7 Anti Inflammatory Foods to Know
Have you experienced swelling and pain? The inflammatory process is composed of molecular, vascular, and cellular phenomena that the body produces to defend itself from attacks that it receives.
Luckily, anti inflammatory foods can help you boost your overall health.
For the system to function, it requires the participation of the:.
• Nervous system,. • Immune system,.
• Endocrine system (which is in charge of hormones),.
However, there are factors that modify the reaction according to each organism.
• Low nutrient content: People that dont consume sufficient nutrients have the most serious inflammation.
• Problems in blood circulation: When there is a poor cardiovascular state, the damage to the tissues is much worse.
• Hormonal state The patient that secretes excessive quantities of hormones will tend to have more complications when suffering from inflammation.
• Immunodeficiency: Illnesses like anemia impede the cells and the tissues to regenerate rapidly.
The reality is that no one is exempt from having inflammation.
If we analyze it, inflammation is the symptom that a great percentage of diseases tend to display.
Among these are asthma, diabetes and arthritis.
Therefore, its very important that we are familiar with anti inflammatory products and that they have nothing to do with bottles of pills.
There are plants that have the same effect and are not damaging to our health.
Do you want to learn what they are? Pay attention to the following list.
1. Flax seed
Flax seed contains large quantities of nutrients, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids.
Its one of the most used remedies used to reduce pain in the arteries and improve mobility.
Thanks to its contribution of antioxidants, it helps prevent aging.
It also helps the absorption of vitamins and balances the quantity of hormones.
Besides, it contains fiber, which has a diuretic effect to eliminate toxins, regulate the movement in the intestines, and reduce retention of liquids.
2. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains lauric acid that has anti inflammatory properties.
Besides, it maintains a balance in the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure.
It aids in the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the body.
When ingested, it forms an enzyme called monolaurine that has the capacity to eliminate bacteria, fungus and viruses.
In the same way, one can apply it directly to the skin to reduce swelling.
3. Blueberries
They say that you can tell how nutritious a fruit is by the richness of its color; more intense means better results.
Blueberries contain antibacterial substances that contribute to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, problems of obesity, and cancer.
4. Salmon
Salmon is a luxury that you should definitely consume for your health.
It contains protein, vitamin B12 and D, minerals, and fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).
In the case of the omegas, they are in charge of reducing inflammation and pain.
• Experts recommend that you consume them twice a week if you want to prevent degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
• 67 grams in a meal is sufficient.
5. Celery
One of the vegetables that you cant exclude from your diet is celery.
It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C and E.
In addition it contains minerals such as sodium, sulfur, silicon, and fiber among others.
It stands out for its properties:.
• Sedatives,. • Antioxidants,.
• Diuretics,. • Analgesics,.
• Cardio protectors,. • Laxatives.
All of this helps to maintains the cholesterol level.
Additionally, it reduces probabilities of heart attacks and improves blood presure.
In general, it cleanses the body, eliminating unnecessary liquids and decreasing joint pain.
6. Shiitake mushrooms
Another example of anti inflammatory foods are shiitake mushrooms.
These mushrooms contain mineral substances, vitamins and macronutrients, besides essential amino acids:.
• Provide us with a large quantity of fiber that maintains the proper function of the intestinal floral.
• Contain a high percentage of enzymes that turn into a good antioxidant.
• Has vitamin D, manganese, zinc, selenium, and iron.
• Among its compounds, lentinan and beta-gucan, that help to combat the development of tumors, stand out.
7. Avocado
The avocado contains phenolic substances which absorb cholesterol in the blood.
In addition, it also functions for people with joint problems or rheumatic conditions.
On the other hand, it accelerates metabolism.
It also lowers high blood pressure and reduces the lipids in the blood. This helps to avoid heart attacks.
General Recommendations:.
• Reduce the quantity of sugar in the diet.
• Exercise frequently.
• Increase liquid consumption.
• If you have wounds on the skin, keep the area clean.
• Sleep, at least 8 hours daily.
• Avoid stressful situations; remember that changes in the emotions have physical effects.
For more infomation >> 7 Anti Inflammatory Foods to Know - Duration: 10:18.-------------------------------------------
Why don't you have any of these??? - Duration: 4:28.
good morning class welcome to kitchen 101 where we teach
you how to think like a chef how to cook not what to cook giving you the wisdom
and look you're messing me up you are you're messing me up
hello class and welcome to kitchen 101 where we teach you how to think like a
chef how to cook not what to cook giving you the wisdom and comfort you need to
fit your chosen way of eating and lifestyle today we're going to talk
about growing your own herbs so go ahead and grab yourself a pin a paper and
some potting soil because I'm professor kitchen and class is in session
You can see behind me my family's collection of herbs were
growing this year we have always enjoyed growing herbs even when I lived in the
city it's something that's really nice to have some green things around and
plus it really can save you a lot of money and going to the grocery store if
you're the type of person who cooks with fresh herbs and you should be then you
know they can get kind of expensive when you're buying buy these little packages
in the grocery store for about half or less of what you pay for one package you
can buy yourself a plant and have a bunch of packages worth so it's a really
good deal and it's actually kind of fun when you get down to it I don't know
wine but it is you may think to yourself "PK, look it looks like you're out in the country and you've got a lot of space out there to grow herbs I live in
a city I live in an apartment I don't have that kind of space" okay so I'm not
saying you have to have as many as we do but go ahead and give it a try go down
to your local hardware store or Mega Mart or wherever sells herb seedlings
that you can buy get yourself a pot or two and a little potting soil and it's
real easy to to set up and to get started when I lived in the big city I
used to take and put them either out on what little bitty porch I had or in a
windowsill - works really well and it is nice not having to worry about
oh this is my favorite herb and I'm out of them and I have to run to the grocery
store or I don't want to run to the grocery store or don't have time or
whatever All you need to do is step out on your back porch or walk over to your
windowsill and clip a little off and boom you got just taking your meal to
the next level let's go over a little bit of what I got going on here just to
give you some ideas
well that's all we have for you today class but I hope this video gave you a
little bit excitement for getting out there and trying to grow your own herbs
it's a wonderful thing I think you'll really enjoy it once you start doing it
If growing your own herbs is something you're starting to do you're
wanting to do or maybe you've already done it let me know in the description
down there what you're doing I'm always excited to hear about how you're
improving your meals who you're cooking for yourself and your family if you
don't think growing herbs is right for you also tell me why down there what
kind of special circumstance do you have that just simply won't work for you so
I'd be interested to know that too maybe I can make a video helping you out on
that please don't forget to click like if you enjoyed this class and as always
come back next time for another great class everyone thank you for coming hope
you have a great week god bless class dismissed
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3 Situations Where You Should Avoid Sports - Duration: 8:52.
3 Situations Where You Should Avoid Sports
Exercising is not a modern habit: physical activity has always been important for societies.
Since ancient times in ancient Greece, physical activity programs were carried out.
Playing sports was considered a priority for health, not to mention that the cult of the aesthetic image was a way of expressing power.
Why should you exercise?.
Sport improves performance at the cardiovascular level, since it activates hemodynamic, hormonal, neurological and metabolic changes.
Therefore, it improves the function of the respiratory system.
Physical activity brings balance to your health.
Staying in motion prevents osteoporosis, back pain, and damage caused by bad posture.
However, participating in sports may not always be a healthy activity.
It depends on the form it takes and conditions in which it's practiced.
When should you avoid playing sports?.
It's clear that exercising excessively or incorrectly can be counter-productive.
For example, people with hypertension should avoid playing sports excessively, as this can make their condition worse.
However, there are also certain circumstances when avoiding sports is the best option.
Here are three situations where you should avoid playing sports:.
1. After not having enough sleep
After having spent a night with insomnia, we may sometimes believe that physical activity is the best way to wake ourselves up.
Carrying out an exercise routine after having not rested well increases stress.
Besides that, in this scenario the immune system is not prepared for the effort, so its defences deteriorate.
Not to mention that you'll be straining our muscles because of the lack of energy, which increases the risk of injury.
You strain your muscles because you can't move in the same way as if you had rested well the night before.
However, if you didn't sleep well the night before and don't want to drop your exercise routine, you can always go for a walk, jog, or do half of what you would usually do.
2. After drinking alcohol
Strictly speaking, drinking alcohol doesnt stop you playing sports, unless it's a physical activity that requires precision.
This is because alcohol affects performance and strength, but especially coordination.
Ethanol makes alcohol drinkers enter a euphoric state and then a depressive one, which diminishes their reflexes in any situation.
Furthermore, it's important to remember that alcohol has diuretic effects, which can cause dehydration when doing physical activity.
This due to the loss of liquids, vitamins and minerals.
Also, ethanol prevents nutrients from being absorbed on a regular basis, which encourages an increase in body weight.
3. After having suffered an injury
It's very common for athletes to develop injuries while doing sports.
Some of the typical causes are:.
Not moving correctly, Not warming up correctly, Training more than usual, Wearing inappropriate shoes, A lack of protection.
Types of injuries
Among the most frequent injuries in athletes are:.
Acute trauma. This includes fractures, sprains, cuts etc.
They can occur as a result of a blow or excessive force.
Overload injuries such as fractures due to excessive use or inflammation of tendons.
They develop after performing a repetitive routine.
Some of the most common symptoms in a case of injury are:.
Intense pain or painful to touch, Rigidity and inflammation, Immobilisation, Breaks or fractures.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should avoid playing sports.
However, its also essential that you go to a doctor.
After that, you should inform your coach about your injury and treatment, and then gradually begin therapeutic exercises.
Recommendations when exercising
Put yourself in the hands of a certified sports specialist to perform any demanding physical activity.
Pay attention to technique and don't focus on strength, as it's useless lifting a large weight if youre doing it incorrectly.
Be consistent and avoid overloading yourself, since an excessive amount of exercise in a short period of time won't give you the results that you can get after time.
Warm up.
It's really important to stretch before starting any physical activity to prevent injuries and improve performance.
Start with an aerobic routine if you want to lose weight.
However, it's also important to lift weights, as it strengthens your muscles.
Maintain a balanced diet thats rich in vitamins and minerals.
Drink plenty of water as it's the only way to recover from physical exertion.
It's essential to drink water before, during, and after exercise.
Amazing Road Journey from Tezpur to Tawang HD | Arunachal Pradesh, India - Duration: 9:19.
I reached Tezpur at 4am from Shivasagar
And booked ticket for Tawang in INR 750
As soon as I reached Tezpur bus station people gathered around me asking to book ticket for Tawang
They were charging from 600 to 750 don't listen to them. 750 is final fare
You won't get the seat you want because of their advance booking.
Take the seat whatever you get because once the Sumo's left, afternoon there is no transport for Tawang.
You can get view from any seat of vehicle
Vehicles will leave at 6am and reach about 7pm to Tawang. 13 hours journey
They will stop only twice for Breakfast and Lunch
Because they have to reach Tawang on time
Road is narrow, curves and bad patches also hilly area.
Construction work is going on
Those who have motion sickness problem carry one tablet and have it one hour before journey.
Its better if you can do advance booking
If you want to go from Guwahati, journey not possible in one day
You have to book ticket till Bomdilla and from Bomdilla to Tawang next day
Guwahati to Tezpur distance is 185 km and it takes 4 hours to reach.
You need Inner line permit for Arunachal Pradesh and you can get it in Goverrnment office
You will reach at the entry gate around 8-8.30 am
You can also make permit on gate but the office will open at 9am
to save the time shared sumo people prefer you should make the permit one day before
Private vehicle is better if you are in groups and it will cost you about INR 4500
by this you can see all the good spots Tippi, Sessa, Rupa, Sela Pass on the way.
Tezpur to Tawang distance is 385 km and need 13 hours to reach
Scenary is absolutely amzing,
Its more beautiful near Sella Pass
Guwahati to Tawang Road journey is one of the top Road journeys in india
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