depending on how well you want to do in particular if you're starting a company
you need to work super hard so what is super hard mean well when my brother and
I were starting our first company instead of getting an apartment we just
rented a small office and we slept on the couch and we showered at the YMCA
and we were so hard up we had just one computer so because the website was up
during the day and I was coding at night seven days a week all the time and I
briefly had a girlfriend in that period and in order to be with me she had to sleep
in the office so work hard every waking hour that's that's the
thing I would I would say if you're particularly if you're starting a
company and if you do simple maths say like okay if somebody else is
working 50 hours and you're working 100 you'll get twice as much done in
the course of a year as the other company so I think that that compulsion
has to be there it has to be something that you you can doubt all the time but
deep down inside you know that this is something you have to do and you know I
think I've dealt with some of the adversity some of the challenges of
which we've had many you know I started a band and the world laughed at me
literally laughed at me kicked us around talked s*** about us in the press for years
and still do you know but we hunkered down we worked and we worked and we
worked we'd play arenas all over the world we have the most amazing brilliant
beautiful fans one could ever ask for and we've had an incredible life as a
result so if I have listened to the choir to the chorus of everyone I would
have stopped because that's what people want you to do for some reason some
people would rather kill your dream than see you succeed I don't know what that
is you know I mean Ayn Rand talks about that as the looters you know we can
debate her in that some other time but you know
I think it's important to be stubborn and to to follow your dreams no matter
what you want to get your work ethic so high that people actually admire you I'm
going to ask you a question right now do people know you because of your
unbelievable work ethic if you can't answer yes to that man you're not going
to get in that top ten percent you got to get to the top you people have to
know you not because he's a good salesman oh he's a good this oh he's an
artist oh he's a good pianist oh he writes a great story no
people need to know you for one major thing first he works he produces the
guys there every day the guys pushing and shoving because the truth is no
matter how good your ideas are how good your art is or how good your skill set
is if you're not working man if you're not vibrating at a frequency that people
say my God how does that guy do all that if you're not vibrating at that rate 10x
levels massive action tremendous work ethic that's just a muscle now it's
just a discipline in your life and it's a way it's a normal way that other
people think is abnormal Ryan Seacrest Tom Cruise Oprah Steven Spielberg Donald
Trump still pumping and working as a billionaire look if you're not working
at that level you're not going to make it get your work ethic in man it's the
American Way work ethic enjoy the journey not the
destination a lot of us delay our happiness when I get to this level when
I get my degree when I get the kids when I get married I'm going to be happy
enjoy the journey enjoy the whole step the whole process
every day that you get up to strive for whatever it is you're after you know I'm
a goal-oriented guy yeah absolutely but you don't celebrate when you get to the finish line
celebrate all along the way celebrate all along the way success is born out of
luck its awareness of mind that takes advantage of that opportunity
you will all be confronted with opportunity
you must take advantage of it because if you don't take advantage of your
opportunity you'll never realize your dreams whether you want them or not is
the irrelevance you don't know that until you achieve it you know that's all you
have at the end of the day is your work and your integrity
at all costs I don't care if it's four scenes in a movie and I don't care what
it is that you have to infuse it with as much excellence as you can
so when absolutely when I you know was able to work with Meryl Streep it was a
dream come true and I knew that I had to step up my game you know you always get
better when you work with people who are excellent you almost never get better
when you work with people who are not excellent the other thing is is that you
got to work your butt off if you think that you're going to go and accomplish
something really special and be the best in anything in the world if you think
you can do it without working you make a big mistake because no matter what I did
if it was in body building or in acting or if it was in the political
arena it always took a lot a lot of work and you've gotta put out and you've got
to you know sometimes make a lot of sacrifices notice if you're not willing to
work hard forget about it it is another rule that is very important that is total
nonsense you cannot be a effective student if you are going off of extrinsic
motivation so the solution here is that any extrinsic motivations you have what
you've got to do is you've got to literally just put them off to the side
in your brain off to the side stop thinking about them stop caring about
them stop putting any value into that kind of stuff you don't need it it
doesn't matter what your grades are what's important is why are you trying
to become a great student you want to become a great student you want to learn
how to study because this is a critical life skill this is something that
literally is going to set up your entire life and this will mean the difference
between being happy and being miserable this will mean the difference between
being rich and being poor this will be the difference between being neurotic
and being a calm and even-keeled in your life this will be the difference
between having an amazing marriage and amazing relationship and horrible
marriage and a horrible relationship this will be the difference for you
having an amazing successful business and a disastrous business that goes into
bankruptcy so literally every area of your life you want to have success in or
you want to be happy in will require study it will require it
personal development is all about studying how you work how your
psychology works this is not something that you just get spontaneously through
osmosis this is something that you have to sit down open lots of
books study lots of stuff take lots of notes so this is proper studying to me
what's exciting about studying is not that I'm going to get some grades or I'm
going to say that oh I know some trivial facts like I know when the war of 1812
started and why it started and I know all the causes of this and I know how
the physics of that works that's not important at all to me it's all about
understanding life
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