Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

hi hi babababa

hi welcome to IDOL 2017

I'm Lovisa. Now finally idol #3!

It will be exciting who can be join and who can not be join in idol

OK! are you ready?! let's go!

oh it's you again


so you were in idol from 2015. yeah

then you fainted

Do you think you will be able to sing? Yeah yeah




you, how old are you? I'm a little old.


I just...

I'll sing "same old love"

ok I am ready

"take away your things and go"

"You can't take back what you said, I know"

"I've heard it all before, at least a million times"

"I'm not one to forget, you know"

"I don't believe, I don't believe it. You left in peace, left me in pieces. Too hard to breathe"

"I'm on my knees right now"

"I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up. I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough


I say..... no


I say no. what no?!

you mean yes? yeah!

I heard you said "yes" not "no", right what?


I'm Bomba

ah. I'm going to race

"jag är bäst = I'm best"

"fhshfalijafaadojihg" (rap)

"jag är bäst = I'm best"


"bäst bäst bäst = best"

i say yes! I say....

...yes. Yeah!

"we ohh rock rock oh"

"Nalle = Teddy bear"

"Nalle Nalle = Teddy bear"


hi! what your name?

I'm Diana

"my love my love"

"I don't like you"

"I don't care you"

"solen skiner = the sun shines"

"oohhh yeaah"

"I hate you. I don't like you"

"himlen e blå, blå blå = the sky is blue"

"I hate you. I don't like you"

" I want you go away"

unfortunately I have to say no

you know what!

I do not want to be in idol. you will regret

I say yes

I say......


OK thanks for "no"!


you, you can't sing.

how dare you say that I can not sing! seriously!

Are you deaf?!

But I want be join in idol!

this is my biggest dream ever in my whole life!

give me a chance

I want be join in idol! this is my biggest dream ever in my whole life!

Congratulations on those who participated in the idol!

so end for today

But hope you liked video! Thanks for watching! Bye!

"nalle = teddy bear"

For more infomation >> IDOL #3 audition | "Är ni döva?! / "Are you deaf?!" - Duration: 7:31.


La Mante - Saison 1 - Bulles de Culture - Duration: 5:19.


For more infomation >> La Mante - Saison 1 - Bulles de Culture - Duration: 5:19.


Time For Republicans To Admit That Trump Is A Pathetic Loser - Duration: 4:32.

If you've ever been in an argument with an avid Donald Trump supporter you will very

quickly find out that these people have no idea what they're talking about when they

defend the president.

Usually they'll revert to some kind of tactic of "Oh, Liberals are stupid.

You snowflake, go find your safe place."

That's about all they can do.

They'll say that oh, you're being funded by George Soros, because that's also another

common Republican talking point.

But here's the thing, this is what Republicans all around this country have to be willing

to admit at this point; you, Republican voters out there, voters for a very pathetic loser

to be our president of the United States.

There is no other way to say that at this point.

Donald Trump is pathetic.

He is whiny, and he's a looser.

Yeah, he won the electoral vote, whatever.

You can win things and still be a loser though, and that's what Donald Trump is.

His response to Hurricane Harvey is the latest example of what a horrible human being Donald

Trump truly is.

All of his policies that he's gone along with and wanting Republicans to push about taking

away money from afterschool programs to give in a tax cut to the rich, that's pathetic

and that's disgusting, and that's what you voted for.

In the last seven-and-a half months Donald Trump has killed more civilians in the Middle

East than Barack Obama did in eight years.

That's from the latest reports coming out of what's going on in those wars that a lot

of us forget even are going on right now, that Donald Trump is in charge of.

Donald Trump is having our military overseas kill civilians; again, disgusting.

But Trump voters don't seem to understand that, and yes, I understand Donald Trump is

losing support amongst some Republicans.

But there are plenty of hard core people out there who refuse to accept the truth.

I've seen a lot of Republicans come out and say, "I do not support him anymore.

This man is horrible.

I was duped.

I was lied to.

I fell for it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I said to give Donald Trump a chance once he was elected.

I regret that."

That's from both Democrats and Republicans at this point.

But those people who refuse to step up and admit that Donald Trump is possibly the worst

possible human being alive in the United States that we could've elected to be our president,

those are the people that have to understand that they were pawns, and they still are.

Do you think the Republican party actually cares about you?

Well, if you're not donating millions of dollars to super packs or their campaigns, they don't.

They don't care if you drink poisoned water because they let corporations dump all their

toxic chemicals into it.

They don't care that you can't breathe clean air because we're letting corporations spew

as much CO2 in the atmosphere as possible.

They don't care that you don't have clean water, because we're not going to put in new


We're going to let you drink out of contaminated deteriorating lead pipes.

They don't care that your children are failing school because they can't afford glasses.

They don't care that you can't go to the doctor because you can't afford health insurance.

They don't care, and the sooner you wake up and admit that you voted for a loser the sooner

we as a country can pick up the pieces and move on and try to fix things.

But as long as we have these Trump holdovers, those people who refuse to accept reality,

we are constantly, be it either by the president of the United States or members of the House

of Representatives or the senate, we're going to be living with a faction of this country

trying to hold us back, hold us down, and take us backwards.

Because that is exactly what these people who refuse to admit that Donald Trump is a

horrible president are doing to this country.

And it's what they're going to continue doing to this country until they finally open their

eyes and admit that they were wrong.

For more infomation >> Time For Republicans To Admit That Trump Is A Pathetic Loser - Duration: 4:32.


🔹🔹How To Make Natural Viagra Using Only 2 Ingredients (100% Workable)🔹🔹 - Duration: 2:16.

if you want to make your homemade viagra you will need the main ingredients which

are very often available in grocery stores these ingredients are very potent

aphrodisiacs viagra is a powerful drug for men that is utilized to increase

sexual function and performance not many people know the secret that it can also

be made at home necessary ingredients for homemade viagra number one

watermelon number two lemon watermelon consists of different nutrients and has

aphrodisiac properties which includes citrulline and lycopene you should not

use sugar salt spices or any other flavors which can reduce the power of

the two main ingredients you should cut the watermelon into small pieces and put

the pieces into a juicer in order to obtain about one litter of watermelon

juice the white stuff inside the shell of watermelon is also very high in

concentrated citrulline and should not be wasted and need to be juiced pour the

juice into a pot leave it to boil for a few minutes then squeeze the lemon juice

into the pot mix it well with the boiling water melon juice you should

continue boiling until most of the liquid evaporate and the content in the

pot reduced to about half leave it to cool down for about an hour

or so dot after that transfer the potion to a washed and cleaned glass bottle and

store it in a cool and dry place such as a refrigerator you should take this

drink on an empty stomach early in the morning and before dinner and anywhere

between two tablespoons to one third of the cup this depends on the body weight

and size this homemade viagra is safe and potent for people of all ages and


For more infomation >> 🔹🔹How To Make Natural Viagra Using Only 2 Ingredients (100% Workable)🔹🔹 - Duration: 2:16.


What's Your Favorite Thing About You? - Duration: 3:10.

I like my smile I like my sense of humor I like a lot of things about me but

let's talk about what do you like about you let's get into that thing stay tuned

hey there Kellie here so I was sitting here and I was doing my batch uploads I'm

sure as you go through the weeks you'll see she had that same outfit yes she

did cuz she batch uploaded that's what that's what's time management is about

but I digress so I was sitting here and I was watching my little back plays on

my videos about loving on you and you know and

are you a welcome mat and all of these ones that I've uploaded in this cute

little pink outfit that I have on and I was like you know I wonder what people

find that they really like about themselves like what is their favorite

thing what is that one thing that when someone you know looks at them or talks

to them that they if they asked that question that they would say so for me I

really dig my smile which is probably why I do it so much everywhere I go you

see my teeth all 32 of them all of so and maybe that's why God gave me such a

awesome sense of humor because he was like that girl's gonna love her smile

she can I have jacked-up teeth I have never had any braces so I wanna know

from you guys what is your favorite thing about you like I love my sense of

humor and I love my my smile and I'll tell you guys that as far as my sense of

humor is concerned people say that girl will just say anything sadly a lot of times

the stuff that I say when you heard it it was the first time I ever heard it

too so a lot of times I'm going back and I'm reviewing my video before I upload

them and sometimes I'm reviewing in coffee shops or in restaurants and I'm

cracking up you know so I love my sense of humor so if nobody else watches my

videos I will watch my videos come I laugh but I want to know from you what

is your favorite thing about you you know and why is it your favorite thing

share that with me below if you have not subscribed

to my channel see this one was short and sweet if you have not subscribed to my

channel please do like comment share I really like engagement so I will put

information on how to find me on Facebook on periscope on all the places

that I happen to be running my Yap and you can pick and choose where you want

to and what message you want to say what you want to share and be a part of and

comment on guys I got lost in trying to give y'all all my social because I'm

every damn where so cuz I also like to run my mouth and I like that about me

too so hopefully you guys will enjoy this and I will see you my jaws are hurting

I've been smiling too much I need to stop I will see you in the next video


For more infomation >> What's Your Favorite Thing About You? - Duration: 3:10.


ACCA F7 Exam question: Rules based system and Principles based system (Video 4) - Duration: 1:52.

So this question here talks about, basically explains a difference

between a rules-based system and a principles-based system to begin with. So

a rules-based system you'd mention that it's very prescriptive, there's lots as a

large volume of rules it's either right or wrong and therefore is quite

inflexible because not all the rules apply to all situations, do they.

However what it would do, it would make accounts more comparable between

companies cause you're all facing the same rules and more consistent because

you're always using these same rules. Over on the principles-base side then,

the idea is that you all get together you agree beforehand what these great

principles are that we're gonna build our accounting standards on. And these

principles therefore have to meet the objectives of what we want the financial

statements to do. Now what is good about that is you'll have a generally accepted

accounting practices based on the generally accepted accounting principles

and you can use these principles in all sorts of different situations; meaning

it's more flexible. However there's a downside to that as well isn't there,

there's a lot more judgment involved and where there is judgment

involved then there's potentially more manipulation as well. The question then

goes on to state which system do you believe is the most descriptive of IFRS

Well new IFRS are built on the conceptual framework which is a

principles-based one but obviously IFRS themselves also have rules and

they don't entirely agree but they're trying to head towards more making sure

that the standards do agree with the conceptual framework and of course the

conceptual framework is principles based.

For more infomation >> ACCA F7 Exam question: Rules based system and Principles based system (Video 4) - Duration: 1:52.


iRobot Roomba 620 Robotic Vacuum - Duration: 23:00.

For more infomation >> iRobot Roomba 620 Robotic Vacuum - Duration: 23:00.


Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do | Reaction of Turkish People | Türklerin Tepkisi ! - Duration: 4:15.

Too scary...

You scared?

No, I mean it's not cool...

The girl is in shower...

...but no water

Good, I like it...

...but has too many rings

I don't like rings...

Ohh, perfect begining...

Ooh... I would become gay for her...

I don't like begining

I don't like zombie...

I hate snakes...

...they bife bro!

Iygh (be disgusted)...

There is a snake over there

It's too funny

The snake is your ex-buddy


I can't give her name...

Why does this woman always smash up cars in her videos

I mean in another video she is hitting with a stick

The car is not real

It is montage...

She crash the car...

My heart bleeds...

How could you do this...

How could you do this :D

She doesn't need to make up...

I like her anyway

I like her old styles much more than this...

She is trying to looks like Lady Gaga...

Country style was good...

I think they are robbing the bank...

Her clothes are really marginal

...that's why the video has been watched by millions.

The video is attractive...

She thinks that she rules the world...

Now I'm tweeting to Taylor

(Sister, you are so cute)...

I die for your whip...

I die for your whip...

The song rocks...

What is that bro?

Are they gays?

Are they lady boys?

...they are on

They are not men...

I am stronger than men

Yes, generally she has men problems in her videos...

The video is cool...

I don't like the men part...

It is really about slavey...

Taylor is upon all people...

I am againest slavery...

I listen her...

...but without her video clips

The melody is good...

...but I don't understand the lyrics so they are not important.

The song is really cool...


90 million in 3 days!..

She deserves!..

The video is really good and attractive...

The song is also good...

First class!.. Wonderful...

The dance of men...

Iyghh...(Nauseate) :D

It is disgusting...

I don't like it but is good (??!!!)

The girl was amazing but men are disgusting...

What is that. Are they fucking gay...

She is real and she is living in the world...

She gives me hope...

I produce endorphin...

I have no words to say.

I am speechless...

The begining is really attractive especially

The song is good ...

It deserves 90 million hits!

Only the men part is not proper...

Don't forget to subscribe channel Tepkimanya...

Channel Tepkimanya...

Don't forget to subscribe channel Tepkimanya...

Channel Tepk.....

Love gay people...

I don't say anything... Anymore...

Subscribe Channel Tepkimanya...

As I said I would become gay for her :D

Subscribe Tepkimanya...


For more infomation >> Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do | Reaction of Turkish People | Türklerin Tepkisi ! - Duration: 4:15.


How Expensive is New York City ? - Travel Tips - Duration: 5:55.

What is up members of the Barrio?

It's Jon and you may have heard that visiting New York City is every expensive

And it can be

But as a 6 year resident of the city

I'm going to break down all the prices for you

If you're new here and want to keep up with all of my travel vlogs and tips videos from around the world

Please do subscribe and turn notifications on so you dont miss out

On any new videos

So how expensive is New York City for a traveler

Well why don't we start with accomodation

And if you were on the ultra budget side

You're probably going to be looking at a hostel somewhere

In Uptown Manhattan

You can get a bed in a shared dorm room for between 40 to 50 dollars a night

Now one step up and what I would recommend to any friend of mine visiting New York

Would be to try to find an Airbnb Room

In a shared apartment

Where the owner probably lives there at the same time

And you can get a room in Manhattan between 80 to 120 dollars a night

And then the next step up of course would be a hotel

There are so many in midtown Manhattan

It's going to be tough to find anything under 100 dollars a night

You're probably looking at at least 150 dollars a night or more

On a hotel

And then if you want to leave Manhattan and really save some money

If you're looking in Brooklyn, Queens, or in New Jersey

You're definitley going to save money on lodging

Let's talk about food and drink

And the great irony about New York City is that it has some of the most expensive and some of the cheapest options in the world.

In one place

In fact I made a video about living in New York City

On just 10 dollars a day

For eating and drinking

And while I don't recommend you do it every day for your health

It was certainly a fun challenge

Let's start with going out to eat

And that can cost you anywhere from 1 dollar for a dollar pizza place

To a $750 26 course meal

So their are just so many places in the middle


Typically for myself when I go out with friends I'm going to be spending at least 20 to 30 dollars after tax and tip on a meal

And this is not even talking about drinks

If you want to throw alcohol into the mix

That check could get up easily to 40 to 50 dollars a person

Or more

And speaking of alcohol

So just throwing out some numbers here

In my experience, average beer is about 6 dollars

Average mixed drink

8 dollars

And fory you cocktail snobs out there we're going to be pushing it to 12 to 15 dollars

For your favorite libation

What if you want to save money and do your shopping at a super market

Well I've got you covered there

I'm going to be quoting you some prices from my local Morton Williams

Which just happens to be one of the most expensive supermarkets in the entire city

And also the closest one to my apartment

Yeah my luck

A loaf of bread will cost you $3.99

A half gallon of milk $2.50

A carton of eggs, $2.50

Not awful, but these next prices might scare you a little bit

1 pound of salmon, $16.00

I don't know what they're feeding those fish

And my favorite right now

One avocado


That's right $4.00 for a stinking avocado

The cheapest bottles of wine I see are normally between 10 to 12 dollars

Although that's a big change from Europe where you can get a 1 euro bottle of wine

Although I don't recommend you do that

Because they are really really bad

And if you're ever in a pinch for food

My best advice for you in New York City

Is to go to one of the many 24 hour delis

They're practically on every corner

And they have a wide variety of food selections

A lot of sandwiches

So definitley worth a look when you visit

Let's talk transportation

And one of these a subway swipe costs you just $2.75

And you can ride along the entire line with just one swipe

It's also 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

And in my opinion that is one of the best values in the world

For transportation

Considering how expensive New York City is for many other things

Of course walking is probably your best bet

In Manhattan you can walk from Midtown-Manhattan to Greenwich Village in about 30 minutes or so.

That same taxi ride will cost you about 12 dollars

Uber would be similar

And in my opinion taxis and ubers in New York are not that expensive

Compared to other cities i've actually been to

For the same distances

What about activities in New York

And how expensive are those

Well I could probably make 100 videos about things to do in New York City

I've actually made a lot already

They're all on my playlist

I do encourage you to go check them out

But the best thing to do in New York is just walk around

Go soak in neighborhoods

The sites and sounds

That's all free

There's also about 100 museums in New York

Many of them have free days

Others of them are donation based

You could go check out central park

Walk around there

If you want to rent a bike in Central Park it's going to cost you about 15 dollars

The biggest draw in New York City is probably going to a broadway show

And this is a wide spectrum

Of pricing

You could get Hamilton tickets for 200 dollars

You could find shows for as cheap as 5 dollars

If you want to go to the movies, one price at the Regal Union Square $17.20

Their is a reason I do not go to the movies much anymore

The bottom line is that as a tourist in New York unless you want to cook all of your own stuff

Or eat just fast food

You're going to have to spend some money

Your best bet is to try to avoid staying in just the expensive areas of Manhattan

And expand to other boroughs, go explore different neighborhoods

I've covered a lot of this on my channel

If you need some ideas

Do tell me in the comments

How expensive is New York compared to where you're from ?

I'm curious.

And certainly subscribe if you're new here

We've got tons of content coming out

In the next couple of weeks

All from New York City

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> How Expensive is New York City ? - Travel Tips - Duration: 5:55.


Unleash Your Inner Video Rockstar - Duration: 2:14.

Do you want to make online videos but you're not quite confident enough to do them?

Maybe you think you don't look good enough to do them?

Or maybe you're just worried that you'll embarrass yourself...

Hi! My name is Kathryn Eggins and I'm here on the set of my online TV show called 'Manifest Creative

and I'm here to show you that if you really want to do video with a few simple tips and tricks

we can get your face online in no time.

Video is a great way to connect with your audience because they can see you

and they can connect with your personality but if you're a little bit shy and you don't know where to start

it can be really intimidating pressing that record button.

Now most of those fears that you have, they're genuinely real but quite often they come from just

simply not knowing what to do,

that's why I've put together

'Unleash Your Inner Video Rockstar'

I want to show you a few of the behind the scenes tips

and tricks that will get you online and creating your own videos with confidence.

This course is for absolute beginners and it's definitely for you if...

You don't think you look good enough to do video...

You don't feel confident enough to do video but you really want to do them...

You want to know the basic tips of how to do videos confidently...

You don't have a huge budget...

You just want quick and easy tips to get started

During the course we'll cover things like...

Lighting, cameras, microphones...

Basic makeup techniques...

Presentation and

how to bring out your online video personality...

How to deal with

procrastination plus we'll take the fear out of doing Facebook lives and video in general...

Plus I've thrown in a few awesome bonuses as well.

I want to show

you how easy it is to overcome your fears of being on video so you look and

feel great with ease even if you're on a tight budget.

Now this sounds right for you,

go and check out

and get signed up now so that we can get your face out there online

and you sharing your talents with the world.

For more infomation >> Unleash Your Inner Video Rockstar - Duration: 2:14.


Would You Be So Kind (dodie) | Hannah Aberin - Duration: 3:56.

Hi! That was my cover of...

-momentary existential crisis whisper- what's it called

Jenn: would you be so kind? XD

That was my cover of Would You Be So Kind by dodie


she's an AWESOME youtuber :D

if you haven't heard of her, you should check her out

I'll link her below

even though it's not really gonna matter



but yeah



that was it

there's nothing much to it

this lighting is kind of bad

I am SO sorry

it's right above me



if you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up

go give it a little boop!

and go give the channel a subscribe :)

leave a comment below if you liked it

if you wanna see another video of anything

comment that below!

do anything

except -another existential crisis of stutters where Hannah isn't sure what you shouldn't leave in the comments below (except mean things but she was having an existential crisis so she forgot)-

See you in the next video!


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