Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

Top 15 Nail Art Compilation - The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas

For more infomation >> Top 15 Nail Art Compilation 😍 The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas - Duration: 11:14.


Quinn XCII - Always Been You [Lyrics / Lyric Video] - Duration: 3:56.

Tell my friends that I don't need you Last time we spoke was spring break in that

see-through Conversation we had in the ocean with them

waves Brought me down, down, down

I need you more than I need me Turned 25, and I feel that I'm peaking

You're in Detroit, when I call you, you're sleeping

That's bringing me down, down, down

Am I wasting my breath?

You're not even upset

When's the last time that you called me just to say hi?

Claiming that you don't remember things that I said to you

Acting all sly, sly Am I supposed to say that I'm thriving?

That I got girls on the side?

'Cause I don't It's always been you

Yeah, I don't It's always been you

Message you, but it's a typo Telling your friends that I'm acting all psycho

Got my attention when you call me Michael That's bringing me down, down, down

Remember nights when you undressed Valley to Venice, top down with your sundress

Then I say one thing that makes you so upset That brings you down, down, down

Am I wasting my breath?

You're not even upset

When's the last time that you called me just to say hi?

Claiming that you don't remember things that I said to you

Acting all sly, sly Am I supposed to say that I'm thriving?

That I got girls on the side?

'Cause I don't It's always been you

Yeah, I don't It's always been you

For some reason, you don't think That you're the one for me, for me

For some reason, you don't think That you're the one for me, for me

When's the last time that you called me just to say hi?

Just to say hi Claiming that you don't remember things that

I said to you Acting all sly, sly

Am I supposed to say that I'm thriving?

That I got girls on the side?

'Cause I don't It's always been you

Yeah, I don't It's always been you

For more infomation >> Quinn XCII - Always Been You [Lyrics / Lyric Video] - Duration: 3:56.


What Do You Like To Do? | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 1:57.

What do you like to do?

I like dancing,

but I don't like dancing with a bear

I like swimming,

but I don't like swimming in the air

I like drawing,

but I don't like drawing with a spoon

I like cooking,

but I don't like cooking on the moon

I like riding a bike,

but I don't like riding a shark

I like petting a soft furry dog,

but I don't like petting an aardvark

I like running,

but I don't like running with a bee

I like painting,

but I don't like painting in a tree

I like reading,

but I don't like reading upside down

I like skiing,

but I don't like skiing on a merry-go-round

I like playing hide 'n seek,

but I don't like playing hide 'n sleep

I like singing with all my friends,

but I don't like singing with a sheep


What do you like to do?


For more infomation >> What Do You Like To Do? | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - Duration: 1:57.


ACCA F7 Tutorials 2017: Recognition and Measurement (Video 1) - Duration: 1:30.

Welcome back everybody then now we're looking at recognition and measurement

which is in the conceptual framework. Now recognition all that means is when do we

bring it in, when do we bring it in to the accounts

okay, when do we put it in to the accounts.

Okay now there's 3 criteria but before we go into the criteria, I just want

to write down the elements okay so in the accounts they are assets aren't there,

liabilities, equity, income and expenses. Okay now, when can we bring any of those

elements into the accounts? Well you can bring them in when it meets the

definition okay so have a look at the definition of an asset, the

definition of a liability, the definition of equity etc later. But before we bring

it into the account it must meet the definition of one of those elements. Also

it must be probable so if it's an asset it must probably going to bring

us in money or if it's a liability there must be a probable outflow. And

finally you should be able to put on a reliable measure of the asset liability,

income or expense okay so 3 criteria, remember them well! To bring something

into the accounts, it must meet the definition of where it's going in the

accounts, it must be probable in terms of bringing in or money going out and it

must also put a reliable measure on it.

For more infomation >> ACCA F7 Tutorials 2017: Recognition and Measurement (Video 1) - Duration: 1:30.


Infill | Mortgage Weekly | Sept 2nd, 2017 | Jason Roy | Edmonton Mortgage Broker - Duration: 3:57.

All right mortgage weekly time. I was reading an article today about there was a

city councillor that in Edmonton that bought an old house lot tore down the

house subdivided and built two infill homes and one for himself and one that

that he thought he would sell and it turns out that the one he thought he

would sell he couldn't sell it wasn't really a demand for that type of home in

that price point in the neighborhood that he chose to to do this project so now he's

turned out he's renting the home so the article is not over the interesting

but I am I link to it down down below anyway but it just got me

thinking like we're always in the mindset of buying real estate buying

real estate always buy real estate it's always gonna be you know it's always a

good investments good long-term investment it's always a good investment

but but it's not necessarily always true if you're buying or building the biggest

house on the street in a neighborhood that's not used to having houses that

large maybe nobody in that neighborhood wants to buy it down the road so you

gotta know the technical value might be there but it doesn't mean you can sell

it and it doesn't mean you can sell it for the value that you want or even if

you're just buying any of these these regular homes and you know any other

neighbourhood maybe your interior finishings maybe you've upgraded or you

want to upgrade things that might be in a in a higher-end home which is great

and it might be good for your use but you might not necessarily get your money

back out of it not everyone's gonna be paying for a ten thousand dollar steam

shower in a regular in a regular house so be careful that yes real estate

long-term is typically a good buy and it's typically a good investment it

doesn't mean that it always is in that every neighborhood is or every city is

or every location is or every style at home or finishings or whatever are so

yeah I thought it was interesting it's not you know the plan is I'm gonna subdivide it I'm

gonna build these infills and everybody you know the people are wanting infills

and I don't know what he was trying to sell the home for but you know you see a

lot of these in fills in the Edmonton area for you know quite to quite expensive

they're expensive homes that are not cheap so they've taken an old mature

neighborhood which is nice but they haven't made it affordable and the

development that they're doing so it's not attracting a whole bunch of people

that are interested in spending seven or eight hundred thousand dollars on that

style of home so you got to be careful with that investment so anyway so when

you're looking at real estate or you're looking at renovating or you're looking

at doing something and you're trying to think what's my return going to be and

can I actually get my money back out of the home could be a more of a

remote location issue where it's just not a lot of people buying in a small

town or in a rural area so you got to factor that into it yes it's technically

worth that if I used to rebuild it might be worth you know what the cost is but

can I actually sell it that's the question you always have to ask can I

actually sell it can actually get my money back out of this property if I

need to okay so interest rates mm-hmm not a lot of change everything's kind of been

fairly steady so I've updated the rate sheet it's yeah not much changes there

but anyway have a good weekend long weekend and everyone's back to school

some were back this week some are going back next week so everyone will be back

to school life will be back to normal summer is over once again all right talk

to you next week. Ciao

For more infomation >> Infill | Mortgage Weekly | Sept 2nd, 2017 | Jason Roy | Edmonton Mortgage Broker - Duration: 3:57.


Love quotes | quotes about love - i love you quotes 97 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Love quotes | quotes about love - i love you quotes 97 - Duration: 2:15.


A new YouTube? - Duration: 4:15.

YouTube has been recently updated with a new design and a new logo.

They say it is a cleanup of the service and an endeavour to make it work for you.

But for me, it doesn't.

The new dark theme is reminiscent of the very dark side of YouTube.

Underneath the surface of their messages on 'positivity' and 'diversity', is an

atmosphere of hostility and uniformity.

Under the guise of the Restricted Mode, YouTube has been actively censoring videos that disagree

with that message.

They also have been demonetising most of these videos, as such killing the livelihood of

such creators.

And they're doing this even if the things they say are true.

And this isn't even touching on their parent company Google, who fires those who simply

point out facts that they don't like.

YouTube does aim to promote their message, but in a very sinister way.

They promote the positivity of ideas that dare not be argued against, and the diversity

of colour, not the diversity of thought.

There's a reason for this.

YouTube believes in a term known as 'hate speech'.

On their community guidelines, they say that they defend the right to express.

But they also say that there is a 'fine line' between hate speech and free speech.

That's utter nonsense.

It doesn't matter if YouTube is a private company, even though the Supreme Court ruled

that hate speech is not an exception.

The right to the freedom of speech is enshrined into the texts of human rights declarations.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19.

American Convention on Human Rights, Article 13.

These are the articles that people fight for for their own liberty.

And YouTube conveniently claims victory to the contrary.

Hate speech is a lie, then only a tool for subjectively censoring under a euphemistic


YouTube wants to improve their service with 'Heroes', an initiative which includes

the mass flagging of videos and comments violating YouTube guidelines.

But their guidelines, the 'hate speech' and it all, censor ideas that they disagree

with by design.

When you can become famous and popular just by flagging videos and comments, you know

there's something very wrong.

YouTube Heroes are the villains that take our right to express.

Because it's about time that their bubble of indoctrination - from a company whose CEO

says that interrupting her is a misogynist 'micro-aggression' - burst.

YouTube is a service with secretly malicious intentions.

They claim to promote causes against intolerance, but they are the ones promoting it subliminally.

With their updates, they have failed to address their one-sided advocacy.

They're just covering it up at this point.

They say that if you don't change yourself you will change the world.

So when they try to change themselves, they don't change the fact that they are a piece

of s***t.

With censorship getting rife and ideas being silenced, with the uniformity of the advocacy

of things that social justice warriors like, I ask, on YouTube: what will you be watching


For more infomation >> A new YouTube? - Duration: 4:15.



For more infomation >> WHY YOU NEED TO SWAP TO NATURAL HAIRSPRAY NOW - Duration: 17:09.


Interviews - Behavioural Questions and How To Answer Them - How Do You Handle a Difficult Situation - Duration: 2:30.

Hi, this is Sal from Oz Resumes, thank you again for dropping by. Really appreciate your time here.

So today we're going to talk about behavioral questions in an interview and how

do you answer them. One typical question in particular sometimes get asked is how

do you handle a difficult situation when you are working in a project. So what the

question entails is, they want to know if you are a team player and how do you deal

with problematic team player. So it is quite easy to solve that question and

the steps that you can answer. Obviously this will work well for either

for an introverted person or an extroverted person. You want to talk this you can

tell them, okay first off address the problem, speak to the person. Now you have

to behave in a manner that you do not feel about the situation but understand the problem

first. Say for example this scenario "Mr. X" never comes early for

group meetings and project meetings and always wants to leave early and does not

carries their own weight in the project. So you have identified those problems. Then

obviously once you have identified the problems, you would speak to the person personally

and discuss this with your team manager. If you still

does not you know get resolved after you have advised the person of the issues

that you are facing with him or her, you and the team manager should you bring it to the

a higher level manager. So you should be, the word is not "feel about it", identify a problem

be assertive in a sense not aggressive to solve the problem you raise the issue

you product to your manager and then you brought your manager's manager until

nothing gets resolved and you bring it to higher authority. Hopefully then you

can show the productivity improving in the project.

Alright thanks that is my tip for the day on behavioral question on how you work

in a team and how do you resolve a conflict and an issue with a team member.

All right this is Sal from Oz Resumes. I am offering a free 20-30 minute

Coaching Call and Resume Review so if you can go to

and go to the contact page there and fill out through the time and

fill out a few questions that I need to know about you. Then hopefully we can

pop on a call on Skype and go from there. Thanks again for watching this video!

This is Sal from Oz Resumes speak to you soon.

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