Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 3 2017

Asslam-o Alakum


My Name is

Muhammad islam

and you see

youtube channel

Online Teaches

For more infomation >> Camtasia Studio Complete Course In Urdu/Hindi By Online Teaches Part 6 - Duration: 6:28.



Hello Everyone!

And welcome to In the KNOW-DAILY Today nintendo released Splatoon 2 and

the amiibo and also we fix the joy con issue! Now the joy con issue

what happens is that when you accidentally put it the wrong way it doesn't come off!

But i am here to prove to you that you can indeed take if off even if you put it the wrong way like this! But watch VERY carefully!

this is good first we're on the right way so this is

the partisan move that's the minus symbol this is the nitrate I'm not sure

your video eight yard huh just the right way you know about that but yeah let's

do a run wild crap is what Jesus ISA bodice and it

that's a distillery but this is there

see he's a plus symbol so now let's go all right go sit down the road right

just across the bed my god get it off what I do well simple thing where judges

know doing stuff make Sherlock season but it's just glad this sitting really

now this is no I'm not edit Edition yes okay edit it's not edited

they do she's got this

suppose that funny she sold of course you to do that dot red one too so prove

it that's all the bedrock the minus symbol yep the plastic bull let's go

away season one wagon and my guess is -

just comes straight on you're watching in the night nice tidy little way

For more infomation >> JOY CON ISSUE SOLVED! WITHOUT TOOLS 100% WORKING!! FULL - Duration: 4:13.


Israeli Jews who look Arab: What do you think of Arab culture? - Duration: 7:26.

What do you think of Arab culture?

Ido and Omer Shoham

It's a beautiful culture

but there are some who don't act very well

I think mostly the same

Nothing to do with Arab Israelis

There are good people and bad people

Not connected to being (Arab)

Beautiful culture, great music, great food

What are your ethnic backgrounds?

I am Yemenite

You are Yemenite?

I thought maybe half

and you?

Yemenite and Moroccan

Yes, you look it

So you also come from Arab cultures


So you are aware of that


What do you think of Arab culture?

Omer Bat Yam

I don't really know Arab culture

I don't really know Arab culture

From what I have seen it is a diverse culture

But to have a definite opinion I don't really know the culture

What is your ethnic background?

Ashkenazi (European Jew)

Completely? - Yes

You look Mizrahi

What do you think of Arab culture?

since we are now in Akko


It is very nice

Oshriel Akko

David Akko

Pretty cool, like he said

Such great answers you are getting

You have something juicier?

I will tell you, they have an amazing culture

What are your cultural backgrounds?

I am Moroccan

I am Tunisian

Completely different

What do you think of Arab culture?

Haim Yavne

Great culture

What do you like about it?

They have respect They are good people

Do you know any Arabs?

Yes, I have a lot of Arab friends

Israeli Arab friends? - Yes

I guess that is it

Do you want to say something bad?

You don't have to but...

They are good people we live together

Great people

What do you think of Arab culture?

Tom Holon

I don't know what to say

a good thing? a bad thing?

Arab culture

The culture itself is great

their songs

that is the nicest part

That's it I think

and you said you were half Iraqi?

Half Iraqi, half Persian

Do you consider yourself an Arab?



You are explaining to the world not to me

Because I am Israeli and a Jew

I am not an Arab

I don't want to be an Arab

But you listen to music that has an Arab sound

I listen to the music but I am not an Arab

Give an explanation to that

I just like the music

the way it sounds

What do you think about Arab culture?

Binyamin Sfat

In general I think

the Arab culture

changed in the past few years

to a religion of murder

If you notice that all the operations of killings and occupation

that happened in the past and until today is all in the name of their religion

it is murder

so something in Arab culture got screwed up

We need to look at what that is

So the next question they want me to ask is

What is your ethnic background?

Half Moroccan, half Persian

Aren't you yourself an Arab?

In principle, yes

It is a type of Arabness

But it...


Because this country is itself Arab, right?

Iran, Persia, those kind of places

But don't forget that those regions were conquered (by Arab Islam)

so cultures change

It's completely different

So how are you Arab?

It is not really being Arab

You have to differentiate between the religion of Islam

and the Arab origins

Arab is a geographic thing in my mind

It is all the East

the Middle East is Arab

Religion is a different thing...

There are countries with a few religions

For example in Iran

There are Persians, there are Muslims

There are the... and not only the religion itself

meaning you need to differentiate between religion and

the geographic origins of Arabs

Ruti Herzliya

I am Ashkenazi (European Jew)

Eran Pardes Hanna

Very interesting

Very similar to the Israeli culture

a lot of

native motifs

a lot of family motifs

Beautiful culture

Earthy culture

It is just a pity that

some people took it to the wrong way

and involved religion (Islam)

within the true culture of Arabs

When you are talking about Arabs you mean Arab Muslims

No, even in the Christian Arabs you can see

such politicization

of the culture

So it's a pity

The follow up quesiton specifically asking you

You told me you are half Persian, half Tunisian


Would you agree that you also have an Arab culture?


Even though the North African culture is not actually an Arab culture

A lot of North Africans would agree

I am told

It has some motifs

because of Islam

the Muslim occupation

but it's a culture of it's own

It has a lot of native roots of Africa

alongside Jewish roots

ancient Jewish roots

Of course, the Muslim culture

interfered inside

mixed within everything

and the Persian culture is not an Arab culture

Not Arab but Middle Eastern culture

For more infomation >> Israeli Jews who look Arab: What do you think of Arab culture? - Duration: 7:26.




Fact: when your core is fit, it's a lot easier for the rest of you to be. Your core stabilises your whole body, giving you better posture and form when you run, walk, lift weights, do yoga or just about any activity.

And of course, who doesn't want a honed and toned midriff, after all? A washboard-stomach is certainly an incentive, but aside from aesthetics, the health benefits of a strong core a many.

First of all, you'll have better posture, which will help you breathe properly, improve your balance, appear more confident, younger and slimmer too – sitting up straight makes you look around 5lbs thinner.

Secondly, you'll have a healthier back. With an estimated 75% to 85% of all Americans experiencing some form of back pain during their lifetime, ensuring your core muscles are strong and resilient may help to keep back pains at bay.

In fact, even the way we sleep can have an effect on our posture, so it's a good idea to opt for a highly supportive mattress like these ones from Eve, and sleep either on your side with your spine straight, or on your back.

Finally, if your core is strong, you can perform better in many sports. One of the first things my own personal trainer advised before I ran my first marathon was to strengthen my core.

I was surprised, but ultimately, in those last miles of the race, I was grateful – my legs were exhausted, but my arms and core kept pumping, pushing me through! A strong core is also essential for weight lifting, yoga, and even every day walking.

So, how to get one? Here are six easy core exercises you can try just about anywhere, any time, no matter what your fitness level (but beware: 4 is a killer!).

The plank is another highly effective core exercise that is not only simple to execute, but also incredibly easy to incorporate when time is of the essence.

For extra comfort, you may wish to do this on a yoga mat, but carpeted floor should work just as well. Lie on your stomach and push up onto your forearms, so that all your weight is resting on them.

Keep your body in a straight line and hold position – this will work your glutes, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis as well as your oblique muscles. Variations of the Classic Plank.

If holding the normal version of a plank is torture to you, it's because it is effectively working all the core's surrounding muscles as well.

Variations of the classic plank, such as the side plank and dolphin plank, will help you solidify your body strength in a new and different way.

These yoga poses can give you an idea of what to do next time you're at home with your yoga mat and up for a plank challenge.

As these poses are quite advanced, take it slow and listen to your body – something to always keep in mind when practicing yoga.

Never liked the normal crunches that stiffen up your neck? There are other types of crunches that are recommended to anyone building up their core strength. The Bird-Dog Crunch is a total-body workout, targeting your abs, hamstrings, glutes and shoulders.

The key to this move is to stretch all the way out with your arm and opposing leg, as if grabbing something and pulling it close.

Make sure you aren't turning your hips – keep them squared and level as you complete a number of reps on each side.

Although this position is technically in a plank, you are drawing your knees alternately into your chest at a moderate to fast speed.

By increasing the intensity of the exercise, it puts a great cardiovascular spin on your typical stationary core workout. Simultaneously, it makes your arms and core work harder to support your leg movement.

The key is to mix these in with stationary ab exercises – even though it may hurt a bit! See how to do this properly here.

If you are a beginner, the boat will seem like a daunting exercise to try. Have no fear! What matters is your personal progress.

To start, lie on your back and engage your core muscles to protect your lower back. Raise your knees to 90 degrees and slowly extend your arms and legs so that they are about 45 degrees off the ground.

If you feel your abs, you're doing it right! Be careful not to raise or arch your back during the exercise, otherwise you may hurt yourself.

This yoga pose is easy and kind of fun, too! Kneel down on all fours, then extend your right arm and left leg.

Ensure the arm is at shoulder height and the leg is at hip height (not higher, or you could hurt your back). Hold, engaging your core, and then swap sides.

To ensure you get the best out of your core exercise regime, switch up your routine every now and again. Pilates will make you stronger and more flexible and can easily be incorporated into your core workouts.

For greater effect, combine this with cardio and strength exercises in variation. Yoga-centric poses, on the other hand, will provide a less intense – though equally difficult – alternative.

And don't forget to simply stand up straight and engage your core while sitting or standing: your body will thank you!.

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