world♪

So please, give me more to sing

For more infomation >> 【初音ミク PDA- ƒ Live Studio】 I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals) みくみくにしてあげる♪ ◆English Sub Romaji - Duration: 1:40.


Bullshit, You Aren't Living | Conscious Reminder - Duration: 10:05.

Bullshit, You Aren't Living

The thing that gets the most under my skin is walking around the world and seeing people who have stopped living.

I see them on buses and in restaurants and walking on the street and it fucking devastates me.

It's fucking miserable.

It's a club 70% of our world has prescribed to.

I went to shake them and light a fire in their eyes.

You must quit the life you hate to start living.

I was talking with somebody last week about somebody changing careers and they said, "If I was them I would just lie down,

take it and work for another 10 years even if I hated it, just to retire.

They're so close.

Why start again?"

Every molecule in my being detested those words.

It makes my hackles raise and my mouth froth resent.

Doing the movements–the degree/the debt, the office job, the pension, the mortgage, waking up everyday hating a job you have to work to

support the house you didn't really want to buy and the degree you didn't really use for the pension you'll never use because you'll get a

disease from your misery and die before you can enjoy it isn't living.

Whatever asshole told you that, lied.

I'm sorry—but its all absolute bollux and you need to start again.

Our generation is blessed with living in a world where we can do whatever the hell we want–we can pull jobs out of our assholes and throw

pasta on walls.

There are kids pranking their moms on their Youtube channels getting paid 60,000 a video off advertising.

We live in a cool time–are you aware of what we can do, what you can do?

How some of my friends left their 9-5's and started their own business and are absolutely killing it is not extraordinary to me.

I don't think I or they are special cases.

I think too many people lay down in a life they don't love and go, "Well, I guess I'm here so… fuck it, I'll just stay."

No shit we are a bunch of black out weekly alcoholics.

No shit we are addicted to Netflix so we can check out of real life.

No shit we get depressed because we feel it is hopeless and there's no point.

Who said we have to stay?

Who said the solution is to lay down, wake up, brush our teeth, pee, get dressed, eat, shit, eat, and sleep?

Maybe your parents or a cool uncle or who knows—anyways, it isn't true.

A friend of mine is in his seventies and getting a divorce.

When he told me his choice he said, "Janne, now is the most pressing time.

And I know, shit, I only have maybe 20 years left.

How do I want to live those 20 years?"

"You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be.

And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue,

some great cause.

And you refuse to do it because you are afraid.

You refuse to do it because you want to live longer.

You're afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity,

or you're afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand.

Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you're just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90.

And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

You aren't doing anybody a favor when you stop living, stop trying.

When we heal our suffering, we heal this world.

When we do what we love, we heal this world.

You don't need to write some fucking self help book with the intention it's going to save people,

or become Tony Robbins or go build 12 schools in Colombia (or do) to save our planet—you want to save our planet?

Live your god damn truth.

Speak your truth, be your truth, live your truth—and go make some money off your truth while you're at it.

Don't lie down and drink the Kool aide and think you're doing anyone any favors.

The greatest cause of dis-ease is emotions that manifest into physical pain in our bodies—you want to swallow your truth and work,

live a job you hate—it will kill you and that ain't doing you or your family any favors either.

So how does it heal this world if I do what I love?

Because when you do what you love, you shine.

You become happy.

You float like a fucking weightless chipmunk through your days because nothing is heavy anymore.

People will walk up to you and when you tell them they will go, "Ahhhhh, that's why.

You're happy because you do what you love."

Like its some god damn secret that somebody needs to tell everybody else (even though you already know and he knows,

and she knows and we all know).

"But, who will do all the jobs like bag groceries?

Pick the garbage up?

Not everybody is a beautiful, blonde, white 27-year-old female who can play on a surfboard and write poetry."

You're right, there is only one me—and my truth and my joy is writing poetry and somebody else's truth and joy might be being a tow truck


In fact, one of the happiest humans I have ever met is a tow truck driver in Victoria.

Shit grinning happy.

Maybe happier than me.

He is living.

So quit blaming everybody for not living your life.

And go try.

"The common complaint among a lot of these people is that they need to 'find their passion.'

I call bullshit.

You already found your passion, you're just ignoring it.

Seriously, you're awake 16 hours a day, what the fuck do you do with your time?

You're doing something, obviously.

You're talking about something.

There's some topic or activity or idea that dominates a significant amount of your free time, your conversations, your web browsing,

and it dominates them without you consciously pursuing it or looking for it.

It's right there in front of you, you're just avoiding it.

For whatever reason, you're avoiding it.

You're telling yourself, "Oh well, yeah, I love comic books but that doesn't count.

You can't make money with comic books."

Fuck you, have you even tried?"

-Mark Manson

If you woke up tomorrow morning and had 6 million dollars, what would you do?

You have your thing—now go fucking live it.

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