Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 30 2018

Hi guys, so today in this video

I'm going to show you how to bring the outdoors in

with quick DIY's and a potpourri of plants

We're going to make a small garden in my bedroom.

So keep on watching.

So this is my room, as you can see it's quite small but I love it.

It's pretty and cozy and it's my favorite room in the house.

After a lot of thinking

I have decided where I'm going to be adding the plants,

and now it's time to figure out

what plants I should be getting

I visited a plant nursery and it turns out,

it isn't that easy just picking out plants for your room

I wanted plants that are low on maintenance,

so incase if I forget to water them,

they don't die straight away

So these are the plants that I bought

This is a Spider Plant,

it's got these really long grass like leaves,

it's supposed to be tough and hard to kill,

which is great because I don't really know much about plants.

The second one that I got is this Red Aglaonema Plant.

One of the easiest of all houseplants to grow

and also the most stylish plant.

This stunner shows off dark green leaves

elegantly flushed with bright red or pink.

Its colorful foliage makes Red Aglaonema a perfect home-decor accent.

Approved by NASA for it air purifying qualities,

Golden Ferns are easy to grow.

They're favored for their soft, feathery leaves

that help get rid the air of pollutants.

My mom gifted me this plant

when I told her about this project

She got me this beautiful Peperomia

which is one of the favorite indoor houseplants

These plants like warmth, and bright light,

but do not need direct sunlight

I also got some Money plants

and a few succulents for my room as well.

As you see the plants come in this pot

which is not really attractive.

So I went ahead and I bought these coloured pots

which match the vibe of my room

So I'm going to be transferring these plants

with it's soil into its new pot.

The process is going to be really messy,

so make sure you lay down a paper and use gloves.

I got some extra soil so I'm putting that in first

and then i'll place the plant over it

and cover it with some more soil.

Much like humans plants enjoy each other's company

so I'm grouping Peperomia and Aglaonema

together on the bed side table

As for Spider and Golden Fern

I will be placing it on a floating shelf below my window

As you see I'm done with one part of my room,

but I still feel that there should be more plants around.

Being tight on space,

I'm going to be utilizing the space next to my window

by making hanging planters

which won't even take up any extra space.

So for that I have a golden money plant

which i will be hanging using a cotton rope

Measure 1 meter on a cotton rope

And cut it

Once all the ropes are cut grab them together and tie knot.

Place it on a flat surface

and divide the ropes into 4 groups of 2

Grab 2 ropes and tie a knot about 5 cm away from the big knot

Do this for the remaining ropes as well

Split apart the rope you just knotted

and take one rope each from the 1st and the 2nd knot

and make a new knot.

Follow this process for the remaining ropes as well.

Now place the pot in between

and grab all the strands to tie one big knot.

To hang the plant use a stationary ring and put it through the knot.

What I really love about this DIY is that it literally cost me nothing,

and the end result is so fascinating.

My workspace is an important part of my room

as I spend a lot of time reading or surfing on the net.

So I thought to place small succulent plants

as they are super cute and add a pop of greenery.

Plus researchers claim that keeping plants around your work space

will makes you happy and more productive

So I went ahead a got pebbles and a small glass container

I'm filling the container with pebbles half way

and placing the succulent plant in it with some soil

and again covering it with some pebbles.

I made 1 more which also acts a perfect bookend.

I love how my room looks now,

all this green is making me feel very calm and connected to nature.

If you feel like your room is missing something

this might be an option for you to try.

Plants add an elegant touch to your room

and fill it with positive vibes and soothing energy.

I hope you found this video interesting and helpful.

Let me know in the comments below

if you have any favourite plants.

Also let me know if you'd like to see

more videos on home decor.

Thanks for watching

Until next time stay tuned stay GLAMRS

For more infomation >> Simple Ways To Decorate Your Home With Plants | Indoor Plants Ideas - Duration: 6:17.


David Hogg Gets Fact-Checked On Air By CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 7:52.

David Hogg Gets Fact-Checked On Air By CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota

tell me about yesterday I've been talking about Saturday David what what

do you think that the outcome was I think the outcome was really a great

start and wait we witnessed on Saturday was really the birth of a revolution

this is just the beginning nobody should be thinking this is the end especially

the politicians that are out there that are supported by the gun lobby and the

NRA that was just an outpouring of support to show the materialization of

what support we have online and do you have evidence Lauren that politicians

are listening definitely just seeing the stuff on Twitter that they've been

talking about Rubio posting his thoughts on what happened I just think it's

definitely working and we're getting politicians attention you know I want to

talk to you about Senator Marco Rubio because my eyes were opened when I was

there you guys have sort of targeted him as somebody who you don't think is doing

enough and who you sort of depict as being callous but you know I had a

chance to talk to Scott beagles mom he of course is your geography teacher who

was killed in the massacre and she said that Marco Rubio behind the scenes has

reached out to her had all sorts of conversations with her talked about how

what they've done so far on Capitol Hill in terms of the fix Nick's act in terms

of the stopped school violence act it's part of the omnibus yes these are low

hanging fruit yes you want more but should you be giving credit for even

these incremental steps David I think it's important to realize that it's good

that we're having these incremental steps but just like we saw in Florida

where we rose the age to 21 you can still purchase a gun at the age of 18 if

it's a private sale and like with many of the laws that were there passing

right now where they tried kind of fixing the Dickey amendment they didn't

give any more funding what they did is they said like you officially can do

research but we just aren't going to fund it and they're leaving a lot of

loopholes in here and trying to seem like they are doing things when in

reality these laws have more holes than Swiss cheese I understand but I guess my

point is is that if you're trying to get everybody together if you're trying to

have solutions do you think it is helpful when you say things like Marco

Rubio is putting you know for a dollar and five cents or whatever your coupon

said that's how much he values students I mean do you think that's on

necessarily provocative no I think it's not enough provide I don't think it's

even provocative enough because I Marco Rubio is still supported by the NRA

which works to ensure not the safety of gun owners and the safety of Americans

everywhere but to ensure that they saw more guns and at the end of the day so

long as he is being paid by the NRA he's not gonna work to fix anything that is

gonna be concrete change he's gonna make laws that get him reelected but actually

don't have any major effect well I mean look I'm not a Marco Rubio spokesperson

but now that I've heard what he's doing behind the scenes he is sponsoring all

of these various bills two of which were part of the Omnibus and so things are

happening and all I'm suggesting is that maybe your ire is misplaced you know

since he is actually trying to work across the aisle yeah I think it's a

great step that he's trying to work across the aisle but I think so long as

he's supported by the NRA no matter what he does there's always going to be

loopholes and anything that he does because we've seen again and again we've

passed gotten legislation in this country and at the end of the day you

can pass as many laws as you want but if those laws are not very strong and they

have so many loopholes that the NRA works so hard to ensure that they have

they aren't going to be strong enough so it's not Lauren

one of our foxnews contributors is Rick Santorum he's a former Pennsylvania

senator he had a suggestion instead of marching for what he thinks that you

kids should do so listen to this how about kids instead of looking to someone

else to solve their problem do something about maybe taking CPR classes or try to

deal with with situations that where there is a violence she would ask you

they took action yeah they took action to ask someone to pass a law they didn't

take action say how do i as an individual deal with this problem how am

I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community what am

I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter what am I going to do those

are the kinds of things where you can take it internally and say here's how

I'm going to deal with this here's how I'm gonna help the situation what's your

response to that I just think it's completely absurd that he's even

thinking about teaching us CPR when we're having gun violence all across

America and even in our schools the fact that

he's saying CPR when my friends are dying on our floor and nothing's being

done about it is just horrible I think he's just using it as a distraction to

get the attention away from guns I have two things to say on that I think it's

important to realize that we there are many programs out there that work to

ensure especially in communities that are heavily affected by gun violence I

saw last night on the news that there's a program in Chicago where they work to

ensure that students are able to respond and administer whatever first day they

can assuming the person's still alive but at the end of the day if you take a

bullet from an ar-15 to the head no amount of CPR is gonna save you because

you're dead by the way he's a CNN contributor I knew him from Fox News but

he is a CNN contributor last I want to ask about how you guys are going after

the NRA you know you know I think the intro thought that we just played there

you said that the NRA is responsible is allowing the slaughter of kids look

again I don't want to be an NRA spokesperson

but obviously they don't want the slaughter of children NRA members have

children themselves people who work at the NRA have their own children do you

think that you are polarizing in saying things like that and maybe it

would help to get the NRA on board with what some of your I think if the NRA was

on board they would actually implement safety and they would actually give

people grants to these schools and not just make it a few grants that you look

into it they're programs to actually ensure ensure just school safety alone

have not been enough what they do what the NRA does from my perspective they

don't teach enough gun safety they don't they were a good organization and many

of the members of the NRA are safe responsible people I've said it again

I'll say it I'll say it now again to men most members of the NRA are safe

responsible gun owners that just want to protect their Second Amendment rights to

own a weapon what the problem is is when the people at the top are paid by the

gun industry to ensure this scare that they scare American citizens and that

they're able to sell more guns and scare more people as a result they don't get

people enough training to own these guns and I want people to understand we are

not trying to take your guns we understand that you have a right to the

Second Amendment and own a firearm we just don't think that if you have a

criminal history history of mental illness or a history of domestic

violence that you should be able to get a weapon I think that's something that

we can all get behind I think a lot of the time people

just misconstrue us and manipulate us into seeming like we're trying to take

your guns and that's what the inner has been doing to where they're trying to

scare people into buying more guns so that they can make more money and scare

more people and I think that just plain wrong well I completely agree with David

I think the main problem is that the people at the top of the NRA are not

showing what most of the members of the inner I want and that's to be a

responsible gun owner but their whole agenda is just selling more guns and I

think that's wrong that they're not representing the people they're supposed

to be representing well look it sounds like you all are going to try to find

some common ground I know you have another event planned for April 20th a

school walkout we will obviously be following you and actually we have town

halls on April 7th that were calling for right now in every congressional

district and if the congressman doesn't show up if they if they can't reschedule

and they just refuse to show up invite their opponent it's as simple as that go

to town hall project org and create your event there there you go a David hog

lauren hog thank you both very much for being with us thank you thank you god

bless you and God bless america

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