Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 1 2017

(lighthearted music)

Hi, I'm Buffy Hargett

and this week's Easy Wow is so easy

you're not even gonna believe it.

Okay, we have three simple ingredients.

We have a bowl of green apples,

we have some flowers,

not too many blends,

and we have a long toothpick or wooden pick.

So here we have some lisianthus including the buds.

I love the buds the most.

We're gonna cut our flowers really short

about like that, about an inch or two.

We also have these beautiful little roses

and I'm gonna help to open them up.

Here's a little trick.

If you want to open your flowers just a little bit,

you can blow on them or you can do this between your hands

and then help them gently open the petals.

So we're gonna make a really interesting modern centerpiece.

I'm gonna move all these to the side for now.

So I'm gonna line these up

to make the containers for our arrangement today.

You'll note that I'm placing them on a rectangular board.

When you're using a lot of small pieces like this,

you need something to pull it all together.

Now we're gonna make a hole in each one of the apples.

Now that we have all of our vases, we need to add flowers.

Now we're gonna make a second hole for our lisianthus.

Today we're using apples,

but you can do this with almost any fruit.

The great thing about this is that the apple

is a self-watering container.

The water and sugar from the apple

feed the flowers and keep them fresh.

In this particular arrangement, less is more.

So I encourage you to try this simple, modern Easy Wow.

For more infomation >> Fall Apple Arrangement with Buffy Hargett | Southern Living - Duration: 2:01.


Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 Review Part 3 - Duration: 8:52.

Hello Everyone.

I've already discussed Sansa, Theon & the Night King's storyline in my part 1 review


In this video, I'll discuss the Dragonpit Summit, Jon and Dany & Rhaegar & Lyanna scenes.

I'll also post my season 8 Predictions and Episode 6 Q&A video soon.

Make sure to subscribe this channel and also click on the bell next to it to activate notifications

for this channel.

As for Jaime, I am still happy to see that after everything, just a couple of dialogues

from Brienne are enough to resurrect Jaime's honor, even though Cersei kills it again and

again the moment she gets Jaime alone with.

But this time even Cersei couldn't stop Jaime.

BTW, do you remember Jaime making a promise to anyone?

When he said, "I made a promise."

I was like, No you didn't.

It was Cersei who made the promise.

I think Jaime was talking about Brienne.

Jaime might like Brienne, but Brienne has a new suitor in her life now.

I really hope that Tormund is alive and will meet her when she goes back to WF.

I even tweeted a poll asking people to vote for their shipname, and most of the people

voted for Trienne.

So, I am gonna call this ship "Trienne" now.

BTW, did you notice the music when the first snow falls on jaime's hand.

I LOVED that music.

It was the slow version of the opening title, probably to indicate the start of a new time

or era or something.

Winter has finally reached King's Landing now.

It's all over Westeros; and with that music, you can actually feel that the dark times

or rather DARKER times are coming.

BTW, what will happen to poor Ser Bronn of the Blackwater now that Jaime has left the

city too?

I don't see Cersei being very fond of him because he had helped arrange the meeting.

She might even blame him for Jaime leaving her because if the meeting hadn't been arranged,

Jaime wouldn't have left.

She has already talked with Jaime about punishing Bronn before.

Bronn better run for his life if he wants to live.

Dany hasn't shown much mourning towards Viserion's loss.

At least not as much as I had expected her to.

The only time she used his death was to send Jon on a guilt trip for refusing to lie.

She said that Viserion has died trying to get them there, and the least Jon could have

done was lie.

She didn't like his choice but at least she respected him for it.

And did you see the look on ser Jorah's face when Dany said, "We sail together."

Poor Ser Jorah, I don't know whether I should feel sad for him, or be happy that my "Jonerys"

ship has finally set sail.

It was so beautiful and sad at the same time.

I can't get it out of my head.

It sounded similar to the Stark theme music but also had a different feel to it.

It also reminded me of the possibilities.

If Rhaegar and Lyanna have revealed their marriage, so much could have been different.

Anyways, I LOVED the "Jonaerys" theme music.



Jonerys isn't the right ship name anymore?

But I was planning to printout Jonerys T-Shirts..

Even our ship NAME "Jonaerys" has sunk because Jon's real name isn't Jon anymore.

It's Aegon Targaryen.

What should we call them now?

Aegonaerys, Aegorys or Daegon?

Lemme know which one you like the most in the comments below.

And why was Tyrion standing outside Dany's door?

I know I've called Bran "Bran the vouyer" before, but what should we call Tyrion now?

Mishra 7890 has said, "Tyrion was jealous.

A love triangle.

Hope you noticed that."

At first I had the same thought "Is he jealous?"

But then I thought about his expressions when he noticed Jon & Dany staring at each other

or when he talked to her about Jon being in love with her.

He had smiled in those scenes.

So, I don't think he is jealous romantically.

I don't think there will be a love triangle here.

It's more complicated than that.

I think there are several possibilities to what was going on in his head.

1) He has dreamed about Dany building a better world with him standing by her side.

With Jon in the picture, he might think his importance will decline in some way.

2) He has tried to talk to Dany about her successor to the throne, in case anything

happened to her.

Maybe he had hoped that she will name him, but with Jon in the picture, that ship has

sailed too?

3) Or Maybe he thought about how things will get more complicated with Cersei and was disappointed

that Jon and Dany doesn't even care anymore.

Which one do you think it is?

The Sam and Bran scene was hilarious.

Bran said that Robert's rebellion was built on a lie.

BUT it wasn't.

It was built on Robert's delusion and ego; and Rhaegar's stupidity.

Robert didn't even consider the possibility that a girl could leave him and choose someone

else, especially a married man.

And Rhaegar should have told someone about his marriage.

Rhaegar wasn't happy with his marriage with Elia and he was also obsessed with the Prince

that was Promised prophecy.

And Lyanna never wanted to marry Robert in the first place.

As I've said in my "Howland Reed's role in Jon's birth" video, I still believe

that he was sent to Harrenhal to make fire and ice meet.

Go, check out that video, and lemme know what you think about it.

I'll leave the link in the description below.

And it was a good thing that Rhaegar married Lyanna, or it would have been very confusing

to know what to call Jon.

Should we call him "Jon Sand" because he was born in Dorne or "Jon Waters" because he was

Rhaegar's son, who was a citizen of King's Landing?

I think they should have chosen "Jon Waters" in the show rather than "Jon Sand."

What do you think?

BTW I'm so pissed that they finally showed Rhaegar but didn't even show us his face.

Sean Killackey had asked, "Did you think Rhaegar was actually the same guy who played

Viserys back Season 1?

I did."

You were not the only one Sean.

I saw many people asking the same question when the show aired.

I didn't think it was the same guy because I really liked Harry Llyod as Viserys, and

I've said earlier that he even looks a lot like Devin Oliver, the guy most fans wanted

to see as Rhaegar.

I think D&D knew that fans have been expecting someone like him, and they might not like

Wilf Scolding as much compared to Devin, so they made him dress exactly like Viserys.

They probably even gave him his old wig too..

Just kidding.

So, same dressing style, same hair and no face?

It's not a surprise that people thought it was Viserys.

In the end, I just wanna point something out from episode 6.

It just crossed my mind, and I wanted to get your views on it.

Did you notice how the frozen lake near the Lands of Always Winter looks A LOT like God's


Just look at the aerial shot of that lake and then look at God's eye on the map.

The Rock in the middle of the frozen lake saved Jon & his companion's lives.

What if this is just a sign that the Rock in the middle of God's eye aka the Isle

of Faces can save them too?

I know I have discussed this with someone in the comments section of a video, probably

in my Harrenhal's curse theory video, but I think Bran and maybe even Jon and Dany need

to go to the Isle of Faces if they want to save everyone.

I still think that there might be some Children Of The Forest living there to protect it from


Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.

Todays comment shoutout goes to GertyBringsTheHurty, who said, "I love your videos.

You are very observant without becoming nit picky.

We can tell you really appreciate the work the creators put into the series, as well

as your own audience.

You're awesome"

Thanks a lot for your kinds words.

I'm really glad that you love my videos.

So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.

If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe

to my channel.

Have a great Day.

Bye Bye..

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 Review Part 3 - Duration: 8:52.


What You Are Thinking | Do you realize what you are thinking? - Duration: 19:21.

Hello Zippies!

Ready to raise your vibration?

I'm Ready!

Let's Do It!

We all here know how important it is to be positive, to have a positive attitude, a sunny

disposition, the power of positive thinking.

Stay positive.

Don't worry, be happy.

Is that how easy it is to do?

No not at all.

We all struggle with that from time to time and even making this video we've had some

technical difficulties.

So we just have to grin and keep on going sometimes.

Grin and bare the I storage problems

Full Storage.

Sometimes when things are really going wrong and…you know we're not talking about little

problems like making a video, but big things in your life are going wrong.

It's a lot harder to just talk about snapping your fingers and being positive

than doing it.

It's easy to be positive when things are going well.

But how do you get through the struggles in life quickly when things aren't going well?

When your spouse just left you or maybe the mortgage payment is due and you don't have

the money for it.

Or your dog is at the vet and things are not going well there.

Or your boss is riding you up for something.

There' just a number of things that can go wrong in anybody's life in the day to day.

Is there an instruction manual on how to stay positive all the time?

And why is that important anyway?

It's very important to have positive thoughts as opposed to negative thoughts.

And the reason for that is when you are having positive thoughts, you are attracting positive

things in your life.

When you're having negative thoughts, you're attracting negative things into your life.

And I know what you're all thinking now is like "Oh my goodness!

I didn't realize that every little negative thought was bringing all this negative stuff

to me."

The good news is having positive thoughts brings positive things to you very quickly.

Having negative thoughts, you have to maintain those negative thoughts for much longer in

order for that to attract negative things into your life.

So you can have a negative thought without it impacting physical things happening to

your life as long as you don't hold on to that thought.

The quicker we can move past those negative thoughts and into positive thoughts, the better

off we'll all be.

The way I've learned to quickly move through life's struggles and not dwell on it and

replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, is to first identify that I'm having negative


That requires being a self-witness, and that requires a lot of practice.

It really does.

For me, I'll notice "Wow, I've had this negative thought."

And one of the things I'll ask myself is "How long have I had that negative


And I'm a little bit ashamed sometimes I'm like, "Wow Holly you've really been dwelling

on that for quite some time."

So not only to notice that you're having a negative thought and think about how long

you've been having it.

And what I want to do is replace that negative thought with a positive thought.

And I attempt to do that.

And sometimes unsuccessfully because I replace that negative thought with another negative


And that's really strange.

And then I'll notice that and I'll go, "Wow Holly, so that was really great.

You just replaced a negative thought with another negative thought.

We're not making any ground here."

Just noticing that you are having that negative thought and you replaced it with another negative

thought is progress.

Because the first step to correcting anything is noticing what's going on in your mind.

A lot of you probably, including myself at times, you don't even notice that you're

replacing a negative thought with another negative thought.

You're not conscious of what you're thinking about.

So, the first step is to be, like Holly said, is to be conscious of what you're

thinking and so the fact that you were thinking I'm replacing a negative thought with another

negative thought, was progress because that was in itself, recognizing what you're thinking


And it comes with practice.

I've been doing this for a number of years and it gets better and easier and I still

make plenty of mistakes.

But I do find that the longer I do it, it's like any muscle, its like working out at the


You get stronger.

And working with positive thoughts and the power of positive thinking is something that

can get stronger in time.

The more you do it, the better you get at it.

And it kind of builds on itself.

What we're really talking about though is changing the moment.

The key is that the negative thing that are happening to you are not all happening at

the same time.

They're not happening right now.

For instance, if your house is being foreclosed on, but right at the very moment nobody is

knocking at the door to say "Hey get out we're taking your house."

That's not happening right now.

So the moments between.

That's where the goodie is.


That's where the happiness is.

If you're able to think about the moment, the moment is usually pretty perfect.

So we're right here, we're making this video, we have some ideas that we want to

share with people, we're healthy, happy and loved.

Things feel really good.

And in this moment, even if we might have problems outside of this moment, but because

we're not dwelling on them, thinking about them, talking about them, they're not here.

And they're not in this moment.

And that makes this moment perfect.


And any moment can be perfect.

I'll give you an example.

This friend of ours, Jay who's going through a sticky divorce.

There's a lot bitterness and some bad things that have gone back and forth between them

and he talks about it a lot.

We all went to dinner as a group and because he talked about Karen so much, his ex-wife,

during the dinner it felt like she was sitting at the table.

And why don't we just go by her house and bring her, which of course we would never


But because Jay kept talking about her, he brought her into our moment.

He did.

He really missed an opportunity to meet some other new people who were at the table.

To congregate with us.

We don't get together that often.

It felt bad.

He was unable to put it down.

And so that's really what we're talking about here if Jay had been able to put that away

for the moment, because it wasn't happening to him at that moment.

Then he could have enjoyed that dinner and made space in his life for positive things

to come in because you have to take a break when you can.

When it's not happening to you at that moment, you've got to be able to take a break from

it, put it down, and bring positive things into your life.

Even if it feels like you're faking it at first, it doesn't matter.

Fake it till you make it.

Fake it.

*laughs* Fake it and it will change.

There is something about putting on a game face.

It actually will make you feel better.

And it will make people around you feel better.

Since we were talking about Jay, we'll talk about divorce for a minute.

When you're going through divorce, that's a time when you have lots of waiting.

So like a lawyer asks you a question on an email or a phone call and you have to answer


You contemplate the answer, the situation, what you're going to do and you come up

with your plan, your answer, and you throw it back over.

And then you're going to hear back.

And the time between sending over your response and hearing back is the time to put it down.

Let it rest.

Let it lie.

That means not calling everybody you know and recanting every aspect of it.

That means not rereading your email, their email, not rereading them.

That means not sitting around and thinking about it.

That means not thinking about it, not doing anything about it, literally putting it down

until you get back that answer.

Because unless you are in a position to contemplate a decision and make a decision or have to

come up with some sort of response.

If no action is required in this moment, then this moment can be perfect unless you're

gonna allow yourself to keep thinking about it.


And it's the same thing with a medical test.

So you have something physically wrong with you, you go to the doctor and they say 'Oh

yes we suspect these 3 things.

We're gonna run these tests.'

The space between you run the test and you get the answer, that space can be perfect

because you're already done with what you needed to do.

You went to the doctor, you had the test, and now you're just waiting.

And when you're waiting, that can be a good time.

Every moment can be a good time.

There's no reason to not make every moment as perfect as it can.

There's very few moments that you're actually dealing with the problem,

but that thing is actually happening to you.

Which means there's more moments for you to be positive.

There's a lot more space in your life where you can be positive than negative.

There are times where you have to deal with the negative but as Holly said:

You deal with it, you move on, you're back to being positive again.

Creating more positive things to come into your life.

When you identify that you have negative thoughts, you immediately want to say 'I need to replace

it with something positive.'

*On Screen* Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

And there's a few things that you and I do to replace negative thoughts with positive



One thing is really simple.

'I'm having a negative thought' go look out the window.

So look out the window and you might notice the trees, rolling in the breeze.

I don't think anything else can put you I the moment than actually looking at a tree.


Looking up into a tree canopy.

Nature is perfect.

Nature is perfect and it doesn't require any thought to experience it.


Whereas anything man made does require thought to experience it, but nature does not.

If you constantly are thinking negative thoughts and you're having difficulty getting out

of that, you might want to do something very purposeful.

Like get out a piece of paper and write down three good things that happened that day.

It could be something tiny like I saw a cute squirrel.

It doesn't have to be something monumental.

Sure Or it could be you finished a project at work.

Or a really good friend sent me a post card and that made me thrilled and excited.

Think about those kinds of things.

Or things you're grateful for.

Gratitude is really important.

Another way is exercise.

Exercise is a great way.

I love using exercise when I get home from work if I had a stressful day.

For whatever reason, whatever's going on.

Running is my thing.

So I like to get out on the track, get going on that run.

Sometimes the first mile may be harder than the next five.

But if you're a runner you know those things.

You know that first mile can be the toughest, but when you get past that and your kind of

in a groove.

It just feels great.

It's just you, the track, and your thoughts, and somehow your negative thoughts just completely


And everything becomes more positive and you just start to feel good.

You're in a groove and you're exercising.

You can feel yourself breathing and your muscles working and problems just start to disappear.

And then even after a run.

I feel so much better after a run.

It just feels great and I'm so glad I got that run in.

And I never regret having run no matter how short of a run it was or how long of a run.

It's always a great experience.

Now, exercise can be anything.

I hear all of you non-runners out there.

"No that's not gonna work for me."

Well, you know

Whether it's weight lifting or whether its playing some tennis, throwing a ball around

the yard.

Whatever you like to do.

We love to play tennis.

That's a great outlet for us as a couple.

There's so many exercises that are good good stress relievers that bring more positive

vibes into your life.

I've never heard someone step off of a tennis court or step out of a gym that said "Oh

I wish I hadn't one that.

I regret that."

There's no such thing.

Not gonna happen.

Not gonna happen because it always feels great and its gonna raise your vibration.

Some problems are harder than others.

There are times when someone has been really mean to you.

You might be dealing in a really vicious divorce. None of them are great and fun, b

but, some of them are more vicious than others.

You may be being attacked at work by someone.

You may be dealing with a client that lied to you.

There's a number of things that could involve a person that you genuinely feel like they

have wronged you.

In that case its not just negative thoughts, but actually pain and hurt and a little bit

of heartache.

And you've got your feelings hurt.

The best way I deal with those type of situations is forgiveness.


trying to find a way to forgive.

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing.

It connects you with that other person in a way that is hard to describe because forgiveness

not only forgives that person whether you tell them or not.

If you just forgive them in your heart.

Somehow the universe knows and that other person will know that in your heart you have

forgiven them for whatever has happened.

And it almost immediately erases the negative vibes that you have between you.

I immediately feel better when I even attempt to forgive someone else.

And I've got this method that I learned from a book.

It involves thinking about the universe or God or the master spirits or whatever you

want to call a power higher than yourself as a big glowing light above. Just a big, strong glowing light.

And that light comes into you through the crown of your head.

And this light comes in as this beautiful golden beam of bright light with a golden

color and warmth.

And it comes in through the top of your head and as it begins to flow over you like golden

light flowing over you.

And you imagine that.

And when you get that vision of yourself kind of being bathed in that beam of light from

above, and you can start to even feel warm from it, and when you get that kind of….fixed

on that feeling, then you picture that beam arched over, still connected to the sky, but

arched over from you and connecting you to the person you're having a problem with.

And I have actually done this a hand full of times when I had conflicts with people.

And it was absolutely amazing how it worked.

How it immediately made me feel better.

But even in interacting with those people a few weeks later, I noticed that they had


Their attitude toward me had improved.

And I was thinking, "Gosh have they been working on this too?"


That's amazing.

I can feel the emotion when you describe that process and it is amazing.

That may be one of the best exercises of all.

And I love that.

Thank you.

And I love that it changes the vibration between you and the other person and that's the

whole point of positive connectivity between you and that person.

And you really are connected in that moment.

And all is forgiven.

And you're both gonna see positive changes in your life by performing that exercise.

If you're fighting with your ex-spouse over divorce, regardless of what's going on and

you constantly spinning your wheels and thinking about it.

Just constantly non-stop thinking about it, talking about it, and guess what something

else happens.

And that other thing could be…you lose your job.

Now you've lost your job and your spouse, and that's what you keep telling yourself,

"Oh I've lost my job and my spouse."

But actually these two are not happening at the same time, but because you weren't willing

to put down the first thing, now you're picking up the second thing.


And then that same week, your car doesn't start.

And then you'll be like, "Oh great!

I don't have a job, my wife left me, and my car won't start!"

And now you're like boom, boom, boom, and now you're carrying around 3 things.

So another reason it's really important to deal with an issue at hand and move on

quickly is so that you're prepared for the next thing that can happen.


Because things happens.

Because it happens.

So you can truly move on.

You can actually move on and not compound your problems because you're able to deal

with it, put it down, and then every time you have that thought and you wanna look backwards.

And think about, "Well, she said this or he said that."

And you wanna replay that, and you'll be like, "Nope, I'm not gonna do that because

I'm gonna think about my blessings."

Or "I'm not gonna do that because I'm gonna think about what a great workout I had

or something else fun I'm gonna do, or how good I feel right now in this moment."

You know in our zen calendar, there was a saying there, 'To a worm in horseradish,

the whole world is horseradish.'

And I loved that because it's really about majoring in the solutions to your problems

not in the problems.

And getting outside of the proverbial horseradish and realizing that outside of your problems

is a lot of beauty and happiness.

If you'll allow yourself to concentrate on that and make every moment count.

And we have a lot planned along those lines!

We do.

We have a lot of videos coming up.

We're gonna be talking about the law of attraction, positive thinking.

Please use some of these tools that we mentioned today and I promise you, you will bring more

positive things into your life.

If you'll leave comments on our youtube videos, we'll comment on the comment so

we can interact with you that way as well.

And if you have a question for us it's #AskZippyVibe.

Have a Zippy Vibe Day!

For more infomation >> What You Are Thinking | Do you realize what you are thinking? - Duration: 19:21.


Raise Your Vibration---Get Everything You Want! - Duration: 3:46.

Cameras on!

This is about two words. If you're not a good dater I mean how good is

the marriage gonna be? Changing the moment but I've never thought about it

till this moment. It is the one thing you can count on life is constantly changing. you get everything you ever wanted out of life. Is that always easy to do? ..... and you just feel better

How do you deal with change in your life resist it or embrace it? Even if things are going

great for you could they be greater? Anything you want to change about yourself, you just change it right now.

Running is a great time to meditate. The way I've learned how to quickly move through life's

struggles..... Good Job You! Good Job You! I had a really hard marriage. You know there are people who wait out marriages.

People wait out marriages.

Finally a Woman Who Speaks The Truth.

The biggest myth about marriage..... How do you keep the

romance in your marriage? It takes engagement.... That really is how

to break down prejudice....

That's not happening right now Give me one reason to leave?

There should be a thousand reasons to stay! Because it happens..... so

you can truly move on .....what you imagine is what you're drawing to you from the

universe..... Really?.... We're not talking about little problems, big things in your life

are going wrong. Negative mindset and it begets more negative thoughts.... That's really, actually pretty ridiculous....

that's what you keep telling yourself....If you ask: What would I do

today if I were brave? Awkward, uncomfortable position that hurts really just got really good

....progress, because the first step to

correcting anything........go ahead and get the replacement sport, the things you're

gonna do together. I love doing this!.... not mine.... What one or two things would you

suggest and do to plan a date?

.....focus on the one thing and then move on to thing 2

....arched over from you and connecting you to the person you're

having a problem with..... that we wouldn't really get to know each other by just sitting there

watching a movie it's almost like okay just put the date on cruise control.... oh

my goodness...... we had a couple things we had a tackle ...staying focused on one thing

rather than multitasking..... husbands and wives will say hey we're protecting our

relationship from Facebook..... we grow a lot together when we're reading books

together Jim thinks that he could beat.... Oh No!..... If you can begin to pay attention.....

are we awake in our lives..... we got married in Italy.....every vacation we take

now is sailing........ and the universe is just instantly bringing it to us ....and they are key.....and that's one thing in our marriage that we enjoy every day......we have

so many memories together on these trips..... become the person that gets the things

you want........ and that's really how you get there...... that's really the key to it....

If you can imagine it you can have it!

got the basket of Questions... we're gonna draw questions out of the basket it's all

ad-lib answering the questions..... if you want your question in the basket to be drawn...

put it in the comments below

For more infomation >> Raise Your Vibration---Get Everything You Want! - Duration: 3:46.



Find us on Facebook at -

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE ACHAR GOSHT RECIPE 'MEAT' BAKARAEID SPECIAL RECIPES | Achar Gosht - Duration: 1:44.



Finally, here's the video that we know, we will get a lot of hate because we know this fandom loves Malec, right?

We love Malec. - We also love Malec.

Me too. When it's written in pages in that thing called book.

With context.

But it's about time we talk about why we don't like Malec on the tv show.

That's why we owe you guys an explanation, because we know how much you like them.


We're not just being haters like most of you are saying. - We're not.

Maybe a little. - No.

No, we're not being haters. - We're haters about other things.

We're haters about many other things.

And right now, that's not the case.

Can I start? - Yes.

Okay, I will start by talking about Magnus because he's my favorite character,

so I do pay attention to him a lot.

And this is something that I complain about all the time.

Like I said on our last review, Magnus doesn't have any resourcefulness.

And he's too serious. Too willing to help.

He's like, the shadowhunters' slave. And that annoys me.

That's something we were talking about, he doens't have his own character development.

Yeah. - He only develops when there's Alec.

He's that character that's attached to others.

Maia has more development than Magnus. - Exactly.

And that's the first step for you to get attached to a couple.

You need to get attached to them as individuals.

Not only as a couple.

Because when they like each other, and they're together, you're like:

"Wow, two people with amazing personalities together. I want this."

Yeah, that's something you want to ship. You want them together.

It's the same thing in real life.

Couples only exist from the sum of two individuals.

If that couple exists, why do they exist?

The point is, Magnus only exists when there's Malec.

Magnus doesn't exist in his apartment, with his

own problems or having his own personality.

He only exists when shadowhunters needs him,

when Alec is needy or Alec needs something. - Or when he's drinking with Dot.

Or when he's acting like a bohemian.

And we only have a few glimpses of him with Catarina and sometimes with Dot.

Something to show that he has a life outside of that. - Like a background.

Malec is working more towards Alec as an individual.

Even when they showed Magnus' past, it was still a Malec moment.

Magnus is really Alec's little bitch.

It's not something you ship it.

Now, I have a complaint about Alec.

Lots of people are gonna think that this is absurd.

I've seen people saying that because there were some complaints about

Alec not having the struggle he had with his own sexuality like he did in the books.

It was easier for him to accept it.

So that mischaracterized his character from the books, a little bit.

Some people were complaining about that.

I agree. - It's valid.

It's 2017, people don't need to make a big deal ou of it.

I have nothing against couples that meet each other

and everything is amazing. In fact that's how it is in real life.

But I think that for them to have a good development,

something that makes you want to seem them getting together,

they need to have some kind of trouble on one side or the other.

And everything could go wrong.

There were nothing on Alec's side. He just looked at Magnus and was like,

"Oh I'm gay, I like him and that's it. Let's be together."

That was it, there were nothing more. - "Here at my wedding, in front of everyone."

With him being a shadowhunter, Magnus being a downworlder,

and with Alec coming from a very conservative family,

everything could go wrong. - But it didn't.

- That's where I, the person that you hate, come in.

Because we always do this. So yes, I will compared it to the books.

Just so you know, book Alec only kissed Magnus

for the first time in front of other people, on the 3rd book.

In the middle of a war. - It took 3 books.

At the end of the war, actually. He was like,

"Holy shit, I went through hell and back, [little does he know]

so I will allow myself this luxury." - Yeah.

"I will give myself to my own happiness and I won't care about anyone else."

"Because I don't know if I will survive."

That was a part of the struggle that he

mention it, that Alec didn't have on the show.

In the show the characters are older and the show is a different world.

But he should've had another personality because...

He figure it out everything overnight. He figured it out that he was gay,

he was engaged to a woman he didn't know,

the guy he flirted with, a little bit, stopped his wedding

and then he gave himself to love in front of everyone.

There was a huge fast forward there.

It's important for every tv show to have this kind of development.

Something cool that we had on the books, it's that

you read the books and you know they're together but

Alec kept it a secret. - Even from the people who were close to him.

He was embarassed when Jace and Clary talked about Magnus in front of him.

The best scene ever from city of ashes is when

everyone is at Luke's house and Alec shows up with a hickey

and then he tells them that he fell on his neck, on the stairs.

But actually, it was Magnus.

[nothing important or related to the show or books]

That's when he had the fearless rune, right? - Yeah, and he almost tells his family

because of that rune.

Oh, this scene is cool, it shoud've been on the show.

This will probably make things worse but I think people are mixing things up.

I'm not talking about every fan but fans in general,

they still don't know the difference between a character and an actor.

The actors are a good match? You may think so,

I think they're good individually, as Magnus and as Alec.

But together, they have no chemistry. - Yeah, they don't.

That's my opinion. If you watch the show and you enjoy it, you think

it's beautiful and you ship show Magnus with show Alec, congrats.

I think they only look at each other, exchange some simple lines,

give each other a peck on the lips and then the plot is over.

Yeah, we're telling you guys our reasons... - So, yeah, I am a show Magnus hater. Yes I am.

Back to the subject, it's lacking development.

They got together and that's it. They're together.

[not important or related, again]

And it's not only lacking development on their story as a couple.

But on the scenes as well.

He goes to Magnus, and says: "Oh, this happened, I'm sorry." and then kisses him.

"I'm sorry, kisses him, says I love you and cut."

Yeah. It's like Artur said on the last review,

that last scene had the best development of them.

Because they argued, and talked... - And there were more than one line.

Fights don't usually end with one line, a kiss and that's it.

And if it does, I'm sorry, but I think your relationship sucks.

That's my opinion, so don't hate on Pandemonium, hate on me.

I think that if it were a soap opera or another show you wouldn't like those characters.

We end up liking their interaction because we like those characters.

Not the story they're telling us.

Now I wanna add more topics that... - We're adding more fuel to the fire!

That's not within the scope of actors or characters.

Bad script? - No, that's not it.

Putting the script and the lack of interaction aside,

there's something that often happens on tv shows,

and that is, putting a lgbt couple just for people to ship it.

Just so people can enjoy the show.

The famous: - Token.


I mean, it's not exactly queerbaiting because queerbait is

when it's implied that there's something more when it doesn't.

In shadowhunters it does. - But we can't understand.

[it was a joke that only works in portuguese]

And it's sad, it's really sad. Because we're living in

a time where we should have more representation.

And good representation on tv shows.

Any show can make any mistake about representation

or put any lgbt character that people would still like it.

Just because they're lgbt. That's it. That makes me so mad.

We need something that really represents us.

Not just something that they want to sell it

just because there's a lgbt couple.

It's like, lgbt people exist just to be lgbt.

I don't think it should be a couple for representation.

It should be a couple because it exists. - Because it exists, yeah.

Because it's something real and not because

"Oh my God, we need a lgbt couple."

No. Everyone knows a lgbt couple. Because it's normal.

And if you don't think it's normal, that's another issue.

Then you have no reason to watch this channel.

Unsubscribe, we won't miss you.

The point is, it's not because we need to have representation,

It's because it's normal.

It's like dealing with people who breathes oxygen. Everyone does.

Not that everyone is gay but gay people exist.

And that's why we really like... Again, going into the book subject...

People keep calling Cassandra names, saying that she's homophobic.

- It doesn't make sense. - Things that doesn't make any sense.

Because she knows how to develop lgbt couples. - There's gay, lesbian, trans...

If you're familiar with the art of reading, I mean, if you're literate,

you would know that in one of the last books they introduced a transsexual character.

Because it's not about representation, it's because it exists.

Therefore, I will represent the reality.

It ends up being a representation anyway. But it's not a token.

Going back to what Artur said, before they create a show, they're like,

"Guys, we need a lgbt couple because every show have a lgbt couple."

They're adapting a book and on the books,

it took them 3 books to get together.

So why they got together on the 8th episode?

Because they need to have a lgbt couple. That's it.

"It's not developed? Screw it. There's no chemistry? Screw that too.

We need to have it and we will put it. It's done."

It's like Clary and Jace, they fought, they stumbled and they're still not together.

There's a lot of development. - That's how it should be.

They should stumble, leave, stay, kiss etc. They would still be together but...

People would like it better, I would like it better if it was like:

"Oh they're going to kiss..." and then they don't and they both go to opposite sides.

And we're like: "Kiss each other, goddamnit" - Yeah, have doubts, leave...

We don't want them to just kiss.

We want scenes to be natural.

Not to mention that there's plenty of other cases,

it's also a matter of script, if it's allowed or if the channel allows it, I mean...

If it's a channel that allows these things

because some channels doesn't accept it.

So I won't go on right now into this matter

of what is and what's not allowed...

But treat it with naturality and...

- It's not natural. - It doesn't feel natural.

If you think it feels natural we understand but our opinion is different.

The point is, you need to force yourself to be impartial.

Really think it through, take a look at the context of the development

and everything that happens with Malec on the show.

And put that on a straight couple. Would you ship it?

No, because it would seem robotic. Like they were forced to be together

without knowing each other. They flirted like two times

and then Magnus were already crashing his wedding.

This is not real, it's not human. - And their fights...

Malec was... - Malec, they're one character.

Malec was... pissed off for god knows how many episodes until

the end of the season because Alec didn't tell him about the sword.

If they had any real chemistry, they wouldn't need to have that fight.

Malec... Magnus would look at Alec and he would be like,

"Okay, I understand, you know? These are big issues."

They're one character.

Magnus would see and realize that it's about bigger issues,

he didn't kept the secret because he was being selfish.

Magnus is really old, you think he wouldn't understand?

- "It has nothing to do with me."

He wasn't hiding it because he wanted the downworld

to get destroyed. He wanted to protect them, actually.

He didn't want to cause trouble. - We always base our opinions,

partially, mostly me, on things we saw on the

books. But we know that's two different types of media.

And we know the idea is different, but the problem is, within

that idea that the show tries to deliver to us, is still flawed.

It's not about the difference between the tv show and the books.

No. - Okay, we know is different. But within this here, is still wrong.

My memory sucks, I almost don't remember things

that happened in the books, especially with Malec,

so impartially speaking, on the show, it's bad.

Honestly, we're not being haters. - It's our opinion.

We accept the fact that some people are passionate about them.

That live because of it.

I wanna talk about that now. I don't like soccer.

But the reason why I don't like it is the fans not the sport itself.

[ not important ]

Malec fans, let's get into this topic. They're not impartial.

They like the fact that there's a f... Sorry, that there's a lgbt couple on the show.

And they're like, "Oh that's good. That's beautiful,

they're the best couple ever and the best kiss of the year." Guys, no.

And we can't say shit about it. - Instead of following them blindly,

reach out to the writers, ask them to put more thought into the couple.

Make them more realistic. - Don't let them be just the "lgbt couple."

It's because you like them that you should reach out to them.

You're not an activist if you support Malec but

don't support other types of couples on the show.

Because there's no lesbian couple. There's no other sexuality. - Bisexuality.

We have Magnus but he's with Alec, he's in a homosexual relationship.

So, if you support a gay relationship but doesn't

give a damn about lesbian representation or bisexual representation etc

You're not doing anything, you're being a fetishist. - Exactly.

Let's not be fetishists. If you want to pretend to be an activist, do it right.

This is like, the only thing we're asking.

And it's okay if you like them, that's great, just try to understand that there's

issues, so don't be a pain in the ass when people are saying bad things about them,

just because you think your couple is sacred and no one can touch it... Guys, please.

Some people don't want to see it. People are talking

about it and instead of trying to see what's wrong

or what they're doing, no, they point fingers.

"You're homophobic." I'm sorry but I think it's impossible for me to be homophobic.

Even Cassie, the writer of a book... - That has tons of representation.

that in 2007... - It was 10 years ago!

In 2007, there were no books with lgbt characters

that had that power of telling people about their life.

It's true. - And Alec does that.

Alec had that struggle.

[ talking about harry potter ]

The author of a book that in 2007 had decided to put a gay character

as a main, dealing with his sexuality and having relationships...

And being a normal person at the same time. - Is accused of homophobia, biphobia...

- No. No. By people who thinks that she can't criticize because she's straight.

There were moments when the fans were bothering me but

then it crossed a line when I saw people calling her names.

The author who created these characters.

This couple only exists because the author wrote it. And she did a very good job.

A topic for another video is the difference between

the brazilian fandom and the international fandom.

Show fandom and book fandom.

Which is absurd.

Like I was saying, it's about impartiality.

We as Cassandra fans, we read, we go after it

so we can know what's happening and why people

are saying these things about her.

We want to know, we want to understand.

But there's no explanation. - There's no arguments to defend their accusation.

They just keep saying she's homophobic.

[ off topic and not important ]

[ just talking about how Cassandra is always releasing books and tales on tumblr ]

If you're one of those people who believes that Cassie is any type of "phobic."

Try to explain it to us. Honestly, we really want to understand. - And don't be rude.

And don't call us homophobic because there's no way. - We like to read arguments.

If you didn't like anything we said about show Malec...

- The "don't subscribe" button is right there.

[ not important, talking about subscribers ]

I mean, we didn't attacked anyone, we didn't attacked anything.

Stop apologizing, f*ck them.

We gave you arguments, so please give us arguments as well.

Keep in mind that this is our opinion. We're not asking you to agree with it.

It's our opinion, from our research and experience.

Some people say things like:

Oh, I don't like your opinion so I'll destroy your channel."

No, If you don't like our opinion, we're inviting you to make your own channel...

With a different opinion. - You can even send it to us, we'll promote it.

Let's invite someone who's a super [show] Malec shipper?

to come here and have a discussion with us live? - Let's do it.

Make a video with lots of arguments and

we will post your version on our channel.

We're asking for a video response. - Or just a comment below.

We will post it.

We like different opinions. - I'm gonna be like,

"But first, name, age and sexuality?"

[ not important]

That's it, guys. We really wanna know your opinion.

Whether you agree or not, tell us why.

[ not really important ]

For more infomation >> WE DON'T LIKE MALEC - LGBT REPRESENTATION IN SHADOWHUNTERS Canal Pandemonium - Duration: 21:14.



Find us on Facebook at -

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE SPICY MUTTON CHOPS RECIPE BAKARAEID SPECIAL RECIPES | Mutton Chop Masala - Duration: 1:49.


Bunion Study Recruitment (Pasadena, CA) - Duration: 0:38.

If you have a bunion that needs to be removed call 877-Lotus-CR

Lotus Clinical Research is conducting a research study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an

investigational pain medication following bunion removal surgery. You may be compensated up to $1,225.00

for study related time and travel,

(multiple nights stay required) and study-related care is provided at no cost to you. To see if you qualify, call

877-Lotus-CR, that's 877-568-8727

For more infomation >> Bunion Study Recruitment (Pasadena, CA) - Duration: 0:38.


Bitcoin Flash. Nigeria. Kenya. Australia. South Africa. Tanzania. China - Duration: 2:27.

Hello everyone.

My name is Nick, the host of Sobuka.

Welcome to Bitcoin Flash News, a fast recap of crypto currency news taken place in the

Southern hemisphere that I will cover with full commentary later on this week.

Okay so let's get started...Surbtc a Latin American cryptocurrency exchange has added

Ethereum and LiteCoin trading joining yet another Latin American exchange called BitInka

this past week.[1] Though trading volume of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin are light

relative to the US and the East Asian Pacific, we are seeing a growing trend in 2nd and 3rd

world regions.

Next...The head of the Bitcoin Foundation, Llew Claasen has urged people to invest "no

more than they can afford" in cryptocurrencies.

He was speaking at a TEDGlobal conference in Tanzania about the potential for Bitcoin

in Africa.

I have to agree with him.

With so much investment in cryptocurrency technologies in Africa, folks please move



An article about Kenya reads "Bitcoin Payments Firm BitPesa Secures Greycroft As Lead Investor

For $10 Million..."

For people who do not know BitPesa, they enable companies to make payments to and from Africa.

This move really comes at a time where cryptocurrencies is becoming more popular and how many local

currencies suck in comparison.

Next...Apparently in South Africa, people are paying up to 35% more for Bitcoin."

The reason is due to supply of Bitcoin.[4] So, what buyers have to do is make deals with

sellers for Bitcoin at a higher premium.

I understand this is bad news for buyers out there.

Issues like this in a "free market" should foster more competition.

Please research other exchanges out there.

If Internet access is not reliable, then go old school by asking around.

Apparently...there is something called the "Ghost Month" in the Asian Pacific, particularly

around Buddhists areas where stock market trading is slow during this time of the year.[5]

We are in "Ghost Month" season says Lisa, a writer for Bitcoin News.

She comments how Asian cryptocurrency companies like NEO, OmiseGo, and TenX are noticing low


...very interesting read.

And lastly the Australian government report cites that cryptocurrencies is responsible

for an increase in organized crime.This is quite confusing to me coming from Australia.

One day you hear of Australians trying to make Bitcoin a currency and the next day you

hear something like this.

It goes to show you that we are still living in a very indecisive Bitcoin, world.

That is all for today ladies and gentlemen.

Once again I will go into detail and commentary on these topics for the rest of the week.

For everyone out there, please consider hitting that Like/Upvote button.

If you are new to the show and would like to see more information like this, you can

click on the subscribe button or follow me on Steemit.

Have a great rest of the day.

Thank you for watching Bitcoin Flash!

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Flash. Nigeria. Kenya. Australia. South Africa. Tanzania. China - Duration: 2:27.


Here's what you can do with your old Solar Eclipse glasses Firstcoastnews com - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Here's what you can do with your old Solar Eclipse glasses Firstcoastnews com - Duration: 2:06.


Recreational Time Together --- Super Charge Your Marriage! - Duration: 17:28.

Hello Zippies!

Ready to raise your vibration?

Let's do it!

One of the things we love about our marriage is how we love to do everything together.

If you see Holly generally you'll see me especially on the weekend and in the evenings,

we're always together.

It's awesome.

We love that so…how we got to this point….

When we were dating, I think I was talking to Holly on the phone and she was reading

a book.

He said, "What's the latest book you've read?"

His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley.

I figured well this sounds like an important book that I need to know about.

both laugh The His, I'm hoping is me.

Well the next time I talked to him, he said "Hey I read that book you we're reading."


And I was like "Really?"

He said "Yeah I read 'His Needs, Her Needs'."


And I was really shocked that he did that.

And he said, you said something like "Yeah I read it cause I wanted to know what was

on your mind."


I was like "Okay.

And since you read it, he talked about 5 basic needs that every happy marriage should fulfill

for each other, and one of them is recreational needs."

But I said, "How many of those 5 do you think would have to be working in order to

have a happy marriage?"

Do you remember what you said?

All 5.

He said all 5.


So I was thinking, "Wow!"

Well one of them was recreational needs and that you should spend all your recreational

Spend All Your Recreational Time Together -Willard Harley

So we knew we had a lot of common interests

and some of the things that we were enjoying doing together at that time where we were

both into hiking, we're both entrenched in SEC football.

We both liked basketball, college basketball.

College basketball.

And neither one of us were into baseball, so that worked out really good in the sports

as to what we were watching.

We both were interested in travel.

So we really lined up well in the beginning but we wanted to take it beyond just what

we were doing together and really explore some new things that we could find and do


So we were in Academy Sports and we decided we wanted to buy a basketball.

We both liked horse of all things.

And Jim thinks that he could beat…

Oh no.



Michael Jordan at horse.

both laugh For real.


Ha Ha Ha Sorry.

You're not putting that out there.

I figured at least I can beat you at horse. Yeah

Anyway you ended up pretty good at it.

Yeah well I don't totally suck at horse.

Do you remember what I asked you if you wanted to find another sport?

I do!

I do!

I do!

I remember you said, "Are there any other sports you've ever played as a kid or are

there any other sports that you play?"


And we happen to be standing in front of some tennis rackets.

I think you asked me if I play.

And I said "Yes!

I used to play tennis in elementary school."

And I was like "Yeah, I used to play also.

Fifth grade we had a great tennis teacher actually in fifth grade.

It was her primary sport.

She loved it."

We picked up a couple of $16 rackets and off we went.

We did.

A couple of tennis rackets and tennis balls.

Wilson, the number one name in tennis.

Ha Ha Ha And it so happen that I knew a tennis coach

that I kinda met in a coffee shop in conversation and he was a tennis coach at a local club.

And so we looked him up next time we were in that coffee shop and he agreed to give

us a handful of lessons, and so, off we were, taking our tennis lessons.

And now it's just something with just love to do together.

It's one of our favorite things.

It is.

When we were dating it was fun, it was like a once a week date.

We were doing those tennis lessons together and that part of it was a lot of fun.

We've been playing ever since.

We just played yesterday.

It was really awesome.

We sure did.

We also had SEC football in common.

Big Time!

We are both into football, we love that.

When we get up on a Saturday morning, we're watching game day starting at 8am and it goes

all the way till that last kick off on the west coast.

When it kicks off in the morning, then it's two TVs and eight football games from Game Day to the west coast kick off.

It's quite a bit.

I'm very lucky that…

We're intense!

*Jim laughs* Holly is all into that so…

*Jim laughs* I am.

It's intense.

We love our SEC football.

We do.

And we both like to water ski.

We both like boating.

So after we got married we bought a little ski boat and we did a lot of water skiing


The first thing we did was buy a ski boat.

It was on our list.

Yeah it was important.

It was yeah.


I do.

I do.

Let's go get the boat.

Ha Ha Ha picture of a couple who just got married

water skiing with a caption 'Not us'* We both love to garden.

So we kinda have to match up our gardening together.

You know, Holly's more…

I'm a gardener.

*Jim laughs* He is more of a landscaper, and the difference

is plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, go and you're done.

Whereas I am more, put a little plant in the ground, look at it a little and take a few

sips of coffee and wonder if it should be better to move it over there.

So then go move it over there and look at it a little, take a few sips of coffee so…

But I have adapted quite a bit to your style.


You're a great gardener, honey.

You have a beautiful garden.

Well yes, we do have a beautiful garden.

We love our garden.

It's a wonderful place where we have happiness and solitude, and we drink our coffee, we

wander around our garden.

Sometimes we do a little gardening which usually involves planting some plants and pulling



And dead heading some flowers or a lot of flowers.

And it's a place that we both love to be.

We love to be there together.

We do.

We do.

It's really nice.

You've mentioned all the things we love to do together.

And one of the things in the book is your recreational needs should be done together.

That you should do all your recreational needs together.

We had a couple things that we had to tackle that we we're doing.

That you weren't doing and I was doing, and you were doing and I wasn't doing.

And I had to try your thing.


And you had to try my thing.

We had the things in common and we had to kinda work on a couple of things that we were

doing that the other one wasn't doing.


So I was kinda in the camping in that time when we met and I was doing a lot of camping,

and I've always done a lot of camping.

You know with the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, all the way up.

It was a lot of fun, it was a big part of my life.

And I really wanted to get Holly into the camping and she was….

And I tried it. …and she was not really that much of a camper.


I tried it.

She did try it.

And I picked out the best moment to take her camping.

It was like going down to the perfect, maybe 68 degrees that night, had the perfect camp

fire, the best camp stew, air mattress, the works.

It was nice.

I could tell he put a lot of effort and you could tell the entire goal of camping, the

outing, the one night out was how comfortable can I make Holly.

Ha Ha Ha But it turns out that I had to confess that

I hate camping, I tried it, I don't like it.

I have tried it before, and that basically my view of camping is a night away from the

house, which will involve a Marriott or Hilton.


*laughs* that's fine.

Before you gave up camping though, we made sure that we have plenty of fun things to

do together.

We had started the tennis which was taking, we were really spending a lot of time playing


We were.

I mean really.

Every weekend, many nights, we were playing.

A lot of night tennis after work.


I didn't know that you were really missing camping.

No, I really haven't.

I can honestly say that I don't miss it.

Because we do so many wonderful things together, and that's what makes the difference.

And my little thing was broadway plays, I used to go to a lot of broadway plays.

I took Jim to a broadway show with my friends, and he liked it but didn't love it, he doesn't

care if we really see another one.

Ha Ha Ha So that's just sort of something we don't


We don't do a lot of that.

We picked up the Spurs…

We did.

We're Spurs' fans, big Spurs fans, San Antonio, Spurs.

Yes, and we really got into it.

It's fun!

It is.

It's a lot of fun.

It's a great time.

It's very important to Holly and I that we spend our down time together.

That time is very valuable time, and it's time that we grow together and our marriage

grows together.

It just makes things so much nicer in our marriage to have hobbies together and spend

all of that very valuable time together.

It's absolutely wonderful!

And I think it's a huge key to our happiness.

We spend all our recreation time together.

Every bit of our off time, we're spending together.

How did we get there?

Because obviously we didn't start out that way.

We knew the things that we had in common.

We had established that we both like the same sports.

We picked up tennis while we were dating so we had a new recreational activity that we

were doing together.

But the question is, in what's addressed in that book is "What do you do if you come

into the relationship or if you're already in a marriage where you're spending all

your recreational time apart?"

"Are you spending all your recreational time apart?"*

If you're in a relationship where one of you is playing on a tennis team, and you're

off doing your tennis league, and let's say that…

Let's just say that's the wife.

And the husband is off fishing or golfing or hunting or doing his own thing.

When are you spending your recreational time together?

So maybe the first step would be to take an appraisal of that.

Similar to what we did when you were asking me questions.


"Is there anything else you like to do?"

Well I played tennis a long time ago.

So take an appraisal and ask yourself "How much time am I spending with my spouse?

After work, how much time do we spend together?

And what are we doing?"

"How much time do we spend together and what are we doing?"*

If you have different recreational hobbies, then the other person needs to try the other

person's' hobbies.

So the tennis player needs to try the fishing and golf, and the golfer needs to try the


Give it a real effort.

Not just 'I tried it once and I didn't like it.'


There's a lot of you out there that say "Yeah, I'll try that."

But, you're not putting your whole heart into it.

You really need to put your whole heart into it cause I guarantee you he's gonna try

your thing, and you're gonna want him to put his whole heart into it cause it really

would be a shame if one of you didn't put your whole heart into the tennis.

And that might've been your thing.

That might've been your biggest thing or vice versa.

If you try the sport and you don't like it.

And you honestly don't like it.

So you've tried your spouse's sport and you're like, "Honey I'm sorry and I

know you love the tennis, I just really don't like it.

And they try your sport.

Maybe they catch on to the golf or the fishing.

And that becomes the thing you do together.

And eventually she's spending so much time golfing and fishing with you that she drops

the tennis.


So that you're not doing things apart.

And of course this could happen in a number of ways.

Maybe the golfer gloms onto tennis and is a really good tennis player and that's the

thing that they do and they keep on with the tennis and they drop the golf.

But the bottom line is if you're not doing it together, you need to stop doing it.

*On screen* If you're not doing it together, stop doing it.

It would be a lot easier if you go ahead and get the replacement sports, the things you're

gonna do together.

There's hundreds of activities that you can do in your leisure time and find the things

that you want to do together.

Then you'll be spending so much time doing the things you're doing together you can

drop out of the things you've been doing apart.

And now you're doing all your recreation time together.

And that's really how you get there.

That's really the key to it.

You know I didn't miss camping because I was doing so many fun things with Holly.

And that's the key.

That we're doing these fun things together.

So if you're doing fun things, there's only so much time out there to do all of your

fun things and it's impossible to do it all.

So pick the things that you both like to do together.

It's all gonna work out.

I promise.

We were on a beach trip one year together and we decided to take a ride on a sailboat.

A 2 hour tour.

A 2 hour tour.

And the weather did start getting rough.

It did.

But when we first got there it was at a dead calm and I was really worried about taking

Holly on this trip.

I had done a little bit of sailing.

I had never set foot on a sailboat.

And so I really wanted it to be the perfect trip for Holly because I really wanted her

to get into the sailing.

And I thought it would be something great that we could do together.

The weather started to pick up just as Holly said there was a thunder storm kinda moving in

And for a lot of people that wouldn't be the time to go.

But for us we were like "Giddy up".

Good Wind.

"Let's do it."

And I think even Captain Ryan was a little concerned because he didn't know who he

was taking out.

But we were both on the bow of the boat going over the swells going up and down and just loving it.

Loving it.

And at that point I think he knew he had a couple of sailors with him.

Two hours later, you know, we're both…you know..

Not wanting to get off the sailboat.

really wanting to do more of this.

We talked to Captain Ryan a little bit about teaching and learning about how to do some


And he's a great teacher himself.

He's just not ASA certified.

So we sought out an ASA certification online and we ran across Captain Bob Petroni in Pensacola.

Wonderful wonderful classes we took 3 classes.

We got bareboat certified over about 3 weekends.

We are ASA certified in: 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing

103 Basic Coastal Cruising 104 Bareboat Cruising

We planned a trip to the British Virgin Islands…

Just the two of us on a forty-two-foot sailing yacht.

The ocean.

Island hopping.

Honestly it doesn't get any better than that.

It is an amazing trip.

And we've taken the trip several times and we've taken another trip on a sailboat to


But we just keep going to the BVI.

And we're gonna take you there this year.

It is amazing and we're actually gonna take you there on the video.

We've never done that before so…

Yeah we're gonna blog from the boat this year.

Its gonna be awesome.

It is.

And remember what Captain Bob was worried about me a little bit when I was taking the



Oh I do.

He had had couples come through there before and the wife was not as into the sailing as

the husband.

In fact, this particular couple didn't even finish the sailing lessons.

He was really happy for us that we were both so into it because he was very much hoping

that it would be a sport we could take with us for the rest of our lives.

And we got back together with him several years later and told him "Oh yeah every

vacation we take now is sailing."

And you know he's just grinning ear to ear because that made him happy.

He couldn't believe it!

I mean we're telling him story after story after story.

And we have not seen him in I guess about 5 years.

Yeah just about.

And we're telling him all these sailing stories and finally Bob said…Captain Bob

said…"Is that all yall do on vacation?"

And we were like "Yes!

That's what we do on vacation!"

That's what we do.

that's what we do.

We're sailors.

That's an example of a sport we picked up together even though I'd done a little bit

in the past.

It was a pretty distant past and I hadn't really done it in a long time.

I tell you, its pretty easy for Holly and I to pick up activities together.

If one of us thinks we'll be into something and the other one does not, we don't even

really entertain it.

It's not mistake that this vlog has the both of us in it.

You put so much effort, creativity, and work into your job, into your profession.

So what we're really asking you to do is put that same amount of creativity and effort

into your significant other because it really makes that relationship just amazing.

Put as much creativity and effort into your relationship as you do your career

It does.

It makes all the difference.

It does.

Kisses Thank you sweetheart.

Thank you.

That was real nice.

If you feel lighter now than you did when the video started, that's awesome.

Please subscribe and you'll get notified of future videos that we send out.

And please give us a thumbs up and we'll see you next time on Zippy Vibe.

Have a Zippy Vibe Day!

For more infomation >> Recreational Time Together --- Super Charge Your Marriage! - Duration: 17:28.



Today we have an overview of Patch 1.35 for No Man's Sky with everything you need to know

& this is a fairly full quality of life patch with a whole bunch of bug fixes too.

To start things off we'll just go through the less important yet still relevant changes

and fixes:

• Added a toggle to switch from buy to sell screen on the trading menu

• Improved the appearance of popup menus • Improved speed and smoothness of user

interface page transitions • Reduced the amount of resource required

to repair tech in Survival mode • Improved visuals for editing terrain

• Improved display of critical warning messages • Added message to notify the player if

they select a portal glyph they have not yet learned

• Added additional information to the quick menu when the player attempts to charge something

with insufficient resources • The quick menu will now automatically

close after selecting an option • Alien words which have been translated

are now highlighted in interactions • Improved messaging when portal glyphs

are rewarded • Added ability for player to enable torch

while in caves • Improved galactic map saturation, colours

and effects

And for the Bug Fixes:

• Fixed an issue where black dots would occasionally appear while looking into the

sun • Added audio when interacting with portals

• Prevented hazard effects showing while teleporting or warping

• Prevented mission log opening when you unpin recipes

• Prevented players being able to scan creatures through the terrain

• Fixed an issue where visited buildings would not correctly update their icon

• Fixed an issue where visiting a building would not correctly mark nearby waypoints

as visited • Fixed an issue where scanning buildings

would not also scan nearby waypoints • Denying the Atlas Path will no longer

show you the Atlas Path • Balanced the damage potential of the Scatter

Blaster upgrade • Prevented portals from being incorrectly

left enabled at times they shouldn't be • Removed grass from bases created prior

to the Atlas Rises update • Completed freighter salvage missions will

no longer be incorrectly re-added to the mission log

• Fixed an issue where galactic map paths would draw incorrectly

• Fixed an issue where system race was being displayed incorrectly when talking to mission

NPCs • Fixed some rare crashes

Now as far as the next ones go, there are some pretty epic little changes here:

• Introduced ship handling variances between types/classes.

Each individual ship now has procedural handling and speed characteristics, based on their

type and class This is a pretty cool thing that I did not


I'm hoping that this will not have the current handling as being the highest level, handling

can be frustrating on occasion so the thought of potentially getting a sharper ship with

S class is a very good one.

It also feeds neatly into this other note.

• Handling is now displayed as a value on the ship statistics screen

& • Added variance in handling between ship

types Really glad they are giving us a value for

the handling, I dislike games that have hidden statistics, Looking at you Stability in Mass

Effect: Andromeda.

• It's now possible to craft multiples of the same product at once

& • Added the ability to craft more of the

same product on top of an existing stack This is an awesome change, not sure why it's

taken till now but crafting multiple items then stacking manually has been a major frustration,

so glad this is now sorted.

• Improved transferring items between inventories Another frustration sorted, fantastic!

With the additions of the new inventories, the transfer system has been a little ridiculous.

• Improved user interface navigation using Q, E, W, S and A and D keys

Interested to fully explore this one.

• Added an option in the galactic map to toggle user waypoints

A lot of folks have been pissed about the Galactic Maps Way Point system, hopefully,

this has sorted everything.

And for the Bug Fixes:

• Fixed an issue preventing players with very long play times being able to save

Really hoping this will have finally sorted the rest of the save file issues, so many

people were affected by this unable to save progress at all.

• Fixed an issue causing extremely distant points of interest to show when scanning

Super happy this is fixed, it was infuriating to see a question mark an hour away as you

fly past a transmission tower.

• Removed large white marker which would occasionally show up permanently over buildings

Another big annoyance to many having just random blank waypoint stuck there for no reason.

• It's no longer possible to lose the Atlas Path by using a black hole

Fantastic! hoping this fixes the issue for those already affected also.

• Players will no longer be directed to the anomaly in systems where it can't spawn

(e.g. when an Atlas Station is present) This is another one that just halted progression,

some good fixes so far.

• Fixed issue where your base teleporter can be duplicated and incorrectly labelled

in teleporter location lists So Happy about this, mine would send me to

a kind of alternate dimension, same home base same planet, but no building changes and no


• Fixed an issue where players could manipulate mission boards to get multiple of the same

mission type I'm both happy and sad about this, sad because

it was super easy to get a crap tonne of the same mission, do the objective a single time,

then cash in, but it is also an exploit and kind of cheapens the whole thing so out of

the 2 options I'd rather it not be doable.

• Fixed an issue that caused general ship handling to overly affect ship boost handling

Yus yus! this is the kinda thing I want from improved handling!

So quite a huge list of changes and fixes there for something they made in a single


The game is really coming together and I'm impressed with their dedication to fixing

things and improving the experience.

Now I just need them to fix the terrain resetting constantly in weird ways after using the terrain

manipulator, I'm not building my bat cave for the third time until I know it's bloody


Thanks for watching folks, like if you liked, Dislike if you didn't, Share with all your

NMS friends, subscribe if you haven't already and above all, have an awesome day!

For more infomation >> NMS PATCH 1.35 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW - Duration: 6:08.


Love NZ - Vote from Anywhere - Duration: 1:54.

It's great living overseas. It gives you a unique perspective on being a Kiwi.

We know it can be hard to keep track of what's going on back home,

but it's really important that you use your voice to be part of New Zealand's democracy.

And these days, you can vote from anywhere.

Even if you've been away for ages.

If you've got one of these

One of these.

One of these.

You just have to have been back to New Zealand, even for one day,

in the past three years. Or, in the past one year if you're a permanent resident.

First you need to make sure you're enrolled.

Just go to and make sure your details are up to date.

If you can't get to a New Zealand high commission or embassy, you can get your voting papers by post

Or you can jump online and download them and print them yourself.

Check out some reputable news sources.

And figure out who best represents your values and hopes for the future of Aotearoa.

Tick it, sign it, post it or fax it.

Fax it?!

Fax it?!

Fax it!

Fax it...?

We still do that?

Yes, you can still fax it.

Because it's not 1996, you can take a photo of it

on your phone and upload it from anywhere.

Vote from anywhere.

Vote from anywhere.

Vote from anywhere.

Vote from anywhere.

Vote. From anywhere.

For more infomation >> Love NZ - Vote from Anywhere - Duration: 1:54.


How much does a DUI cost in Washington? | Washington DUI Lawyers - Duration: 1:33.

well the one thing that everybody knows about DUI's in the state of Washington

is they are expensive. It's certainly going to depend on the facts of your

case individually but they're going to cost probably several thousand dollars

to say the least so it's going to start with whether or not you need to hire a

private attorney some people might be appointed public defenders by the court

which would be at no cost to them but if you cannot qualify for a public defender

you will need to hire a private attorney like I say Callahan Law other things to

be taken into consideration as far as the DUI is concerned is the fines that

the court could impose upon you these fines can range from $300 a few hundred

dollars all the way up to the maximum allowed by law which is $5,000

dollars one other things that every case will require is a drug and alcohol

evaluation to be completed the evaluations ranged in the nature of

about a hundred fifty dollars maybe a little less maybe a little more

depending on where you go and then you will need to complete any follow-up

treatment which is going to be another expense so certainly there are a lot of

expenses to take into consideration if you find yourself in this unfortunate

circumstance but we can certainly help navigate all these things with you at

Callahan Law.

For more infomation >> How much does a DUI cost in Washington? | Washington DUI Lawyers - Duration: 1:33.


Catholic Homeschooling Family Washing Our Dog For Extra MONEY! - Duration: 13:44.

hi guys this is rose from a Catholic homeschooling family and it is Monday

August 28th don't waste it to 255 p.m. and we are outside the kids

are washing the dog maybe show you that

she's a super sweet sweet sweet dog she's so easy

me I don't put dog shampoo on him what's wrong with you

I think so

sure your thought Joe is gonna be cold no I know it's gonna be cold

wait did your winter all the way off now you have to do it again

do super dirty did you clean hotel did you clean her ears

just one time come on I played some I should do do it again so I put some more

shampoo in the duct okay

Wow no that's enough no I'll tell them right now remember under her chin for

chest to legs

hi dad here's a li go help your brother

you're super cold she is cute she's one year old when you're younger than me a

butler so she's five like five and a half

no girl stay away from that stuff

alright guys so children are busy doing damn what you saw they're having a good


come on put soap on just take that dog back over there gets up on her and have

her sit there with the so fun I don't want to get my socks way free come on go

go all right she's going push and pull on

her body no but you need to sit there with the

shampoo one remember she used to sit for like 10 minutes so the kids are busy

doing that and it is it they wanted to do it so they could make a little bit of

extra money what happened was that while we were doing homes for I get my husband

calls and I told him that the dog really needed to take the bath and he told me

that it oh my son overheard the conversation and my son had been asking

me to do extra chores so he could make a little bit of extra money and I'm not

sure what he's trying to save money for but trying to save money for like the

trampoline like one of those like little exercise trampolines or something and so

you shouldn't save money for that and you

he overheard my conversation with with my husband his dad and he asked if he

could wash the dog and get the extra money so my husband said yes and then my

daughter said was that she wanted extra money too and so my husband said then if

she helped he'd give her a dollar so not one other choice but this is the tour

they're doing today so they can make a little bit of extra money but typically

my husband does do this and it seems like they're having a lot more fun than

my husband one joining so there's like a that's and my husband will be happy to

tell me three dollars for paying my son two dollars and another one so I think

my husband might be happy to to let them do it but we did break in our home

school today we had a we you know we'll kind of breakfast in her prayers to home

school and then we came outside to do this

until all the kids are waiting for the ten minutes to pass they decided they

were going to check the water hose into the trampoline jump around a bit they

put the baby their baby citric trooper

they're trying to make the crumble inna slip and slide all you're gonna do is

get like like a rug burn choo-choo

because the baby the baby alright guys so it is the next day August 29th and

the kids want check their money so they could get me I got another lol dope I

got and my son got a roadblock and what else

bring your bucks and then this is the kid that he wanted which was what he was

saving up his money for because he likes to make youtube videos on what is

lidocaine your first life so you guys wanna thirteen subscribe blue I'm almost

I'm almost halfway to my mom at 13 subscribers so here go

don't show me what you got yes and her name is snow angel let me see

why can't my Pema focus any wedding there she is a cutie cutie all right

guys so we actually discovered that she changes color so we're gonna stick her

in the freezer and come back and show you what she looks like it's so cute

all right guys there she is come on show her

sure show her I can't see stem over your hand face her this way there she is

isn't she cute I love that color is my favorite is my favorite color

why no I really love that color you know that's a color every room oh yeah can

you take the two restrooms in case oh

isn't she adorable that's my favorite color turquoise do you love him yeah

yeah comes with the little head she doesn't fit in the little that he can

play oh we can yes you can rest there yeah all right guys so at this time guys

thank you for watching a Catholic home schooling family God bless you bye bye

like and subscribe also to my channel bye

For more infomation >> Catholic Homeschooling Family Washing Our Dog For Extra MONEY! - Duration: 13:44.


Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation - Duration: 1:37.

Hi, Welcome back to Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation.

I'm Dr. Williams. Today we're going to talk about a stretch you can do that helps with that

low back that gets tight after a long day at work or in the garden, etc...

So this stretch is called a cat camel in the rehab world or a cat cow in yoga

So pretty simple and easy. What you want to do is probably do this on your own

in the morning, at night.

Really anywhere you can do it. I wouldn't suggest a crowded restaurant. Just because it's kind of funny (looking).

But it does get a good stretch in that low back

So at first you're going to arch your back like an angry cat and tuck your head in and then

count one one-thousand

And then you're going to drop your stomach down and look up with your head and count one one-thousand

and then you just alternate up and down, so I'm going to show you what that

looks like.

So, you're gonna arch your back like this tuck your head in

and then look up like your stomach drop down and then alternate. One one thousand,

two one thousand.

One one thousand two one thousand

Thanks for watching this quick stretch that you have for your low back

Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

Helping you get that pain relief that you need so you can keep going along with your day.

So thanks again for watching. Have a great day.

Give us a call at 867-6354.

For more infomation >> Cedar City Chiropractic and Rehabilitation - Duration: 1:37.


Answering "Who am I?" and "What kind of Relationships Do I Desire?" - Duration: 11:47.

Hi my name is Dr. Darren Weissman I am the developer of the LifeLine Technique®

really beautiful life-affirming simple, yet intricate process that helps people to

create optimal health and balance and purpose in life. I am the author of three

best-selling Hay House books and I'm passionate about empowering people to

wake up to what's already inside of you how to get to the core of the subconscious

mind to create real, sustainable, lasting change. I'm excited to share with you two

upcoming courses that will be teaching one which will be here in Chicago and

another one will be in Bali and the course is called LifeLine Bootcamp and

LifeLine Bootcamp is for anyone who's looking to create authentic,

reciprocal, committed, loving, compassionate relationships with another

person, but most importantly with yourself where you find the real you

in Bootcamp we spend three days diving on into the portal of our personal life our

professional life our family life and our world today so many people are just

on the treadmill on the rat race and as a result we oftentimes don't find the

time to observe and discern what works and more importantly what's not working

and in Bootcamp you will discover the next best version of yourself and in a

second you're going to you're going to get to hear from people that attended

Bootcamp and the impact that it has had on them, their lives in the ripple that

it's made in their own families, at work and, the community around them the vision

that they're able to see in a way that they weren't able to see prior to

attending Bootcamp so I still look forward to seeing you either in Chicago

or in Bali. You don't have to have any prior knowledge of LifeLine to

attend all you have to do is have a desire to create a change in your life.

It allowed me to live more fully the LifeLine because we're practicing together, we're living

it together. I went back to work on the day after and and a co-worker walked

caught up to me at the bottom of the stairs and came over and stopped me and

said "what's different?" "what happened?" "why are you so different?" But the number of

times since Bootcamp where people have come up to me and just said "what's

different?" and I just say I learned that I'm in control I learned that I can

choose how I react to how I feel and I can choose how to manifest the life that

I want instead of being a victim of the circumstances that are in front of me and that

was a life altering observation and revelation and I didn't know what to

expect when I came Darren and I was really scared I'm scared to death. I don't know

if you remember that the first morning I walked up to you and I said I'm here I

don't know why but I am here. And we practice on one another it's been a great experience and a

great tool to have in our marriage because we can remind each other when we

get in those reactive states and we do and sometimes when you get in those

reactive states you forget your tools and it's nice to have someone to say

okay hey would you ever choose to feel this way. I have to learn this. I have to learn

this. I have to I have to incorporate this into my life. I now know I can't go

back to unknowing. It's definitely worth a repeat yearly just to refocus and to reset and

reassess your goals and your vision in your life because I won't be the same

person this year that I was at last year's Bootcamp and I think it's

important to to be in a safe and loving environment in a

community that will support and uplift you and at times hold you accountable to

those goals that you set for yourself. For me it was a life-changing experience

I have never been thrust into an environment that was both so profoundly

uncomfortable, yet safe at the same time. I've never hugged so many people so

tightly and so intently that I have known for an hour or two. We have made

friends that we stay in weekly contact with and made deep relationships

and have been able to help each other mutually in times of crisis and in times

of joy. We learned a new vocabulary. I know now that you have to you

have to feel it to heal. It like it's like an adventure really. It's a

self-discovery and adventure of who am I and and then where do I belong and and

what do I really choose. The thing I really loved is just the connection with

everybody else just being able to walk into a space and we're all just being

real. The things I really did commit to well one was my marriage and it's

stronger than ever. It's stronger than ever. And it wasn't. It was it was really

hanging on by a thread to be honest and we are united we're strong we're

communicating we are a team. He had to raise he had to step up as well you know

and raise his consciousness and use these tools and I gave him some LifeLine

sessions and he was like "my goodness, this feels like it could be life-changing" yes it is! The

whole experience is just life-changing it really has changed my life it's

rippled out to my children and we're so bonded. The five of us now it's just this

incredibly strong unit. How often do we have a chance to put

life aside the busyness the hamster wheel that you talk about going round and

round, the work, the family, all the commitments all the other things that we

fill our lives up with how often do we have an opportunity to put that aside

and go in and just focus on ourselves and and work towards being the greatest

version of ourselves. So even giving yourself the opportunity to make that

commitment to Bootcamp is a huge step in itself it's saying I'm ready. I'm

ready to make those changes, you know? In this immersion in Bootcamp where we

take this we allow ourselves the time to process we we take this experience where

we spend a day connecting to our professional goals, we spend a day in

our family goals, we spend a day in our personal goals it gives us that

opportunity to clearly define what we want by giving us a glimpse of what we

don't want and a big part of the Bootcamp is we witness for each other we

hold a space and we witness these dreams, these visions, these intentions for our

lives together. My first experience of Bootcamp we came together in November

and at that time in my life I was ready to open my heart ready to open my life

to a new relationship. And so I'd set an intention in my personal goals to open

the door in my life to bringing in a new relationship.

So from this elevated space of emotion which we created in this container the

sacred container that is Bootcamp I was able to connect with that vision of what

I did want in a relationship what I do want to hold in a personal relationship.

Then in December, actually on New Year's Eve, an action step that I took as part

of that was to do an online dating profile for the first time in my life.

And then in January I met Curtis and he was the first connection that I made in

that service in that venue that online venue and I was the first connection for

him and then we met and instantly we had that knowing that this was the

relationship that I had called in. And it's been a wonderful, flourishing, rich

relationship. I attribute this new relationship that is so meaningful and

rich in my life to the LifeLine Bootcamp. So I would recommend it because I think

it's a life changer so that you're gonna go into this experience one person and

come out of it a different person. A person who is more aligned with their

heart; a person who is more aligned with their truth; a person who is more aligned

with their light. So much so much of our time we spend doing doing doing and in

these three days we spend time being in our heart dropping into that space

where we are honoring the truth of who we are. I will be at Bootcamp year after

year growing and and expanding. The amount of effort that you put in as an

individual into tapping into who you are and it honestly a big part of Bootcamp

is answering that question "Who am I?" I was going through a divorce when I was

at Bootcamp two kids a 4 and a 7 year old. My ex-wife, I was married for 14

years so a lot of my intentions were focused on a positive outcome associated

with that process. First and foremost for my boys, my two boys and then my ex

right along with them because she's their mom. How do we do this so that way we

both are able to have our best lives you know ahead of us and in the future and

our kids have the best lives as well. I was just showing somebody

pictures today my ex-wife and I on vacation on August 3rd,

which is two days after we finished our divorce. And you know we're all smiling

in the picture and we're not faking. It's for real and I mean I attribute a big

part of that to Bootcamp and not just Bootcamp, but the LifeLine process

overall and all the other tools that you bring in based on the experience you

have at the LifeLine because you know you don't just change with the LifeLine

and then you stop up you change with the LifeLine and then you continue to change and

that's the beauty of it.

For more infomation >> Answering "Who am I?" and "What kind of Relationships Do I Desire?" - Duration: 11:47.


Easy Grated Coconut (Kelapa Parut & Ketan) - Duration: 3:26.

When you cannot find fresh coconut around or buying a whole coconut is too much for you $1.98 (7 oz.) Organic, Unsweetened, Roasted Coconut flakes

keep the rest in the freezer, it will last for a long time

2 tsp dry coconut flakes, 2 tsp water, microwave for 30 seconds (food coloring only if you feel nasty today LOL)

add 1 tsp of dark brown sugar or any sugar or syrup, honey, anything sweet, and a pinch of salt to the mix to taste

your "fresh" grated coconut is ready to enjoy...

enjoy it with sticky rice if you want, find my other video about how to make it the easiest way !

SHOUT OUT to SRI who taught me how to make Sticky Rice !!! BRILLIANT !!

microwave them for 45 seconds I think will be enough

VOILA !!!!!

make a nice TEH BOTOL (Tea) from Indonesia

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I surely feel NASTY today LOL !!!


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