Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 2 2017

Your sweet gaze and touch,

They excite me, the sound of your laughter makes my heart race

Us, walking around Hongdae hand-in-hand

From evening to morning

I love you like crazy

I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you

After meeting you for the first time

I already knew 'cause

I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you

*cue awkward head bobbing LOL*

For more infomation >> Lauv - I Like Me Better (Korean cover) - Duration: 1:12.


Osteoporosis Symptoms and Sign - Sign and Symptoms of Osteoporosis (Causes of Osteoporosis) - Duration: 1:28.

Osteoporosis Symptoms and Sign

Osteoporosis Symptoms and Sign

For more infomation >> Osteoporosis Symptoms and Sign - Sign and Symptoms of Osteoporosis (Causes of Osteoporosis) - Duration: 1:28.


薄命紅顏 終年36 戴安娜皇妃 瑪麗蓮夢露 風中之燭 Candle in the wind - Duration: 12:33.

Candle in the Wind

Goodbye Norma Jean

Though I never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

They crawled out of the woodwork

And they whispered into your brain

They set you on the treadmill

And they made you change your name

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would have liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Loneliness was tough

The toughest role you ever played

Hollywood created a superstar

And pain was the price you paid

Even when you died

Oh the press still hounded you

All the papers had to say

Was that Marilyn was found in the nude

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would have liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Goodbye Norma Jean

Though I never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

Goodbye Norma Jean

From the young man in the 22nd row

Who sees you as something more than sexual

More than just our Marilyn Monroe

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would have liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

For more infomation >> 薄命紅顏 終年36 戴安娜皇妃 瑪麗蓮夢露 風中之燭 Candle in the wind - Duration: 12:33.


A song for newlyweds - Babies (The Old Married Couple - Duration: 2:50.

A family of two It's only me and you

That could be all it'll ever be and that would be enough for me

because me and you we drive each other crazy

but everyone around us keeps giving birth to babies

These things are not for everyone They eat and shit and cry

I do enough of that myself so why the fuck should I procreate?

'Oh but it could be so great A tiny happy family you would be'

I am bad at maths but even I can see You plus me just equals us

It doesn't have to equal three I don't see why anyone should count higher

than two If I need another person here I just need

another you

Just to reiterate, life isn't long There's no need to apologise when you've done

nothing wrong Oh but wait

'One day it could be too late a lonely married couple you would be'

I go to a restaurant and I can find a seat I don't need some sticky fingered creature

at my feet Oh but wait

'Oh but it could be so great A tiny happy family you would be'

'One day it could be too late a lonely married couple you would be'

For more infomation >> A song for newlyweds - Babies (The Old Married Couple - Duration: 2:50.


Paper Tales - Episode 2 - Happy birthday - Super ToonsTV - Duration: 5:31.

Dear friends!

Put down your gadgets!

Turn away from your computers!

Get out your scissors, paper and glue!

Because it's time

for a paper adventure!

All right!


In one particularly papery land,

there lived a moose named Aristotle

and a woodpecker named Knock-Knock.


One day, Aristotle and Knock-Knock

looked into their paper calendar

and were amused to see that the spring had come.

Just look, Ari!

It's springtime outdoors!

Uh-huh… Springtime!

The season when first paper flowers burst into bloom

and birds are coming home

from their paper-away travels.

Yep, Ari!

Spring is the most paperesque time of the year!

And on top of that, Knock,

baby birds hatch in the spring.

Whoo! It means that soon

Kay the Jay's baby birds will hatch too?!

Of course, Knock!

Because Kay the Jay is a bird!

We must definitely wish her nestlings

a happy birthday!

Aristotle and Knock-Knock were true gentlemen

and never came to visit anybody without presents.

What do you think, Ari?

Have Kay the Jay's babies come out already?

I don't know, Knock.

Maybe they have,

but maybe they haven't!

That's not paperful, Ari!

You must know such things for sure!

I fully agree with you, Knock.

This is important

because you have to be on time

when someone's having a birthday!

I'm gonna fly over to Kay the Jay's

and check it out myself!

That's a paperific idea!

Thus Knock-Knock went off to see Kay the Jay

and Aristotle sat down to wait for his friend to fly back.

It took a good while to have him come back

when at last Knock-Knock returned home.

Welcome back, Knock!

So how is Kay the Jay?

Have any nestlings appeared in her nest?

Hi there, Ari!

Kay the Jay is there seated on the eggs

waiting for when baby birds will pop up.

But none of them did so far.

In other words, do you mean to say,

they weren't there when you were at Kay the Jay's?

But some time has passed since then, hasn't it?

Is there a chance for any baby birds to appear since then?

I believe that there is a chance!

I'll go find out!

And again Knock set off

to take a look at Kay the Jay and her nest.

Babies are not there yet!

What about now?

Oh, I'll find out!

Once again Knock spread his wings

and headed to Kay the Jay's.

Ari! (Gasping)

Nestlings have not hatched yet!

Let me take some rest,

and I'll fly back to Kay the Jay's.

And then be back home

to fly to her place one more time.

Then I'll get back to you.

I'm gonna move around,

round and round until my paper wings are torn apart

from all this paper chase.

Save you paper wings, Knock.

I'll help you out.

How are you going to help me out, Ari?

Sss... Since when can paper mooses fly?

Paper mooses do not fly

but they can think in a very paperful way!

And what's this

that paper mooses can come up with, huh?

Something really paperish!

Like a real telephone

made entirely out of paper!

Let's pick up two paper cups

and join their bottoms together with a thread.

Now, if you spread the cups apart far enough,

so that the thread between them becomes tensioned,

you can talk through the cups,

and the sound will be carried over along the stretched thread

the same way as in a natural telephone!


That all folded up so nicely, don't you think?

As soon as Kay the Jay's baby birds

popped up from their eggshells,

Knock sent a word to Ari about that

right away through the phone.

The friends did not wait

to wish the little chicks happy birthday

and gave them their presents.

Kay the Jay was overwhelmingly happy!

And that's how this story paperfully unfolded!

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