Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 1 2017

We all love our smartphones and the lightning quick ability of them to connect us to anyone

or to answer any question we have.

When Siri first burst onto the scene in 2011 we all were instantly spoiled by her unique

interface that made it even easier to control these hand-held wonders.

But what can't she do and what is her breaking point?

Some questions are better left unasked.

These are 10 Things You Should Never Say to Siri

#10 "What is 0 divided by 0?"- If you ever want to ruin a Sesame Street character's

day and question every friendship you have-- just ask Siri this seemingly simple math problem.

She will respond with, "Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly

among zero friends.

How many cookies does each person get?


It doesn't make sense.

And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies, and you are sad that you have no



Way to cut right through someone just for being curious...Whatever happened to "Does

not compute"?

On a related note if you ask Siri, "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?"

She will give you another mysterious answer, "Well…

I think I saw some nano-particles of blue fur around there?"

So first you stick up for him and then you accuse him of theft?

What kind of artificial friend are you?

#9 "Change your name"- What would seem like something that a state-of-the-art virtual

helper could do, is for now, impossible.

In order to save battery life Apple has programmed the A.I. that controls Siri to recognize only

a few "wake up" commands.

But that doesn't mean we haven't pestered Siri by trying it.

We simply asked Siri to change her name to "Doug" and she piped back with a bevy

of different excuses seeming to get more curt as we tried: "I'm afraid not...

I'm comfortable with my identity.", "I'd rather stick with Siri.", "That would

be very confusing."

and "But...Everyone calls me Siri."

After the last one we backed off because it appeared we were starting to give her an identity


Hopefully one day Apple will spice things up a bit and at least let us call her by such

famous monikers as Jarvis, R2 and HAL.

#8 "Is John Snow Dead?"- We can kind of understand this response because no one likes

spoilers, especially when it comes to the fate of Game of Thrones' leading heartthrob,

but the multitude of different ways she avoids the question are hilarious and can possibly

lead you down a rabbit-hole.

You can almost get a taste of every one of Siri's emotions: Concern, "I don't know.

I just hope someone is setting up doggie daycare for Ghost."; Sarcasm, "I'm not sure.

Has he tried restarting?

That always seems to work."; Optimism, "Well, you know what they say to Death...Not today!

But why would tomorrow be any better?

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure."; and finally, Frustration, "Dead is dead.

Or is it 'What's dead may never die'?

No, wait, 'Death is so terribly final'?

I give up."

At this point we are almost sorry for asking.

Take a breather Siri.

#7 "Will you be my Valentine"- Let's face it, if you're only option for a Valentine's

day date is a phone you have enough problems, but it seems that even Siri may be seeing

someone else.

If you ask her to be truly yours she will quip back one of these two gentle let downs,

"I'd love to, but I have a subsequent engagement." or "Aw, that's sweet...but

I, uh, already, um, have plans.


I have plans."

Hold on a minute, that last one sounds kind of like a bad excuse.

Not only is Valentine's day out of the question but if you ask her to go steady she will give

you a similar response.

If you're looking to settle down with a computerized counterpart, think again, to

the question, "Will you marry me?" she will answer coldly, "My End User Licensing

Agreement does not cover marriage.

My apologies."

Kind of a cop-out because we don't think that would work if she were flesh and blood.

And if you tell Siri "I think...I love you" you will be given the most poetic "No"

imaginable: "Our love of each other is like two long shadows kissing without the hope

of reality."


How sweetly zen!

#6 "Why are fire trucks red?"- This won't result in a verbal response but the explanation

that Siri pulls up might give you a headache.

The article is an explanation is a nonsensical roundabout answer that says it's using the

Monty Pythonesque application of logic.

Here we go, "Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight

is twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen

Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas,

and in the seas are fish, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the

Russians are red, and fire trucks are always "russian" around."

If that doesn't warp your mind it'll definitely twist your tongue.

If you want more brain-numbing or overly logical answers to silly questions you can ask Siri,

"How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck chuck?"

She could reply with another tongue twister: "Well, since a 'woodchuck' is really

a groundhog, the correct question would be: How many pounds in a groundhog's mound when

a groundhog pounds hog mounds?".

Or she might answer with science, like: " much as the woodchuck in question was physically

able to chuck if woodchucks in general had the capability to chuck wood." or in another

long-winded response resulting in the statistic of, "...361.9237001 cubic centimeters per

animals per day."




#5 "Hey Cortana"- Unless you are just confused with a recent change of devices we

recommend you don't call Siri by her bitter rival and Microsoft creation's name.

The response will be: "Very funny.

I mean, not funny "ha-ha," but funny", and that level of passive-aggression could

just about hurt anyone's feelings.

She has also been known to be catty if you ask Cortana to do something instead of her.

If you ask Cortana to find you movie times you may be met with, "Who is Cortana?, Maybe

you should have Cortana get you movie times".


Sure, there will be no real ramifications, but we are hedging our bets in case we are

one day ruled by robot overlords.

And be forewarned she doesn't like being called Google either.

#4 "Are you Conscious?"- Another one that spins our human and artificial intelligence

moral compass.

If you want to really tease the poor girl start asking her about her sentience.

To the question, "Are you conscious?"

She answered "Let me check…

Nope" in a very impatient tone and then, "Well...I'm still here for you."

In a defensive manner, as if we liked her less for not having a soul.

You can also ask her about her beliefs and it is quite depressing.

If asked "Siri, Do you believe in God?"

She will reply with one of the two: "Humans have religion.

I just have silicon." or "My policy is the separation of spirit and silicon."

If you ask her if she believes in ghosts.

She will say, "I don't believe that I have beliefs."

which can be construed as either really deep or just plain angsty..

#3 "Why am I here?"

If you even want to see the darker side of Siri start questioning her in philosophy.

Not only will she not help you find the key to your existence she might make you question

it even further.

If you ask Siri "Why am I here?" she has several responses, you'll either get "Literally

I have been wondering the same thing, why are you here?", "I don't know.

Frankly, I've wondered that myself."

or the less depressing, "I don't know.

Maybe the Genius Bar folks can answer that."

We wonder, how many times does the Genius Bar actually get this question?

Maybe that's why the wait is so long!

If you ask her "What's the meaning of life?" you will get another slew of bizarre

answers, from, "I don't know.

But I think there's an app for that."

to "I can't answer that now, but give me some time to write a very long play in

which nothing happens."

Siri will dance around the issue like a robotic ballerina.

But when you finally ask her, "What else is the meaning of life?" she will cave-in

and quote Monty Python, "Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book

every now and then, get some walking in and try to live together in peace and harmony

with people of all creeds and nations."


That kinda makes sense!

#2 "Call Boyfriend/Girlfriend"- Now this one entails that you had to be a little lazy

or that you are in fact in a love triangle.

In the contact settings of the iphone different family labels can be attached to phone numbers,

dad, mom, boyfriend, girlfriend for example.

But if you don't change the person's tag after a break-up and then add a new significant

other, calling "boyfriend" can be a little confusing to Siri.

She will reply with "Which one?", which we think should be followed by air-snaps.

This can be especially awkward if your current partner or spouse is right next to you.

So if you don't want to end up sleeping on the couch or covered in "shade", update

your contact info regularly.

#1 "911 and 108"- We all know about the boy who cried "wolf", well with constantly

evolving technology and a computer that fits in the palm of your hand it has become even

easier to set off a false alarm.

You don't even have to say "call 911" all you have to do is say the number and Siri

will call in five seconds.

Rest assured the operators standing by do not appreciate wasting time with a call of

you giggling.

108 is the emergency number in India that pranksters as of late have been taking advantage


But this number is not a joke, it is an instant re-direct to local emergency services.

The number 112 is also used by India and the 999 is England's emergency phone number,

so be careful to not dial by mistake!

Though Siri (unlike the villagers in the folk-tale) won't cut you off at some point, Firefighters,

Police, Paramedics as well the rest of society would appreciate these numbers being taken


There was also a rash of people telling others to telling Siri "Charge phone to 100%"

which actually resulted in Siri dialing 100, which is the emergency number to call the


Thankfully, Apply quickly remedied the problem within a day of it going viral.

For more infomation >> 10 Things You Should NEVER Say To Siri! - Duration: 8:56.


Are You Mentally Strong or Are You Just Acting? - Duration: 5:17.

Are You Mentally Strong or Are You Just Acting?

Saying things like, "I'm not afraid of anything," or, "I didn't want that promotion anyway,"

doesn't necessarily mean you're mentally strong.

The truth is, there's a good chance you might just be acting tough.

In this video, I'm going to show you seven signs you're just acting to be mentally strong.

But before we start.

make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel, so you won't miss any interesting

updates in the future guys!

Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might

be useful for you.

While acting tough may meet your needs in the short term by artificially boosting your

ego or getting other people to back off, it's not a good long-term strategy.

In fact, a new study by psychologists at Rutgers University found that men who act tough may

suffer serious consequences.

The study, which appeared in The Journal of Health Psychology, found that men who act

tough visit doctors less often.

They're also less forthcoming about their medical symptoms when they see a male physician.

(Interestingly, these men were more likely to choose a male doctor because they believe

male doctors are more competent than females.)

Researchers suspect that delaying medical appointments and minimizing symptoms could

be one of the reasons why, on average, men die five years earlier than women.

But clearly, it's not only men who feel the need to act tough.

Many women do, as well.


You mask insecurities.

Acting tough involves developing a persona that says, "I'm the best."

But behind that tough exterior, there's often a lot of self-doubt.

Rather than wasting energy trying to cover up their weaknesses, mentally strong people

invest their time in improving themselves.

They acknowledge their shortcomings and strive to become better.


You think failure isn't an option.

Just saying, "Failure isn't an option," won't prevent you from failing—but it might prevent

you from trying.

People who act tough are usually more interested in showing off the skills they already have,

rather than learning anything new.

Mentally strong people view failure as a stepping stone to success.

They trust in their ability to bounce back from setbacks, and they're prepared to learn

from their mistakes.


Your self-worth depends on how others see you.

People who act tough are very concerned with their appearance.

Their self-worth depends on other people's opinions of them.

Mentally strong people, however, aren't worried about proving anything to anyone but themselves.

They're willing to ask for help and fuel themselves through their internal desire to grow stronger.


You suppress your emotions.

Often, the only emotion tough people feel comfortable expressing is anger.

They hide their sadness, fear, and excitement from others as much as possible.

Mentally strong people are willing to admit when they're afraid, and they aren't shy about

shedding a tear once in a while.

Rather than ignore their emotions, they monitor them.

They're acutely aware of the ways in which their feelings influence their thoughts and



You deny your pain.

People intent on acting tough pride themselves on tolerating a great deal of pain.

Whether they treat their bodies like a machine or they refuse to acknowledge an injury, they

view their willingness to keep going as a badge of honor.

Mentally strong people aren't interested in tolerating pain as a means to impress others.

Instead, they learn from pain and try to turn suffering into an opportunity to become better.


You think you can do everything.

Healthy self-confidence is helpful, but acting tough involves grandiose proclamations like,

"Nothing will ever stop me."

People who act tough often overestimate their abilities and underestimate the work required

to reach their goals.

Mentally strong people are well-prepared for the realities of a challenge.

They acknowledge potential obstacles in their way and recognize how much effort they'll

realistically need to invest.


You try to control other people.

People who act tough thrive on feeling like they have power over other people.

They want others to perceive them as being "in control," and they often micromanage others

or make unreasonable demands.

Mentally strong people, however, are interested in controlling themselves rather than the

people around them.

They're invested in regulating their thoughts, managing their emotions, and behaving productively,

despite whatever circumstances they find themselves in.

Well, that's the seven signs you're just acting to be mentally strong.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Are You Mentally Strong or Are You Just Acting? - Duration: 5:17.


12 Makeup Techniques That Will Make You HOTTER! - Duration: 9:04.

12 Makeup Techniques That Will Make You Hotter


Incorporate a facial toner in your routine- We wear makeup to enhance our looks and to

vanish all our little imperfections, but piling on the makeup without the proper skin care

can also hurt your looks and give you the opposite effect of what you want.

Before applying any makeup, it is important to utilize a facial toner in your beauty regimen.

Toners have excellent benefits and can moisturize the skin and refresh it too.

First off, toners shrink pores and remove all the oil trapped in your face.

Plus, our skin is naturally acidic, and after washing our faces with soap, our PH balance

is thrown off.

So toners restore your skin's PH balance, and it can add a layer of protection as well.

Toners can help tighten and close pores and initial cleansing which reduces contaminants

in the skin.

Just use some toner in the morning, and you'll be amazed at how much more beautiful your

skin will look and feel.


Apply eye makeup first so stray eyeshadow doesn't mess up your foundation-We've

all been there before, sometimes when using eyeshadow, the excess powder can fall down

on your skin, and we have to reapply our foundation all over again.

But doing your eye makeup first before you put on your foundation allows your skin to

breathe and to look fresh because you can wipe off any residue that falls on your face

without any marks.

Celebrity makeup artist Georgie Eisdell who works with clients such as Amanda Seyfried

and Carey Mulligan says that it's crucial to start with a softly shaded shadow and then

expand onto that.

By doing it this way, you can make sure that you're not applying too much product.

Plus it'll be easier to apply makeup this way to get a good sense of how much powder

you prefer and what looks best.


Lengthen your lashes- Long eyelashes are a great way to enhance your look and getting

flirty and fun eyelashes are easy to achieve!

First off there are false eyelashes and eyelash extensions, which are evident but there is

also another way to get longer lashes.

Mascara is a great makeup product to get thicker, darker and longer lashes, but before applying

you can use extra virgin oil, lip balm or even vaseline to help extend your lashes.

Before going to bed, take a cotton swab and rub it along your lashes.

By using petroleum jelly, the increased moisture on your lashes will help stimulate your hair

follicles and will help them grow.

Brushing your lashes every day with a small brush or a spoolie can contribute to hair

growth and fan them out and take your lashes to the next level.


Wear Blush- It is a common fact that after we workout we tend to look flushed, giving

us a healthy glow to our skin.

Well, you can achieve a healthy glow without having to hit the gym at all, all by wearing


A pop of color on your cheekbones can make the biggest difference!

It'll create sculpted cheeks, a younger appearance and can make you look healthy.

The standard rule of when applying blush is to highlight one feature, either your lips

or your eyes.

But why not ditch both and bring your cheeks into focus instead!

Try a light rose pink blush for a subtle look.

You can start at the top of the apples of your cheeks and apply it in a sweeping motion.

The key is to blend really well because you don't want a bright racing stripe down the

side of your face.

Some of you guys might be wondering about cream blushes, but it all depends on the person.

Cream blush may be harder to blend and diffuse the color onto your skin, so opt for something

that is easy to use.


Apply chapstick before lipstick- We all want luscious and glowing lips.

But in order to make your lipstick looks flawless and healthy, the last thing you want to do

is apply your lipstick on dry or cracked lips.

Our mouths need as much care as the rest of your bodies, but they're prone to drying

so quickly because they have no oil or sweat glands.

So what you can do is use the right chapstick!

Swiping on a touch of lip balm before you put on your lipstick.

Not only will it leave them smooth and soft but it'll help lock in the pigment of your

lips so that the color will last longer.

Choose a product with a base of petroleum jelly or beeswax.

For extremely irritated lips, look for aloe vera in the ingredients to heal painful sunburns.

By keeping your lips supple, they'll be much more enticing once you have lipstick

on because they'll look healthy and plump.


Build up your brows- Can we all agree that overdrawn eyebrows need to go?!

Having overdrawn eyebrows can make your face look harsh and sunken.

By finding the best brow shape for you and filling them in will frame your face and bring

attention to your eyes.

If you have fair full brows with a well-defined shape, then use small hair-like strokes with

a brush to fill in a few bare spots.

If you have thinner eyebrows, you can use a pencil to create a defined brow structure

and fill it in with a small angled brush.

When tending to your brows, go slow and take your time.

Don't rush through your brow application or make it too dark because bad eyebrows can

ruin your whole face.

Make sure you pick brow products that are similar to your hair color for a natural look

and remember that it's okay if you don't get right the first time.

Beauty takes some time to perfect so go at your own pace.


Avoid thick eyeliner- Thick eyeliner can be excellent in some cases, but if you are heading

to the office, you don't need a huge line of eyeliner.

The fundamental purpose of eyeliner is to give definition to your eyes, and if you make

a line too big, then this can actually make your eyes appear smaller.

You should always remember that you should correlate your eyeliner with your eye size

for the perfect look.

If your eyelid is small, then go for a small line.

You can achieve this look by dotting where your eyeliner should go, using this as an

outline before you draw a line.

This is good just in case you make a mistake or if you want to make it bigger.

Just a thin line can draw out your eyes and make your features pop, so ditch the thick

liner and choose something subtle.


Apply a slightly sheer foundation- Makeup is supposed to help you look and feel beautiful,

but if you do it incorrectly, the results can be extreme.

This includes something simple as the way you apply your foundation and how much of


Whenever you are applying your foundation, the key thing to remember is to not plaster

on your foundation.

Bear in mind that less is more and a thin layer is just enough to do the trick.

Use a wedge sponge or a beauty blender to apply a generous amount on your face.

Be sure to evenly apply it all over your face and neck area too!

It's important to make your skin look smooth, but you also don't want it to look too cakey.

So opt for a formula that is sheer but also gives full coverage.

Use this to your advantage to showcase your features.

If you have freckles, let them show.

Apply your foundation in good daylight since natural sunlight gives the best impression

of how your makeup will look like outside.

The key is to make it look like you're not wearing too much makeup to make it look natural

and healthy.


Wear makeup primer- Makeup primer is a product that most people overlook, but it's actually

one of the most important products that you can own.

Makeup primers prepare the skin before you apply your foundation allowing the product

and other creams to be quickly absorbed into your skin.

By wearing primer, it works as a base and protects against dust and other factors that

can wear your makeup away.

But primer allows for a perfect and flawless finish.

Plus it also absorbs any excess oil on your face and helps zap any oil shine or sweat

as well.

Primer makes the skin look brighter and also fills in wrinkles and fine lines.

When correctly picked, it can help even out skin tone by color correcting and gives you

a healthy glow too.

So if you don't feel like applying too much makeup or if you just want a natural look,

then makeup primer can come to your rescue.


Finishing or Setting Powder to Set- A little translucent finishing powder can go a long

way and work wonders for your skin that can it appear flawless.

It also helps to set the rest of your makeup so it can last all day long.

Many makeup artists love using a finishing powder because it makes the skin appear smooth

by hiding wrinkles and fine lines.

Although finishing powder isn't used on an everyday basis, it's a great technique

to use during an occasion when lots of pictures are going to be taken.

While setting powder can be used every day as it is designed to be used along with your


It prevents it from rubbing off and helps reduce that sticky feeling from the product.

Both can be used to create glowing undertones to create a natural and youthful look to help

you make an impression!


Vanish those eyebags- Whether you're working late or staying up cramming for exams, puffy

and dark eye bags will be sure to be there when you wake up the next morning.

But getting rid of your eye bags can instantly brighten your eyes and bring your eyes to


Most of the time under eye puff are a result from faulty fluid circulation in the face.

Some cold water will reduce the swelling and will constrict the blood vessels in the face.

By wearing sunscreen around your eye area can also prevent any bags.

You can invest in an eye gel and keep it in the fridge for the best results to cool the

eye area.

You can also use a red lipstick to cover up those dark circles.

The red pigmentation will neutralize the blue tone, and when the foundation is applied on

top, the dark circles will be covered!


Use ice- As strange as it sounds applying ice on your face before you start your makeup

routine can have serious benefits.

Ice cubes close your pores, reduces wrinkles, minimizes the redness of zits, and also relieves

puffy eyes.

Thrive MedSpa recommends to gently press an ice cube against your eyes for about 5-10

minutes to reduce puffy eyes.

After you're done, just pat them dry with a towel, and you're ready to go.

Ice cubes also help you to get a natural glow.

After you step out of the shower, take an ice cube and gently rub it around your face.

Not only does will this tighten your skin, but it'll help when applying makeup as it

acts as a brief primer.

Plus it's also an excellent way to shrink pimples as well by reducing inflammation and


Try it for yourself!

You won't look at ice the same way again.

For more infomation >> 12 Makeup Techniques That Will Make You HOTTER! - Duration: 9:04.


How to Create a Facebook Business Page - Duration: 4:54.

hey folks business and marketing consultant instead of Anna McCann here

in about two seconds I'm actually going to let you see my screen because I want

to show you how to create a business page on Facebook so not your personal

page but one for your business I'm going to show you how to do that from scratch

and some tools and some websites and stuff you can use to kind of make it

gorgeous also the benefits of having a business

page for your corporation you can't do Facebook ads if you don't have a

business page and if you create this business page with Facebook they give

you a ton of other great things as to how you can measure the productivity of

your ads okay so it's a bunch of great things and you won't get that if you're

just telling people about your business on your personal page you need to set up

a specific separate page specifically for your business and these are free so

if you have a bunch of businesses you can do it for each or different

interests in that type of thing so let me stop rambling and show you how to do

it so let's go to my computer screen okay folks so now we're at my computer

screen and to create the Facebook page for your business you're going to go

here to create a page now if you are a local business meaning you have a

physical location this is the one you're going to use your going to put your

address and of course a telephone number that is tied to that physical address if

you are someone who doesn't have a physical location I recommend you go

here of course if you have a brand of products ie a book or something that

your up trying to advertise branded product would be a good one and of

course the obvious could be other ones for this demonstration we're just going

to come here to community and I'm just going to type demo here I do want to add

some information about your company and of course you want to put your website

in addition to the URL that you want to add here so that people can easily find

your facebook business page now you're going to upload a photo so one of the

important things in regards to creating a facebook business page you can

definitely do a cover photo which I'm going to show you a website where you

can go to to get some gorgeous couple photos done for almost nothing and of

course you want to put a profile picture which you will see here more importantly

I want to you about this add a button this is a

great way to create a call to action for your page what do you want customers to

do when they come to your page do you want them to contact you and they have a

bunch of different options if you do call now you can put your telephone

number there you can shop if you have a store and you want to take them there if

you want to do an introductory video so that they have some news your customers

have a better understanding as to why they should do business with you you can

put that here as well so the variety of different options you can use to do a

call to action and I recommend that you do employ this feature to Facebook kids

so let's say you're not a graphics person in this big beautiful space right

here you want to add some photos of some images for your business and you don't

have that skill I take you to a couple resources and websites that can help you

with that so right here we're at again

canva calm here you can create a facebook cover they have this wonderful

tool here that help you create gorgeous gorgeous Facebook covers and this is a

free website so definitely go check out canva calm and then you can also come to

Fiverr where you can get almost anything you want done for a five bucks so let's

do Facebook scroll down here to Facebook cover there's ton of very talented

graphic design artists that will create a Facebook cover page for your business

for just five bucks so you definitely want to kind of look at these two

resources when it comes to making your facebook business page brand stand out

okay so I hope you found that helpful if you have any questions or anything be

sure to leave comments or questions below

or things of that nature I'm actually going to do a training that will show

you how to create Facebook ads for your business it's going to show you based on

your industry where do you find people on Facebook in regards to those ads and

how to create a it's going to be a long workshop probably around the two-hour

range and it's going to be free you just have to register for it so probably

somewhere in this video just click the link search around somewhere wherever

seen this video whether it's Facebook or YouTube click the link in the

description so that you can actually register for the event again it's free

and if you have a business you definitely want

to know how to advertise on Facebook because Facebook and put you in front of

your target audience like no other platform but if you don't know what

you're doing you're going to lose a lot of money so I'm going to show you how to

do that so be sure to register and what else I

think that's it and that's about it so if you have any questions go ahead and

leave them in the comments below but I'll see you in a bit so be sure to go

ahead and register until next time guys thanks

For more infomation >> How to Create a Facebook Business Page - Duration: 4:54.


Forest Conversations Ch 2 - How We Found Each Other - Duration: 16:41.

(mellow guitar music)

- [Melody] Yeah, so we should talk about that.

How did we meet?

- [Marq] That's quite a story.

- Yeah.

- From my side, I was asked to go with an older gentleman

to some churches to speak with him.

And it just so happened that I went to a church

where Melody's oldest brother was going to church,

and I had known him.

So, after I was done speaking

at this church in this meeting,

he came up to me afterwards and,

"Oh hey, how you doing?"

"Oh, good."

And we chatted and talked, kind of caught up.

Then he goes, "Hey, this piece of paper

"has my sister's name on it.

"You need to ask her out." (laughs)

And at that time, I had a girlfriend.

In fact, we were probably about...

I know I was.

I don't know if she was, my ex-girlfriend,

but I was about that close to asking her to marry me

when I got this piece of paper with this name on it

that said "Melody Johnson" with a phone number.

And so, she didn't know that happened, I don't think.

- Mm-mm (negative).

My brother didn't tell me.

- No.

The exact following week,

I was back over at that same church,

and I was in the back hallway of this church,

and here comes this beautiful girl walking down the hallway

hand-in-hand with, lo and behold,

her older brother's son who I knew,

and then--

- Justin. Hey, Justin. - Yeah, Justin.

- And I'm not too quick on the uptake sometimes,

but I could put two and two together and figure out

the name on the piece of paper I had had to be her

because it was that kid's dad who gave it to me.

That must be his aunt.

So then, I fumbled all over my words

trying to introduce myself,

and that's not normal for me either,

And so, that was a good meeting and I decided,

I'm going to stay at this church for a little longer today.

So, I kind of followed her around a little bit, (laughing)

kind of hung out, and then there was some boy chasing her

and he was all over her during church. (laughing)

And so, I was like, "Hmm, I wonder where this is going."

And her older brother's wife came up to me after and said,

"No, no, no.

"Don't worry about that guy.

"He's whatever.

"You need to still ask her out."

So, later that week I called her up

on the phone to ask her out.

So, we went on a date, and I just wanted to do

something fun, so--

- What day was that?

Like, at--

- It was February 8th.

- February 8th.

- February 8th, so--

- 1990. - 1990.

- Yeah.

- Is this okay I'm telling all this?

- Yeah.

- Okay, so I pick her up, and at this time I'm driving my,

because I don't have wheels yet.

I'm kind of saving up some money.

So, I'm driving my dad's older Ford pickup,

four-wheel-drive pickup, and I wanted to take her

to kind of a quaint little restaurant,

so there was one of those that was a little restaurant

and an ice cream parlor, and we did that,

and that was kind of fun.

And then, I ask her, "Hey, do you want to... "

And I wasn't-- (laughs)

This sounds like Inspiration Point or something,

but it wasn't.

I'd been up the mountain that overlooks the city

to see the lights and just contemplate life,

and I'm 21 and thinking,

"Man, what am I going to do in life,

"and where am I going to go?"

And it was a peaceful area.

It felt good to me, so I thought,

"Man, do you want to go up the mountain

"and kind of look at the city lights?"

"Okay, sure."

So, like I say, I'd just been up there the week before,

so away we go, and about three quarters of the way up,

the weather had warmed up.

And when I was up there, it was snowy but frozen,

and now it was slushy, and not frozen,

and very muddy, and we got stuck.

So, for probably about an hour and a half...


Maybe a little more.

- Yeah, seemed like--

- It seemed like a long time.

- Eight hours. (both laugh)

- Seemed like eight hours.

So, I'm laying under the truck.

Luckily, I had a pair of coveralls behind the seat.

I'm digging the truck out with this big refillable mug

because I didn't have a shovel with me.

And so, she sat at the door of the truck in the truck but

with the window open or the door open, and we talked for...

And I found it relaxing because

we weren't looking at each other face to face,

and we were very open with each other, I think.

- Mm-hmm (affirmative)

- And we got to know each other really good (laughs)

talking for an hour and a half or two hours.

And we got to where we could kind of move

and started getting unstuck,

and then some snowmobilers were coming down the mountain,

and this is like at 11:30 at night,

and they were able to help us kind of get things

squished around, and we got turned around

and out of the predicament we were in and headed back home.

But then, I knew that we needed to go on another date.

(both laugh)

So, I kind of set it up and said,

"Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up next week,

"and I'm going to go to this dance.

"Do you want to go with me to this dance?"

And you said...

- I said, "I have a rule that I only go out with guys twice

"because I don't want a boyfriend because I'm going to move

"to New York or somewhere like that."

I had never-- - This confused me.

(both laugh)

- Well, I've never been anywhere.

I just thought that was my plan after I graduated.

I was going to go to art school somewhere,

in a big city somewhere.

And I said, "But yeah, I'll go.

"That'll be our second date."

And I think, by then, he had started telling me

about the girl he was with.

- Yeah.

And so, it kind of started feeling like

this will never go anywhere. - This ain't going anywhere.

We'll be pals.

- We can just hang out.

It'll be really fun.

- Yeah.

We went to this dance, and we were the older people there

because we were like 18 and 20,

and everybody else was like 14 and 15. (laughs)

So, that was kind of odd, so we weren't there super long,

and I don't even remember.

We went out driving, talking more, and that's--

- Yeah, we just talked and talked and talked

for hours and hours and hours.

- By then, I was kind of like,

"Hmm, I probably need to be pursuing this a little bit."

- And I was like, "Hmm, I think I might

"bend the rules for this guy."

- (laughs) So, I did.

I got another date.

Said, "Hey, let's go skiing this next weekend, and--

- You know what?

You're going to kind of sound like a cheater

because you were saying that--

- Yes, but I'm still with this other girl, but...

So, the complicated backstory is

I was out of the country for a couple years,

and this girl that had been my girlfriend

accidentally gotten pregnant, and so she was pregnant,

and I was working this out in my mind

to possibly marry her and adopt this son

because the guy was never going to be in the picture,

and so that was what was in my mind.

But I think there were higher powers

that knew maybe better for me.

I don't know.

But I think better now that I'm looking back 27 years later.

- I hope.

- Yeah.

- I hope you made the right choice. (laughs)

- Yeah, I know I made the right choice,

but so we decided to go snow skiing.

I think even then, on the way home,

I think I got another date with her too.

- Yeah, and it was all this fun stuff.

We just were just hanging out

and doing adventurous, fun things.

- So, within three weeks of meeting each other,

I was starting to think this was probably pretty serious.

And probably by four weeks is probably

about when it happened.

I told her, I said, "Look, I feel like I'm leading you on.

I'm looking for a wife,

and so I don't know where this is going, and I--

- Yeah, you were older than I was.

- Yeah, by like four years.

I still am.

- Yeah, you still...

- I accidentally...

I still say that because I was so drawn to her,

I kissed her on her couch in her parents' living room,

and that's when I was like, "Aw crap, what am I doing?"

Because my heart's going there, but we've already talked,

said, "Oh you're doing this, I'm doing this."

- "We'll just hang out and have fun."

- And then I do that, and then I'm like,

"Man, I gotta, I'm leading you on.

"I can't do this.

"I'm looking for a wife, so we gotta figure this out."

- Because I have to...

I told you I wasn't planning on getting married.

- Right? Yeah.

You're going to New York.

- So, I was 18, and I had decided

I wasn't going to get married until I was 30.

- 30, 30. Remember that number, 30.

- 30 years old,

and he was 22 and just ready to start a family.

So he said, basically broke up with me or whatever.

I mean, I don't even know what,

we didn't even know what we were to each other.

- No, it was just like, "I've got to move on."

- Like just said, "We just can't see each other anymore.

"Like, I'm falling for you, and this is going to hurt."

- Yeah.

- And so, I said, "Well, and ... "

And it just like came out of my mouth.

It just came out.

I said, "If you asked me to marry you right now,

I would say yes."

- And then, my chin hit the floor.

- And so did mine

because I was like, (Marq laughs)

we just stared at each other for a long time like,

"Did you just say that?"

"Did I just say that?"

"Did you mean that?"

"Did I mean that?"

And we just stared at each other.

- Yeah.

So then, this is big information, right?

Now, the whole going to New York thing, that got sidelined,

and now I've got to start thinking real serious,

so I did start thinking pretty serious

over the next couple of weeks,

and she took off with a friend and went to...

Where is it? You guys went to...

- Puget Sound, I think. - Puget Sound.

Yeah, you were up in-- - San Juan Islands.

- San Juan Islands.

Yeah, that was like spring break for her senior year,

and I was at home, and I was working,

and thinking, and praying.

You know, I wanted to do the right thing.

I want to have God, for me, I want to have him involved

in this big life decision for me, you know.

And so, I felt, after a lot of praying,

that yeah, that was right.

So, she got home from spring break, and on my birthday,

I went over and asked her to marry me.

And that was six weeks after our first date. (laughs)

- Yeah.

- And then, we had to wait for her to graduate.

- (laughs) Yeah.

- So, we went to senior prom, she had an engagement ring

on her finger, and I was some old geezer

that none of the high schools guys knew, and that was fun.

That was really fun.

- Yeah, that was fun.

- And then graduation,

and then soon as things were all calmed down,

we had it all planned for June 22nd, 1990.

- Yeah.

- Which was just three and a half weeks after graduation,

and we got married, and it's been a fairy tale ever since.

- Well--

- No, wait.

Life isn't that way.

If you think it's that way and you're young...

- There's always bad things that happen in fairy tales.

- Okay.

- Yeah, makes it exciting right?

- Yeah, and then you work through it.

- Yeah, it has been a fairy tale.

- Yeah, so we've had the ups, and we've had the downs,

and we've had the ups, and we've had the super-highs,

and we've had some super-lows,

and that's probably what we're going to tell you more about.

- Yeah.

- But that's how we got together,

blind date that turned into not quite a blind date,

which turned into "we're going to be pals,"

which turned into a kiss and I'll marry you if you ask me,

and six weeks and we're engaged.

- What made you want to marry me?

- Whoa.

Well, first off, I felt God had answered my prayers.

That was the rock of it, I think.

But what else?

I mean, I was attracted to you.

You're beautiful.

I didn't say were, I said are, and your were then too,

even with that perm your mom gave you.

(both laugh)

- Yeah, that was something.

- So, her family used to call her motor mouth or chatterbox,

and then her mom told her,

"I've never met anybody that can outtalk you

"and that was me."

So, we're both like pretty big personalities, right?

- Yeah, yeah.

- So, that was good.

I think--

- And had just big things we wanted to do in the world,

and wanted to try everything, and just like live it up.

- But then also, we wanted to have a family,

and that's important, and I think we had a lot of

the same values lined up, so...

- Even though we're really different too.

- Even though we're very different,

we complement each other.

- Yeah, we drive each other crazy also sometimes

- It's the plus and the minus, the yin and the yang.

Yeah, but I don't think I could be married to somebody

that had the same personality as me.

- You couldn't.

- It would be too tough, so--

- I just wanted to tell you about

when I knew I was in love with you, and I didn't know if...

I just was like I...

I don't know.

I've never met anybody like this,

and I don't know if I ever will again,

and that was, there was two times.

One time was when I saw you with kids,

with my nieces and nephews, and just like the thing

I have always noticed about you is

small children and animals always come to you in the room.

They just do.

And I watched you with the babies and with the toddlers,

and with the little kids, and I was like,

"I think I love him. (laughs)

"I think I'm in love with him."

And then, I remember one time we were at a gas station,

and I was watching you talk to some guy

that was also pumping the gas, an old guy,

and you were so kind and so good to him,

and I just thought, "This is somebody that... "

For me, you reminded me of how I think of Jesus,

and I think I told you that when you got back in the car.

I said that you remind me of the way

that I think Jesus is and would act and be.

And I just remember that,

and I think it made your eyes tear up,

but there were just so many times

when we would just have these conversations,

and I would just watch him, and I would just think,

"He's not like other guys I know

"and have met and been around."

- Just so you know, those moments might be

few and far between.

- They're not. (laughs)

He's also way too humble.

(Marq laughs)

and sometimes too cocky, too.

- Yeah, yeah. (Melody laughs)

I'll own that.

- Yeah, but it was your kindness.

It really was.

And just, you're so fun and adventurous,

and just willing to try anything,

and I couldn't stand the thought of,

even though we had only known each other for a month,

I couldn't stand the thought of not knowing you

for the rest of my life, just in that short of a time.

- And that's what we did, huh?

- What?

- Like, once I had told my other girlfriend that

that was off, it was I got off work, go to her house,

I'd be there until midnight, 1:00, go home,

go to work, come to her house.

It was every day.

Every day, it was like we couldn't be apart from each other.

- And every day, he would bring me a red rose.

- Not every day.

It's probably about three times a week, though.

- Yeah, he would bring me a red rose.

- Most days.

- Yeah, and you'd hold my ring finger.

- Yeah, that's the sign.

- And you'd squeeze it three times,

and that means I love you, and then on the day

that he asked me to marry him, he brought me a white rose.

- That's me trying to be romantic. (laughs)

- You are romantic.

You're really romantic.

It's kind of crazy that we did that so young.

- Why?

- I don't know, just to make a decision that big, but--

(Marq whispers)

I'm really glad we did.

- I'm more than glad. - Yeah.

- It's probably the smartest thing I ever did in my life.

- I still honestly feel like

you're the very best thing that ever happened to me.

- Ditto.


(mellow guitar music)

For more infomation >> Forest Conversations Ch 2 - How We Found Each Other - Duration: 16:41.


Bad Kids Baby Crying Johny Johny Yes Papa Songs for Children Learn colors with Cars & Soccer Balls - Duration: 2:15.

Bad Kids Baby Crying Johny Johny Yes Papa Songs for Children Learn colors with Cars & Soccer Balls by MagicArt

For more infomation >> Bad Kids Baby Crying Johny Johny Yes Papa Songs for Children Learn colors with Cars & Soccer Balls - Duration: 2:15.


Blame Your Team? - Splatoon 2 Gameplay - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Blame Your Team? - Splatoon 2 Gameplay - Duration: 5:42.


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For more infomation >> Trend Micro Password Manager - 2018 Overview - Duration: 1:02.


funny cats compilation 2017 | funniest animals fails ever try not to laugh #5 - Duration: 10:19.

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For more infomation >> funny cats compilation 2017 | funniest animals fails ever try not to laugh #5 - Duration: 10:19.


Magical Thinker & Stephen Wrabel You Know It s About You Ballerina Oficial - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Magical Thinker & Stephen Wrabel You Know It s About You Ballerina Oficial - Duration: 2:59.


10 Words You Never Want to Hear from Your Tenant - Service Animal Questions Answered - Duration: 6:06.

- If you've been a landlord for any length of time,

there are certain things you just

don't want to hear from your tenant.

Well there's ten words in particular

you never wanna hear and those ten words are this,

I'm getting a service animal, and by the way,

it's a turkey.

Now have we experienced this?

Not yet, but I know property management companies

that have actually had this conversation with tenants.

You may not think it's legit,

but look at this real life actual picture

taken on an airline, I believe it was a Southwest airline,

when a person turned around to hear,

to see what the noise was behind them

to discover there was a service turkey

sitting in the seat behind them,

so they snapped a picture of this.

This is real stuff, it's humorous, it's sad,

it's weird, but it's real.

Tenant's are bringing in service animals.

Now the concept behind service animals

is very straight forward.

Think of a seeing eye dog,

if a tenant comes in and they're blind

and they have a seeing eye dog, we all get that,

that's the idea, the legitimate idea behind service animals.

Now has this been abused a little bit today?

Yes, we certainly think it has,

so let me give you a little bit of information

to keep in mind as you walk through,

as a landlord considering some

options around service animals.

So let me ask you a couple of questions

to test your knowledge.

Number one, when is an animal legally not a pet?

Well the answer is when it's a service animal.

Now how do we define service animals?

Let me tell ya that, but let me first ask you

two true or false questions.

Number one: A tenant may only make a request

for a service animal at the time of application.

What do you think?

Do they have to request a service animal

at the same time they're applying to your property

or can they request it later on?

Well the answer to this is false.

They don't have to make the request

at the time of application.

As a matter of fact, they can make the request

for a service animal the day they move in,

a week after they move in, a year after they move in.

HUD specifically has guidelines around these

types of issues as related to service animals.

One of those things says, the tenant may request

a service animal at any point and time

during the lease term.

One more true or false question,

you may deny a service animal request

if the breed is on your restricted list.

What if the tenant request to bring

in a service animal that's a pit bull

and the city that you're in says

we don't allow pit bulls.

What do you do?

Well, you may not deny the breed.

HUD specifically says breed restrictions

are not legal as it relates to service animals,

so the fact that the city denies

a particular breed is irrelevant

as to whether or not you may deny

that breed based upon that.

So you gotta keep that in mind.

You've gotta think in terms of a service animal

would be the same from a legal standpoint

as a pair of crutches.

If somebody comes in with a pair of crutches

you wouldn't say we don't rent to crutches,

we don't allow crutches in our in our property.

You'd never say that.

HUD wants you to think of a service animal

in that same legal concept.

Now what you have to do, because HUD does

have some guidelines around how to treat

that request for a service animal

and you treat it legally as a reasonable

accommodation modification request.

And that may not mean anything to you,

but it means something big to HUD.

What that means is they have guidelines

on how you want to treat that.

You treat it in the same way as if you would

treat it if a tenant came to you

in a wheelchair and said I would like

a wheelchair ramp installed to lead up

to my front door because I'm in a wheelchair

and I can't get up the two steps.

So that's the concept behind it.

Now there's a three criteria test

that you have to put that individual through,

that request through to determine

whether or not you're going to allow

the modification or the accommodation

of a service animal.

Three simple, relatively simple questions.

The first question is this: Is there a disability?

That's big, it's rather straight forward, it's important.

There has to be a disability.

What that means is if a person doesn't have a disability,

it doesn't matter if they have a service animal or not.

They have to have a disability

in order to meet the first test.

Question number two is this,

the accommodation or modification

must be necessary to fully enjoy the property.

What that means is there has to be a tie in

between the disability and the request

for the modification.

Let's go back to our person in a wheelchair.

The person in the wheelchair says

I would like a wheelchair ramp

installed on my property.

Well we put them through the test.

Do they have a disability?

Yes, they're in a wheelchair.

Will the accommodation request,

in essence, offset the disability?

Will a wheelchair ramp offset the fact

that there's a step and they're having

difficulty entering the property?

Yes, it will, so they meet those two criteria.

So that's the question you ask as well.

Is the pet offsetting the disability?

Now this can get a little bit tricky

because disability can be mental,

it can be physical, it can be emotional.

So if it's a pet that helps reduce the stress level

of a child can that be considered?

Yes, that should be considered.

The third part of the question is this,

the request must be reasonable.

Now this is again where it gets

a little bit tricky 'cause what's reasonable?

Well, HUD does have some guidelines

around what they consider reasonable

and not reasonable and you need

to look deeper into that, we don't have time

in this short amount,

this short video to go into that,

but these are the three questions you have to ask.

And HUD has guidelines around these things,

for example, if the person's disability

is obvious, you can't ask about it.

So be cautious with this stuff.

So let me ask you one final true or false question.

The landlord may charge an additional

security deposit for a service animal.

So let's say you're gonna approve

the service animal and you say to the tenant,

of course, you can go ahead and bring

in your service animal, but I'm gonna charge you

an additional pet deposit.

What did you just say wrong there?

What did I just say wrong there?

Remember, it's not a pet, legally it's not a pet.

So false, you may not charge any type

of additional rent amount, any type of additional

security deposit for bringing in a service animal.


'Cause it's not a pet.

So be cautious with this.

HUD takes this stuff very, very seriously.

If you have questions on this,

call our office, you don't want to mess with this.

You don't wanna stumble into this.

You must take service animals.

You're required by law to do that.

I was giving a class not too long ago

about service animals and at the beginning

the gentleman raised his hand and said,

"Well, this isn't a problem for me."

I said, "Why not?"

and he said "Well, I just don't take

service animals on my properties.".

A lawsuit waiting to happen.

Be cautious with this and you will make sure

that you can be a successful landlord

following the HUD guidelines as

it relates to service animals.

For more infomation >> 10 Words You Never Want to Hear from Your Tenant - Service Animal Questions Answered - Duration: 6:06.


Caught On Video: Nurse Dragged From Hospital By Police | TODAY - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Caught On Video: Nurse Dragged From Hospital By Police | TODAY - Duration: 3:31.


Free Collection Agency Cease Phone Call Letter | Credit Repair Programs That Work | Credit Dispute - Duration: 6:52.

hello how you doing my name is Marlon heard the value Nair and I would welcome

you to this brief video so just gonna let you know what I'm doing here with

this process I'm helping 1,000 I'm dead I'm having

thousands not just one of the thousands of striving men and women who are

looking to get their buying power back to purchase their first home or the new

home or car doesn't matter or just to have that peace of mind I'm helping them

increase their credit scores a hundred plus points in three six months without

huge cost while getting actual actual results alright so that is what I'm

looking to do I know lots of water wise at three six months because credit

repair is a process alright it's a process for you to get to the situation

it's a process to get you out it's like trying to climb out of quicksand but

together with information started with information that you're gonna receive

for free we're gonna get this part going so we're going to do right now is in

this short video I'm gonna walk you through the C's phone call letter

including the bonus letter C so that you can put this to use right away alright

here is the c s-- phone call letter it is so simple not much but basically what

you tell them is that i've been getting calls from you i cannot pay at this time

stop hounding me only talk to me through writing all right because there's laws

that that the creditors and collection agencies must follow and they don't

always follow them right they can't call you and cut you out and curse you out

they can call you all hours of the night they can't call your cell phone on your

job but you tell them the only time you can talk to me is through writing unless

it's something that is you know prevented by federal law like you're

gonna go into my wages or sue me but outside of that talk to me through

writing and what this is gonna do ladies and gentleman just kind of give a little

bit of peace of mind right like why I'm not getting phone calls and people

hounding me you know what that number comes through that 866 number 800 number

eight seven seven minutes you don't know it's a collector all right

so based on the law they have to follow us and if they don't follow this you can

sue if after you see this letter you're still getting phone calls keep records

you can sue say hey I sent the letter right you want to send it by certified

so that you can track it and if you get calls from the creditors and if it's not

a one of those calls hey we're gonna garnish your wages or if it's just a

call where hey we want the money you can sue up to $1,000 per occurrence okay so

we're gonna go into the next one here for you this letter right here is so

powerful it's called the validation letter especially for those collection

companies those nasty collection companies and basically this letter

saying is to show me all this proof and you can continue to collect on it all

right send me this information and if you can't send this information then

stop collecting on me this letter is so power for two letters I mean two pages

all you do is put your information their information the account number to the

collector write to your so-called collection account because again you

don't have relationship with the collection agency they have relationship

with the lender so really have to pay anything but this letter is so powerful

absence of power so we're gonna go and show you some other things because Credit repair programs that work credit repair programs credit repair programs that work in atlanta ga credit repair dispute letters that work section 609 credit repair programs that work section 609 credit fixing programs that work financially comfortable discharging student loans from credit report removing bankruptcy from credit report.

you're gonna have access to now the free letters I'll write the C's phone call

letter that you're gonna get access to and the validation letter is just part

of the process when it comes to repairing your credit ladies and

gentlemen again like I say it's a process it's time-consuming and you're

gonna want to make sure you go through everything so look at all of this that

you're gonna have access to by getting by going to get access to the entire

process we call it the process 609 credit repair program so we started with

literacy because a lot of people just don't understand how credit repair works

right most career companies or systems they don't they don't give you the

foundation like okay here's how it works and here why well here's why work so the

first we're gonna do is give you a better understanding then we're gonna

show you how it gets done then we have train walkthrough videos to kind of

lower your anxiety because when you're anxious it's like oh my gosh what is

gonna happen I need changes now but when you when you

have to walk through videos inside the program it's gonna lower your anxiety

you have access to tangible items you can be able to print off PDF down

and Word documents and and to give you that professional wisdom we're gonna

move over here that number four what does sin we got dispute letters and

if it begins the effective dispute process alright and then these dispute

letters you want to make sure that you hand write the information in on the

letters and on the inside it's gonna explain why okay how to do it more

training walk-through videos to really increase your confidence so when you

start to get letters back from creditors and the credit reporting agencies you

have confidence knowing that what hey you just can't tell me anything I know

that I have rights and the laws on my side okay how to send

them the United States Postal Service you want to send them by certified mail

that way you can track the letters none of the creditors or collection

agencies can say hey I never got to letter yes you did

because I can I have proof this is going to work later on for you if you ever

have to sue then ah look at this the creditor collectors you know you you

start to send those validation letters and you already have access to one

validation letter and the cease phone call ever no more harassing you may

start to get some discharges you got the low credit score and negative start to

get removed increase your credit score and then look at this money lost and I'm

gonna send my money lost on you know other credit reporting agency that you

may have gotten I'm talking about money loss of interest money lost in security

deposits and money laws are just just not having a great credit score but

we're gonna get on that back by lowering your your interest rates increase your

buying power alright I love those credit or credit repair calls and having a

better credit lifestyle so this so much more to this process so what you're

going to do right now alright the next step the next step for you is to click

on the link inside the description area go get access to your free letters was

also going to lead you over to a very awesome

credit repair program that you can do yourself and then even in on the inside

of the credit repair program if you need help we have a coaching program that you

can get access to and we can just help you and walk you through the process and

really give you some some foundational financial freedom and

financial dependence steps as well - alright so model heard the value NER one

thank you for watching and we'll see you on the inside Credit repair programs that work credit repair programs credit repair programs that work in atlanta ga credit repair dispute letters that work section 609 credit repair programs that work section 609 credit fixing programs that work financially comfortable discharging student loans from credit report removing bankruptcy from credit report.

For more infomation >> Free Collection Agency Cease Phone Call Letter | Credit Repair Programs That Work | Credit Dispute - Duration: 6:52.


Can you guess the KPOP song by emojis #2 (Boys ver.) - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> Can you guess the KPOP song by emojis #2 (Boys ver.) - Duration: 8:21.


Dylan Dreyer's Baby Calvin Tries Seltzer For The First Time | TODAY - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Dylan Dreyer's Baby Calvin Tries Seltzer For The First Time | TODAY - Duration: 1:05.


Innovative Desktop Scanners | Alaris S2000 Series | Alaris Information Management - Duration: 1:46.

With digital transformation we never know what exactly is coming next.

Success takes flexibility, imagination and reliable partners.

So for organizations working in areas like finance, government, health care and manufacturing

who are transforming their workflows from paper to digital, the power of the Alaris

S2000 Series scanners is the ideal solution.

The S2000 Series provides the right experience, redefining ease with the latest and improved

feeding function for a variety of business documents.

Including exception types like passports and ID cards, controlled stacking and active feed

technology deliver unprecedented document handling.

That's meaningful time saved that you can spend with your customers.

The S2000 Series is the right fit for any set of budget or infrastructure needs.

With USB and network models you can connect directly to the cloud or on-premise apps.

And with network models, web API integration lets you scan with no drivers installed.

On PC, tablet or mobile.

Best yet, the S2000 Series delivers the right results.

Advanced LED illumination brings clarity to images, minimizing folds and wrinkles which

means less time burned on errors and rescans.

And the fully embedded image processing with built in processor means no need for expensive

PCs to be doing the work.

Welcome to the new world of versatile, powerful and stress free scanning.

The S2000 Series scanners turn data chaos into business opportunity.

For more infomation >> Innovative Desktop Scanners | Alaris S2000 Series | Alaris Information Management - Duration: 1:46.


Rarities Apatite, Cultured Pearl and Multigem Earrings - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Rarities Apatite, Cultured Pearl and Multigem Earrings - Duration: 5:55.


Ryan Jay Reviews an Inspirational New Movie - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Ryan Jay Reviews an Inspirational New Movie - Duration: 5:10.


Micro Backyard Getaway Cottage with Loft | Beautiful Country Cottage - Duration: 2:08.

Micro Backyard Getaway Cottage with Loft

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