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ACCA F7 Past Paper Exam Question: Faithful representation (Video 7) - Duration: 2:35.So, explain how we should account - here it says two types of issues but we just got one
issue here, so explain how we should account for this issue. So our year ended
30 September. At the start of the year, we have a property in our accounts of 3.5
and we sold it for 5, therefore profit on sale 1.5
all so far so good. And it says part of the terms of the
sale is that we will rent the property back for a period of 5 years. So the
question is then if we rent it back, so we've put Laidlaw rent it back. The question is
is it a sale in substance. Remember there is always substance over form. Okay, so let's
see if we have really sold it then. We're gonna rent it back at annual rental of
four hundred thousand, okay, at the end of this period the property will company
will sell it at it's fair value, which is supposed to be 6.5 million
and we'll be given the opportunity to purchase it back at its fair value. So
everything here is at fair value.We can or Laidlaw can rent it at fair value. And
buy it back at fair value. But that's just like any normal thing we can always
buy a property with regardless of who we are, we could always buy at fair value
so no effect on the substance then. So in fact everything seems okay so the
treatment is correct! They have actually solved it in substance
for five million we and then we just put the rentals to the income statement as
an operating lease as a normal. Okay there's nothing strange going on here
that suggests we haven't really sold the property because everything's at
fair value, everything is normal.
Curtis Stone 3piece DuraBake Bakeware Set - Duration: 15:59.-------------------------------------------
ACCA F7 Full Video Lectures: Enhancing characteristics & Good information (Video 9) - Duration: 2:38.So in the last video we talked about fundamental characteristics of good
information. Faithful representation, relevance. Useless without them.
Now we'll look at the enhancing characteristics of good information
where things are just less useful without these and they are Comparable,
Verifiable, Timely and Understandable. Let's go through those individually then.
Comparable - think of things like an accounting policy. If you change
your accounting policy what you must also change is your comparative last
year, mustn't you. You change your comparative last year so then it also
equals the current year. You can see any trends so
comparability is good for trend analysis. So an accounting policy change
is a good example of it. We change it this year in the current year and then we
go back and we pretend it happened last year. We change the comparative as well
so that it is comparable so that allows us to do trend analysis. Verifiable, that
just means that independent users would agree on how we've treated the item,
ensure that it is faithfully represented. Timely enough, in time for users
to make decisions. No that I've given the information really late a lot less
useful then. And understandable that just means that the account should be clear
and concise. That doesn't mean no complex information, you still include
complex information, you just don't try to make it seem even more complex. If
it's complex its complex but try to keep it clear and concise, include
complex information. How do you do this? Well you do this by doing things like
categorising, don't we, so if you think of the income statement we don't write
every expense out, we help categorise them, we use materiality, we would put things in
according to their character, assets, liabilities etc. And also one thing worth
knowing is, we do expect that users have a
reasonable FR knowledge, so we don't have to explain depreciation to them etc.
We do expect they've got a reasonable knowledge those who are reading the
accounts. OK, so that is that! They're the qualities of good information
In The Garden (Sept. 2) - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
[Horrortale] Animation Stronger Than You Minecraft! - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Despite Previous Backlash! Melania Trump wears Heels AGAIN to visit Texas with Donald Trump - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
ACCA F7 : Full Video Lecture: The Conceptual framework and Relevance (Video 8) - Duration: 0:28.Don't forget we said TWO fundamental characteristics, faithful
representation and of course relevance. Relevance is something to be
relevant to a user, it has to have either a confirmatory value or a predictive
value. We gave the example, didn't we, of the discontinued operations
that would help us predict the future because we know it's not gonna carry
Belonging At Home (CC) - Duration: 5:48.Hello wonderful people of the internet! Today I wanted to talk about the feeling
of being at home and this was inspired by Marie's new video on her own channel.
If you don't know Marie I will leave her channel in the description,
it's beautiful and she's actually finally uploading there again! So what I wanted
to talk about was how in her latest video, Marie touched on the subject of
not necessarily feeling like she belonged with her family as much when
they went on holiday together, and I found this really interesting because
this first year of university I felt pretty similarly when I came home in
between you know in the year but when I didn't stay for very long, like it felt
like I'd forgotten what it meant to be part of my family. In a sense I think we
all felt like that as well, we hadn't been around each other in a while and we
kind of forgotten... We'd forgotten all the little things that we do to annoy
each other and all those kind of things. But I think over this summer we've
really kind of just gotten back into our... Back into our routines and I find it
really interesting because Marie talks about how she didn't necessarily feel
like you know, she didn't feel part of the family anymore in the sense that she
felt that we'd grown she'd grown out of it in a sense I think? I think she'll
probably have to expand another herself but the interesting thing that I have
found being at home is the fact that it's really easy to get into old habits
that you have when you're dependent on other people and I don't think in the
year I don't think it was necessarily that I felt independent I think it was just
the fact that we hadn't been around each other and it was more personalities than
like habits that were different but I found it really interesting this summer
because you know you can definitely depend on your parents for quite a lot
and it's really interesting for me to see how I slip into those old habits
without even realizing it and how sometimes what I'm doing is something is
an old habit that I've had for years but that I don't necessarily want to have
anymore but I think it's up that I still have anyway and that's
something I do need to work on but I think the other thing I really liked
about the idea of belonging or being a home is the fact that this year I lived
with family friends and they they became my family I essentially had what I called you
know my family and my London family and the idea of what it means to
belong and how you can slot in with a group of people who you haven't lived
with before and you know I found that really really cool and really comforting
I think because it's it's easy when you haven't lived with other people to be quite
scared of what kind of person you are and whether there's gonna be any
conflict now luckily for me I don't if it was better or worse but because they
were family friends and I've you know I've known them for basically 10 years I
knew that I got along with everyone but I didn't know how that would change with
me living with them and I think that's that's the thing that I'm probably kind
of worrying a bit more this year because I'm living with friends but they're not
you know we've got a place together it's not an established home as such whilst
where I was living this past year it was kind of I was just kind of slotting with
the family that was already there like you know there was already kind of, they
already had routine set in place and I just had to kind of slot myself in which
was a bit easier but there is definitely an excitement to building your own
routines but I think there's also like there's also a fear that you're not
going to build them properly. I also really loved Mel's video which she did as
part of VEDA where she talked about the routines she wants to build this year
and it really got me thinking about what kind of routines I'd like to build
seeing as though I have this like fresh slate and I can actually like choose
what I want to do because I'm not actually living with any adults there's
no one who's gonna really check up on me and I think that's a difference when you're
living with friends and I think now it actually feels like I'm moving out home.
So yeah that's gonna be interesting. Yeah, I think that's basically what I wanted
to talk about! What I want to know in the comments is, what makes you belong
somewhere? So that could be anywhere so that could be
it's basically what do you find tends to link you to new people? I would love to
know that because I find obviously it can be very very different things
but when you've met someone who you see like joins everyone together what do you
what kind of quality do you think they have them makes everyone feel so
welcomed and that kind of glues everyone together? Because I recently met one of
those and I'm like I love you so much because I feel so much more comfortable
with you around! And also have you moved out before and what was your experience of
it in terms of your relationship with your family and how you felt like have
you did you find yourself feeling a bit more independent and wanting to do more
when you got back home or did you feel like you know you change your habits
quite a lot or did you do what I did and basically just fell into the same habits
that you've had for so many years when you've been living with your family?
So yeah! That is all hopefully you'll see more of my face but I feel like I only
like to make videos when I have things I want to talk about so that can be you
know few and far between but yes you will see me when I have an idea!
Thank you so much for watching, have a wonderful time doing what you're doing
and I'll see you next time! Bye guys!
The Gospel of John: Chapter 8 - GNT READ ALONG WITH CC - Duration: 10:56.John 8 Good News Translation (GNT) The Woman Caught in Adultery
8 Then everyone went home, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 Early the next morning He went back to the Temple.
All the people gathered around Him, and He sat down and began to teach them.
3 The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who had been caught committing
adultery, and they made her stand before them all.
4 "Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the very act of committing
5 In our Law Moses commanded that such a woman must be stoned to death.
Now, what do You say?"
6 They said this to trap Jesus, so that they could accuse Him.
But He bent over and wrote on the ground with His finger.
7 As they stood there asking Him questions, He straightened up and said to them, "Whichever
one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her."
8 Then He bent over again and wrote on the ground.
9 When they heard this, they all left, one by one, the older ones first.
Jesus was left alone, with the woman still standing there.
10 He straightened up and said to her, "Where are they?
Is there no one left to condemn you?"
11 "No one, Sir," she answered.
"Well, then," Jesus said, "I do not condemn you either.
Go, but do not sin again."
Jesus the Light of the World
12 Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again.
"I Am the light of the world," He said.
"Whoever follows Me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness."
13 The Pharisees said to Him, "Now You are testifying on Your Own behalf; what You say
proves nothing."
14 "No," Jesus answered, "even though I do testify on My Own behalf, what I say
is true, because I know where I came from and where I am going.
You do not know where I came from or where I am going.
15 You make judgments in a purely human way; I pass judgment on no one.
16 But if I were to do so, My judgment would be true, because I am not alone in this; the
Father who sent Me is with Me.
17 It is written in your Law that when two witnesses agree, what they say is true.
18 I testify on My own behalf, and the Father Who sent Me also testifies on My behalf."
19 "Where is Your father?" they asked Him.
"You know neither Me nor My Father," Jesus answered.
"If you knew Me, you would know My Father also."
20 Jesus said all this as He taught in the Temple, in the room where the offering boxes
were placed.
And no one arrested Him, because His hour had not come.
You Cannot Go Where I Am Going 21 Again Jesus said to them, "I will go
away; you will look for Me, but you will die in your sins.
You cannot go where I am going."
22 So the Jewish authorities said, "He says that we cannot go where He is going.
Does this mean that He will kill Himself?"
23 Jesus answered, "You belong to this world here below, but I come from above.
You are from this world, but I am not from this world.
24 That is why I told you that you will die in your sins.
And you will die in your sins if you do not believe that 'I Am Who I Am'."
25 "Who are You?" they asked Him.
Jesus answered, "What I have told you from the very beginning.
26 I have much to say about you, much to condemn you for.
The One Who sent Me, however, is truthful, and I tell the world only what I have heard
from Him."
27 They did not understand that Jesus was talking to them about the Father.
28 So He said to them, "When you lift up the Son of Man, you will know that 'I Am
Who I Am'; then you will know that I do nothing on My Own authority, but I say only
what the Father has instructed Me to say.
29 And He Who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, because I always do what pleases
30 Many who heard Jesus say these things believed in Him.
The Truth Will Set You Free 31 So Jesus said to those who believed in
Him, "If you obey My teaching, you are really My disciples; 32 you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
33 "We are the descendants of Abraham," they answered, "and we have never been anybody's
What do You mean, then, by saying, 'You will be free'?"
34 Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of
35 A slave does not belong to a family permanently, but a son belongs there forever.
36 If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free.
37 I know you are Abraham's descendants.
Yet you are trying to kill Me, because you will not accept My teaching.
38 I talk about what My Father has shown Me, but you do what your father has told you."
39 They answered Him, "Our father is Abraham."
"If you really were Abraham's children," Jesus replied, "you would do the same things
that he did.
40 All I have ever done is to tell you the truth I heard from God, yet you are trying
to kill Me.
Abraham did nothing like this!
41 You are doing what your father did."
"God Himself is the only Father we have," they answered, "and we are His true children."
42 Jesus said to them, "If God really were your Father, you would love Me, because I
came from God and now I am here.
I did not come on My own authority, but He sent Me.
43 Why do you not understand what I say?
It is because you cannot bear to listen to My message.
44 You are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's
From the very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because
there is no truth in him.
When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and
the father of all lies.
45 But I tell the truth, and that is why you do not believe Me.
46 Which one of you can prove that I am guilty of sin?
If I tell the truth, then why do you not believe Me?
47 He Who comes from God listens to God's words.
You, however, are not from God, and that is why you will not listen."
Jesus and Abraham 48 They asked Jesus, "Were we not right
in saying that You are a Samaritan and have a demon in You?"
49 "I have no demon," Jesus answered.
"I honor My Father, but you dishonor Me.
50 I am not seeking honor for Myself.
But there is one who is seeking it and who judges in My favor.
51 I am telling you the truth: whoever obeys My teaching will never die."
52 They said to Him, "Now we know for sure that You have a demon!
Abraham died, and the prophets died, yet You say that whoever obeys Your teaching will
never die.
53 Our father Abraham died; You do not claim to be greater than Abraham, do You?
And the prophets also died.
Who do You think you are?" 54 Jesus answered, "If I were to honor Myself,
that honor would be worth nothing.
The One Who honors Me is My Father—the very One you say is your God.
55 You have never known Him, but I know Him.
If I were to say that I do not know Him, I would be a liar like you.
But I do know Him, and I obey His word.
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see the time of My coming; he saw it and
was glad."
57 They said to Him, "You are not even fifty years old—and You have seen Abraham?"
58 "I am telling you the truth," Jesus replied.
"Before Abraham was born, 'I Am'."
59 Then they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and left the Temple.
The Millennial Tiny House All In One | New Zealand tiny house - Duration: 3:45.The Millennial Tiny House All In One
Reinvent Your Style Series | Part 1 - Introduction to the Micro Capsule Wardrobe - Duration: 10:27.Are you ready to totally revitalize your personal style, but need a step-by-step program to
get you there?
Than stay tuned, because this series is just for you.
Welcome to the channel Style Angels.
Iam super excited to be launching this 10-part series.
Through it, I'm going to give weekly tutorials that will take you through the process of
revitalizing your personal style, all the way from defining your style vision, through
to building a micro capsule wardrobe of pieces you love that will help you live your style
outloud - and coordinate several outfits to reflect your new style.
Now if you're impatient, like I am, and don't have the patience to go through the 10 week
series process, to start revitalizing your personal style, I also have a workbook, I'll
put the link below.
You can buy it today, it will have all the steps laid out for you.
And, for a limited time, I am offering the workbook in conjunction with some services
directly from me.
So it is, I think, honestly one of the most affordable and accessible ways to start revitalizing
your personal style with support from a Personal Stylist.
Check it out.
I've been interested in doing a style series like this for a long time.
Something that is really pragmatic and step-by-step to take a woman from a style she's dissatisfied
with through to having actual clothes, in her closet, that reflect a style she's thrilled
Here's why: most women I meet, live in a state of perpetual dissatisfaction with their wardrobes.
Think about it - most of us spend a significant amount of our disposable income on fashion
and style.
Perhaps we spend the vast majority of our disposable income on fashion and style.
In addition to that, we spend hundreds, maybe thousands of hours over a lifetime, in the
malls, shopping online, caring for our clothes, overhauling our closet, eyeing up new styles
on pinterest or instagram, envying another woman's style, trying to bring our style together.
Given this exorbitant investment of time and money that we put into our clothing, a woman's
wardrobe should be an oasis.
It should be her own personal little pocket of paradise in her home.
But that's not what it's like for most women.
It wasn't like that for me for a very long time.
Despite all the time and energy we spend shopping and thinking about style, most of us lack
a really strong style core and so we keep falling into the same style traps.
We do things like buying pieces on sale that we never end up wearing, pursue a style that
we like on someone else but never really feel good about on ourselves.
We buy pieces we like but still find it really really difficult to coordinate a whole outfit
or create an entire look that we're excited about.
And we keep living in this pattern, perpetually and forever, of maybe liking items here or
there but seldom feeling really confident about the style we're reflecting to the world.
And that sucks.
Most of the problem stems from the fact that we don't have a clear, style vision to begin
LIke most things in life, if you don't know what you're looking for, you are very unlikely
to find it.
You may stumble across a few winners from time to time - find a dress that makes you
feel amazing or a shirt that you're always happy when you put on, but you are not going
to stumble into a comprehensive wardrobe that reflects your look from day to day, that gives
you coordinating pieces that all work together to give you outfits you can easily pull off
the rack, roll into life and enjoy.
That doesn't happen by accident.
That doesn't happen by luck.
That happens with planning - and that's what this series is about.
Over the next several weeks, I'm going to walk you through every step of developing
a new style.
From developing your style vision, to finding style totems, understanding your body shape
and how to dress it, through to planning for style and building a capsule wardrobe of pieces
you absolutely love.
If you follow this series through, and do all the steps, at the end of it, you will
have a micro capsule wardrobe of pieces you absolutely love to reflect your new look.
Alright, so what the heck is a "micro capsule wardrobe"?
A micro capsule wardrobe is a term I made up because it's just perfect for what I like
to advocate for.
People who've been following the channel know that I'm a big advocate of capsule wardrobes
generally, but a micro capsule wardrobe is a very small capsule, I'm using the example
of about 10 pieces, and it's not designed to replace all of the clothes in your wardrobe,
it's designed transition your style to a new level.
This is perfect if you're planning a new look for the season coming up or if you like some
of your pieces but you really need to take a new perspective on your style altogether
and evolve it to a new place.
In this series, we're going to use the example of a 10-piece micro capsule wardrobe, but
you can customize this for your own needs.
You can five new pieces, just to spice up the wardrobe you've got going.
Your capsule could be 12 pieces, 15 pieces, whatever you need.
You can even pull from your own closet and just buy one or two pieces to spice it up
and still follow this formula.
Now can you actually completely revitalize your style with just 10 pieces?
I've seen it happen many times.
In fact, one of the biggest myths about style is that you need a really large wardrobe,
or an expensive wardrobe, to achieve it.
That is completely untrue.
Not only can 10 pieces be absolute magic for your lifestyle, but a full closet that is
just bursting at the seams with pieces that are not carefully selected and not well organized,
that's actually a huge impediment tio style.
Intellectually, psychologically, that creates a lot of clutter.
It becomes very difficult to pull things that reflect your and get out in the morning quickly
when you have a really abundant and just crazy overstuffed wardrobe.
It is not a good foundation for style.
Whereas 10 pieces that are carefully curated and work magic on your body and coordinate
well together ... that is a solid foundation for style and we're going to get working on
it in this series.
Let's imagine our capsule wardrobe is made up of two pairs of dress pants in different
colors; one skirt, four tops in various colors, necklines and prints; one blazer; and two
cardigans that can be worn over the tops.
We can then wear any of the three bottoms with any of the four tops, which gives us
12 foundational outfits that we can wear as part of this capsule.
We can then layer any of the cardigans or blazer on top of these outfits ... any of
the layering pieces work with any of the 12 foundational outfits ... to give us a total
of 36 unique combinations.
In addition, not even counted in the 36 outfit analysis, we can wear the cardigans done up,
as a sweater, with any of the bottoms and that gives us even more options to choose
As you can see, that is a ton of style power in just 10 pieces, but to get that power,
you have to choose the right pieces.
Much like a designer's collection, or even a collection of art, everything is a piece
within a larger puzzle, a larger plan that clicks together to give you exactly what you're
looking for and that's why I love it.
It's perfect for minimalists or even fashionistas on a budget, or even people who are just sick
and tired of being stressed about style.
Keep i mind that people evaluate us one outfit at a time, based on what we're wearing in
front of them, with zero regard for what's in our closet.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
You've got designer dresses hanging in your closet with the tags on?
Nobody cares.
You get zero style points for that.
People only get their impressions about you, and get your style vibe, based on what you
actually put on your body and wear out of the house.
Given this reality, doesn't it make sense to buy less pieces, but invest in better ones?
I think so!
To celebrate the launch of this series, I'm offering a really unique special for a very
limited time and I think it's going to have to be just on a first come, first serve basis
... whoa .. hey now.
If you decide to buy the workbook at the original very, very low price, you'll get a free email
exchange with me.
The idea is, buy the workbook, start planning for style and then reach out to me about anything
you're hung up on or could use a little help with and we'll do one email back and forth
for no cost at all.
There's additional packages on the website that I'll keep going for a little bit longer,
but this one is the early bird VIP special so be sure to check that out.
If you like this series and you think it's a good idea, please do a "like" down below
so I can keep em coming and don't forget to subscribe to join the Working Look tribe.
Alright guys, that's it for me.
I'm super excited this.
Let's get the style transformation started.
Bad Baby Song for Kids Educational Video for Children Nursery Rhymes Learn colors with Color Train - Duration: 1:50.Bad Baby Song for Kids Educational Video for Children Nursery Rhymes Learn colors with Color Train by MagicArt
What?! The sky is a separate source of light? - Duration: 3:54.Hi! It's artist Daniil Belov and my painting lessons
Today I'll tell you about lighting on a clear sunny day.
Once we were painting en plein air at Solovetsky Islands.
We found a gorgeous view there.
There were giant colored rocks in the foreground, these boulders,
on the second plane there was moss and on the third plane there was a forest.
And we had a piece of blue sky on the third plane too.
I started to work on the subject.
I painted the sky, the third plane and the moss.
It seemed that the painting was going well.
But when I started to paint the rocks, everything started to crumble!
I was painting not rocks but some clay, some Plasticine.
It looked like the rocks didn't belong to this landscape!
I thought, what I am doing wrong?
I tried to place the paint with a palette knife.
I was thinking it might be better with a palette knife.
But nothing had helped.
The rocks still looked like Plasticine no matter what I did.
I understood what happened only after I had learned
that actually on a clear sunny day there are two light sources.
The first light source is the sky, and the second is the Sun.
The sky lights our scene evenly from all sides with a soft light,
and the Sun creates a bright flow of parallel and directed light beams.
The Sun shines much more intensively than the sky.
And now...
here I tried to recreate a scene where the sky is a light source.
You can see that the objects are lit more or less softly
with a blue-tinted light.
As you have probably seen, the sky is blue and it lights
with a blue-colored light.
It lights the whole scene with a blue light.
Like a dome.
And now, imagine that I add the Sun.
Here it is.
Look what we get!
An additional light source has appeared.
It creates a light flow.
This bright flow of a white light,
this directed, sharp flow, is much more intense than the sky.
In my example a humble lamp acts as the Sun.
The light flow from the lamp is not very parallel.
That's why you can see here that the shadows are spreading a bit.
And you can see how much more intense the Sun is in comparison with the sky.
You can see it by the contrast of light and shadows.
Look at the sharp shadows that appear here.
At the same time, you can notice that the sky doesn't stop lighting the scene.
You can notice it especially easily in the shadows.
Our shadows, the core shadows and the cast shadows,
they both have a clear blue tint.
And the same thing happens in a landscape.
And that is what I missed in the rocks which I was painting at Solovetsky Islands.
I needed to add a cold blue light from the sky in the shadows.
That's why they were looking like Plasticine, as if they were aliens from some other landscape.
The closer the Sun is to the horizon,
the warmer its light is reaching the ground.
In the example of this building you can clearly see
that the walls which are lit with the Sun now
have a warm, yellowish color.
But the sky didn't stop lighting the scene,
so if we look at the shadows,
we will see that they have a blue tint.
It's most noticeable on the columns.
Please, write in the comments if you already knew that the sky and the Sun are two separate
sources of light.
I would be very interested to learn how it's taught in other art schools.
And please tell me how you were taught to work with shading in your art school.
Were you taught to draw shading from nature, copying it in your drawing exactly the same
as it is in nature?
Or were you taught to understand how shading is formed to work on it later from your imagination?
Or maybe you copy shading from photos?
If you would like me to talk more about drawing and painting, become my patron at
Practice Problem: Box Sliding Down a Ramp - Duration: 6:32.We thought that Lisa was done asking for favors, but she has it in her to ask for one more.
I know, the nerve, but she did save your life that one time in Tijuana, so when she asks
you to help fix the roof of her new house, you really have no choice.
You grab your tool box and climb on up there, but while you are getting situated, you drop
your tool box and it begins sliding down the roof.
You shout to Lisa to catch the tool box, but she was inside making Arnold Palmers, so it
takes her a full five seconds to make it out there.
The tool box has a mass of ten kilograms, the distance from the top of the roof to the
edge is ten meters, the roof is angled at forty degrees off the horizontal and ten meters
off the ground, and the coefficient of friction of the roof is 0.45.
Given all this information, will she make it out in time to catch the tool box?
For this incredibly dramatic scenario, we need kinematics equations, Newton's laws,
friction, and a little geometry and trigonometry, given the triangles and angles involved.
If you aren't sure how to go about solving this, check out my tutorials on these subjects
in the classical physics and mathematics series, and when you're ready, give it a try.
So what should we do first?
Well, we always make a free-body diagram first.
The gravitational force acting on the box is 98 Newtons, and that will point straight
However, motion must occur at an angle, so let's break up this vector into two components
that are parallel and perpendicular to the axis of motion.
Then, let's trace a right triangle with the one component and this dashed line as
the legs, and the original vector as the hypotenuse.
This dashed line will be the same as the other leg of the triangle, and if we can find the
missing sides of this triangle, we will have the magnitudes of the new vectors.
To do this, we use trig functions.
We have this angle here, forty degrees.
Given that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees, and this other one is 90,
this one must be 50.
Cosine theta is equal to adjacent over hypotenuse, so cosine 50 is equal to this component over
the original vector.
We can rearrange that to solve for this vector, and 98 cosine 50 equals 63 Newtons.
Then, sine theta is equal to opposite over hypotenuse, so sine 50 is equal to the Y component
over the original vector.
Again, we rearrange, and 98 sine 50 equals 75.1 Newtons.
Let's get rid of what we no longer need, and we are left with these two components
of the gravitational force.
We know there is also a normal force, which is perpendicular to the roof, and therefore
equal in magnitude to this perpendicular component but opposite in direction.
Then with that, we are able to calculate the frictional force that opposes the sliding
motion caused by this parallel component.
That will just be the frictional coefficient times the normal force, which gives us 33.8
Newtons, in the negative direction.
Now to get the net force, these two vectors cancel, so we combine these, giving us 63
minus 33.8, or 29.2 Newtons.
And there's our net force.
Now to find the acceleration of the box, that will just require Newton's second law, F
equals MA. 29.2 goes in for F, 10 kilograms for M, and that gives us 2.92 meters per second
squared as the acceleration.
Lastly, given this acceleration, how long will it take for the box to reach the edge
of the roof?
We need an equation from kinematics that has distance, acceleration, and time, so let's
use this one.
Ten meters goes here, the initial velocity is zero so this term goes away, and the acceleration
is what we just calculated.
We rearrange, take the square root, and we get 2.62 seconds for T. That'll get the
box to the edge of the roof.
Once it leaves the roof, it is falling another ten meters straight down under the force of
For that, we can approximate starting from rest in the vertical direction, and plug in
ten meters, zero for initial velocity, acceleration due to gravity, rearrange, take the square
root, and we get 1.43 seconds for the time it takes to fall from the roof to the ground.
2.62 plus 1.43 is 4.05 seconds, the total time for all of this chaos.
Unfortunately, that means that when Lisa makes it out there five seconds after you shout
for her, all she finds is the shattered remains of a trusty tool box that once was.
Sad, but hey, at least you don't have to do any more favors for Lisa.
ACCA F7 Exam Past Paper Question & Answers: Fundamental and enhancing characteristics (Video 10) - Duration: 3:40.OK, so a simple question this time, a simple knowledge question. First of all
it says: "Distinguish between fundamental and enhancing characteristics." So
make sure you can do this. First of all obviously state what they are. So the
fundamental characteristics are relevance and faithful representation, where is the
enhancing characteristics if you remember are comparability, verifiability,
understandable and timely. OK, so first of all state what they are. Then try to
explain what we mean and best way to do this is to say, look, without them, so
if the information is without the fundamental characteristics so if it's
without them then the information would not be useful to investors, to loan
providers. However if the enhancing ones if the information is
just without the enhancing ones it would still be useful because you'd still have
the fundamental ones so without the fundamental ones it's not useful at all,
without the enhancing ones it can still be useful but as its name suggests, it
would enhance it so therefore it would be better with them. That's
basically the difference. So that's the distinguish between
fundamental and enhancing then it says and so move on to the next part of the
question and explain why faithful representation is important. So
this is all you need to know about faithful representation.
You need to remember the words that the information should represent the
underlying economic phenomena. So you trying to show the true position and
a good example of that is a sale and buyback. If you sell
something and then agree to buy it back that might not be a sale, that might
actually be (not always) but it might be and often is a loan. So you would have
account for it as it's true economic phenomena which is a loan. You sell
something you agree to buy it back at more cost that's basically a loan. So
that is an example of substance over form. OK, you're showing the substance
of something rather than the legal position of maybe it just been a sale
you will try and show the substance the true underlying economic phenomena. And
then the other words that you need to remember for faithful representation are
what makes this is the item needs to be complete. So you're not just looking at
the sale you're looking at the complete thing, the extra and the buyback
because that can change things, you need to look at it from a neutral point of
view. Don't try and think Oh yeah, if I account for it as
a sale it makes my sales look better, if it's a loan it's a loan. And
it needs to be free from error. OK, if you can remember that about enhancing and
fundamental characteristics and if you can remember that about faithful
representation you will score full marks no matter what the question is about
information in this exam!
Love quotes | quotes about love - i love you quotes 98 - Duration: 2:16.
ACCA F7 Exam Question: Faithful representation within the IASB's Conceptual Framework (Video 6) - Duration: 5:10.So this is all about faithful representation so let's have a quick
chat about faithful representation. What we mean here is, it's the substance, it's
the substance being more important in the
form. Form meaning the legal situation so the whole idea of substance is, it
represents is the word they use. It represents the true economic phenomenon.
Now I'm going to give you a quick example of this where it's better to go
for the true economic phenomena but let's go for the substance than the
actual legal situation. So let me give you an example. You sell some goods
to a bank for 400 and there's a sales invoice etc so legally / form wise that's
the same, isn't it, you've got a sales invoice, done! But actually
there's an agreement to buy it back for 500 in one year's time and if you think
about the true economic phenomena, there's true substance of what's going
on here, we are going to receive 400
from a bank. We are going to pay back
500 in one year and if you look at as a whole, in substance I'm
hoping you can see that 400 is just a loan a one-year loan.
Why we paid back 500, well 100 needs to go to interest paid
that is the substance, that is how you show it. Not the legal form of just a
sale and then the legal form of 500 being a purchase later
that's not what's happened. The true economic phenomena is that it's a loan. So
you always go for that so you never go for the legal situation you always go
for the true substance which means the companies can't try and be too clever
because you should always show the principle of what's happening. And that's
what this question is asking, it says, which of the following then correctly
applies this principle of faithful representation. So let's have a look at
it. Part A or first bit. Reporting the transaction based on it's legal status
rather than it's economic substance. Well no, that's the opposite isn't it. We're
saying that you should show the true economic substance you should show the
true economic phenomena not the legal status. And doing that is
definitely wrong. That's the whole point of faithful representation is do it the
other way around. Excluding the subs and not consolidating a subsidiary
just because its activities are different from the group. Well no, that's
not substance over form at all. Recording the whole of the net proceeds so all of
the loan or the whole of the net proceeds from the issue of a loan which
potentially could go to equity shown it all as debts. Well no because some of it
could go to equity the best thing to do on this convertible loan you always show
a convertible loan as mainly debt but a little bit of equity too because it might
get converted, that's the substance of it. So no, showing it all as a debt that's
wrong so the answer must be "D" allocating part of the sales proceeds of a motor
vehicle to interest received even though it was sold with interest free finance.
That is true because if you go to a shop and you see a car available for 10,000
and you can get zero percent interest on it for two years well
somebody's paying for that interest somewhere and what's really happening is
that the car is probably worth 12,000 cars, it's probably worth
8,000 and 2,000 of that would be they're giving you
interest for the next four years so the car is only worth 8,000
so you'd put 8,000 to the sale of the car and 2000 interest receipt. Not
just putting the whole 10,000 to a car because even though it looks like you're
getting a bargain, you are not. Somebody, somewhere is paying for the interest so
the car itself must be worth less. So just have a read at that again
allocating part of the sales proceeds of a motor vehicle to interest received, yes
instead of putting the whole 10,000 in, put 2,000 of it to interest received even
though there is always 0% yet that's why you've put in some to interest received
you have to make up a figure , based on what the market interest is. Somebody,
somewhere is paying for it. Okay, so the answer is D!
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