Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

Vesuhda - You & Me

For more infomation >> Vesuhda - You & Me - Duration: 3:25.


Your One Word by Evan Carmichael - Successful Business Startup Tips - Duration: 7:44.

hey guys in this video we're gonna be reviewing the book your one-word by Evan

Carmichael I'll teach you how you can increase your success by finding a

single word that describes yourself and I'll find mine in the process there's

also a ton of technical tips on building a brand and business in this book so I

hope you guys enjoy this video and learn something from it so your one word

describes who you want what you want and how you are going to grow yourself and

your business now Evan breaks this book up into three main parts core campaign

and company and uses each chapter to help you find use and keep your one word

for many reasons I think the most important thing about your one word is

that it helps you keep your TrueNorth what you really want in life during

difficult times Martin Luther King Jr's word was equality oprah's is heart and

Steve Jobs was impact can you guess what mine is basically the

core chapter explains why it's so important to have a single word to

describe yourself and how to find it through some simple exercises it helps

you evaluate your life become a little bit more self-aware understand your

character and who you want to be in one single word something I found helpful in

this chapter is that he describes three types of selling you can sell using a

feature this is when you sell a product marketing it by what features it has for

example if you're selling a light bulb you might claim that it will last over

50 years and cost less than five dollars a year to power these are independent

features of the product or service the second form of selling is benefit

selling when you market a product or service to how it will help the buyer

for example you could say you're liable will never have to be replaced and this

sells emotionally and practically to the customer who's going to be buying it

the third however Evan says is the most important and it is core selling it's

selling with your one word in mind core selling would be like selling your light

bulb by showing how buying it would change the world maybe you will reduce

the total waste on the earth or reduce energy consumption in a way that makes

it very eco-friendly Steve Jobs said and in the interview that it wasn't his

first million dollars his first 10 million and it wasn't even when he hit

100 million dollars that he felt like he had done his job it was that he wanted

to change the world the same with you on musk when he started Tesla he was pretty

sure the company was going to fail and go bankrupt and go out of business

he just wanted to change how people saw electric cars so he did that now look at

both of those companies Apple and Tesla they're very successful because they

were founded on one single word one principle to change the world

just like money your one word the one word that you come up with is also a

tool and the outcome of the use of it is all up to the user of the tool so I can

have one word but if I don't practically apply it in my life it's not going to be

useful another part of the core section explains why a single word is so

important it's important because that clarity of one single word leads to

conviction now let me explain if you have a single word that describes what

you want to accomplish in your life you can simply pass every decision through

it and ask yourself is this supporting or failing my one word so it helps you

make better decisions and faster decisions too it helps keep your eye on

the long game it can also help you stay motivated if you know that you are in it

to change the world and you rely back and look on your one word it should

motivate you so how can you find your one word if it offers five questions

what makes you happy what connects your happiness what traits

do you hate what's your constant and is this really who you are those five

questions he asked you for the first question write down a huge list of

things that make you happy and to really think about it to save some time I'll

skip to the next question which is to find what connects all of these things

for me it's understanding understanding stuff helps make me happy along with

learning and teaching things the answer to the third question for me is ignorant

because I hate it when people don't know stuff or they don't have access or the

tools to further their education especially when they have the drive and

they actually want to so find out the traits that you hate and find the

opposite the second part of the equation is campaign so this section is filled

with tons of examples of how people have used their one word in the past to

create a successful business I love historical examples and the

research Evan did on this chapter is outstanding there are some technical and

practical stuff in there I'd love to teach you about also though one thing

that really resonated with me is to not overthink or overspend on a logo for

example I spent 30 minutes designing the practical psychology logo and I spent

only $25 paying a designer to create it professionally the logo isn't as

important as what the logo stands for or what you make it stand for there's a

couple more tips the author gives on creating a successful campaign tip

number one name your tribe for example if you give your audience a name you can

make them feel special and connected The Hunger Game fans call themselves

tributes the same with Evans audience they are called hashtag believe nation

branding my audience as practitioners but I'm not too sure about that

charisma and command is trying to brand his audience and he even joked in a

video about calling his fan cock fighters just think of Logan and Jake

parlors they all have a name for their tribe tip number two is to use rituals

and gestures Evan uses the famous story of Corona and how they use the lime

wedges to brand their product another example of a ritual is toothpaste a

toothpaste you said never have a flavor can you imagine that nobody wanted to

use it because it didn't have a flavor until they added citric acid which added

a sparkly clean feeling to the users after they brushed their teeth and

because of this sales went through the roof it actually has a little bit to do

with the habit loop also think of how Jake Paul always dabs on his haters or

something like that although there is a lot to be learned from successful people

whether you like them or not tip number three is logos fonts and

symbols use a combination of similar logos fonts and symbols to brand your

content to your audience there are many psychological reasons to

think deeply about these and make them very important in your business to boost

overall performance but I may make a video about this later tip number four

is colors now colors are very important because they have meaning for example

I'll list some colors red means danger passion and love examples are YouTube

and the Rolling Stones black means power and elegance examples are Nike and Apple

blue is dependability intelligence and wisdom

examples are Facebook and practical psychology yep I did do that on purpose

when I was starting the channel orange is happiness and creativity

examples are Firefox and Nickelodeon green is growth in nature examples are

John Deere and Starbucks purple is royalty and luxury now this actually has

a lot to do with back in the old ages and purple is a color that was very rare

so examples are Barbie and Cadbury eggs and our last one is yellow it stands for

joy and happiness examples are Ferrari and National

Geographic but Evan also included IKEA for some reason the last tip number five

is sounds think of how my early videos had that famous background music and how

I'm starting to use it again most of you can probably remember the windows

loading sound or the Intel Inside commercial these are very famous sounds

evans videos also have a famous sonic boom type thing one of my favorite

youtubers starts off his videos by saying subscribers thank you so much for

joining me these things are very important in launching a campaign now

the last part of the book is company Evan talks a lot about building the

proper culture and environment of a company that boasts your one specific

word he gives tips on how to hire people in your business out of

fire people in your business even if you like them and some other interesting

behind-the-scenes tricks another tricky mentions is to give a name to your

employees for example Starbucks employees are called baristas he also

gives some really interesting and unique tips on how to get more funding and

raising capital from venture capitalists my last practical tip of this book is

that when you are pitching to a potential investor you have to know that

you're not just pitching your idea or business you are actually pitching

yourself the investor isn't just investing in

your business they are investing in you and they want to know that and they know

the difference between a good executor and a bad executor even if they both

have a great idea that can cost millions of dollars so take that into account

when you go to pitch someone an idea I hope you guys enjoyed this book review

and if you're interested in this book check out the Amazon link below if

you're interested in listening to this book for free check out the link below

for a free trial at audible and leave a comment of what you think of

what your one word is and thanks so much for watching guys


For more infomation >> Your One Word by Evan Carmichael - Successful Business Startup Tips - Duration: 7:44.


9 Signs You Might Crochet - Duration: 7:20.

Oh Amanda what do you think I'm sorry I'm I'm counting your Silliman hey dad

tell you about the other day there's my dog behind

18:19 movie night

that was so good I know right I didn't realize it was spent talking I

mean spend wasn't talking until like halfway through the movie it was fun

the reindeer I thought it's a part-time Hans like I I didn't expect that like

trailer songs again red-haired one actually my son like I know he was like

she betrayed honor

hey you don't have your vacation I think I just feel like I might be forgetting

something like clothes yes I've got a change of clothes toothbrush deodorant

I've got all I need Oh analyst for my crochet hooks can't

leave these behind okay now I'm ready perfect

well I'll do one more breath oh wow it's already 11 okay well one more row and

then I'm going to bed oh it's so close to being done it's only

one but I'm so close to being done I might as well finish it now with the one

more row one more row

and then I finish the project I am hey I gotta get up for the day y'all be ready

to go in just a sec I've got to pick a pair of shoes let me go look at my shoe

closet hello okay I think I left the brown ones

on this top shelf here somewhere um know yourself huh well oh come on

do I even own shoes are there any shoes under here we're going is my shoe closet

ah here shoot nope wrong pair with the brown ones brown shoes Oh they've got to

be yes shoes finally found shoes okay I'll be there in just a minute

oh my maybe I won't

Wow my back is so tight you guys it's because you stole your crocheting

maybe you should go do something outside for show you good night sweetie

good night mom double crochet two double crochet three double crochet for

devotion five double crochet one single crochet

and one double crochet two double crochet yeah I mean I remember what's

going on over here so just like whenever you were able to come on over yeah okay

sounds good see in a bit Cheri modeling no I can't find my crochet up guys I'm

sitting right here oh yeah you look in that hat you're

gonna look over the center and you're gonna go check upstairs to make sure I

didn't like miss placement on their budget work sorry to interrupt but what

are you knitting that's so cool oh it's gonna be a baby blanket oh so cool

all right oh thank you have fun knitting

what makes you happy it'd just be joy to my heart

well actually it's crushed

oh yeah it's not knit okay do you see me holding knitting needles no because what

I'm gonna get you something here it's got a hook

it's a crochet which means that crochet

yeah I crocheted this third that I'm wearing here this is so awesome yeah no

sheep were harmed in the making of this movie

I am dr. Amanda and I approve this message

all in a day's work

For more infomation >> 9 Signs You Might Crochet - Duration: 7:20.


Super car and hot girls for you cheap auto insurance 2018 - Duration: 10:45.

Super car and hot girls for you

For more infomation >> Super car and hot girls for you cheap auto insurance 2018 - Duration: 10:45.


Uncommon Makeup Look ! Blue Eyes and Nude Lips ! Makeup Tutorial ! Girls Beauty Tips - Duration: 6:51.

girls beauty tips

For more infomation >> Uncommon Makeup Look ! Blue Eyes and Nude Lips ! Makeup Tutorial ! Girls Beauty Tips - Duration: 6:51.


R3HAB & Khrebto - You Could Be - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> R3HAB & Khrebto - You Could Be - Duration: 2:43.


Blossom Hill Hotels & Resorts Hangzhou, China (Asia). Visit Blossom Hill Hotels & Resorts Hangzhou - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Blossom Hill Hotels & Resorts Hangzhou, China (Asia). Visit Blossom Hill Hotels & Resorts Hangzhou - Duration: 5:02.


Angela Merkel's secret wish revealed for the future - and you will NEVER guess what it is - Duration: 3:03.

Angela Merkel's secret wish revealed for the future - and you will NEVER guess what it is

The CDU/CSU leader is poised to win a fourth term as leader of Europes largest economy, as she contests the federal elections on September 24.

But in an interview with German media on the campaign trail, Ms Merkel revealed there was another job she would like to try her hand at.  Many world leaders have enough to deal with when running a country but has admitted she would like to take on a second job.  And it appears Mrs Merkels place on the world stage has given her a taste for the limelight. .

In a shocking admission Mrs Merkel said her secret wish was to host her own television talk show. Mrs Merkel, 63, told Rheinische Post newspaper about her desire in a questionnaire to be published on Saturday.

She said: "I wish I could do that - hosting a talk show in addition to serving as chancellor." While her dream may not become a reality, the German Chancellor is due to appear on a highly anticipated TV debate with rival Social Democratic challenger Martin Schulz, 61, on Sunday.

The televised duel is expected to attract millions of viewers, with many voters still undecided just weeks before the election of the 19th Bundestag.

Mrs Merkel told the newspaper she did not have the time to review videotapes of previous debates but would prepare herself by reading various materials. She said she hoped as many Germans as possible would watch the debate.

Almost half the 61.5 million people eligible to vote are expected to tune in to the debate, according to pollster Forsa.  Nearly two-thirds of Germans expect Merkel to win the contest while 17 percent expected Schulz to fare better, another poll showed.

Throughout recent weeks, Angela Merkel has maintained a hectic schedule - and even kicked it up to speak at five or more campaign rallies every day.

But she has faced several tough speeches, being heckled with boos and shouts of "get lost" at several public appearances.

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