Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier...
(mouth mlem) pfft
Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier and welcome to Would You Rather.
Now, this one is hilarious in my opinion. "Spend one night passionately with Rosie O'Donnell
Or have your two front teeth pulled out." Now personally I got nothing against Rosie O'Donnell and,
specifically, they're not really defining what passionately means. They don't say that we're having sex or anything like that.
It could be a passionate discussion. It could be a passionate game of Badminton.
It could be a passionate game of Twister that leads INTO a passionate night of rompage...
I mean...(Awkward silence)
I gotta go, I don't want my two front teeth pulled out. I like my two front 'toofus'.
I'll take--I'll take the passionate night. It sounds fun.
I'll take the Rosie O'donnell. I'm not oh, God. I'm not I'm not
I'm not opposed to that and it seems like a lot of people agree with me.
"Be a famous homosexual professional athlete or be a heterosexual average person."
I'm going to take the professional athlete. What's the difference if I'm homosexual?
That doesn't change anything it just means I'm...
Just means I'm homosexual, thats literally all that means, but I'm famous and a professional athlete, so I'm hot as shit,
And I'm famous. Well, I'll take that any day. Oh, yeah, oh!
Really?! Oh, really?! Oh, really?!
59% of people would rather be an average heterosexual person than be an awesome homosexual person. Hey
You all stay over there in your stupidity zone. I'm going to be here with the cool hot famous people.
"Would you rather wear only skin tight clothing or wear clothes that are much too big?"
Well, I mean if the last one is anything to go by, if I'm a famous sports person
I'm thinking that I'm going to be wearing a lot of skin tight clothing. I'm going to be bursting out of pretty much everything
that I got, so I'll take the skin tight. I'll take the skin tight(chuckles). I'll take the really tight clothing there
You know what I mean
Would you ra... "if you had kids would you rather regurgitate food to feed them or lick your children to bathe them?"
I'm thinking... okay, I'm thinking that one-uh-both are probably gonna traumatize my kids for life
let's just get that out of the way there if I'm licking my children to bathe them
or I'm regurgitating food like, one way or another. They're gonna be scarred for life, but number two
I don't think that society would accept either of these
But I think one of these
society would accept less than the other and I think that's licking my children to bathe them. If I'm puking up my food
Hey, I just--if I just ate it. Hey that--that foods practically good to eat, okay?
(nervous chuckling)
I'll pick the regurgitating but not by a lot. It's--it's pretty close deal here. Seems like people agree with me
I just don't wanna--I don't wanna g-I don't wanna be that guy
That's bad, either way, all right. "Would you rather be visited by ancient aliens or be visited by mole people?"
What do you mean ancient aliens? What are these, the Romans of the alien's era?
And it just so happened to stumble upon Earth like, they're in their prehistoric ancient alien times
But they just happen to be here on Earth, and I meet them. The mole people, however,
That Mole the-the mole people
...seems interesting. I mean one: I'd have a lot of questions of why there were Mole People in the first place
But if they're anything like naked mole rats put up a picture of naked mole rats. Yeah, if they're anything like that. That ain't good ah
(disgusted sounds)
Yeah, that ain't gonna be good
I'll take the ancient aliens because the implication is interesting as to how that happened. "Would you rather never have to grocery shop again or
never have to do laundry again?" Well, pretty much where I live I can get groceries delivered to my door
So that's pretty nice, but I still have to do laundry,
so I'm gonna go with never having to do laundry again because fUck that. I miss living in my mom's basement
[laughing] because at least my mom did my laundry for me
back when I was first starting out Youtube, I... I lived in my mom's... pretty much basement and
she did my laundry for me and that was nice, that was nice times, that was good times... that was good times...
She also did all the cooking so I just miss living in my mom's house! Times were better back then
I'll take the laundry
"Would you rather have every song you've ever listened to turn into Nyan Cat or every movie you ever watched turn into Badgers, Badgers, Badgers?"
Now, are we talking about Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers, Badgers because that sounds awesome?
Nyan Cat
I get pretty sick of that after a while and-and also I've taken a new liking to music and I don't want Ed Sheeran to
Suddenly start spouting out a ballot of Nyan Cat there so I'll take the badgers because that's awesome
Oh, you idiots. Oh, you idiots you don't know what you're doing. You don't know what you're listening to.
Badgers is amazing. Alright, "would you rather know a few things about everything or know everything but only about a few things"
So you'd rather have a phd or be that guy that thinks they know everything
I--I don't know I'd rather know everything about a few things
Because I don't think that means I don't think that means. Oh wait, no Wait, NO! exploit
If you know a few things about everything then you know things about topics that we as humanity have not even discovered yet
You know a few things about aliens in the universe you know a few things about these subatomic particles
You know a few things about quantum theory you know a few things about time travel you know a few things about teleportation
you know a few things about alternate universes. You do. So you know
an infinite amount of things
Technically because it means EVERYTHING; every nuance of detail, every single person that ever lived. You know a few things about them
You know a few things about events that took place in the past--you may not know all the details
You don't know everything, but you know that it happened
You can at least say a yes or no answer as to whether something happened or not
that's a new way to look at that question that I had not thought of and I think that's okay because if you know a
Few things about absolutely everything that you would know some things about what not or what yeah?
I gotcha! "Would you rather be the best known person in a small band bit under 200 people know or be some guy on the
sidelines of your favorite band?"
Yeah, I mean
you know I'd--I'd rather be the best known person because I
You know what the best known doesn't mean best person in the band
You know you can be on the sidelines or you can be the best known person in small bands
It doesn't mean that you can't change your circumstances
but if you're on the sidelines of your favorite band, that gives you the most
opportunity to learn and it gives you the most
Opportunity to experience things because if my favorite band would say a bigger band toured around the world
Then at least I would be able to experience that like the best known of 200 people
if I'm on the sidelines of the fit with my favorite band heck. I'm probably going to be known by more than 200 people
You know what I mean?
that doesn't mean that I'm the most skilled
But I'd rather be on the sidelines of something greater than a than a big fish in a very very small pond
You know what I mean?
would you rather be stuck in a room with Dead bodies or eat five spiders
Well, how long am I stuck in the room with dead bodies and and spiders are nutritious damn it
Spiders are goddamn nutritious. I-I'll eat a spider. I'll eat a spider any day. I'll take that. I'll take that challenge. Give me the spider
Oh you big babies being in your room with Dead bodies oh you weirdos
You 59% is the same people who rather be average hom-uh
heterosexual people ah
People like you that aren't eating spiders. I hate spiders, but I'll eat them I'll eat the tiny ones. Lil baby spiders. five baby spiders
Put them in a pizza
Would you rather always?
Drive under the speeding limit or always drive over the speed in limit you mean would I rather
Live my life the way I don't live it. Or, live my life the way I already do live it because that's kinda--
Oh, no, oh no! I've been fucked
[indistinguishable username] really pointed out, "wouldn't always driving over me, not being able to stop"
You're right. Oh, you're right, "always driving over", you're always doing that oh
Oh no, you're absolutely right. I would never be able to stop. I'm stupid change my answer
Aaahh Noooo! I'm dumb!
Would you rather never be able to wear shoes or never be able to touch anything red. Well, by this question's own logic
I can't touch that red button if I touch that red button, I can't I literally can't
If I can't touch anything right, and I go with that one, I can't touch that button
I mean, I know it's beforehand, but then what does that even work if I accept that reality?
I won't be able to touch that button
I'm in a conundrum of perpetual distortion. Take the shoes alright
Would you rather have the voice of the opposite sex or have the muscle mass
Bodybuild of the opposite sex
Alright, so this is interesting so imagine me with a high-pitched feminine voice and
the body. Or,
Imagine me with the body build of a very elegant frame
Very nice live frame. I'm not sure which one I would rather go. I mean I like my voice the way it is I
Also, I also have been gifted with the genetic booming of having a naturally muscular body
Which is good or bad depending on the way you look at it
So I'll leave this question to you guys which one of these would you rather have?
You got to pick one so get to picking
So thank you everybody so much for watching. Let me know what you think of this question down in the
Comments below and let me know what you choose as well
Thanks again, and as always. I will see you in the next video. Buh bye
Ashley House Gaming, Music, and More OUT! Peace!
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