Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 28 2017

welcome back today we're going to talk about what is good does is try it tiny

dry particles which gently air particularly when working in industry

carrying out past such as sanding drilling demolition and cutting the

health risk isn't always that obvious it's a bicycle which does the most

damage is not always visible to the naked eye health effects from dust can

also take you to develop and can cause problems such as respiratory issues skin

irritation and lung cancer so how do you minimize exposure

eliminate the dust by using different cooking measures or by using wet cooking

as possible use black toxic materials use just the press materials rather than

mixing dry use a ventilation system and provide all employees with correct PPE

carry out a crash assessment on dust to control their exposure there are many

more ways to control dust and further guidance is available if you need any

help give us a call and subscribe to our YouTube channel for hints tips and

advice throughout the year

For more infomation >> Dust Awareness - Duration: 1:08.


These Foods Can Boost Your Metabolism And Help You Lose Weight ! - Duration: 3:32.

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These Foods Can Boost Your Metabolism And Help You Lose Weight !

Metabolism is a set of life-sustaining transformations in the cells of living organisms that are

responsible for the conversion of food to energy, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and


When these chemical processes and reactions run properly, the metabolism can burn all

the calories ingested during the day.

It operates at a certain speed, and some of our habits can either speed it up or slow

it down.

Staying fit and drinking plenty of water are the two key aspects that speed up metabolism.

However, there are also some foods you can add to your diet that will boost the metabolic

processes in your body easily and effectively.

Continue reading the article below to see the best foods for your metabolism which can

also improve your overall health.

Integral rice, cereal, and oatmeal

Rice, cereal, and oatmeal can improve your digestion and energy levels as well.

However, in order to benefit from them, you must make sure they're organic and unprocessed.

Spicy foods

Consuming spicy foods often can boost the metabolism by 25%.

Spicy foods contain capsaicin, a substance that boosts the blood flow and improves the

burning of fats.

The best spicy foods for your metabolism are chili, Tabasco, and jalapenos, but make sure

to eat them in moderation as they can damage your intestinal lining when consumed in excess.


Although hated by many, broccoli is one of the best foods for your metabolism.

The vegetable contains a high level of calcium and vitamins A, C and K that can boost different

metabolic processes in the body and help it burn fats more efficiently.

Broccoli also contains fiber and antioxidants that can improve your overall health.

Green tea and coffee

Green tea and coffee contain certain substances that can boost the metabolism, reduce the

blood sugar levels and prevent a variety of diseases and conditions.


According to recent studies, consuming a broth before meals can reduce appetite and help

you lose weight.

Apples and pears

These fruits can satiate you until your next meal and help you burn fat efficiently.

According to a Brazilian study, people who eat 3 apples a day lose more weight than those

who don't.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemon and grapefruit can speed up your metabolism and significantly

reduce the risk of diabetes.


Spices such as garlic powder, ginger, mustard seeds and black pepper can also boost your

metabolism and digestion and help you lose weight.


According to recent studies, calcium-rich foods can help you burn more calories.

These foods are also highly satiating and will prevent cravings, resulting in a more

powerful fat burner.

Experts suggest consuming low-fat calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk, yogurt or cheese.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s reduce the production of leptin in the blood, a substance that interferes with

proper metabolic processes.

Omega-3s are healthy fats that are required for proper body function.

The best omega-3 rich foods are flaxseeds, olive oil, and nuts.

However, make sure to consume them moderately as they can cause problems despite being healthy.

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For more infomation >> These Foods Can Boost Your Metabolism And Help You Lose Weight ! - Duration: 3:32.


You Can Lose Up To 10 Kg In Just 15 Days With This Diet Plan! - Duration: 3:23.

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You Can Lose Up To 10 Kg In Just 15 Days With This Diet Plan!

It is a fact that people that have excess weight do not have the same confidence in

themselves as the people that maintain normal weight.

That is why instead of feeling sorry for yourself you can try this diet plan and you can lose

up weight.

You will not only lose weight with the help of this diet plan but you will also have more

energy during the day and this diet plan is especially to recommended to people that want

to improve their skin and the ones that deal with digestion problems.

The results will leave you breathless.

Before you read the diet plan, you should know that during this diet you need to remove

salt from your diet and to replace it with herbal spices and to drink plenty of water.

Here is the plan:


for breakfast you should have 1 orange (or pineapple, grapefruit or peach, just remember

that you should not eat bananas), 2 integral biscuits and tea or coffee without added sweeteners.

for lunch you should have 1 boiled egg, 1 orange and 1 cup of kefir or yogurt.

for dinner you should have 2 pieces of bread, 2 boiled eggs and 500 grams of vegetable salad

(cucumber, tomato) Tuesday:

the same breakfast as it was on Monday for lunch you should have 2 biscuits, 1 orange

and 1 boiled egg for dinner you should have 1 cracker, 150g

lean meat (beef – grilled or boiled) and 1 tomato.


the same breakfast as the previous days for lunch you should have vegetable salad,

1 orange, 1 cup of yogurt of kefir and 1 boiled egg

for dinner you should have 1 cookie, tea or coffee (without sweeteners), 1 orange and

150g of meat.


the same breakfast for lunch you should have 1 tomato, 150g low-fat

cheese and 1 cookie for dinner you should have 1 tomato, 150g

meat, 1 cookie and 1 apple.


the same breakfast for lunch you should have 1 tomato, 200g of

steamed fish and 1 cookie for dinner you should have 1 tomato, 500g

of stewed or boiled vegetables from your choice or 2 boiled potatoes

And that is the diet plan.

For the weekends you can eat normally but you should try not to drink alcohol, to not

over eat, and to eliminate all the processed and canned foods from your daily menu.

In just 15 days you will lose quite a lot of weight.

If you think that your weight will return after you are no longer on this diet plan

you are wrong.

All you have to do in order to prevent that from happening is to pick one day (let's

take for example Monday) and only on that day to be on this diet plan.

On that day you should have for breakfast 2 cups of water with lemon juice, for lunch

1 tomato, 1 boiled egg, 1 apple and 1 cookie, and for dinner you should have 1 tomato, 1

boiled egg and 1 cookie.

If you liked this article, share it with your friends and family.

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