Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 28 2017

I am super excited to introduce you guys to Melissa Hemsley. If you don't

know Melissa, she's kind of a big deal here in London, and the best part is that

she is super cool. -We both almost let go! -I know! *laughter*

Alright, so what are we making today? -We're going to make a super simple salad,

and it's halloumi, herby, courgette ribbon -- you call it zucchini -- and tomato and loads of lime.

Delicious! Let's get started.

I have two food companies, one with my sister, and we

love spiralizing. So if you have a spiralizer, you can make really fancy

noodles, but sometimes you don't want to get the spiralizer out, you have a

spiralizer, so here's a really easy way of peeling it. Nice and wide and even.

But any which way. Let's peel together. -Let's peel together!

-Wow, this is like... -Big difference. -...water sliding off a duck's back.

Alright, moving on to the tomatoes.

When they're so baby, I don't bother to chop them. The others I will just give them a little chop.

Add the tomatoes to the zucchini, then get your parsley out and give that

a rough chop. -I don't like bits, I'm not like, I don't need my life like finely chopped.

And I'm going to add some mint leaves in it. Mint and tomatoes is my thing.

-Give those a chop, too. -So here's our herbs, we might as well chuck them in.

It doesn't matter what order you go into. I'm just going to squeeze it. Half of it

went on my dress, but that's okay. *laughter* It's a natural air freshener -- my dress -- it's a hot day.

-It's July, it feels like a lime time. Oh, Iike that! -Lime time! -It feels like lime time!

-Shall we season? -Yes, let's season.

So add some salt, pepper and your most delicious extra virgin olive oil.

-Mmmm. -Glug glug glug.

-Give it a little mix-y. -Avo time!

You know how much Iove avocados, but the best part

of this dish is actually not the avocados, it's the halloumi cheese.

Londoners love halloumi and they are really onto something! -This is the best bit.

Okay, so this is a bit you could leave out if you were super hot.

Every time I meet you don't I say, "I'm sweating, I'm hot, I'm so hot." *laughter*

So sometimes, I don't fry the

halloumi, I'll just get some like ridiculously lovely crumbly feta and

chuck it on top. The halloumi is going to add

you know, the good fat, it's going to be filling. -The stuff that really like sticks to your ribs, right?

Don't let them go squishy, give them their own space. Everyone likes

their own space. *laughter* There we go, now we're talking. So when those get nice and

golden on a couple sides, toss them in your salad.

-We did it we did it! We made a baby! -This is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

We're going to fight over there yeah I can tell by the way you're gripping it *laughter*

Like, I was just holding it, and now I can feel it's getting edged away from me. *laughter*

-Do you want to take this up to the rooftop? -Mhm! -Yeah!

-Cheers. -Cheers.

-Mmm. -It's incredible. There's such a

brightness to it. You have written multiple cookbooks, you've got another one

on the way. -Yeah. -What would you say is your food philosophy?

In a nutshell, it's all about feel-good food. And whatever that means

to you. I'm not into "good food, bad food," I'm into the food that feels good for

you. And I think there's no "one fits all." Like, your kale salad is another man's,

I don't know, guacamole or whatever. I know you love both. Think outside of the recipe box,

and be inspired by your fridge, and that's what my mum always did. -Your mom is

from the Philippines? -My mom is from the Philippines. I know you love adobo, right? -And I love my Filipino viewers, too!

I'm half Filipino, my mum is Pampanga, grew up in Manila. My mum's been coming over

with, like, vats of adobo. She doesn't like the way I pronounce adoba. Adobo.

Is that better? And then I chuck it in the freezer and I warm it up I take a

pitcher, and I'm like selfie, and I'm like "Thanks, mom, I love you!"

She the greatest, but you know, she would not call herself a great cook, I'm not

going to call myself a great cook. I'm an untrained cook, but I love to feed and

the point is, we can all be good cooks! Check out Melissa's website, I'm putting it

up on the screen, and check her out on Instagram, @melissa.hemsley. Check out all

her stuff because it's all amazing. -Do not forget to keep it quirky!! -Yeah, woo!!

For more infomation >> Halloumi & Courgette (Zucchini) Noodle Salad, feat. Melissa Hemsley - Duration: 4:13.


Cleaning Gene - House Cleaners Special DNA? - Duration: 4:12.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown in this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Today's question comes from someone who wants to know,

"Why is it that house cleaners can go out and clean house every day and I can't clean

my house at all?

Do they have some special kind of gene that I'm missing?

Okay so the answer is no they don't but they have systems.

And so if you wake up every day and you don't want to clean you're probably

just like everyone else.

They're very few people that wake up every day and go "Oh goody I get to go clean today."

But if cleaning is your job then there are house cleaners that show up every day.

And just a mere fact of showing up what happens is you become more familiar with those tasks.

And the more you do something the easier it is to do.

There's a saying that says: "That what you persist in doing becomes easier to do.

Not that the nature of the thing has changed, but your ability to do has increased."

And what that means is the more you do something the easier it becomes for you.

You know what to expect, you know what kind of cleaning chemicals you're going to need.

You know about how long the job is going to take and you can jump in almost in automatic

mode and complete those tasks.

And so, the house cleaners that show up every day it's not a gene, it's like a muscle.

And the more you exercise that muscle the stronger you become.

Now if you go to the gym every day there are days you're going to wake up and you're

going to be so tired.

You're not going to feel like working out.

But if you just show up at the gym and do you start the routine whether it's walking

or racquetball, or swimming, or whatever it is you do.

As you start that routine the memory kicks in.

The muscles know how to respond to they know what they are supposed to do.

And you'll get halfway through workout when it hits you like

"hey I'm so glad to be here.

I'm glad to be doing this."

And then you get back in the groove and back in the zone.

But you have to show up and you have to start that process.

You have to trigger that muscle memory.

And so, it's the exact same thing with house cleaning.

If you start a routine every single day and I might start with making your bed which is

a great place to start.

As you start to make your bed your muscle memory will kick in.

And you'll say "oh yes, I should pick up the clothes.

I should pick up the pajamas, I should hang up that sweater, I should put those books

back on the bookshelf."

And our little things that you'll do without even paying very conscious attention just

because your mind knows what you need to do next in order to have a clean and tidy home.

Don't wait around for the gene because if you're really lucky it will only hit you one

day a month.

And that's kind of standard where biorhythmically people have one day a month

where I don't know why, it just happens.

But they will go to wipe a cupboard down.

Something will hit them.

And they will say "let me straighten up the dishes."

And then the next thing you know they're cleaning out the cupboards.

And then they've totally renovated the kitchen and its 2 o'clock in the morning.

That is not the time to be cleaning your house.

But just this weird muscle memory thing hit you in like I said it's biorhythmic.

It's usually about one day a month for most people where you're super productive.

And there you are cleaning the bathrooms and cleaning the kitchen and

vacuuming and tidying up.

Okay, but if you start that process every single day,

even on days when you don't feel like it.

That muscle memory will kick in and you will have your routine down.

And before you know it, your whole house will be organized and clean and tidy.

So, it's not a special magic gene it's a system and it's a routine.

Alright and that's it for today.

And until we meet again leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Cleaning Gene - House Cleaners Special DNA? - Duration: 4:12.


The loose-fill asbestos insulation testing inspection process - Duration: 2:31.


If you registered with NSW Fair Trading

to have your property tested for loose-fill asbestos insulation,

you will be contacted to arrange a time for the inspection.

On the day of the testing,

the assessor will identify themselves as a licensed asbestos assessor

by showing you their licence.

The first thing the assessor must do is switch off the power.

This is an important safety measure,

so you should be prepared.

The power supply could be off for up to 45 minutes.

As a safety precaution, doors and windows near the testing area

should be closed during the inspection.

Pets and other family members

should also be kept away from the testing area.

The assessor may need to move furniture

or other items away from the manhole.

They may cover things with a plastic sheet to protect against dust.

This includes covering the floor.

They will wear protective clothing and a mask during the inspection.

Most homes will have manhole access to the roof.

If you do not have a manhole,

a specialist roofing contractor may be needed to gain access.

The inspection involves taking samples of insulation material

from your roof space

and some photos.

Sampling will only take

around 10 to 15 minutes.

Samples are carefully placed into sealed bags.

They will be sent to a laboratory for testing.

The assessor will then remove the plastic coverings

and replace your furnishings if items have been moved.

The assessor will tell you when they are finished

and will turn on the power.

Most inspections can be completed in 30 to 45 minutes.

The assessor will explain the process for testing

and reporting the results back to you.

The samples from your roof will be tested at an accredited laboratory.

The results will be written as a report.

As soon as your report is finalised,

you will be notified by mail or email of your result.

For more infomation >> The loose-fill asbestos insulation testing inspection process - Duration: 2:31.


Colleen Lopez Round Sapphire 71/2" Line Bracelet - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez Round Sapphire 71/2" Line Bracelet - Duration: 2:34.


The Devil You Know - Duration: 43:36.

For more infomation >> The Devil You Know - Duration: 43:36.




BY Anna Hunt,

One of the simplest ways to prevent, and even reduce, chronic inflammation in the body is

with your diet.

By eating high-quality superfoods, including herbs, spices, vegetables and seeds, you can

pack your meals with anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Scientists have discovered that chronic inflammation is the source of many illnesses, including

cancer, obesity and heart disease.

Essentially, this makes inflammation the leading cause of death in many countries.

Superfoods for Inflammation

Luckily, you have a choice in what you eat.

If you choose to eat processed foods, refined sugars, fried foods and foods high in trans

fats, you will likely increase inflammation in the body.

On the other hand, choose a diet high in anti-inflammatory superfoods, and you�ll improve your health

and well-being.

Here is a diverse list of the best foods with anti-inflammatory properties.




cloves fight inflammation

Cloves have an incredibly high level of antioxidants and are full of Omega-3 fatty acids.

This makes cloves a great anti-inflammatory spice.

In addition, cloves also inhibit the product of the enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase.

This enzyme is an inflammatory mediator involved in allergic and inflammatory disorders such

as arthritis.



ginger root

Ginger is a root spice known for its beneficial effects on circulation and digestion, thanks

to its anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains compounds knows as gingerols.

These compounds offer protection from damaging free-radicals that trigger an inflammatory

response in the body, particularly in the gut.

Hence, ginger is a common natural remedy for various types of digestive ailments.




The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, gives the spice its pungent smell

and golden color.

Curcumin reduces inflammation by hunting down free oxygen radicals in the body.

It also inhibits the production of NF-kappa B, a compound that�s integral to triggering


In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is used to remedy inflammatory conditions such as all

types of arthritis.




Cinnamon is a common spice used in baked goods.

It fights inflammation by stimulating the production of the protein tristetraprolin.

This results in a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect in the human body.


Black Pepper

black pepper

Black pepper�s aroma molecule, called beta-caryophyllene (BCP), functions as a cannabinoid.

Similar to other plant-based cannabinoids, BCP binds with the cannabinoid receptors in

the central nervous system.

This gives black pepper its therapeutic effect of reducing inflammation.

Fruits and Vegetables




The nutritional density of kale is what gives it its high anti-inflammatory properties.

This leafy vegetable offers abundant vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C. It is also loaded

with all essential amino acids.

An easy way to gain the anti-inflammatory benefits of kale is by juicing it.

Other green leafy vegetables are also a great addition to an anti-inflammatory diet.


Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts

broccoli sprouts

Fresh broccoli, as well as other cruciferous vegetables, are naturally high in the compound


This compound has a strong anti-inflammatory affect, in addition to offering many other

health benefits.

Interestingly, broccoli sprouts offer the highest concentration of sulforaphane.

They contain 20 to 50 times more of this chemoprotective compound than mature broccoli.


Onions and Garlic

onions and garlic

Both of these vegetables create anti-inflammatory compounds.

In garlic, organosulfur compounds may lower the production of substances in the blood

that boost inflammation.

In onions, the flavonoid quercetin helps inhibit inflammation-causing agents that influence




cucumber fight inflammation

Cucumbers can help reduce inflammation in the body.

They inhibit the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes, such as cyclo-oxygenase 2.




Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene.

This substance helps reduce inflammation in the body, particularly in the lungs.

Scientists have discovered that even tomato juice consumption is beneficial for reducing

systemic inflammation.

In addition, research reveals that cooked tomatoes offer even more lycopene than raw


So tomato sauce is also a great anti-inflammatory food.


Tart Cherries

tart cherries

Researchers have found that tart cherry powder has a profound effect on reducing inflammation

in the circulatory system.

Tart cherries and tart cherry juice are rich in the same anti-inflammatory substance as

found in ibuprofen.

Since this substance is located in the peel, it is important to choose tart over sweet


Furthermore, if you�re drinking tart cherry juice, stay away from juices sweetened with

refined sugar, as this counteracts the anti-inflammatory benefits.



bowl of berries

All berries have antioxidants that keep free radicals in check and help reduce inflammation.

Specifically, raspberries are especially high in ellagic acid that fights inflammation.

Blueberries, on the other hand, are one of the highest in antioxidant capacity, and as

a bonus, they have very little sugar.

Other Foods


Fatty Fish

fatty fish salmon

Fatty fish and fish oil supplements effectively reduce inflammation and oxidative stress because

they have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic

diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

When buying fatty fish, try to stick to wild-caught varieties.


Hemp Seeds and Chia Seeds

super seeds

Hemps seeds and chia seeds are two among many highly nutritious super seeds.

They are both rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in the body.

In addition, chia seeds have more antioxidant strength than blueberries.

Hemp seeds, on the other hand, are also rich in vitamins including a hefty dose of vitamin

E. This vitamin in particularly has an important role in decreasing inflammation.


Fermented Foods

kimchi fermented foods

Scientists believe that the majority of inflammatory diseases start in your gut because of an imbalanced


Fermented foods such as kefir, natto, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, olives, and other fermented

vegetables, will help reintroduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system.

This will attack inflammation at its source.

For more infomation >> 15 DIVERSE SUPERFOODS THAT FIGHT INFLAMMATION - Duration: 8:07.


Colleen Lopez Blue Sapphire and Gem Bolo Necklace - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez Blue Sapphire and Gem Bolo Necklace - Duration: 2:41.


Fire (Part 3) The Best English Business Idioms - Duration: 6:29.

English Winners. Today, we're going to go over the third part in our three-part

series on fire-based idioms. Blazed a trail, or Trailblazer: 'Google has been a

trailblazer with their 20% time policy... giving employees time to work on

whatever they want.' To go somewhere or to do something nobody has ever done before:

that's what it means to blaze a trail or to be a trailblazer. It comes from when

explorers would hack down trees and make paths through many kilometers of jungle,

where few people had ever lived. Number two: With your guns blazing: 'The

office manager stormed into the break room - guns blazing -

asking the employee why he moved his desk to a different department without

her permission.' Guns blazing means to do something, especially debate or argue,

with a lot of force and energy... usually, kind of with the intention to fight, but

sometimes it's just a heated discussion that's a little bit intense. That's what

it means for somebody to go in with guns blazing... for there to be a heated

discussion or argument. Number three: burning question: 'the burning question

was, why make all these changes in the first place?' A burning question is a

question whose answer is of great interest to everyone; a question that

needs very much to be answered, as if it was a fire that needed to be put out. Or

an urgent or crucial issue under heated discussion. Burning the midnight oil: 'Miguel

has been burning the midnight oil to pass his insurance exam.' Burning the

midnight oil means to be working very long hours, often into the night. It comes

from when we used candles for light, or lamps filled with oil to keep the lights

on before electricity... that's what it means to burn the

midnight oil. Fire in his belly, or fire in her belly. 'Lena has fire in her belly.

I'd make her manager of this project.' Fire in their belly means passion and

focused determination. It is a drive or ambition to achieve and to get something

done. Breathe fire: 'The boss was angry that a hit piece about his company was

picked up by Huffington Post.' To breathe fire means to be angry. This combines

wind - which is a symbol for conflict - and fire - a symbol for military and guns.

Breathing fire means that a person is very, very angry.

Number seven: Drink from a fire hose: 'When preparing for the bar exam, it felt like

I was drinking from a fire hose.' I know what you're thinking: water comes out of

a firehose, right? But this idiom has the word 'fire' in it. This idiom means to

absorb a large amount of information in a short time. This happens when getting

used to a new job with greater responsibilities and only a short time

to start doing well at it. But it can also be like cramming information into your

head for a test. The point is: there has to be so much information that it

challenges what you believe you can learn in that length of time. Heap coals

of fire on one's head... and of course you replace 'one' with 'my' or 'your', like this:

'How long are they going to keep coals of fire on my head?

I've done more than enough to make up for my mistake and I apologized.'

Sometimes, people will do things to make you feel guilty. It is a form of

manipulation... trying to make other people do something by forcing their emotions.

You can only fall for it if you think you deserve it. When people bring up past

mistakes, or use guilt against you, it affects your mind. However, sometimes it

is appropriate, if you are paying kindness towards someone who did not

show kindness towards you. That is a form of heaping coals of fire on their head.

Fire back: 'Get the contract signed and fire it back to me.' Fire back could just

mean to send something back quickly to someone who had just sent you

something. It could also be an act of retribution, or revenge. For example: 'When

they bought our company name as a web domain, we fired back by getting a lawyer

to sue them on copyright infringement.' Number 10, and last one: Fire is a good

servant but a bad master. 'Try not to be reckless in your attempts

to get money. Like fire, money can be a good servant but a bad master.' It means

exactly what it sounds. Fire can cook your dinner and keep you warm, if it is

used responsibly. But, if used badly, you can burn to death and it can hurt you.

Many things are like that: attraction, money...

a similar quote like this exists by George Washington about government:

"government is a frightful servant and a fearful master..." something like that. So do

you agree with that? What else is like fire? I want you to tell me in the

comments. So, that's it for our three-part series on fire. It also concludes my

twelve part series on the elements of business English idioms, and of course

you can use these idioms in your personal life as well. So check out the

playlist here, if you liked this video. And also check out the listening

playlist, so you can understand what I'm saying more, and until then, please

SUBSCRIBE to get more EnglishWin videos. And I'll make more idioms videos

in the future. See you later. Bye now.

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