Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

Welcome to daily headlines your fastest news reporter

Please subscribe and check the notification bell to get latest news updated House Republicans who represent districts with large

Hispanic populations are battling President Trump over an Obama era immigration program that shields certain immigrants from deportation

The Republicans have sought to convince Trump to keep the program alive and have also offered legislation

That would essentially make into law the protections for young people brought to the United States illegally

Trump is expected to announce his decision on the deferred action for childhood

Arrivals DAC a program on Tuesday it grants temporary work permits and protection from deportation to nearly eight hundred

thousand immigrants

most of the Republicans challenging Trump are

Targets of Democrats seeking to win back the house next year and represent districts that will help determine a house majority

the lawmakers include Republican Carlos corbello

Or flah who has filed amendments to an upcoming spending package to keep da CA intact as well as GOP reps

damn, Donovan, NY David validol Calif Jeff Denham Calif Don bacon Neb

Ileana ros-lehtinen flah

Martha Moxley eres

Scott Taylor vol

Mario diaz-balart Flo Dave Reichert wash

den Newhouse wash in John Faso, NY

Six of these lawmakers wrote to Trump earlier this month imploring him to leave da CA in place until Congress can pass immigration

Reform and on Friday they wrote to Speaker Paul Ryan r-wis

Asking him to work with us to address the fate of da CA

the most striking move comes from Republican Mike Coffman


Who announced he will try to force a vote on his bill?

Extending da CA work permits by starting a discharge petition a rare move for a member of the House majority party

Discharge petitions are normally a tool used by the minority party unsuccessfully in most cases

In order to force a House floor vote discharge petitions must get at least

218 signatures

Coffman is convinced that it is by Trump to mdac a would motivate enough

Republicans who weren't on board before to endorse his proposal while he doesn't believe President Obama's executive

action in 2012 to create da ACA was constitutional

He does want to prevent people brought to the country illegally as children from being deported

And he thinks many of his GOP colleagues would agree

There's a lot of folks that you know it's a tough vote

Coffman said in an interview with the hill

But if given the choice of having the program suspended and young people being deported who are working here and going to school here legally

Albeit temporarily, I think that's a visual that the majority of members of Congress don't want

Coffman would need to get all 194 House Democrats to sign his discharge petition in addition to at least 23 GOP colleagues

Only 12 Republicans have co-sponsored the underlying bill. He introduced with Republican luis Gutierrez DL

Earlier this year titled the bar removal of individuals who dream and grow our economy bridge act

The legislation would only extend the ACA protections for three years to give Congress time to enact a permanent solution

If the Democrats hold firm I believe I'll have enough Republican votes to pass

218 Kaufmann said

Democrats are still figuring out a strategy for how to respond if Trump rescinds the ACA a

spokesman for Gutierrez

Indicated he hasn't decided whether to sign the discharge petition for the bill he introduced with Kaufman

Given that he ultimately prefers a longer term solution

Gutierrez is considering another option of his own

Whether Democrats should withhold votes for a spending bill later this month in exchange for securing the ACA

House GOP leaders have consistently relied on Democratic votes in recent years to keep the government open

Immigrant advocacy groups are also pushing for a longer-term fix to keep D

ACA instead of the three-year delay is outlined by the bridge act pushed by Kaufman

We are glad that Kaufman wants to force a vote on dreamers

It's a gutsy move

But he's chosen the wrong vehicle the bridge act is a temporary measure and we want Congress to enact a permanent solution

said Frank Sharry

executive director of America's voice

Charlie pointed to an alternative bill introduced by corbello in march that would establish a pathway for da, CA

recipients and other young immigrants to obtain legal status

Core bellas legislation is somewhat more stringent compared to the most recent version of the DREAM Act

Qualifying young immigrants would have to establish they came to the US before the age of 16 and lived in the country

continuously since at least

2012 compared to needing to enter the US before the age of 18 and live here at least four years before the dream acts enactment

At this point Corvallis bill has only 18 co-sponsors. Who are all Republicans

House GOP leaders haven't offered support to help advance the bills offered to shield young immigrants from deportation

Ryan pledged to conservatives before taking on his current leadership post in 2015 that he would not allow a floor vote on any immigration

Reform bill unless a majority of Republicans supported it

but Ryan a supporter of immigration reform in the past urged Trump on Friday night to empty a CA I


Don't think he should do that and I believe that this is something Congress has to fix

Ryan told w clo in janesville wis

Ryan and his GOP leadership team could move as soon as next week when the house returns into session to vote on keeping the program

Corbello, as well as multiple Democrats have submitted amendments to a spending package that includes funding for the Department of Homeland Security

to keep D ACA in place

another bipartisan amendment corbello has filed with Republican Pete Aguilar d-calif

Would allow d ACA recipients to work for the federal government a version of that proposal was originally adopted in the House

Appropriations Committee, but it has been stripped out ahead of floor consideration in next week the House Rules Committee

Which as an arm of GOP leaders will meet next week to decide whether any of the amendments to prevent the Trump administration?

from rescinding da CA a can get floor votes

Even if the Rules Committee granted those amendments votes precedent suggests that they would fail in

2015 all but 26 Republicans voted for an amendment to a department of homeland security spending bill, they would mdac a a

similar vote in August 2014 resulted in only 11 GOP defections

Many of the Republicans pushing to safety a SCA have

constituencies demanding action and some have seen their positions evolved with changing districts

Coffman for example co-sponsored a bill ending birthright citizenship and voted against the DREAM Act in 2010

Since then around every districting resulted in his district having a 20% Hispanic population

Kaufman acknowledged that the redistricting led him to revise his stances

Meeting with immigrants in the country illegally who were now his constituents. He said gave him a new perspective

It's given me a better understanding about how?

realistically to deal with immigration

Reform to get to where I think we need to go which is not very different from where I thought we needed to go from

Before 2013 Kaufmann said I think we ought to be very tough on illegal immigration

But also understand that we need a transition period to get there

He offered an example of meeting a young constituent who graduated at the top of her class from a local high school here

But was unable to attend the Naval Academy because she was brought to the country illegally as a child

there's a

Special place in my heart for a lot of the young people that I've met they were taken here as children that I didn't meet


Coffman said her parents took her illegally to this country when she was just a year old from Mexico

She'd never been to Mexico that she can remember

She grew up here. She went to school here. I think she ought to be able to stay

For more infomation >> Breaking News: 09/02/17 - GOP lawmakers are battling Trump and their party on DACA - September News - Duration: 8:28.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 105 Your Businesses' First Impression - Duration: 5:43.

Today's topic: Your Businesses' First Impression. Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author

of Your Own Story and this is your daily growth hack where each day will give you

a tip trick or insight to help you up level what we call the five to thrive

there's your mind your body your soul your relationships and your business

today I'm going to talk to business owners and I'm going to talk to you

about what is your first impression or what is the first impression your

business gets now today it's all online now we all know that right but as

business owners how often is that mist you know I was talking to one of my

clients today and we're talking about his business and he was working on this

very sophisticated marketing funnel and it was really neat except for the fact

he missed his main first impression or what I call your home base which is your

website now why is this important well every time we do a search on the

internet know when somebody does a search it's a search of intent it's a

search where you're actually trying to solve a problem you're looking for a

solution now maybe you're looking for the best coffee shop in your area our

best personal training studio or maybe you're looking for a solution to a

problem like how do I start my own business or how do I know what SEO is

search engine optimization there's all kinds of questions people ask and so

when doing this as a business owner your first impression or your home base is

gonna be your website it's even more important I would say than your

storefront in most cases now when I was talking his client he showed me this

funnel I asked him said hey you know where do people land at the end of this

funnel while my website Doug obviously it he said and I said this knowingly I

said well how is your website performing if I go onto your website how is it

working and he just didn't know so we checked and I'm gonna give you a few

resources that you can use right now now if you don't only own your own business

where I recommend is going and checking this out with the company you work for

if you have an employee and just check it out and maybe show somebody in the IT

department or somebody at the c-suite level the business owner is always a

good idea but a couple things you can do one is site speed now Google has an

actual URL you can go to if you go ahead and look at

and it's paid speed insights is the tool that I'm referring to and you can paste

the website URL into that and actually see the score now it's gonna rate you're

on a score from 0 to 100 for both desktop and mobile now if your product

or service is really tailored to the middle-class or upper-class you want to

look much more towards mobile conversely you're also going to want to

look at that for people of lower incomes because they don't have computers so

it's kind of the lower middle class that's mostly going to be using laptops

or students depending but again this is all shifting and we're seeing search

engine optimization or Google and Bing really diving into Page Speed so if

you've got a score below 80 that's something you want to change right away

and hire a professional to help you do that also how does your website rate and

how is it rate against your competitors so you go over to branded innovation

comm and you can actually do a website comparison and what this is gonna do is

take you any one of your competitors and do some basic checks and just see some

missing elements or potential elements and make sure that you have them in

place now if you have them in place great you get a look gold little badge

and if you don't you're gonna get a red mark and this will allow you to see

exactly where you stand on a very basic level with some of the key elements of

search engine optimization now it's also gonna show you the same with when your

competitors and also what your rankings might be now this is very very important

now full disclosure branded innovation is one of my company so I own the

company and I can speak very highly for them of course but also this is

something that I know really well also now the third thing that you want to do

is also when looking at your website is have somebody go on your web site and

look at their actual intent what are the first few things that they do now I

always recommend putting a heat map behind your website now what a heat map

is is just a way where you can actually see someone's mouth move through the

screen and where they're clicks are going on your website now as somebody

who's run an agency for many many years often times will put a map in the

lack of a website once we take it over from marketing and we'll notice that

people are clicking in areas that we didn't necessarily know about or at

least the business owner did for example they might be clicking on a picture that

doesn't go anywhere now for scene clicks on there those are intent those are

signs of intent meaning someone wants something to happen what we want to do

is then go back and change that image to have it clicked where we want them to go

so these are three basic things that any business owner can do and can do really

quickly and all of them are free now the heatmap might cost you money depending

on the company are using but there's a variety of free heatmap sources that are

out there and maybe you require somebody to actually install it for you depending

on the website that are utilizing so try these three again if you're an employee

go ahead and try the three you know now anyway and give it your boss it's a

great report to get as always look at your business from the perspective of

where your potential customer is going and also look at the way that your you

utilize the Internet when we utilize the Internet for you just using it from a

tenth purposes and your business is no different so that's my tip for you today

remember go out and be the author of your own story

For more infomation >> AYS Daily Growth Hacks 105 Your Businesses' First Impression - Duration: 5:43.


Advice for the Day: Jim McCarthy - Live Like You Have Cancer - Duration: 1:06.

Hi. My name is Jim McCarthy

I am a Silicon Valley expert on

High performance teams and

I teach companies all over the world how to

Take their teams from dysfunctional and

Transform them into high performance teams

Leveraging what I've learned in Silicon Valley

For the last 20 years and

The advice I would give to myself

As an 18-year-old would be to live like

You have cancer and what I mean by that is

Live with intensity and purpose

Don't assume you are going to live forever

Focus on what you love, what you care about

What's purposeful and meaningful to yourself

And get to doing that as fast as you can

So that no matter how long you live

Whether you live 20 years, 40 years

2 months longer

You'll be doing things which are purposeful

Meaningful, positive, caring for other people

Having a positive impact

So that you will live a life without any regrets

You will live a career without any regrets

So that's the advice I would give

Hope you find that helpful. Thanks

For more infomation >> Advice for the Day: Jim McCarthy - Live Like You Have Cancer - Duration: 1:06.


RUNSEEK CHANNEL TRAILER (September 2017) - Duration: 0:39.









For more infomation >> RUNSEEK CHANNEL TRAILER (September 2017) - Duration: 0:39.


Colleen Lopez Summer Sensation Crochet Top - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Colleen Lopez Summer Sensation Crochet Top - Duration: 6:50.


Xelu Baye Fall - Gal Mo Gueun Frontex feat. Khalil (Official Video) BOZATRACKS #2 - Duration: 5:54.

Let's go! Let's move!

Are you ready to go?

Let's go! I say:

Are you ready to go?

Let's go! Solidarity!

Are you ready to go?

Let's go! I say:

Are you ready to go?

Ferries not Frontex

Ferries not Frontex

Ferries not Frontex

Ferries not Frontex

I need to go even if I have to row

I had enough of pain, pain-pain-pain

I need to go even if I have to row

I had enough of pain, pain-pain-pain

You! Open the borders

Or we will run down these fences

You! Open the borders,

or we will run down these fences

Open the borders,

remove the fences

I am a migrant, I am not your dinner

Open the borders,

remove the borders

I am a migrant but not your business

Why did I enter and you want to deport me?

Is this normal?

Why can't you and me be friends?

Oh! Let's wish to be friends

The way is long, dark, distant

The fences grew bigger, the ocean cries

The way is long, dark, distant

The fences grew bigger, the ocean cries

I need to go

I had enough of pain

even if I have to row

I need to go

to Enter - to Succeed - to Return

Nobody can get in the way of this

Mauritania, Libya, we are traveling because we are searching

Let us depart

Solidarity with migrants

Solidarity with migrants

Solidarity with migrants

Freedom of movement

Solidarity with migrants

Let's go!

Yo I am a real migrant

To change my destiny, I need to go with my instinct

to smash the fences, to put a rubber boat in Tanger waters,

to search a beach, to row for entering, or even to stay in the water,

to be chased by the police.

We're going for BOZA

Lift your head and look! To run fast to be faster

If you get stopped, they throw you back to Oujda.

Since long time we try to enter,

since long time it is not possible,

since long time we need to find other doors

Thank God,

I came back, I am in my city Dakar

I live the underground, glory to me, never give up

It's my problem that they are doing their business

going from left to right to make ends meet, to see from where we can pass

We are demanding FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT

Change your laws, I address our leaders

believe in yourselves, remove this complex

you signed these agreements, you let your children get deported

You even believe that you are heros,

but they only disappoint you, creating problems for you

that pull you down to zero!

Let's go! Let's move!

Are you ready to go?

Let's go! I say:

Are you ready to go?

Let's go! Solidarity!

Are you ready to go?

I say: Let's go!

Are you ready to go?

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