Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

in today's video i am going to share

how you can clean hard water deposits or scaling

by using natural cleaners

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I want to share an information with you

why we face so much problem due to hard water

basically hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions.

after evaporation of the water the ions left behind.

as a fact you can see these black scaling in the bucket

let's see how we can cleaning hard water

or salt deposition with natural cleaner.

for that we need white vinegar which can be

available in any grocery store.

eating or cooking or baking soda

and one steel scrubber.

As I told you hard water contains calcium ions.

when we mix vinegar which is acetic acid and baking soda

which is sodium bicarbonate

the fizz you can it's due to the reaction of these two.

and it can break the deposition very easily

now take sufficient amount of vinegar and baking soda

there is no fix quantity, you can mix 2 table spoon baking soda with 1 cup of vinegar

but make sure the stains or deposition should be covered up properly

for best result soak and leave it over night

or leave for 1 hour to soak

after 1 hour take a steel scrubber and and start cleaning it

after sometime you will start noticing that the deposits are coming out

it will be easy for you to clean them

although you can find so many harsh chemical in market

which wil clean your bucket but its acidic fume will be very dangerous for your health

now you can see all deposits came out

very easily and you will not required any

harsh chemical too

add water and clean the bucket

then wash it thoroughly

now can clearly see all hard water deposits are gone

try this natural cleaning way without using any chemical

let me know in the comment section below if this tip is useful for you

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i will see you in the next one

till then take care and bbye

For more infomation >> How To Clean Hard Water Stains From Bucket | Cleaning Tips & Tricks - Duration: 3:39.


1920's revival ragtime pop - Every Single Day (The Old Married Couple) - Duet about codependence - Duration: 4:41.

Hello Hello Pick up the phone I hear your voice so far away and I'm feeling

more alone Because I know That you're not home

I haven't tripped over your shoes, I can't smell your cologne

Hello Hello Did you just call me Now it's great to hear your voice but I

just wish that I could see you I can hear it from the speakers

Tears are running down your cheeks I wish that I could wipe them, cause they're

falling on to me

If I can't be with my one and only At least not just right now

I'll have to wait another day Until that day I'll wait and say

If I can't be with you in this moment, I'll wait for the moment to change

And If you're feeling so cold and lonely Just know that I'm feeling the same

I hope you feel the way I do and if you do please say

Because I need to see you every single day

Here I just rest No I don't get dressed

Because there's no one here that I need to see me at my best

I'm not impressed With peacefulness I need your noise I need your mess, I need

to see you standing there

I can hear it from the speakers Tears are running down your cheeks

I wish that I could wipe them, cause they're falling on to me

If I can't be with my one and only At least not just right now

I'll have to wait another day Until that day I'll wait and say

If I can't be with you in this moment, I'll wait for the moment to change

And If you're feeling so cold and lonely Just know that I'm feeling the same

I hope you feel the way I do and if you do please say

Because I need to see you every single day

So I will wait I will wait

Until the day you are standing beside me And your face

I will embrace And your body I will hold tight

Hello hello I've Just landed

I'm just waiting to pick up what I've checked in

Hello Hello I'm right outside

I'll meet you in the car park and we'll go back to our lives

I can hear it from the speakers Tears are running down your cheeks

I wish that I could wipe them, cause they're falling on to me

If I can't be with you in this moment, I'll wait for the moment to change

And If you're feeling so cold and lonely Just know that I'm feeling the same

I hope you feel the way I do and if you do please say

Because I need to see you every single day

Every single day

For more infomation >> 1920's revival ragtime pop - Every Single Day (The Old Married Couple) - Duet about codependence - Duration: 4:41.


ACCA F7 Lecture: Alternative to the Conceptual Framework - Duration: 1:03.

Very quick video then look at an alternative to the conceptual framework

as it stands now because currently the conceptual framework there's a bunch of

principles isn't it. Now the alternative could be a bunch of rules, okay, where the

rules are very prescriptive: you do this, you do that, you do the other, all right.

Just because it's very rules based, so all these prescriptions telling you what to

do in all circumstances and that's the problem

it's inflexible to do that you can't just say well this is my particular

circumstance and also the rules are tend to be rather reactive so this is

what if it doesn't cover my circumstance and maybe then a new rule gets made.

However it probably would lead to better comparability between company's accounts

wouldn't it, because you're all using the same rules. So there is an alternative to

our current principles based conceptual framework. It's the rules based one.

For more infomation >> ACCA F7 Lecture: Alternative to the Conceptual Framework - Duration: 1:03.


What you need to know for tomorrow's UH football game - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> What you need to know for tomorrow's UH football game - Duration: 1:34.


[Exclusive Invite] The Secrets To Writing A Job Winning Resume - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> [Exclusive Invite] The Secrets To Writing A Job Winning Resume - Duration: 1:30.


Curtis Stone Set of 2 Nonstick Silicone Baking Mats - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Curtis Stone Set of 2 Nonstick Silicone Baking Mats - Duration: 5:24.


ACCA F7 The Conceptual Framework and Fundamental characteristics - Duration: 3:17.

The next part of the conceptual framework talks about what makes good

information. It talks about that because that's all accounts do isn't it, they

just give out information so we said well what are the principles how do you

give out good information. And what it says is, well good information is split

up into two things: fundamental characteristics. Fundamental

characteristics mean the information would be useless without these

fundamental characteristics. And one of those fundamental characteristics is

faithful representation so it needs to faithfully represent the economic

phenomena. Okay, that sounds quite difficult what do you mean? So here's an

example. If you sell something for six and you agree to buy it back, agree to

buy it back at the same time for eight a year later. Have you actually sold it?

Well, the true economic phenomena says no you haven't because you gotta buy it back

later so what is this what is true economic phenomena this is not a sale

this is a loan. And what about the extra two between the six and the eight we'll

show that as interest so interest is two and a loan is six. So always

faithfully represent what's going on otherwise it's useless that wasn't a

sale it should be shown as a loan, okay. Another example of that would be you

always use substance over form don't we, so we always say that you control an

asset is enough you don't have to own it because if you control it for all its

life then it's your asset isn't it you don't have to own it it's substance over

form. So that's faithful representation the first one of the fundamental

characteristics of good information. There is another one which is relevance.

Now for something to be relevant it needs to be relevant to the user. How is

it relevant to the user and remember it's useless if it's not relevant to the

user. Well it need, it either has to confirm all it needs to predict

what's going to happen, okay. So if I were to give you an example of a discontinued

column. So in a discontinued column you put all the things that you aren't gonna

sell anymore so it might be, let's say Apple decided to not sell iPads anymore,

you would see how many iPads had sold this year in the

discontinued column in the income statement and you think to yourself ah

that tells me they won't be selling them next year so it's helping me predict

what's going to happen, so that is relevant information. So that's basically

it. You have faithful representation which is and relevance which are

fundamental characteristics which means it's useless without them and then in

the next video we're going to see enhancing characteristics and enhancing

characteristics don't mean that it's useless without it but without it it is

less useful - without these characteristics. And we'll look at that

in the next video.

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