Hi, I'm zykiah and welcome to my channel if you are new
please give me a big like and a big thumbs up and uh and a
Subscribe that's right a subscribe because that would mean you're a part of my support group, and I love people
Who just put in that love you know?
So today. I am doing a video on why I love Brazil so much most of you guys know
I'm probably posting a lot about Brazil and
People asked me why do you want to do these videos?
I might get judged because I'm doing these type of videos, but I don't care if people seem to like it
I like doing it. I like Brazil. I love the people so why not do something for someone
wants to watch these videos so I
want to talk a little bit why I love Brazil so much and why I love the culture and
Hopefully make other people like it too
At least a little more, so let's get started with this video and let's keep this video problem
Let's go
ok so I first want to get started and
To tell you guys a little bit of how come I ended up learning more about Brazil I?
wanted to learn Portuguese for a long time, and I have a Brazil friend and
Gotten really close to her her family since I was younger and I just started learning more
and I was just curious so one day I
Downloaded a language exchange app and this is where you help them learn English
And they will help you learn Portuguese well it went good
I learned how to say BOM dia, Boa Tarde things like that
But I always want to make friends
So I ended up making beautiful friends that helps me learn more about their culture
And more about their food more about their people in the surrounding so
That's kind of how it led me to begin to love Brazil
So let's get started my number one of loving Brazil one
I love the people because you guys are just such a sweet
type of people you I
I just I I just I just can't I don't know you guys are just so nice, and I feel like you guys
Just know how to have a good time you guys are similar to what I believe
Hispanic people they look for their family like family comes first, and I love that family comes first because
What would you do without family okay?
Number two um I love food and Brazil got some good food rice beans
meat chicken
That stuff is good. Yeah. I haven't tried a lot of their food, but it's pretty pretty good
I've tried stroganoff stroganoff
The cheese bread and the rice
Bomb Bomb you go Brazil with your food
Okay number
Three and let's see Brazil
Okay, guys. I'm not a funkiera, but I love funk music beat like cha cha
Cha I love funk music just because of the beat, but the music lyrics kind of make me laugh
I'm not gonna lie, but I love it and I love music like Tiago Iorc
because ...
And I love Ludmila CHUGEI
I love Ludmila. I love Anitta
I love Pabllo Vittar, I love your music. Okay. I love Brazil. I love the music. I love the food
I love the people and
Not to mention number what is it 4?
The boys are so cute
The boys their I feel like are so different from boys here like yes, you can find boys like this here, but
Everyone I have met is
The boys are just so loving they like to show their feelings
where I feel boys
Here they kind of hide it in and then they kind of express it more when you get to know them
So this is really good
I'm a person who likes to talk about feelings and to make sure everyone's okay
so I'd love to hear this from most of the people I have met and
Yeah boys there. Ha thank you for being great people and my last but not least
Let me think about other
That's why I love Brazil so much
Mmm. I sending you all love to Brazil and I hope someday
I will travel to go there, and I'll make sure I vlog and meet all my friends
meet as much as you guys as possible because
Why not? I love you guys you send me so much love and I love love
I love love, and I'm loving you
I also want to give a big shout-out to my friend from Brazil
He has a YouTube channel. It's Patrick angel. I might put it at a bubble here or
Maybe I can put out the link below
So I'll do one of those and please go check him out. He's pretty cool
He's pretty nice, and I hope you guys enjoyed this. Oh this week
I am singing you all a bunch of kisses and please like and
Subscribe and turn on my post notifications, so you know when I come out with another Brasil video, okay? I'll see you next time
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