What is up members of the Barrio?
It's Jon and you may have heard that visiting New York City is every expensive
And it can be
But as a 6 year resident of the city
I'm going to break down all the prices for you
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So how expensive is New York City for a traveler
Well why don't we start with accomodation
And if you were on the ultra budget side
You're probably going to be looking at a hostel somewhere
In Uptown Manhattan
You can get a bed in a shared dorm room for between 40 to 50 dollars a night
Now one step up and what I would recommend to any friend of mine visiting New York
Would be to try to find an Airbnb Room
In a shared apartment
Where the owner probably lives there at the same time
And you can get a room in Manhattan between 80 to 120 dollars a night
And then the next step up of course would be a hotel
There are so many in midtown Manhattan
It's going to be tough to find anything under 100 dollars a night
You're probably looking at at least 150 dollars a night or more
On a hotel
And then if you want to leave Manhattan and really save some money
If you're looking in Brooklyn, Queens, or in New Jersey
You're definitley going to save money on lodging
Let's talk about food and drink
And the great irony about New York City is that it has some of the most expensive and some of the cheapest options in the world.
In one place
In fact I made a video about living in New York City
On just 10 dollars a day
For eating and drinking
And while I don't recommend you do it every day for your health
It was certainly a fun challenge
Let's start with going out to eat
And that can cost you anywhere from 1 dollar for a dollar pizza place
To a $750 26 course meal
So their are just so many places in the middle
Typically for myself when I go out with friends I'm going to be spending at least 20 to 30 dollars after tax and tip on a meal
And this is not even talking about drinks
If you want to throw alcohol into the mix
That check could get up easily to 40 to 50 dollars a person
Or more
And speaking of alcohol
So just throwing out some numbers here
In my experience, average beer is about 6 dollars
Average mixed drink
8 dollars
And fory you cocktail snobs out there we're going to be pushing it to 12 to 15 dollars
For your favorite libation
What if you want to save money and do your shopping at a super market
Well I've got you covered there
I'm going to be quoting you some prices from my local Morton Williams
Which just happens to be one of the most expensive supermarkets in the entire city
And also the closest one to my apartment
Yeah my luck
A loaf of bread will cost you $3.99
A half gallon of milk $2.50
A carton of eggs, $2.50
Not awful, but these next prices might scare you a little bit
1 pound of salmon, $16.00
I don't know what they're feeding those fish
And my favorite right now
One avocado
That's right $4.00 for a stinking avocado
The cheapest bottles of wine I see are normally between 10 to 12 dollars
Although that's a big change from Europe where you can get a 1 euro bottle of wine
Although I don't recommend you do that
Because they are really really bad
And if you're ever in a pinch for food
My best advice for you in New York City
Is to go to one of the many 24 hour delis
They're practically on every corner
And they have a wide variety of food selections
A lot of sandwiches
So definitley worth a look when you visit
Let's talk transportation
And one of these a subway swipe costs you just $2.75
And you can ride along the entire line with just one swipe
It's also 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
And in my opinion that is one of the best values in the world
For transportation
Considering how expensive New York City is for many other things
Of course walking is probably your best bet
In Manhattan you can walk from Midtown-Manhattan to Greenwich Village in about 30 minutes or so.
That same taxi ride will cost you about 12 dollars
Uber would be similar
And in my opinion taxis and ubers in New York are not that expensive
Compared to other cities i've actually been to
For the same distances
What about activities in New York
And how expensive are those
Well I could probably make 100 videos about things to do in New York City
I've actually made a lot already
They're all on my playlist
I do encourage you to go check them out
But the best thing to do in New York is just walk around
Go soak in neighborhoods
The sites and sounds
That's all free
There's also about 100 museums in New York
Many of them have free days
Others of them are donation based
You could go check out central park
Walk around there
If you want to rent a bike in Central Park it's going to cost you about 15 dollars
The biggest draw in New York City is probably going to a broadway show
And this is a wide spectrum
Of pricing
You could get Hamilton tickets for 200 dollars
You could find shows for as cheap as 5 dollars
If you want to go to the movies, one price at the Regal Union Square $17.20
Their is a reason I do not go to the movies much anymore
The bottom line is that as a tourist in New York unless you want to cook all of your own stuff
Or eat just fast food
You're going to have to spend some money
Your best bet is to try to avoid staying in just the expensive areas of Manhattan
And expand to other boroughs, go explore different neighborhoods
I've covered a lot of this on my channel
If you need some ideas
Do tell me in the comments
How expensive is New York compared to where you're from ?
I'm curious.
And certainly subscribe if you're new here
We've got tons of content coming out
In the next couple of weeks
All from New York City
Thank you so much for watching
Until next time
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