Bollywood Popular Choreographers And Their Life Partner Photos You Have Never Seen Before !
For more infomation >> Bollywood Popular Choreographers And Their Life Partner Photos You Have Never Seen Before ! - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
How To Start A Travel Blog 2017 | Step By Step Beginner's Guide - Duration: 10:07.
Hey guys, Bryan here with WP Cupid Blog and today I'm going to be showing you how to
start a travel blog step by step.
In this video I'm going to be going over 4 different steps to get your travel blog
started with the #1 recommended hosting provider by
Step 1 is how to sign up for a hosting account, step 2 is choosing a hosting package, step
3 is registering a domain name, and then step 4 is installing wordpress.
The hosting provider is Bluehost.
I will also be going over Pre Made Travel Blog Templates that you can choose from at
the end of the video.
I've provided a link in the description below to Bluehost if you want to follow along
with me in the video.
The cool thing about the link provided below is you will get a discount.
You'll get a free domain name with your hosting package.
Some awesome features you will get with Bluehost's hosting is a 1 click WordPress install, 24/7
support from Bluehost, and a 30 day money back guarantee.
You'll also receive over $150 in advertising offers from Google and Bing.
Bluehost is one of the top web hosting providers and is the #1 recommended hosting provider
Bluehost also powers over 2 million websites worldwide.
Feel free to walk through the steps with me to start your travel blog step by step.
Before we get started a little disclosure the link is an affiliate link.
I'll receive a commission which helps support this channel and helps us put out WordPress
tutorial videos on a regular basis.
Let's get started.
First thing you want to do is head on over to bluehost.
I've provided the link in the description below so that you can get your free domain
name discount.
You'll see the get started now button on the page.
Click the button.
This is where you can select your hosting plan.
You'll see three different options.
You'll see a Basic plan, Plus plan, and a Prime plan.
I recommend going with the basic plan and then you can always scale up whenever you'd
If you have more than one website then you'd want to choose either the plus plan or prime
I'm going to choose the basic plan for this tutorial as this is most common.
Go ahead and hit the select button on whichever plan you would like to use.
We are now brought to a domain page where we can choose the domain name that we want
completely free.
Or if you already have a domain name you'd enter it in over on the right.
For the new domain you can select if you want it to be a .com, .net, .org, etc…
.com is the most popular domain extension so I'd recommend going with a .com if you
I'm going to type in a domain here and click the next button.
You are now brought to a create your account page.
This is where you will input your information.
We have first name, last name.
Business name is optional.
Put your country address information.
Put a phone number and lastly the best email for you as you'll get emailed a receipt
of payment and a copy of your login credentials, etc.
Below that you will see package information.
You'll see account plan.
This is where you can select the term for your hosting package.
You have 12 months, 24 months, and 36 months, and 60 months.
As you can see you'll save money the longer you purchase your hosting for.
I'm going to select the 12 months package.
Setup fee is free.
Domain is free.
You'll see site back up pro.
You can unselect this as there are free backup plugins you can use for your WordPress website.
Search Engine jumpstart you can keep unselected.
This isn't necessary to have.
Sitelock security find is security for your WordPress website and protects it from hackers.
I'd unselect this as there are really good free alternatives.
As you can see your saving a lot for this hosting package.
Below that you will input your payment infromation.
I'm not going to fill this out for protection of personal information.
Once your information you want to select the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's privacy
policy and terms of service.
Now click the submit button.
You are now brought to a confirmation page.
Bluehost is also going to at this time email your dashboard login information.
You might need to pause the video while you wait for the email to come in.
Keep in mind that Bluehost does update their pages after you sign up so if it looks a little
different than when I did this tutorial video on how to start a WordPress blog don't worry.
It will still be close to the same process.
Now we need to login to the bluehost dashboard.
You can click the link they gave you or just go to bluehost's website and up at the top
you will see login.
Click login.
Enter your account credentials and click submit.
Once you do that you'll be in the bluehost hosting home dashboard as you can see here.
Scroll down a bit till you see website and then under that section you will see install
Click install wordpress.
You should now see do it yourself free and on the right hand side you will see the install
Go ahead and click install.
Once you do that you will see a select which domain you would like to install to.
So select the domain you want to use for this and where you see the directory part next
to it just leave that blank and click the check domain button.
It's now going to check your domain name.
This could take a few minutes so just be patient.
Once that is done you will see the last step.
You want to select show advanced options.
You will see where you can change the site name or title.
You want to put the name of your site here.
You will see admin username.
If you need to change that you can.
Under that you will see your password listed.
Feel free to change it to a password that you would like too.
Select the box that says automatically create a new database for this installation.
Make sure you select I have read the terms and conditions.
Click the install button now.
Now you'll see a page or a popup saying we're setting up WordPress for you.
Just be patient.
You'll see a progress bar at the top showing the progress of the WordPress installation.
Once it is done it will say your install is complete.
Click on the view credentials link.
It will now give you the url of your website, the login url for WordPress to make edits
to your site along with your username and password.
Go ahead and click on the admin url link.
Put the username and password in.
And click the login button.
And you will now be in the WordPress dashboard where you can start creating your WordPress
website by adding pages, blog posts, etc…
Up at the top you will see your site title.
Click that or hover over it to where it says view site and click on it and you can view
your site as you can see here.
What you see here is the demo default theme for WordPress.
If you want a professional already pre made Travel Theme I provided a link in the description
below where you can browse through lots of fitness style blog themes for a really great
When you click on the link just go to WordPress in the main menu.
Click that and then in the search icon just type in travel blog or travel.
All the Travel Themes will pop up that you can choose from.
If you click on a Theme and click live preview it'll take you to a page where you can view
what this Theme looks like live.
I'm going to click on a random theme so you can see.
As you can see this is one example of a great Travel Theme.
I definitely recommend you click on the link in the description and browse through some
awesome Fitness blog Theme's.
If you decide to go with a premium theme you can email us or send us a message on Facebook
and we will setup your theme like the demo content and give you all the plugins you need
to have a successful site completely free.
Our email is provided in the description below along with our Facebook info.
And that is how to start a Travel Blog step by step.
Alright guys, thanks for watching.
That is how to start a Travel blog step by step.
I provided a step by step summary of this video via text in the description below.
I've also provided the link to get the free domain name discount below.
Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.
Why You should STOP Complaining about Life... - Duration: 3:37.
The Universe supplies experiences to you based on what you are thinking in your
mind and what is that overall set of thoughts that you are carrying in your
mind energetically. So, it is like the Universe looks at everyone and
identifies: Sad Person >> More Sadness. Negative person >> more negativity. Someone
who cribs >> Give more reasons to crib for. A frustrated employee >> Bad Boss. Sad
Single >> More Loneliness. Sad person >> More Sadness. Fearful Wife >> Angry Husband. So,
the Universe supplies to you experiences based on what you are feeling about
yourself. So, when you are complaining about life, when you are complaining
about any area of life, it could be just 1 area out of 10 about which you have
problems and that you are complaining about, you are not helping yourself, isn't
it? God helps those who help themselves. So, by complaining or by creating
negative thoughts you are not helping yourself, which means that you are not
trying to (I am NOT saying jump from negativity to positivity), but you are not
even trying to help yourself by trying to head in the (more and more) positive
direction. If you try that, if you at least attempt that, if you at least
demonstrate to the Universe that you are willing to be more positive, that is when
the Universe will supply to you more and more positive experiences. It is a mirror.
The more you complain, the more you have reasons to complain for. So, if you
appreciate life 90% and complain 10% about life, you will have 10% reasons to
complain about always, but if you change that, if you complain 90% about your life
and you are appreciative of only a few things in your life, then the Universe
will continue to mirror that to you. The Universe will continue to send you 90%
of things that are COMPLAIN-able. So, it is not about you understanding the Law of
Attraction or anything. You don't need to get TOO technical about this at all.
Plain simple logic: If you are a complainer, you only look for reasons to
complain, even if there are reasons to appreciate. You will always bump into
things and you will start identifying things to complain about. So, it is not
about anything or anybody doing something bad to you. It is about you
going out there and looking for those things out there in the world, out in
your life, instead of looking at those things differently. When you start
looking for (or at) things differently, those negative things actually change to
positive. This is how it works. It is not because there is any law or there is a
miracle that happens or there is anybody sitting out there judging you that "If he
is a negative person, give him negative experiences". "If she is complaining about
life, give her a husband to complain about." No, it is not about that. It is
about you looking for that, you having that kind of a perspective and energy
and until you keep that kind of energy within you, you cannot really be shifted
to a better place by the Universe.
Archery Master 3d with man I fully try to win I perfect target - Duration: 11:57.
archery master
The Gospel of John: Chapter 16 - GNT CC Read-Along - Duration: 5:20.
John 16 Good News Translation (GNT) 16 "I have told you this, so that you will
not give up your faith.
2 You will be expelled from the synagogues, and the time will come when those who kill
you will think that by doing this they are serving God.
3 People will do these things to you because they have not known either the Father or Me.
4 But I have told you this, so that when the time comes for them to do these things, you
will remember what I told you.
The Work of the Holy Spirit "I did not tell you these things at the
beginning, for I was with you.
5 But now I am going to Him who sent Me, yet none of you asks Me where I am going.
6 And now that I have told you, your hearts are full of sadness.
7 But I am telling you the truth: it is better for you that I go away, because if I do not
go, the Helper will not come to you.
But if I do go away, then I will send Him to you.
8 And when He comes, He will prove to the people of the world that they are wrong about
sin and about what is right and about God's judgment.
9 They are wrong about sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10 they are wrong about
what is right, because I am going to the Father and you will not see Me any more; 11 and they
are wrong about judgment, because the ruler of this world has already been judged.
12 "I have much more to tell you, but now it would be too much for you to bear.
13 When, however, the Spirit comes, Who reveals the truth about God, He will lead you into
all the Truth.
He will not speak on His Own authority, but He will speak of what He hears and will tell
you of things to come.
14 He will give Me glory, because He will take what I say and tell it to you.
15 All that my Father has is Mine; that is why I said that the Spirit will take what
I give Him and tell it to you.
Sadness and Gladness 16 "In a little while you will not see Me anymore,
and then a little while later you will see Me."
17 Some of His disciples asked among themselves, "What does this mean?
He tells us that in a little while we will not see Him, and then a little while later
we will see Him; and He also says, 'It is because I am going to the Father.'
18 What does this 'a little while' mean?
We don't know what He is talking about!"
19 Jesus knew that they wanted to question Him, so He said to them, "I said, 'In
a little while you will not see Me, and then a little while later you will see Me.'
Is this what you are asking about among yourselves?
20 I am telling you the truth: you will cry and weep, but the world will be glad;
you will be sad, but your sadness will turn into gladness.
21 When a woman is about to give birth, she is sad because her hour of suffering has come;
but when the baby is born, she forgets her suffering, because she is happy that a baby
has been born into the world.
22 That is how it is with you: now you are sad, but I will see you again, and your hearts
will be filled with gladness, the kind of gladness that no one can take away from you.
23 "When that day comes, you will not ask Me for anything.
I am telling you the truth: the Father will give you whatever you ask of Him in My Name.
24 Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name; ask and you will receive, so that
your happiness may be complete.
Victory over the World 25 "I have used figures of speech to tell
you these things.
But the time will come when I will not use figures of speech, but will speak to you plainly
about the Father.
26 When that day comes, you will ask Him in My Name; and I do not say that I will ask
Him on your behalf, 27 for the Father Himself loves you.
He loves you because you love Me and have believed that I came from God.
28 I did come from the Father, and I came into the world; and now I am leaving the world
and going to the Father."
29 Then His disciples said to Him, "Now You are speaking plainly, without using figures of speech.
30 We know now that You know everything; You do not need to have someone ask You questions.
This makes us believe that You came from God."
31 Jesus answered them, "Do you believe now?
32 The time is coming, and is already here, when all of you will be scattered, each of
you to your own home, and I will be left all alone.
But I am not really alone, because the Father is with Me.
33 I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to Me.
The world will make you suffer.
But be brave!
I have defeated the world!"
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