Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 28 2017

Hi all ... this is the final result after applying our tool to Pixel Gun 3D game

At first go to from your mobile Android or IOS device

Enter your Play Store or Google Store username

Once done , please enable encryption and then press CONNECT

Tool will now connect to our server

now type Coins and Gems

From time to time you have to complete human verification. This is easy - just click verify, select one application and install it on your mobile phone.

Here you can choose any APP you wish, it may vary depends on your country

As you can see you will be forwarded to official google store/play store. So no worries , it's official

Click on INSTALL. Once application is installed you have to play it at least 45 seconds

As i already mentioned, now you have to play this game at least 45 seconds.... Play it as normal, this will verify you're a human and not the bot.

Once 45 seconds are gone, you can now go back to Pixel Gun 3D game

And .... surprise :)your points are there in next 5 seconds ! Congratulations

Don't forget to LIKE our video so others can see it works well !

For more infomation >> Pixel Gun 3D Hack Coins Gems 2017 - Duration: 3:05.


Burst Pipe Repair Hurley|Hurley Burst Pipe Repair - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Burst Pipe Repair Hurley|Hurley Burst Pipe Repair - Duration: 0:42.


Water Heater Repair Hurley|Hurley Water Heater Repair - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Water Heater Repair Hurley|Hurley Water Heater Repair - Duration: 0:39.


Korres Ultimate 4piece Lip Wardrobe Collection - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Korres Ultimate 4piece Lip Wardrobe Collection - Duration: 5:29.


How to Stay Motivated when Starting a Business - Duration: 8:24.

yo it's your boy Rob O'Neill and today I will be teaching you how to overcome

your problems with motivation so you can get out and crush it every single day

some guy hit me up on Instagram last night and he asked me Rob how do I get

move it I know a little business I know I want to you know actually be

successful in life but I can't find the motivation I can't find the drive to

actually go out there and do the work so I want to help you out right now by

really giving you my best tips to overcome this problem now the first

thing I want to say is you guys are out there I want you and you're thinking

about being motivated all the time right is this real trend right now where we've

got you know people watching motivational videos you've got

motivational quotes on Instagram we've got motivational quotes on Twitter where

we've got all this kind of stuff all these people are trying to get motivated

but what you don't realize is that no amount of motivation is going to persist

right long term eventually you're going to run into some kind of obstacles I'm

kind of challenged it's going to demotivate you and at that point if you

don't have something else to fall back on other than your motivation you're

screwed so what do you need to be thinking about more than motivation is

mental discipline and this is the most important thing when it comes to

achieving your goals because when you have that mental discipline type of

muscle right you can build it up and when you have that it gives you the

strength to push through and the drive to do it anyway when you don't want to

right so if you wake up in the morning and you're feeling demotivated it's cold

I have this all the time I wake up and I'm like no I don't worry I just want to

go to sleep right but if you have that mental discipline there you can say no

I'm going to get up I'm going to drive my ass out of bed I'm going to go out

into the cold morning I was going to make shit happen right and that comes

from mental discipline it doesn't come from motivation and even the most

successful people in the world even the you know the most successful well-known

entrepreneurs billionaires they still have days where they're not move it

right but what they do have is they have the determination in the mental

discipline to do it anyway okay so I have three tips to build

mental discipline to build that mental muscle that are really really powerful

I'm going to help you to actually develop that ability to push through

resistance and to go out there and achieve your goals regardless of whether

you're feeling motivated or inspired at all so tip number one is start taking

cold showers in the morning now some of you might have heard this already some

of you might think that's not an honorable idea and it kind of means up

first right the first week I did it it was horrendous I was like it's so cool

it wouldn't add to game I had to slowly turn down colder and colder and colder

but I guess what after about a month of doing that it was fine and I could just

kind of make myself gain already on cold morning and now after doing that for a

few years I get up in the morning and I almost look excited to get in that cold

shower I'm like arts you'll be surfing an aside from the fact that it's really

really healthy for you actually has a whole ton of health benefits what it

does is it absolutely kickstart your day because it's like some little thing that

you don't want to do in the morning and you make yourself do it and it gives you

this small victory like this small win first thing in the morning and for the

rest of the day it puts you in that winning mindset right it puts you in

that sort of mindset of making sure happening and overcoming your challenges

and just gain results it's really really cool and it also it gets your whole body

going in the morning right if your junk in a warm shower you just warm your

comfy nothing happens but when you jump in a cold shower it kick-starts your

whole system and it gives you tons and tons of energy to go out there and

absolutely crush it in your day so I really recommend this number one start

taking cold showers in the morning right you can work your way up this you can

get anywhere it's warm and then slowly turn down the cold that's for the squat

shower but then what I recommend doing is slowly just make it colder and colder

and colder and then actually gain whether it is completely uncalled now my

shower is just on cold like permanently I don't even turn an album at the time

so recommend doing that it's amazing really refreshing feels great once you

get used to it and it will really build that mental muscle and mental discipline

tip is to actually come up with an avatar of what the perfect version of

you would look like right what the perfect view isn't of you in 3 or 5 or

10 years would look like and just work it out like work out who that person

would be what they would be like how they would behave and whenever you come

up to making one of these decisions you know if you wake up in the morning and

you want to hit that snooze button you can just ask yourself what the perfect

version of me do this right now if you're tired and you you know you go to

the gym and you don't want to I got going to just stay at home watch Netflix

right if you if you have that problem just stop and ask yourself would the

perfect version of me do this right and whenever you do that the decision

becomes just completely obvious right that it becomes completely obvious

because you know what that perfect version of you would do so then you just

made this scene you have you gal bed you go to the gym you eat the healthy

periods then that piece or whatever and it's really really simple it's really

powerful and the best thing about it is if you actually follow this right if you

actually work out you know what the perfect moment you would look like and

then you make your decisions based on that in five or ten years time you will

actually be that perfect version of you right because you'll be doing all the

same things that that person does and eventually they'll just become who you

are my third tip for increasing your mental discipline this is something it

might seem a little silly but I actually learned this from the Dalai Lama the

leader of the kind of Buddhist philosophy and he said whenever you get

an edge instead of scratching it and satisfying that need that urge just sit

with it and just let it build up and what's going to

happen is actually it builds up and gets more and more irritating and you just

really want to scratch it and if you just stick with it and shit will build

up and get really annoying but actually what happened is eventually it will just

go away it'll just dissipate but what it does is the whole time you're not

itching that village it's actually working that manual muscle a little bit

right it's very very subtle it's just a little bit now another thing that's

going to revolutionize your life a last one but what it does is it works on

little by little, all the time and it just helps build it up. And if you start using all

three of these tips on top of each other you're going to be like some kind of

superhuman man you're basically going to be able to do whatever you want because

whenever it comes to resistance wherever comes to encountering a challenge in

your life or feeling demotivate you're going to have this whole armoury of

tools at your disposal to overcome that problem right and to actually push

yourself through and get shit done so I hope this video really helps you out

check me out on social media hit that subscribe button and I'll see you soon

Dude you're still here?

If you subscribe into the next five... four seconds I will send you a magical llama

and alpaca in the mail guaranteed seven-day delivery

it might arrive dead but alright

For more infomation >> How to Stay Motivated when Starting a Business - Duration: 8:24.


Getting to Know You: Graphics Department - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Getting to Know You: Graphics Department - Duration: 2:03.


How To Stick To A Budget - 7 Helpful Tips | Ways To Stick To A Budget - Becoming Debt Free - Duration: 5:34.

Hi guys and welcome back, this week I want to talk more about finances, a lot of you

guys requested it, and thats awesome.

So here we go!

We already talked about how to set a budget, and I'll link that video up here so you can

check it out if you haven't already.

But this week I want to talk about how to stick with your budget when you're getting

out of debt, which can be a little bit challenging and requires a lot of disciplin.

So let's get started.

I've put together seven tips and it's all from my own experience, you might have other,

leave them down below, but here we go.

Number one, is to check your account every week.

This might seem like a lot of work and it can take some time and especially can take

some time to get used to it, but it is really really beneficial and it's one of the most

powerful things you can do if you really want to stick to your budget.

Go through the account every week I did it every Monday, I still do it, now I do it on


And when Ido this I just find that it's so much easier for me to stay on track.

If one category is getting out of hand I can make adjustments and it just gives me time

to pull the brake and actually get back on track.

So if you can at all set aside the time to do this once a week.

The good thing about doing it once a week is also that you don't have as many transactions

to deal with so it takes less time.

Number two, is to only buy whats on the list.

When you go to the store, don't do the impulse buying thing.

Make a list before you go, write everything down that you need, and then get that and

not everything else just looks good.

Or it might be on sale because if it's something food that you didn't need for any dishes during

that week, then you'll probably just waste it anyway if you're anything like me.

Which I hope you're not.

It's also a really good idea to stay away from the stores as much as possible.

This might seem a little boring, but even the grossery store - try to only go once or

twice a week, because every time you go there's a risk of impulse buying.

Number three is to try one of the challenges out there.

So I did the Project 333 it's about your wardrobe and I'll link that up here as well.

And you can also try and do the 100 thing challenge.

It's fun to do the challenges and it will motivate you to not spend money and stick

to the challenge, so it's a fun way to try and limit your purchase.

Number four is to know exactly what you can spend on something.

I touched on this a little bit in the budget video and if you set a budget for a present

or Christmas presents or something, a gift for a friend, then stick to that amount that

you set aside.

Otherwise, your whole budget goes out the window because you probably have to give a

lot of gifts and presents throughout a year so stick to the budget that you pre-set.

Number five is to practice gratitude.

This will help you focus on what you do have instead of what you don't have or might want.

I've done this for longer stretches of time when we were paying off debt where every night

I would write down three things that I'm grateful for.

I do it right now and I've done it on and off, and it's just a really good way for me

to focus on the positives, and also to help me keep the bigger picture in mind because

sometimes our everyday lives kind of takes over, and I think it's really healthy and

beneficial to keep the bigger perspective right there and so I just find that practicing

gratitude really helps me do that.

Number six is really fun.

It's know your motivation and keep it visible.

This might be to print our images of the destination you wanna travel to, a picture of the house

that you might want to build or move into some day, the school you want to go to the

company you want to start, it would even be something more personal like gaining self


It sound weird but I found that that was kind of a part of the journey of regaining control

of my budget was just to gain that self respect aspect of this whole thing so whatever your

motivation is - your motivation could be anything but you need to know what it is so you can

focus on that when things get tough.

Last but not least number seven is to get an accountability partner.

This might be naturally your spouse, if you're married, but you could also use a friend,

a parent, a mentor - you could even pay someone to do this.

I know someone who actually pays a person for 15 minutes of their time every week to

just keep them accountable to their budget.

Now that is dedication you don't have to go out and pay someone, but having someone to

talk to about your finances, who knows what you're going through and who can encourage

you when it gets kind of rough, that is really a benefit.

So I highly recommend crossing over that taboo thing of not talking about money.

If you talk about money it's actually a lot easier and it just makes the whole journey

a whole lot more enjoyable and fun.

So I really encourage you to go out and find someone who will keep you accountable and

be like why did you buy that extra pair of shoes?

Or, why did you get a new iPhone?

You shouldn't because it's not in your budget.

So you need someone who can give you some tough love.

That's it from by seven points guys.

If you like them please give this video a thumps up, if you have more to add please

leave them down in the comments and I feel like I'm getting to know you guys as well.

Let me know if there are any other financial topics you want me to do a video on, and I'll

see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> How To Stick To A Budget - 7 Helpful Tips | Ways To Stick To A Budget - Becoming Debt Free - Duration: 5:34.


Garbage Disposal Repair Harrison County MS|Harrison County MS Garbage Disposal Repair - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Garbage Disposal Repair Harrison County MS|Harrison County MS Garbage Disposal Repair - Duration: 0:33.


Should I Do A Short Sale Instead Of Filing Bankruptcy? - Duration: 3:53.

I really don't have much debt, but my house is totally underwater, so I'm thinking about

doing a short-sale and it looks good. Should I just do that, and maybe skip out on the

bankruptcy? My name is Ron Drescher. I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditors'

rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. For years, and years, and years

during the terrible real estate down-turn that we've experienced, congress had a law

that said if you sold your primary residence for less than what you owe and the creditor

releases you from the deficiency between what you owe and what they get in the short sale,

you don't have to pay tax on the discharge of indebtedness income that you get after

the short sale. That was great. That kept a lot of people out of bankruptcy. Well that

law expired on December 31, 2016 and you know, congress hasn't yet renewed it, and congress

may renew it still, we don't know, but if congress doesn't renew it and you do a short-sale

and you get a discharge if indebtedness income, the bank is going to send what's called a

1099C to the IRS for the amount that they forgave as a result of that short-sale and

you're going to have to pay takes on that money, because that's going to be considered

income to you, and those taxes are not going to be dischargeable in your bankruptcy case

for at least 3 to 4 years, so you've taken a dischargeable debt, which would be the deficiency

on the home mortgage that could be discharged in bankruptcy, and turned it into a non-dischargeable

debt, which is the tax obligation on the amount that the bank reports to the IRS that they

forgave. I think that�s pretty much a disaster. Now, what you can do is you can file the bankruptcy

case, and when you file the bankruptcy case, the discharge of that debt is not considered

income to you. It's one of the exceptions in the internal revenue code, and then you

could still do the short-sale. The advantages the short-sale in those situations aren't

really clear, but it is an opportunity that you have and in certainly in a chapter 13,

if you do a short sale and you get rid of the deficiency on the home, that can have

a very beneficial impact on your chapter 13 case. You could save a lot of money over the

life of your income. These are really complicated concepts, but the concept that's not complicated,

is that if congress does not renew that law that protects the release of a deficiency

following a short-sale, you can be stuck for a big, non-dischargeable tax debt, and that

would make it far superior and more favorable for you to file bankruptcy instead. My name

is Ron Drescher. I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditors' rights. If you have

a question about whether you ought to do a short-sale instead of filing bankruptcy, please

pick up the phone and call me. I would love to hear from you.

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For more infomation >> Should I Do A Short Sale Instead Of Filing Bankruptcy? - Duration: 3:53.


Vlog 19: What you've always wanted to know about the Zwarte Cross - Duration: 3:40.

Today we're at the Zwarte Cross in the east of Holland and we want to

see if there is some culture at this festival, next to the dirt biking.

Cheers to the Zwarte Cross!

Hmm yummy beer at 11am.

It's only 11am?

What did you get?

A Bitterball!

At the farmer's market!

How often have you been to this festival?

I think eight times? Yes.

Seventh time.

I think the fifth time.

Second time.

Second time?


And what did you like about the festival that made you come back?

The relaxed atmosphere, walking around, listening to music and drinking beer.

All the different types of people, young to old, grandpas and grandmas but also children

enjoy the festival, it's really a family party.

Did you bring all the garbage cans from Germany?

No, they are originally Dutch garbage cans, yes yes yes.

And do they sound better than the German ones?

Yes, they do, yeah.

We have on our Youtube channel one video with seven million clicks now so they found us

at Youtube and asked me: Yeah, will you come to the Zwarte Cross Festival?

You were just inside the Universitent, sounds like a place you would learn something.

Did you learn something inside?

Yes, we went to a lecture about Artificial Intelligence, given by...

A professor.

A professor, yes indeed.

A professor of Artificial Intelligence.

He knew quite a lot about it.

He was from the University of Twente.

Yes, yes.

Can I see that little bottle, on your hat!

A drink, it's a drink!

And, do you like it?

Some people do, others don't, but you have to drink it otherwise you're not part of the Cross.

Yeah? Okay let's go get one.

We are going to drink a Nozempie, see if she likes it.

Yes, I will follow you.

And then you drink it in one go. Do you cheers? Or put it on your hat?

Okay cheers! Cheers!

It tastes pretty good!

The Zwarte Cross is really super fun!

Everyone here says: I'm at this festival for the people and the great atmosphere

and I agree with them 100%.

Oh yes and of course we were here looking for some culture, and they have that too!

There are lots of different arty and creative things, but most importantly all the people are just

amazing and fun.

For more infomation >> Vlog 19: What you've always wanted to know about the Zwarte Cross - Duration: 3:40.


Above the Noise | Should You Have a Press Kit - Duration: 2:01.

Alright guys, today we're talking about press kits. Do people even use press kits

anymore? And if so, what should be in it? I'm going to answer those questions for you today.

Alright guys, I believe press kits should a hundred percent be in your

business the reason why is because the key to driving sales is getting

attention and if you put together a great press kit you can get attention by

sending your press kit to all the local businesses. I'm talking about your local

newspaper, your local TV station, maybe the local news websites, but it's a great

way to spread your brand and introduce yourself to them. So I want to give you

guys the four things I believe should be in your press kit. The first: you got to

have a great bio, it's obvious, but this is really where you're going to share

your story, who you are, why you got into the business. If you remember from a past

Above The Noise I talked about you know putting together a compelling value

proposition. This should go into your bio second thing you need in your press kit

is you need a great photo and not just one great photo you need multiple photos

you don't want just that proper headshot, you want some action shots if you're

spreading your brand to all the local businesses you're hoping that they put

that up on their website or share it in the paper so you want a great photo that

they can use. The third thing that should be in your press kit is you need a list

of your accomplishments and the reviews that your clients are giving you.

Now that you've told them your story through the bio, tell them what you've

accomplished what you've done what you're proud of and tell them what your

clients are saying about you and the fourth and final thing that should be in

your press kit is you should film a short video now you can actually give

them a window into your personality maybe your short video will be your

compelling value proposition, it could be your sales pitch, but it's a great way

for you to showcase your personality and introduce yourself to somebody. So there

you have it guys there are the four things that should go in every press kit

if you like this make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel, you know comment

below let me know what you use in your press kit, where you're having failures,

successes, make sure you check us out on Instagram and Facebook but most

importantly, take action on this today!

For more infomation >> Above the Noise | Should You Have a Press Kit - Duration: 2:01.


Funny Cats Compilation 2017 | Cute Cats and Kittens - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Funny Cats Compilation 2017 | Cute Cats and Kittens - Duration: 4:19.


How to Replace Brake Lines for 1967-1972 GM Trucks - Kevin Tetz with LMC Truck - Duration: 31:28.

Hey guys, I'm Kevin Tetz working with LMC Truck to bring you some technical

information and how-to videos that are

going to help you with your truck project.

In this video we're going to be

dealing with the brake system on a 67 - 72

GM truck and we'll show you how to

replace the existing steel lines with a

Stainless Steel pre-bent Brake Line Set.

Now all of these lines are pre-bent very

accurately to match the factory bends

and although it might look like a nest of snakes right now,

the process is quite simple and we're

going to walk you through it.

LMC Truck also offers brake hoses and

rear brake hoses for both leaf spring

and coil spring vehicles,

as well as all the hardware that you're gonna need to

mount your hard lines to the frame rail

and the chassis. Now although we're not

dealing with it in this video,

LMC Truck also offers wheel cylinders

and drum brake rebuilding components as

well as a Master Cylinder and we'll show

you proper installation techniques for a

master cylinder in this video as well.

Now the benefit of pre-bent brake lines

is pretty darn obvious right here.

This is a very difficult bend sequence to re-create.

Now pre-bent brake lines mean

all you have to do is go to

or your LMC Truck catalog, pick them out,

order them and they'll show up on your doorstep.

Now, let's talk about tools.

You're going to need basic hand tools, a combination

wrench set and some sockets and socket

wrenches, but this, this is necessary.

These are flare nut wrenches or line

wrenches and you need them to

effectively disconnect your brake lines

without tearing them up.

Some brake cleaning spray is nice to have around

and so is some penetrating oil for the

rusty frozen fasteners that you're

inevitably going to run into, as well as

you're going to need some brake fluid,

that's kind of obvious.

Here's something that you're going to

need if you're replacing a master

cylinder like we are.

This is a Master Cylinder Bleeding Kit.

You can pick these up at any auto parts

store and you've got to properly bleed

the air out of the master cylinder and we'll

show you how to do it. As far as safety

goes this is not a crazy dangerous

project, but you are working under the

truck, so have some safety glasses on

hand and get some gloves since you're

going to be handling brake fluid.

Now if you've just drug your truck out of

the field, some insect spray may come in

handy as well and here's another thing too.

Some water, just plain water will

neutralize the brake fluid in case you

spill it on paint. You can keep it from

eating the paint off your vehicle.

Now since brake fluid is going to leak out

some absorbing mats are easy to find at

the parts store and they'll come in

handy you can keep things clean and

environmentally friendly. A head light, as

goofy as it looks, is a really good idea

and keep your hands free to work while

you're underneath the dark vehicle.

Now the LMC Truck catalog is really nice to

have around because the illustrations

are so accurate, it can actually act as

an assembly guide. Now on a difficulty

scale, it's not that difficult, I'm gonna

give it a 3 1/2 out of 5

but you might want to set aside an

entire weekend to do it, so you can take

your time and methodically do things the right way.

Now let's take a look at the project.

Now between the obviously

leaking master cylinder with the

paint stripped off the firewall and the

spongy brake pedal that this truck has,

the master cylinder is done, it's on its way out.

[Lift sound]

Right here,

obviously we're missing a retaining clip

but right here, the brake hose is almost

worn through, and here again on the flexline

it's frayed and that's just dangerous.

The steel brake lines, they're rusty

and it's just too important and

they're too easy to replace,

so that's what we're going to do.

Like we said these lines are very accurately bent

so I just compare them to the lines

on the truck and it gives me a roadmap

to replace them one at a time.

I've laid them out here, it makes perfect sense.

Except for this guy, which is bent like

this for the purposes of shipping.

So here's how to bend it back straight

because it goes along the frame rail

without using any expensive tools.

What you want to do is put the bend focused

on the floor, so you're actually using the

floor for support.

Don't bend it like this, because you

could possibly kink the line. With a push

on the floor, just gently, slowly,

bend it back straight. Kind of using different

areas of the bend as support.

One more bend here.

Alright, so it's not perfectly straight

but it doesn't have to be, it's clamped

to the C channel frame rail, so now

we're ready for that piece to go in the truck.

One more thing LMC Truck also offers

junctions and unions. We've got one here

but we're going to try to re-use our

originals and show you how to do the same.

Now the back of the truck's the easiest to get to,

so we're going to start here and these are

just little tabs. Bend them back.

Alright, that's loose.

[Music & Ratcheting]

There you go.


Clean this off so we can get a wrench on it.

We'll remove the line from the wheel cylinder,

that doesn't want to cooperate, boy!

These lines are rusted up.

OK, now you want to try and keep from tearing

up your brake lines, but right there that

shows us exactly why we need to replace them.

It's just rusted, it's just rusted.

Still gotta get this guy out of the wheel cylinder.

It's pretty easy right now,

and for some reason it's bone-dry.

Out of there.

Alrighty. Now this bolt right

here is just a retainer for the flexline

and the union and we're gonna remove it all.

We don't even have to disconnect those lines.

We can take it all off as one

unit since it's all getting replaced.


That goes away and we're going to keep

the fastener where it belongs,

so we don't have to track it down later.

There's a clip right here that we're

going to get rid of, that holds the flexline

to the frame rail, and the new clip comes

through the brake hose.


Now we can undo this guy, but since we're replacing

everything, I'm just going to try and cut it right here.

We can still use it as a

template if we need to, it's just gonna be

much easier, and that bothers me that

there's no fluid in the rear circuit.

No wonder this things breaks were goofy.

Now there's several of these clips that

connect the brake lines and the fuel

lines to the frame rail and they're easy to

remove, they're easy to get to.

You can re-use if you want to, or you can just get

new ones from LMC Truck.

Even though I've already pre-soaked this

with penetrating oil it's just hard to

move it. I think that's it!

Ah, I think we got it. No, it broke off.

The bolt actually twisted in half.

I don't care how it comes off, but it came off.

Point is, it's been rusting since 1971

so I guess it's earned its,

its stubbornness. Here's the union we

need to keep it but here's where your line

wrenches come in handy.

We want to keep the flats intact so we

can we re-use this piece, so your line

wrenches will do exactly that.

We're finally getting some, finally getting some

brake fluid out of the brake system.

There we go.

Alright now,

if you're breaking this project up into afternoons or days

on a weekend. Now might be a good time to

go ahead and replace what you just

pulled out. That's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna pre-assemble this "T" for the

rear axle right here, but before you

start putting stuff together, get use to doing this.

We've got some break cleaning spray.

Don't assume that there's nothing

in the lines, don't assume that just because

they're new, that they're perfect.

Something may have crawled up in there

or maybe debris from shipping.


Blow them out, make sure they're good and clean.

That way you don't end up

troubleshooting a problem, that you don't

need to deal with.

A little bit of preventive maintenance.

This also,


kind of puts the exclamation

point on the need for safety glasses too.

Protect your eyes.

Get that guy out of the way.

We know that this goes here.

I just want to make sure these are seated, I'm not even going to

really snug them until we get them

clocked in the right place, and by the

way never use Teflon ever on brake lines.

They're designed to be a press-fit

Teflon will seal the threads but it

won't seal the circuit.


That goes there.

Yep, right over there.

What we're going to do is start these threads,

just to give us some stability and a little bit

of leverage, to put their lines in their

final place.

Good enough.

These are brass fittings, you kind of get one shot,

so you want to make sure the threads

are seated and started properly, so you don't strip them.

OK, there it is.

You start to thread it by hand and then you take

your line wrench.

I'm not going to fully tighten this

until I've got all the connections made,

but I am going to run it in which takes

awhile when you're doing one flat at a time.

Alright, that's good enough for now.

Now we can put this slowly and carefully

in behind the tabs.


There it is.

Alright, snug right there.



Now, place our lines in there.

With everything kind of in a place you can

use the tabs as leverage to get everything

set where it needs to be.

There we go. There






[Tapping] A little bit of love to the axle tabs.


Alright, now we can tighten up our

union over here, work our way forward.


I can give the lines a nice snug with my

flare nut wrench.

We'll check them again when we leave the

system, we'll just check for any fluid leaks.

We don't want to over-tighten them. There nice!

Now I've blown out my line, but I've got

the rubber cap back on it.

Protecting it just in case as I'm

feeding it in the frame rail I jam some

crud up into it,

and have to clean it out all over again.

Alright, that should be about it.

Alright so my hard lines coming through there,

I connect now to my flexline.

Alright now with that snug,

go up in there and I've got a clip that'll slide back there,

to lock that circuit right into place.

This is our retaining clip it's going to lock it in place.

It just gets tapped in.


There it is. Now we're just going to

loosely bolt in our brake line retainer

and we're able to reuse one of the

original ones.

I'm going to just hand nut it.

We'll snug it down, we'll secure, ensure of the placement of the

rest of the lines.

Alright, since this retainer was rusty,

we're going to use one of the new ones

from LMC Truck.


Alright, keep that a little bit loose, in case we need to move the lines around.

OK, underneath the crossmember of the truck

I'm up here and got my head light on

and even with the line wrenches I still

had to cut this line because a lot

these nuts are rounded off.

However we can still save the unions

and the T fittings and get everything out of here

and still retain the shape of the brake

lines that were pulling off, so we can

compare them to the ones that were

putting on. Now even the lines on the

junction up here is so hamburgered up

I can't even turn it with a pair of pliers,

so I'm just gonna cut them.

The ever alarming nearly dry brake circuit.

OK, now we can get rid of these old lines.

Out with the old

There's those guys. Now this is tight.


There, okay.

There [Ratcheting]

We're going to keep that bolt, and so right now we're just going

to go ahead and replace our flexlines

with the copper washer on either side of

the banjo bolt.

We know it's in the right way when the nub

on the top, falls into the channel on the caliper.

There we go. Perfect.

Good gosh, there.


That's going to weep from the caliper for a little bit.

Right now we're rescuing our

copper washers again but, I also want to make

sure that my banjo bolts are good and clean.

We've got a fluid passage right there,

brake fluid has to go through.

So we're good to go.

Set our banjo bolt in,

make sure our copper washer is in place. Use a little bit of brake cleaner,

and wipe the crust off of it,

because for some reason this side is a little bit more dirty.

Alright, perfect, it can go there, the way to connect that up

with the other line.

Give this is a snug for now. Now our truck is

rusty, there's no fresh paint anywhere but

if your restoration is fresh and you've

got brake fluid dripping down here could

eat the paint or even wrinkle the

powdercoat, so that's where water comes in.

This is just H2O and I'm literally

dousing it and rinsing the brake fluid

off with water. Water neutralizes the

brake fluid and will stop its corrosive

action right in it's tracks.

Now we're going to install the retaining

clips that weren't even here when we started.

[Tap] Just like that.

As we pulled the old lines

off the truck we compared them

to the new pre-bent stainless steel lines

and it made it very easy to choose which

ones to go back in and where to put them.

Just like the others we'll thread them in

a fingertip first and then come back and

snug them up later when it's all fit.

OK, we're going to reuse this original

union to complete our brake line circuits

and this is where the line wrenches will

save you parts and money.

Look at that. Thank You line wrench.

OK, this is our rear circuit going all

the way to the back.

This is the union we just borrowed and

it's going to the front, actually

transitions into the backside of the

master cylinder, so we just gotta get it

threaded by hand. There, and now this side.


Maybe it'll thread in, maybe it won't. Sometimes,

sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you've got to

pre-bend the lines just a bit.

I think, we got lucky.

Alrighty. I'll tighten them up in a little bit.

So this is our new stainless line

that goes to the rear circuit and this

is where it connects to. This goes up to

the backside, the rear bowl of the master

cylinder, the dual reservoir.

This brass T-fitting is new from LMC Truck and it's

going to connect this line,

to the line that goes to the front caliper on the

driver's side, to this line here,

that goes up to the front reservoir on the

master cylinder, that we're replacing

that line as well, so we're going to put a

brass fitting in and replace the upper lines,

finger-tight into the brass T,

and connect driver's side caliper line.

Alright, now our T is in there.

This guy's ready, now we're ready for these

2 new lines that go up to the master. (Master Cylinder)

[Lowering truck]

There we go. OK, it's kinda what I

figured were bone dry in the back, but we've

still got some fluid in the front.

Just using a bulb extractor, getting my brake

fluid out. A turkey baster also works

for this. It's a cheap tool.

This is actually made for battery fluid,

so we know it's going to withstand the brake

fluid corrosiveness. Interestingly enough

our brake fluid is an interesting

brown color which means it's soaked with

water and needs changing anyway.

We got some brake fluid on the paint, so I'm

going to soak it with the water because we

don't want to damage this awesome paint job.

Alright, now we're gonna, oh yeah, there we go.

We're taking the Master Cylinder off,

because we're putting a new one on.

Alright, there's that.



Since we're here and they're unhooked at

the bottom, we'll get our portioning valve out of here too.

Give it a good inspection, clean it up.

So when replacing a master cylinder

you've always got to perform a bench bleed.

It's a pretty simple procedure, but it's

absolutely necessary. Basically what

you're doing is purging the air out of

the fluid passages, the master cylinder

itself, so that it pushes pure fluid and

not air bubbles into the brake circuits

front and rear. The Master Cylinder Bleed Kit

comes with several different

fittings and since they're plastic be very

careful tightening them in. You want to

make sure that you get an air tight fit,

but you don't want to strip the threads.

OK, I've got 2 hoses for the front and rear

reservoirs and the clip that's gonna hold the hoses in.

We go to the rear, go to the front,

we'll bring these guys around and connect

them to plastic fittings on the side,

and make sure there's no kinks.

Alright. Now there's a new seal on every

bottle of brake fluid. I like to use the

smaller bottles of brake fluid that way

if I don't use it all, it sits on the

shelf for two years and gets a bunch of

moisture in it. Doesn't cost me a whole

quart of fluid, I just use what I need.

So now use a flat screwdriver and

actuate the master cylinder just like

what happened if you push the brake

pedal inside the cab and right now it's

full of air.

You can see the bubbles. You can see the

fluid going back and forth between the

bowls and the reservoirs rather and the fittings.

The foam is what you don't want to see,

So if it starts to foam up like that

it's just a bunch of air bubbles so give

it a little bit of a break.

Let the foam dissipate.

The rear circuit reservoir, the back one

it's looking pretty good.

I don't see any bubbles but the front

we're still working.

OK I'm moving slower, works better and

I can see just a couple little more bubbles coming

up through that hose.

I'm not seeing any more bubbles.

Alright with our master cylinder fully bled it's

going to stay right here till were ready to install it.

We're going to re-use the original

proportioning valve for this truck.

Since we're not changing the brakes up, drum in

the rear, disc in the front.

The prop valve it's a big dumb animal

unless it's damaged, it'll probably still

work just fine, but we do want to clean a

little and give it a good inspection.

Here's what we're looking for. Now you want

to look down into where the fittings go,

the internal flare,

well it's brass, you don't want any

damage on that. Ours look good. The backsides

look good. So now we're going to give it

a quick shot with brake cleaner.

Important to wear glasses because this stuff can backfeed.

Yep OK, we're good here. I just want to

make sure all the fluid passages are clear,

and everything is hunky dory.

It's a happy.

One more thing, take my bleeder valve loose.

[Spraying fluid]

OK good, good we're back flushing and it's clear.

Oh, there you go.

[Spraying fluid]

Alright, now we're going to blow it out with some air then we're ready for reinstallation.

[Blowing air]

Alright, we'll throw our bleeder valve back in,

and while we're here, we're going to

install the lines.

There we are.

Here's a pre-bent line for the rear brake circuit.

Snug as a bug in a rug.

Alright now these guys,

just kinda hang together like that.

Then we can see where they go together like that

and meet the circuits down underneath the cross-member.

Alright now we'll install the

proportioning valve and get ready for

the master cylinder. We're on the homestretch.

Alright I'm gonna feed the lines down right

through here, carefully.

It's a bit of a jigsaw puzzle.

Not too bad.

Now we'll loosely mount the prop valve on the firewall.

Just like that.

Here's a line from the rear reservoir of

the master cylinder that goes back to

our rear brake circuit and I'm going to snug

these in place right now.

After I get everything snugged in, and after we make

sure that there's no leaks in the system,

Then I'll clamp it all down to the frame

rails and cross members. I want to be

able to get access in case I gotta give

these an extra little twist.

There's that.

Alright, so the rear circuits complete.

Now, I'm gonna hold my brass T in place

with an adjustable wrench and use the

line wrenches to tighten up the line fittings.

I'll get the top line from the front

reservoir of the master to the crossover

for the front circuit,

and I'll give it one little extra bit of love.

OK. Now everything's good and snug.

Now, I'm going to cap off these guys real

quick, so we don't lose any more fluid

on the installation. There's that, drain it back in.

Now we can put this sucker in it's new happy home.

Now to make sure the brake plungers in the right place and it is. Oh yea, were home.


Leave that a little bit loose till we

get our lines hooked up.

Throw something down here to catch any brake fluid that might

fall out and we're gonna get rid of our

plastic fittings. I kind of hamburgered them up

tightening them a little too tight, but they're

plastic fittings. Now we're going to lose

a little bit of fluid, not a whole lot.

Just make sure the threads are caught there.

OK, there it caught.

Thank you, thank you threads, thank you

line wrench.

Thank you brand new fittings.

Now we'll tighten the master cylinder against the firewall,

and give these a final snug.


There we go. That's snug.

Now that we've got everything bolted in, all the lines are

threaded. Now I can go back and give a

nice final good and tight snug on all of

these line fittings with my flare nut wrench.

OK, there it is. Man that looks fantastic,

except for the fact that I've got brake

fluid all over my inner fender. Now the

paint's garbage on here anyways but if

you had a nicely restored vehicle with

good paint,

here's where your bottle of water comes

in handy. Just neutralize all of that

brake fluid. Now keep in mind of course we

need to bleed the brakes on this truck,

but we've just shown you that it's an

achievable an easy goal to completely

replace all the original vintage carbon

steel lines on this truck and install

new stainless steel brake lines sets, that

not only fit great but they look great

as well. Keep in mind you can look

through LMC Truck catalogs or go to

for other ideas on how to

increase the performance and the looks

of your 67 to 72 Chevy pickup.

I'm Kevin Tetz thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Replace Brake Lines for 1967-1972 GM Trucks - Kevin Tetz with LMC Truck - Duration: 31:28.


Gas Line Replacemen Escatawpa|Escatawpa Gas Line Replacement - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Gas Line Replacemen Escatawpa|Escatawpa Gas Line Replacement - Duration: 0:44.


Power Snatch workout: What Day To Do A Power Snatch I What day should I do Power Snatches - Duration: 3:35.

What day to the power snatch today we talk about prioritizing what day to do the powers

snatch And considerations for prioritizing

what day to do the powers snatch's powers snatch's should always be done on a Monday

am joking here but the question stands out Prioritizing and what day is the best to do

the powers snatch if we look at the power snatch it's one of the most demanding exercises

it's even more demanding than the power clean it's demanding on a skill level technical

proficiency is needed it's demanding neurologically so demanding on a nervous system and muscular

level and it's also demanding mentally and psychologically and why is that the more advanced

you are the stronger you are and the more weight you can lift and in the power snatch

you have to stabilize the weight over your head which can be a scary thing because once

in awhile you lose a lift and therefore it's also very important once you have the weight

overhead to know how to lose the lift either to the front or to the back that's why we

also have that in our training we teach and we learn how to lose the lift so because the

wait is over your head and gravity dictates that the weight goes down vertically so you

have to get out of the vertical line and you can get out to the front or to the back but

again you also need to have the technical mastery to do that because of the demand on

the skill level neurologically and mentally it makes a lot of sense to put the power snatch

early in your training week or in your macrocycle so it could be on the first day on the second

day depending on how you structure your training week but again you want to do the power snatch

when you're most fresh and the same is for where you put it in a session so i would advise

to put it early in a session with the same intention you're most fresh so you're best

able to do the exercise with technical proficiency another consideration because it's demanding

neurologically is also not only because it's neurologically demanding but that's also one

of the main reasons it's so demanding you need to allow enough rest in between the training

sessions and in between that particular exercise so think about two to three days of rest in

between that doesn't mean you cannot train in between but if you do the power clean or

the power snatch excuse me if you do the power snatch on day one day two and three you do

it again on day four for example as a recap because the power is demanding on the skill

level demanding neurologically and demanding mentally it makes a lot of sense to do the

power snatch early in your training or in your macrocycle and also early in a training

session and because of the same demand on skill neurological and mental aspect there

should also be enough rest in between the power snatch if you do it more than once in

the training cycle

For more infomation >> Power Snatch workout: What Day To Do A Power Snatch I What day should I do Power Snatches - Duration: 3:35.


A Minute with Mark: Why have you chosen AmeriSpec as your partner? - Duration: 1:00.

(upbeat music)

Hello, I'm Mark Page.

Thanks for this week's question.

(upbeat music)

FCT chose AmericaSpec Home Inspections

because like FCT, they've been around

the Canadian real estate market for a very long time,

in fact, about 30 years.

FCT's been in the market for 25 years.

That's stability, that's trust, that's confidence.

In addition, they also have an alignment with our ethos

for customer service.

Their inspectors are trained, experienced,

they also carry E&O insurance and personal liability,

and their reporting is contextual, easy-to-understand,

and concise.

They also underwrite the risk on the warranty

that FCT issues

as part of the Certified Resale Home service.

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