Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

depending on how well you want to do in particular if you're starting a company

you need to work super hard so what is super hard mean well when my brother and

I were starting our first company instead of getting an apartment we just

rented a small office and we slept on the couch and we showered at the YMCA

and we were so hard up we had just one computer so because the website was up

during the day and I was coding at night seven days a week all the time and I

briefly had a girlfriend in that period and in order to be with me she had to sleep

in the office so work hard every waking hour that's that's the

thing I would I would say if you're particularly if you're starting a

company and if you do simple maths say like okay if somebody else is

working 50 hours and you're working 100 you'll get twice as much done in

the course of a year as the other company so I think that that compulsion

has to be there it has to be something that you you can doubt all the time but

deep down inside you know that this is something you have to do and you know I

think I've dealt with some of the adversity some of the challenges of

which we've had many you know I started a band and the world laughed at me

literally laughed at me kicked us around talked s*** about us in the press for years

and still do you know but we hunkered down we worked and we worked and we

worked we'd play arenas all over the world we have the most amazing brilliant

beautiful fans one could ever ask for and we've had an incredible life as a

result so if I have listened to the choir to the chorus of everyone I would

have stopped because that's what people want you to do for some reason some

people would rather kill your dream than see you succeed I don't know what that

is you know I mean Ayn Rand talks about that as the looters you know we can

debate her in that some other time but you know

I think it's important to be stubborn and to to follow your dreams no matter

what you want to get your work ethic so high that people actually admire you I'm

going to ask you a question right now do people know you because of your

unbelievable work ethic if you can't answer yes to that man you're not going

to get in that top ten percent you got to get to the top you people have to

know you not because he's a good salesman oh he's a good this oh he's an

artist oh he's a good pianist oh he writes a great story no

people need to know you for one major thing first he works he produces the

guys there every day the guys pushing and shoving because the truth is no

matter how good your ideas are how good your art is or how good your skill set

is if you're not working man if you're not vibrating at a frequency that people

say my God how does that guy do all that if you're not vibrating at that rate 10x

levels massive action tremendous work ethic that's just a muscle now it's

just a discipline in your life and it's a way it's a normal way that other

people think is abnormal Ryan Seacrest Tom Cruise Oprah Steven Spielberg Donald

Trump still pumping and working as a billionaire look if you're not working

at that level you're not going to make it get your work ethic in man it's the

American Way work ethic enjoy the journey not the

destination a lot of us delay our happiness when I get to this level when

I get my degree when I get the kids when I get married I'm going to be happy

enjoy the journey enjoy the whole step the whole process

every day that you get up to strive for whatever it is you're after you know I'm

a goal-oriented guy yeah absolutely but you don't celebrate when you get to the finish line

celebrate all along the way celebrate all along the way success is born out of

luck its awareness of mind that takes advantage of that opportunity

you will all be confronted with opportunity

you must take advantage of it because if you don't take advantage of your

opportunity you'll never realize your dreams whether you want them or not is

the irrelevance you don't know that until you achieve it you know that's all you

have at the end of the day is your work and your integrity

at all costs I don't care if it's four scenes in a movie and I don't care what

it is that you have to infuse it with as much excellence as you can

so when absolutely when I you know was able to work with Meryl Streep it was a

dream come true and I knew that I had to step up my game you know you always get

better when you work with people who are excellent you almost never get better

when you work with people who are not excellent the other thing is is that you

got to work your butt off if you think that you're going to go and accomplish

something really special and be the best in anything in the world if you think

you can do it without working you make a big mistake because no matter what I did

if it was in body building or in acting or if it was in the political

arena it always took a lot a lot of work and you've gotta put out and you've got

to you know sometimes make a lot of sacrifices notice if you're not willing to

work hard forget about it it is another rule that is very important that is total

nonsense you cannot be a effective student if you are going off of extrinsic

motivation so the solution here is that any extrinsic motivations you have what

you've got to do is you've got to literally just put them off to the side

in your brain off to the side stop thinking about them stop caring about

them stop putting any value into that kind of stuff you don't need it it

doesn't matter what your grades are what's important is why are you trying

to become a great student you want to become a great student you want to learn

how to study because this is a critical life skill this is something that

literally is going to set up your entire life and this will mean the difference

between being happy and being miserable this will mean the difference between

being rich and being poor this will be the difference between being neurotic

and being a calm and even-keeled in your life this will be the difference

between having an amazing marriage and amazing relationship and horrible

marriage and a horrible relationship this will be the difference for you

having an amazing successful business and a disastrous business that goes into

bankruptcy so literally every area of your life you want to have success in or

you want to be happy in will require study it will require it

personal development is all about studying how you work how your

psychology works this is not something that you just get spontaneously through

osmosis this is something that you have to sit down open lots of

books study lots of stuff take lots of notes so this is proper studying to me

what's exciting about studying is not that I'm going to get some grades or I'm

going to say that oh I know some trivial facts like I know when the war of 1812

started and why it started and I know all the causes of this and I know how

the physics of that works that's not important at all to me it's all about

understanding life

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For more infomation >> Do People Know You Because Of Your Unbelievable Work Ethic? - Study Motivation - Duration: 7:28.


5 Cool Websites To Check Out When You Are Bored - Duration: 4:46.


Cool websites to visit when you are bored is what we are going to see in this video.

Hello All. Welcome to Tech Mirages and I am back again with another awesome video.

In this video, i will show 5 cool websites to visit when you are bored and how to pass time on the internet. But before going forward

make sure you subscribe to my channel by clicking on the subscribe button, so that you never miss any of my recent tech videos.

As the stage has been set, let us get started. So, here comes the first website

called This is one of the cool websites on the internet to pass time.

There are two options like upload image from disk or

upload image from URL. Let me choose, upload image from disk and choose the file.

Choose the image which you want to Cartoonize.

Once image has been loaded, it takes you to the online editor with image on the

right side and on the left side, you could see some effects like Cartoon effects, painting effects,

basics and everything. Choose the effect which you want to apply for the image.

So once effect has been applied, on the left side you could see some more like painting effects and

choose the effect which you want. You can go for basics where you can add color, round or resize,

rotate or even crop the image. Go for clipart and you can add some other items to the image. Let me do one of the things.

Once you are done, just go to top and click on Apply.

This applied all effects to the image. Once all effects are applied and if you want to save

click on the save button. Give the name for the image, choose jpeg or

png and click on save button and this image will be downloaded to your PC.

So this is one of the cool websites to visit when you are bored and pass the time on internet.

Next comes the website called Here you can find your birthday song. This website shows the No #1 song

on the day you were born. You need to give the month, day

and year. You need to give your date of birth completely.

Click on Find No #1 song. This website gives No #1 song on the day you were born. So, here it is. This is the No #1 song on my birthday.

So visit this interesting website on the internet and let know your opinion. Next coll website to visit when you are bored is This is specially for book lovers.

Let us say, you have read lot of books and looking for the next book what you need to read.

Come to this website. Give the title or author of the book and it shows all the suggestions matching the title or author of the book.

So like this search for the book which you want and click on the suggestions to buy and read it.

So this is one of the cool websites on the internet to visit when you are bored.

So please give this website a try and let me know your opinion.

Next comes the website called, This website helps you to improve the speed

of your reading. If you have a target of reading 100 words per minute or

target of reading 200 words per minute and want to improve it, then you can use this website as a tool.

Place the text which you want to display here or you can use the default text and click on the Spreed.

It would take you to the page where it shows words per minute.

Click on the play button and it starts displaying the words. So, if you want to change settings, then click on Settings

and choose how many words you want to read per minute. Let me go for 200 words

per minute and window size, chunk size and everything and click on Save.

Click on the play button now. It shows 200 words per minute now. If you can practice by reading these words within

a minute, then you can improve your reading level. Now you could see that it shows 200 words per minute

and if you practice this daily, then your speed of reading will be improved.

Make sure you visit this website and let me know your opinion on this cool website on the internet. Last website called Let us say, you want to know what happened in your birth year, you can give your birth year


click on this button. It shows what happened in your birth year. It starts counting down from the present year to your birth year.

While testing this website, I could see that recent years were not added


Once it has reached the birth year, it starts printing what has happened in your birth year.

So this is one of the cool websites on the internet to visit when you are bored. Make sure you visit

these cool websites and let me know your opinion.

So these are the 5 cool websites on the internet to visit when you are bored

and you can pass time of the internet with these websites.

If you find this video useful please like and share the video and let me know your opinion in the comments.

Thanks for watching this video and please do subscribe to my channel for more useufl videos like this. See you soon.

For more infomation >> 5 Cool Websites To Check Out When You Are Bored - Duration: 4:46.


C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Alert Dawn - Allied Mission 3, Chemical Brothers - Duration: 25:48.

C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Alert Dawn, the fan campaign released back in the previous decade.

C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Alert Dawn contains 7 difficult missions for the Allied side.

All you have to do is to download and unpack the campaign in the main directory with Yuri's Revenge 1.001.

Alert Dawn is a fan campaign dating back to the 2002, 2003 or 2004 when ArgCmdr was an admin of YR Argentina.

This mappack contains 7 hard missions for the Allies.

If you thought that previous missions are already tricky, this one will make you even more confused.

Your objective is to take out the Chemical Laboratory in the Yuri's base, but because of tons of Gattling Cannons it will take some time.

The map itself is of course full of Gattling Tanks, Lashers, Magnetrons and Masterminds but these are easy compared to what will you meet on the map...

You must look out all the time of course, because Boris with Tanya are quite weak and Gattlings take care of them quickly.

You must use Kirovs or Siege Choppers to break the walls because they are not targettable by Tanya's C4 or Boris' Airstrike.

When you are close to the Yuri's base there is a Demolition Truck trap that can make you cry because it happens near the end of the mission ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°).

Same with Floating Disc that comes out of nowhere and can take out Boris or Tanya when you are occupied somewhere else ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°).

Fan Campaign - Alert Dawn for Yuri's Revenge

Soundtrack from World Beyond and Frank Klepacki.

If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it.

For more infomation >> C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Alert Dawn - Allied Mission 3, Chemical Brothers - Duration: 25:48.


Are you smarter than a college student? WAIT TILL THE END!!! - Duration: 14:32.


Welcome to another video from bytecolumn and this video is gonna be crazy. It's gonna be lit!

You wanna watch this video! I mean, there's nothing you wanna miss about this video. It's crazy

I'm having a couple guests on this episode, so I want to see you there

See you there


Right just write this down right 5 +5 + 5

= 550

Now we all know that's wrong right, so I want you to just draw a line that satisfies this equation

Just put a line somewhere in this equation that makes it correct

And you have 30 seconds to figure that out

If you can't figure this out it's no problem like this was crazy, I couldn't figure this out

Seriously know that mine is not just that we don't we don't want line. That says five plus five plus five not equals to

Just one line I'll just watch and you guys

So whenever you guys give up this let me know, but I want you to really think that's what I give you know

Yeah, you just have to make five plus five plus five equals five hundred and fifty without

Making it without putting any other thing just one line and the line should not be not equal so

Whatever you guys give up just let me know

All right you have ten seconds

Hey, just one line seven six five four three

Two one all right, so I'm gonna show you guys the answer

You'll have to screen because I know you've been thinking about this, but this is the answer

What just put a line here line here to make it 545

You have just three so the second one goes like this. I want you to use in number three times

remind you I want to use the same number three good times and

Make it up make make three of them add up to 60 you cannot use 20 plus 20 plus 20

So what I want what I want you guys to do is

For example you can use 20 plus 20 plus 20 equals 60

Do not use

Any other number I mean do not use 20 in this equation just use

Something else or something else well

You have to be number three times my mind you have to be

I don't know give you guys kind of because

See I bet you guys if you know that if you get these times that you'll be so mad you think number one was crazy

This is easy

Boom um you'd only


Just three times very safe number three good times


Finally I want you guys to use that right is out soon come on three come on

Come on fine

Now you have this phone numbers written now. I want you to make an equation with this number

Make a true equation with this number for example. I can say one plus two equals three

but then I want all this number in this equation in this equation you got

I don't know

Well you must use just these numbers I

Don't know what's hang you want to use. I don't know what you want to use

Just one question

That doesn't make sense so that's one plus three it was

You just get this

Okay, okay well let me let me just let me show you guys this what I was expecting was

5 plus 4

Equals 3 raised to the power 2 Oh

Yeah, I mean that was always back then

It was clearly resupport - all right so I

Have your knees balled up here, and I'm gonna pick at random

Oh, I want you guys to pick at random just decide we should peek

All right so pick a name

So this is Christine McKay awesome so Kristen McKay. I want you to pick one of these

After picking these really out loud

Making sure to roll so have to roll in the ground for one so you have to go

Into a small crowd or a big crowd

We have to satisfy the crowd like this is not big enough

This is going



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For more infomation >> Are you smarter than a college student? WAIT TILL THE END!!! - Duration: 14:32.


Will the LG Ultrawide monitor 34UC89G help you out in gaming?! #LGUltraWideFestival #DreamQuest - Duration: 2:10.

what's going on guys? Shahariar here

In this vid-

what's wrong

i just died again in battlefield 4! It's my 57th time in a row

i suck so much at gaming

hmm, i think so the problem is with ur monitor

n i believe if u get yourself the LG ultrawide, u can actually get better at gaming

really? how?

yes, let me tell u about the top 3 best features of the LG ultrawide monitor 34UC89G

to help u understand better

well alright

The LG ultrawide is a curved 34'' IPS panel

having a 21:9 ration with a resolution of 2560 x 1080

uhh?! so what?

so in game u can literally see more than ur traditional 16:9 monitor

n thanks to curved panel u get much more immersive into gaming

look here, this is ur current monitor ur field of vision is low compared to the

lg ultrawide monitor which is this one. isn't it easier to struck down ur foes on the LG <i><b><u><font color=#00000000></font></u></b></i>

oh hell yh it is! im liking it!

the next feature will blow ur mind

what is it?

the LG ultrawide has a 144Hz panel overclockable to 166Hz and has g-sync enabled

166Hz?! OMG that's phenomenon! but what's g-sync

as for g-sync, g-sync canels stuttering n screen tearing n reducing in game lag to

provide a more smoother n faster gaming experience that is if u have an nvidia gpu.

its really good for strategy n fps games

so what do u think can u get better at gaming now?

yh sure i do. i think i'll have the upper hand at gaing if i have the LG ultrawide monitor

along with a gaming setup to make use of the 144Hz g-sync panel, but the thing is i don't have either of the two

hmm, well let me n my viewers take care of that!

so what do u say guys? let's get him one shall we?

Plz like the video on the campaign site to support us! So that we can get him an LG

ultrawide along with atleast a $2000 gaming setup. And as always

For more infomation >> Will the LG Ultrawide monitor 34UC89G help you out in gaming?! #LGUltraWideFestival #DreamQuest - Duration: 2:10.


NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES - STORY TIME | LesleyyX1 - Duration: 15:06.

as a disclaimer my voice is just really terrible so you're just gonna have to

deal with it and that's my hilarious intro near death experiences

hey guys welcome back to my

channel this video is going to be a little bit different because instead of

one storytime I'm gonna tell two it's gonna just be so great so this story

okay this story I maybe I have told before but I didn't like how I told it

or I think I was just really offended that none of y'all really watched it so

I deleted that story time video a long time ago I filmed it when I was in

college and I didn't really like how I told it so I'm here to retell it and you

guys from day one you're gonna watch it again don't skip through it you're gonna

watch it again and then we're going to hear another

story time video but I'm gonna just tell you this these videos are not clickbait

this was really scary stuff that happened to me so feel bad for me like

just feel so bad for me hit the like button and subscribe so let's start off

with the first story I was in about I believe it was seventh grade and I

remember one of the things that I love to do in middle school was ride my bike

don't ask me why because Texas if you've ever been to Texas the summers are

terrible they're hot they're humid it's not like I have a fun bike path in my

neighborhood riding my bike just consisted of riding around the

neighborhood feeling like a daredevil sometimes going up on the sidewalk like

street to sidewalk where you have to brace yourself and it's like oh I'm so

glad I have shocks like this hurts but this looks so awesome and maybe feels

good you know and then really you're but you just grow in a callus on it because

you know you know the first few times when you ride a bike it really hurts but

by the end of summer it's like how does it not hurt like I must have a callus on

my butt so I'm not gonna go on and on about this but I was riding a bike with

my friend and this friend I'm a man I have done a story time video on I'm

not gonna point it out I'm gonna see if you guys can recognize what story she

was from so now you gotta like watch all my videos but so this girl and I at this

point in time we were friends and so riding our bikes and I remember we were

coming out of the alleyway one of my alleyways and you know we didn't know

where to go we kind of hit the Main Street it's like this wide street that

cuts through our neighborhood and it's you know you could probably go you know

two cars this way two cars that way so you know I guess cars go kind of fast on

it but you know it's not a really busy road like you don't really know this

road exists unless you're trying to get somewhere in the neighborhood it's not

like a shortcut for the main cars so we get to that and I remember we don't know

where to go but she's thinking well let's go right and on the right there's

a sidewalk for us to go on and so the sidewalk it's it it's a normal sized

sidewalk but there's this because the hip because the house right here is on a

slight hill there's like a brick wall and then a fence and growing out of the

fence is this tree that has these softball like seeds and if they fall on

you there it's literally like a softball you're dead like I don't know why they

have this tree but they do so I don't remember I specifically I want just

before we did it I was like wait I don't know why I said way like I didn't have a

hunch but I didn't have a reason to say wait you know my friend goes what and I

goes oh I don't I don't know why I just said wait like I don't know and so I

said well I just need to get on my bike okay so we get on the bike and we take a

ride on the sidewalk and then we hear this ear piercing screech we don't even

know where it's coming from but it it's so Wow like it hurts my ears

but I can't find you know what's happening but I look straight on and I

see a car turn into the street and when I say turn this car literally goes on

two wheels to make the sharp turn and onto this this big Street

it was so ear piercing I've never seen a car go on two wheels and this wasn't a

jeep this was like I guess a four-door sedan yeah and something like that kind

of it's one of those cars that it's definitely a bit bulkier but it's not

it's not a truck you know but it's on two wheels and so it starts skidding

around this the street and there's no other car it's just them but they're

literally when they're skidding they're going all the way into this side of the

lane and this side lane and they're going back and forth so I am assuming it

was a drunk driver I don't know how he picked up so much speed at this point in

time like maybe he had it didn't look like a Toyota but maybe he's one of

those defective cars that you know the gas pedal went all the way down I don't

know because it was it was dusk it wasn't dark out like there was no reason

it wasn't drinking our you know it wasn't New Year's bubbeleh

it's a school night did this guy know it was a school night

so at one point in time this car starts going towards me like legit towards me

and I'm just making eye contact with the headlights because I'm panicked I'm deer

in the headlights like literally look in the mad lights and I'm on a bike which

is faster but not that fast and anywhere behind me what is a brick wall a fence

this big tree I'm literally thinking I'm about to be that girl in scary movie

where a car hits her and she's split in half and then Charlie Sheen has to stage

goodbye to me but he's seen if he could still have sex with my bottom half but

you know at that point in time I was really ugly and totally emergent so I

know I wasn't even getting any action that I was really just gonna be split in

half with no happy ending I know Charlie Sheen whatsoever so so the car lair Lee

is coming my direction at this point like beeline my direction and at this

point in time he's like this far away a little bit further

I'd say cuz I'm getting the proportions of like the sidewalk in this

I'd say so like the sidewalk which I'm in the middle of with a bike plus like

this much but this guy's going super ultra mega fast and you know slow

reaction time because I'm watching him literally come at me but he had some

reaction where he pulled the steering wheel completely all the way twist like

all the way it's God like it was so such a hard skid that he turned away from me

and so much that he couldn't change back the steering wheel that he ends up

crashing right next to me but on the other side of the street okay so he

takes out electric like an electric pole what are they called you know those

those poles that hold the chords that go through the neighborhood okay so you

know the ones little squirrels hop on and then they get electrocuted and

they're like ah that one even though it was wooden this one wasn't like leaning

it wasn't a weak pole this was hanging on tight very erect pole completely

takes that out knocked that over and he completely knocks out a fire hydrant

like this solid metal steel chunk in the ground completely wiped out because he

was going that hella fast and I remember it was so scary you know someone comes

out of the house everybody starts coming to the house but one person comes out of

the house and you know what do you hit you know and it was funny cuz the power

went out in the neighborhood and my mom freaked out because she had this hon she

said this has to do with Leslie it's the weirdest thing yeah she knew but that's

like a mom's instinct there's nothing cool that's just what moms do they they

have that sixth sense so um so you know I have to get a quote the police come

and we're the main two witnesses these full 7th graders so the cop talks to my

friend and I hear her you know exactly what happened she talks to they talked

to me I say exactly what happened and I'm talking to my friend while the cops

are kind of doing their own thing oh my god that that was the scariest

thing ever and so she's like yeah like I can't believe it did a flip I was there

you know and you know like a flip and she goes yeah like it twisted and then

it like bounced and hit that and it was just the craziest thing like not so much

like a tumble like it she was saying like it did a

corkscrew something that you would build and roller coaster tycoon a corkscrew

like it's driving you know like it's driving like this and then go like that

like and so I was kind of baddie and I just I was there like I knew so what I

did was I called over one of the police officers and I said she has more stuff

to tell you like she's seen more than me and so I get them called over and then

so they're like so what is it and then I'm like come on girl tell him tell him

what you like how fast he was going and she goes the car did a flip and I could

just see in her eyes like she's terrified terrified and this officer I

know is just thinking this girl is full of shit so I just see him trying to be

straight face but not really caring at all to know any more details granted

it's not that big of a detail but he's like okay you know and so I remember I I

know I was meaning me but why is she telling me that it did a flip when I was

right there so then we get to school and she always woke up so dang early

I always got there just right on time maybe a little late like right on time

and so by the time I got to school and everybody knew about it especially the

teachers because she didn't have a lot of friends so nobody would really listen

to her but the teachers because they were getting paid to teacher so all of

my teachers knew I was trying to tell the story I didn't get to tell the story

and get the pity and the attention that I deserve so super mad about that but

okay so I can you guess what story time video she was from I want to know it's

like leave a comment if you connect the dots so the next one this

happened within this wasn't rule this wasn't last this year don't think it was

last year but it was like the year before that I think this happened three

years ago and a lot of times well my friend Olivia

every year her and her entire family she has a huge

family they all come together to the island of Brigantine which is New Jersey

so you can eat on New Jersey all you want but I've visited Brigantine and I

want to move there that place is amazing so let me know if you guys have heard of

Brigantine but so a lot of times I like to invite myself to Olivia's family

functions and so sometimes I'd invite myself to Brigantine I'm a friend who's

been there the most again because I invite myself to Brigantine so the waves

are naturally really big because we're dealing with you know this isn't Florida

chill waters these are scary scary waves and so I remember there was one time

when I went and the ways were about four times as big as me the scariest I've

ever seen them so scary you know but I'm kind of like whatever you know I don't

panic I'm a lifeguard you know I was great at varsity swimming so I know I

have also just additional skills above that you know in plus Olivia was in the

water and I wanted to play with my friend play you know play time in the

water so we get separated and there's a rip current where there's a Riptide and

it's starting to pull me towards this Riptide and with rip tides they can pull

you in and spit you super far out and this water is cold enough that this

probably has sharks fairly close like this isn't you know this is really deep

sea we're in do sharks like warm or cold I think they I think depends on the

shark but they do both but you know like this is deep water I was gonna be thrown

into I'm just I'm just so small I can't

control it like I'm starting to get into this Riptide I'm being thrown around I

am panicking so eventually my little bikini top that had no straps to it

because I wanted to get a perfect hand is down to here I don't know why but the

lifeguards never coming to save me and I'm thinking they're gonna save me

they're gonna save me you know I'm just telling myself this because I don't I'm

still I'm nervous because this is now real deal waves but I don't really panic

naturally that much in the water so I'm just robotic away tying myself you know

straight to short straight to short and I'm just thinking like a robot at this

time I'm clawing my way sometimes I'm throwing myself over the waves if I can

I'm doing everything I can but these waves are pulling me in and I know where

this ribbon is like this Riptide is I think it's a Riptide right I'm saying

that right where they where it pulls you under eventually I do make it to shore

but why this was really in your death experience was I know I got to port I

was terrified I was dizzy I inhaled so much water

I was literally coming out of there topless because I was I mean it like I

was gonna drown I've never had that happen where you know I've been panicked

like that but I just wanted to include that in there because that was like a

real near-death experience it's just you know it's kind of you know you see about

water and you just you don't know the strength of it until you're in water

water we make water makes us up but we don't know anything about water as

humans where we're land creatures so okay I'm just rambling my camera is

about to die so thank you for watching I don't know

why you haven't subscribed yet if you haven't but subscribe please like this

video I'll I'll get into more story time videos but I just kind of felt like

telling that one today so okay I am off to like try to play in a social life

because it's Friday and no one's texting me back

but okay fine

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