Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 1 2017

Yamaha Announces High End MT 09 SP for 2018

For more infomation >> Yamaha Announces High End MT 09 SP for 2018 - Duration: 10:18.



For more infomation >> WOULD YOU RATHER - ANOTHER VERY SPECIAL GUEST - Duration: 6:29.


Overhaul of Indian Army is good, now also integrate the three services - Duration: 2:53.

The recently-concluded Doklam standoff is a stern warning of the importance of a credible

military capacity.

One of the continuing problems in the Indian military is the excessive number of civilian

personnel in its ranks.

This means that despite the impressive statistic of having a million plus military, less than

half are actually combat personnel.

The Narendra Modi government has reportedly ordered the implementation of many of the

recommendations of the Shekatkar committee which seeks to redress this problem.

If properly implemented, it would result in India adding an additional three divisions

without having to increase the number of overall personnel.

The Indian military's 'tooth-to-tail' ratio stands today at about one soldier to

1.15 civilians, when the number should preferably be reversed.

Even using more refined measures doesn't help the country's ranking.

A McKinsey study, using 2008 data from the Institute of International Strategic Studies,

showed that in a country like Israel the combat plus combat support component of the military

was 44%.

Relatively, pacific Japan scored 40% while China had a figure of 34%.

India, however, came in at a lowly 25%.

The expectation is that technological and infrastructure improvements will mean a more

streamlined communications and transport system.

Similar recommendations have been made over the decades.

The Krishna Rao committee was able to abolish stretcher-bearers and animal transport units

in the 1980s.

But the real reforms required are still being avoided by the government.

The most important is the integration of the three services.

For example, the army, air force and navy wastefully have their own separate logistics

networks which results in considerable redundancy and even more waste.

Tri-service integration and the creation of theatre commands remains a bridge too far

it seems even though it would arguably do more to enhance India's combat readiness

than almost any other policy change.

At least the military will have a powerful incentive to do its best to implement the


The number of personnel has been effectively capped and the services recognise that whatever

is saved in terms of expenditure will be used to purchase capital equipment – guns, airplanes

and ships that remain the brass' number one demand.

Military reforms are among the most difficult to carry out because of the sensitivities

concerned and the web of vested interests that will oppose change in any form.

Given their importance to national security, however, the government would do well to put

the Shekatkar recommendations on the fast lane.

For more infomation >> Overhaul of Indian Army is good, now also integrate the three services - Duration: 2:53.


Anarkali Suits for women party wear in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:35.

Anarkali Suits for women party wear in amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Anarkali Suits for women party wear in amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:35.


Alphabet Detective 2 : An ABC Guess the letter game - Duration: 5:59.

Hello alphabet detectives!


Alright, here's our first case.

Some letter took a bag that wasn't theirs.

I heard it was a blue bag.

Can you guess which letter took a blue bag?

Look closely.

Did you guess the letter B?

You're right.

Look there's the blue bag. He's holding it.

The letter B makes the "B" sound.

Like in bag.

Alright, next case.

Some letter.

Has been taking everyone's hat.


Is there a letter wearing a lot of different hats?

Did you guess the letter H? You're right!

How many hats does that letter need?

The letter H makes the "h" sound.

Like in hat.

Someone got mad.

And got into a fight.

Can you guess which letter is still mad?

What do you do when you're mad? Not punch someone right?


Look closely.

Who looks mad?

Did you guess the letter...


Then you're right!

Look! Look how angry he looks. He's still really mad.


The letter M makes the "m" sound.

Like mad.

Here's the next one. Some letter

has been eating rats.

Can you believe that? Rats!

Disgusting. Yuck! You should never eat a rat.

Unless you really have to I guess. Anyways.

Can you guess who the rat eater is?

hmm. Look closely.

Look for clues.

Did you guess the letter R?

Then you're right!

Look he has

rat tail sticking out of his mouth.

That's disgusting. Yuck!

The letter R makes the "r" sound.

Like rat.

Next case.

Some letter has been chewing gum

and spitting it on the ground.

Just leaving gum everywhere.

Woah. Hey. Did you see that?

Looks like the letter G

Just spat out a gum. Did you guess the letter G?

Then you're right.

Argh. I hate stepping on gum.

The letter G makes the "g" sound.

Like in gum.

Look! There's puddles of water all over the floor.

Some letter has been dripping water all over the floor.

Who did that?

One of these letters must be very wet

to make this many puddles.

Can you guess which one? Look closely.

Did you guess the letter...


Then you're right. Look he's dripping wet.

The letter W makes the "w" sound.

Like wet.

Okay. Here's a tricky one.

Some letter

Took my key.

Is there a letter holding a red key?

Hmm. What does that letter have up its nose?

Did you guess the letter K?

Then you're right.

Look! There's my key. Oh yuck...

Not up you're nose...

Key begins with the letter K.

Some letter took my pen.

It's my special pen that I use to write

very romantic poetry to Mrs Adams.

Hmmm. Look closely.

Do you see a feathered pen.

Did you guess the letter P?

Then you're right!

Look! There it's in his hands and I think

he's trying to write romantic poetry. Give it back!

The letter P makes the "p" sound.

Like pen.

Can you guess which letter is a robot?

Yes, I heard one of the letters here is actually a robot.

Let's see. I heard robots sometimes have glowing red eyes

that shoot lasers.

Oh no! The letter R is actually

a killer robot! Ahhh!

Robot begins with the letter R.

That's very important.


Just look at all these guilty letters.

Good job finding them. You are an alphabet detective.

Thanks for your help and be sure to subscribe

so you don't miss out on catching more letters.

For more infomation >> Alphabet Detective 2 : An ABC Guess the letter game - Duration: 5:59.


DHA Rahbar 11 extension haloki files balloting for short term investment near ring road lahore - Duration: 12:20.

Welcome to Lahore Property Information Video

DHA Rahbar extension information and how we can earn short term profit through it by Jaidad

First guide us about DHA Rahbar Phase 1 and 2 location and what are main excess point of this society

DHA Rahbar 11 can be access through Ring road and also from Shaukat Khanum Hospital

You can also access DHA Rahbar from Raiwind Road Lahore from Bhubttia Chownk Defence Road

For more infomation >> DHA Rahbar 11 extension haloki files balloting for short term investment near ring road lahore - Duration: 12:20.


Jill_What Keeps You Awake At Night? - Duration: 4:30.

Most of the time I'm positive. I see the beauty in my daily life. I hear the sea.

I watch the ebb and flow of the tide. The contours of the waves. The rush towards

the beach. But in the darkness I'm vulnerable and I slide towards despair.

What keeps me awake at night is the thought of my death. How much time do I

have? How fast is my cancer growing? How will I

feel when I'm so near to the last breath? I have not made cancer my enemy. I'm not

fighting it, I want no war in my body. I'm a pacifist.

I am living with cancer not doing battle with it. Sometimes in the darkness I

talk to it. I ask it to give me some more time with the people I love. Facing the

fear makes me stronger to face another day of uncertainty. I'm no heroine.

I'm really scared. Scared of the uncertainty. Slowly becoming less of the

woman I once was. I remember the words of a long ago play, Timebomb. 'Don't let

them say I was brave. Tell them I was scared. Don't let them say I lost the


That would make me feel like a failure.' There has been no fight to lose. I'm just

another woman somewhere in the world trying to prepare herself for death, and

in the midst of all that, I really value each beautiful day of survival. We don't

talk about death do we in this society? We just don't. Death is something we

absolutely avoid, like the plague. And it seems crazy because we talk about everything

else but we do not have acknowledge death. It's

almost like, you can't believe it's gonna happen, and yet it's the one thing that happens to

everybody. I don't want to be buried, I really don't want to be buried. You know it's

sort of, I think about being buried is there's somewhere for people to go and

it's like it sometimes it's quite a chore to, the upkeep of a grave, visiting a

grave and you should be able to remember people by just going to the places they

went. You know all sorts of things remind you of people. The smell of geraniums reminds

me of my father.

Sometimes I just find a place where I don't see any flowers at all, I could be

walking on the street and I suddenly smell geraniums and I think

oh, that's my dad.

Maybe his close right now.

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