Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 29 2017

Hi, I'm Kasia.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson, you're going to learn how you can improve your English listening.

You'll see simple, effective tips that anyone can use to improve their English listening


We'll also give you a practical, easy-to-follow study plan to help you improve your English

listening fast.

But first, let's start with some questions.

I'm going to ask you about four different situations where you would hear spoken English.

You should think about whether understanding spoken English would be easy or difficult

for you.


First, you're listening to an English teacher, speaking British English, speaking slowly

and clearly.

Easy or difficult?

Next, you're listening to a native English speaker from Scotland, who speaks with a Scottish

accent, and also uses a lot of slang and idiomatic English.

What do you think: would this be easy or difficult for you?

Next, you're on a train.

There are four non-native speakers from four different countries talking to each other.

They have different accents.

Do you think you could understand their conversation?

Would it depend on where they were from?

Finally, you're listening to a news show on the radio or as a podcast.

There are many different speakers, and of course you can't see them.

They're talking fast, using a lot of less common vocabulary, and changing topics often.

How would you find this?

Probably, most of you think that the first situation is the easiest, and the last situation

is the hardest.

However, a lot depends on you and your experiences.

The big question is: what can you do in those difficult situations?

You've been studying English for years, but you still can't understand everything

you hear.

We get it—it's frustrating!

So, what can you do?

Here's a question: if you worry a lot about your English listening, will it make your

English listening better?

No, of course not!

Many English learners get very stressed and anxious when they can't understand something.

This doesn't help your English listening, and it can even make it more difficult to

understand spoken English.

To understand a foreign language, you need 100% of your brain power.

"Why can't I understand this?"

"What was that word he just used?"

"They're speaking too quickly!"

If you're worrying and thinking thoughts like this, you aren't concentrating on listening.

You're focusing on your own worries and thoughts, and not on what you're hearing.

This makes it harder to understand, not easier!

So, relax!

If you understand, you understand.

If you don't, you don't—it's not the end of the world!

By relaxing and focusing 100% on what you're hearing, you have the best chance to understand.

[Portuguese audio]

That's Portuguese, if you didn't know.

I don't know one word of Portuguese, so I can't understand anything she's saying.

Is that a problem?


Am I worried or stressed?


If I listen carefully, I can hear a few words which sound a little familiar, so I could maybe guess

the topic in a very general way.

Take the same attitude when listening to English.

If you don't understand, there's nothing you can do about it.

So, relax!

Being relaxed and focused gives you the best chance to understand what you hear.

Remember: you need 100% of your brain power to understand spoken English, or any foreign


You know what takes a lot of brain power?

Translating English into your language!

So, you can't do both.

Professional interpreters, who translate spoken language as they hear it, have a very difficult


In fact, they can only work a few hours a day because it requires so much concentration.

If you listen to English and try to translate into your language at the same time, you're

trying to be a professional interpreter, except you haven't had the years of training that

they've had.

Also, you're not getting paid like they are.

Doesn't sound like a good deal, right?

Again, when you're listening to spoken English, just listen.

Don't do anything else.

Don't try to translate things.

Don't worry about words you don't know.

Don't think about things you didn't hear.

Just listen.

Want to know a simple secret about understanding spoken English?

You don't have to understand what someone said to understand what they mean.

Wait, what?

It's true.

Very often, I see English learners focusing too much on the things they don't understand.

I hear things like, "There was a word I didn't know, so I couldn't understand."

Here's the thing: understanding doesn't just depend on listening.

Very often, there are other things you can use.

For example, if you're face to face with someone, you can use their body language,

tone of voice and facial expressions to help you understand what they mean.

Also, think about the situation you're in.

What is the other person likely to say?

What words are they likely to use?

For example, imagine you're at the airport.

You're checking in for your flight.

What questions might you expect to hear?

You'd probably hear questions like:

Did you pack these bags yourself?

Have you already checked in online?

Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?

Imagine you hear the last question, but you don't know what aisle means.

Even if you've never heard the word before, it shouldn't stop you from understanding

the question.

You know that there are two choices, aisle seat or window seat.

You know what window seat means.

You know that aisle seat must mean something different from window seat.

So, you can work it out.

Similarly, imagine you hear this:

Have you mbrmmnbsmgrm chicken online?


Did he say 'chicken'?

That doesn't make sense…

Right, it doesn't make sense.

So, probably the person behind the check-in desk didn't say 'chicken', he probably

said 'check-in', because that's what you're doing: you're checking in for your


So, when you're listening to spoken English, use everything you can to help you understand.

Don't think: "I didn't understand one word, so I can't understand anything."

It's just not true!

At the beginning of this lesson, we looked at different situations where it might be

easier or more difficult for you to understand spoken English.

Generally, if you're familiar with something, it'll be easier to understand.

For example, if you learn English from a teacher, and your teacher is male and British, you'll

probably find male British voices easier to understand.

On the other hand, you might find female voices slightly more difficult.

You might find other accents, like American voices or Australian voices, harder to understand.

So, what's the solution?

Very simple: listen to as many different voices as possible!

Don't limit yourself.

If you only listen to one kind of English, you'll be good at understanding one kind

of English.

So, listen to different kinds of English.

Listen to English people from the north, south, east and west of the country.

Listen to Scottish speakers, Welsh speakers, and Irish speakers; listen to men, women and

children; listen to Americans, Australians, Canadians and South Africans.

Listen to Indian, Chinese, Russian or Brazilian English speakers.

What's that?

You only want to listen to native English?

Fine, but remember that more English is spoken between non-native speakers in the world today,

so it could be a very good use of your time to listen to non-native English as well.

It's not just about listening to different voices.

You should listen to as many different formats and sources as possible.

So, listen to songs, TV shows, films, audiobooks, textbook exercises, and anything else you

can find.

All of the advice in this lesson will help you improve your English listening, but you

also need a practical plan to work on your English listening.

Let's make a plan together.


It's very simple: you just need to follow two rules:

Rule number 1.

Do something every day.

Rule number 2.

Do something different every day.

Easy, right?

"But, but, I don't have time!"

You don't need much time.

If you have ten minutes a day, spend ten minutes a day.

Of course, more is better, but be realistic.

Don't say you're going to spend an hour a day on English listening practice unless

you're sure you will do it!

A good target is 15-20 minutes a day.

This is not too much, so it should be easy to stick to.

It's also enough to get better and improve.

What about the second rule?

You need to do something different every day so that you listen to different sources and

different voices.

If you do the same thing every day, you won't get enough variety.

Here's what your listening plan for one week could look like:

Monday: listen to 1-2 songs, 2-3 times each.

Tuesday: listen to a podcast with American voices.

Wednesday: watch 15 minutes of a TV show from the UK.

Thursday: do a listening exercise from a textbook.

Friday: watch 15 minutes of a news show Saturday: watch 15 minutes of an old movie

Sunday: call a friend and spend 15 minutes speaking in English!

This is just an example.

Your plan might be different.

That's fine!

Here are some questions you probably have:

"Where do I get materials?"

Easy, get on Google or the search engine of your choice.

There's lots of stuff out there which is free if you have an Internet connection.

Yes, you have to work a little to find materials that will suit you.

That's necessary, because you should choose your own listening materials.

"How do I choose something which is the right level?"

There's a good rule here: the first time you listen to something, you should be able

to understand more than 50% and less than 90%.

If you can't understand half of what you hear the first time you listen, then it's

too difficult.

If you can understand more than 90% the first time you listen, then it's too easy.

So, try to choose materials which are in this range.

"How do I stick to my plan and make sure I don't give up?"

Make your plan at the start of the week.

Write it down.

Stick it somewhere in your home, for example on the wall, or on your fridge.

Think about what time of day you should do your English practice.

Are you better in the mornings or in the evenings?

Try to do your listening practice when your brain is at its best!

Then, when you do your listening practice each day, cross it off your plan.

That way, you'll see what you're doing every day.

You won't want to miss a day!

If you have good ideas for things to listen to in English, please share your suggestions

with other English learners in the video comments.

Did you enjoy this lesson? Don't forget to check out our website

for many more free English lessons:

Oxford Online

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> 5 Steps to Improve Your English Listening - How To Improve Your English Listening - Duration: 14:06.


How to get rid of acne scars with home remedies - Duration: 3:15.

How TO Get Rid Of Acne Scars.

Acne is one of the most difficult skin problems which people have to endure.

Sometimes there are scars left on the skin even after the problem of acne has been taken

care of.

In this video we are talking about best 5 home remedies to remove acne scars.

So please like share and subscribe our channel for more videos.



Vitamin C in lemon will help you in rebuilding collagen.

So you can use lemon juice to deal with acne scars and then the spots will get lighter


Take a fresh lemon.

Squeeze out its juice and apply the lemon juice directly on your acne scars by using

finger tips or some cotton balls.

Let it on for about 10 minutes and then you wash it off with the water.

Apply this remedy once a day and 2 to 3 weeks.



Honey is one of the best natural home remedies for acne scars you should try.

Mix half cup of oatmeal with 2 tablespoon of honey.

Apply the honey mixture gently onto pimple scars.

Then leave it for roughly 15 to 20 minutes.

Next you will wash off with the lukewarm water.

Or, you add 1 tablespoon of honey with half teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Then you apply on your acne scars.

leave it on for about 60 minutes or use it overnight.

Next, you wash off with water.


Aloe Vera. Aloe vera helps you in regenerating your damaged

tissues and boosting the healing process.

It also helps soothe swollen skin.

Take an aloe vera leaf and peel the outer green cover of this leaf.

take out the gel and then you apply it on acne scars.

Leave it for roughly 30 minutes and then you wash off.

You should apply this remedy 2 times per day to see the better results.


Olive Oil.

Take a little of olive oil and then you gently massage the face with it.

Massage for some minutes until you can feel that it has been absorbed by the skin.

Take a clean cloth or towel and then drape it to warm water.

Put this warm wet towel or cloth onto your acne face to make the steam.

Wipe away your excess oil gently with your cloth.

Do not rub though.

After about 1 to 2 minutes, you wash off the face with normal water.


Baking Soda.

Take some teaspoons of baking soda.

Then use water to create a consistent paste.

Massage your face gently with the paste and you focus on pimple scars.

After massage for about 1 to 2 minutes, let this paste sit on your face for some minutes.

Wash off with the warm water.

And apply your favorite moisturizer such as olive oil.

Repeat this process 2 or 3 times a week.

For more infomation >> How to get rid of acne scars with home remedies - Duration: 3:15.


[Lyrics + Vietsub] Too Much to Ask - Niall Horan - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> [Lyrics + Vietsub] Too Much to Ask - Niall Horan - Duration: 2:50.


These Villagers Worship Dog And This Is How The World Is Reacting - Duration: 1:49.

These Villagers Worship dog and This is How the World is Reacting

Hundreds of festivals are celebrated around the globe some of them are religion based

and others are geographic.

You might have seen people celebrating festivals like Mud Festival, Baby Jumping Fiesta, Buso

festival and others.

These festivals grab attention because of their uniqueness or weirdness, you name it.

One of such festivals in China has caught the attention of media which is specially

arranged for a well-dressed dog.

Yes, you read it right!

People in a village in China worship dog as god and celebrate a special festival every

year to pay tribute to the dog.

In this annual festival, a dog can be seen all dressed up in human clothes, being carried

over a sedan chair and worshipped as the god in a village of Chine.

Legends of Jiaobang village in the Guizhou province of China has it as their forefathers

were saved from thirst by a dog in the area and that brought them a major source of water


The Miao people consider this act as a huge sign of divinity, peace, and prosperity and

celebrate The Dog Carrying Day festival every year to pay tribute to this creature that

is being worshipped for centuries there.

The whole celebration is carried out in a royal way in the form of a parade led by a


The dog, dressed in the shirt and a hat, is carried on a wooden sedan chair and people

sing and beat the drums to show their affection.

People also throw mud at them as a sign of peace, prosperity, and health.

The festival, however, has received huge criticism online.

Some people pointed out the chain tied around the dog's neck while other linked this festival

to the Yulin Dog Meat Festival where thousands of dogs are slaughtered every year.

For more infomation >> These Villagers Worship Dog And This Is How The World Is Reacting - Duration: 1:49.


We Invite You to Attend WASME ICSME 2017 I Message from Vice President - Duration: 2:26.

colleagues ladies and gentlemen across

the world my name Timson MCB based in

Sutherland in the southern part of

Africa as a member of the World

Association of small and medium

enterprises watch me I want to take this

opportunity to invite you and to

encourage you to register for the

International Conference of small and

medium enterprises taking place in New

Delhi India on the 30th of November to

the 1st of December 2017 this global

conference is going to bring together

practitioners in SME development

academics expense banks non-bank

financial institutions and SMS

themselves across the globe to discuss

the body of knowledge around SME

development an SME growth of course the

theme for this particular conference is

achieving inclusive and sustainable

industrialization through the promotion

of small and medium enterprises very

relevant in our times today world over

it is now common knowledge that SMEs are

the engine for economic growth in

emerging and developing economies once

again I want to invite you and encourage

you to register for this international

conference so go to the website of the

World Association of small and medium

enterprises and register so that we work

together and grow the knowledge around

SME development you will benefit from

aspects will be in attendance academics

practitioners we also invite you to

contribute your own wealth of knowledge

to this very important subject of small

and medium enterprise

thank you very much see you in India on

the 30th of November 2017

For more infomation >> We Invite You to Attend WASME ICSME 2017 I Message from Vice President - Duration: 2:26.


Masseria Le Mandorle in Ugento, Italy (Europe). The best of Masseria Le Mandorle in Ugento - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Masseria Le Mandorle in Ugento, Italy (Europe). The best of Masseria Le Mandorle in Ugento - Duration: 5:12.


The Hidden Dangers Of Air-Conditioned Rooms! Here's What You Should Know! - Duration: 2:26.

The Hidden Dangers Of Air-Conditioned Rooms!

Here's What You Should Know!

Air conditioners are very common today however they can be as frightening.

Most of us today sit in an air-conditioned space for work purposes and even our homes

are air-conditioned especially during summer.

We use air conditioners during the entire year since many ACs can be used for heating

the room space and warming it up.

It can be very helpful to sit under the AC the whole day, especially when the weather

outside can be hell hot and unbearable.

However, air-conditioning can be very harmful especially if we spend a long time in one

room, like say 8 hours for a work shift.

The hidden dangers of Air-conditioned rooms

When we change environments suddenly, like going from a cooled space to a heated outside,

our body goes through immediate adjustment which can be very dangerous to our health

due to the fact that it can cause heat strokes, heart attacks and various others similar dangers.

The ACs dry out the air in the room and there's no humidity, which results in improper breathing

and dry skin.

This is since our skin has sensors that are temperature sensitive and it reacts to the

conditions of our environment.

It also leads to chronic headaches, fatigues and even constant mucous membrane irritation.

Other disadvantage is that air conditions can increase the risk of some health problems

like low blood pressure, neuritis, arthritis and pain in general.

This can also be the result of switching different temperatures as mentioned before.

No matter how we adjust the temperatures, our bodies go through a lot of stress and

it can be damaging on many levels.

Even simple car rides with the AC on, will only boost the bacteria and many germs and


Heat waves are so dangerous that they have resulted in around 400 deaths each summer.

However, spending 8 hours a day, a minimum of 5 day a week, in an air-conditioned room

can really threaten your overall health, both slowly and suddenly.

You can feel the effects on your body and from simple coughs and flues.

So next time try to change your position and office space as much as you can during the

day and try using humidifiers in air-conditioned rooms to replenish the humidity of the air.

You can also add some essential oils, or just use pure water.

For more infomation >> The Hidden Dangers Of Air-Conditioned Rooms! Here's What You Should Know! - Duration: 2:26.


The Dark Side of Referrals In the House Cleaning Business - Duration: 6:46.

The dark side of referrals is something that most people do not talk about when you're

talking about getting referrals in business, but we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there.

I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's question comes from a house cleaner who's in kind of a bind.

She cleans houses for a lady we're going to call Karen.

Karen lives on one side of the street, and on the opposite side of the street, there's

a woman we're going to call Janet.

So, there's Karen and across the street lives Janet.

Now, Janet has been watching the house cleaner go to Karen's house every other week for the

last two years, so she asks Karen, "Hey, who's your house cleaner?"

Karen says, "Oh, it's so and so.

You should give them a call."

So, Janet calls the house cleaner and it turns out

that Janet is not a good fit for the house cleaner.

She is super high maintenance, she's ornery, she hovers, she gives lots of feedback and

criticism, and do it my way kind of a thing.

For the house cleaner, who is really freaked out, Janet has all of her own cleaning supplies.

So, she'll do things like fill up the mop bucket and then proceed to show the house

cleaner how to mop the floor.

Okay, wow.

If I showed up at your house and you hired me because I'm an expert, and then you gave

me your cleaning supplies, and you told me how to do my job, I would be out the door.

The freaky thing about it is, Janet called for help because she needs the help.

If she was going to do it herself, she should just do it herself and not ask for a referral.

All right, here's the problem.

The house cleaner wants to get rid of Janet, but now she's afraid that if she gets rid

of Janet, that she's going to lose Karen as her original customer, because Karen gave

the referral of Janet.

Does that make sense?

She's afraid she's going to lose the original business if she gets rid of the referral.

All right.

Well, this happens a lot in the house cleaning industry, where you make friends with a customer

and the customer likes you so well, that they refer you to their parents, and their sister,

and their cousin, and their neighbor, and all these people that live nearby.

Then if something goes south with any of those people, you're afraid you're going to lose

the whole network of referrals.

That is what we call the dark side of referrals, because there's this covert contract that

says if I don't take your referrals, you fire me.

Okay, that's a covert contract.

If you don't know about covert contracts, we covered it in episode 177.

Go back through the archives and look at it, because it's a spooky concept.

But the concept is this.

If the customer likes you well enough that they gave you a referral to family and friends,

you need to be right up front about it.

Now, the reality is you own the business.

Because you own the business, you get to decide who your customers are.

If you were to go to a customer and say, you know, "We're not a good fit for each other,"

they may be upset and they may talk to their neighbor that referred you.

So, go first to the original customer that gave you the referral.

Go to Karen and say, "Hey, listen, Karen.

You gave me the referral of Janet.

Thank you so much.

I really appreciate you looking out for me and I appreciate you

bringing business my way.

However, after a little bit of working with Janet, we're not a good fit in business and

I didn't want that to come between us."

Now, Karen has the opportunity of saying:

"No, no, no, no, no. It's perfectly fine."

But you are the business owner and you get to pick.

Don't buy into the covert contract and just assume that you're going to get fired if you

get rid of the customer.

This happens in all sorts of businesses.

If a customer shows up to a restaurant and they are wearing the wrong kind of clothing

or little clothing or no clothing, or they're belligerent, and they're acting bad, or over

drunk, or something, the restaurant has the ability to say, "You know what?

You do not get to eat here," and they will escort that person off the premise.

They get to decide who eats at the restaurant Now, we've seen it on the airlines where someone

will show up and they will misbehave, and the airlines will call security and the security

will escort that person off the flight.

The airlines don't tolerate crap either, and neither should you.

As a business owner, you get to decide who you're going to work with.

Okay, so if you are afraid that you are going to lose your customer because you don't like

the referrals they gave you, go back to the customer and have a conversation.

Just an upfront conversation.

Whatever you do, do not go into details.

Do not say, "Well, Janet said this, and she did this, and she did that," and whatever,

because now Karen is going to think,

"You know, she's going to talk smack about me, too."

Then you might actually get fired by Karen.

What you're going to do is be very professional.

You're going to go back to Karen and say,

"Karen, thank you so much for the referral of Janet.

We worked together one or two times," or whatever the truth of the situation is, "I discovered

we were not a good fit for each other for whatever reason, but thank you so much.

I appreciate you helping me build my business.

I just wanted to let you know, so that doesn't come between our working relationship."

Throw it back to her as, "hey, I appreciate it.

Like, hey, give me more referrals."

"This particular one did not work out, but I do appreciate the referrals just the same."

So that she will be inspired to keep giving you referrals because the next referral might

be awesome.

Here's what people don't realize.

I'm a perfect customer and my best friend might not be a perfect customer at all.

We just happen to be best friends.

But her personality might clash with you or vice versa.


People don't realize that.

They don't realize that the people that they refer may not be a good fit, and so it's your

job to let them know in a very diplomatic and very kind way.

But don't buy into the covert contracts, because that will make you crazy.

All right.

That is the dark side of referrals.

Now that you know, you can go build your business

with lots of referrals and you can do it the right way.

All right. That's my two cents.

Until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> The Dark Side of Referrals In the House Cleaning Business - Duration: 6:46.


I Love You Jaan | Pori Moni | S I Tutul | Porshi | bangla 400 - Duration: 3:21.

i love you jan

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