Human body is freaking amazing!!
HOW TO INSTALL A TV ANTENNA FOR FREE HDTV | Get Free HD TV Channels Without Cable | USA Trends - Duration: 4:26.I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you're looking for an HD antenna maybe
you're quitting cable or you just want to pull in your local stations well you
probably noticed by now there are tons of options so which one do you pick and
then once you get it where do you put it well that's what we're here for I've
littered my house with tons of antennas and tried all types of little placement
tricks to figure out what's the best way to set up an antenna I've got a treasure
trove of antennas here you've got the really popular flat style antenna which
you could put in a window or hide behind a TV we've got a curved design in case
it's gonna be out where people can see it it's not totally ugly there's this
wing shape thing I don't know what that's for and then we've got this
rather uncommon type which I suppose you could hang on the wall or maybe slide
behind a television which one's right for you well first of all I can tell you
that these flat style antennas vary greatly in price this is a $10 example
I've also got an $80.00 one over here with an amplifier built in there is a
difference in quality this 10 dollar job might get you buy if you live right in
the city but the further you go out the more you're gonna want to spend the
bottom line is you get what you pay for the first rule when it comes to placing
your antenna is there are no rules the thing is in any given house there's
a number of different buildings around you've got signals shooting all over the
place so you've got direct signal and reflected signal embrace the notion of
trial and error you're gonna have to play around a little bit to find out how
it works best for you however there are some general guidelines that you can use
to help you along with the process first go to antenna web o RG plug in
your address and it will show where the broadcast towers are relative to where
you live if you can shoot for placement in a window that faces those towers and
a window without a screen is better than a window with a screen with this
unamplified flat antenna in my window I'm getting between 85 and 92 percent on
almost all of my channels and that's because I've got pretty good
line-of-sight at just 9 miles the only thing in the way a building and a few
trees here's the thing though depending on where our camera is and where I'm
standing into the room I can actually affect the signal strength by up to 20
percent that means depending on where you have plants or lamps you could
actually be affecting the signal strength and that's where I get back to
the whole art and trial an error thing so we've just switched
over from one of these larger amplified flat antennas to something much much
smaller this is the mo who leave Metro compact it's designed to be hidden
behind objects it's tiny and believe it or not we're getting better signal than
we were before which just goes to show that the size
may matter but not the way you think something this small you'd want to hide
behind the TV right so let's try that out we're at a hundred percent with our
exposure to the window I go back behind the TV and after it reacquires we lose a
little signal strength there now that may not be a big deal for me here but
for you that ten or fifteen percent could make or break your reception
there's a lot going on in your TV that could potentially impede the signal but
if you are gonna drop it behind the TV I recommend keeping it up high towards the
top there's less interference there and you've got a better shot of pulling in a
good signal another great idea if you're thinking about going behind your TV with
your antenna we found that these metallic antennas from HD frequency work
really really well so just a quick word about inline amplifiers on these
antennas you might think that they could be the solution to your problems but as
a matter of fact if you don't live fairly far away from the transmitters
they could actually do damage see these amplifiers are designed to make a
low-level signal strong enough for your TV tuner they're not actually going to
pull in the signal any better here's what we learn from our hours of trial
and error you're gonna have to spend some time with your own trial and error
because all of these different antennas perform differently and perform
differently based on where we place them I've been using this curved Moho antenna
for eight months and ultimately I found that these little guys tuck behind my TV
actually worked better thing is you're experience is going to be different so
here's what we recommend you do step one go to antenna web org and find out where
the transmitters are in your area this will at least give you some intelligence
behind what you're about to do step two buy high-quality antenna in fact buy
more than one you generally get what you pay for spend more than ten bucks and
get a good quality piece of gear step three
go in with an open mind this is as much an art as it is a science step 4
experiment trial and error is gonna get you the best results here try different
antennas in different places until you find the best one step 5
enjoy the fruits of your labor there's something really satisfying about
getting sparkling free HD television in your
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